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HURON SIGNAL FIt11llAY, AUG. 23, 1889
iMrAit>• of interest. '11a leek . MP the ettulMiE IK . e...d pores, 14 3 10 mills intoe will aLo b.
Itrost ttitsed w him by tint tuall. A/ we glti0%r and the matter * is a::1u dduwud levy of: !•b mill* on t►e
other time should a lisp Ant, •r sutler his aloe. Property of "Parsee so ttlor supporters.
bkxrk W w uut sit hill owe tun I Tit- -itAs C. %,L - Chairman. The council then adiverned.
I.aa•essI .
is rt nuslfi to I
1n the
tb• f t i It oo it will Ls easily bovwd to deputy t reeFpect be, dePte • ----------..-D-- I Reductions
jYERY FRIllAY tOR`Iti(3, awn the post ((fhp t+avtnEs HAuk a ,.d by Natt.l, that the npsrt be adopted It is a (wet wuAby the nu:iw of CaDa-
not by any meava the wfeat place ID , -Cetflod. ddiista Tory journal& that then Ia a strung I
AT ITS 8TEAtr 14UXTOte OFFICE: which to depuelt surplus cash. Mn ILLVODT of TYE rile C'UI6M11TEE. rltati`D to rilittaud at the Present
NORTH-STH6r'T, GODICRICH. flue In favor sit the enactment of laws I _BIW,,,,,, .
Douian and other depaaturs at Kings• To th. Mumi.vpri (•-uru•d .( fill, tutcw to &bat out the imseignttuo of pauper I
It b a wide.awake batt all wp ter. devoted Lets have cooed that out to their cert ;f l:.,l.rirh IabtK from cue p ruttrot,rd a,ontnw of I • _
t)Iennlynewsand tk.dlaww lu.tiw"r . Dress Goods Pants
J knowledge. Ya•Ol tin committee beta to report M gurupe, \\'ark to w plrt,ttful and Ra,ir1 I
And what has boon their experience mall f Follow•: -1. 11'• laaveoaftud•red the cod- I fire fp much tenet in Euglaud than inPRATLe O IF stoor<1rTsw r be &bat sit any depositor in the in•titu• vi.mbiluy "f making some chaupte in the f protected Germany, France, Italy, oto ,M u s I i n s, Parasols,
OI.311 a year; Tse. for six months; {Or, for I tion under similar circumstances. - ►ase reals, with a view to tonverllmg I that the ware earners "f thew cuuatnes
.nree munition. If thr &ub,cri ,tiou a e'•1 P"I'I Tare are ,Dao reasons why the 1W I acme into reel• to be drawn by a burns I flock to England fn droves to get a share I Laces, E m b ro d e ri es,
in advance u,M_riptba will be chardad at y y or florets, and, while of the opinion that'
thence of shoo a year. I pfslar b.saking instautiou• are superior V (t>f the good tours genu in [roe trade I
t the l'wt uttice ravta • !)Auk and I ilr e chAuites should be made, tLiuk it; England, They starve ouster prutee- .
d • advisable to Iwve the same over for the tion. I Curtain Netts and all Summer
ADVERTtN%c itTL%s among them are : ( present, to the meautim• we would r - - -- --- -
Legal and ,,I tier ra•ual all verr lac• w,ents. IM. 1 Tile Ban'. is responsible ar all nfeummend that the clerk be instructed I site yaee was ter lisonase. Goods, for t h e
{elle line for Ont in•.•rt;w,, and 3 rrnis pt•r liarto communicate with other pIANN fur I
sale each au uesit insertion. Mossured try receipts tuade by their duly accredited Sae was as pretty as a picture and so
a "a Is
xatr. tnfurmatlun as to brat systetU, eAprlUe, I .ta
In ndinarirl type I per line. utfiuers. animated,looka and ItAelySh that it read uUe Ktx,d NEXT 30,DAYS.+eta It a Dttee terry that • ere I to look wt her. tine was al! this but she
Loral tattttioes la untiaArl" rewJtag t) pe le pe ,'l; Th• depx,s,t orruray held by rho abtm should b, ubtaintrd fur itis pur-
v'ord. _ Government on all chartered eauks, and puss, of connecting our Ln hall and the Ia nut out. Pc or caul, the roses linger
Ad +rmiartw acs to(iI esti Founui dlrrwyed* the liability of the stockholders, are pro- 1 Pumping
seems w tutibe the The
syetent which lag I ,If mbsearr,eyesre in h is gone. er ~ She the f is aesua--bee e
Situations Vacant. rt:tuortiun wantaa &I'. tectiun to the deprwrWn i veto Call Signal. ' Slr Arntstroog, of I gone looking pies,• sit humanity Dow ■ An
Ituaineat (•hawses Wantad, cox exceeding 6 (3) In the Post t ►dies S&viu s Bank I the Montreal Telegraph Cu., u agent for She bas oats of thou troubles a cum
lines ,ospariel 01 per „out h• moa to w• omen and newts Dt I teres •
ooall taunts deposited between the lot : Fame ; he siders to put same ►u fur $106, Jordan's Woe►, GWerich, July :4th, 1tslt
}!Dares oa tch and Farms r>e 8x1•. not to y Pa's P rarurit• I'reai ril•tiuit. It rocup,entes
exct•cd a lines. 01 Fur Ar -t wonth..'KAc Prr .utr and30th ut any mouth Interest dates once to guarantee satisiacltou and to keep _
eauuc"t month. lar.crad+ts to prupurtios. y y I the wasted strength, pelts the whole •y*- _ _____.,.
Any apecial nttcw• the ottlert of which Is to (t'om the let, and depuaits Letwreu the ' io rep>.Ir for three yeah \\ • eeoosw- ism right, restores the row and the - - s
/'v Pe'' 1st and ;nth can bear au interest ant.1 O1end the wa'ceptauce of this ulfer. All TRe(i "t.
muse the cooler) txnent sit rely iritis- (water and makes the woman what she On Monday evening last week the
trtdus l or ron.pany, to tea• coa•idrnd an ad of which is respectfully submitted. i cvice was, bright, well sold happy. erustr.a of the Baptist church, Clint in, 1 = -
werturmeat and charred accorolir.rty, tea let of the following month. W. Paot•urot.r, Chatrufaa. "Favorite Prescription" i• the ural ear. laid lit+ f the aptist hurt of wttI", I:K. f'1HA \UN tit
These terms wfil in .ill Calle• be strictly ad- y P,iod t ans +u:•Ktoa%. Acaouciters, to.
(4) In the event of withdrawal of ' The report was adopted on mutieu o[
Here.! to ; dicine for women, sold by druggists, were copies of cite local papers, the other at !'r. blaaserr x :asidencr Haar the
I Proodfuut, stcuuded by Colborne.
Rpee{al rite• for larger advertlsetneets, or deposit the interest oeasea at the D in- udder a rive guarantee, from the church papers, the name* of all pdblw ga.,t(•trder,,► U. V. aax ►cavo J. 1;. ttHAx-
adreriisenset.ts fur extruded Pa-riud='sonde KLAi t7 Or FI .I\cE cUV Yt:TEF.. manufacturers, that Il will Qirtl Ntr.- Officials, mthlata•r•, the trusts" of the sea• 17.11
known at the ochre of Vublicatit,. t sing of the month sit withdrawal, al• .- - - _ _ -
though such withdrawal might uc:ur as , GDDEEtCH, ltkh Aug., 188'9. , factum in every cise. or f'u,uey will be several educational institutions, etc. The
JOBBING 0 E i A A T ■ENT . t}e last day of m,nth. I Tu (he .[Mayor a,Id f „u,.• ,J : I refunded. This guarar tee has been church is being pushed rapidly to coir _ Legal. - -
1 fully eq nipped Johbtnr Ofl1ce b cubed rioted on the bottle -wrapper, tad pletioH, sod will shortly ice opeuel cur
GENTLEVC3, - Your finsnoe Colatmit- printed
on fn.o,sa, % ere with l ,,v %%a k is Indeed out
(ir In chartered banks deposiu boar 1 ' faithfully scored out file many years worship. EDWARD Nl?19MAri LEWIS, HAIL
ttw•intrr, whirr fittl-.slur. week is turner) oat to tataq leave W lay beinr'e you the wit• i
interest from date sit deposit, and to tister, ulieltor to High Court. Con rey
In sea t. Can I• rater. Fn Tr>t trru in ins print- P matad rreetpoe acid expenditure [sir the i _- -.._ _ - _- __ sacce. ti.r.briek sad Rartl.-ld. Raf field at.
VQ Nur can tr dune on the Prcmlel7 from an ,Lieu( withdrawal. current ear, and would rtwumu,eud a Fur all derangements of the liver, dao t •en Tharsdsa/'s from lu to 1. 1tu"e to
Illuminated power to a . isitiag carol. y N
aTl1 twmmunlrations moot be •Stit,wied to + (G' In some banks -the Bank cf 'rate of cents on tete dollar ria all the I stomach and b)wel&, tale Dr Pierce s - - _ -- L `W` E• Iwa at Sl per cent. _-- _cab
Cumtterce, f 't instance -there is a • e rateable prurony of cull t cool real and flellrta. one a does).
o. <rcnLICSD W. P ptlrwna1. As per last retised a•cesament' - -- C. HAYS. SOLICIrcia, Se-
F;dourof THE Spx►L coal savings department in which inter. cull ; a bylaw for this purpose will tea +- 111 Temper If. NICHOLSON, L.D. S. I Olive. corner of r'quare a.id 'test
1 Ins Mseet Oorlrr{eh, o% or telegraph •&Net% Pet:
7rkOp bsnm Cal. vo. til, Ge.lerich Ono est is added to principal twice a year. t laid before you. Is more rapicity improved by rebut from 11 R N T A l{ It 00 M R, vara 1!amis to !sad at g per cent. MW
Thera are other advantages to d -poli- I H e estimate that there will be •brut s". sufferitig than in an other wa t.uhth dour below the Post ("tine. West -#t.. ------ - ..--- -
_ Shy 7 ll OOPRIUt•IL AiU-ly _ era
HURON SIGNAL. which o5tain in all well -regulated i DAM
thede over the monies received from yip on your friend's cirri, and the sore _ ------ ARROW St f _, says. oriOT, s.
the este of debentures required to be pulse to strik* is strongest. Putnam a,TJ. T ai 'solicitors,
chartered monetary institutions, and ; i l:, E. KICH3RIlSl1 , L.D.S.D aader.ch J. i.t7aerotr, R. Vruud:uut, 17
-------- -- _ _ - -, - hker. from general fund to pay present Painless Corn Extractor, by quickly and 1 _ _ _
- which male them superior channels to liabilities for waterworks eyeLem,inelud- po,jvlessl removing ti.eta, Imaures ,resod S C Jt a k O N D 6 % T i S T.
FRIDAY, AU'7. l3, 1tI . the Pont(lttice tracings Bank" laces o mli, the la Inir of the four cars of i 1 G*% and \'island Air administerrd for , CAMERON, HILT a CAXER')N,
-_. P [ , y pipe nature. Fifty imitations prove its vain.-. 8arriaters. Anisette" in Cul",. tee
inyes:ment, but we have given sodicien: purchased this year and fur the putting Mtiare of sotrtitutes. "Putnam'•," pa,nlc«estr•sttq,urtrrl:,, apx;rlrtl.•rst:on
given to the prvserrat,un of the \r:ursl .. C rich. M. C. lItemva, Q.C.; Y. tit M.
gooey'-t)FFi('E SA VIN(;$ BANK. to show that the unlimited c-iDfidence i 1O of worts ices. , sure, safe, painless. Teeth. O. ctataertia. ( C. !tees. i1b1.
P hitherto reposed in the latter is a pope• I
you will see by the estiwates for the: txilre -Up stairs. Grand Opera House Plowk. -_- c a•- _
Another popular delusion has beef' Entnatwr on N-cat-bt., t,odrrich. tl.;l-tv Fvi pare Or to sotto
year that cos n. t only use a.! this year's j
kaut k*d out. It has herrtoture been lar delun ni and myth. the Kirtgeton , revenue, but in additim to it we must + COLHOKN[i. _ _ __-
universally believed that the safest and Post (ithee Savings Bank defalestions' dew #6,24)8 out "f the surplus from I From our own correspondent. - -
__ _ Legal N*tkaL FARX R SALL-TRAT V 4,LU.
beat place in which I. dep"eitur could have shown that thieves du Brea: in and Pfetlow years to meet current require Mr R Grigg, who has been ..n tit- sick afore property known a, lot 1. ren. T,
lace his hard earnings and legitimate r menu, let for a week, is able to be about again. -=- ' Ashn..1%a MINT ri-BIrw A acres 1 land, all
P q weal, end even if much and cwt do nut ;t tra cents nn the d.dlar we raise f Mr J. Snyder is confined ,(ORTGAGXBALE fralued anti cors 1rI go t' o the wt Is a
I I The wife o i
surplus cash was in the I est-otAca Sav y tame house *coot n good frame tarn and
iso corrupt, the coarse of the Govegameot ,the year 8L'1,344 ►u taxes, and out of I W her bed by typhoid fever, wF vALI "Pi &tabic. 'rbere are four Roof wt• •1s a the
svgs L'Auk. The security of havmq in reD'_diatin the serious cf their agents that and other nems of revenue we MILi. ANIr TON'\ PROPET,T\' i pre -mise•. Alec a scoot orvhard. Tnr farm is
the l:.,vrroment of an entero DomtaiuD 1: q Dace all unci vtrulable Vmu.at of g30,• Their are •number of Clintomtes en- In the !nen of (:oilers, b, N, In.- t otu.,c of s codes fro,, Godrncl. cat fi fr.,m Pori
knocks the last leg fro)Di under the boost. , ' camped on 3Ir H t\' Forster's flat&. Ilan".. I rider rind by +irturof power ..r ytr Aln.rt, wt pea "flier, *intent cud churcn
at one • back gave • guarantee that no ; 381, leasing a very sma!1 cum for cur- r..ata,ued in,i,rtain mo - made by 11fas. 1;'ilrges are obtalsaWe. Teru,s reasonable.
g ed reliability td the institution. Air Levi Snyder,withthe aid of Mosan 1/rt:,,ingsrnot or hen to the t'rndn a rwhich !'sir particulars apply w the preemies or to
ether establishment could tib) eat town expenses. w:N too, rt,d.,. oil at the timrof ah o, Ihrtr will
pt y --- - - I We would advise a careful com:idera ; Fisher and Vaystone, is maiLiag things I "; alto,, C) p wl'i mile, Ilon. at Martin'• rewil l .1nt THAs MURRAY.
give, and many availed themselves c f I AT the present writing it looks as if tion of the t xnetsditures during I aum in the threshing line. ° the Iowa sit aod,,.rl,. ou 14wt Albert P. O.
the s 'r.,t,,rdag-. tit.:0. d,y "t' -s-14 1, 1). JARS
the apparently better security. ' sympathetic feeling is favor of AIn the balaaas of the year so that the call- i Air Snyder'@ thresh:aQ macfiine had ajr ARM FOR $ALIe.
Ma brick, the Liverpool alleged orae- mate* ms not be overdrawn. varra,w esia from • snwuMnL. A pair ,, two .ickrtt p, m , Gy *John ICwox. Ater ; 1 _
Front the above delusion the people I 7 rpoo y PO p a t.,ts wo ,,, 601ow inr valuable pn,prety. rix : i The wedersfrned will oRer for sale Ilor fol -
derma. will cause a commutation of bar Should it be considered nereswry W ''•f colts kelungin to Sir Jesse Stiy er Lias nomhrr et•vt•n hundrret and .ixtyakrre ; low,air very desirable farm, av,n•taung of the
Of chow country have been rudely awake I I ran sway from the men while g.,init down I:w' anti os.•vru hundnd end _ txty-r,.ur,7dn. eastert► t:l, *errs et Nitwit, ,cons tete of tit •
fiQoteNCl. extend the water main, we ask the couo- ruwnutic numbers. on rrafabrar &ters"L in lh.• , e••,is{nw of the a of Ni i of .- in the - in the
coed by the action of Itis Govirnmeot ' Am'a Fuher's hill. A* luck had it a laid tuwe sir c,rtrri. h, ront.Lninj in as one
cil to carefully consider the c,nditi,3n of i ('ounry of Iturne. VIM: farm is squat
in the recent I;urtu defalcation case at i ----- - --- - - i the finances, and the beat mode cf nu• , broken axle was all the damage d one. half acre of land. more or 14•4s, upow wkich is ,,,t 4 -ilea from Gtrlerich, and 1)
enr-ted meslesm-pow"rr -ill ,•acupied aa.t -ilea from ('anow•, nn the Main l;nvrl
Kingston. funis was a trusted ern• THE Hamilton wormer carnival has ! ins, funds to meet such expenditure. Ile John Stevens is under the care of "seed b the *aiA N ,n,wm Henain
Pe y Yrs as a great , Itned. There is a good frame• house, If.
p y I been in progreac this week, and un to I We would suggest the advisability of the sick committa0. null Wrthr pe,I I(rsewr*, «torr,.. Almost new. 34 l&7 3e, containing 7
to ell of the I:orernment in conneeticv I nut siokin the hula ov the waterworks The bo;hl rix i. crane . nn •roar fnnndat ion. ,,,ems : a lark -r tern, up by &L with cattle
with the 1'..at-otlice savings Department. I the present has been a bier sticccat. The q -__ ___ -_ _ _ 30x10.!, dnrir•hirb, w.,h 1,r ick engine inose .shed. 12 by N. a„arhed,and use •f Inc eA,,
property that has been under eutW0 - i400, and frond- atom honer tJrxaL It tr"rtes' ilrrhardt in the towtiyoip. It to watered by
Several person• had deposited in the j Ambitious City has not only absorbed i *once this tar,uwin to the condition sit DII h,{h. anachwf. all in ocoa,d rep•,r : has 2 rum i • never tailing &print creek sod a jot weiL
7 8 T Fj US. of *tone,. and lass a a:aircil) of 00 bill, of
Kingston bunch, and had received the inhabitants of the neighboring ril- I the finances. flour prr day. There uoa res rhanrl and free friers, reumlla
4ges, but Tun,atu and Coderitb and I '• It 1. ruw+rwiew2lT situated for the farmers There is no wa-re land -if any kind on, the
Burns' receipt fur the money : but the a have examined the fullowinq se I - • trwtr. within a few feet of \-Icrorut :*meet, s nula`c"w G -AA who"t withis M suds of rte
other large place• have contributed visit• i count• and recommend their payment:- BRE:ADSTUFFS AND PROV11"M ( 1.-wll.nr thurourhf•rr.
I wtmaster•Crnenl b.,1de that, inaa- i *A-IIIbr will on reasonable ural•.
ore to make the carnival a success. H. aecurd, $41 0:,; \\-m Lee, FIS. 15; H. brick ctt mare alm,rr•ecisid noon this pm,wyty a }„rteraiaanti h,rtkcr panlcutan apply to
much as a formal acknowledgment •serleYs'nee. aur lsx2t wifkhamekitchrw 3r_'2' JNO. RRE('kF:.\L'iIK3B
i Secoril, WAS; Win Ellicott, $10 75; R. alnachod. transit stable 17x3{, drisina •bed
from Llttawa cannot be shown, the Guv- , - - - , P. Wilkina,n, $9.53; HI•RO14 Stt;NIA QoDEOWN. Aull. T te6r. 101,2u woud.hedt hrnhousr and ,ether ".:I- Prr'Pr.V• "rich.
I+ a J(>L"IIPH MtitilWt\'\,
THE EDITOR'S TABLE. bwldu,rs Al, of ,her• h.iildl s art• aid m
ernment, wholes authorised agent toot ' ; 814 17: Sd•by 11fq. Cu., >E:'t;. aeras Sew... ................... w• •• o bl be in . °jt 6 ow the 1Hrmleem.
Wheat Old... ...................... b, „ 00 flood state of ,rpa;r, _
the money, is a it bound to refund it. !) of which a respectfully mbmitted TVkV" ,v SALK: Pro per cent, of the par- ' IRtrT CLAM AKiCK HOCRF. AND
y A Mord or ewe about \eco rw►Ilrat/•cos hour. P bbl ...................... b now S Sr, cbaw. nuns, ou the Jav of sale to the t'rs• !
Amon tt those who deposited eau Mrs! J. H. COLEuErE, Chairman. 0018. V bash .................. o >a M d an )
1 p Taat tate Cattle to tared. d"rs Ytrlicitnro. •with.• balanus, w1:ln.ut in• i IAYr FOR SALK (►N f3T. PATRICK RT.
Peas. >r bush .t ................. 1 tM t 0 SS tercet, In thirty dais tl:eroatrer, the a the Dur. About two minutes walk trout the
Donlan, of Wolfe Island, and the fol- L,TTELL - LK1'44I A..E. ERTIYATEI, Riatll'T3 AND ES PESUtTt"kia, poo toes husk 010 M 0 4i tlgrarr.
I'otattxs,new t),fjsM......1... 100 i. 1 Ifo chaorr will berntitlyd In a e»nreyn•,ce. and Twovorb•- 111th. hrlrk addition !n the rear
lowing from the Toronto Most fully ex. The numbers of TJ, L,r,wi •I,1, for the I TOWN Of OODEW. H, MDR THE YEAR 18B'J. Hay. V ton ................... . OO, u 6 101 to be let into p°•Irision. The part "r. at 1 sturte, It.4h. butldinir covered wNh slate.
Bolter, y e .. - a IT ar 0 Li the bene ofeale, ro sign nn errreemem for the ain buil,frrig hit- 3large ro'.rmsof, Cr el flat.
rte the (Itarernment t" is tfe• week@ ending August 10th and 17th con. C RL(LI ars completion of hit pan•tisar. and to have the oPalain cheer are S earl,► rmma to the rear
p Fdward Fitsltenld. and The Ethaes Amount tarried from iw* 0 6lRaM besb mspsbd lee_ _0 It ,r 0 1. ronvc)ance µ p aI III sown rst«•sre.STA "•d•tit:wa ti..r,, are so tis. p•n•rT. wnalirvom.
to C rent .......................... a"a 013 Iruderlume orf rxr. °aolo. The ` of Punishment, F rfn: ihfl•,. The Primi• Market rent -....... ,I W 18borfe, 0 tpl.................... 12 .i0 t. 13 Sri peeping will t ['octet. garb room and b•thwin, Al. Eaat
"It is evident that tit• Plat lM►ce Di` Maitland Cemetery........... 3" W !;ran i rpt ...................... 10 til r 10 h ►K put up .uhjr, r to w rcwrvr.l Md. Lusher tar. APPIF to tae uwdentgaed, well• will
rive Hume „f the Aryans, (%•afem rorry; t rl „ I ,M re•Vrcta ti,r .•"nertinn- of settle will 1.e the Else alllnecr•a.r) information.
h fns' Licenses-$uodries i s ou hopped Btla 0cot............ 1
partment at I /flaw• dues out intend to I Giordano Bruno and \eco Italy, -one • Liquor licensee ...... flR: e1 ScrTeriitw dmrcutsditiws o/ sale o: the High Coon i Ltf• UANIkL aORW\.
nA. NiNiOli t ................ eels" ! u nsto•r.
make good the money swindled from lite frrwlh 1%nh)rr; Giearre land at an Eat- lJoandary lines &v0 opo Wood -""..•.................•.. 3;e « 000 Furtherpwrticnbntnav tae nbla{tled lrt.rt
dep,•iWn is the float (Irfire SavinRa , lith schtoul, ahoml%: The (;real Indao Agncuhunl Park ...:... Oe Hidee............................ 3 -,.s- t 00 the Atu•iuut-vr. or from the &Aictuet for Ike ; FOR
jtabk b R. T. Burns, now ,n the a1- ! Old AOric°hanl Park. le Y0: wool.... .•....•••............... • is - 0 2t t-rndnrs, --
1 Pea i Dttwrt, and The Harriago of the Chinese 3heevt[kiss................... .. • m .. o ice I4,eA a, aatericb this inti day or .\sgn•,t 4 1 Of I -ref Godrrfci AID r']I ,a
teetiatq. sirs Dt>,dan, of \Yolfe Island, i )it
trite 1Fines 15 06: fbeswed Ran. s ewt............ 0 oa •• 0 at YMiLIP HOLT.
Emperor, .i riat:r yhtor f, , , : Isfahan to tit paste •c h0o1, earn ei[ uta Obi Apples, ,t bLsh 000 ' 0 00 A. Il. Itit•e ,Y.f
made apofifation to the Department ask. I gesbtrco Klurklr.* ol; *cringe Fated, and Eltrtric liEkt x waver work* 40tx► O, OARROtt' ,t PROi'DFOOT,
res, that her cans be con**iciest. Sbe, Pilgrims w Meea, f„rrth;fl; Handel: Wq tax .. 130 00 l Clinton4104"leas. Aug.6t t'evf&ws• rioliciters. I F ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES
i d
received the following document : I Statue labor lax. ... eau W Filft "ALY_"- Lot 1A to ?fattland Con
R , his Early Years. Tr,g4so Air; Fungi, i 300 00' Mor ...... _. $3 V t0 600 - -- - _- - i t ;oftsorne. 112 *term - a very due term. Price
In yourpseshook, received for *t.tchtl ex., ,V,mfh-. ();d A-anice,.tf'.r,nu'.; Dieclover7 Atmea&mrntat 2renrnonthe 0 s Fall w' ;;;.wow tsedsli....... O A to o 4, t;WIL Lot k t •` in 1st cow. r- It. Ashfield•
aminal con. appears ant -vier of deposit of PM oil o° OLI17,310.W 2ZI+1 m ; 1prin Wleat 0 to to 0 r Loait8 and insurance. V •crea. price #12.0. Lots 13 and 11 in lst ('0w.
of an Aes rears Libre :5.300 1 ens Old, Barley .......................« 0 to to 0 do 161ah•a*,Rrnre oretr. Pre acres. %,III be Veld
/.Attgtist Fat. Ile.ir of which this otflce received y
me report from the Pootnoa,ter at 1(inswon. 1 n,%eaa,r Setye, ; with Instalments of •sir seat 76 Ott*... ............................. e " to 0 2e ZXL----a,- -- _ -. very rhewp,Lota I3, 16amd %'),-I 17, In ,be 0th
No acknowletiEmrwt of sw•h depo,•it sou Charles Dancers" and "11r Dsndelow: • [a7tr1AT1Da1&FeI,DITCItb•. Pres .................. 4_.... 0 it to 0..141 O2AUER, ,can•tt'awawesh. Eric aerewnfex llentland In
"ne block. Prole Pl.l,•(,.•. iW 7:!_.%i, ll„
newt to you by tete the Il st istasi r-(Je and SW He;( Told,' and poetry. For tiff Elections ADPIea lrrrt/FppBs►. W........ 1 M to i 50 C. i •,anise. •rown of (;,„Frisch. 1' ,re nnl'ys OSnI
)o° never •pplled to the 1',aauwster-lkweral ty Pce y y r••••-• 0 -6 00 Potatoes......._ .............•...... 015 to • 10 CLF:1lK r11tyT Illx'idtOX (`OI'RT. ,'at 1 town of Gairrlrh, on Li ht Horne
for ah ac,kwowledEarent. if you rn of I- two number• of sixty-f•)ur large pages Public schools....... L101► 00Rutfee...._..........- ............. 0 12;to o Is Coare a
nion that you did mr•lie .ach nepitit it willit ffepwwe selmals ...... .... I110 W l fi,Mrs........................ « .. a 11 to 0 12 ) °i er. Iruunnor, karate and General start. with brick bursae and *tabs.•. 1'rlee
nccewarr *or you instate what rsidesew yo° h (sir more than !i•3&1 pages • year, to°st tateCounty................ lire is l Hay ....... 6 00 to i (10 Age Only SAM Lop 9:7, srq, 1013 and pt. 1011
Moveyy to Lead sr AVEl ow Rates and Cost own or aoderlrb• a~
have of your havingdour as, besides the entry the subscription price $8) u low; while His° school ...... 1001 W l ( ordwed....•...............'. 3 M to 100 Partner r' ?iotrw Dist osnred. y tit of an acre, in of the
erid n of m k J hauind0.btngeriun'In•ive fur >L10 i)0 the publishers offer G, stand Printing ed . 3y Ile Beef •••••••• •• sees• 3N to 0,101 Orrirt-\ext W Conivll-a Furniture Slone, I townnl 14ieei lT tl!•r 0. Th br»n proper-
sut land Cemetery in the ...
1° an stye of the Amencwn veRisl Wool-,••••••••••••••••-••••••.-.... 0 to to 0 20 , Ooderich.
why Too serlected to inform the Postmaster y !4 00 month• , Public works ................ s00 00 /'ori .... . 030 to 0 f0 _-- 2ltlbtf tlr& will be add on rally terms so -*yeller.
<iesenl en nwlimR that no acknnwle.fgwarnt 'Gee or weeklies with Th. L,ri.,q ,lye ter I fiaterisg sirwsss............ -s a0 Apply to
reached you within ten dayafter the deposit. a year, bath postpaid. Littell S Co.,elief.... ... ........... Ivo 00 - 1 J. T. N1FTE C. SEAGkR, poderich.
aeorllatlun* un Ibis point air learly printed r Asrlcnitttnf Park ...... 301 00 s 4 N.R.-3toery to lead at rorr low rats rr
en ),our pa•shook, and bring v e for the ' Botion, are the oublishen. Council chamber aqM O sO e ` column. LiFE, FIIib .fA'll . fq'II/E\T I \•'
@nfetyand protectionofde'pr,s{tor,,adepo•{tur, ''xpeoseV 75 do I AL[ABLE FARM FOR SALE. --
who rape to rtateree the m expuotes himself to i I `•Tari. ,...dins AuiMen late m r.. - .- -," __ _ - - _ __ \ t R.i _\y •A• A(;E.vr. je
THE TOWN COUNCIL That valuabt-1 Property known a-,. lot U)3,
risk or low i Inen once west 00 `1 TANTEI) IMMEDIATELY. -- A Ltip t
inannnq 13 10 T rDresenlisE N xtk Wilith t Mrrcastile its it land rnn., Oodench to%aah! .• w i,hin one
Mn D.o'.las was illiterate• and had i Market tptwd. L,r,don t l;lo►r Xurwi1yh union; mile of (h,tlrrbeh. (In the farm am a tar"
s o0 eonspeteM general servant for small North Afnt•rbcan Life : • Acefd! inner. orcluard. gtr,tt frame house and kirchea, with
trusted lineal to du bat business fc.r T►e Nlauses of 4N f4m1-Meutaty meet- special great Mechanics Ins- family. MIM I.V W Int, *rile "( X"rth A mertra et stone cellar and frwuie barn and s•rble.; Com
Iwg ailtmu 0 100 00 Iwlt Vtest Rtreet. 1 owt*t hare* Use" sell" promptly pops •3 acres, well watered. For farther
her. perW gnat Dominion Da --- f1t y pis
The council of the town of Ooderieh y torn 00 Money to (inion on Farre and Town Pronertparticalan 01000,110 (ISO ifCKIMow the predr.
That there had been • woeful neglect I 30000 W ANTED. Conveyaerinr done. I'm T spit,
of precaution on the part of the Cavern. i met last Friday evening.' the ]Grit Inst. Muniolial Loan Fund fie re alsim 09doow f h' - y
bentureo 00,. --Cor. North-st.nnd tr3.1
went is a rent it, ever one, and that The following, members were absent : 29le o0 A Qood lrolnrral ,cermet to go to Toronto. _ 71- FOR SALT ('HEAP - 4o Ll►Tg IN
W y Sinking Fund f•ark 30f1 00
they should wok now to dodre their iia- I Councillors Holt, Smith, Reid. Canteicv sit►pP,y ro Mn Mo Ml(xtNa. ' 2W,000 PRIVATE FUNDS diff rcnr Parts of liodsytcn- fines I *ties
I • Elect r wlight 211 s __ _ 4T► to 7 criers is ere*; anti 3 dwelling boccie. Ap
and Morton. The minutes of the pro. Electric light !1! p ell a THOst, \ti L'ATII dwells , 217A
to meet the claimsscandal
of poor end vious meeting were read and approved. Agri! Park 12097 HAVE RENTED THE HOUSE To lrrr on farm and town pmpertr, ar Few _
ignorant step »icon i. & ac,►ndal cur which lits st I latelir necu i j jOU$E AND TWO LOTS[ MM
The town treasurer pit-nsa:ed • state- D ed hT Mn R. iwmogh, coiner eel ,ntert at. NorgaLta Dnn Levvt, No ro@s 1,
no apology call be o@ teed " I I of Waterloo awl Kest sts which 1 will o {fin
mrtit up U, August 13th, showing a Interest-Note,dir•ounted. 2s 00 -1 ^ notast board,etrhouse &furWeitsto,w is lel pen ml- charged*.;''tits for thrTruerand iAMN YALE--Taehe0w*Fv *frilltroeenr, a1
1$r Ha art is clear! well within the ..,,,I r .. Park dehentnna .. 301 tip Sept_, al• Company of ('onads. the Canada Landed so beth mom,
IIZ T i balance on hand of lt+ "•..8, kltMrie Iignt lti0 00 es exhibition week. Credit ('ompa"). the London Lown (•ompany Pa«•rT. closets• eviler, we".
law, all the statute declares that the only f '• Nitect r works _.... %.ie On It -Ie. RRCBT PAYNIL. of caaads. inte•rrat, 6, ty and ,per rent. filled, hard and son water. The y ceders con -
o .,t'Fttti .. M lt, \. B. --i ewrowem Can obtain money is 1 tains all vtcisds of friar. .Alae a'ar arm of
valid reeet tis that which emwnatee from Ag"'I Park da land in Want - f
P The following aor,unts were received --- 3e21 On 1►MINION fiTAT[-'TES, goof title wt{*racers farm pt r in exchange for
headquarters. But it will be "barrred Municipal "a" tWA Is12 a 0.AYhiUN a 160-,STO-4, Drupeety.b K M R10Ht. (iodrrleh.
9 end referred to the tioance Committee: am Bamsters..!'c..Ooderick -- __ TI -Wit
The ibenlnttan Ptatate inr 13•r have been _
that the law, which is m follows, is some- F. S.seeth, shingles, etc., $33 l!►; R. Vectrie light ,If•water works I received. All parts* duly nselifleo to'are lwe - -' F1►R SALK
F'mudlnot, rebel omen, f ; .A;1; ,1c,s. t expense arcount few ro copies can have Them hII raYliaaigat my oAla% I -
000.000 T(1 LOAY, APPLY TO r
what Ranh to dlpoeiton: Wa rr works capital acct Tao 00 iRA LEvt'I4, t1► (•AxkRO}1 Hila[ tCAH1iRON, tied tt e.i bait M Ln Ttl, Arthur blurt, wlfk
Williams, lumber. >Il24. I7: Jahn Robert• ptxrm t oss by eltatat• cod Clerk of the Ponce. I rich. ,76 j •weal[ hark axtatfr ttirernn.
iI TRAIT FEO)1 q'ri1tT OFrlo r, ♦ArI]t.,t R►►tc i son, relief, Sl:r7S The adroont of 9lylaw ( a'Ic4 Attu. h. let,. Ibtt j
ltetlt'LATIUX.. I Sterrns tQ Fturns, London. for hydrants, , Visc"um on rollectioss cad .d0 ~ -. -- - "- ---- - I - ---_-_-- -- mlit'rt.,tte Lan►. -cert. is6, 114, lib. pests
a, c a nw&htw to awlkr•t - I;ARBER 'SHOP REMOVED. Al reet, St, Andrews \card,
A. -Each ds sine's ma.,uric is kept y ' 101 M i /NEY TU LEXD.- A L A R G If 131, evttwr of Haroo and Bettannia Rand.
b P etc , lE iii i 1, con urdfled to be paid. . Sasdriot wood amoanr Of Private reeds for Irireelmea 1 Frame it story hoose on Kenya Street, let
in the Postmutwt Gcnerwl's (►tllow, in It6I',oRT .,r THE Pl'RLIO a•ORi, , nXt1TT• - Ny rnVttarnrn aid the ewsral lmhlle air ulowetmareswwNf<:aM]iOrl(t7ges Apply .ewd iWf 1•++d.
(►ttawa, and in sdditinn in the float. ' SSis'M 7t herrhy informed that 1 Rare remnvtrt u,y eOARROW t Pilot;[) r4retwl N.ts In Rapid's ROrrt
matter • receipt in the Pau MmA, a di. i TEE. shaving Par1,x from Raw -et to rhe ttgnare, i Skow roIto- I cs T. Annetta mew
E(r14w Nn u, 188!1, regarding the ae;tae A. Mardtr•4's oboe erweourim, whet e ii RADCLiFFY ^V >x• !1• f1I m. 6T 61. s6 M. si
T,M acknowledgment (nom the Post- ' T., A, 1f,tynr ,rn,I f'onnril : b. on w the Oryfan G'u., wes fivall 1 w 1 he prepared to utt•md to a!1 b"aintrw {n j1, ' All the *bete H LOW RATkB_
master I:ewerai (n. each *rico paid in la The public works committee consides. ed. y Wm Itr+T {@e, sine parbr. tees! chain* end goes ' [l$NRR.AL iv$['RARC(t, fWt t•W to
avrtt to the depositor. If this acknow• Euara°1eed DAVISO:; t JORNtIT01v.
u ad the potitinn of \fears. Miller. Gait Slaved by N;cholain, src•onded b Minim. R. L. WKSTO7r. I REAL $YTATR AXD
ledittt,ent dose nest re•oh the depositor y -_ _ __ _
within ten days from the date of his de- and 111c[.ees for a file drain nn Sntat` Dunlop, that the matter of, laying a side- I 1fl►NF-Y IA►ANIhG A(7ENq' f>riu661ft811t8.
Istrrut, and we cannot roe,,mmend thfwt j walk ton Moll, sides of N'op_ot, from the YI.A No TEAconnNG. font pwral.rltta. .
pmt for ,rghtastn days if he ewd• is - - M . "cola t0 Lend nw,t r
Ip mre hr granted f,•r this year, a tbe Md of the present .,nes to \\'aterlrna-at, loAl r n" t interest
rtti*b Colombo sir the Northwest Ter- I/hu Andrew* will tt re lewesrnt nn tl)e OelEa, to any waT a nDZRlxld MECHANICS'
i *•-#mitre consider tl(e main sower M by referred ft, the public works 0nmmit. Nano to • limped sweater ,of tvnr bw a[ Iter suit t1. twwnwrr, G')DE Lf RRA R Y Axb R A
ritt,rive) he most appy imm*dist*ly le not in a fit stat* to re'•'e1T• the wwgs {ere to nepnrt. Csrnwd. rweldeew• Rrliaas.a H,oad tx at Ike reel- I 6►OrriCa -- a,ereid F from %,am pftnop[i, eco. If sag&
tDe fl Mmaaq*r (]enrrrl, by Irft*n, Ming - dswoe of Iseella Torp • reas n.blp. Having i West street f}odaFlok. SKr, street atttd war* fwE
that would be diechsrsed into it. \Ve Bylaw No .. ••f 1RR!1 to strike the ked • artmlwrof -ewe x &rale.
careful to Fire boa addrw, and, d nnc•e. r+rle•it it •f miring a repaired
d that the bridge, hill sella, wm recd and pasteel. This b Ice cetisfa tee.: her, rile tlle•s ewddewl d gtvinE i .at_ OPen [rent t tee p.m.. Mem 7 to N V.m
esry, conte ipt c retry w the fleet- from $. Mpturrd-cwt expected r, *- I-. nr the sem „( $20.,UilW)_;p g,, osibfacler;tWlce. Is. 340 Auctioemng. ABOUT 2000 V(►ldfl IN LI1tRART
,testers r, waft , n entry in the I'aN ftt>ts 020 to S.S. Re wield ai.n se- 1:3 62 fur munteipsl pwrp>,aete; !4\00 I - -r -- .- Lsrs'lin I
lkwrk n not swgi one from
1M tarlhet % ` THS iICRA`4 i1(1 -_ -'-s ? A,ay. A"r,U,_W tt,W Mwrhw"
p, y that par that the h.•uw and clam on I for public aclstiol& :=4(10 k.t esi,•rals 1 ~ TOfiK K101 09NF,RAL ACC- PRPer'..1l,rr.t:iwra, dr., on )Pilo.
t-sfl -v the moll, from u ttaw► I that pearl h lM eQticultural he eisillsat eehcwob ; and 112R!1 1A floe ,be *rent This w*,I-know. and , rl TIONICRH cord lied oat-r.rer• t1„d., mptuSRRRgtP T1C$tT• ONI,Y eD,
!u ours d, y anted dn s, the r1 ha *sten . 11wL 114i ins ksA
y (w•sit.,r *cost .enol his ,lately (.nrohasw,l he acid /nr fire bet (eft, Thte wth neffwesiafe •new o/ two n,hred and eat cog ret* pass a.s.,n. • E ovwsNenlala• a*Iperi„tttw I. E,wathts tr., ttae and llawdln'
l+fw.k, ' ere a yetar, wit . on tit* awnlrer- ti sod is now aer.,wd ro wise 1. Ottaltty of •e- tl"' onrlle"orrirt frsde. he i• In • P,"Itl+•i
tern That caw I). cbtainef. Tit ixata- Bente rico tit* d•allar, to fie divided y (tai. eammotatlnw h,► rhe r►ave;llag pwhlie. (!nod dts" o rrl•fy,et"w sn ,rNrt Appileaeltrw Iew
sary o f his first deposit, (nr Clofwp+atti•raw mittea were nvawo to stale to a weir 'owe : -Octant rate. 1 3-10 mills ; aoarrwmndatina tar ln,w tc Qwest mindownew .irwrad ak;, haw. Os'Is,i+s l ,, et mem-seehll, r•ew1v.4 b&
unit the bwaAk. of Ibe Deportment, sad i factory arrangement with the A bel(, CRAIG. Man tw's '+(e1, w e*mt l.lbvartas, in reomaL
[(icsl- 1k echau a, 4 :r milia ; municipal per, j scall,, M man so my ear7 r0a I A uA u+ONAAN. aICO. ETIntYR,
6•dattal► Owt 1'roprtaNr. f R'40XM h•4mrwh lawar. 1 iiia 1pjlDt Pr,.ldvwt. a.w►etars
IIM Geller". HsreY lank, fee
%* -
i I - . '
'AnsinflitilLosessessmas - _ _ r
, ,a,, ,a,,,ti -,Aly ,Leo,.• .:.'3+d%-2Lt..ML%;;&'-u&"'.i. " r-"
•.' -