The Huron Signal, 1889-8-16, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 1889.'4 7 THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD. WHAT WOOING ON 1N OTHER LANDS J.;' AND PLACE& hs,yrbel Im armites Hewer augete epesent• 1, reeparen fmse Me Ldlscwlres of ear A Mamomees seem.. The Rev Alexander (:otdou, of Bal- fsu, speaking st the meet wires of the Brush Foreign 1'niteran AssuelMD in, sddre.sed the •udtenoe as '•Geullessen and ladies," .ad said that when he had the honor of being their representative in Hungary he learned that that was the only right nude of addressing • c,mbio- ed meeting of the teens, , u the principle ■estts's of keening the hest to the lest. It was related of a vetrreble mivater iu the North of Ireland that he rose on one oc- oa•ton with great so:enmity it. • meeting like the present, aid said that be hithet- to had been restrained from public speak in out ut tiered /.9 the wiefes of his • ift, but u..w that .lea was gong ha would make a few rvwar.s, and he had nut dote w for Inure than throe quarters cf au hcur when teeny person its the meet- ing mourned the less def that wife as chum/6 it had been the dedxa.e of his most intimate friend. They had got • A London Despatch says that owlet( to • Piuvtootal Assembly, he thought hare hack of sugar the Greenock refinery has shut Ido L nid.e°. Let there be no mistake Iowa ase..ut the name. This urea not • host- Chimaes are meere.ieg int° Mexico by subscribing eo.muciatiun. They had run aw testy steamer, sed States. they an smuggled down as fine as they liked, but plan , ♦u tnsurrecti.n, which bids fair to proveWy up. /lace there was a revival maet- �/irttt o the i°stigaton them, occurred ing m a ceresin congregation, and •Iter Hoodulu on July .Ill. obs evangelist had labored for •sink, H. I. Britton, general manager ei Rhe'and with very get d moral exhortations toms, Watertown and(lgdeusbur; railway, tun, he said, 'Now every man on this lied at Oswego on Saturday. aged :el. meeting that btu n •id his delete stead II•ibosints sae tory always feel safe up They ruse in • nam Thea he ✓ hes they make ■auetetion0, but it is a said, 'Sit down, and every man iu this !Bastion whether they aeronaut. el -.tine that has nut paid his debts stand They haus politics in Japan now, °Oderi.p-' 'fh_re was one indtvidual,lank and Ise Cometitution, and one of te. parties f•jksn, raised hie form aloft. 'My good sated the Jijito. man,' said the evangelist, 'hare you not (:apit•lists are endeavoring to inoorpwww, paid your debt f ' No,' mild he, 'I haus .ompamy et Wilmiagws, N. C., for the not paid say debts. and I cannot pay s nu acture of pine fibre bagging for cotton them. 1 ate the editor ut • religious sale• q,rtiodicsi, and every member of this The Indianapolis, Decatur and Western c,ngrrgatlou owes me for my paper.' shlroad 11.s been placed in obs hands of a Mr Iarson had given him • quarter of an .c.iver. hour, but he would not occupy it all He A despatch from Everton, Pa., says the would be like the teetotaler, who ssi1 to ;rest cost strike has ended in victory for hint the other may, '1ou know I am a he men who secure an odrants of 12 per teetotaler, but I always pet • little whin eat. sy in she bottom of the tumbler just Tb. New York polies were especially enough to warm the glass.' 'But, good etive in makin, arrests for violation of the man,' said he, 'how do you square that zee* law rut Sunday, and rebated • totaliwith your fain f' The reply was. 'Oh, I Iles 1 never drink down to the whisky.' The ('ear is expected in ilerlin op theSith ▪ Detroit claims • population of over 270,- 000. President Harrison is being warmly re- glyieed l• Maine. There is talk of Mr. Parnell paying • kagtey visit to India The Hollis Dressed Reef mod Wool Com- pany of Boston, has failed. Rich petroleum depoettaand raleoble coal n itres have been discovered to Mexico. Dr. 'Wet. H. Bradley, manager of the Veekly hese, of Philadelphia, has bee reread, charged with embezzling otter As a healu.g, soothing •-oplieation for _ M sounds, bruises and sorsa, there is vJohn speer, •Lacrosse, R'ia , babonr, res Ndbtne better than Victort• Cerb,lic rived notice last week that a de..sased rel• $dlye. lm Ive in t,erutauy bw bequeathed hum 75,000. FARM AND GARDEN. Eleven ate -armed switchmen on the ('hi- --- ago and .ortb wea.ern rahlw.). "'Chime' It is estimated that four million pee.ple truck for .n advance in wages and were •e(tsesful in their demands.buy poultry in the New York market A San Freucisco de tch tells of amore- The city has tyre mtliun inbabttanta,snd Mot to secure cannel of all the sugar mar- from ih markets go supplies to marry toot the world. The capital involved is otbrr points. (10,000,000. ' The Kansas Ferrer r would have farm - A cablegram states that a treaty between ere remember that begs ready for nark- eted% and Japan has bees migned et Tokio et reasonably early to the fall usually sell miler to the treaty recently ooncluded be- at better paces than et any time until ma Japan and the Csited States. lifter the tint of the packing reason. J. A. !)owns& Co., who conduct the 1.aN. J W. H. Gilbert, of Richmond, N. Y., meat sad fish bit/epees in Portsmouth. has a dairy of 50 own, which averse • 'hove i,ees attacher by their cred►tat'i Ipo.nd of butter to every 14 pseud• °e[ e liabilities ars unknown. i The steamer North Star, of Buffalo, :milk, butter which last wicter he sold et zed at eriroit oe Sunday and libelled for 41 trona per p,und. He „es eneilegs D ee.se0for it. sinking of the steamer shot. •ud says it is an indispensable rot:mite off White Fish Pomo last .tune. est the successful dairy wan. Bockhorn, near Peterbnro, no Sunday! An Austin (Teter) inventor has devis- •herd Jervis and Fed. Welah went out in ed a steel anis husker which, drawn by me trolling. The lines became entangled • tan, picks and busks the corn at the the weeds, and in trying to disengage rate of eight te twelve acres •day. The the canoe was upset std Jarvis drown- imam and the macbii.e move astride the ,row, sad every ear of turn, large or the majority of the chief .mall, is melted up. trey oI Industry throughout the Cnitedj A farmer says : Probably no one neer :e. speak of the votes." general mot. having been much tetter during the realized, until he made a practical test of k, and indications all point to a bright the matter, or bad closely observed the ok for timbal trade. yard se some one who had done r., what ditfrrei'ce it makes in the manure hap lbw Women etsweYeeYsA is heater ter cows are kept in the stable n• of the women w exempt from geld or allowed to w around the yard or gas to net ever Mem families of eery sub- teras tial peaaaat proprietors, wboes house A Y11f1111ie (hies., finding Ys asN furnished as well as any oouatry house would gree better crops of Bern than of ata All work ss y ss obs poor- any other farm product, confined him - male individeeL 7b. land, II0W V r, .elf to that cereal. He raised it by raih- g their own, they have • choice of week, fir primitive methods, but h. raised 117 the bard toil iagenerally doneby tbese.l ; bels per acre by weight, •r d the felling and bringing h<rme wad for fuem-enrage cyst per bushel, outside of rent ism gem, generally, but not always ;and taxes was 9 cents. But if he bad manure anure on their beck ; the ling horses and cows, digging, and such 'raised only 59 bushels to the acre, the vy labour is man's work :-the binding a cost per bushel would Ilan/ been 1's eta to a pole with • straw, which is does Fanners in D dee County, Wisa,nun, team in the course of its growth ; the make hay and barley their chief crop& ing of hay, the penning et vines, and Of barley they aversee thirty bushels to thing off the superfluous leaves and tea- the acre. The hey u principally tin ,thy. • these lighter yet net+essary jobs to be ig•ields that have been cut several weirs about vimmy or tech form the en's work. But wom.e, both in France Switzerland,to have • far more rtant role in the family, among the r tad middle classes, than with tta The .an, though not exempt from out -door and even hard work, undertakes the ing and managing departrneet le the in 1888, an out door silo was built Tt h had • plank foundation from which four ny four joists fourteen feet long were raised at the corners for guides io build- ing the stack. Green corn .talks were drawn fresh from the field and carefully piled on the stack nine feet deep, then without re -seeding, and wtthoot tertiliz- ers,prodDc tree, • Ale to one and • quarter tons per sere. 1'.ruring is not allowed, and the aftermath remain@ as • mulch to ennch the ground At the New York experiment station, y affairs, and the usb.nd is but the ex• re officer. The wife is, in fact, ren kably superior in manners, habits, and inteliteence to the Modem! in til- t every family of the middle or lowest in$witzerland. One is surprised to sen wife of such good, even genteel manners sound sense, and altogether sneh a supe- three feet of sorghum were added, and person to her station. and the husband .he, nine thousand pounds acorn whish fton • mare let "The hen is the bet- br,n well devrloped ars wen threw■ 1.1rdallover 8witasrlanl."-ISaWomen. neer the top Timbers were laid •cruse A Woman ma•arxtsas. the top and pressure applied by means maynot be of chains and lever. The roof was then generelly known, but it is attached to the timbers by which the nevertheless, that the mise clone oflpne,ure was applied. The stack was isles largest cemeteries is• woman -ripened in January, no part of it was un- ehelby-whn, since the death of her:fit to eat, and a very Targe portion was nd, in 1ee,S, has had sol charge d Sold prime tutelage. i('atbolicl Cemetery. located at, y -sixth and St Cecilia street* Then& tbeassatle raise w 13,000 dead resting in this grave - Require no description, sines, with ran the first grave in which was dug by,etesptinn, all at some time have expel, Shelby's btnheod. The !any was boro'teucrd their twinges. Rheomati@m is Ireland, and married there. bet caw• to ,u.t easily dieloded, only the most e Visited settee in 1rt.'. She att.-ads to puwerfully penetrating remedies rash 1 the antis,* of the polities. keeps her own to its very foundations. The most soc- oks, nemesis, kc., io • tl.trough and sysJowsfel treatment known, and it is now matic matter. and has achieved a mast frequently resorted to by medical men, . .citable noncom and made hods of frier& h 11.0 spplemilen of that now famous r has a family of five children, rR.. of !"14141/fur pale-Polaort'• i•orvilurw hem, • daughter, is.arried. Mia meshy It is safe to say that nothing yet die- tvwtls to her dories faitbfolly, Ntsrlgh erietrrsd has affirmed equal satisfaction tiering inert rte effects d a llgbteily • the nlffering A trial cert les n nee at • small writ, es sample bottles of Nervi- rnke received rune tins° 1100.. Mho r Ili*. see be had at the drug store fur e only woman eexton in tide city er 8sete, 10 seats, lege bottles 96 sesta far as known, and one of the very few la %country. --Louisville Cs.ariar-Jearaal WVanamp, E.at Waweer•sh, bad the k,ief,rtens to 1st his horses rim tummies ta • Weelea 11111. away Reterday, July 27th, with the llr-.revere, Ang R --An etplaaiow is the ,rowing machine They ran for •boat • hawse et the IL Forbes Qt.'s weds* „se hnn tree rods. and bsfoore etrrppiwg t(1. 6 m hes. 841orning ton oR ree /M f d broke M th dries wheels, bot di _ not • gas ban •, shattered the wall sad saf- sly in tired W. H. Waver, wprl."w Ida• meek, siren damage.They me tele N of she mill, sad Mac►ieist ,•_. ehr..gb a drove of cattle, int the Battle N ether. wets ams eh for them sod kept out d late tom. PUT POISON IN HIS TEA.. JAMES HICKS' MYSTERIOUS AND PAIN- FUL DEATH. A Is. rlasterer, Taken amoloksily 111 mare ratios • relit W..rr, Ince mo Great *same at 11.. Same-mesedtves and a Bracer Iaresl/iaUas line Caen. Toao:tn, August 8. --Coroner Jobnetns °posed an bequest today into the dr-th d James Hicks, a platerer who died yesterday utorteny at ; :den••e of hb rests, N., N o'b .sie�,.•wW- stances. That the unfortunate man game to uis untimely end by n,canmof foul play there does not seem to lei the eligbWet Jou..t, and the polio, are now at work uoravelug the wyeter7 which surrounds the crime. On i border °wruiu' Risks, he company of bis aged father, telt hie home la Norfolk- avenue, w'•. dee Ikoi, to L° to wort. on a new bowie in Duchess street. the elder Hicks Ism try reach:nij the work oomplained of illness and returned home. Young Hires wenton, worked at the job all nurning, took sick about 1 o'clock iu the afternoon, remain&•.l in the building Buttering severely uutil 4 in the afternoon, when rte was dris'tu hone, where after enduring ex reeserle me elms?to expired yesterd.y morning, notwithat.u.d,•g that three doctors had been called in to lila as- sistauce. In concoction with Hicks' death three persons lave been arrested and are awaiting the &Cann of the ,x)rouer. One of then. is Cherie" Cole, • fellow -worker, who resides with his wife at49t King street esat. The second is the dead mare nephew, Arthur Hicks. 14 years of age, :.n.i au apprentice learning bistrade u plaste:cr with his uncle, and \Ira ‘Trite, of Ernst n Toronto, A sisler of the dcoeased is the third prisnaer. After taking some evidence the naiu point* of which are outlined above the enquiry was adjourned. 1•arrIssc .e D.sih. O7AWA, Aug. 11. ---There 1. a sequel to the recent seinen nal marriage of Sydney Lawless, son of the ex -manager of the Bank of British North America at differeut points and Miss l'bamheilatn, the -leu-year-old daughter of a wealthy 'arnter on the Ayl- mer Road. The kuot was tied a few weeks ago. At the time it was Hinted tl,t an un- willing coneeat wee we ung from the groom. The parents of youl.g Lawleae else raised a row, es they move is the elite of t)r;aw-a society. Now it is moment -0d that Barrister J. A. (:etnmill will apply is behalf of Lawless at the next sitting here uf tie High Court of Justice for fie annul- ment of the marriage on the ground of duras as well as tis, the ground that the ppa.rvties aro minors in the eyes of the law. Lawless is 19 plant of age. The history uf the marriage has leaked out Lawless does not deny that be, a. well as other yon& g Hues enjoyed the society of Miss Chamberlain. A couple of weeks ago she sent word to him that she wanted to see him that evening. Lawless arrived on tine. In the drawiug•room he wee confronted by an irate lather, who, pro- duci.g • revolver, told Lawless he had the option of having him brains blown out or of marrying the young woman. Tbc young span expostulated, but in rain. Chamber- lain because threatening, bat Ritchie, • brother-in-law, interfered. Finally Lawless agreed to marry to save bis life. Rev Mr. Cunningham, an Episco- palian clergyman, was quickly summoned. Learning the age of the pair he refused to perfonn the ceremony. Then Rev. bit. Sears was sent for. Ho sumo declined to make them one. It was now nearly 1 o'clock in the mornicg, but Mr. Chamberlain determined :o save his dansbter's alleged dishonor, brought out bit team and soon father, daughter- Lawless and Ritchie were speeding towards Ottawa. Arrived here a license was procured, Lawless taking affidavit under pressure that he blas ears of age. At tl.111 in the morning Rev. Dr. Mark tied the nuptial knot, then Law- less aad his bride parted at the door. Ataesesaed Trate RaMary. _.------- LIT L* Roe -K, Ark., Aug. 11. -Whet Is supposed to be an attempt at train robbery was made last night on the Iron !fountain Railroad, a mile south of Newport, Ark. Two men got on the train then be- tween the tsgg.ge car and the smoker. A fight ensued between there and Rag -age *taster Garrity and Nye I colored porter. Andy erittenden, in which the latter was killed and the former wound- ed. One of the men jumped from the train and escaped, but the pan ms�ers and train men, among whom was a detectire. captured the murderer and brouxht him here. H. gave hie name a D. A. Whitfield of Baxter County, this 'tete. He is about 21 years old. He says he and his partner, Mike Moulders, were out for fun and w. re only trying to beat their way when the tight came off. Whit old wee !leerily armed and appears like a border dospsrada Mas Orson In mwr•re Tile. New Voice, Aug. 10.-Azariab Jackson Orton, the "weak" employe of the Custom House who was arrested yesterday for mend- ing what are Iorn.e,I scurrilous letters through the mails to President Harrison, may Goalie Ar'hl•ishop Corrigan, Henry George and ,,then, waived examtinatio before United States Commissioner Shields today, and was comnetted in default of 1p2500 to await trial. The men, who appears rational in other resp eta, has • delusion that he is destined to regulate the distribu- tion of wealth anti bring about an equali.y of the a or:d's goods sexes the "Workers la God's Vineyard." A MANITOBA SCANDAL *teas • Broaden Pawn earl AMst she t'atbMM Sear* . ttdarwtrea Wurtletpti, Aug. 11. --Th. Ilrando° Ron my. it bas Been discovered that the Catholic School Board of Education her retained a barge sum of money which has net bees applied as voted, and that the Government having decided to cut od supplies until a satisfactory adjustment ie made, the beard has paid over 614,000 in cash to the Gov- ernment The Medical Association were entertained to a war dance I.y the Indian prisoners at Stoney Mounties yestoiday and returning at nose left for Banff. A Triple crests ewaw,prrnie, W. Va., Asg. 11.-A widow tensed t Mit Wood in • ,emote district of )Icltnwoll c...ty with two dauditere about grown. n rasped, wepoor bet raspe- • tole. Pridsy n@iR Ines Toned all three dead. They hid evidently been criminally am sited and mwrderwd. Thane is an eros to tbe perpetrators. 'be Ins' Wseld'a 1erw Venue, Aug. 10. -Mayer Cruet y- pelatied aarstaittess to do the peelirniwary Werk tea the iM.r..t nal Expeultlos i i11116 this aftertaste !leery ■ 01*7 trues IMF told mew,~aud Yr, NEWS OF THE OLD WORLD. Davis, with a smile, of Ins first mistime wild Bowie* lei we. iD the arty "YetiSTRONGSENTIMENT AGAINST THE mud Clay was travelsug to • stage conch, when the onlyother paser eogs were • pretty girl, a ig, rough -looking oousatry- mut, and • heap little figure in • great twat. With the consciousness of bis owe perfect physique, Cly said he was 0os- gretulatis.g °.,use I un net being the limp little tie ere bundled up to the out- Loewe. e. Aeg. 11. -No mere.r case of re nor, whets he because ouuacious that the ant „ere has °sated a greater aeusatio, pretty girl was begging the rough than the Maybrick ..at. Nothiug .1.. was couotrymao not to smoke, se it Diann lieteeed to in Liverpool The evening her 41 'fbe fellow rep ied,wttb • az 'Age papers wxs aothi.g bot pee 1004 .erbetim oath that be had psi.i his 'a -s •utt; • ;ort 010. tO' 1. All other mews ked *odd smoke when he pitemiJ. diaap . Nobody impeded a verdict Mr Clay said he was just trying toed got ty, and lir. Justiem SteMem. 15 itt screw bis ounrage up to the pond of le- supposed, neither expected nor ap1.n.vet it. mututratiug with the cometry ottani, e heti, His long and very able Aare w the jury was thought likely to secure Mrs. May• the limp little figure undoubted itself brick's acquittal. Yet, w Orations! wee like magi.), sad, ai.h a quick movement tb, Liverpool mob that he was booted in reached down its collar, brought out it lite street because the law obliged him to knife that in the excitement of the am- pronounce the raise :• of death. Sir moot I, uked • yard lonmend with snuth- Charles Rusty 1 left nothing undone fur sr catlike m..vaunted sassed the fellow by this unhappy womansdef.nce. the throat. "Throw that pipe out of the window or I'll"-. A oomprehenu.r sweep of the murderous Iwking blade finished the sentence and sent the pipe abattenug nu the ground. Io seethe, mtuute the knife had disappeared down the tap•cit•os cellar and the limp figure had resumed its former vertebt,e e.a ar.dition, "but the rest of the journey," townsman, where a strong feeand u° her said Mr Clay, "I spent 1u wishing I w favor hes spread widely. the little Inst. in the great coat, who WOO The Knitters press is encs:el, in its usual none other than Bowie, with his famous fhion, in re -trying the atm. whi: ti tit hii�d koifs " sof in Parliament also. Ice press and 1'.r• lament together form a aeif•constituted Tine it a lasses Soso court of criminal appe.l, tee want of which Forms an iustIce of a wild rush fur some I ngtish lawyers deplore and others an uncertainty, which is just the omen approve. Lawyers seem to think the Ter ire of the .esdy boom enjoyed by Bur- diet un the whole barfly defensible. Mrs. dock Blood Bitters. Buyers of this Maybrick's reprieve is fully expected, and medicine et • uert•iDt - aD unequalled is inevitable should the report .hacu has R 7 i reached the ito,ne seeretar et her beteg remedy for all "mama of the stomach, with child be onnfinited. I'erhaps public liver, towels, kidney• and the blood. 2 opinion would be satisbed by allowie; •r - pals from verdicts against pretty women. A Vamoose Nvlae mead. Americans included, in what is called good By cable we lard that Rev Dr Hot- social pasttioa, whether with lo,en, IAA *tin Bonar, the distinguiahed Scottish lira. M•ylriek, or without divine and poet, died at Edinburgh, cu Thursday lest Dr Bonar was an able Alleged Isspesdlsa hbiset vheasea theologisn,but he is bast known to Cana- Los DON. Au;„ II. -Reports of impend• diens, and indeed to the people of every ing Ministerial changes st Ottawa have English sneaking laod en the face of 0. ,globe, as the author of none of the most beeutiful sacred weludiss that have ever been penned by humau hand. Not • hymn ba,k has been published in aha Abbott says he knows uotbine of any the last quarter of • century which has such crania, and thinks them most en- act embraced selections from his sublime likely writings iu verse. Amcng the most no- table hymns written by the deceased were those beginning, "A Few More Years Shall Roll," "I Heard the Voice of Jeans say," "1 Lay My Sins on Jesus," "Not what These Hands Haire Done," "Thy Way. Nct June, 0 Lord," and "Wbeu the Weary, Seeking Rest." A short time ago the rev, gentleman celebrated hie jubilee, and a great gathering in bis honor was held in Edinburg::. He was presented with an address and • purse oontaioing £1,000. At that time h; was in poor health, sued be has not long sur- vived the crowning event of his long, honored and fruitful life. Halted reach- ed a ripe old age, but his faculties up to a short time ago were unimpaired. MAVSRICK VERDICT. A•aietrtai. &•sen fie tar Tee eewtsasdlaud tneei er l'e.epasy 1• Tremble- eeelasseee Trial. PareellNes-- Never wa. the oondicting stature of mere 1y medi al evident brought out more strongly. The question of guilt or us °- mince turns 1.rgely on the doctors' *piteous as to the preeeuoe of .rsenicel o;,mptom. audicisut to account for gestr-entantie, and the doctors bolrhwsly disagreed. Here wa more than enough duui,t -n justify am so- quittai, think 81 a Msybriek'a fel:saw reached here from Canada. It u stated that Mr. Abbott will 'be made !dinister of Trade and Commerce, the departments of Customs and Inland Revenue keine merged into those of Finance and Trade At Meese. A toted husband, like charity, "begin• at home," and no young woman rally knows her suitor until she has rem him w here he lives, with his mother and sisters, A writer in the Journal and Mesrrwjer relates how one "bride -elect" obtasee this knowledge just in time. A young lady, to whom John Wilma to freeze him out of the gga•me. In cite was eugaged,was visiting at his mother's �'m were Jtayor "Jake" 3.rr•tt end bee aidermea terve acs'. Model masse. NEW YORK, Aug. x. - The Herald to -day prints this special despatch which will be of interest to Canadian reader O etw., Aug. -The people of the Dominion capltel are very much exercised over a rumor that has been di at fur the last two days oonnectisg the name of the Mayor with a noto.ious gambling room. So far none of the local papers have touched it, but I have got all the facts for The Herald. The gambling is carried on tenter cover of the organization of a social club desig- nated esi g nated the Club des Amis. At this club the other evening one aialette. • contractor who has just finished a million dollar bulk- ing for the federal government, was • player at the poker table. He let all the looney be had with hire, and, determined to win back, offered a hundred dollar check for fiat amount of chip.. The banker refused the check and gave no good reas,n why bo did so. Malette u a six foots:. and the refusal reused his ire. He attributed it to a dear e on the part of the leading spirits of the et.% John bad • bright little sister, who be- I Malrtte grew more and more angry. He ants very (sort of the visitor. One day. stormed and threatened and finally under - when they were alone together, the chili; took to wipe out the club by slaughtering aid, "bliss Jones, I wish you would srerybn.ly present. The Mayor took a stay et our hoes, always, e - oonvemient opportunity to slip out and The prospective bride, with • meet avoid the storm. blush, responded, "Do yon like me an M.lette left the place still very mad sad told his story wherever he could find a friendly ear. It thus came out that the Mayor was one of the pillars of this iamb ling roost, • constant attendant and pretty generally a winner. People began to realize why the police had been n lenient to the place when it was ascertained that the Mayor, as chairman of the Police ('one mimeioners, was one of its patrons. The place bad achieved an unenviable notoriety. It is on'y a few menthe ago that au official of the postoffiicu, Albert Smith, robbed the tails to get funds for carrying on his gambling ot.eratiens here. He is now a fugitive from justioe. Auelair, a merchant, became insane through loss of sleep, lose of money and anxiety, all springl.g from the symposium at the Club des Amis, and there are other oases of • similar character, all baring their origin in thee@ same protracted meetings in the Mayor's favorite reert /_rehl•uhop were at play in the barn. As soon as he Duhamel has thundered from the altar of was near enough to be hard, hes cried the Resilica against the club, and adopted the sift• me measure of refusing the of6om of dweller -4o those Catholics who remain- ed remember& lint so strong was in fascina- tinms that members have been known to That was en -nigh for Miss Junes. Sooh resign, go np to their rel'tg►ons duties and an elder brother would not be likely ��,,,,�� then rejoin the duo. Wherever Maletts's make o ,food husband. The enesgement sesma leery has las Er out it has a 10 18d a gnat ring was returned, and the brute -elect' ��n' as Ernst wasters to M • ca wee date for Cha Mayoral° again, and Chu will went home feeling that she had inade al go a great way toward reining his chanes pros identsal escape. of re-election. No local paper has yet puha !HAW the story, but it is sore to get into In trier. see tense Feline. at now that The Herald has broken the I lee, and will ease* a esmsatiea Dy.peneia is dradfol. Disordered' n. "Mate se Mirage liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to g avel nature. CntcAno, Aug. 10. --Health Commissioner j The human digestive apparatus is nee DeWolfhmoadministeredthe Wrown-Sequari affair ossa a day to ten persons every day of the most complioeted and wonderful .ilast Tassday. in no case has it been things in existence. Its easily put out followed by any unpleasant or injurious of order. effeta. Sova of the patient - lain to have Greasy fond, tough food, sloppy food, heen much benefited. Th- effects on a lady bad cookery, enertal worry, lata hours, suffering front nervous penetration have irretular habits, and many other things been very marked and beneficial lir. which ought not to be, have made the Hathaway, who is a great mutterer from American (e • nation of d • Ics. hetet disease and dropsy, has undergone y �� little or no change. The health officer be - But (Iree•n'a August Flower has dome lioves that it oviaditioem of •"`"""""a wonderful work in reforming this sad well that yes would be glad to have r fun a sister t" "Yes," mid' Anna,"but that's not what I wan thinking about. When you are not herr, John is horrid fie scolds us little ones, and bangs us •boat all the time." Miss Jones was startled She had theugbt that Juhn was a particularly .misble young man. She had noticed with great atiefactiem, how kind he was to the younger children in her presence. Was it possible that all this en wput on t She would not for the world marry a man who was really e lly cra and harsh to such a darling as Anna. She determined to invatig.te the mat- ter. 8be managed to M present, unseen, when John Dame where the children. out, angrily, "you little brats, you have no basineas hers ! Het eat of the barn this minute. or I'.1 give you a good trouncing 1 CARLING'S .LLE & PORTER CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGER (Bottled) For 8•le b, G• H. PARSONS 63 A1,NIu7Y1.Ueli, UUU .IUI'll. without organic d teise.se die proofs en healthy that they oan me'er 1o 7 si.ws Thr people who aro heeeitd Lossie herr mals and be happy in • few minutes •o feel wail, as if they had ,a Reswih.r :--No happiness without taken • little champagne, and they keep a health. But Green's Augnet Flower feeling .e The ga,d does seen to be per - bring@ health and happiness at the maosak dyspeptic. Ask your dreggi.t foe a bottle. fievesty-isteely (tenni oely loved Aset•e, team's elfin. SaAmC. al l, Ang. 11. -Yesterday "elixir" maro .- boness and making the American a uimalant without any ssiasgwent Jobs Halving entered candy sten ef H• who revive a good tarn armed, Jeb° She11..re and after •.hart essveret- elver rewemk.r it. ' tion with Mr. Mellen dm► a revolver end piachag Ila mnsde behind her left ear Rend. A KRerdne-t N one dose. "Teominl The seinen will die. iasis thee fired tor" to any use sending.the best four li.. j • ballet thro neth bis own hese. The love of rhyme en .riariR$T, the remarkable Henning for Mrs % .1.ra, watch was vert little gem for the Teeth and Elea.- Ash r•e.•.pr,cat.d, h We pr ,table easae of the y .a rr gene tt or *Airbags tragedy. BINDING TWINE. SILVER COMPOSITE. Call and see @ample at the More of C. CRA=�_ Dederick, Joan It, NM, A COOK BOOK FREE C : -:11 N any !a,fy sealing us her pest otter aiQre:s. W ells. Rkhardsoa t Co , rostreai. 10000 PRESENTS 10 Met Al-t1.YYtc. WIIILE TP"I' LAM N'r wi.!.•-•d Mm•.ito nap• pruritiau. r + I.r t:..aS w ;a•, wife•, a„r. .r c.. -ti.- , t.. . ('toll•: -- woo w,.1 try Use IIEAVVIdEf's LIMO ass Psys "*.t the rcd cinch irem the Lha-° a...I .end it in a 1tier r tatint; honer* or.n:nn atter fairoriel. F'ttier .nil,l0orD a •.t rise will .cute U.r gift. say gr,.ree or e(0414.ta knows whereto eat i t if at ferd7 yen.-AJlbr. e- 08111 S11LJ. t CO -.1'0101110, Spring Goods GREAT YAIILEfl - AND AT - PRICES ,TO WIT ALL . - AT THE -- TORONTO CASH STORE. P. O'DEA 2151 - MAMA(' Hie THE KEY TO HEALTH. Mika= entre clogged amours edam Bawds, Kidneys and Liven gawp. ingot( gradually without weahssing ire system, all the immortals and Soil humors of the morelioaa at tb mon time atiemaell. m� d - of Dy. mloane� Vinton,, J Dropsy. Sba®, Erysipelas,Flattering a the Heart, all thms and mairy other similarCempiaints to litiwominfineons IL NM= • ORa pwsUllow lslglr dit 10 " - 4! 6 • •. r.,. -► i-w•ee • M }. w • .• w. / . . taw.01. '-. fi iw / .,.: a•- e. 1..n.a,... taw ,waN!•.. ,.•M.•w aw •.seer•. { w••1441.4.411Iw1441.4.411 .•w..,wr rre tom r.0.1 sew s / �MMrnerM foie sol ..11‘..03.111,116:17-44141110111114 - ,.. �tat1 u. .n..+ Arse r . w�,arti*..irse••e.w- wwleel-msBY. ewes. . , ear Y- irtre.r..e'.e.. a1sa ..w ��..•e ,.. ase i maDsgft.11eeee. PLANING MLLL (STiULIMIEO I$5e RIICHANAN ROBINSON, M ARD V ACTcsawa BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all kends or LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES A so be bas's ass'ertel of every deerrtptlee Soho�l Pavers Specialty