HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-16, Page 5tions levies, Summer AYS. SRO.' .rout ILO ticketswere to Toronto, 29 to don, 16 to Port Stan- imh,•r 1.3 tither ohms' haus po'n's. 1e all rare disposed ,.t egal. ;MA. LEWIS, BAR in High Court. Convey 1 Itay held. Bayfield of - from 10 to 1. Money to Alf, sLiciroil, Ac. r(►et square and t1 eat er telegraph u1Mce. Pet. t 9 per cent. 9pyy. ROCDYOOT, BAR tOrmejl Solicitor*. ✓ ow. W. Proud suet. 17 )LT & CANER JN, Akers la Chancery. tc. awns. Q.(.; P. Holt. Y. 'war` l761 - or to Let. .LE -THAT VALE. mown as lot1. row. 1. tunic:A arras of land. all teed. Upon the lot is a Rood trance barn and our goat wells on the at orchard. The farm is y.•h attd ti from Port M.e. school and churn ,able. Terms reasonable. r on the premiers or to HAS. MURRAY. Port Albert P. 0. rill crier hr sale the tol- e farm. cr.*st.t.ttg of the block "F.- in the ,thoon- ship of Colborne. in the lois term is cutout a Goderich. and t on the ]Iain tinsel a Rood frame bowie. I . R . JR by m. containing n. m by 42. with cattle ed. and one of iae !anew whip. It is watered b g creek sod a good well ed and free from slumps. ,nd of any kind on the within e0 rude er the sna•'de terms. • Pier rt, uLtn apply to ('KENli118.1K. proprietor. Goderich. Icik.OWM. on the peemiees. (RICK HOUSE AND . 44N ST. PATRICE ST. I walk from the 'matum act editito . in the rear ng covered wits state. lame reams on first feat. ari .• rooms. 1e. the rear cher. pant, y. washroom. ,rid bathroom. Also good ualer•yfaed, who will 'alerts' eon. DANIEL-GORDON. ✓ .1ppp•7 to. PHILIP HOLT. 11W PROPERTIES of 11. iti Maitland Com very tine farm. Price et -ant. Is. 11. AahneM. Lots 43 and 44 In Int (on. 103 acre*. Will be sow :and Wier 17.:nthe Yoh acres..fexeellent land in do. Lot MID I towgall's .[!•rich. Ince nal; rlet..h. on Ll ht Howe .ase and Mable. Price . s71. 1013 and pt. 1x14 •any fah of an sere in re :eaani... part of the 4.0. The ■boor proper - easy terms of payment. SKAGER, Goderich. d at vim low rates. l 1R11 FOR SALE - raperry known a. lot 1110.. tch town•h'p. within one On the farm a.r a Targe hone and kitchen. with ie barn and stables; arm- waterwl. For further to Nt-Kreou the prem. 211.2-1y !SAP -40 LOTS IN f c°Merton-- trout t acres I3dwellies houses. Ap IIF.UAL11. 2174-1y TWO LOTS FOR 'nee has nine rooter. al ►. (looms. cellar. wood - * ter. The garden eon - int. thou stet acres of wile or in exchange for 4. KNIGHT. Goderich. 717e4f At Arthur Street. with ,errors, *s. Ila', 244. 243, Kiwi. 4 aril. n ant! Rrftannia Road. se ea Keays street. id 1's t Ilray, op'o•Ite new • st. M .t tae at 1 Ott' RATKS. i>1IN 41 JOAXISTOK, ,ements. !CH A NICII' Main RY AND It M AD11r IPM"" Harr• (w0 ▪ sad tram 7 to 10 p.m )L'$ Iii LiBRARY '«ar end 111,14,-. 4.1 tires, d'e., an Pija wart ONLT ell est 1.2iltektry sod >lWtm• sew to reashtd •.oto, 1rTTVron 4r ID GLOVES WORM D1RBCT 11111 FRANCS. We have Secured the Agency for Perrin Freres' noted French Kid Gloves, and have placed in Stock an Immense Assortment in Black and Colored. r-� 'Every pair Guaranteed. TO=N' ACI3=SCN. 2201 - LOO$ OUT FOR RIM ! Who itas a tromped op tale to tail? Who claims below the cwt to sell 1 Here Is his name -you know it well, 'Tia Ananias. Who raja no one has goods so Dice, A..4 claims he hears on the price i 1 h.i is a siI pery as ice f Ti.•Ananias «'h., says he seeks the public weal, Ai.d gla's's to give the squarest deal, Then skins the buyer like an eel f Tis Ananias. %.ho is it has shy awful gall T.. say hie profits are so small They hardly let Lila lire at all• T4s Ananias Who shave• the price so very fine Who maces the d- hart ninety nine f His name la--tonupon the sign, 'Tia Ananias. Who is it that a dnwn on chests, And no e,n.petttur defeats, And atth the hottest truth just beat. Ananias ? Excuse as, we .'.'t like to say ? But •ben you want to tet fair ply, And no•. 4 t threw your cash away, Just try ns. ACHESON & CO. (Late Aci.uoo & Cox )Ir Th.'a Dodds. of McKillop, .leitter- .d the &tat grow wheat at (Igil%is& mill. $eeiurth. 'm Thursday .4 ia•t week It watt et lair sample .t.d west a tt1f10 over ci>fty poa.da to the tit ,het.. The Teacher Who advised her pupils to strengthen their minds by the use of Ayer's Sar- saparilla. appreciated the truth that bodily health is essential to dental vigor. For persons of delicate and feeble constitution, whether young or old, this Medicine is remarkably- twneflcdal. Be sun you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall i take • nom - her of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." - Mrs. James 11. Eastman, Stoneham, Maas. 1 bare taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla with great benefit to my general health." -MisTltirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. " My daughter, twelve years of age, has suffered for the pest year from 6 General Debility. A few weeks since. we began to giro her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Her health hue greatly Improved." - litre. Harriet H. Battles, South Chelmsford, Naas. "About a year ego i began naing Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia moulting fmtn malarial exiosure in the anal,. i UAW an a very had condition, but six bottles of the Sar- naparills, with occasional doss of Ayer's Pills. have greatly hnprnv.d my health. I an. now able to work. dna feel that I cannot say to° much for your excellent remedlea." - F. A. Plnkham, South Molunens, Me. "My daughter, cistern years nld, is using Ayer'a Sarvaparllln with good ef- fect. '- vier. S. .1. Graham. United brethren Church. Inckhannou, W. Va. ".I suffered from Nervous Prostration, with lame hack and headache, and have been much benefited by the alae of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 am now 11) years of age and am wits*Ae.l that my prosent health and prolong,d life are ,five to the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla." - Lncy Moffitt, hillintly, Conn. Mrs. Ann 11. Farnsworth, a lady 79 years old, So. R'.rdelock, Vt. writes -Atter several weeks' .offering from nen-ons penetration, 1 procured a brittle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and before I had taken half of it my usual health retnrnrl. " Ayer's Sarsaparilla, lib IT L Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co., Unwell. Maes. Islas SI; ale bsom, gt. Weill' S • bat tea The Doherty Organ C.t,Clinton,rosot- 1I received a cheque for 9411 from the Customs Department mak mg in ail &IGAli reeeived from this .our**. Witte reinll d duty eel erring ah'p.ad oat of the ere0o: ry. Mir W. J. Chapman. Wins ham, has 1W tar,tt*rp *forty nnnpl.ted Th. ear - Mater, sad seloklayeee will 'scan As [4s.Mh, thea he will be able to go into • They reed Mdted'• sysees tr■water. HtAPRI4so31, NORTH CAROLINA. October 9th, 1888. DEAR Sta,-I hate taken your medi- ' eine (Sperm Reeovstori,it has improved my health and I weigh eight p.:unds heavier. My cough is very much tmpro- , ved. Send, etc., to It. B., Henderson, Vance C.., N. C. Your friend, A. B. WALIIIRr1LLR, Sep. 7th, 1888. DEAR Falaar,-I may say that I am almost through the second bottle and feel very much better and stronger than I was before I took sick. I can stand the cold much Fetter. I am gaining in atrenuth and flesh. Yours, etc., L. M. Toaoxyo, June :.'0th, 1889. I DEAR Sten, -I feel batter -my eyes are much better this week than what they were. I was thinking of going to Boa - ton, would it c • c.tn,.ny harm and eould you send medietue to we there? Yours, M. Melt. Mr Jaet.b Ruby, of the Bronson line, Stanley, threshed on Saturday lot and he hada yield of &24 bushels of fall wheat frim 22 acres of sandy land. It is white wheat and of excellent quality and Mr Ituby will have some to dispose of for aced. ♦ wendre h1 nem rredweer. This to the title Riven to .cotfs Etnttl- .1uu of f'..1 Liner (►;l by many thousands wh., have taken it. It not only gives fl.rh and strength by virtue* of its own nutritious properties. but crews. an •p petit* for food. 1'se if. 0,1.1 fry your or -eight Scott'. Emulsion is perfectly palatable. Sold by all druggists, at lion a -'d $1. 4 CANADA'S GREAT INDOSTRI91. F..a.2R AND MGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION 1889 TORONTO SEPT. 9th to 21st 1acre*eed Priors, Greater Ailment's* sad a wander Misplay Dam ever hMM'e. 114.40444141 maw Dose abed.* rester*. aunt Lames Mm re'aewee. aloe awaserrM *sows Idt•rtahommat m rum sessreawa ttmuwrmt. May tt.e amilamstaw All Waal wmya. Over MON Agents '4,04 Ibis Xzbtb4tIes bat year. Ww*ass 'ewes across 11144. trey PeaseLuta end aims.PrentV aunoes. etre., J J trr nsUw Pm► Ma.*.ie . Har la : a. Ia dR. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 109. A GREAT OLEA RIN() SALE OF FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO'S, BRANTFQRD. It is our custom and fixed purpose tO dispose of all goods during the season for which they were bought, and in consequence we pro- ceed even now in the heat of the season, to close out as far as possible our entire stock of purely summer goods. The extrenwly low prices which we make would justify our pat- rons in buying now, even to keep over till another season. We place on sale at clearing prices the whole of our large stock of black and colored French and English dress goods, Cashmeres, Iienriettas, &c., black and colored, plain and fancy dress silks (from the most reliable makers), parasols, prints, sateen, chainirray t+, printed wool challies, fancy costumes in wool, cotton and silk, plain and fancy dress muslins, lawns, flouncing laces, flouncing elubroideries, edgings, laces, handkerchiefs, &c., hosiery, gloves and underwear in silk, wool, Lisle, Balbriggan andeotton, Jerseys, ribbons, corsets, dress tritnlnings, beaded grenadines, table linens, napkins, towels, sheetings, cottons, ahirtings, flannels, cottonades, cretonnes, art inuslins, quilts, chenille tapestry and silk table covers, and other house furnishing goods, ladies' English waterproofs, beaded visites, pattern wraps, mantlings, &c., all of which are fresh anti new, manufactured and imported for the spring and summer of 1889. E7%Ve give special attention to mail orders, which will be filled by competent persons, and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples sent by mail on application. (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,)' BRANTFQRD. BOOTS AND SHO3 The Largest Stock and Choicest Assortment west of Toronto, at the old established Boot and Shoe House of E, DQE All Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Warranted to be just as Represented. YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN ! Ordered \\ i rk and II()MAg Piijth' ;41ieu�e� AND SATISFACTION GIJARAN'EED. See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNING. Cor. East-st. and Souare JOHN ROBERTSON Sets to announce that he is now agent for The IlloTe Cofflplly's Ce1or!o Teas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Best Authors, given with every 3 ibe. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. 1 FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT. dl JOHN ROBERTSON RNYNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS Have just passed thro.gb the Custom House, Direst from the Manufacturers, the Best Assorted Stock of Dress Goods EVER BROUGHT INT() GODRR1CH, CONSISTING OF SILK WARP HENRIETTAS 1 `ER EST ';HADES, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goods,. AT PRICE -4 AT LEAST 20 PER OENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO GR LONDON FOR THE SAME CLASS OF 000DS. :o: Remdy-made Men's Snits of Best Material, Fashionably Mads at Fabulously Low Prima .0 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25. IN HARDWARE DEPT. GLASS, PAINTS, OiLS. VARNiSH AND BUILDING MATEI L4J4 • FILL STOCK. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. April s, 1/04. O. C R A A B JUS SOMET2322> - 177:=7707• A WONDERFUL orTER GOODE the Drugs ist, in order to show his admiration for the fair sex of Gcderich, makes the following SURPRISING OFFER FO12 TIIIt MONTH OF AUGUST. To every lady who invests L', In facet ostler or 144. in pt rf utoer. 1 will Kilo her , hoioe of ass. pace or music, DU trash, but heat must. 'MA fine -t prier, otte to ca. h ('steals. These aro SOME OF THE SELECTIONS Ouillausne Tell r,8 pages) price ;;,cents I F rr, ea a teira 'roast prier, 60 cents L'argentrne .8 para»' prise (i:. alert's Abtae with n. (vocal; price 40 cent* Ahee, ltomaum 18 ;ages; Price 7:. coots Con,+ back to Erin (attar.price lig cents sad many others of like high standard rutieu cp in the h:,i4est artistic excellence. i'orzoni s face powder. finest in A,n.•ric... pin:..lite u. brc.nette. Mwat. in *luck. Kat tilackt.erry l'ompuuud for.ueeuter contplauti.. llcLeod's elysh'ut'Itenovatur. Lime judos. FINE DISPf,1\TBINv1-_ Fu:: Leeaof drugs. Potent med'cir.e•, tale., article.,. Alma Ms. 13 - WALTER C. COODE, DROiut&IST, ALBION BLOCK. ENGLISH, MECO AMERICAN 1'LORAL PERFUMES IE' 3ZrL$ THE PHARMACY. GEO. RHYNAS, Prop. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared and Moderate Prices Charged. ARE YOU THIRSTY. --.-TRY THE-- MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, -OR- -F'OR CO OM INGF HE THFUL DRINK_ P-At3PEERRY CORDIAL Pronounced) just the thing by all who have tried it. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL SCALL. WE GETTI4ERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the Snestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, GROCERIES AND FRUITS. CJR_ I31LMILTOZT-82". 3c SQUARE_ Wholeen'e and R:rail, N. IL -Try Cerehne Flakes for Slimmer. a...wast>•' Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RIINCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. .f •I}'•' fj�''alt�l;ll Ttru tial .{ Ca I' 4471711.1:4 1J r,• t AM Cl is, ')tate N IA; rn a E�P) tcRSSrrrSatoucxsct1��tttrATOP aglts.tStlgQt •t•A5T STRBETt4'DDU.RI �11/:,,.;.•. WIC If tV E ON HAND FOli SALE: Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $2200, HORSE POWERS GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c. AT 2.elCW F'2G-T.TR=S _► FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. 7iUP.ai .I*04 :AWE) OJWX'X QB or ALL JEZTPDO Liquors, &c /Ol& SALSA BY G. H. PARSONS ALBION E1.00M 0Ol7*RICH' The Signal for balance of 1889 to any address four b0 cents.