HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-23, Page 5THE IIU1:ON SIMI,, FRIDAY, AUG. 23, 188J• KID GLOVES 1 MATH DIRECT FROM FRANCE. We havl Securedthe Agency for Perrin Freres' noted French Kid Gloves, and have placed in Stock an Immense Assortment in Black and Colored. 1Cr Every pair Guaranteed. TO=N �aC13=SON_ .s elle* as.N.eeoseot. We have Made arrangements with De B. J. Kendall l', , pubhshera of "A' Treatise ou the Horse and his L:sosses," which ledl enable all our subscribers to obtain a coley of that saluabit wort fere by .ehdmti their address. ;encl..stn,t it two -cent stamp for mailing same to Ds R. J. Kt.:pa:A. Co.. EY....Irl ta.H Faits, Vt. Thu book is now recognized se standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phonon:cool sale attests, over f. car pt. lu•u cop:cs has ut,; beet, sold in the past t..1 year*, • sale never before reached by s. y psibiication in the same period of time. We teed confident that .our patrons stip appreciate the wort, and be glad to avail themselves • f this opportunity lit obtaining a valuable book 11 is necessiary that you steatiun this , paper In sending for the "Treatise. - This oiler will remain open for only a short time. iv LEEK RN. Front oar ewe correspondent. Mrs Jolla Stewart is away on a week's visit to friends near Lucknow. After a Velment eaeatuon from the ! cares o1 her seho.4, Miss Jane Linfield In view of the fact that a left fart Saturday to resume her duties of those as teacher near Zurich, in flay township. ',large percentage Afaad Stirling, from near Porter's who avail themselves of Hili, enjoyed tan of her holiday@ a. the gust 1bier c ustnshere. (;..rge!l:trlint,! tt.,m the sante; Vasco, a'sv gave our hurl a no, visit this week. ++ I1 H Lsurason, at ..no time a resi-1 dent here and cw;uec!ed with the 1 O.' G. T. Ni �13, was pteaent at its lastmeeti tora a and inatgibin the new officers ANNUAL OFFER for .hu .Iwr:er, gibing a pleasing ad- dre.a with reference to the dietnct work of the I. a 0. T. In this county Bond ' is a resident ..1 L.ndestjor,' and a mem- ber ..f the 1. O. (I. T. there. 11. luso made a stay of several days visiting old TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS friends in this section. A pea harvester ',irking in our neigh. borbued attracted g.oerwl attention last work. This is t4 Mutat invention to become permanent readers save salmi moods shoot Tore In the harvest field. The gentler ma are ata of " The Signal," we offer lose to se• the steady improvement man the following inducement : kind can make to save .her. while ,r, NOTICE! w OUR women's intellect is onot invent anything to save their daily tabor in the house- , hold line. t.. ease it sod make tt only a ' pleasure. A chortling machine and bak- uta machine, t.. save that con- Stant pressure of .omen's hands, would bring a hiesslog two. -fold ••n the Ince.. tor head from the women of ibis am tion. It was • pleasant surprise to the e,rn- ,r.ytatIon if the Presbyterian church here lest Sabbath to See t;ie Rev J A Turnbull, B. A., LLB . Si Marys, in the pulpit cooductit.g the service and MEL EL SEND TO ANY ADDRESS preaching an Impressive sermon from t:en.:ai., 18. For • peri. -d of nearly i._-_. i+•ur years be was pastor here. resigning Igr " his charge in 1884 t,, go to st MsrJs as pastor t•1 the first Presbyterian The Slog church there. Quite • nuutLer of the c nettation shock -hands after the ser• vice with hem and Mrs 'Turnbull, wbn ass with bim.withmany friendly words of er loiry after the welfare ..f -ere and other atom last he met them. We hope Mr Turnbull will he long spared to labor in the Master's vineyard and his teachings gather many ripe eh fur the garner. ! FROM NOW Wthichatrseems to beencompaaaed with fever, sr just now, u td. ch&cken x and TO psi OF JN.1890 facer, sickness just i o cough, Cheri n•p•.x and dysentery have victims in 1\ Ingham at the present time. 1 FOR 35c. CANADA'S GREAT --FOR jNDUST R IAL ' 35c. AND AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION 1889 TORONT� can, or send as the above amount at once, accompan- ied by name and address, SEPT. 9th to 21st i and secure the full benefit increased Prttea (treater Attractions and a of this offer. Irranderdisplay than ever before. velem. sad III... a.eee•1 Rewswvwa $ st Wanes eon Praetor.. tri olein, .t a..wal r.levt.s_ssrwt .N /tar atnrreeww tawss.e.s. 1 beep Cveurss..s os all salli.ar•. Orel Ze•llq) v !titers attended this ItahlbttI.s teas year. 1rwweM. Char ♦wear/ fess. F.w P: lis. Lists asd foxes. t'rowrs * ' %. w'11 UURJwto It HILL Pres. )laaa,t Tasestw D. *cGTT.LICIIDDY. A GREAT CLE .RING SALE OF FIRST-CLASS DRY COODS C NOW n1OI\U ON Al' i V V 9 � rel at the weU known.daud. oururr .,l 1Iu.r.dtnn at. • % • • ,1,. ,,r• .,... tl,c w � that he t. now pry to carry ou the truth. Ica ...•.�: 4^wP i, .«. r •. . , ,i,p•� as ton. It: defuse has taxi' .ddrd w sod tLe keens tend 1... •. st,r:ks of .te+rMNs sow be found on the sbulvea. CEANOE OP The undersigned paving pm- !. ,scot it i .Ie .n S3, •.p. lies teacarts, ttt�ekttltt, F L O U R, AD R XI) easel es for the iter a..artela .wr.. lit ROBERT P[OWFOOT BRA. INT TF0 ID. It is cur eu4,w and fixed purpose e to distiosc. of all goods during the season for which they wt:re bought, snit in eontlequence we pro- ta.Goods Jet:terr.1 free man) scat .f l.44:tc..c. coed even now in the heat of the season, to clue out a.•, far :is possible our entire stock of purely summer good. The extremely low prices which we snake would justify our pat- rons in buying now even to keep over till another se.sson. We place on sale at clearing pricts the whale of our large .stock �t Alof black and colored 1''rench and English dress goods, Cashmeres, HE LEADS THEM A _ L . Henriettas, etc., black and colored, plain and fancy dress silks (froth the uiv4 reliable maker;), parasol's, prints, .=ateens, chatnbrays, printed wool challiew, fancy cutaumert in wool, cotton and silk, plain Anil fancy /t - COP I"T"{ LL. 79 dress muslin~, lawns, tlouneing laces, flouncing embroideries, edgings, .Z1 tv �V! ..L.'.1 t 1.. slot is OF - A CALL SOLICITED. laces, handkerchiefs, Se., hosiery, gloves and underwear in Wilk, wool, Lisle, Balbriggan andcotton, Jerseys, ribbons, corsets, stress trimmings, beaded grenadines, table linens. napkins, towel*, sheetings, cottons, skirtings, flannels, cottonatles, cretonnes. art tttuslin., quilts, chenille tapestry and silk table covers, and other house furnishing goods, patties' 1:ngli.h waterproofs, be .dad visites, pattern wraps, mantling's, Are., all of which are fresh alid new, manufacture,) awl imported for the spring and summer of 1SS9. rie We give special attention to mail orders, which will be flied by competent persons, and satisfaction guarantee 1. :;.:alplt, sent by mail on application. Pc (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,) ERA. INT TFORD. BOOTS AND SHOS Tho Largest Stock and Choir•est Assortment west of Toronto, at the old established Boat and Shoe House ,of IAII litING Goods Marked in Pain Figures and Warranted to be just as Represented. YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN ! Oi'dered Work and Repair'ing Prion�il� Aliendeti to AND SATISFACTION GG'ARAtiTEE'J. See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNING. Cor. East -et. and So JOHN ROBERTSON Betts to announce that ha la now agent for The LIqiorTea Co�paufl Celebrated Teas Your choice ot one out ot a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. 1 FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SIRUP LEFT. T"112 JOHN ROBERTSON, RIMS' 010 STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS Hay, just passed through the Custom House, Direct fro,. tbo Manufacturers. the Bost Assorted Stock of Dress Goods EVER BROUGHT INTO AODERICIU, CONSISTING IIF SILK WARP HENRIETTAS NEWEST SHADES, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goods AT PRICES AT LEAST 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON VOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS. :o: Ready -road. .Mop's Suite of Best Material, Fashionably Mad. at Fabulously Low Prices. .0 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1e25. IN HADWARE DEPT. 0LA88., PAINTS, OILS VARNISH AND BUILDING MATIB.IAL, A FULL STOCK. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. O. on..A.A.zugt April 19, 1880. BEAU -11F FURNITURE AND U Tse Bert and Largest not: in uu.er6•:.. end ND RTAKING COODS, .lrua: • e^.r+.', t'e. ea lower than „et L -Y! tens. WCiZ't 1@ 1Z4wri✓xec! d. BY ANN' to:f IN 771E 00t'X V. A. LAi.4'1011@ :' .: ,L; I3 L]d1 LTO.N'-$T_ .6. W OND EM L C -1 'GOODE the Drl►g:: ist, ins order to show his admiration for the fair se:; c Goder..ch, makes the following SURPRISING C:FFE R FOt THE MONTH OF -AUGUST. Ta every lady who tnvesis 217 in face powder or:,r.• in perfumer. 1 eta give her ehoioc Of • tine e of music. no tra•n, but 14.•.1 In usic va 1,n1. A Vaso. one to to 1: person. Three are SOME OF THE 8E-=-•E0'1'I0NS Guillaume Tell ;8 pagre price ;:cents ;1" ee as a hint ;tical`, price 60 stets L'aritentine <; paves, prion (i:, cent.i.s. with tee (occas) price 40 rents Alice, It•.mauee .8 pages, price i:, cental c(.arse hxr k to Erin :1: ate., price tis cents and trtary others or !ik" h' :t .tar.•far l gout.:: up in the hI. hcvt •rtiMlc exc.dlence. Po/moors face powder. $neat in .1+nerica. p,n1., w1,1:e yr b:..netie ahracs in stock. Ext Blackberry Compound forructtner contpla:nts. McLeod** Nys:r•u,l:couta:or. Lime juice. FIN.z. DISPENSII\T'C1-_ Full :ince of drugs. patent medicines toi:et articles. chemical.. WALTER C. C000E, 1 DRII0(sit 1T, AL3:CN BLOCK. MPH, FRAl1 Ce-1M;yl' ICAs DAL rErartrums Irk' PULE —b+— tiE PHARMACY: GEO. RHYNAS, Prop. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared and Moderate Prices Charged. AR ¥OLPTHIRSTY. —TRY MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, —O.R— CORR2A�S —FOR .A— COOLINOr HEALTHFUL DRINK_ RASPBiCRR.Y CORDIAL pronounced just the thing by all who have tried it. P. JORDAN'S MEDICAL LULL. WE GET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the finest and most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, FINE GROCERIES AND FRUITS. Oou. 7LIdZ7.TO1V-lore. & s(avgR - Al1lrsaie and Reqs. X. M-Tqt .evlltne Flakes tor rnmmcr. reimmimosella Muss, Liquors, 8&cf The Signal for FOR BALK BY balance of 1889 G. H. PARSONS to any address ifor 3b cents. ALBION BLOCK, OODKRICM c