HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-16, Page 6TUE DOMINION IN BRIEF.
Tee elimeeme.iga era Ween iN14•d die
a CMmms et newer lhowarapb. fee In-
easinded IIes'Msk
1'M Ousactiaa Medical Association party
an in Witeaipeg.
bic►ai Cleary, of Kingston, will be Aroh-
hia►op (`Leary now.
Thanday, August 22, hashers' proclaimed
es W iadeor'e cis lc holiday.
The Laval and Victoria Medical Families
1n Montreal have amalgamated.
It is reported that the neat Csoad ss' Pa-
cific dividend will be per Deal
Two wins of Mr. Robert Lr Little were
drowned last week at Teeewster.
A slight accident to her redder has de -
toyed the steamer Pacific at Killarney,
Grad,ng will be ootnmenced right away on -
the C. . It. branch trout Brandon to Souris. Ayer's Hair Vigor rookies color Sad
Mr. W. C. Yea Bladen, a prominent mei- vitality to weak and gray hair. Through
dent of Sarnia, died on Saturday evening. las healing and cleansing gtsalitt e, it
Alfred Fielding, of Thorold, captaino4 the resents the accumulation of Tdandru
dredge Sir Hector, wise killed by cars at and cures all scalp dies's.
he best
Quebec. hair -dressing ever made, and by far the
Mr. Hugh (inbem's petition .xamerning most economical.
the Jesuit Acts has bees replied to in the -
negative. A Make Mart.
Mr. Kobe, Reed, of Owen Sound, has se- A young man was recently graduated
cured the contract for the harbor works .n from a scientific achooL His home had
IUidLn.L been a religious one. He was • member
Then is diphtheria on Garden Island, ..f • Christian Church,hed pinna parents,
near Kingston, and three deaths have al brolLers and sisters ; his family was one
ready taken place. in Christ.
Mr. Edgar Prow faker, M. i'. for Victoria On graduating he determined upon •
B.('., has Intimated that be wail n..t be to Western hie among the mines. Full of
Ottawa next ses,.i,.n. courage and hope, he started on his long
TheJuly official stetetraent shows an In* journey to etrike out hr himself in •
cress in the public debt of the Dominion„ world.
83,474,279 during that month. The home prayers followed him. A.
It is proposed to 6011 an exhibition 01 he went he fell into sompany with older
cereals in t% iuu;peg during the visit ul the ,lien. They liked him for his frank
Governor-General in that city. manners. and hi manly independence.
On account of donie.tia• trouhie, Christian As they journeyed together they stopped
Hardee, • well U -Jo /:crena&, of ('bicago, for • Sabbath in a border town. On the
Shot his wife dead on flidey night.morning of the Sabbath, one of hie fel-
ls is mid that 1 rr. I►yde, of the University t..w travellers said to him, "Come, let
of New Ilruwwick, has uawptwl • chair in us be of for s drive and the sights."
Qs'een's l`uiver it at Kingston, Oat."No said the young man, "I am
Wm. Bowe, formerly of " l"' flattery, sta- to church. I have been brought
Mooed at Victoria, IL 1'., was druwuwt res ...Aug g
Saturday while lathing in the harbor there. °p ko k•et the Sabbath, and I haves pro -
A by-law housing file a Imewe Medway "aced, my mother to keep on to that
and Navigat.en ( emptily iu the et tent of '.a1.
sc acquaintance hawked at him
815,0e00 was carried in Oshawa on Saturday- for $ His read roadmoin.t, and then, slapping him on
Patrick Haley, who wounded )lien EH*rhe shoulder, said, gid "Riht u boy.I
of Garafraxa, with a knife, ha• boon .wmacit• t y
ted for trial Mia Ellis' coudition is im- began in that way. I wuh I had ket
proved. .,n. Young an, you will do. Stick
The Ottawa E9ual Rights Aseocietion tour bringing up, and your mother's
will call a imus meeting immediately for w .Ids, and you will win."
theiceneiderstion et the Governoreievleral•s The bay went to church ; all honor to
reply. him in that far -away place, among each
There ha been a considerable rise in men. His cumpantats had their drive,
ocean freight rates on timber from Quebec•, but the boy owned their confidence, and
.,wing to cite heavy demand fur vessel eon their respect by his manly avowal
tomato of sacred obligatious. Already success
The tug :,cel raft seized at Amheretburg is smiling cn the young man. There is
by the customs authorities hare been re- no lack of places for him.
leased, after deproiting *4.1151 t .port duty
.nal <4e11 tine.
An uttaw••destab says that the gran., Freeman's Worm P„.den destroy
{+•and remove worms without injury to
muter era the A. f'. and A.M. has issued • ��t lir inf
o lm
insudate de prohibiting dancing in the lodge
r t Ins
The sle macs
The little esus s. an peawe sigh.
Aad iota a s;
trouble make u
Kee gddee m1r
oesg Dees heye
slumbers They from our slumbs wake e
Nes. eft w et
hall the < le o'er.
The, .tart ee been Der drosei0g.
Amid we int rias and walk the doores
Until they wase their eorail$g
Perhaps our rankness we deplore:
lade*,ladue i. wishing. Neaghe,
Welted remained • teaaheler
While siaslag "tti.ep. my baby.-
We weeder why we took a wife.
While wrath within w nursed la
And 1121.12 of all the a of lire
♦ eyualllag babe the worst Is.
Bet when grim death is hareems nigh,
War distant may that day bb's
"Tate all we own. 0. Lord'" we cry.
"Hut spare to lie the baby.-
Elbe -es be- Whet doa Maws eali his
sweeties," I wonder t
He-- "Dovey,' I w Yoe know
they speak peg.ou Bugliah.
Beher asked Park Benjamin why
he mos case to bear him preset. He
replied -"Why, Beecher, the fast is, I
hate *oeiemtioss maniples against aorta'
tar plass of amu u. '.t on Ssnday.
'Lie, 'aria.
A garrulous fop, who had annoyed by
hie frivolous remarks hie partner m them
bail -room, &eked whether she had over
had her ears Firmed. "No, but I have
had them bored."
Back from the oountry.-Pulioenten-
What, returned to the city so early in
the season 1
rap -Yes, boss, the city's good
enough for se.
P. -Why so 7 I supposed the country
was a paradise in mummer to theof
your kind.
T. -bo it was once. but the farmers
are all akin' summer beerders,and work
off their sold ethics un 'em. -Boston
A couple of la,! -birds were drinkingtt
toether, when nue of them took out his
"Blase me !" exclaimed his astonished
oomp•nion. "you've got a watch 1'
"Looks like it."
"And bow much did it cwt you r
"Six months."
Mn Skinnphliut-Johnny, what did
you mean by telling Harry Plunkat he
could come and CV your k.t i all Ito want-
ed to.
Johnny -I was just giving him taffy,
Mr Skinophlint-(roused from a sound
sleep by Johnny's words, -1f I catch you
giving anything of the kind to anybody
whsle sugar is 10 cents a pound, 1'11
creak every bone in your body,you young
rascal !
-- m
Tt�el, wisdo.
Timely wisdom is shown by those who
keep Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry on hand. it has no equal for
cholera, cholera morbus,dtarrbea,dy.en-
tery, colic, cramps and all summer com-
plaints or looseness of the bowels 2
lltlbias'• Amatic Quinine Wise is
diettaetly .spored to any other as a
appellees, Cosa sad fortifier. 1M
Ila J B Jones, of Asgssts, Georgia,Se
eras in alortb last week •totting bi.
parent& and other friends. Mr Jonas
has s. extens1' a tailoring and gouts'
feroisag..abltahmeut nu Augusta and
is another a Seats -the sow who bas
dohis suitors torn credit &breed.
Med IIs way.
Among the passengers on the Si Lewis
Express yesterday was a woman very
much over -dressed, accompanied by a
bright -lucking nurse girl and • self-
willed, tyrannical boy of about 3 years.
The boy aroused the indignation of tbe
mut passengers by his continued shrieks and
lakicks and his screams, and viciousness
sing and Heins- toward the patient nurse. He tore her
The caro of the wrecked es. M..ntreal c,°n ¢Irl had been trying to do bonnet, scratched her hands, and finally
ind.uded l peas Ix.z.s of cf: f if 1.2,3:•11t something very good, and had not sur- spat in her face, without a word of re-
of peas, 1,_'•r.► -acne of dour, dei: seeded very well. Her friend, hearing munatrsnce from the mother.
cattle and t Presbyterian
her complaint, said : Whenever the nurse manifested any
The First 1'resbytrri1 rhea ch of Eno'
,,God gives us many things to do ; but brmuess, the mother chided her sharp -
sent a call to Lev. H. l . i:,.,.,., of Ingersoll, don't you think He gives era something to Ly.
tint. The Alien Labor or Law hat been call-
td into keep Mr. lees out. be, just as well(' Finally, the mother composed herself
A. Edison, of St Thomas, has received a "l►, dear ! tell me about Iii in -r," mid fur • nap ; and about the time the boy
contract to construct six tower buildings for Marion, looking up. "1 will think had slapped the nurse for the fiftieth
the l'. 1'. R. atthe Interlocking switcbt be. Shout bring, if you will help me. • time, a wasp came sailing in, and flew on
twos %V'iwisuo and London. Her foetid answered : the window of the nuree's seat. The boy
Mr. C.F. Just. chief clerk to Sir Charles "tied says : at once tried to catch it.
Tupper, is at present in (',mach acquiring "Be kindly atf.otionate one to another. The nurse caught his hand, and said,
agricultural information likely to be useful "Ile ye also patient. coaxingly :
to intending imigrauta. 1 "Ile ye thankful. 'Harry mustn't touch . Bug WU bite
The t:overnment Printing ltereau at Ot- "Ile ye not conformed to this world. Harry !"
Swale to here from tro *0 st+ prieters ookle4t _ "11. ye therefore perfect . Marry screamed =verily, W lawn
to kick and pound the nuns.
.rise in tbe•ir Wastes. 1" "Pb sot wise in your own conceit. The mother, without opening her eyes
Charles R. Pope, of Slissonri has been a Ile nit overcome of evil.. or lifting her head, cried out sharply :
appointed C. s- Consul of Ttronte., and Marion 1•.tened, but made no reply, "Why will you tease that child so,
s relight drew into darkness. Mary. Let him have what he wants at
Pichard G. fay, of the District ate...lumbia,
Conset- Grnoral at Ottawa The tea bell sounded, bringing Mir- Coos."
11. it. ]loycreft, .nperinten ant of toe ion to her feet. In the firelight Eliza- "But, ma'am, it's a-''
Provincial lie o .t N rct..ria 1:. l'. has been beth could see that she was very aerio;ta. "Let him have it, 1 my."
absent seivt rel weeks,a&d it is reporteel that ..I'll have •better day tomorrow. I Thus encouraged, Harry clutched at
he is l whited w his preventive x,unts. itiee doing grows out of tieing.•' the weep and caught it. The scream
Botrral ndi wr7,
.._on bate „We cannot be what God loves with- that followed brought tears of joy to the
just rot -sped to Ottawa from the Eastern
gld it doing what He commands. It u pseesnt;s-u eyes
towoahits, report 1 sei7ares.1 smuggleed'
whiskey, ' ,haeee, and cigars in the vicinity easter to do with a rush than to be The mother awoke again.
hent or unselfish or humble or just or "Mary," she cried, "let him have it !"
of Hhe building and vanilla. wpMar turned in her seat and .aid, con -
this year 'mount to 8197,6;5 -by far uncal "1 think it is," returned Marion. fussily :
largest amount ever spent in one year be- _ _ _. "He's got it, mem
fore. The boom is due to the discovery oil The Sema Cardinal Poises.
sutural gas tear the village. , The stomach, the liver, the bowels and Regulate the Liver and Bowels by the
It is reported that the Great North -Wes- the blood are the four cardinal points off
ternTelegraph Company at Hamilton have health. These Burdock Blood Bitten jo ural vegetable. net of
National Pills, they are
promised the l'us't office Department at .cis upon to strengthen, regutate,cleanee purely
t►ttaw& to refrain from the further infringe ind purify, thus restoring and maintain-
letment of the Postal Act by the delivery 0t.ro¢ perfect health. B. B. B. i1 natures limes Annie Rom, of Brussels. Mien
teli 'true tonic and renovator. Y Menzies, of Grey, and Mn Smith, of
More emacs of embezzlement by R. T. - Morris,osreached Brussels J.
math, of
Burns, the Tete deputy p.stmaster at Kinn ]:obi Jamieson, of the Golden Lion, ier sr the 27th sse on the terry
ton, are coming to light, and it is stated t Miss McGowan, of Tuckenmith, and trip from the Prairie Province. They
•if the Government nmcnt a will
be nt not rnakei rpm Finlayson, of. Egmondviile, have were away 40 days. In their stay they
restitution •n ac tion will be entered in tali Wm
for a visit to the Old Country. met scores of old friends
iixchee,uer court.
The Montreal Star, referring to the F.gnal1 --- -
Blithe Association, says that this country. seven Attack.
now more than ever in its history, react an
Miss Bella Elliot, of Pontypool, (int.,
independent voting power, • sndrem
ing -lwritea--'•My brother and 1 were both
erre to the machine politician., that will hold taken i11 with • severe attack of dtar-
to •:h parties in
to chock. Jrh,et, having tried other remedies, we
The iorminith 12. Imperial
authorities aro tried Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw -
negotiating with the Imperial authorities for,
be which ve immediate relief." 2
a r•ednetiem in the rates for the transmission have a larger vale in mydu
parcels between Yamada and England and, • `l trey
also for the extension of the paned peat ayr;ttite," says a well knows druggist, "than
tem to all the countries in the festal Unhon.eny other pill on the market, and give
the heat satisfaction for sick headache,
petal lateral ns. tcrtesten. Ibiloio°anem, indigestion, etc , and when
Perm,' Kc, Alyn. N. -An explains: Of acombined with Johnston's Tonic Hitters,
natural ges main of the M,enonsabeto SetersiJohnaton's Tonic Liver Pills will per -
eras ('.wnha.y os' the south side eo afgu. is.'
rfw what no other medicine has done
staut'y killed two workmen, fatally injuvsd for sufirminc humanity." Pills
two others and severely injure II:. or Lb morn 11 Ootr<• t bottle Bitters ZS Cent
The killed see: John Oloior, .mels, 7112 M
John 1►•(,aswir..iori.n "-•. The fatal) in -end $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode
view re Jays Grower, smarted: Mewl Druggist, Albeit block, Goderich, win
keine, • boy. stent [o]
Oa Monday seeming of last week while
Mr Andrew Teanant, a eon -in-law of
kir John Csrentore, near Winghem, wee
coupling cars at Palmerston his foot
into tie hoose when him wife lid her the thigh.
eawght, and he sees thrown down amid
smyder wen living and abet betNaz both hb Ianhrokoa, one below the heatnT der will probably recover. The. exotics sad the other nosy
is fatally injured
Item theTremble liar be Expveted.
ems if you du not heed the warnings of ea-
tersand at eppay •ttentiuu to the
maintainanoe at your health. How often
we w • person put off from day to day
disrobethe purchase of a medicine which if pro-
cured at the outstare of a disrobe would
have remedied It almost immediately
Now if Johwton'e Toole Liver Pills had
been taken when the first uuwtIMee
made its appearaucs the illness would
have been "nipped LI the bud." John-
son's You= Bitters and Liver Pills are
decidedly the best medicine un tbe mar-
ket fur general tonic and invigorating
properties. Pills 23o. nor bottle. Bitters
b0 oente and el per bottle, sold by
Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole
agent. bl
Jas. Carter's hoose, on the 8th can.,
Morru,was struck with lightning on Sat-
urday night, the 27th r.1 July, but no
damage of any accouut was doneu,ulyrhe
carpet on the tloor heiug burned • little.
The inmates of the house escaped with-
out any injury.
Meme Robert Sprung and John Knox,
of the base line, shipped, on 'Saturday,
27th ult., lei as fine brood int res u any
one could wish to see, for Statique,
Manitoba They went by boat frutn
Goderich. Seven of the horses had
written pedi,trees.
fere Hemarkabk 14111.
Found at :est, what the true peblie
has been looking for these many years
and that is a medicine which altbeugh
but lately introduced, has made for
itself • reputation second to none, the
medicine Is Johnson's Tonic Bitten
which in conjunction with Johnson's
Tunic Liver Pills has performed some
meet wonderful cures impure or im-
poverished blood soon becomes purified
and enriched. Billiousneu, indigestion,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, etc., soon disappear when
treated by these excellent tonic medi-
cines. For Sale by Good, druggist, Al-
bion block, Goderich. solo agent. [d]
to its rtall. 'I'bose alreaclyempluyed Want $ 'e1fe coUrtenti,
HiZDmob er • of Ibis \ r.se
mai Fa i $acme lea sant.
u ()ewe,
Over memo hdbm b... writhes
esy that it ampere• Say ye au
.s red by them ..•lease.
k sakes the Iirto.ael,
.wrelpl brr+d, .ell., bowa..d
buckwheat i orakcs.
Maker. iu ...O. every Iowa
are ...malt.
n; -lt.
The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln
is now running full time, and
any quantity of Fresh Lime
can be obtained at the Kiln
at all times for lOc. a bushel.
1 ruprictws.
•.,ISR 1
t3oderioh. Ma,ak 13111 -
knee 1 my crux i bo not ,Wean merely=
sl oopp them for a time. an.t than li:.e'- lh.•tn recur,
Dain. 1 s:o sN t It.tIoh IL t'CItE
1 have nt,tue the disease uI
A life long study. 1 WAaWA.% r my n•medy to
t'Kgthe w'orstcale Beentr. otheniwveWlyd
is aro redraw for ti..c now meets Mil is rure. Pend
at mar lura treat., and • Fane BorTu of my
1%rALL' nue KIOIEDI. (,he Exprrssand Post
lima,•. It costs y..0 Polhill fur a trt:.1. and It
IA in rare vs':. Address: IN. 0. SOOT N.0.,
Branch bice, 104 West Adelaide Mrst,
Cash. -stere
Merl lies erne see We limber.
Ei.ns.aaon,Ken ,An 11. -Robert Snyder.
a saloon keeper here, hat of late boon living
apart from his family. hast night he broke
Fin Ise _my dewono de yea shdy Arnaud seek bottle of Dr Ohms. Leer Own is s medical guide Siad reosip
oriental fetraager -very amidwouab. hook eeataieing oeefsl IwformMbss, over
'• How long sines you onsrmenood to sea reeeipma. Ned presotawesd by desiors
seed It v'
and d g as Werth lye time file
' Ever drew i biomass IuMdel Iseemrer.' eta of the w.sdieI.s. bimbei00 Mi
- Limoolm Joarrl $1. Soy by all dnlggisia
NOW a Nie 1'amset Cold.
A slim young man in the height of
fashion was violently sneering in a street
car, when a companion remarked, eiAw,
Chawles, dash boy, how d'ye catch that
dweadful cold." "A w, dash fellah, left
my cane in the lower hall tother day,
and in socking the ivory handle, so
dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Her•
vey's Red Pine Gum his cold would not
tenable hire eery mucfine, or male at J
Wilson's prescription drugstore. tt
Teas and Groceries.
North -8t. second door off Square. OS -,m
\Vaiei' Sei'iiee & Repairs
The undersigned is prepared
to undertake the putting in of
Water Services in connection
with the Town System to Dwell-
ings and other Buildings. Also
To Steam Engines, Mills. Fac-
tories and Machineryof all kind.
Prices reasonable. Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Lrau*ULRQ Suitt*.
T eleserrice .ted depart u
>ia11 Rad Y p.ress .. ....
fitted.......... .•
112 ................. ~r'rittlf ..
Uoderteh as too
........ lam►•'
ISM bal.
.......ILIO a.m.
., ,...... 7.15p.m
tate p re
tuns, Oeealee System ofSlemer7?rebleta.
Feer $.ot5 Lesewed r ear l•eadtae-
Plied w..4 1100 eared. __.�
Iverei .
gnat 1
t1i-re dif
�yytaj�r� .e, "me ft': W. A.tw. wage t.
Aa.d ,�w�r e ,.t fay.
'LIIISZTTY• A'1 Vl5 Ave.. R. T.
A large assortment of the newe-t ht Hata and Bonnets.
CRIBB'S BLOCK, Goderich.
Beattie ilro'r., Brussels, running mare
took let prize at Drayton rnoe. on Tann-
day of last week. She is • trim little
bead and speedy, too. "John I.." sal
"Deception" were her opponents. Tike
race was mile beats and was won in two
straights. Jso. Beattie rode the matt..
Arcate Cones and .IM
And all dimes of the throat acid longs
'lean be eared by the nee of Rentt's ICm.l-
sion, sit contains the healing virtues of
Cod Liver Oil Siad Hypopbocphiten is
their tallest form. See _what W. 8.
Meer, 1[ D., L 11. 0. P., ebb, Truro,
N. says : "After three yens' esper-
hoes I otinader Roott's )1mwlsioH one of
Moe very best ie the market. Very lt-
etdlsHt Is throat allnetiena" BcY
s/ isgM-, 00e, awl 01.00
(%oniptlltitore envious of ou ;suc-
Sole Agents for W. N. Peak
Brooklyn, N. Y.
1000 Bozzs
Just entered through the-Castom9
No Trouble to Show Samples
Everything required for house-
TheCheaDest Hoose Under the Su.
�pp .
Gut's Saitiii for the Season
has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in PluRhee, PIMP.
ere, Ribbons, and every other line for the embelishment of
Hats, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli-
nery Department, which she is selling low,
Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before.
A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be given
to every purchaser of a bat valued at $2 or over, and
the Gift will be awarded on July hat. 2202
�ineMeW, One wine grime sad lair priIs
IBR. RNA, Ne is Montreal Bast
Has now received her Spring Stock of the
idTEST.1.117 W tS 78171m
And Is prepared tog: re her many lady enstomere the finest City Styles at town tetra,
Owing to the fact that her busbies has kept on i.ct setwg. then has not bees ea 000ger
tuslty to prepare for a formal .pring opening.
All are 1 cited to examine duality. Styles and Pores.
Weekly Cu sitmeot3 Received Dirk the Buy
SHOWROOMS, -_{corner of Hamilton and Neonates. off the Square.
If roe want to set the largest Meek .f Ter Notre 1a tows'• ge to
if yon want to ow the Cheaper Wow �& Sad w Mystewes. call and see those lovely beta and Shades.
PZC7'TVR7o FR.LMMII'tTC} meetly dose. JOBIST/er i desseaeaN7
1 deist lave keep CMZZ,,ARRtw•es O A x,a (}$tl! in egret ler westmew e(
�a ani rhe asalegv.e w_ 1s�d Sad a.y Mb* wes'tls't-ane i sem order ea •
oldaiwa W en kistptriel el h Df 11 -_•
mermen+ t 11,
0oderiab Apra lith 1N
I,ll.tsr-i .i5ewe, awns.‘
!. b resperod Orr t1e hilineaata
TM Ca•r ls expected la Reel= ur
Detroit claims • populatioa of c
I'reeidsat HarN toeing wa
pi..d b ltatnw.
These it talk a lir. Parnell 1
lengthy vials toIndia
Tb. Holli. lhem/d Reef and W.
posy of poster, has failed.
Rica petroleum deposits and v.lu
minas have 12.15 diesovervd in Mex
A Landes despatch mays that oe
damar Ne Greenock refinery
Cid.... are .war•nong into l4
steamer, whence they are a
to SS Upland Metre.
a in.urrectiea, which bails fair
to the instigators thereu1,
t lfuool&lu on July :so.
1f. 11. Britton, general mow
Watertown and Ogdensburg
led at Oswego on Saturday, aged ,i
Ilslbc.bts .ay they elways f
hen Ibey make a.ueuaiona, but
oasis whether they aeronaut.
They have politica in Japan not
he Cosaltutiun, and one of the p
.11ed the Jijito.
('apitaliata are endeavoring to i
oomp.ay at Wifmingtos, N. C.,re
snY acture of ploo tiles bagging to
Tb. Indianapolis, Decatur and
ilroad has been placed w the ha
A despatch from Everton. 1's., r
rest est strike has ended in v&
he men who secure an &drama. uif
TM New York police were r
etive in making arrests for violalfe
:cies law nut Sunday, and reseed
Dr. Wm. H. Bradley, manage!
.ekly l',cx, of Pbitadelplta, 11
rooted, e -barged with embe z ii
John Spever, • Lacro..e. Wis., 1.12
teed notice last week that • de.•ea
ve in c,eruiaoy ba.i hequeati
, io,00q.
Eleven one-armed switchmen on
o and Norah western railway .t 1
ruck for an advance in w&ges ai
ul in their detnanda.
A San Frsucisco deepatch tells of
O 1 to secure control of all the wi
of the world. Th. capital Inv
A cablegram states that a treaty
.said and Japan has been signed
miler to the treaty recently coach
era Japan and the United Bates
3. A. Downs it Co., whocowduct 1
mut and fish hastiness in Porton.
have bees attached by their et
• liabilities are unknown.
Tb. steamer North Star, of Ruffs
red at I►esroit os' Sunday and lib.
6,000fer toe sinking of the semi
' "7 White Fish Point last .tune.
Buck horn, near l'eterbnro, on
hard Jarvis and fel Welsh wen
ane,' trolling. The lines locals et
the weed., and in trying to 1
n, the cane was upset sod Jarvu
'epexte -from the majority of t
t'es of industry throughout the
wv speak of the volume of genes
. having been much better der
•-t, and indications all point to
-,k for the 1513 trade.
The W. et am Moreland
one nt the women are exempt fr
k, net eves' in the fea,iliee of ve
tial peasant proprietors, whom
furnished as well as any coontr
us' All work as regularly as t
male individual The land, h
g their own, they hare a choice
the hard toil is generally done by
felhag and bringing home wnTM 1
isg gram, geeenlly, but not
carrying manure on their be
d ling horses and cows, digging, a
vy labour is main'. work :-the bi
to a pole with a straw, which
times i• the course of its prow
Ing of hay, the pruning of wit
-hang off the superfluous laves s
these lighter yet
about vineyards or orehar f,
'. work. But somee, both in
Switzerland, appear to have • 1
t role in the family, amo
er and middle clamors, than with
oma, though not exempt from
k, and even hard work, unrlerta
king and managing department
ily affairs, and the husband is but
've officer. The wife is, in lar
kably superior in manners,
and intelligence to the husband
every family of the middle c
inSwitterland. One is surprie
wife of such good, even genteel r
sound sense, and altogether such
person to her station. and the 1
oft. • mere lout. 'Th. hen is
rd allover Switzerland. "-Dia
A woman ns s sexew.
nay not be generally known, a
nevertheless, tb.t the sexton e
lei largest cemeteries to a w
_thelby--whn, since the death
, in I Iles, has had sole eharf
i(:atholiel ('emetery. 10c•
y•.ixth and St. l'ecilio streets
w 13,000 dead resting in this
, the first grsse in which was
Shelby's bttsbeed. The !ady
n Ireland, and married there. bet
the United States t& 151.1. eh. •tt
11 the dnciss of the position, keeps 1
ks, records, kc.. in a thor ttgh s
emetic matter, and has achieved
redial.le s.roses amt made hoes of
• has a family of five children,
Anew, a daughter. 1. married. Mrs.
Heeds to her .Intim• f.ithfilly,
uttering feast tee *Seam of • lI
tr"ke soceiveel tome time since.
• only woman sexton in this city a
far as knows, and ono of the very
is country.-Lesle.iile Ceneier-JM
itwpteatr.Ie a WeeM. 51..
Rosettes, Aug 1t. -A• evpkafoe
bows, of ties R. Farber Co.'s
Gla here this merdtig tors d Ie
gas bait , shattered the walls ppree
y 4tje * W. HWMaobWM
t 1
NA, send