HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-23, Page 8COUNTC41RRI EN OV Items of Intertest from ovK the County. A Weekly Yigr.t of 'bot mow, Sew- is rt• red up fuses' it. after. of ••Tbe rs.wat. rub and rein'. t lipped awe 1 us- 4ewd Ir.... iter, Reeu.e. Topsy, Mr Row s took sr.:. aid money 1 the Sinuous ,sees. By •iiistaku the Pickard, the largest • has b.,--:. wroth d fm list. trotter, Wingham, , the 2.10 claret, At eine ..1 Mr .lames as paver In town, the Exeter v,.ters' The fuckenmith Agricultural Society will holo: os 1.11 oh. a it Sesfor•1y'% u Monday and 'Fuesd.y, Septembes,116tb sad 17th. Mr Janes n11111)&1, Urns eta, has pur- chased the reetdeeee of Mr Cha -1^s 11, i. laud, .in .i..bn great, for 8;"g). Mr Holland bas gone to Nuri Ilut.:n. Dr Smith, tit Seaforth, has bten ap- p.iotrd Viae President for Ontario of this Ct..auktu McJicol .\ssueiati.m, wl held its arit:ual u.etting at Banff last week. Mw Liasie Miller, at Mr Kennedy's hotel, Sa*f.,ith, >;..t the t p taken off ene of her hnge.• sett t a etaiiglr ,•o the 13 h inst. It :.e. properly des svJ and is now doing weal. Mr N Halite!, reeve e f Hcy, hs. ata growing on his tarn Lear Zurich, which measure 6 feet 6 itches in h.•• •ht and promise a tee-Jtet.dnvs vudtl ..c seed was ,u.p.,r.ed fr• tit tiero uiy by Mr c Happel. At a no cling ..f the a. 6..01 heard, i %%Ingham,uu saturoay week, the cpph- cation of Nie 1: 1' tug,Urantford, was c accepted to take the pla.x of Mtn Pake, p resigned. There w-. i a seveutcet, al hhea- v t nut In. On Monday •-f last week ten car -.Dads of cattle were shipped from the Exeter 1 Watt. n to the old c•..uatry, icy Meas.. Jas. Oita and t1'illums Balked! The 1' shipment is o,neldor.,d • good cue, the, b cattle Being all Grit tate. One of the oldest residents of Tura. berry died on July 2nd in the persou ttf Mn Hugh St.dh.n. She had been a resident of the township for about 33 years and wp highly esteemed by those with whom she was ac.:u•tnted. Mr Ned Mdifrew.,r, 11'inehsw, meet with • paiufa. accident at Mr T. 8,11's new building last week. ile was assist- ing to put in a large iron bolt when it caught tree ..f his lingers on the left hand and took it off just below the fleet joint. It eifl iucapsettste tum for work fur some tine. Dr Elders driving mare, Seaforth, got her hind foot caught 10 a wire fence in the pasture field on Tueedsy night, and in her strugghw for freedom she fell on her back and, beteg ...noble to !et up, n •he was dead shun 1. nod. Sh.. had u served her owner faithfully for thirteen (.f years, and efts a great fere rite. I sec THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. AUG. Q8, 188S. DUNLOP, Prete eerier* eoi rsst...deat. Pawowai. Airs Bothwell and daugh- ter, tf the Hatable, Mich., is venni,/ her Ritter, Mn 1) Cumming, here this week• Mia. Lizzie Dean,of Kitytsbridge, who spent part of her holidays here. the guest of Ler commas, E. nod A. Cum- ming, returned home this week. Our architect, with • new addition on his staff of workman, Robs. Videen, of U..den,:b, goy this week to P..rt Albert to start the work on the new Church ed England, to be built in the marine vil- lage, which ct.utract he was awarded • few reeks ago. During his sojourn then, if our esteemed cotton can trot forth a champion of the iron circlets in that district, our Dunlop champion won't disappoint blur in a friendly game. Mr W. Evans (son of Mr H. B. Festal, Huron (toad, l;uderich town- ship, a teacher well known as • faithful student and iudefatigaL!e worker, has received the appointment of SAeoce Master in the Port Hope High School. WEST WAWA NOSH. Initis our own correspondent. August 10th, 1880. Council met according to adjourn- ment. Members .11 present. The •ward of the township engineer on the drain on cin. 12 was presented. and as far as the township is concerned accept - The report of the arbitrators ap- pointed to settle claim of Thus Miller etas presented and received. The re port was In favor of the township. Wm. Campbell complained that the fences en - losing the sideline. between lots 15 and l6,con G,were out in proper plaoes,mak- ug the road tot, narrow. The clerk was instructed to notify the parties con erned to have thew put in their proper laces. A pennon signed by 17 rate- ayers asked for a grant for wire fence pposite lot 27, con. 2. On motion of lasers Gibson and Bowers, • grant of :, cents per rod for about 30 nods was ranted. Edward Durum claimed com- ensatton fur damage done G. his crops y teams driving through his property f lute r.a•.-a were impassable, being blocked by .now. The sum of $3 was given to Air Dornan. George Saunby and John Smith claimed $2 per month from the mune'', for giving roadway to Tow 1-ouug and Wm. Smith, respective- ly. Some difficulty ensued, as the c,um- cil considered the demand exorbitant. Finally Messrs. Saunby and Smith agreed to give roadway to the parties Latued from March 1st up to Dec. lst, for chesum of $12 each,when it is expect- ed the sideline 0.11 t e ►n sufficient repair for Messrs. 1 Dung and Smith to use it. The clerk was Instructed to levy the amount sskei by the different school board. The clerk was instructed to correspond with the Minister of Educa- tion regardink the claim of the trustees of 1-. S. No. 14, against est 11'awa. orh portion of the sectcor. The treas- rer's retort showed a balance on hand $291.1,. Moved by Mr Shiart, ouded by Mr Bowers, that IN Ingham !.e tenders f, the erection 1 a t••wu 1., were open on Tuesday ereniol. 1 , lowest w *9.:1110, being el.S00 1.,- re than w voted for the purpose. ,w what is t be .1•.ne • 1\'e think it if •,1.12 be wise t put another by law before the rstepaye for the sum of F1:. 000, then there ninth be a chance of having a town hall whic would Le a credit to the t••'rn if every thing can he properly corned :out. 2 mills f..r county purposes, and 2 mills • for township purposes, per dollar, be as I levied on all assessable property for the as I township for current year. Carried. „. Pathuraster Whyard reported that J. S. „Kook had refused to do his roadwcrk. n The clerk sea instructed to levy the t ! usual tat against the party mentioned. h The following accounts were paid : tioderich . l.,r, adv. Court of Revision, $1.:n1; Wm, Webb, 49 roods gravel at 81c, $33:12; James Wilson, killing wild i• oat, $4.00; Edward '.tickoberte, 28 rods d gravel. con. 8 and :), at 75c, 821; sem. t Coulter, G4 rods gravel, am. 10, at 60c. and 1 2 rods at 49e.. 838.28; W. I3. e H'ilanncedar for P. Alb 89.32: M. e Leddy, culvert, 85 00; Thos Joy.t, R gravel, *37.60; Jam. Whyarri, box for iameror, 81 50; Edward Durgin, damage to field, 83; Juo. Armstrong, cutting hill, Pro. 8. $18; Patrick- iVe1sh, gravel, COO. ti, $17.70; EJ. Brophy,gravel, con. 1, SIR 70; H. Smith, cutting ditch, con. 15, $4 23; Jno. Hickingbottom, e,lualiz- tag U.8.8., 820; Ro.bt. Medd, culvert eon. 1, $5; L. Wettlanfer, lumber, 11/11 Gr; Walter Stewart, lumber, 87.84. Corneal adjourned to meet on Saturday, Sept. 7th, at 10 o'clock. R. K. MILLg•. Township Clerk. Young Master Walsh. who drive, h father s stage between Sesfurth au Brussels, met with . painh'l accident a the station on Tuesday of last week He was getting into this stage whet, th horses started and he f* -Il between ..n of the frost wheels and the box, tearin the flesh from his leg bel .w the knee to the ankle. -The horses were stopped and the lad woa taken fr•in ti:e rig and the wound properly Vented. Ile is (:cult well. Mean Livingston. Brussels, have put in a set of hay mica les on the end o1 lung etr.+et, near the mill, for the welching of their tlaz. John Love, lessee .f the market scales, threatens legal proceed- ings to compel them to remove the scales off the street, boot the a oncil gars them permission, w that they cc.uld not be fined under the village bylaw : they also think they deserve this, as they persuaded the enonei! a few years age to put a foot bridge on their property. The t!az m111 also is one of their beat indus- tries, and deserve, to be encouraged. Mr John Hannah, of the Sesforth, Loudesburo and K'rkton creameries, shipped from Seaford:, nn Friday, the 'lib inst., a car load of creamery butter , outo Edinburgh. Then were 18,400 ppnd, of butter and some cheese which' Mr Hannah had purchased from the Blake factory to ship with the butter. Th. butter was sold for 21 cents per pawed, and will realize the patrons 17 ieeis per pound. This, when home- r butter is selling at 13 cents, should the hearts of the creamery pat - The great wonder is that any person will snake tenter themselves when they can make so much more on it by haring it made at the creamery, and save all the labor. This one shipment will distribute among the patrons of the tactcry the snug sum of 83,128. We venture to s.v they will not clear that mach from their wheat crop. Seaforth E ep.sifor : We understand that at a meeting of the Huron Presby- tery at Clinton nn the 8th net., the Rev Mr McCoy, of Fgmondville, signified his acceptance of the call given him by the eongregatioo in Chatham, New Brune - wick. Mr McCoy has been in Egmond- vtlle for tea years. It waa his first charge. Daring that time the eongrsea- tioe has prospered under his care and by his kind and c.,urteons manner and Christian deportment he has greatly er- deared himself to the members of his corgrewation. His removal from hero will he regretted not only by the people of his oma eosgrsg•turn but by many in this town and vicinity who have (earned to value him as a good and awful citi- ges. We hare ple.s.re, therefor*, in confidently m.mmeading him to the poo- ri• of hie new charge sad we treat that meelf and Mrs McCoy may •.joy cap,we1 ,. ,.is cgIle a, b oath sad happiness ie their new home Met a ,y. ., et a 1i Med thea . labors Nthee* may be peados n d sslb liras. • 1i ■ - Ctl7rras IAaw=SS, Mnaf -women naturally Irak forw.M to tnatrmnny as their proper sphere In life, but they should comment!l bear in mind that a wen -developed horm are the hest fair. rosy face, Night eyes, and • health , p•s.po to • happy 'marriage. All thue westing dis- orders. weaknesses. and funettonai Irregular, - flee retetanr=1?beauty and attractivenesstivear n•sandmak. 1. mlewshis. An unfailing apecille for them mv.d,,s fa ,p 1* found In Dr Pierce'. Favorite Priem' It 1. the only medicine for w•. .n, •nM tp drurtst•ta wader a p.Ndvv. geesawtee from the manufacturer that It will etre satisfaction In every aeon. er money will he re- funded. This guarantee has h..n prated MS the Mettle-wruynut for man pspaneea., and faithffuflper -y ferried Duutthes for .US, 'MOO"" a SEtt MrrlAt. Mini by Woman, Det Mm ISS lie DR.: PIERGE'S PELLETS Purely V.gN.l.b1 1 - P'.rtooUJ Na/tlalm 1 11711111117ALRD AI II &MR pU.N. calf.. Cures Norili,,,Arricall Lire Assuraocc Cpm a 1 BI N TWINEp cY l I GItl'OItATED LY PI'HOIAL ACT OF DOMINION PARUAMENT HEAD OFFICE, - '.TORONTO, TONT. WE ARE ultOWINU SAMPLES dr mum Twist 1(111 THECOMINU HARren FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Pruperous and Progressive Canadian Company PURE MANILLA, SILVER CON2POSITE, INDIAN JUTS. 'Which we are offering at it Speeial Price to Early l'urehaiers. Our Stock of General Hardware, as usual, is com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed, Plain, Twin!, and Oiled Annealed Wire, as you Ilk* it. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. I I MIDENT -BON. A. MACKENZIE, M. P. lexPrimeM1aWer• Canada. w icz_pmesiDENTB 1 HON. A. MORRI &li, JUM ttI L Hl..\1}CIZ, HANAUINO DuItECTolt. W1I-LIAM McCABE• P.L A., Nag. TM Gorepaey Issues all Approved Forms of Polic:ea and Aouitits. RETURN PREMIUM PUN. This Policy GUARANTEES ARP:rl'IINuFALL YIIE)ilt'SIM PAID Weddings sethe full face of the Polley in the event of death during the Investment period, at a lower rate than any other (ou,paay. F. J. T. NAFTEL, ilf'-ly Distri 1 Asset. FINE TAILORING ! GRAND DISPLAY- OF Choice Fall Coods! GENTLEMEN, --- I invite your close inspection of my new Fall Stock, which for excellence of quality and beauty of pattern is pronounced by critics to be the best yet seen in town. B. MacCORMAC. A Wender hal Mob Producer. This is the title given to Scott's Bmwh- ain,. of ('.1 Lirer U.! by many thousands who have taken it. It not only gives Hash and strength by virtue of its own nutnti,.us properties, but creates au .p - petite for food. I'm it, 1,.d try ,tour „. i.,ht. Scott's Emulsion is perfectly palatable. Sold by all druggists, at 50c. andel. 4 Judge Stephens, the man who con- demned Mrs Maybrick to the gallows, is said to be a man well -fitted to stand the brunt of public indignation which is being hurled against him at the present time. Not only is he said to be an able and enlightened jurist, but he is fear- less in the expression of his opinions and indifferent to cnticises, when he believes himself to be in the right. An idea of the man may be had when it is stated that in his public writings he has de- fended the crycifxioo of Christ by Pontius Pilate, on the ground that, u a Roman official, it was a proper thing for him t3 do, and that an English Governor in India would under similar circum- stances be justified in acting in a similar manner. ZACHET PO#DERS! 8 DIFFERENT OD0104. MALVINA - CREAM POR TAN AND ricecK r.s. FROSTIL.LA. FOR CHAPPED HANDS. -RUBIFOAM- MR THE TEETH. RIMMEL'S OATMEAL FOR THE TOILET. RICKSICKER'B PERFUME, SEVEN DIFFERENT ODOR&. PURE DRUGS AND FINE GOOD8. W22rSON" Prescription Drug Mere. 11118 YEAR'S MYRTLE air? .ad PLC° SMOKING TOBACCO FiNER THAN EY'ZR. SPA Ia Brener on each Plug and Package. 11117 PROPERTIES FOR SALE. The various properties re- maining undisposed of be- longing to the estate of the late Charles Middleton, de- ceased, are now offered for sale. In order to close up the estate thee* properties must be sold. Full particulars and terms will be made known on application to the undersigned. MANNING i SCOTT, aut. usw, QLZl'PTorr. A number of prominent citizens of Seaforth took a 'holiday" for a week at Benmiller, where they enjoyed them- selves in fishing, etc. They speak high- ly of the treatment they received from "mine host' of the !lengthier hotel, Mr I Cruise. For a pleasant "outing' they rea,mmeod this quiet, retired spot as just the thing required. Miss Holmes, sister of Mr E. Holmes, (formerly of the Clinton New Era), died l at the residence of the family, .St Cath erines, on Friday, August 11th. While Mr Holmes was attending the funeral hs was attacked with cholera morbus..nd was so bed that his life was despaired of on Saturday. du old friends will be pleased to know that he is .,ace more his wonted self. ARMSTRONG FANNING MILL ANO FUMP WORKS ARMSTRONG'S IMiPROVED Grain and Seed Cleaner -I is generally acknowledged to he the best ma- chine made for thoroughly cleaning grain and seeds of all Linda. -ZT- Separates all Noxious Seers and chess from grain at one cleaning saving and cleaning all timothy seed at the same time out of any kind of grain. 1t can be fitted Into any fanning mill without removing the shoe, no matter how old the mill is, and snakes it do as good work or better than the nowt improved new mills know& It•allows no seed to be blown into the chaff It Cleans Speedily. sir Every cleaner warranled to work as repre- sented or no sale.'*A in ordering by mail give inside width of shoe and name of maker of mill if convenient, and if shoe has side abate or the old fashion- ed hind shake. A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS on hand manufactured from Algoma white quartered pine. s;LOrdsn by mail promptly attended to. Shipped to any point.. DDREBB ARMSTRONG BROS., C#oderioh, Ont. 17-tt WALTH0 101 • letr. ;to MEDICAL.LAI RtM6ai t0` `dslat ll; _ d 1►tt tPFr 0 P'N00\gi `coo F ` j,11 ,ts TRY NAT1jRE5 REME01' PURE -PETRWESS POTENT TO TE,MO"BY HfAt,H cO 1 1(DoN ON T StIIIER HAS CONE AND WITlr rr A LARGE CONSIGNMENT - OF - Gent's Sitio for S -AT- H. DUNLOP'S. matelinh ..ass gee styles a.A Air prices le THE BEST ER + to MdIBEI'S CEllilWE Cook's Mod No Alum. Medusa( Injuries& IETEI.F EIER1K11ERE, GARTH &CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves, tree & Led Pipe Loose Palley Oilers, Seem let Paan* Fare Peeps, wind Nilly Cream Separators, Dairy and Landry Uts•cll► 538 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. O.A.MSCA KILL&C° MANUFAC TUBERS OF FINE CARRIAGE VARNISHESSAPPC 4SILVER MEDALSAWARDED MONTREAL CHADWICK'S SPOOR COTTON err Naiad vied istacMwe Use. HAS NO SUPERIOR. ASK roe IT. LBATHEROID STEEL -LINED TRUNKS L aesthete& Dont d arum TRUNKS 1* W Warfel, 1. BTBLBIGI&Co MONTREAL, Nan Wes IImdri HOTEL BALMORAL NONTIREAL. Notre eD ammee thy„ gm . m sa esemet sled le use atg. wee. em. 4tandebed 0e gvwss. Ilabse$111 Sep sem. 0. Vs TV Maumee, ume, D0'1114101. PEARS' NI 1t'd 1M Om* J. PALIERIS011 "Wesel, IimeMs et MKTf' SHIES ll ll INC 111e NG, MONTREAL SOAP. LEATHER BOARD COM PA N Y. Masse et■rats.1 AUIESTO$ muJnIam siker reetkLeg. FRICTION PULLEY NOM, Moira leilestetiejaa RECKITT'S BLUE 1 GRA TKFUL-COMFCRTi Nt.. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "Ry a thorough knowledge of the mortal laws which govern ih onerariows of the. mortal and nutrition. and b) e . artful application ,1 the floe prupenien ret veli- elect Epp.ed has provided our breakfast taut Ya deli. Wel) flarured bctrrag,, whit may saes us num) Maly do, -tors' tri11a. It is br the ,lridic,oue um of with artifice or diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until ,Doug enough to resin every tendril.) to disease. Hundreds of subtle Sowing a1. aa ppoo ,,weread) to. - wat- tack herev 'r , may es.-ep« many a fatal shaft be keeping ounriore welt tor!die.'. wttb pure bleed and a proper), nuurrt.ed fret. -."-•-(yell nerrice (tri:.ret Made amply wish balkier water or Milk. sold otos :„ teer i.e.. b)- gr.e rrs. labelled thus: J.\Nt:sF!'P'& eco omreopatha them - res. Lotidun. Enc:and• • t,M, Tkocer= as o at dem dew sot ttii se yastw ws. di >kal.[.ears eg •lianar.!;.Uratill. YsnMe- .-I bays >Hoomm ~Iia vt, Mos- ws swim core atmoaSSome tt :sa w Ildfishess sod sere Is s Nota I nasal. issiimsed It se al aerasmsa Tory SPAM 't.a:'u. KENDALL'Si O Ls ;wow. co.bare ease . r. wayb sMei ue ma s 'bas 1Y l amd Sera i sae i ewiiwa.5 r a.rvtssoade meya jos re 11 ta. gess w fa•ttiaseal ~' tee aees41111 rr sautylsd L I. nttiraSal KENDALL'S SPAM CCCE. •as» a 1. Nalmsts... s.. kali raw Batas.sa fam000se wNwey 1jj IZeeslt; two ssom r..ra.m.. /Terri noses gent seririgrizzatzus, ErrintritY ALL CO,. OR mama. O 113L$aDDR>pamk, Pitt„ - PITT BROS. & CO. impertere et Canadian Apples. M emcee Ysse'esnrol .._.ossa. alas Consignments solicited and KW -Ne=e flier y Iifee,..al gi.aks ii IS ONE IIT liberal advances made thereon.