HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-16, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 1�9 �c Vuron Cignal Se Yt'W$eLD IVERY FRIDAY MORNING, at era *Mar r uleTrwu otter*: NORTH - STREiT. OODERICIIL th is • wtde•awake local sewep.per, deviled la smutty sews sad the dlmenliaatbw of tar til knowledge. MATO til INNIMMINIMIlin I MM • year : 75e. for six months : 4•c. fee Mese meatka. If the subscription is aw paid le advance sbertp1ium will be charred at the rate of $Lee a year. *nereot T•I1C BATIKS n Lap1 .ad other casual advertisements, Ile. pci Ute fur Int finserttuh. sad 3.enta per Liao for each subscnueut ihscAfue. lles.0 rd by a sospareil mala Local notices :n nonpariel type Sc per Iiha. Lod orrises te ordinary reading type ►c pe woad. Business cards of six lines and under IU per year. Advertisements of Lost, Fouad. Strayed Ilst iu/oss Vacant. situation %Vented and Bseaese ('haa.•es Wanted. not exceeding t Yam wosperlel It per month. Hooses Oa tisk and Farma on Sale. not to exceed 3 41um, 51 for tint mouth. Sok: per sub seque•t month. Larger advt1 in proportion. /lay special notice. oke object of which is to �e�awte the pecuniary benefit of any inell- vMu&( or aempsay. to be considered as ad vertinee eUt and charred *gourdiwriy. These terms will to .!1 calk be oriel) ad - leered to. Special rates for larger *deer(*events. or advertirments for extended period,. ride known at the unite of puWicatiun. JO1trlgli DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing (Mice is tarried sa in connection with the ordinary newspaper ibsobsess, wbere first -clan work ,Of turned out • t reasonable rates. Everything in ohs print- ing line can be done on the premises from as Illuminated poster to a visiting card. All communication+ must be addressed to . Re4.1LLe1MY. iditor.of TME SIanAL Telephone C•L Ileo 70. Ooderich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, ATM. 1S, 1iIM. THE REASON WH Y. Will roe of our Tory friends be good enough to tell us how it is that whilst vast sums 44 surplus British capital are at this mumeot being invested in the United States --in coal mines, iron mines. oil wells, lumbering sod other e industries -the British investor is giving Canada a wide birth' Have we no iron, coal, (umber, copper or oil to be devel- oped? Why, yes. Thd.balural wealth of the Dominion is very Dearly as great as that of the United States. Probably if • thoroueh exploration were mode of the James Bay and Hudson s Bay re- gions, and of the hogs territory watered by the MacKenzie River, it would be fosad that our natural wealth is actually larger than that of our neighbors. (oar labor is as cheap as American labor ; our water -power, water -ways and nth -tad facilities relatively as good and conven- ient ; our people every bit se intelligent and enterprising. What, then, is the matter with Canada, that thee British capitalists go to the United States with their money, and lemma it in building up the industries of the South, the West and the North-western States We haven't a market -that is the trouble. What would be the use, for instance, of opening iron urines to Hast- ings, orrai mines in Nova Scotia, or oil wells in the country north of Cal- gary, when there is no means o.1 dispos- ing of the output 1 Give us access to the United States market, and both British and American cipitaI will come here to utilize tier resources and give employment to °Jr people, who for want of it drift acrnu the lines in thousands every year, and are 1 ,river La to their native land. IT •ltnost looks as if the u.-ca'ded Equal Rights agitation had received its yuieto.. The tire -eating p.nticians will now take a rest, the pious '1 newspapers will furnish their readers with other pabulum, and the "craft -in -danger" preachers will probably betake them - wolves to preaching the gond old flowed, "Peace on earth : good will to sen." AT the last regular meeting of Clinton town council it was stated that the county rate of the town had been re- duced to 8785.6:, and the reeve stated that it might eventually be rednt-ed to "almost nothing. To ;.ave its county rate reduced to almost nothing is not a sign of progress for the place that the ▪ Ecu 'oils upon as the "Hub of the Universe." Verily the ambition must be leaving our inland neighM.t. A vrttscs of the township Totem' lists over the eoneity hire been badly botched in the printing, and it is quite pcesible that the Jedge will send them back to the munietpal tooth* with in- structions to have them properly printed. It this rule were enforced, it would not be long before the municipal couuclls would dieeotet that the "cheap Jack"? booboos does tint pay. The policy in the town.hipc should be to pay • fair price sod yarn iseiet cm good Peek. 11r 1'. Y$Otitvats,the Miner. ice man and Cronin seepeet• recently entle.TOred to hang himself in hie roil, bet the authorities interfered. Hy tkle time l Me (►•rtulh,an ought to here • gond ides td what be deserves, and it does emus peculiar that the asthorit es whn are do - 41 their host to cases hew to he haseged wont allow the gwttleesae moat totaremt- ed to have a heed la the matter. THE EDITOR'S TALL. A Weer or ewe *tress Sew r.Msewtiewe Thea Rase Cease te Rand. "Datta($ or Tea JasLITS. We have received • copy of the "De - Meal) of the Jesuits," by Rev W. Flan - eery, ut Si. Thomas, •secesete editor of the Lusdoei Cof ielie Record, which is a reply to Principal Austie's attack on the Jesuits. The Melte is written in the breezy yet its style a Rev Father Flannery, and every one who has reed the other stde of the questom should ret • copy and compare Dotes. A cepy of a rollicking wog by the author, on the parliamentary votthentiiled "The Devil's Thirteen, te also published W the present work. DUNGANNON. Prom our own correspondent. Al Bather just now is changeable; how- ever, ram will benefit rout crops, ate Quite • number of farmers in this locality are preparing the soil to row fall w heat. The: alominies are beginning to look is the direction Lf their seminaries, w hich they intend to occupy vett week. Our village is still further being im- proved. Messrs W Echlin and George Begley have put up new picket fences in front of their residences, which improve ,hs appearance of their pre petty, as also the vWage. The shrill sound sof the steam thresher whistle may he heard at all points of the compass. Fail wheat in this vicinity thus far averages about eighteen bushels. The barley crop on the whole is pretty well secured and in o xod oondition. The municipal council of West Wawa - nosh, according to notice, held a meet- ing in the town hall on Saturday, the 10th inst. All the members were pres- ent, reeve Jas Johnston in the chair, and considerable municipal business was transacted. Next meeting to be held on September 7th. LEER!. RN. Prom our con correspondent. Saturday morning the shrill anti cheery whistle of the Elliott steamer from the peninsular township was firmly but gently blown by its genial engineer, Thos Betties, who made such • deep im- pression oc Inany hearts when in this r Sneti,•n ten mouths ago. The farm of H Chisholm was the first work for the year about hero. No record was made by the grain clerk, M Finland, of bushel* of fall wheat threshed,but the sample was good, and had not so many small grains in it as last year. Prevtoos to coining hen they threshed out the Ridgewood farm tall whet crup. Last Friday evening the cheerful form of Godench's far famed Raphael, R. R. Sallow* was seen, not with pencil how- ever, but lazing intently from his trnaty earner& in an easterly direction on • group of the members of the I. 0. G. T No 213, in front of their hall, outside of which can be seen the worn* ''Erected 1879-I (►.G 1'. No 213." The follow- ing members were present : Mrs John Lin clster, E N Shaw, former members. ?resent ones, W Green, A Carter, H A and H Horton, Geo and W. Fulford, 8 B Wellums, F and E Hendersln,Mr and Mrs J Horton, Sisters Gordo o, E and Edith Horton, M MacMlanus, A H Clut- ton, W MacMianns and John Lioklater. The three last named were present at the tint meeting of th. lodge when formed by the late S late, January 1876. Three years later the lodge built a hall of ita own. Previous to that it . held its first meetings in the Presbyter- ian church and then in the hall attached �tu.it.whi:h was burnt down in December, 1f1T8, From the date of its firnt meet- itee to the present time many have been on its membership roll and are scattered far over this Continent, some of whom tell us the lodge teachings have benefit- ed theta gently in sound health and strength, and turned them from a down- ward path of life to one of sitcoms. Those who may like to write to R R Ssllows, 1,1 Goderich, can get this photo ter 23cta to adorn their homes, The new olbcers for the current quarter are : F B Linlield, W C: W Fulford, W$; H A Horton. WFS; C Stewart. W T: A Gordon, V M ; Sister Edith Hortno, 1 G; Sister E. beheld, W V T ; John Lsfield, 0 (f ; S H Williams, P W C. Bailor the pressure of farmwork there would have been s larger attendance of members when the picture was taken. AMBERLS'. From our own correspondent. Mrs Douglass, ar., who has been ailing for some time, is very ill at present. Mrs Thomas Ket':yton was visiting Merida in Gadench and Clinton last week. Mrs Robert Hamilton, wit:, has been sick for Pomo time peat, is on the better aide, although still eery soak. Mn David Johnston, from Toronto, is visiting friends here. Mr Johnston will he surprised to see his fine young daugh- ter. Nir Malcolm McLeod and his sister, Mrs Hill, of Chicago, are vatting the "Idhome. Mr Archibald NlcLeldls, Hemlock Our village merchant hu improved the look. .f his buildings by repainting them. Mr Wilkie is bound to keep things in repair. Walker Room have purchased • new thresher for this seas.*, which wsa much needed They are hound to kern equal with neighboring theshers Mrs Hsrigan, nor hotel keeper, has czch.tigsl her hotel f .r • farm with Mr Keeler, of the 9th non. 'f Ashti.•ld. Il. takee possession 0* September listh. Rev Mr McFarlane, of rine River, preached in the A.htield Presbyterian church last ltahb•th. NO. Diemen, of t.uegaide, will preach next Sabbath at **linen o'clock. News has been reoeined from Mrs Meek, r f Ayr, that their hoose has leen totally destroyed by fire. Nothing* was saved, Mr Reck and family barely eseap- ing with their lives, as they were .11 in bed when the bre wee first named. Mrs Black is the daughter of the late Ralph A letter was reteive•1 frown the Rev Reseed' Mr:Donald, who is book te Seollead. He has bees in Pari* and Ream ; wad, after riW keg the latter city, he *eased the Ups to Swita•rlasd. He ie metimpanied by 17r and Mn Marrsy, of Kuic.rdiae They expect to bw loam is September. We regret to eunoiae the death of Mr Alex Campbell, who returned from Duluth last week. He died o0 Someday morning. His remotes were interred is the Kiotail cemetery. Mr Camp- bell h4la the satin sympathy of • large sommuntty,aa this is the senath person out of the family in four years --bis wife, two daughters, three eons sad a grand ohUd. One day last week, as a little boy at Henry Brown's was going to the field with • horse rake, the horse is - gas to run away and the by, instead i hanging to the lines. dropped them and hang to the teat. When the borse was stopped both the wheels were brokou off, but the boy still hung to the seat. The boy was 0 t hurt in the least, .lthuugh he was badly frightened. On Monday last, as Mr Duncan Mc- Kenzie was unloading brick at the Locb•lsh school house, a young an went up the ladder with • bunch of shingles, at which the horses intik fright and ran sway. Mr McKenzie succeeded in catching the horses by the bits, but they throw him under the wagon. He escaped with • few scratches. The teens was *topped by John Martin, of the 12th concessive of Ashfield. The Rest Teminioaial yet published for any blood medicine is the primal !Iwam otre of the manufactu- rers of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Du- oovery, which warrants that wonderful medicine to benefit or cure in all cases of thoee diseases fur which it is recom- mended, or money paid for it will be re- turned. It cures all diseases arising from torrid liver and impure blood and their names are feyi..n. All Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous election*, Eruptions, Sores and Swellings, Salt -rheum, Tetter, Ery- sipelas and kindred diseases, are among those in which the "Discovery" effected marvelous sures. When everything else fails, Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy cure.. 50 nett*, by druggists. Mr Jae. Ball, of Hullett, last week delivered some cattle at Clinton that he had sold to Mr McLean, and among the lot was • four year old steer that stood 5 feet, 41.4 inches high, girthed 7 feet, 10 inches, and turned the sales at exactly 2000 lbs. This animal beads the list, and it will have to be • pretty good one that will beat it. spertar *aaeeue'ertea4. We have made arrangements with Dr B. J. Kendall Cu , publishers of "A Treatise oti the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuabie work free by sending their address (enclosing s two -cent stamp for mailing samel to Da B. J. KRND*LL Co., ENOY•(SGH FALL., Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over (cur million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the some period of time. We te.I confident that our patrons will appreciate the work, and be glad to avail themeelv.e of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable boo:. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for ouly a short time. Gw DUNLOP From our own correspondent. The school here will rooms es' Moo- day,the 19th inst. Pee/Weal. -Chas Walters and James Fagan, from neer the township metropxo. Iia, gave our burg a visit this week,being the guest of Dar townsman, N Fisher. Messrs John A. and Ed. A. Cox, of Chicago, who are visiting their parents in Goderich.visited relatives here last week. Several .f our residents took in the exeersion to Port Huron last week. POPLAR ROW. Trim ear own osrreoposdeat. Mos Berne Laud, of Leedom, was Taetlne het aunt and outwit, Mrs and Mies Ida S•lluws, last week. Master Arthur Gordon, son of J. D. Gordon, grain merchant of Bramptue, is Visiting his tuut,Mrs Harry Murree, Miss Kate Reid and Miss Lizzie Hys- lop, of Goderich, we.. the guests of Mrs Harry Morris for • few days last week. Miss Annie Sallow, returned home on Thersday, after spending • month's visit with friends in Manitoba. Mies Sabers brought two little cousins with her from Mauttobe for a three months' visit. 111 Temper 1s more rapidly improved by relief from physical suffering than in any other way. Step on your friend's corn, and the im- pulse to strike is 'integral. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, by quickly and painlessly removing the`, insures 4(0041 nature. Fifty imitations prove Its valve. Hagan of substitutes. "Putnam's," sore, safe, painless. The . U. O. T., Auburn, bare is• stalled the following officers for the en- suing quarter: C. T., R. Clark ; V. T., Eliza Clark ; Soc., A. Irwin; F. S., Mary Sturdy ; Treaa.,Jas Young ; Chap., Alice Clark ; Marshal. A. Knox ; Guard, Lilly Clark ; Sentl., John Eiliog ; P.C., T. A. Watson. She People's Column. WANTED. - Good general servant immediately. Apply to MRS. T. N DAOCEN. 17 -It Kass street. WANTED -A THOROUGH BRED 1 Colliedeg, black asd tan, with nowise( talL Apply at Mita Tt moms Cottage 1t. ThIDGEtN'OOD FARM. e farm be11 on this farm was ste'eo from its post. some time since. and it is reportb 1 to me. to be in the hands of a certain rson. Swe�ping Reductions Dress Goods, Muslins, Laces, --11effeee• Prints, Parasols, Embroideries, Curtain Netts and all Summer Goods, for the NEXT 30 DAYS. J. A. REW & BRO.4 Jordan's Bloc:. Ooderich, July 2;134. 13.9. A seater Trial is all that is needed to prove that Pol• eon's Nerviline is the most rapid and certain remedy in the world for pain. It only costa 10 cents for a trial hails. A single trial bottle will prove Nertll- ine to be equally eltiac as an external or internal remedy, ard for twin of every description it has m' equal Try 10 cent sample bottle. Sold by all druggists. Large bottles 25 ants. Avoid subeti- tutes. Dentistry. `f NICHOLSON, L.D.S. ppee DENTAL ROOMS, This is to ask hint to return it inimed ately. Eighth dour below the Post U(Jee. tVest-st., or be will hate to take the consequences. UuDICAUCH. du.3-ly 1: -It H. V. ATTItILI.. inters, Solicitor, is Chancery. tc, I' f: (: E O X DENTIST. soderich. M. C. Came roe.. Q.C.: P. Holt. M. U. Cameros. C C. Rows. 1a1 - Gan and 4, ital.see Air administered for painlesee tract ing of teeth. special attention -" __ - -- fiven Mr pre+er%ati(a of the Natural For Sale or to Let. Teeth' (Mtkr -Up stairs. Grind Opera Howse Meek. Oo Friday last about 150 tickets *ore sold from Canton In Toronto, 29 to Detroit, 50 to Lund"n. 16 to Port Stan- ley, and a largo number to other places not offered as rxcurston porn's. 1e all about 400 ti: kets were dispos••d of Legal. EDWARD NORMA. LEWIS, BAR rioter, solicitor in High Court. Colliery timer. O(wlertcb and Bay veld. Jia) field of See oyes Thursdays from 10 to t. Moo to loan at Sj per cent. 31� C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ac. R. Omce. corner et Square and N eat street. U4deroeb, uver telegraph (Aloe Pri van Puente to bad at d per cost. The et ARROW dt PR(IUDFOOT, BAR T MISTER!( Attorwsyy Solicitors, Oo.leric3 J. T. Ua:ruw, 1. Pruudfoot. 17 VOTERS' LIST, 1880. Municipality of the Totr.,ship . f rolborne. ((midi/ of Buren. Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmit- ted or delivered to the permits mentioned in Sections .5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, 1139. the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered. of the list made pursuant to mid Act. of all persons ap- pearing by theists' Revised Agreement ItoU.f said Municipality to be entitled to vote in said Muni-ipaIity at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections. and that said list was first moo .1 up at my otll. a in Carlow. en the 1001 day of August, leffeasnd remains there tor inspection. Electors sue called upon to examine the said list. and it any omissions or any other errors are found therein. to take immediate proceed- ings to have the mil errors corrected accord - Ing to law. J. H. RI('HARDS. Dated this 1nh lay of August. Itllp. • Clerk. 1:-1t TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received up to Tuesday. August ':0th. for the erection of a cedar or elm ' bridge at Ileumi:ler. flans and specifications can be seen at my °dice. daittord. up to Aug. ust _0 h. 14 -It JOSEPH REC K. Salttord. July 2.:d. Reeve of Colborne. i BARBER SHOP REMOVED. My customer* and the general public are 7.••eohy informed that t have removed my sta.inq. nartor from Fast-st to the Square. next to .t. r:•trdoc•Icb shoe emw.nr.m. where 1 will be prepared to attend to a!4 business in j my hoe. Fine parlor, easy chairs. .not good t work guaranteed. 1!-3mo. ii. L. 4, E$TOX. plANO TEACHING. Mise Andrews will give lessons on the I piano to a limited number of pupils. at Lc* reeidenee Britannia shad. or et rte real-' dencc of pupils. Tern •reasons bio. Kering I hada number of -.r-t. experience a+ a suc- cessful teacher. die feta confider,: of siring satisfactory t uit ion. saw. THE HURON HOTEL. This well-known and popular Lore: ha been refitted ■°d enlarged during the past season. and is now second to none in (i'tal.ty of ar. comnto•lat ion for the travelling public. stood t000mmodulon for transient rues's. WM. CRAiM. Square. Goderich. Ont. Proprismr. THE MARKETS. _ Loans ata 3nsurancs. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS C $EAGER, ssler4eh Prima. Conveyancer, FiR'.T DIN -14110N C01'ItT. Conveyancer, Insurance. E+ate and Goiters! Goosnten. Aug. 13. 11160 •1t• , Money to Lenda ionto Rates and Cost. 96 M " 0 harmer.' Notes Uiscounrtrl ......, S 00 g 3 50 Orn( -r.- Next to ('ornell's Furniture store, ,...,.. u 20 s J 30 Oodeti.•h. :1384( DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S. CCAMERON, H LTA CAMER J\, Harr Estrauce ou West-tlt.. tioderisa, !R 4v • i' PM. SHANNON it SHANNON 3l'teaical. Fl AR1l FOR BALK -THAT VALC• able property known ae let 1. es.. 2, Ashtleld. and sem;. rising SO acres of land. W cleared and well (tocol. ('poo the let 1. • frame house and a rood frame kern and ataWe. There are four good wells of the preatsrw. Also agr1 ow or. hard. TM. farm in 1 milia troth (.alio. d iJ I'uy.icians Surgeons. Ass ouwLrre, ! c. And li irom Port solee at lir. sSaanou, residence newt the Albert, where poet o81ce, s. hoot and chain gaol Uuderieh U. C. nuaxylox. J. 1:. t+aac• pr 1: aogws are obuina Wr. Terme reasonable. 4411! l:Sl For partkulars apply on the premises or to ('HAS. MI'ItRaY, t: Im Port Albert P.O. Le;al Notices_ -_- FARM FOR SALE. `I(►RTt: AGE SALE or YAMt'1s,E MILL AND TOWN PROPERTY In the town of Uodericb, in the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in certain mortgagee made by W m. Ilenntngaand ...lino to Owe Vendors iwhieh e ill be produced at the time of ode., t here will toe Sul, by public au.:;ass. u Martie s Hotel, in the town of Undertch. Ito 4ef•(rvfuv, the 7th /JdH or 4_j4. A It J+crf1 se two o'clock p. m. icy Jobe Knox, A•c- 1lonecr. the following valuable property. viz : Lots number seven hundred and silty -three (7431 and seven hundred and sixty-fourt:dlo. running numbers. on Trafalgar street. in the said town 01 G..deri, h. containing in ali one. half acre or trod. more or tee, upon which is erected Ise steam. -grower mill ...rimed anJ used by the said 11 i:ham Henna.,, aa a grist mal Gil; the past 19 y ears. The 6mild•ng is frame. en stone foundation. 701444.2i *tortes high, with Wreck engin hoax 4.x3D, and triune store bona, 710x36, 14 stories high. etta, Led. all to g.,od repair ; ha- -' run tit.enr.e... end luta a 151501ly of tiJ Ws of flour per day. tt coarr•i(ntly •:cowed rnr the Tat iii Inde. withim a few feet of t'tctors tSireet, s leading tlorougl.fsre. There are a!suer.rrwt upon flus property a brickrnt:agr Il1x_:, w.tb ttau.e kitchen 13x21 attached. Iran* statle 11x31. driving shed t6123 w,,od.LM. henhouse and other nut- bei►dings. Alt of these buildings are said to be In a gond .1,1, Of repair. Tyne.Ten per cent. of the poi, chase. money on the day of *sic to the Ven. dorsi 3ulicitun, and ti,. Ldamn% wit bout in- terest. m thirty days thereafter. n hen t he pur- chaser will be entitled to a 4-uneeyana•e, and to be let Into possession. The pito Miser. at the time of sale. to sign an agreement for the completion of ht. pnrcha•e, aro( to Este the rnreyance prrpwred a. hos non expend-, and tender same for rxecuti..n. The property will be put up subject to a reserve) bees. in other of Ie1pecU t. w. he editions of wk will be the standingconditioosof sale of the High court J Fu•t., eurtLer partictaare roar Id, obtained from the .%w -'tooter, or from the $uhetore for the \-*odors. Dated •t Oo dejlcb this Ind day of A ug us4 11. GARROW d• PfUDO :ltd ttO'endor,FoT, Solicitors. 'Phe undersigned will offer fns r sale the fol- low.ng very desiratie farm. co.nsi•t.a,t of the easterly 130 acres of block "F." in the 7th oon- cr.slon of the Township of Colborne. In the County et Herne.. lois farm is sinal ed Ii mile. truce (:nderich, and 1 miles from Carlow. nn the Main Gravel (toad. There is • good frame honor. if. 0 stureTs. -almost new. da by 31, containing rloms; a large barn. 00 by 42, with rattle • shed. 12 by 11. atta,-hed. and one of the 'Moot orchards in the township. It is watered b! • never -failing spring creek and a wood well. About 110a. -ref. -learnt and free front Vamps. . There is no waste land of any kind oa the place. Good school w ith:a r0 rods a the house. will bet sold nn roes n+',i. terms. Fur terms and further mine Were apply to JNO. BI:F:('ikkNRIIWE, protor OR JO4KIII 31(-K1.OWN,' Goderich. 6- on the premises. Tl iRST CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND l.• rr FOR SALE (t\ S,T. PATRICK ST. •- Alamo two minute, walk from the Square. 1 Twu.atarn to its 511th, brick a4ANiot. in the rear ilis(er3.bu.ld.ng c.ut.red wfth .twtr. I a bo iding Ms 3 large moms on Ont Ilan, , ap*talrs • here are S 'era.oms 1u the rear rwMition there are kitchen. panty, we.broorn. C tun• girls roan and b.tbtoom. Atw gond cellar. Apply to the ualersig.ed, who *d i 1 hire nlltnee'-s..r; lnfurn4tw,n. bIf. llAN1ELeGORDON, 1.10R SALE. l.ot 171 -of Goi!erith A t to, 9044 PHILIP HOLT. 1.�ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES I' FOR SALE.- Lot 1:+, io llaillaad ('oa t'oltulrne. 111 aerie--• very rine faro». Price VOA. tot E. j t in 1st -on. h. D. Ashfield. Se acres. price 343*,,.SLots 43 and II In 1st ('on. •ill be sold • E l hvap.I.ola t5 Tri sad Wf of I103 acre*. N in the 9t h con. Wawanoide ens *errs "(excellent land in • one blot 34. Prior SO. Lot 73.34. l tosgall's stumpy. 'Ogee of Goderich. Trice eel; 331'. LN 1'i, 'Own M Geelet.cb, on 1.11{ht House street, wilts brick house and Nahle. Price nal, *000, Lot. 97. Ink 1013 and pt. 1011 Town of Oodtrich. nearly Oh of an acre in or.e blot k within the :main. to part of the town. l'rfce only 1r(0 Tl.e ■hove proper- ties wi;l he sold on easy terms of payment. Apply to Flour. 11VARMS AND TOWN • PRO • Oats, le bush ........... Harley p bush Potatoes,new V hush .... ....... 6 0o o 660 0 1• to o n LIFE, FiRE D At'('IDENT /N- . "1'1.l.V' E .i(:EJ-T, Wring North British t Mercantile Hay. le ton B............... otter.P h .. . Eairs. fresh unpacked • s. Short13 Moa .............. Bran i ton ('hopped *OM 11 IMPS " Screenings. •*wt......... If ides ...................... %'001.. ....... elheensk Ina .. . Ihe.weA bites. P etrt... Apples. a bush .otox o45 FJ.T.NAFTEL, ..... loofa la C seas. 001131 4 0 43 K 012 ...... 1! .10 * 12 M 1,Irerpooi. London t (:lobes: Norwich Union; 10 e.0 i8 10 30 North An.ermen Life: and Accident Inta- 1 5 " 1 T arse of North America. 0 32;" 321 Lowest Ilates. Leant nettfed promptly sass•• 3 50 " 0 40 Money to Loan on Farm and Town ('raven, 3 :S " 4 Oe Conveyancing' done. Property ralut 1, ete• .i... 0 la " (1 12 Om.•._('or. North -a. and &lu•re. (todericb' ...... n :ei " 0 M : 74- 0 1xt " 0 M o 00 " 0 on $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS fllst.. giaetatiser. Flour Fall tit -bottom* and aid Ppring 11heat Barley 0.t• Peas Apples. Iwtnteet leer. bit Potatoes Rutter... 41*7 5 tt1 to , 1111 c.wdeead....•............... 3 M to 1 091 p�f 0Into 0(31 Wesel Anx. 13. To len. on farm end town property, st few PS sl to a M est tntere.t. Mortgagee putu ha.c.l. \0 rota 0 5e to 0 IR motion charged agents for the Trust and loan 0 91 to 0 9. ' company of Canada. the (Vanda Landed 0 M to 0 /. I Credit ('ompany. the London Loan Company 0 I° to 0 .1R of Canada. Interest. S. 01 and : per rent. 0 5I to 0 :( N. H. Borrowers ran obtain money in 1 OO to 1'44 day if tit* Mtlafattor,. n 35 to n 40 DAVISON t JCHNI4TON, 0 Into n U Il71 Barristers. Qac., Oolitic! »0 11 to n I1' $:100,000 1'O LOIA:N, tPPLY TOI Ne! M CAML'RU•+f kola atCA]6ZRtiOod a is to 070 , ' Perk 6 so to 6 "1•UONEY TO LEND T . Illewtreal asst vent.. Th, renew. of lire Mork for the nee* end• Iraq( Aortal Id A. 1590. wawa. ('at'le. Ohe'rT liege, 3221 lits Sr9 A Left neer from mei into week 1m ye Total Int week SYIi 7215 3,0 heft on hand 173 Ill - Thai export Int pre, inn. week 14119 - Total export for .-• week :11111 T expo►. po- ria week 1612 Ina I.rdieM eotm of node enntinn, large lhotr(rh mme• aeareelr as firm. either In F.tpnrt ne emeher's meek, highest peters for former hetes from If e* Time hnteher's market was over supplied and trade we.. generally slew. theme' good breve. Imre hemeht rip readily at te Ilene r.e.lpea of sheep 1., export al 4ie. Hog. pmol at .1{.• ler n4e lora Me qua• t he helmets, s• heing fair r slues' i.swpd+M 41 ttoo*j.' Mockers amid . 3j to M; do wte ire; Wen Mie *:es(`afv a $I t 57 �Neap,*1 to aussellene I Zvi amount of Prorate Foods for *realism K lowest rates on 'oral -elms Mort/saes A pp13 se Ab1ROtt' t PRUCDFIJOT - R• RADCLiFFE, GENERAL INS('RANCid, REAL ESTATE sen MONEY LOANING A(IF.NT Oaf,'T Piro -Hose Pionov eft. Repre.vwfnl tir Money to Lend nn straight loan*. at the introit ode of interest (mug. in any way to salt t4. enerower. OFFLC' door from fevers - JUDICIAL SILE s nr VALUABLE FARM LAND*. TANNERY TOWN acd VILLAGE PROPERTIES. P'tbl:c Ae tion and Tender, at the ('Orin Wow. In the town of 1Veti.nd, at eleven o'clock a.m., on the 17TH OP' .A.UG tYST, 1889 'the Pareele of land hen•.natter referent to and numbered I/ae. Two. Thrid•, Four. Fire. Six enol Seven. PareA.. and 9 will he em4d a. Martin's Hotel. Ondrr.eh, on the 24th Axll ut A'Ign+t next. at 11.;. im-k. noon. P:1RCF:I.1 t'e'mp.... -d of port of Lot Steven. ('onceeion 1. Township of Hertle. Cownty of Welland, containing 33 acres. PAR( El. !- l'art of loot per ('oneper•'M �. Townst:lp of Rl;;•.ugh h,(entity of W,i4..t, 4tanlainin,c Miser. s. PA1:I'F:L 3 -Th.• sxonth Part of Lot f0•e, I* the Fin ('nwc.'ssion. and the Nonh Fart of Let One. rmirth 1 onr-e+alon, Township of •InMet. 1'minty of Welland. 97 seem. PARCEL I Lot :.9. on Fraser street. Tow* of %-cilanel. PAR('V.I. .t -The Ea.t Hall of Retina 31I. Township 2. Range .4. Earl Maeitobie 330 acres. i'Alt('El. it -The West Half of Section 13, Tewn*hip 13, !canter 1 F,aat Manitoba. 1.0 acres. PAIV'El.7-TheWoo Trait of Section 21. Township 1. Range 12. Fast Manitoba, an, • acme. PARCEL .. int. retitle?* 10. 11, 11, 13 and 3;. In Mitchell's enr-ey. in the tillage M Fnrdwieh. tenor, of 11•:1-44. 1.1R('EI. 0 L."'. "1- anti •-33 in itndge Erd flare. known a. SAP ford. Tnwnahtp of l'a dlrne, 1'miter 01 Huron. artja.rnt to Boden. h. Inc letIMlr g• comprise what is known es "The Tannery Tenders w111 Is moor h, the .aid Master rip 10 and 1'.eln+Ne of the 10th day M .hornet acct, fm 4'.rre1.S amid :.mid shonld t4,4•.m4or Sar P*r-.I fhe.rv..(iwm.l. nwsoM the Name will heMrs•r,d for male at the times and place* aho, a mentioned. F:a.-h Pareet to to •Made.' to a rented 4114 to he noel by the Molter. TER NI et. 10 per .-.-.t. of punch*** money Ie teak, or h, marked ehenne at time M sal. or feeder. to the Mester. rhe Ialan.e to he paid late t'oen to the credit of thin natter. The 4 **Mote of Male are the standing Blows o' rhe ('mire. ow hooka parts/otters&spiv to Years. Rom. Cameros. lf.Andrew IS ('ane. Remise tees. Termite Meier.. Grimm t Prevl/ow_ west G.wierir4: rte 4. Jahn renewer". relater, thrwrhrwy, Teples's Helkltiw. ed rile IBA Jgqeaee,, IMO. A. MAL(70L1(AON. 1nw••I Mast r Of the nopre'ne ('curt Fr Ontario at OoMrlea, 11.43 Tentities REt NteYe:tet'. AuctIoasering. TORN KNOX GENERAL Ai'C- I s TiONEEB and Level Tat moor. (►ederteh (at. Having had emodelerahle experience i•• the attrtinneeellsm1g trade he 1• in a peattioe discharge with thorough astidetlos ell cine ieilad.ms entreated to hos.. Order's loft at Martin's Hotel. ens sea b, mall to toy addresa, sit 4etiP. .. teenyt *flooded :oatJON10 C. MEAGER, Goderteh. N n _ _Mont, to 1, rid at ren low rates. Pt 'VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - Thwt valuable property known ass lot 1113. Maitland roe., Uowlench fowne'.p w,htn one mii. of Gnderk•h. (M the farm ase a large ort•herd, mood (rime house and k:rebels. with Note es her. and (Mme bern Rod *bailee; cone prises 73 area, well watered. For further particulars apply to Uau Mt Kett on the prem. fres. 2153-17 L"OR SALE CHEAP -40 LOTS 1N diglrest parts of 0o4erseh-- from i serve ro 7 acres is trete, awl 3 dwelling house, A - ttly toT1i(s. W eATIIF..RA1.1). 2174-1, IA'?SE AND TWO LOTS FOR BALK -Thr honer has nine room., al .o hath roots. pantry. .lom.ts. cellar. wood- shed, hard and softwater. The gnrdcn ma- ts*. al: Ilk intim of fruit. 11s., 3M) arms of land in Mani*Ota fir vale or In ex. hang. for fano proper) y. b WM. KNIGHT. Goderich. 217641 FOR SALE. FOR hoer of Int ISI Arthur Street, with small briecot 1 •re thrrer•n. !it 1Li,lsn Loth.- lee Il 1, 244. 218, E101° Street, tit. A,.drews Ward. 421. coiner of blern0 and Britannia Reed. Frame If story house on Keys Street, lot and half land. se% oral lots in Reed's Omen% opposite sew Show Omnn.le. via, : Nos r.. u. 2t. 311,' 1y 54, ea. at. OR Alt the above a, LOW RATES. 11011 law to DAtrlsi)y t JOArMTo1f, Amusements. GO'D'CRTen yam A RIGS' martRflimsily ANi► RiAnni M . ear. of !!Aril street *ad Square to ae g rs Open from 1 to a p.m.. and from 7 to $ p.m ABOUT 2000 VOLS iN LIBRARY L.eudiw1 rattily, 'Vastly end IUtsarehld Paters, ,Nanrsiees, 1'e., sit Pilo �tllt1 IRIPP TICE BT ONLY RIZ, �e,� ptpiLnlg *std liaadb L1lbiavfaame▪ m . iia (room., s. MALOOlfeOle. ORO. YeNde! Int k- Yagek Mfrs. EL resele.d b KID C IPORT AD I We have for Perrin Frei Gloves, and ha Immense Ass( Colored. QE Eve ry pair 7OH: 2700• LOOK 01 Who las a to Who claims h Here is 1115 Di Who says no And cl•ntos h, ‘.1 h.. it; as alit IV ho says lie Alai claims te Then skins th Who is it has To say his pr They hardly I Who shares t WfOt mars tl Hucam,is- WVh1, is it that Arid no cJMpi And sub. the Exctue OR, we Hut w hen qua :Ind tor t th 2401• Mr Tee D•"iJa, of McK.11op, ed the first pew wheat at ()giblet Seaforth, '.n 1 huraday of fast w.. was td lair sample mud wrt.t • ttif sixty pua..da to the t s ,hal _ The Teach Who advised her pupils to steel their minds by the use of Ayer'i aapartlia, appreciated the troth bodily health is essential to n vigor. For persona ut delicate and constitution, whether young or ole medicine is remarkably beneficial sure you get Ayer'* Sarsaparilla " Every spring and fall 1 take a her (4 bottles of Ayer's Sar.apsroll am greatly benefited." - Mrs. Jan Eastman, Stoneham, Mass. 1 bare taken Ayer'. (Basal with great bereft* to my general he - Mims Thiene L. Crerar, Palmyra, " My .laughter, twelve years of has suffered for 11* past year from d General Debility A few weeks since, we began o her Ayer's 8ar.aparllla. Her heal' greatly lmprnved." - ion. Harri Battles, South Chelmsford. Maas. "About a year ago 1 began rising) Sarsaparilla es a remedy for de and neuralgia resulting from ms c-xiIooure in the antic. i was in s led condition, but six bottles of th .apavilla, with oreashenal d.m't. of / Pills, here greatly improved my h I am now able to work. ami feel N cannot say too tench for your axe remedies.`' - F. A. Plnkham, Molunctu, Me. " My daughter, sixteen years t nsin(t Ayer a Sarsaparilla with go Sect. '- Iter. 8. .1. Gresham, I Brethren Church, Dnckbannou, W ".I suffered from Nervous Prostratic with lame lock and headache. an.i been much benefited by the IRMO of i Sarsaparilla. i am now K► years t and am satisfied that my present t and prolonged Itfe are ecus to the Aver'. 1'•araaleriile." - Lucy DI Killingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann Ii. Farnsworth, a la yearn 01.1, 6k.. Wood.tock. 4.'t. w - ''After .creta' weeks' suffering neoanus prostration, 1 procured • of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, am.l heir had taken half of it any usual I retrieved " Ayer's Sarsaparil 4. raaraatn ■r Dr. J. C. Ayer a Co., Lowell. 1 ?deign six b.wtlss. 06. Werth $5 a b The Doherty Organ C ,Clinton, ty woofed • chorine for !1411 fro Customs irepo rtmen t.making in al', reasoned from this sloe.*, being Of duty on terms slowed Oct enure ry. lit W. J Chapman. Winehe his tsr.00ry n.erly completed T Renters and nw$t*layers will r theow7h, then he, will hi able to g bashers on • largo alai•. s