HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-30, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FiILDAY, AUG. 30, 1889 3 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. WHAT 18 GOING ON IN OTHER LANDS Mir reneseew•. ire.era... A l ad hone eats es much as a ga.c.d one. A mascot tor ►a•epnig ge oil settle, acrd ewpluyiug rthuwut persons. AND PLACES. 'k*..r t.it.0 eetcaud ht u�tiie miners are. Thu pruierb innate up ret wrerei lreeri,.t b .nrsuae5.,,.T saa{eta nsertat. N tut., but it always weaua that we are 1 o jotter that which at, have to that - to rre*>aree ter tae rdiaceli„a ed war • Inch w• duly eauect. It is a prow/abut 1 ttemitr. his world wily, mud u nut uuu iso the uruad held vt uterus: lhwge. There our Thenkat lass arrived at Vienna. mid to the bush is worth all the buds ' Bloody •drays are still reported in ('reta that ever were in wortel hand. 1 Bulgaria i. puruhaahig many rides and , Ile solid, nut sad ; be merry, not mad. cartridges. -There s a lued/uw in th..ughttulate» 1 Fifteen Ituseiao Anarchist* have been ex- from t:,and irately ; bud it out and keep 11. pilled from teva. ' ne noddle way to thea matter is the John gauger, the noted English chollafe s„y. manger, t. dead. Cati..,ng is nut laying, and promising ModenaPatti will sing at the meal*is out ppung. Cruditur. whusshave waited Welsh Eisteddfod festival. [wag fur their money are wadi aware of The war in Hayti borer, eel Hyppolite,,iha, and their primate* grows feeble as Ike revolutionary leader, is tictur%otis. the false pi utilise is repeated. Thomas 1 England's repreeeutetires to the Mari -Fuller says: "Creditors have better gime Conference et 1t'aattingtin have WOW memories theta debtors, and are great elected. ob•erten of days and times. ' • Theodore Cnrant, the distinguished vio-' Earth is our tun, heaveu 1s our b••ane. lutist, dropped deed in New Weansoa1We may well put up with discomfort n. Friday. �tbns world, for we shall eouu be • John Lynch, • New York cobbler, espaway from 11 ; it is outy for a few day* Saturday shot his wife to mike her krieCwe axept its hospitality. Archbishop *ober. • Members of other trades are joining the striking .lock laborer, in Loudon, and trouble is feared. Ex -Ant. J. L Then, the colored member of Windsor School hoard, died suddenly us Friday night. (Count ('ourten, • Swias, contentedly • spy o• behalf of Germauy, has been arrested in Aran Ly the French authoritteu Leightou often sant that if he were to Ahoese a place to die in, he would choose aq,iun ; ter it 1 eked like • p iltnni Kuiu.g home, to whom ibis world eau as as sir ion, and who was weary of the Volae and coutusiuu in it. H. had his desire, fur he died at toe Bell Inn, in Warwick LAD.. He who marries a foul tea foil -he ltd not saw sufficient discretion and dig. Jimalc(uy, • noted desperado, was hug- cerement. However, Led or out fool, ed at gut Antonio, Tex., last week tut the ,r is 111 int ►c, and must bear the count murder of sheriff alckinney. Owing to the high price of cotton many of 'ouence•. the Lancashire mills are arr•nging w work' if it rains --well ' If it shines -well ' n hall time or close down alt getber. iTha is the contented man's firebug. He ow eaves the skies and clouds with Him The North t:erman gazette says thelehJ maoaeesrthem far better that short - kite friendship ei England and tiermany forum sighted mot sigeefla could. "I wish you • Europe weightiest security iur the pease d �r cid day, said the divine to the peasant. Two memorial bream” of the Waabfngton irhe answer was, "Sir, every dsy is • :•roily have been stolen from the parish ! 40'-'d day to we, for lied weds it. church, at Sulgrove, Northampton, Ing- —�— land. 3 Tess+t■ taxa. T. k W. woollen work, mu.tacturers al., Geertintr.e, I tried your Fowler's El - small sad oe.i ; good. ea Iira:kt ,rt, N.Y. , ,,wt of Wild Strawberry and ww per. have essigued ; liabilities, pf:.1,0011 ; waste i fdeetl small y cored from sickness. 1 was sick Application will bodied. in Chicago to- n bed for three years at:d after taking daytor „pima,trials for 0 sup Ivan, 1 ough-'six bottles I was perfectly cired, and lin, sed Burke, the suspects in 'the ('ronin now I would nut be without the mei:- murder LAMA ;doe in the house. Legitime'a ('.xnmander-in-('hief, 1►u•dt- Mi^^ EDnyaA FULLER, SIM, iadsed, and all Hayti except the CityVereker P. 0., tint. of Port au Prince is in Hippotyte s hands. 1 Alphonse Philips. s young attorney, has' Many buys and eine with rare natural 'disappeared from New (*leans. It is al- Irifta and np>p:,r.unities for development es ewri lege, that itchsu1ed trust funds 1°17M-1 toa realize the necesetty for funds - the amount of ter,* or iN10,(sat_ pints; work. They neglect study and At Winchester, Mais a, on Saturday, Fred! ,ivs wap to temptation and evil inclira• fever, Nicholls, gi tit while deliriousnh from typhoid loons until the period of life comes when Misr, gait out of bed and shot kir nurse, •the must stand forth and take their Miss Smith, of Basica, dead. y j Abner Hofmaa, • railroad employe, kill., place and perform their part in the politi- es" his wile in Chicago no natnrday and then a, social and religious activities, Sud - committed suicide. The couple were re- ienly they become conscious of their cantly married and Hoffman was jeatuas, •en weakness and inability, and ritsiity The report it confirmed that Miss Hunt -ie warted in mourning over losses in talion, tbe daughter of Liar ('alifornia mil. arly life which cannot be recovered. bemire, is betrothed to Prince Hat,feldt, ,the nephew of the German ambassador to Enema. , rr.atakte Life. ' It f. rumoured in Rome that while Ent_ Few men have accomplished the same land has entered into no engagement with amount of work and god in this world the triple alliance, she has ud.nie to an agree •v the celebrates Dr Chew. Over meat with Italy regarding toe l,alauce of 500,000 of his works have been sold in power on the Mediterranean. Canada alone. We want every person 1. There is such distress in Npring Vallee,' troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- ill, arising from the hag strike, that the pepsia, Headache, Kidney or I ring twiner' wives are canvaming the surrounding Tri utiles, to bur a bottle cf Dr Chases lefties and towns for ate.ns to provide exist Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine ,sax for themselves, their husbands, and end Receipt Book $1. hold by all their children. druggists. In the House of Commons last week Sir Jame. Fergu.u.n stated that the Eaglbh Government w •re in communication with Make • list, in the order In which you the l'uited statest.overnnient respecting the peck them, of -the contents of your resent seizure of the (altadian sealers in woolen chest, and paste it on the onside. Fwbringsea. Then the articles at the head of the list 1wilt be in the bottom cf the box. CRANK D. GRAHAM. Tees Assam, Trip Ttr..p tine masers Regulate the Liver and Bowels by the lauds seism Use Cataract• judicious use of National Pills, they are NIAGARA Fa LLA„ Ont., Aug. 25. -An- purely vegetable. lm !other trip through the rapids and whirlpool Ls $ barrel was nude this afternoon by C. ' A London medical man says : "Be •D. Graham. Graham in his b.r,el-ehap.d ireful in your dealings with blest - boat was towed out into the middle of the radish. It irritates the stomach far strewn oppodte the old Medd the Mist larding and from there allowed 10 drift more than spice, and an over dowill down through the rapids. brings oo an unpleasant seatier on." ' The trip trough the rapids was appal.. en fly se•ventt.L At the whirlpool how- ever, instead of going round and round in a A Rew5ID-Of one dozed "TRAM= circle the barrel shot directly out of tlae =T" to any one sending the best four lin- en.' acress this basin. lrhyme en ' Vs/R1M .T, the remarkable No news of Graham's fate in the lower little gem for the Teeth and Baths. Ask rapids has yet been received. 'y .0 druggeet or address The craft need by Graham to -day wash entailer than any with wbieh the feat had ever pnvioualy been attempted. 11 s 4i A room with a low ceiling will seem test long, 22 inches in diameter at the top, higher if the window curtains hang to the floor. Lsmbrequins may be used to *stand the curtains to the ceiling, and thus carry out the effect. 29 Indra. et the centre. and 15 inches at the bottom. It Is Lound with 15 two-inch fres and entrance is gained through • 14 by (t lock menhd• in the top bead. The cover to the manhole is fastened with a swing bar of free ou the inside, and can only be arranged by the occupant. On the outside of the bottom bead 35 pounds el iron is securely fastened as ballast, sad about 50 pounds of mad placed inside. lrwvr.a.e asssdset N dbe Caning. OTTAWA. Aug. 24.-A sad heathng sed. 4..t costarred aide missing by which Mn. 'Duquette, • ywag married woman. sed En�ggeesse� Dios, eon of )ir. C. Dina of e Hilitis Department, were drowsed. Nr. and Mrs. Duquette sad ohild, Mr. sad inn. Lamaism:, will Mr. Dios were return- ing from Oatiamm Poiat in • ski& They went between • tag sad • tow of barges. The barge atrsek the beat, upsetting It. s , Swam N Mee N am. Aug. S. -Hoary G. Clarke, �Rkaathlete and lesg durance swimmer, to- day . ecoosnpliehed the teak of swimming Hohokam', N.J., to South Beach, Steles 'Idasd,dista.ee 14 miles. The time norspied Wes 4 boars and 44 mleabsa. Before start- ling Clarke took up a (tensed= fresn the lspestaaae on the whorl Mr the benefit d 1 the itlek baby hoed, To as! lbw _.s..... Theis. C*.oaoo, A 1in9I. -The aMessrys ton sad fleelte, the h•.e liras ns1M.Wes whoa she es eemm .p for trial en Monday mixt they W sp Ip ler eeparwestrlah/er Asir ensues AMersey will mime the et e e sloth /el. ea - In trier. nae tense Petal. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a fes to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one the most complicated aad wonderful `things in ezistenoe. It is easily put out elf order. Geese) food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hour*, irregular habits, and many other thieve which ought nM to be, have made the Ameriesn people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad bsstoem and making the American people so health that they can enjoy heir meals and be happy. Remember :-Ne happinem without health. But Gnee's August Flower brings health and happiness at the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a beetle. Seventy -Ave emits sow!, Mat 1. heeowieg 1. ho.eablo, .ad what is hosorsblle tr ee.osaiag. He who doss sot esiags In else quar- rels of others will hale few of his ors. Refloating iswwe.@ the vigor of tie sled es weenies does the M.snlgth of the body. Fchs et so � goods hese of what whey happen. by If your alai is sot apes work, now* apes 10 reeoslp1Lh It with y degree of .s/isteetioa to when oe to yourself. mosey M..m a neva@ tMeese& 7iwg014 B Ana I _(Lisa ��r I *gym of 111/ Mew N blasts a am - A man n.ve, stoups to the uheans ere• played by women ; be is broader, wore liberal, be applise hrmwif to the thlrgi which bellies to the day, the hour and the object for which we live. Who. ever heard of • ruau losing hu temper because his wet would not match his sowp..ziuu, Of fowl. because six button gio.es had Mee Brut when be had or- dered seven ! What new would feint on Broadway because the clasp that held his bo• e •v gave way and wtlsaled ou toe sidewalk 1 None ! Yet I saw that happen to a wouau ruceutly. Yet men are very much like children. Humor thew, and they will du your Lidding. Make thew believe they are always list- ing their own way ; don't let thew see the silken net you have woven ar •cud them, and they will blandly obey your will ; bu otitis let thein believe they are captive and no wowan'a power will avail against 'aide superior strength. nest apecaMle Ruu tn. rise in buying medicine, but try t1e great Kidney avid Liver regula- tor, n.ade by Dr. Chase, author of Chase's receipes. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases of the Liver, Kid neve, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists. The dtstresein,„; paleness so often ob- served in young girls and women. is due in a great wresuir to a lace of the reed corpuscles in the blood. To remedy this re.luirea a medicine which produces these necessary little blood constituents, and the beet yet disoovered is Johnson's Tonic Litters. Price 555 cents, and $1 per hcttle at (..oie's drug store, Albion Gluck, llud•rich. Stile agent. (b] Mr Wilkie Collins is short area: deli nate-looking, with very small heeds and feet and a cheerful face. His luxuriant hair and beard are snowy white. and he habitually wears spectacles. He is au inveterate srw..eer. [Mager..s l easter:ells. Counterfeits are always dangerous, more so that they always closely IMI TATE TILE oRl.I'AL IS APPEagAYWIC A\te NAME. The remarkable success achieved by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for Catarrh and Cold iu the Head has ire ducted neprir.cipleai parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to"be de etoved by nostrums imitating Nasal Balm Ask For Ayer's fllafaapartlla, and De sure you get It, when you want the best blued -purpler. With Its forty years of uueaampled *su- ers* to the rare of Motel Inseams, you eau make ao mi. - take in preferring Ayer's Sarsaparilla to Any other. The fore -runner of mod- em blood wediciree, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is atilt the moat pop- ular, being in great- er demand than all others cuwbtuad. "• Ayer's Sarsaparilla is selling faster than ever before. I never hesitate to re,•omweud it." -George W. Whitman, Druggist, Albany, lad. I ani safe in saying that my sales of Ayer'. Sursalutrilla far ravel those of any other, and it gives thorough mtsfad- ttuo."- L. 11. Rush, Ili. Moiues, Iowa. •• Aver's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills are fire est selling mrdlclurs in my store. 1 can recommend them corra'ieu- tiously." - C. Bickbaus, Pharmacist, Rowland, 111. '• We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for user thirty years and always recommend it when asked to uawe lite hest blood -purifier."- W. T. )IcLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. "1 have tu.Id your medicine* for the last seventeen years, altd always keep Boon in stork, as Hirt' are staples. •'niers is nothing so gut„} fur the youth- ful blower as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." - B. L. Parker, Fox Lake, WAS. " Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives the best satisfaction id auy u>edi•tue I have In mock. 1 recomuteml it, or. as the U>i'turs say-, ' 1 prescribe it over the counter.' It never fails to net the cases for which I recommend it. even where the hictotn' prescri .tions have hon of to avail." -C. F. Calhoun, Monmouth, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED ET Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass. erica St; ata Woks, 4). Worth $46 bonds. Two tableapww.nfele of washing so: s in *jailors of Melling water wakes era' d in name and appearance, hearing such d.is'ofectent for the kr'then sing. Pots' names as Nasal Create, Nasal Balsam, ,_11 11'1 at night, while 4,11 at builitg etc. Aag for Nasal Balm and do nut heal• take imitation dialers may ur,te upon - you. t •.r sale by all druggists er neo• poet -paid on receipt of price :Sir and 151 by addressing Fulfurd & Cc , Brockville Ont. tf A!crinq heart and a pleasing ocnnten- ance are commodities which a stun she.uld never fall to take hone with him They will best season his fold and soften his pill<.w. It were a great thing for a man that his wife and children could truly say of him, "He never brought a frown or unhappiness across his thres- hold. n..'/ apeeslase. Itan no risk in buying medicine, but try the creat Kidney and Liver regula- tor, tirade be Dr Chase, author of Chas.'s recei[[>ea. Try Chas.'s Liver Cure f.,r all diseases of the Liter, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James Wlls,n, druggist. A blessing beyond wealth, beyond beauty, or even beyond talent, is that cheerful temperament which can rejoice in the sunshine, yet be merry in the shade -which can delight in the singing of the birds in spring, yet solace itself with the heart's owp music. IA N 0 ON THE 3 YEARS SYSTEM A regularly monthly. qusrt.•rls or half yearly payment as slight adtatiee on the ren- tal rate buys the instrument. Any piano may be chosen out of a magni- ficent as.ortntrnt of Uprights. squares. and Ganda. uosnrpasssed in quality Anil %aloe. 35it.isters. Teachers. Government °leers. and those in receipt of regular incomes will And this a eon%enient and advantageous mode for securing a first-class instrument. When the instrument is used for practice. our Soft Stupor Practice Pedal saves wear on the nerves. as well am preserves the tone of the Piano. Our Patent Foot Pedal attachment for Pianos is Inraluahte to organists. stu- dents. and teachers. Prices on application. Inspection invited OCTAVIIIS 1NBKCO,II:E & CO. Warernom, l0 and 1060 ('hurchat. Toron- to. Factory. the finest in its equipments and •ppliandwr in the ci`, PI W 116 Bellwood• aye. > eel • Seek Agent Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book agent, but has the agency in Goderich for Johnston's Tonic Bitters, which he! can heartily recommend for any cum - plain to which • tonic medicine is ap phcable. This valuable medicine has been with moat astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general debility, weak- ness, irregulanties peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitten 50c. and $1 per bottle at Goode's drug store, Albion block, Guderich, sole agent. a Habits of neatness are partly acquired. It should be the aim of every father and mother to teach neatness to their child- ren and insist upon it. A nes 5....s.. For summer complaints and diarrbnrs I can truly recommend Dr Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry, as I have used it in my family with great success and would not be without it. Joh. B H•v- oae, Grimsby, (ret. Never travel wit/t- aut it. SPCLA.I FOR SALE, PRIGEB LOW, CASH OR ON TIME. 1 General Purpose Horse. 2 One Horse Wagons, New. 1 Fairbanks Hay or Oattle Scale. 1 50 H. P. Engine and Boiler. 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Pallets & Belting, 200 Plows, various Patterns. 50 Oorn Scufers, 12.60 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Repot rs of all Kinds. Os.h paid for Gent and Wrought Scrap Iron. Warerooms near Viotoria-cit. Methodist Church. lett 'PUBLIG NOTICE. Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the aublic by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE d►r• SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. sts w CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. WiAct,. TV..a ma& T\\:.tc. IoAtcr>b, as wroth a J vVi acf a:A). We have no hesitation In saying the "Wirt" Is the most reliable Fountain Pen in the world. This may be eon siderud a broad statement to make, but It Ira fact, nevertheless. The simplicity of its tow hanhtm renders it ins - possible to get out of order. It Is the most easily freed from any sediment or corroding substance that may be eon - tabled In the Ink. The "nib," being gold. trill ail corrode. The rap in the atouutpan)tog illustration. til oter the "nib," when not in use, making It the atost mot enfant to carry in the pocket. No paper spoiled by blotting. No pens spoiled by corroding. No time wasted dipping Into an ink bntUe. Always ready for use. Always reliable. Always a source of pleasure to the owner Is the "Wirt" traaalal■ Pea. Heftiness men, profeiedonal men clergymen. students, teachers. book keepers, it tact, ever) body who does writing at all aught to have a "Wirt" Pen. The large number of these Pens which have been sold In loderlch and vicinity. some of which have been In constant use fcr years, fully testify to their durability and efficiency. Koch Pen is enclosed In • neat ease, and Is eecompaniud by full directions for tilling, cleaning •nd using, also glass and rubber bulb injector for filling the I'en. Price, $3.00 and upwards. &Tr'ell on or write part l lrulare to D. MoGILLICUDDY, dole Agent, Godeelch, Ont. C. p. it, BOOM TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. *100 AND UPWARDS There a large number of Hones and Lots and Vacant lands in the most desirable parte of the Town --F0/ BALK e'ULar. Now 1* the time to seeure property before the Bir Rush. The C. P. R. 19 coming sure, and in a short time priors will have advaaeed beyond the reach of many. ('all and see List and Prices before pnreba*. Ing elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real Estate and General Insurance apt RI Ticket ..d. third door Telegraph O�ece. 14th P. ENVELOPES BV? ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Stc., at THE SIGNAL PilirTIas MICE. 4 i e llerekaats sae sat kelr Bun Reads, Letter gyd� te.. Ate. printed at this o4', for very little saes ilea thenyresteredlyton the paper sad It beans to advertise pbaom, Oat we we ounetse sad get prima. PATENTS CAVEATS, TRAR■ARIS A4R CO M ea��aell an tt edto at i D1R4r Pita Oar Mike V oppente the U.& Parent Of - Res, mid moms *hale Pats.la lees time Mess es• remote teem W/ tp INVTON. (lend NOPRLtOA DI LII WINO. W. ad- TAas to IN PI f HL101t VIVL IT{�al e�, •R1s a - and is °(sel`Iswef its (tor efre.ler. advise. sessmand erre sees et to ssd dteaY to yaw ewe SI ar Oeuety��wrrite to OMAN en %deist' OMee. '.ski gys. D 0 HAVING RIB - FURNISHED my shop in the latest style. put In Tawe thew w of the bated Rochester Tiltl Ckafr.,aad hired journeyman Barber. we are in a position to do Messer W • r lit than hereto fore. Lady's t Ckildrea's Haircutting made a specialty oo all dye exeept Saturday.a Razors and sioi.or ground. -w. = TIGHT, 1p4i West Street, two doors east of P.O.. Godeweob 2 0 0 Cc0 cc0 0 cz_ 0 0 E -If 0 4 W x 121 51 ID O cci O WE HEAD THE PROCESSION.. —0 O OFA. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the bait of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and beat bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. "NDE R TAK=7STC-, la:all its branches, promptly attended tc 0 0 ur EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand PICTURE FRAMING a spocialty. GIIO. BAREY,Hamilton-St., Qpolgjolt,