HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-23, Page 3tart, au,' two that t tau the health en: If torpid .:r ►Dacttve eta hematite den aged. r Curu is •INJe specially nine, dimmers, anti te urs. Recipe book mad old by all urugt;t.ta. NN'S KING VDER {YUTiPoFND RA/LENS :.XT: OF • ' .WILD.' PlBERRY1 • CURES OLERA' lora Morbus 11 C'a0.a� A M PS ►RRWEA 3ENTERY MER COMPLAINTS )F THE BOWELS ) RELIABLE FOR ADULTS, NURSE MFG Co PRIM 1 RUO.. . - MuNT1:E.AL. a Or THE tate RRATED SAP , 0' iatiill,A ER fINE by practical con- rrior to anything radian Market. INFORMATION. 4 Inters also of and g(.TTON BAGS d LAND I•LAaTER. Warehouse --"_e FRONT . DONNELL. Manager ru3�L1_ en lbw, m.....o froZwillINIA•ol• resonaisoftI. ani dr mom ad. Idaho./ jaw me magi. ass _ Rao lwam... dr. pm -..re.as W .Seto tar- M loris ..w. seer ours prig i .t tNc-i tae w .n .. ,.ea�-�, IS, at . BALM twt'l a. Dixon, 1'...., out. May 11th. 18117. i for Ave years with lisease, catarrh. Her wont knov-n in these 11 of the catarrh risme vert hoed. but they were 1y procured a bottle of has toed only one halt r like a new person. 1 n say that Nasal Raba IGH LY recommended es. sad am pleased to were knew through its t re Outset relief and Ids& MCGILL Farmer SKILL of Goods from abreast of the the mark. My my efforts to everything us - cal public may Trydepartment. Goods I will n Merveillienx 'Q,f Oft. - kw I and Edgings, ding items in ad strictly one CTNRO, and Haberdasher THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 23, 1689 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD WHAT IS GOING ON IN OTHER LANDS' AND PLACES 1 Baer bas t asereauns ll. I to outlive $19,6611' 1, Prepared ae iao awlaWtNa a our 'Waders. President IIerrlsoo u again In Wssbi.g- tea. Nearly all the Peansylvaai• minus bays returned tow urk. ♦ raUwar u to be built trot Hankow to Pekin, ill �iea. Mr. Wm. Cowie, the well-known Introit ssagiae r, is dead. Ottawa, ITL, now has in operation an elec- tric street railway. Twenty-five hundred dock laborers of. Leaden have struck. Edison receives the title of count from the Meg of Italy. Iowa Repetitious has nominated Mr. Hutcheson fur Governor. The Heleublicamsof New York State are warmly discussing the high license qussti e. Aiexplosion in New 1 -ark fluky night am mag mad injured over twenty other le. RELIGIOUS NOTES. fsIs,. lI.m rarea..p . Otalatalati fo l'trm•• limo wort. Eight miesi•.nariee_frum the Melbndist Jburch of C.gada left Vancouver for Jhina on the 9th August. liPaA.1.ne said to Dr Cuyler the other lay, "1 thauk God for the iiabhath ettb .s net for body and mind." )lelhuuree. Anetralia, is to have a rublic of ock -:kith will roll ufl a Fopular .nr every hucr excepting dente Sunday, when only weed music will be played. Archdeacon Fa pleaded recently hefure the Cuuvueai►uu fur au attempt to reach ilia poor by reviving the monastic .rden. the new nunlike vowing, like Father 11 untiugtou, obedience, celibacy .tad lies arty. Mr Spurgeon attracted great crowds luring hie visit to Guerusey lately. Ad• niesiou to the unites was by ticket,sud fewer that 10,000 •pplicatious were 'trade. Ur Hodson Taylor, (Mender of the .'hiva Ialaud 'Mission, in which a num- '.ir of tiauadtaua are eugstled. spoke at lfunttral the other day, he related abs incident : Two young ladies left Two men of the war ship Collingwood l)suada last autumn (or China, and un lifers asphyxiated ers ahyxiated un board a torpedo lee in4there empluyd • learned fol• boat. •mer of C.t tomos to leech 'hent the 7 be price of Bowsaw pig iron has been language. Although their meats et pct up from $I.1:i0 andlltito $16.50 ssdt17 communication were very limited, yet per too. room teacher could not but are that they The prassmen on the New York World ''fess -Sed • peace of mind and spiritual went out 00 some at one o'clock Saturday floppiness, ..f which he knew nothing, morning. Rud for which he began to lung. '11'ith- Twenty-eight municipal officers of Madrid in three months the Chinese teacher had have been arrested fur (muds in the city ad. cart away hie idols and made an open ministr.tion. 'orofeseion of Christianity. and at once It Mitered that all the breweries of ('hi-tbeaaa to teach others. He has been sag.. bavc been sold to • syndicate of Engin capitalists. The storm in the .Missouri valley a few d•ys.g. reused the loss of twenty lives and half a million dollars. of in hie mission work. 3 Iran l■ Bid. Ggeouroz,c, I tried your Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry and was per - The technical t'ummiasion to examine the leanly cured from sickness. I was sick state a the works at the Panama (Ousel is in bed for three years and after taking almost oumpleted. six bottles I was perfectly cured, and The Czar has eon ferred • deonr•tion oaoow I would not be without the medi- (;rueff, the man who abducted Prince Alex• Sloe in the house. ander from Bulgaria.lisle- Euxvca FCLLeb Lot week in Glasgow Mssro e. Tito rreker P. 0., Ont. lane. hed the Bed Star Line Friesland,--"'�-- ply between New York and Hamburg. The London Methodist Recorder says TM C. ", ordnance building at sandy of the wonderful success of the Central Ho.te has '� beonn struck by lightning •ndd°u Mission Iter er Edward be,: •d, all tyre fine instruments being des- Smith, who has published its history : 4�•sl• It will be asked, "What bas been the • It is state) that M. Waddington hasiseeret of a success which within three been instructed to sound the British Gov- years has given s deserted, dismal eminent on the question of extraditing: hapel, seating only 1,000, in the center Boulanger. .f London's must clerical atheism, a The Northern Dakota and Northern Pa4wembershir greater than that of the cine Elevator ('oenpanias have formed earned thriving chapel in London 1" It is s.iliamw, and will now have the Uakota•,imply the position o1 a pastor who has farmers at their mercy. I.made captaincy a study, whose aim is to Messrs. Wilkie It Taylor, who imported law the people one by one, "warbleg skilled labour from Europe to work on the ,very man and teaching every man," n ew Capitol in Austin, Tex., were tined uimoding airmen singly, and, as they Saloom for the ogen.e. sire saved, building them one by one Elder William Spry. who has leen in tha.,,to the fabric of • living, working vicinity of Chattanooga for more that twelve ch h. years working up Mormon converts, k•s' been arrested, charged with bigamy. A well-known woman of Norflolk, Va., Ras mode • declaration to the effect tW she knew James Maybrick intimately, and that he was in the habit of taking arsenic in Few children can be induced to take physic without a struggle, and no wouder -meat drugs are extremely nauseating. tyee's Pills, on the contrary, being so - Lege •iasnuties. I_sr-meted, are eagerly swallowed by the little ones, and are, therefore, the A a it te boy who sou obuter by • moi !moats family medicine. toil, in tai thhe tiaa Dias mountains, New � Mexico, the other -1&y died in great agony. Mr W. J. Chapman, Wingham, has He acted like a wolf, and though small it took several men to hold him down on hie his tannery nearly completed. Toe car - bed. penton and bricklayers will soon be The Subsidiary High Court of the Anciensithroueh, then he will be able to go into Order of Foresters, of Minneapolis, have de. business on • large scale. ceded to sever all connection with the High Court of England and organize as an Ameri• I rise .Ntlshesra Reim can High Circle. The difference erne. over I Forms an instance of a wild amen fcr the admission of coloured nun to the order. Ian uncertainty, which is just the oppo.. THE PROSPECTIVE BRIDEGROOM DIED.Itte of the steady boom enlcyed by Bur- - :do:k Blood Bitters. Buyers of this Nlmt ue Emirs aasdeeme room.. M fib medicine get a certainty -an unequalled fstesded •sd Mer reseals remedy for all diseases of the stomach, Hatt: AN. A 'liver, bowels, kidneys tied the blood. 2 ung. 1 . -Arthur C. Chambsn, a commercial traveler, started from Boston • week .go for Halifax. via Montreal, where The Doherty Itrgat Co,Clinton,recent• be stopped over • few days to see his uncle. ly received a cheque for $411 from the While at hie naci's be eomtraoted scarlet Customs Department,making in all 11065 fever and after but • few days' illness died received from this source, being rebate on Wednesday evening of t►is week. Miss of duty on organs ahip-Ied out of the Amanda R. Laidlaw of i►artmouth, whom country. be waste marry next week, received a let• _— ter from his uncle this morning announcing her sweetheart's death and stating that de- la Brief. stew mass runt. ceased made • will on Aug. 10, which left $30,000 to be paid to big intended wife ons' her 19th birthday, Feb. 1, igen, and 110,000 Dy.pen.ia is dreadful. Disordered to be divided between ber brother, Robsrt liver is misery. Indigestion u a foo to )L Laidlaw, sad his sister, Mies Pb/ebe gond nature. Chambers, share aid share alike. . The human digestive apparatus is one Deoeesd wee In hie 2111t year- Robert of the most oompliated and wonderful M. lAidlaw is the well-ksewa Prod"'"*" things in existence. It is easily put out skater. Mks A. B. Laidlaw lives with herd order. parents .t Mlllaove, Dartmouth. I Greaq food, tough food, k °Off sloppy food, Wangs Blas Ile- Ibed coo mental worry, lata hoar, 'irregular bits, and many other things ntght a Nani fuse, Aug. IA. -At 11ook o''eclock to- which ouq not to be, have made the cellar of tyle t explosion buil iag at 407 American penitis a nation of dyspeptics. Grand -street. The gat boor ieen wpisd BM Green's Aust Flower has dome b T. J. McCabe sea crockery store. 'Thep wemtierftl work -17;o1_, ormng this mad p was eleesed out by the explo.Ioa Ib- d imaging the Americo The dying debris struck • young man n•md /Milia to health that they can enjoy Jacobs, who was working on the other kik05 15 ail happy. side of the street, killing biro instantly. I Item ester :-No happiness whitest Several other people were badly injured. health. But Green's August Flower The wounds of- sassy wen dressed is an brings health and happiness at the adjoining drug store and is the Delasoey- dyspeptic. Auk your druggist for a street station house and about SD whose in- ibottle. Seveity-ive soots •owlp juries were more serious were attended to in Governetr aad Bellevue hospitals. -- Sir Richard Cartwright, says the am...et IR Ms& Belleville thrtnrio, is an eotbtulsatie Bsr.awa, Meet, Aug. 16. -At Townsend yachtawan. in latter years he has de. the Merced River is so low that • large Iveloped a great fondness for the winter, area of the river bed is exposed. Teenaged and As way he can handle a male suet Plata, r•cocaly began grsaad deiclog for is a caution. Be is summering on his 4 pl.Oer goad te the espe..d pored-* of tae Than trod lase brows me s berry sad se 'river bad and bee .freak it risk. The robust Y a. oz. He isle Sate. io w steat �n� � 1aer isteek d t>feBglb (or ilio oomt t mit._ day thee• p1oee+ oma >ar treated to edvasts,u The Missouri will prokaN soon be Yid' with gold ia.iin uae(or illy .8.. each way drew w a. Meteng ea tsast w wefts. JeafNrr ATT. N.J.. Aug'. 17. p-a3fiee regole Lamy., mo - fpr en t Sawa er Werra.wassail at telt dg� whiwas"' she 'W laIIIg him Frei w Zoe stateroom was sr 'toted sad bee %swab brakes epee. As AIM Waft iteaa 1rwrt.01tk. tom bated be Mw e1 Meng le le'till oils tdM r ea g.e modte wflth betMen sr•weatnsshp abed ilia Santa `w bees I% pies nee doss bee kof..ch1 e as Ikeda �g.late Ike Liver and Rowels by the =late of National Fills, they are rarely vegetable. 1. Tb. bed reg.wnn bet tk..ii.a.ea tke bad emu. Ilex binomials, ipdig.rliem 'tad all ides .risi.g bow a dimetu erect live. aro anima si.giba Joaroo'e Took Loot PWa 8.m11 is time Sopa 'Med, mild, �d, bibles ask, fel sole by . • dwass•--OI me does "I &sun to my or iwmding w boot hoer sa- w "emaam ear,' tiro rew.rksbla der w Teeth ad PDX Ask td ge address Timen Wades a. Timely es/ideas u shown by those who keep Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry ru hand It bas no 'oust for cholera, cholera morbts,dierrb.cs,dyses- tery, colic, cramps and all summer CI= - plaint* or kouseuess et the bowels. 2 edt Raab Notes. The oldest tank notes are the "flying scoury," sir 'Yromvenittat money,' first wu,d in China `Nim; B C. Originally these notes were issued by the Treasury, but experience dictated a change to the banks under Guterumrut Inspection and amirot. A writer in a provincial paper says that the early Chinese bills were in all ewntals similar to the modern Mink notes, bearing the same of the bank, date of issue, the number of the nose, the signature uf the official issuing it, indications of its value in figures, is words, and to the pictorial representa- tion in wins or heaps uf coins equal in amount to its facev•tUe, and a notice of the pains and peualtiia of counterfeit - log. Over and above all was a laconic exhortation of industry and thrift :- "Produce all you can • spend with econ- omy." The notes were printed in blue ink un paper made flow the fibre of the mulberry tree. 1)ne issued in 1339 B C. is still . aretally pre.er ve i in the Asiatic aluseuin et St Petersburg. Real aperelate Mitt n•. nig in buying medicine, but try tee great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chaae's receipes. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases ot the Liver, Kid neys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists. The diatreesini; paleness so often ob- served in young girls and women. is doe in • great measure to a lack l'f the red corpuscles in the blood. To remedy this requires a medicine which produces these necessary little blood constituents. and the best yet discovered is Johnson's Tonic Bitters. Price 311 cents, and 11 per bottle at Geodes drug store, Albion block, Goderich. Sole agent. [Lid Aleut TN Abe Wasn't Tired. "I'w awful tired,- Dusenberry said as he flung himself into a chair after Sup- p +r. "What did you do today?" meekly asked his wife. "Filled • large order, wrote three let ten, went twice to the bauk and bugled with Branson until he threw $'J of hu bill. - "And that made you tired, eh? ".'e11, I prepared three meals, baked six loaves of bread, got the children ready fl r school, mended all your cit thea. c:eaned the stair rods, stoned three pounds of raisins, picked five quarts ,pounds berries, weeded the flower bed, whits -washed the cellar, and chased an impudent tramp off the premises. And I don t say that I am tired,either"'-Detroit Free Prem. Del mer's* fessserfells. Counterfeits are always dangerous, more so :hat they always closely ioi- T•TH THF OkI(;ISaL l ( APPxaaA'(-a •!(D sant. The remarkable success achieved by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Heed hes ir- duced unprincipled parties to imitate it. the public are cautioned not to be de eeived by nostrums imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, etc. Age for Nasal Balm and do Dot take imitation dealers may urge upon you. For ale by all druggists our sen - post -paid on receipt of price (50c and 11 by addressing Fulford •;Cc , Brockville Oat. tf Meat Sei robes Salt as disk i• try the Great Kidney and Liver�re t� tor, made by Dr Chase, author of Chase's receipes. Try Chase's Liver Care for all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Bold by James Wilacn, druggist. fN a Reek Meal Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book agent but has the agency in Goderich for Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he can heartily recommend for any com- plain to which a tonic medicine Is ap- plicable. This valuable medicine has been with moat astonishingly good re- sults in tams of general debtlity, weak - nem, irregularities peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, lose of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every one u troubled with at Sonet of the year. Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitten 60e. and 11 per bottle at Goode's drug store, Albion block. Goderich, sole Meat a Long -Standing Blood Diseases are c'u'ed by the persevering use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thin medicine in an Alterative, and causes a radical change in the system. The process, w some caner. way nor be quite so rapid as In other : but, with persistence. the result le certain. Read these testimonials - •• For two years 1 suffered from s so. vere lulu fit wv right side, awl had other troubles caused by a torpid liver mud dyspepsia .Alter giviug several medicine, a fair trial without a cure, I begau to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was greatly benefited by the Hast bottle, and alter taking Ave bottles I was com- pletely curet." -John W. Beowu, 70 LawIemce St.. Lowell. Masi. Last May a large carbuncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies had uo act and 1 was confined to my bed for ei ht weeks. A !need induced we to try Ayer's Sanaa rills. Leas than three bottles healed the sore. iu all wy expe- r:.•uc.• with medicine. 1 ni-cer saw more Wonderful Results. Atnther tnarke.I effect of the tine of this medicine was the strengthening of my right." - Mrs Carrie Adams, Holly Spriuge. Texas. I hail a dry scaly humor for rears, and suffered terribly ; and, an env broth- er and sinter were similarly atlficted. I presume t1,,- malady is hereiftary. Last winter. Lr. Tyr,u. (uf Feruaudlua. Fla..) re.•..ttimendel nue to take Ayer's Sarsaic rills. and continue it for a rear. For five mouths I took It daily. I have not had a blemish upon toy blsfy for the last three urxrtbe.• -T. E. Wiley, 14+1 Chambers st.. New York City. " Last fall and winter I was trooble.t with a dull. heavy pain in my si:le. I did out notice it much at first. but it gra.lually grew wurae until it became almost unlrnreble. Dnriug the latter part of this time. throttle» of the atom - a..11 and liver increased my troubles. I le-gan raking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and. after faithfully continuing the use of thio tried•.. ire for some months. the pain dtsall}wared and I was cunq.letely carrel." - Mrs Augusta A. Furbusb, 1(accrhiil. Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rELI' u:tt. CA Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa Price $1, six t ,u:el, 41. Worth 41 a bottle. Mr Thos Dodds, of NIcEiilop, delirer- ed the tint new wheat at Ogil. is& tout. Seat .ata. on 7 bundsy of last week. It was of fair sample and went a trifle over sixty pounds to the bushel. IANO ON THE wimmasammissa 3 YEARS SYSTEM A reviler!, monthly. ..•uvter!y or half Featly pa} nuns is sligi.t ad%mice on the ren- tal rate. bore the Instrument. Any piano way he chosen out of a magni- ficent assortment of Uprights. Square!. and '.rands. un.urpanased in quality and %slue. Mu.intes. Teaches. Goternment Mitten. and those in receipt of regular Merinos will And this a coatenient and adeantageone mode for securing a fleet -claw instrument. When the instrument is used for env -tire. our iiort Stop or Practice fetal saves wear on the nerves, as well as pre.ervee the tone of the Piano. Our Patent Foot Pedal attachment for Pianos is Invaluable to organists. 'oe- dema. and teachers. Prices on application. inspetion invited OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE & CO. ta-arernome--hr and lett Churrhat.. Toron- to. Factory. the finest in its equipments and appliances in the city. 99 to fad Bellwoods ave. 11- PUBLIG NOTICE. Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. 04 CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. W Y tea TVVA. M% -‘J (VVW, c Letter%, aiS v►%:\tti a J rVvnrt, ri b. 0 ,t3 V m 0 0 om 0 D 04 73J a � V U - p E 0 a 0 eY g see 5 k • 4 zss� bL • seg esteems. For summer oomplaimts and dierrhrie. I can truly recommend Dr Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry, es 1 have used it in my family with great somas and would not be without it. John B Hav- ens, Grimsby, Ont. Never travel with- out it. SZ��C=AZf POR BAZ,D, PRIof113 2.o1,P, CASH OR ON TIME. 1 General Purpose Horse. 2 One Horse Wagons, New. 1 Fairbanks Hay or Oattle Scale. 1 50 H. P. Engine and Boiler. 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Pullefa & Belting, 200 Plows various Patterns. 50 Oorn SouMar'a, $2.50 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Repa rs of all Kinds. Oamb paid fbr Oast and Wrought Ilerap V1otoeiasit Iran. near ar 0. ttlit; C. P. R. BOOM TOWN PROERTiES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS I have a large number of Howes and Lots and Vacant Lands in the most desirable parts of the Town -ret mak[ inter. Now is the time to secure property before the Big Rush. The C. P. R. 1s coming sire and In a short time prices will have advanced beyond the reach of many. Call and see list and Prloea before purchas- ing elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real &state and General Insurance Agent Omen Weal -8t., third door trona Square. C. P. It, Ticket and Telegraph 0 ee, flet. ENVELOPES 3 t c /mall on or write HAVING RIiL- ITL'R181I=D thy shop in the latest put in Three sewew'arbee ''babe. two of them theeele- brated Rochester Tilting C ha iris. mad hind • journeyman barber. we are in a Dsetion to dopester W ••r k than hereto ewe Lady's k Cb lldretes Haircutting made a specialty on alt Agfa e Razors sodxoept ground. ground. WsZkOirm MEINTIGLIErrig lift West Street. two doors east of P.O.. Godertdl • SV? ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER, BILL HEADS, Kto.. Ate.. at THE SIGNAL lgatebaats seapestelr MI Letter gla. he. to at Ilda sea foot grime. PATENTS CAVEATS. TSUI SAKS 255 ow0 rT p Crer ant(M at IfODLBI T/! ?N Our ellen Of- t= lite is begs Uses.. ewe lfODZL , WINO �We� ea - vines ren. 'Xi1-7• fy1VLiB 1It OAb ren. fa tfw F+e.e.t.mter.w 1r. :1 M Soso.,. t> « elreuiar, visa 011.111. fBaa. eat �. �•wd1 to oellawee is year oOMMO Shell p . al a E2 ccU 0 c_z 0 WE HEAD THE PROCESSION.. GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, ig giving the hat of value in all linen of Furniture—from the ianallat chair to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor suite. Osll and see his stock and get a bargain. TTN'DERT.g.KING-; Ingallsits branches, promptly attended tc. 0 0 gr. EMBALMING FLUID always kept ea hand. PIQrURBirRAMIN0 a specialty. GAO. B.&,BRY.Mailiton-et., Oodsttc .