HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-23, Page 1)PTY-SZCOND VRA R. t
HOLk N UMBER. rfla
J D. McGILLICCDDY, Praussan.
t $1.00 A YLIt 1N ADYANCZ
otice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas -
Advertisements accepted
.up to noon Thursday of each
lyceal Seabees,
11 adman notirxa in the local evintwtu
of Tux SIOHAL of Inertit.ys or enter-
taistments at clods en admissive fee
u eharye.l. or from which a pecuni-
ary benefit is Jerired, octet be pant
for at the rate of one rent per
.cord each insertion. no rharye Ian
than twenty -tire cents. Iffiere id.
wertieease,ts of eatewt.rio.rwots are
issrrted a brief Leal will be yireri
-At oanabreck. IMak., on Saturday. Aug.
17th. William rt. Ind, only writ et the late
W m. Old, tined r<) -ears -
Asir-ab•IMNeu. At Godertch, no the
Mb of August, by tie Rev Dr. L'r.-. Mr
Henry C. TIomea tor Annie McDonald. all
Wanted --Mrs In Lewis.
Hoarding House- ]pian Becky Payne.
Dominion Statutes - In Lewis.
Wanted -Mrs M,Mickiug.
Sachet Powders -J WUaea,
Nano. --D. McGillicuddy.
1 shirr, amesso pe. textus' este,.
.An'faith Ot7l prem. it."
A Goon PapENT.-Tbe meat u.eful gift
you can mrk. to *0 fire • Wirt Pee. Ap-
ply to D. McGillicuddy. agent. Gederlcb.
"There's no place like home,- and fewer
beautiful pictures can be toned than the oat•
aide views taken oy Geo. Stewart, the phot o-
g rapber.
Go to G. ('. Robertson. ('ebb's block. for
your ecbool b. o:s.'He itiv.s free to pnrchasere
e beautiful pre,•ent of "Jack the Ripper," and
ruler, and pencils.
SextN.r DewittNo.-Penile getting school
busk" for the tall terat Hullere will re -
as ppresents, either pens, slate pen-lbor
mixes. All kinds of school supplies in
"In by • neck" is considered a ,lose call.
but when you lead the procession always It is
e gad criterion of what you son An. That's
wbatb the matter with F. S. A. Peidham. the
people's tailors.
GOMM(n Oao.N COMPANY'S SIT.. - it has
been decided by the committee not to busld
tie factory next ts Wilson's prescription drug
atom. but you can get pure drugs and fine
goods at the above store.
As a coapts of lady excuruiont.ts were pai-
ning the Pharmacy on Tuesday one of them
remarked. "That's the ■hest apothecary
shop I ever saw." The goods Inside are Duet ee
pure as tie shop is nice In appearance.
It doee'nt make any difference who enters In
the race. R. R. Hallows is hound to take a
front place when meritorious photographs sed
i.e framing are required. The newest., best
sad cheapest designs In mouldings of W
Was" can always be found at hie studio.
Whoa you moat aemethtng .rood you cam al-
ways get it from hies.
To farmers in particular. and everybody la
emend ! Saunders l Son have Jost received
another lot of the K. & C. Gurus Co'y's cook
stoves and Ranges. Thelma lot sold rapidly. It
you intend to purchase • new move, now is
the time. Come and see them. They have al-
so et, exhibition one of the Harris celebrated
woad [means.. AU particulars given chew -
Mr S. Maloomaoo is visiting in Hamil-
Dr W. K. Rosa, of Hamilton, was in
town this week.
Mr John McKay, of London, was in
town this week.
Mr and Mrs Was Craig ars on a &bon
visit to Detroit
Mr Stan. Hays, of Brussels, was in
town last week.
Mies Haidah Smith has returned from
a visit to Clinton.
Mr Ed. Attrill is spending stew weeks
at Ridgewood Fans.
Mies Goode, of Toronto, is the guest
of Mn (Dr) Taylor.
Mr and Mrs Best, of Seafortb, were
in town daring the past week.
MrJos. Kidd, jr., and wife spent a
few days visiting in London last week.
Mr L. E. Densely, barrister, of Sea -
forth, was in town during the past week.
Mr Ed. Pamore, of Detroit, wee
speeding holidays in town doting the
past week.
Mimes Maggie and a; Wilkinson, of
Toronto. arrived home on Saturday on a
short visit.
Dr McDos.gh will be in Ooderieh for
ronsaltation oo the first Saturday of
every ®oath.
Mn BrayIy, of Toronto, is visiting
at the residence of bar father, Mr Jae
W ilk isms.
Bev G. F. Salton and wife, of Weibe-
l**, aro vWtiag the Istb is week, Mr
is liars D. Gordon,
Miss M. Rusk, who'peot her vae•Iios
*shod duties ~ds s onSaturday to re..m. her
Wm. D. sad *L A. 0.H left ea Fri -
r eld fee ing dem• t1 two weeks
theirDr Taylor and Mils Taylor, sod Kis
Gioia of Teske°, have retuned Prem
as enjoyable trp to the "Soo."
Mrs Jess tHyslop, Af viathal M is
Angios at.. Aar • low egln, Hyslop,
Use, to dolt Ire Mw Lida
Hyde gam Kis KoDoe•M,
ied Ill iie Weal r i ting/ of got,
Miss Daisy Farmer, Coldwater, Mob.,
oho has fur the peat few weeks been
visitit,g Mi.. Mamie Black,left for Hamil-
ton, on Mcndaj Lat.
Sonoma. -The Public and High
schools will re -open on the 26th inst.
The probabilities are that there will be
a large atteedance at both.
Mr Frank Patterson, the Bluevale
quoit -pitcher, was set Own on Tuesday.
None of our local men could do anythiog
with hire. He's • cracker.
Aanautllvn.-A number of Indians
arrived at the river on Friday last, and
pitched tent at the usual place on At -
trill's bands. The nomads have had
many visitors since their arriyal.
Mr Thus Graham arrival home from
Cleveland om Thursday of last week.
We understand that Mr Graham and Mr
Jas. Heals, of this town. will shortly
open business in West Toronto Junto
S. S. Promo. -Knox church Sabbath
school picnic w•s'beld at Bingham's grove
Friday afternoon last. There was • large
attendance, and the games and refresh-
ments supplied fur the scholars were
heartily enjoyed.
A Co*ING MAN. -Mr M. G. Cameron,
barrister of Toronto, lett for home on
Tuesday last, after spending • couple of
weeks visiting friends and acquaintances
in tows. He 1. • thorough -going fellow,
and has many admirers on both aides of
new Soft Stop and Practice Pedal attach-
ment to • Newcombe Upright Piano
series the nerves of the listener or per-
former, when practising, as well as the
instrument from boor, and preserve the
tons.- tf.
A STWANOz Vtgtros -Sunday last a
large bar was mew crossing the Bayfield
Road in front of Parsons' farm, fire
miles south of Goderich. They are all
pious folk down that way, and nobody
thought of desecrating the Sabbath by
getting his gun and starting after Bruin.
Mr Thos. Wcrewick, the Toronto
mechanical expert, is in town to make
the final test of the Gordon & Maxwell
engines before they are taken off the
hands of the contractors. Mr Cryder,
the representative of the Gordon &
Maxwell company, has also been in town
during the past week.
8. S. Exersvlos. -On Tuesday last
there was • I•rge excursion from points
between Palmerston and Locknow on
the southern extension of the W. G. &
B. R., and on the L. H. & B. R. be-
tween Wingbam and Blyth. About
1.000 excursionists availed themselves
of the opportunity to visit the beautiful
county town, and take in the pleasure
of .he Lake front. All left for home at
6 p.m., after having spent a moat enjoy-
able day. The prevailing opioids
amongst the excursionists wasthat Gide-
rich excelled all outside points as a place
for a midsummer outing.
THs 8. A. CAMr•Mgi,'ueo.-The For-
est Pree Prete says : The three days' camp
meeting, held by the Salvation Army in
Wbilbaoa' grove, last Saturday, Sunday
and Monday,was • very successful affair.
The services were participated in byalarge
n umber of officers and soldiers from
other places, among whom were the fol-
lowing :-Major Morris and two sons
and Capt. Val. of Londoo ; Capt.
Thompson and Cadet Nichols, of Pe-
trol's ; Capt. Miller, of Sa•forth ; Capt.
Drew, et Gixierich ; Capt. Hart, Alvin -
. too ; Capt. Hilts, Sarnia ; Lieut. Smarr,
Medford ; Lieute Woodall, Parkhill ;
Capt Nerd, Otterville, and Lieut. Scott,
of Blenheim. The services were held in
a large test, ender which sats wen
phoscl, but the a000mmodatioos were in-
sufficient for the crowds that were in at -
tandems, especially at the night ser-
vices. Oue of the moat interesting and
effective ol the speakers was Capt. Draw,
who has y improved sines she had
charge the Forest corps four yeah
ago. Besides below eloquent Mia Drew
is • floe alto singer ands possessed of
a graceful figure and handsome face, all
of which served to attract many a young
man to a front sat in the teat, bet the
pretty captain evidently take no
thought of gallant young men, except to
tern them from the error of their ways.
A Gottmru Boy AT MK FaolsT.-
From a Chicago commercial paper we
maks the following excerpt : "Th. A. T.
Evans Watch Co. is • corporation un-
der Illinois laws, having a paid qp capi-
tal of $60,000, the active s•eesbek. being
A. T. Evans, Geo. a Moon, John
Mager." The Geo. B. Mom* mention-
ed is the dime sen of Mr IR F. Moors,
formerly town eietk of Goderi.b, bat
saw amasser of the extortive wholesale
besinees of B. Allo dl Co. of that
place. The A. T. Eves. Co. did a bed-
e w of $400,000 bit year. Mr Geo. a
Moor. Iia vies pr.ddoet, treasurer
ad gassed mrnagoe of the semen and
one of the largest steak holders. The
O Times rehrritag b the Arm says:
y11i hLevwan. & Co. w a sompanlivdy
doag busi.etahst are doing a treeless-
bess spokes alas "tit heaviest boyo
cl watches Ie Amert.a,Y and have bent
up Omsk insanes business simply by
aellieg ail klub .1 watc4ea--from the
gimped siodorato to
Thdm eir beim la do
pest hes base peisslpally with sseeby
soolseesr as _tbory bare_ dos. a Isms
mN gra soseenelMM 1. to ,
Misr up bat see flight, mil their reams
being aeswiles by JL., that they
+ item thot iMriw e11 I-
Mr C Pretty hue returned from a trip
to the Sault.
The East Wawanosh Fall Show will he
held in Belgrave.t)et. lit and `Sud.
The Mission schools picnicked on the
bank near the lighthouse Tuesday after-
A meeting of the St. Elmo Preceptory
will be held this (Friday) evennie; a full
attendance rr'4ueeted.
Mr Lee Williams, manager of the
Coffee House. Toronto, is the guest of
Mr 'Jtagnua Swanson.
Miss Alice Sharman and 11isa Flor-
ence Williams have gone to Toronto, to
attend the Normal School.
Mrs. John Paine and children, of Tor-
onto, have been visiting relatives in town
during the past couple of weekr.
Mr and Mrs J. C. Robertson, of Owen
S,und, left on Saturday last for Toronto,
after a three weeks' visit in town.
Mrs Launcelot Watson from Texas,
with her daughter, is visiting (,oderach,
the guests of Mn D Fraser, West Lawn.
Mr W. H. Kerr,of the Brussels Post,
was a visitor at Tule Sazrat office on
Tuesday. He thinks we have the model
office of the county of Huron.
Mr and Mrs John A. Cox, after visit-
ing their friends in town and oountry,
returned to their home in Chicago on
Friday Wt, looking all the better for
their visit.
Miss Richardson, who spent her
midsummer vacation visiting at the
North et. Methodist personas., left for
Peterborough on Thursday, to resume
her school duties.
RtrTammar%-Mrs J. C. McLean and
e on returned Tuesday last from a five
weeks trip on the lakes with Mr Mc-
Lean. and • vial' to friends at Ashland
and Washburn, Wis.
Mise Jessie and Agtie Thomson. cf
Goderich, accompanied by Mr T. E. Mo -
Arthur, of Clinton, I!1., arrived here on
Friday to .pend • few weeks with Mrs
J. Holme..-Strathroy Age.
Persons wishing to improve their
memories or strengthen their power of
attention should send to Prof. Loiaette,
237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospec•
tuts post tree, as advertised in another
column. 10-tf
Mies Sadie Caldwell, who some years
ago taught in our public schools,bot who
has lately practised that profession in
Hewell. famed through Goderich last
week on her way to West Superior, Wis.
where she has secured • school.
son, of the Big Mill, brought us in a
ample of Manitoba what on Tuesday,
which fcr plumpness and cleanliness can-
not be excelled. There isn't a grain in
the ample that is not entire and fit for
milling purposes. Looking at this
"Manitoba" almost tells one that wheat
raising is Oniony is a lost art.
How To An -tem -There are three
w ays in which the readers of our paper
can assist us very much in improving it.
First, by sending items of local news
and short oommuniations of public and
general interest. Second, by ustir
their kind influence in extending ita cir-
culation. Third, by doing their beat to
have all subscriptions to it paid in .d-
Ar Exrattetioi or Ran/AD.-On
Tuesday evening of last week, the pup-
ils of 5t. George'. Bible class waited on
their teacher, Mies McMicking, and pre-
sented her with an address, expressive of
their thankfulness for the kindness and
interest towards her pupil.. The address
was aeeoespanied by a large photograph
of the clan, beautifully framed, the work
of Mr R. R. Bellows.
Tws OVIIR*AD CHsr-i. -It as stated
that about 500 veterinary surgeons in
Creat Britain have signed • paper 000 -
deeming the overhead cheek rein as
painful to horses and productive of
Messes. It distorts dm windpipe, •od
is liable to moss paralysis of the measles
of the fain, apoplexy, coma and intim-
motion of the brain, all thins resulting
is shortening the life of the bocce.
Tswrsuwci,-The Young Woman's
Christian Tmapsranm Union will bold
its ice cream .cell and parlor ossesrt
oe Thursday! Await 29th, at lbs resi-
desm of Mr Stewart, photographer,
Bras -et A good pr'ogromsee le under
Cintion and will be given, ooetmenc-
p. m. sharp. Refnshmemte wiU
be served at nine o'cloek. A time
is expected. All are invitd, Admis•
cies fee, 15 meta
demand it is the intestioe of the sway
frieeds of Mw Cooks to get op a soma -
promontory smart in her favor dufsg
the sett few weeks. For many yuan
Mies Cooks has gives her time and W-
aste uegradfingly to poblio eoteetai-
n »nts without noonspenee, and we
know of so ose whobelieowns as
soksowledgamot of hat minim that
she The eoeasrt ought to h. a grasd
HAS Baur Arrorwrmf.-Ptd. W.P.
Foots, for mosey years organist of St.
0..rge's sherd hi thaw tows, hag node -
MI as nppotst.is t om than stall 4 the
Tornio O.esrv.ta,y .f Mode Mr
Foote hes base td.Ad fora sow d.pert-
amot, tib literary, mid win atoms ahs
delis pmdsteieg ammo early in bop -
mbar. Th. maey iri..d@ of Mt Foote
seegeM.IMs his epos his .pp ,
W bops M l keg eg hold ibm
to wish hi undoubted maid shades
bay...11d him. Th. Hoa. W. 0. Aiwa
is Presidia. al as Ooe..evaiey Rea
--.E te
, Vim da, d fr 1i.
news mimoidig dioder.
The Misses Maude and egoist Burn- THE NORTH-WESTERN FAIR.
haat, of Port Hops. have been the guests
of their •unt,Mr. Ge,. Evana,during the
put creek.
Mr Win. Bissett, who was stricken
w ith paralysis recently, is, we are
pleased to learn, now somewhat improv-
ed, and likely to recover.
Dr 11 Nicholson, the Wast -et dentist,
tuakes the preservation of the uatural
teeth a specialty. Gee administered from
9 a. m. for the painless extraction of
Mr J. D. Swanson, B. A..bas received
permusiou from the Law Society, Tor-
onto, to put in a ole years coups of
study in Goderich. He will take a desk
its the office of Cameron, Holt and Cam-
eron next weak.
"AT Holtz." -On Thursday evening,
Aug. 13th, Rev. Mr. and Mn. Richard-
son held an "At Home" •at the parson-
age, to which the adult members (1
North et. Methodist church were invited.
Over one hundred guests were present.
After partaking of refreshments several
choice selections of vocal and inatrumen•
cal music were rendered. Altogether a
very enjoyable social evening was spent,
the paster of North -at. church proving
himself an excellent hoot and his estim-
able partner an amiable hostess.
Sa*ro*ni -The following are the names
of the successful candidates at depart-
mental exams. from Clinton aid Sea -
forth : Third Clan. -J. Bone, N.
Combe, .1. Elder. N. Gray, H Holmes,
E. Jenkins, N. Kelley. J. C. McDonald,
James McDonald, J. McDonagh, L Mc-
Farlane. C. Martin, J. Murray. T. Pat-
terson, R. Smellie, W. Smith. W. Sloan,
M. Tumoth. Second Claes-D. Bell, ti,
Downing, T. Hardy, A. Hartley, H.
Holmes, J. Montgomery, I Murch.
Seaforth-Third Class --F. Clarkson, H
Elliott. A. Glass. A. Elayes, F. Hendry,
C. Latta, D. McDonald. Second Class
-B. Duan, J Govenli.ck. J. McKenzie,
M. Peirce, A. Simpson. E. Smith
BAsrist.u.-On Friday evening last
about 20 members of Eureka Council No
103. R. T. of T., visited Hope Council,
Bayfield, and were oordially received by
the members there. After the opening
exercise addresses of welcome were de-
livered by the S. C., Rev Mr Hill, Mr
James Wallace and others, which were
replied to by the visiting brethren. A
oouple of solos were exceeding:y well
rendered by Mia O'Connor, of the Bay-
field Council, and a a'uple of trios were
Mao given with pleasing effect by 1111,.
Rion, Mies Crabb and Mies Reid, of
the Goderich Council, after which an ad-
journment was had to the residence of
Mr Wallace, Bayfield road, where re-
freshments were kindly served. The
Royal Tem of Goderich wen well
pleased wit their visit, and hasps flu be
able to reciprocate in the near future --
• Enmker se Hens of interest Irma tie
lute /neat.
Friday, Aug. 16th-Schr. Pinafore,
Meldrum Bay, 75,000 feet of lumber for
Jos. Williams ; achr. Sophie, Bliod
River, 347,000 feet of lumber for Jos.
Williams ; echr. Kolfage, Johnston's
Harbor, 100,000 feet of lumber for '11.
Saturday, Aug. l; th-Ste. United
Empire, Sarnia, passengers and freight ;
str. Campine, Duluth, passengers and
freight ; .chr. J. M. Carter. Thomaston,
240,000 feet of Iambi- for N. Dynan.
Wednesday, Aug. 21st-Str. Compass,
Sarnia, paaseogers and freight.
Thursday, Aug. 22nd -Bohr. Todesan,
Providence Bay, 140,000 feet of lumbar
for H. Secord.
Saturday, Aug. lith-8ohr. Toilettes,
Providence Bay, light ; .ebr. Jessie,
Grad Travers Bay, light ; meow Louise,
Sarnia, lumber ; schr. Kolfage, John-
ston's Harbor, light ; str. United Em-
pire, Duluth. passengers and freight ;
air. Campa a, Sarnia, passengers and
Wednesday, Aug. 21.t-Str. Cannes,
Duluth, oa.aesgees wed freight ; .wow
Pinafore, Port Freak, light
A largely attended and most ss-
thaalastio seeding of the ratepayers of
Bayfield was recently held in the town
ball, to dismiss the advisability of wrest-
ing a booms of $2,000 to John Kaibdei.h
for the ereetios of a grist mill. Mr
Kalbfleieh asks a boss. of $2,000 and a
loan of $3,000 for tee lean without in-
terest, for which he greets a steam roller
mill, caw mill and planing factory valued
M $20,000, on which he will pay taxes.
The property aseeesed at half it. vales,
.10,000, whisk is below meal rates there,
the taxes would pay the interest on the
$3,000 los, therefore th. $3,000 would
sot b* any exposes whatever to th.
rm!.paveea ]fir Kalb/exalt wag priest
quitions pro-
pe•sdl. Booms 0estles Jobs Eaaoa, De
Ai.hd, 'Nab Castle sad John Polleek
.poke Mresgly is favor of the movemat
amid motion being takes at oak. A
Vent mese /amen is the sd jasent totem -
ships ere anticus lb see this same. su-
rfed throe,* sad w willing to sebeeribe
toward. the $2,000. Whatever is thes
will be ddeeted from the
Mtml.. Joh. Mees awl Dr
Phial mom .ppoiabd to amnia SIM -
b towsel4 mid Roses Castle mad Joke
Bos % tOwesbip. Mr Kalb -
Gib Mimi, Y tie homes is meeb*, to
ruossmisiess operations as early as pes-
• trrlst fir later. ling Meese Ceaaeeted ---
w lin tier sig •aw,bltsea. (ioderich Turf Association
The corral has been erected for aocom-
mod•tiou of the wild horses, and a tele- augural Meeting.gram on Tuesday last intimates that --- -
Hon T. id. Elliott is now uu Montana diaeea's Weuier and a steed Atre.aaaee
w ith a staff of ouw boys seeuriroi pontes -A wen Yletd of neer. - t siren •fter-
for our exhibition, sees'• sport -Fan Time am lb,
A grand stand has been built, which Track.
will give accommodation to about 600
and • handsome judges' stand opposite.
The boys are daily an the grounds
training their dogs for the race on the
evening of Sept. 17th.
The Kazoo Band as making extensile
arrangements for an open air perform-
ance un the 'yenta, of Sept. 18th.
Entries so far exceed all other years
together at ams date, and the fact that
so many are from outside our own
comity indtcatew the necessity for local
inteuding exhibitors to enter at once in
order to get space.
Prize lists are being enquire o for by
every mail, from all over Canada,
even some enquiries from the United
States have been received.
Word has been received that the
British Columbia exhibit is being pre-
Manitoba Government will make a
large exhibit.
Tho main budding will be cleaned oat
on Mcnday and space allotted to af.pit-
sante now on hand.
The tint entry (d the elision comes
from Brantford.
Machinery wen are early to the front
for space.
Nextlweek work will begin on exten-
sions t.. the cattle stable and sheep and
hog pens. The chicken coops will also
be built.
The water -works pipes are now in the
grounds. and arrangements completed
for branches with hydrants fur watering
stock and taps for drinking.
Posters and bills have been distribut-
ed over a wider area than ever before.
From our own correspondent.
Miss Mary McKenzie, cf Detroit, is •
present at home among her friends.
Miss Marion Murdock returned home
recently after spending two years in
Nebraska with her sister, Mrs Ander-
On Monday morning last Gro Goode,
while wcrking at Mr Alex MoDairmid's
threshing, took suddenly i11 and his con-
dition was thought to be dangerous till
about twelve o'clecg,wben he took a turn
for the better and is now considered out
of danger.
Mr John Reid and Albert Smith suc-
cessfully paused the recent examination
for third class certificates.
Oar townsman Mr Wall Davis is at
t putting • lath Machine in his
s111 and in a few weeks will have it in
running order.
Mr Treleaven, photographer, of Luck -
n ow, has consented to come on Friday
and take a picture of Parents -um Tem-
perance Lodge and members if the day
proves favorable.
From our own correspondent.
Weather delightful.
Rev A. Potter of iciatd in Erskine
church here, on list Sabbath.
Farmers are very busy in their oat and
pa harvesting, and lien threshing.
Mils McClure, of Lucknow, visited
this village bat week and enjoyed her-
. eU very much.
Our school re -opened on Monday in
both departments, with quite a large
number in attendance.
Quite s number of our citizens took in
the excursion from Goderich to Port
Huron on the Goderioh civic holiday.
Mr Geo Walker, of Gorrie, returned
to his position last week, after visiting
his parents, friends and acquaintance' in
this Tillie..
Hon A. M. Ross, Provincial Treasu-
rer, visited oar haslet on Monday, the
19th. His trip to Me.koks seems to
have agreed with his, as h. books vigor-
ous and healthy. We hope he may eon -
ties to be so.
Messrs Hugh Gioia, Damn, and J
Tewsley, cattle dealers, passed through
our village on Monday witquite • num-
ber of fine looking cattle for shipment.e
mons* the drove thenag
ws fin.looking
sow, which brought down the scales at
aboet twelve hundred lb..
It is pleasing to note that some of our
yowls awn of this locality an seessediag
so well. We understand two of them
have obtained third elms terti6e fes,
and another • •cooed elms -all of them
graduates from this school ..,tion.
tl•a.mlea Mosses.
Borrow, Mea, Awed - LA -The
Nova Booth s.hooaer "Femeis Ar-
thenid" and "Aurora Borealis" arrived
in port Wag and were held by the
Co-tems ollbials is libel fob $1000 As
as a sheep made by »
the maims. mike W bsrybin-
big bona is Aserimn waters over 24
bows, and set esportimg at the asaiad
Custom Houw., It mom the two !bilkvag-
sals , . Idy tie .o1is B r daffy my
!bilk weM4.r, tit1 bah evil= dais
tint waw besal..i ras /.g, sad
ass toll whither they mow hi
Amseisse or O'sodise edam until altar
tb. paetmfisd time They \sire beth
appsaW te Wishighis to hose tholes.
remit* bet will M h.M metal the
asthma Ir
lWnihs hat. b/M bawd
The Goderich Turf Association held
its first annual meeting on Wednesday
last, and the races showed that the com-
mittee if management had done their
part towards making the meeting suc-
cessful. For some weeks past a force of
men had been engaged in putting the
track in order, the result being so suc-
cessful that experts present on Wr eines-
day declared the track to be all that
could be desired A large
bad been erected facing the west, capable
of seating 500 or 6110 persona, and dur-
ing the afternoon it was crowded with
spectators, many of whom were ladies,
and all of whom enjoyed the magnificent
program presented. Across the track
from the grand stand is the judges'
stand, a handsome little building with
some pretensicna to architectural dis-
play, in which during the day the fate
of contestants was decided in a truly im-
partial manner. During the afternoon
livenedndevening by simitheanpof musdingsss frowere m the
Goderich Citizens' Band under the lead-
ership of Prof. Thomas.
was between green horse, of which there
were five entries, as follows : Dr Whit-
ley's c. g. Telegraph Boy, Swartz's b. g.
Reliable, Bishop's e. g. Captain Laird,
Merdock's bl. an. S.lva, and Living -
stones c. g. Elam B. In the 1st hat
Elam B. was distanced, Swartz's rangy
brown gelding coming under the wire in
2.43. In the second hat, there was
quite a lot of extra scoring before the
horses could be got off, and when they
went vft, Reliable, which was the poll
horse, got decidedly the worse of the
start, and broke up so badly during the
hat that the flag was dropped on him.
"telegraph Boy" was also distanced,
thus leaving the remaining hats between
Captain Laird and Solve, the result h.-
eleiCaptain Lied ... _ • .... , .. .
Time 243. 2411, 246, 233.
In the free-for-all the entries were
Heatherington's Rosa B., Whitley's
Florence G., Lawlor's Dr Frank and
Barnes' Barney A. The lag named
horse was distaste& in the second hat
and the others ergo in as fAUows:-
FlorenoeG..... .........................1 1 1 1
4 S 21
Roes B.... .. Sass
Time 2101. 2Z, 210, ran.
The 2.40 trot was waisted by the
winner Donaldson, Murray's Baldwin
and Bement's Tom Burk. Barnes
Sandy H. was entered, but did not ap-
pear on the track. The result was:-
Baldwin - 1 ! 2 ! 11Tem Burk .2 ! S S $
Time 2101, 227, 2114, 2271. 229,
In the three minute trot there were
. ix entries, one of which, Parcae, did
not come on the track. After four hats
had been trotted at 7.30 p. M. it was
decided by the judges that it was impos-
sible to finish the nue, and it was post -
Cd until 10 a. m. Thursday. On
day morning the postponed 3 -min -
ate trot was composted. Jay Gould,jr.,
was withdrawn and the final heat was
trotted by the other four home. 1w
malt of the coos was .s follows :
Haver Leer .................. e ! 1 1 1
D lei!
Gadd jr 8 4
Jay GaddS
Time 21%. 2124. 3211. 2:411, 2103.
The judges wen Maar Wilson, Sea -
forth ; P. McGregor, Bnoefeld, sad A.
Ras, Wingbam. Timekeeper, W, A,
Colborne, Goderich.
Everybody mays the first meeting of
the Goderich Tart Association was a
grand seesaw.
A rase meeting with tut pool selling
ad whisky eta he acids:tad n'prota.
bly ad so ss mot to offend the Meet
oonseisntioos, That was the ease with .
the Godeeieb meeting.
Da Mackay, the custodian of the
Grand Stand, bad a word for everybody
Wednesday slteraooa.
Didn't we have a dandy cat of judges.
and isn't Old Man stow a daisy?
Secretary Mordoek is the right mitt
is the right place.
The turnout of ladies was large, est
the good order and fine madmen 4 lib*
meetiew will bring oat a larger number
next time.
The treek is now equal to any of them,
and the committee that 611.4 31 up de-
serve credit for the work.
Floranos G. f• a'redlt to the county
of Heron. the 1:15 Blip tatosisbed the
@sheet sad fcwigs.m, and drew set a
422644t oise from se A..eissm to the
owner for $2.000, whisk wss rwbad.
Bailiff Gill, of EEstsr, .id six .h.tr
in piss towed* last
t ed was im,sged for two days before
wase fibra i pashas shim is ado hasp -
tog. sp-
Our ban mess. Mr
la mow Wady boo thn kmiess,
is 'salts, is pima, pesos sed npplar
Hu .toss i se HamYtss .bwtr mid
door to MMii'e tailor drop..