HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-30, Page 1SCIHI *NHulEMIY.ia i
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Land Noakes -
All inhumes Hditvs in the local columns
of Tut SloiAL of Nsretisgs ..r enter-
tainments at which .is who. iariw1 fee
fJ .Msryrd, or frwn uhieh .r pecNt.i
ary b•Htiit is derire•l, mast be paid
foe at the rate of one cent per
ova -4 each iaserti..t., ill, charge less
than teorsty-pre rents. Where ad-
rvrtiselneNb V! asetrrtainM eHtl .err
rtserkd a br:e1 local a ill l.r !Ores.
Notice Joseph Jardine.
Fresh Goods Geo. Rhynas.
Music flaw --Miss K. Frear.
Important Notice -John Acheson.
New Fall Gods- J. A. ReM K tiro.
Board of Trade Meeting -Jas. MItchelL
Medical Lake gape -Totem of Health Co.
'4 chiet'sa+wawwpp pr. faiths' notes,
An' faith WWU petal it."
The old and relishes photograph studio of
neo. Stewart matinees to do a large trade.
flmistaMloO giver every time.
A Goon Psast'rr.-The moat useful gift
you ma make la to give a Win Pen. Ap-
ply to ll. McGillicuddy, agent. Goderieb.
flight; WHEAT -Garfield and Surprise. flee
sample : ales r fresh consignment of chinas
Timothy at Burrow. the seedsman.
The Woo an's Christian Temperance Inion
.Wert In ibe Temper*,wr Hall every Tuesday
afternoon. Pnyermeetirg at -:,q, business
mastitis at 1.
For putting in wattrserricea, reralring en-
gines. K:., get roar figures from Wilson SS -
'.trent. who does everything in the manufac-
turing line neatly. cheaply. land expedvious-
ly 1S -It
The summer is fast wearing away. and
soon the tall will be cep• a us The necessity
now arises for meths.?a g;oed line in tal
wear. and the place to get it is at F. & A.
Prid ham's.
LovsR. or Tag WEED. -Tb. universal
°wawa is that tbe invincible We cigar wed
I'eg Top .Sc cigar are best Value in the mar-
unty place you can get them is at the
y. Geo Rhyeaa. Prop.
At the recent photographers coeventioa Ie
Toronto. Goderich was represented by R. 1L
leaflows. who always has an eye to improve-
ment in art. He has now on hand the latest
and best appliances for turning out work la
his line. He also makes a specalti of picture
framing Maytag en assortment of mouMtag e
equalled by no boum in the west.
At the coming North Western Exhibition.
&Lueders R Bos will mow a full lined L. et
Gurney C.y s stores. mages. furmacea and
hot water boilers. for which they bare been
appaated sole agents. The Gurney's make
ardy the best ei everything. G.1 and see the
sampler sad prises. Penises building allenld
see the het air furnace Icer wood aid seal,
t the ehespest house uedeethe stn.
Mr John Nairn h.. eemia..d the pol-
ios of Market Chill.
Mr F Smeeth is panttig up • fine
k r.eidence on Newgate Street.
Toe regular meeting of the public
school board will be held Moaday evening n
Mn Green, of Toronto, is the guest of
Mr Magnus Sir Mewl
Mn C. A. Humber, and e..n Charlie
are visiting relatives near Kingston.
Miss Fletcher has returned to Toron-
to t.• resume her studies in stenography.
H. H. Burnham. of Port Hope, was
the guest of C A. Humber and friends
last week.
Peter W. Carnia, cf Strathroy, has
been appointed third assistant master Io
Godench High School.
Mr C. (:unsolus, of Petenburg,Mich.,
who has been in town for wore time, re-
turned to Ire house yesterday.
Mrs Hennings, of Napier -at, is tying
very ill. Her many friends will be triad
to hear of her *reedy .ecovery.
Miss E. Fraser hes reopened her mu•
sic claw, and has one or two yacencies
fur pupils. See advertisement.
\Vatter Shillicglaw, veterinary sur-
geou of Staff., spent Sunday in town
with his cousin, R. Henderson.
Miss Jamie Conquergood, of Armour,
spent her holidays in town, the
guest of her sant, Mrs Matheson.
Mr C. F. Straubel has returned to
town, accompanied bythis daughter, Mrs
8. T. Bastedo, and children, of Toronto.
Mrs Walter Green and baby, of Wing -
ham, is visiting her sister. Mrs R.
Henderson, and also Minnie Bellagh, of
tbe same place.
There aro 33 candidates at each of the
Model schools in the county, at Gude-
rich and Clinton. This is an unusually
large attendance.
The Misses Acheson returned Ia,t
Thursday from • visit to their sister, Mn
W. S. Jamieson, of Niagara ; they also
took in Grimsby Park in their trio,.
Persons wishing to improve their
memories or strengthen their power of
attention should send to Prt,f. Loieette,
237 Fifth Ave., N. 1-., for hie pruspec•
rue post tree, as advertised in another
column. 10-tf
PAONED -We aro pleased to noti e
that Mr A. M. Robertson, who wrote at
Clinton fur • first claw certificate, Grade
C, sucoesded in passing his examination.
Mr Robertson was the only candidate
stent up from Goderich High School.
Mr Wm restos and son, of London,
spent Sunday in town, and returned
home on Monday acc,mpaoied by his
sister, Siiu E. Pestes. and his daughter,
who hare been the runes of Rev Geo.
Richardson for some weeks. l t
TrtIPtkAx• x.-Tbe Young Woman's i 1
Christian Temperance t'niun will hold I k
its regular annual meeting on Mon-
day, sept. 2nd, et 7 30 p.m., at the,
house of Mn R. Henderson. It will ' p
close the bunnies for the year and elect h
otticers fur the .nsuine year. g
GODI RICH. O11 T.. FRIDAY. AUG. 30, 1$89.
The anneal p/tnio at 8t. A.yast
will he held this year at Island Oro
L on Wed..esday, Sept. 4th. Elahors
prepsntiuns have been made towards
hermit the picnic a success in every
particular. Dinner and admission to
grounds 30c.
SOCIETY PleNI•'.-Tisa picnic at the
Point Farm this Friday) afternoon un-
der the auspices of Maple Iw•iI Lodge,
No. 27, A U. U. W., and Court Gode-
rich, C. O. F., gives promise cf being
well attended and highly eocceesful.
The "outing- is in the ;rands of • live
The North et Methodist 8. 8. picnic,
which was held in Bmgham's grove on
TbursJay, last week. wee well attended.
A program of athletic games was a feature
of the afterncot, after which a hearty
luncheon was partaken of by the children
and their friends.
LAWN Social. -A social under the
auspices of the Presbyterian church will
he held on the grounds of Mr Woo
Ramiro, Bayfield road, on Tuesday,
Sept 3rd, commencing at 1 p.m. Tea
served from 8 o'clock. Boating, suit-
able games and a musical program will
be provided. Proceeds in aid of mission
fond Admission, adults 25c, children
10.1. All are invited.
Gtr RBAnv roR SEPT. 17TH, 18Ts AND
19ra. -The 000asi..n of the North- Wet -
ern Exhibition will doubtless bring a
great many people to Goderich from out-
side points, and the business people
ought to take steps to let visitors know
that wares can be procured with advent-
sge while they are here. The beat
way to do it is to get cards, circulars,
dodgers, &c., he., neatly printed at THE
SIGNAL steam printing house, North -et.
Prices reasonable.
REores'so or Scaooi.s.-The town
schools re-opered on Monday, with the
following teaching staff : Central, Mr
Robert Park principal, Mr Gregory Tom
Aset. do. Mies Blair form II, Miss
Sharman form III, Miss! Croak form
IV, Miss A. Campbell form V, Miss
K. Ball form VI. St. Patrick.. Mies
Barret, Senaer, Miss Thompson, Junior
St. Davids, Mies Mary Sharman, Senior,
Miss Wiggins, Junior. Sr. Andrews,
Miss Watson, Senior, Mies Kate Aiken.
bead, Junior.
Ora Camera is STILL GOOD. -Mr J A
McIntosh, formerly • popular business
man of (iodericb,aud now • Port Anhur
nabob, is in town. H. is of opinion
kat Goderich is on the more, and rays
t our business men and public bodies
rep right aloof in throe/fed work, we'll
mein get up to Port 'Arthur enterprise
which, by the way, now occupies a froo
lace. Goderich people away from
owe make things hump. Let the home
earl be up and doing.
Mrs D McIntyre, Mrs (: E Henderso
and Mn O J Clarke, Sesforh, who wit
their families and friends were mistreat
ing for several weeks oo the shores
Lake Huron, near Goderich, broke to
ramp on Monday last and returned home
baring spent a very enjoyable time.
Sailors OPERATION, -Drs. Goon
'hitely, Elliott and Head performed
ery skillful operation on Mn Chas
rayon sister of J. W. Smith) on Trac-
ey, 27th inst., by which they removed
to cystic humors weighing 10 and 1
be respectively. Mrs Kenyon is pra-
gressing more favorably than it was evein
magined she could under the cireom
h A series of amateur att.1 tie charm i tnahip
. competatioos will be held on the Rosedale
of athletie 'recede, Toronto, on Saturday,
p September 281h. Following are the
, stents : 106 yards run, 200 yards run,
440 yards run, half mile run. one mile
run, two miles run, 120 yards hurdle
run, three miles walk, pole high leap,
a running high rump, running broad jump,
throwing 5616 weight, putting the shot,
1615e., throwing hammer, 16lbs.
5 STILL IMPROVING. -Owing to the in-
creasing demand far good printing, the
necessity for keeping varied and suitable
lines cf stationery becomes greater. The
choicest lines of white and cream wove
papers, white and cream laid papers,
linen papers, foreign linen and quadrille
papers, white and cream envelopes (all
sizes), fine brutol cards, calling cards,
and all other lines in connection with
our business will be oompleted after
next week at TSR Sweat steam print•
ing house. Call and see samples and get
Y. P. 8. C E. -Rev Mr Hatton,
pastor of Victoria at. Methodist church,
evidently means work in connection
with his oongregatioe, which is now tarifa
and rapidly growing. He has organized
a Y. P. & C. E. W. understand the
object of this society is to promote an
earnest Christian life among its mem-
bers, to Onerous* their moteat acquaint-
ance, and to make them more useful is
the service of God. Their molt.", "Loy-
alty to Duty, Christ and the Chug"
The membership of the society is now
of er twenty-five.
A. B. Henderson, formerly of Goderieh,
is now champion of Sarnia bay is the
selling line. The Ohrrt,r says : The
seoosd sculling race for the champiee-
Nip of Sarnia bey took pies last Toes -
day evening on the bay before folly
1,000 spectators. The contestants for
the cop this time were A. B, Henderson,
the former wiener, and Rd
who was also ose of the eontmestanb let
the previous mutest. The iodise' bob
was anchored off Lnaiart's dook and the
serve ria frees there along the shore
three quarters of sea* where the tense
dog buoy was anchored, sad niers.
The rise was steroid sands! great ea -
theorise at 7:90, both men getting off in
otyls, and polling • gored ear ;
kiading es tar es visible from the
koet. 0. the rwttarn Henderson
the end kmd kpt it ..til the 1.iah,
Henderson grossing the line belt a beet
length abseil 1 his dement. Beth
men peeled a geed ear throughout the
mo. w5ie5 wee fiat elms *roughing.
The mile sed ane holt mom e.vend by
the whiner la lien ttakestee and fifty
eia.eds Fred Wrenn .ilei s referee
sed Jas fAHhw ee Uses keeper in a slb-
ftttllery memecs
Dr McDonagh will bo in loderich for K
consultation on the tint Saturday of l d
every month.
Miss Smith, of Toronto, will have 1
charge of the dress -mak ing department
is Mr John Acheeoo s this season.
Miss Newcombe, stenographer in the eta
(:rant Pubishing House, Toronto, is
spendiog vacation in town, the guest oil
her mother.
Mr 8. H. Gibson and Master Nightin-
gale, of London, left for home oo Mon-
day lest after a pleasant sojourn of some
weeks in our town.
Mrs W. 8. Webster and two children
returned to Galt Saturday last after
speoding a couple of weeks visiting
friends in Goderich.
Mrs Allan McDonald and her grand-
daoghter returned to her home in Wird-
sox, Ont., after spending a pleasant time
visiti.i friends in town and country.
Mn Frees and children, of Detroit,
who have been visiting at the residence
of Mm McFarlane, Britannia Road,
have esteemed to the City of the Straits.
Dr M Nicholson, the West-st:dentist,
makes the preservation of the natural
teeth a specialty. Gas administered items
9 a. m. for the painless eztreetiom of
The Seafotth.•lun says : It was amusing
to note the Dumbere of lovers of the turf
1 who wanted the people to think they
ore going to the picnic loitered of the
at Goderich on Wednesday.
Prof Foote terminated his engagement
as °runlet of 8t George's on 8.aday,
aid will shortly leave for Tosser to
take op the deities of ►is appointment M
the Toronto Oese rvstory of Music.
The plate glen having orrived, the
frosts in M,Lesn'e blunt are being poi
fa. Mr liaLssn experts to have hie
Gee new storm ready for oesr.patton at
the opening of the creat North- West-
ern Rhe..
Mr J. R. Muter, barrister, of Toma-
to, hes bees is tows daring the Hiller -
ing weekold f rie nndds. ied by a p5.-sd
leant the* Nr Miller enjoys a predt.ble
pesoties is the Queen Qtty.
Wimg5am Liwew : Memo A Roe, W
T Yams, Jobs Bell, A J Oo.ov.r aced
other tewansea owe te theists!' ea
theWadmr The
gift (71.5 '.aa held lb;t
ley, sed was s greed oeseeos
Mr G. H. Tom, who has been recently
appointed headmaster of Exeter public
school for the coming year, has also bees
appointed to take the principal's work i.
Goderich model school for the fall term,
as the principal there, will be engaged
with those who have recently passed the
second and third claw non-pr.tf.ssionsl
examinations and are now studying for
their professional certificates as public
school teachers.
"Ar Hotta. '-The "At Home" enter-
tainment held in the school room of
Victoria at. Methodist church, on Thurs-
day of last week, was well sustained by
the general public and stave great satis-
faction. The beat of feeling prevailed ;
movie and merry voices were the order
of the evening Brief addressee were
VIM by Rev Mr Seton, of Waterloo,
Whitely and Mr D. Fisher. Pro-
osedc $24.
DIED IN JAIL. -Robert Fletcher, as
indigent. aged 89 yeas, died in jail on
Wednesday last. A formal inquest was
held in the •teeing, sad a verdict re-
turned that deceased died from natural
causes. Fletcher had spent about four
years in jail. His crime was that he
was old, helpless and feeble, and had no
friends. His death is another protest
easiest the action of the comity coun-
cil in not erecting a house of refuge,
where the aged sad decrepit can be pro-
perly cared for.
Seaforth lspwtor : The Union Sab-
bath school etsesioa to Oodertch from
this place os Wednesday was, as weal,
a very .useemfel and plasma! stir.
Rome ten ears were oamfoetahly gond
tied 482 tickets were dipoasd of at the
Matins hers. The weslje was delight-
ful, and all, both old
ed themselves most banndd yleses renin --
y. At
ri•h pismiekiltg and beads/ were the
primeval amwasmcete. The party loft
eetoh &beet sews ie the mossing,T.sd
got toms by dunk, all seemingly pretty
well tired est, list the Mlle folks were
eapseially load In their prairies of the
greedthey had enjoyed. and seas
wishing .m.nl.isg dip wee still 10 -
Mies Lily Veal, of Brussels, is the
geoid of Mies Marion Grant.
Ilict- 'Lt
FOR SALE. -Cheap for cash -
one Comet No 2, 54 inch, new. Retail
price, 966 ; psis oust, 152. Geo W.
new Soft :?sup and Practice Pedal attach-
ment to a Newcombe Upright Piano
mortes the nerves of the listener or per -
torture, when practising, as well as the
instrument from wear, and preserves the
tone. tf.
Samuel Halsted will be in Goderich
about Sept. 10th with his old and roti•
able Feather Renovator. Drop postal to
Halsted Brothers, Goderich, and he
will call on you.
Coil ?LI M EYTA It T CONCERT. -The com-
plimentary concert to Mie Cooke will
take place on Friday, Sept 6th. A pro-
gram equal to the beet that has ever
been given to a Goderich audience is in
course of Dreparation. and no efforts are
being spared to nuke it the concert of
the meson. Plan of hell at Fraser &
Pic•:tp• -The young people of Keox
church intend holding their picnic on
Thureday,Sept. 5th, at Point Farm The
committee hare arranged for rigs to be
in readiness at the church door at 1 p.m.
on that day. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to the members and edhertnts of
the church to join and make it a grand
A Nevem' Caiife.--Tenders are asked
for by the Pert Office Department for
the carrying of her Majesty's mails be-
tween Goderich and Kincardine +daily;,
making Kiotail the half way station.
This is a step in the right direction.
The through mail route between Gode-
rich and Kincardine should not have
bio broken up.
Northern Gaines, under the auspices
of the Lucknow Cetedoui.n So-
ciety, will be held in that village on
Wednesday, Sept. l lth. The society is
putting forth every effort to make the
games a grand success. Lucknow has
become historical for bring the Olympus
of _America. No pains will be spared to
keep up her reputation. Most favor-
able railway rates have been secured,
pragramee will be sent out in a few
days. The program has been prepared
with a view to the entertainment of the
public ; and in addition to the honor-
able name they have gained fur well con-
densed games, we are led to believe tbe
contests this year will be the keenest
ever a itnese& in America.
The tetr.Hees are keying lb* Malt Metl-
sag.-Sewn taluable reinsers,
The Government of Maaitoba has
taken a space of GO feet aquae in the
main building for their exhibit.
The directors have decided to allow
parties tendering for refreshment stands,
either to tender for one and cootrul all,
otherwise four separate stands will be
allowed. Tenders will be opened on
September 10th.
One hundred towns along the G. T.
R. lines have been billed.
The steamer United Empire will take
parties desiring to visit the exhibition
from Sarnia and Port Huron, arriving
hero early on the morning of the 18th
and return by steamer Ontario oe 19th.
Look out for notice next weak of •
grand prismatic display for the evening
of the 18tb, in which numerous foun-
tains will be shown in various shapes
and oolors.
Enquiries for prise lists are coming in
thick and fast, end space is being taken
up rapidly by oetaders. Local exbi-
titors most positively .soure space et
once or be shut out.
A •wesber sir Items of taerresi Irene Ike
Lake Frost.
Saturday, Ace. 24th-Sohr. Kotfsgs,
Johnston's Harbor, 100,000 feet of lim-
ber for 11. Seoord.
Sunday, Aug. 25th -Steam yseht Car-
ds, Lake Superior, pleasure party; sir.
Ontario, Sarnia, pmesenkera and freight.
Monday, Aug. 26th-Schr. Ansi,
Serpent River, 200,000 feet of lumber
for H. Sewed.
Tuesday, Aug. 27th-8ohr. Sophie,
Shod River, 340.000 feet of lumber for
Jos. Williams; scbr. J. M. Carter, Thee -
salon. 240,000 feet of lusher for N.
Wednreday, Aug, 2&h -Ste. United
Empire, Sammi, passeng.rs and freight.
Sunday, Aug. 2315 -Steam yacht Car-
ds, Detroit, pleasure party; Gtr. Ontario,
Duluth, p.asamgen and freight.
Monday, Ang. 2615-Sahr. KA/age,
Jobeston's Harbor, light; eehr, Tedm.n,
Thermion, hest
Wedsaday, Ang. 98th -Ste. UaUed
Respire, Daleth,pasaart lied freight ;
solar. J. M. Carter, 'l7 w, light ;
coir. Ariel, flerpest River, limbs.
The eeheener Greyhound, after having
been lesit►ened 12 fest by Mr Wis.
Marline, was seseomfodly issaebmd from
the Island o. Wedneday lost.
The Seams United Respire, ea its
trip down hem Dslsth last fleedsy
seeming, did sot eater the Umber, bet
eepin several. passengers es the pby
A 'young men named Galloway felt
through the held ef the Ariel ns Moe -
day hes moil bed hie mem badly Injured.
?be s'esasana.rr of tae t)Iseea's *w■ $.•
three Owls. to 111 mealik.
Cul D. H. Allan, of the Queen's Owls.
Toronto, has retired from the cummaM
of that regiment owing to ill health.
Col Aller is a brother of our towns-
men. Mr A. McD. Allot, and is
well known to • large circle of readers of
Tet SlutAt- The (Vote says :
Col. Allan retiree after 23 ears' con-
n ection with the regiment. He hesitat-
ed long before taking tha step, but telt
et Isat that hu continued ill -health made
it necessary in the best interests of the
Queen's Own that he should give up the
coot*and. Of his military career he may
well feel proud. As far back
as the time of the "Trent affair"
Ise was offered a lieutenancy !al-
though uuder age) in • company
then being organised in his native place,
North Easthope, in the county of Perth,
by Mr James Redford, afterwards M.P.
for that riding, but although the com-
pany drilled for come months it was
accepted by the Government. Af-
terwards, in the autumn tit 11864, be
joined the ranks of the Stratford Infant-
ry Company, in which he remained na-
tal he was transferred its March, 18116,
from that company into the Queen's
Own. Like ail hu fellow-otticers he has
Io 18114) he attended the Military School
at Toronto and obtained • first-class cer-
tificate. While in the school the lemur
read took place, when, un request, he
was permitted to accompany his regi-
men: and participated with them in the
action at Ltmeridge. He was also pres-
ent with bas regiment in almost all its
inor services, as well as during those
n the Northwest in 188:,. He has al-
ways taken much intermit in rifle shout-
ing, and was for =any years on
the Regimental Rifle Committee,
and, being an excellent shot him-
self, he in that capacity was instruntea-
tal in making the Queen -s Own as a regi-
ment one of the best shooting ones in
the Dominion. He was newer more in
his element than when he was captain of
a team of hie regiment at some shooting
competition, where goal judgment, tact
and a thorough co.nmand of his teem
generally crowned his efforts with suc-
cess. Col Allan has the estisfactiou of
knowing that in retiring he leaves his
regiment in a splendid state of efficien-
cy, and be expresses the belief that his
successor will receive the cordial support
of all ranks, and that the regiment will
1. og continue to be the brat in every
respect in the Dominion.
' Bl Mistake Or Took rel... la.lead of
Medicine While 111 Willi Weser.
The following particulars of the death
of W. R. J. Old. a former resident of
Colborne township, are from the Milton,
Dak., (noise:
OLD -At Oso neck, on Saturday morning.
Augaet 1:. GRIP, W. It. J. Old, aged 14
His death cast a gloom oyer the
aeighborh,od. So sudden that it seems
hardly possible to believe, that the man,
who so lately was the picture of manly
vigor, is now powerless, deprived of life.
He had been trick with the fever and was
recovering ; to hasten his recovery, a
certain powder had been given him, and
to destroy infection, there was hidden in
the room a packet of another kind of
powder, a strew,: poison. On Friday
.morning be was to take his medicine.
is powder, hot could not find it ;
searching further some ill fate directed
him to the spot where were hidden the
disinfecting powders and be took one.
He realized that to medicine did not
agree with him, and the doctor was sent
foe, ton late ; the poison had permeated
his system. The poor boy felt that he
had to die. Theo he showed the fruit"
of a good life, and his death, as his life,
was a true example for his (nods. H.
met it fearlessly, trssf.11y, with s quiet
faith. With a touching love he would
talk about those, whom, but four months
e go, be had tett in Canada. A widowed
mother mourns her ooe son, of whore
steps she has been the only guidance
slop near hie babyhood, a sinter weeps
(bat eke will no longer know the protec-
tion of a brother.
It was not long that be was amongst
e s, yet during that ties he had won the
respect and good will of all who knew
him. He was a man. He recognized
that true manilas@ exile not in riotous
living, in boahommorie of a gumshoe.
able sort, but in the quiet performance
of every -day defies, and recognizing this,
he 'followed his eoovlations; sad there
was not a men in Osnabrock who did
sat reveal him for it, and vase his
friendship the more.
By profession a veterinary wegeos
be wee het winning a good r.putatioa
se 'a skillful doctor, both in town sad
errantry, and bed be lived a large prac-
tise bed been asn.red him.
G msbrel& will miss him ; this aloe*
we here, that one of the coterie of mss.
el whish be wee one, of all be was the
emit fit to die.
The tenants was set se from Owes -
brook, sad shows the high =been in
whisk the deesae-d was held in Ilia
tors :
Although Ger asgeaiatasse with the
demand was very limited. yet our M
este inegirod
iitml ant, • by a elee djy and smhel-
wh. d.l..: q w oo hug simesisS
nim and am ffiwiiip, es we ham
the trait, et • rte, saki.► fist M
dealy brought to the and Giese of which
the above notice is but formal and con-
veys a moat distant and unfeeling on -
pression. He was the only son of Mr
M'. William G old, of Goderich, t tut., at
which place be was earn. While he
was yet prattling in his babyhood, his
mother was suddenly bowed in grief and
widowhood by the untimely death of his
father from an accident, in the lonely
condition of which, tree to her womanly
devotion, she has since remained, be-
stowing her love and care upon bet two
fatherless children, the boy and his sis-
ter, who was but a few years his senior.
After the death of his tater, he lived
principally with his uncle until the fall
of 1887, when becoming inspired with an
h000rable ambition, with the love and
blessing of a fond mother, and the help
of an indulging uncle, he entered the
Ontario veterinary college of Toronto,
from which he graduated with honors in
the spring of 188:e. During this time,
he practised for the most part with Dr
John Aikenhesd, for whom be funned •
great attachment and of whom lie spoke
of ofteu and very highly.
About the 1st of April last, buoyed by
the well wish*, of a large circle of friends,
he arranged his trunk for the west,
where he hoped to reap the honest re-
wards of industry in his new vocation.
Gently he pressed the hands of three
held dearest to him on earth, and with
his last farewell, encouragingly assured
them that he would soon return. But,
alas ! That return
He arrived here about the Lith of
April, and immediately began the prac-
tice of his profession; although the times
were dull and the prospects for better
were very uncertain, he gradually in-
creased it. He was attended with great
success and his fame was fast spreading,
until nothing seemed in the way of his
gainuta his long cherished hope. Abut
the 10th of Auz. he was taken with a
severe headache. which was attributed
to over -work and anxiety, but which was
soon found to be the beginning of
a spell of sickness, whatever the moose.
He was treated for malarial fever and
was fast recovering, when, on Friday,
the 16th, he mistook the fatal dose for a
powder and took it. Why be should
have mistaken the drug, no one can ex-
plain, as he was quite familiar with it.
but the most plausible isolation u that
be wan partially asleep. Although three
physicians were in attendance and did
all in their power to stay int action, yet
every effort failed, and ere morning
dawned be was still in death : his soul
had joined the angels in heaven. His
remains will he interred in the cemetery
at Goderch, tint. Ha was an exemplary
young man in his habits and an adept at
Iris profeseioo. He leaves an seed
mother and a sister now Mrs Straughan,
to mourn bis lose.
While he was here he made a lase
circle of friends, who ate grieved by the
sad calamity, and who unite in extending
their heart -felt sympathy to those bereft
of so noble a son and brother.
On the following Sabbath the Rev Mr
Linton deferred the regular sermon and
delivered the funeral discourse taking
for bis text words selected from: Heb-
rews 2 chap. 3 v. "How shall we es-
cape if we neglect, so great salvation."
He spoke at some length upon the ques-
tion of neglect showing how it might be,
and was done. in referring to the de-
ceased, he held him up as • model;yousg
man mcrally,'asd expressed great hope
fcr his safety in the new world, which
hs had joined.
J. W. B.
Before Mayor Butter.
Aug. 28 -William Galloway was charg-
ed with being disorderly at the dock os
the 26th inst. Hs was tined 41 and
From ear own correspondent
HAavtt.T Howe. -The annual harvest
bowie festival of Nile circuit will be held
is Mr William 8. Clark's grove on Tues-
day, Sept, loth. Rev J. Livingstone,
of Clinton, and Rev A. W. Tooge, of
Blyth, have promised to deliver address-
es, and the followisg ministers are also
invited Rev J. A. Andereon, Goer-
od♦rich ; peva. A. Potter and D. if Cam-
eron, Dungannon ; Rev Alex. McMillan
and'Rev J. R. latae, Auburn. Mauro
by Nile and Ebenezer choirs. Arran
meats will be made for baseball, foot-
ball, croquet and anises. Duane will
be served at 12 o'clock. Adults 23c ;
children 10e.
At the lint meeting of the Exeter
Sebool Trans Board no lees than fif-
teen applications wore received, with
salaries ranging from 8400 to t750.
The application of Mr G. TAN was so-
eepted at a @.dory of 5800.
The prise.rs,psbliabsre sed binders of
Winnipeg held their anneal "outing • ea
the 10th inst. The seal athletic sports
and other unesem rets were 'admitted in.
i• which two Winghare boys and one
yowtg lady erode themselves eonepiem-
00e by taker, Fines io the ...cried
men's roes, 100 yards, 8. Toshill woe
lit prigs --3 lbs el tea sad s sepwoer..d
hfie ; heel and toe walkisg risk, 1e*
fl. Toe5ll, .lit esebrsra, vales i•
the emitting isompeatios, Ras and NMI
IL. Tc.5iU were awarded gal prim.. la
the b...bsU marsh, meeri.d is
Wel Tee►ill wee es the vsi.ldkg`
the .Imgie men ssiol 1g .al bol Ip s
..mos of 1410E