HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-8-16, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 16, D89 3
JlaiMeat N she lute War Wow the 1 file.
THREE PERSONS KILLED AND (AV-, teas nese was wee
ERAL RAD..Y HURT. I Their eight was • calculated snare ;
'those Digitises wen souply • wild decoy.
TisrreNc maiwq t.IYaee O• tae Sere, Soddenly from out a deep, sharply GUI
,water-cuurcrossing the plain, ■aid ion
watses•w• sad eiydsw•ssrs nail wail- visible at twu hundred yards' distance,
CessYss OeeMed sa Sedineere 1ap rang en s loon hue of Zulus, some tee
lix.osn, Aug. IQ -A terribletboueeod strung, .froutIDK at once
aoeiieat occurred us the Koine, Watertown"- tlanookmg the horsemen. sag Oydeaalsrg rod at Forest Lawu a miesio sly the whole plain around them
7.45 v clock thismorII p. a which urns peplia.hd up tato vivid hie. Hordes ut
ase was instantly kit two (,cher. haw Lulus had been lying hidden in the luug
niece died from injuries received red tlfstrraas. Buller's alert eye had caught the
others were seriously injured. The arses impetidiug danger,snd his voice had rung
et the "oedeet has ee yet not been .x- out the command "Retire" ere yet the
A "stab" train which rags up to nutlet,. •1 the sudden "Lulu volley whist
crest Laws from Windsor Beach every I d thro igt. and ore; him cumutaed.
morning for the a.aoommodatloo of Hemmer Chro wen went down mitt,- by the
ter people bad jest backed down is frost of
the Forest Laws station. About twenty,tire. Two were killed ;un the spot and
ople had oo gragated at the etatwm new e- stirred ; we found their bodi
take tie hair, two gentlemen had canna hart day shockingly mangled. The
the smoking sur and others were about $ tkird man's horse slipped up iu the
board the train when someone observed th. abrupt turu, and his rider fur the mu
express fnem the Thousand Islands dseh;meot lay stunned., But Beresford, nal -
:emend the carve shout 13 rods oast sting away behind his retreating party,
where the "stub" train wee standing. Forked beck at this latter avian, mid new
Alarm wee giver in Lim* for the people un him move up iota a sitting posture.
eighe platform ' w .stance He who would succour in such a crisis
The esaggiseer of the ex prow train saw the
most not only be a brave man, but also
this standing is front of the depot is tins •prompt mac, quick tc decide and asW set the lashes, he end the fireman then
jumped from the train, escaping without quick to set. The
fatal injuries. The espr..s, however, dash- 1.41't Or LITE OR DEATH HANirs
d into the 'stab" train ata hi¢h ran of at such a time on the gain or waste of a
speed. Tie two rear can of tSe •stub",muweut. The Zulus, darting out from
train were piled ins ruinous mar upon the
station platform. The baggage ar of the the water aeutse,were perilously clew to
exprese train telescoped the tender. The the pour fellow ; but Bers1,rd, use_ on
baggagentan, who wa. on the car at the th. racsenores to measuring distaste*
tuna, in some miraculous way escaped Witt. with the eye, throught he might just do
out a bruise. The day coach, which was it, if he were smart sad lucky. Gallop.
neat to the isggage oar, lay thruwu upon ung back w the wounded man, be dui -
the track, • complete wreck. Of the tau ',wanted and ordered him to get on his
persons hi the car only our tempest injury.
The other coaches were not •fleeted by the
The killed are :
JOHN IDAY, engineer of the steamer Haaa-
Nisr KLt..tego I'kItR1N, St. John's Michigan.
LOW ELL C. BROWN, Sherman, N.V. pie manly logic --why should two d e
The injured are : when death was inevitable but to one t
Mrs. Lents blooms. Gralnick. N. Y. Then it was that the quaint resourcefulMiss SARAH M. swter. Wolcott. N. s..
FkAya HELL. Shetorg•n, aria humour of his race supplied Beresford
Mr. and Mrs. H. ]Y. PCHMI!r, St. John's.with the weapon that prevoid over the -
birch wounded mans unselfishness. The re-
specialtrainof wan accident
Itoehes• cording angel perhaps did not record the
d to the scene tr a accident from 1{.w•hrs•
ter red the iujurud owed on tutu and oath that buttressed his threatening
brought toibis city. The patrolwagon and mien when he swore with his clenched
City Ambulances were brought into re- list that he would punch the wounded
gaisitiom and the injured taken to the boa -man's head if he did nit allow his life to
pital. Ohno affolting some witnessed was be saved. This droll argument prevail -
when Mn. Perrin, utotber of the girl who .d. Bill partly lifted, partly hustled
was kdlyd, asked I'r her daughter. Ste the man into his saddle, then as rumbled
did not know that she was dead and it was up somehow in front of him, and mat the
not thought wise so to inform her, so she good little heart agoing after the other
severe injuries and rnuld not get tto
was told that her daughter had sustainedhr.
.lha�tneu. He only just did it ; another
o he
Henrryy bl. Perrin, father of the young Imipeaameut'a delay and both must have
Shiest, wee Beverly crushed. He is tint yews been as.sgaied. is it was the awif••
old and the shock upuo learning of the midIfooted Zulus chased them up the slope,
death of his daughter may prove fetal. ' and the least mistake made by the Tony
'roust have been fatal. Indeed, as Be-
e 'Lammas t.uul... resford was the fret gratefully to admit,
T.0'MMA. Kan., Ang. I I. --The Caldwell there wee a critical moment whao escape
':prem on th. Rock island rad collided would have been impess.ble, but for the
with a freight train this venin on s curve cool courage of Sergeant ('Toole, who
two miles want of this city. The baggage reds hawk to the rescue,
and express can of the passenger train,
nany freight ears and both engines! .HOT (MOWN ZULU .t TER ZULU
wen wreckto ded. eathEx,sampr.anFireman CPourtierllmtow•ras'h his revolver as they tried to close in
was fata,
crushed t •t fatally injured and twee 11.11, a Itral�aowit
iw the rather helpless pair, and then aid -
man, had • leg cut off and was °therwiwled Ilereeford in keeping the wounded
pinjured. but may recover, No pasuengers'maO in the saddle until the safety of the
were hurt. '!sager was attuned. There was danger
right up till then; for the hordes of Zulus
obstinately 'hung on the flanks and rear
of Bailer's command, and the irregulars
puny. The wounded man, dazed as he
was, even in his extremity was not leas
full of self-abnegation titan was the tan
who was riaking,hir own life in the ells rt
to save his. He bane Beresford rt •
mount and go ; why. he said, in his sine
lean aspire to had beim cambered of lf+er- Bimm t a eesMa
meant Edm.Ud O'Toole, of Baker'. Rua sr, rtes in b.&iag mediates, bet
Hurae. --Arch. Forbes. try the great Kidney sad Liver regale -
tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of
Chase • reoespee. Try Chess's Leese
Cure for all diseases of the Liver, Kid
nays, 1n..wach and Bowels. Sold by all
The distressing palesea so often ob-
served In young girls and women. is due
io • great measure to a lace of the red
cerpuecles to the blood. To remedy
this requires a medioioe whish produces
thew useeeaary little blood ooestitueata,
and the best yet discovered u Juhusun's
Tonic Bitters. Price 50 own, end $1
per bottls'at Geodes drug store, Albion
block, Gud•rioh. Sol. agent. (b1
Risme-Ku AHD Rsiiswtlso.-The stock
of stationery, uicludisg Dote, letter and
accuuut papers, envelopes, and in tact,
all classes of polities papers has just
been replenished at Tug SIunaL. An-
other large lot to arrive in a day or two
and more to follow. If you want some-
thing neat and bushman like in office
stationery, call If you want a card or
circular printed iu the latest style, call
THS FiovaL steam printing house,
North St.
Telegraph Operate/ at Fault.
BRArdoLD, Pa., Aug. IL -Two fresgg►t
trains were wrecked at Wbistieton tbphdnverAndover again toshoot men dowo
It Anderson, ans Erie w.ntybrakei% .1 dose quarters with the revolver more
care acre was k;bed and two engibus and tTelegraphe than Dace the fighting was hand to hand
operator at fault. i and burned. Telegraph
and theyhad to club their rides. If the
Zulu. bad kept to their own weapon ,the
NOAH'S ARK IS NOT OLDER. 'assegai, the loss among Butler's men
would have been very severe ; but they
Be. Balers ONai..s el tae EUxlr-Knewe,had extensively armed themselves with
Ser lase Team rides that had fallen into their hands at
H.eMILToe* Aug. II. --The Herald to- Isandlwana, with the proper handling
night pante an interview with Dr. Osler. of which they were unfamiliar. They
now of the radical faculty of JohasHopkina peteued.rightluplo their own bank of de
University, formerly of I)undas, Ont., a Vinvaloosi, aud blazed away at our fel-
brother of Judge Osler and B. B. (trier, noire lung after the river was between
(f.('., of Toronto, who u visiting in the city. team and us. Of comree, cumbered with
"The elixir " said Dr. 0 1.r, •ie as old as a wounded and fainting man occupying
the hills "es, you an say .ren Noah's his saddle while he perched on the pom-
Ark is not older or more •utediluiian. It m*1, Beresford wast rouble to do asty-
was known to the ancients centuries beforeIlr. Brown-Sequard was ever heard of. 1 thing towards self protection, and over
am credibly informed that there is a die• and over again on the return trip he and
tins t record of it having been written or the mar behind him were in desperate
traced on the Eben Papyrus and if this is straits, and but for O'Toole and other
the ase, and I believe it is, then it must somradea must have gone down. When
have leen known for at least 40110 or 5000 they alighted in the !eager you could
years. ' not have told whether it was rescuer or
"Do you think that Dr. Brown-Sequard tescned who was the wounded man, so
1s la his dotage smeared was Beresford with borrowed
No, decidedly no. Aly isles it that he It wee one cf Ireland's good
ham cling on an the Fs and of it after ex11 la . ; if at home she u the "datre.aful
minting on anima* and finally tried it on 7
+ioontry," wherever bold deeds are to be
done and military honour to be gained,
no nation carries the head higher out of
the dust. if originally Norman, the
o' Waterford family have been Irish now
, I don't think chat either. Aiy for six centuries, and Bill Beresford is
inn is that there is really some merit in
the so.aslld Asir of life, but I also firmly AN Ii.I1HMIN IN HEART AND 'mon.
believe the reports circulated ee to its merits 11ergeant Fitr:maariee, the wounded man
contain about one gain of truth to two who daplayed • self-abnegation w one,
bushels of mendacity.'
himself with some exhilarating effect."
••Is I1r. Brown -Sequent likely to lend his
aid and name to anything that might be
milled a ' fakeor • 'schema' to make
Mitt see Tneyat Anent It 7
Why sutler • single moment when you
ten get immediate relief from all inter -
or external pains by the use of Pul-
ses* Nerrfliue, the greet pans cure.
Nerviline has never been known to
fail in a single nese ; it cannot fail, for
it is a combination of the must powerful
pain subduiu remwiies kuowu. Tor a
10 cent sample bottle of Nerviltne. Iota
will hod Nerviltne a sure cure for neur-
algia, toothache, he.dsche. Bey and
try. Large bottles 25 cents, by all
A New res (er Wel eresetees.
New Orleans Nano- Derne. rut : The
watermelon crop of Caroline, Georgie,
and Florida is rapidly getting too lams
-more than the market reywires. Cul.
William Duncau of South Carolina ba.
therefore made a suggestion, which has
received the approval of a number of
Carolina newspapers and melon growers
-this is the manufacture of syrup from
the melon. Co'. Duncan insists that the
melon can be more easily and more gen-
erally raised than the sugar cane, and as
tt grows above the ground it is more con-
veniently cultivated than the sugar beet.
He has ezperimauted in the manufacture
of syrup from melons, and hints it ez-
oellent,wo.e like preserves than the cane
syrup,he says, and likely to become pop-
ular with every one who tries it. He
has trade the syrup and mid it, *cd
found no difficulty in getting a good
price for it.
was an Irishman also : and Sergeant
THE CRONIN CASE. O'Toole -well, I think one tuns no risk
in the assumption that an individual who
Alleged tmpersaat Evidence Against tzar bean that name, In spite of all tempta-
ua Hort* sad Dae (••stats. tion. remuus an Irishman. So, in this
Caiman°, Aug. R. -The police authorities brilliant little spheede the Green Isle had tor, made by Dr Chase, author of Chase's
claim to be in possession of evidence whicb!it all to herself. receippees. Try Chases Liver Cure for
proves that Berke was one of the actual It will ever be one of the pleasantest all chemises of the Liver. Kidneys,
murderers of ('ronin. At the sasse time memories of my life that the good for- Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James
they intimate that both Barks and Cooney tone was mise to call the attention of tYpj.cu, druggist.
were in this matter the dupes of C'oa klin 81- Evelyn Wood tc Bill Bereatordls
and Coughlin's beams. They hold, there- eondoct on this occasion. By nest mail
fore, that tk*y
sr. not responsible for abs his recommendation for the Victoria Res
*t • neon • est
mnrdar that it oat of Rurfte's asst Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book
agent, but has the agency in Ooderich
for Johnrtan's Tonic Bitten, which he
can heartily recommend for any mine
plain to which a tonic medicine Is ap-
plicable This valuable medicine has
been with most astonishingly good re-
sults in sees of general debility, wemk-
ness, irregulantiee panther to females,
extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
blood, stomach and liver troubles, lots
at appetite, and for that general wore
oat feeling that nearly every one is
tioohled with at some part of the TTear.
Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic
Bitters Elle. and /1 per bottle at Goode's
drug store, Albion block, Goderioh, sole
agent. a
Mn Josiah Royce, of lees Gatos. Cali
forma. is in Clruton suiting at her sister-
in-law's home, Mrs Thos. Stevenson, it
beim, just 40 year since Mrs Roeyce and
her husbaDd started from Kansas across
the plains on • six mouths' overland trip
to Cal:forma She is om the way to see
her son, who is • professor of l'bilouephy
to Harvard c. llsge, U.S.
During the storm of Saturday night,
the 27th nit., a kitchen attached to the
house of Mr Win Itsith, of the 'gnu con.
Hay, was struck by lightning, the chim-
ney torn down and other slight damace
done, but fortunately the building did I
not take tire, otherwise the consequences
would hare beau most serious.
• Preatabie tire.
Few men have accomplished the same
amount of work and good in this world
asthe celehratei Dr Chase. Over
500,000 of his works have been sold in
Canada alone. We want every person C
troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys-
pepsia, Headache, Kidney or 'iiny
Troubles, to bur a bottle cf Dr Chaos
Liver Curs, it will cure you. Medicine
and Recipe Book 81. Scald by all
There is • house in Clinton t':at has
not been (,copied for about four years.
In it is stored the furniture of the
family that formerly occupied it, but
who are living elsewhere in Ontario.
Nothing has been disturbed since they
left it, and the oddest part o1 the whole
affair is that they have paid rent ou it
all along.
1 General Pulpone Horse.
2 One Horse Wagons, New.
1 Fairbanks Hay or Cattle
1 50 H. P. Engine and Boiler.
2 Boiler Heaters.
The best regulators tor the at .mach
and bowels, the best cure for biliousness,
sick headache, indigestion, and all ,affec-
tions arising from a disordered liver, are .
without exception Johnson's Tonic Liver
Pills. Small in size, sugar coated. mild,
yet effective. 25 eta, per bottle vole by
Goode, druggist, Albion block, Gode
rich, sole agent. 141
Shafting, Pulleys & Belting.
200 Plows, various Patterns.
50 Corn Scufers, $2.50 each.
Plow Repa rs of all Kinds.
Cash paid for Cast and Wrought
Scrap Iron. Warerooms near
Victoria -at. Methodist Church.
C.... HViMBERt.
A regularly monthly. quarterly or half
yearly payment a slight advance on the Imo41 rate; buys the instrument.
Any piano may be chosen rat of a magai-
ttcent aort ant of Uprights. Senores. and
Grands, onsmin quality and value.
Mit.i.ters. ers. (Hikers.Go.ernment (Hers.
and thole in receipt of regular incomes will
find this a cons enient and adsantageous
(,,ode for seenrlug • first-class instrument.
When the instrument is used for practice. our
Soft titop or Practice Pedal saves wear on the
perces, as well as preserves tLe tone of the
Piano. Our Patent Foot Pedal anachroeut
for Pians is invaluable to organists. eu,-
dents. and teachers. Priers on application.
Inspection invited
Wareroomi-107 and 109 Church -et.. Toron-
to. Factory. the finest in its equipments and
appliance' in the city, 19 to 96 Bellwood,
ase. 11-
Word has been received of the death
of Atone, second daughter rf Andrew
Black, of Algoma, formerly of East \Ws-
wanosh, by consumption. Andrew had
trouble enough here, but they seem to
be multiplied since he went up there'
as this is the second death since moving,
and others are sick.
s eeres featerfrlts.
Cot;nterfeits are always dangerous,
more so that they always closely nu -
TATE THE oRLaNAL IN APPEARAse•l AND:SAME. The remarkable success achieved
by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for
Catarrh and Cold in the Head bas ic-
duoed unprincipled parties to imitate it.
The public are cautioned not to be de
eeived by nostrums imitating Naval Balm
in name and appearance, bearing such
names as Named Cream, Nasal Balsam,
eta Asir for Nasal Balm and do not
take imitation dealers may urge upon
you. For sale by all druggists or sere
post-paid on receipt of price (50c and 81
by addressing Fulfordek:Cc , Brockville
OaL tf
heel Sperslate.
Sun no risk in buying medicine, but
try the great Kidney and Liver rage's -
's Irish fanaticism. A rather start- Creon went home to England ,and when
ling was made b a polies eapptoia l,* and I reached Plymouth $land at
yesterday. He amid: "We haw evidio. the close of our voyage the Prince of
showing that Ilea Coughlin was in the Omts Wales. who was than in the Sound with
sou cottage whee Dr. C,casin entered. This Lured Charles Beresford, wee the Ent to
evidence m rot hearsay, bet straight and aboard the Dublin Castle the news
direct." It supplies • much needed miringtthat her Majesty had bean pleased to
Itnk. The mt•t's stmesey r after a "neth honour the na'mmendatloo. Lord
dd. city «gpktya who 1811‘,._ wrier guardian William was commanded to Windsor
d rte ° 09 the CI.. -let"". mar.'sad to receive the reward "for Valour- from
whoClaathrwtema wftb bdi)) Injury anIn .y the hands of his Sovereign. But there
na-Gael w►. urges his ws
tell all they know shoat the (Again murder. te something more to be told. Honest
Tkia man fs f eq.eetly drank, antee a re. as valiant, he had already declared
entree whi,b be sometimes BogrP•hee. and that be eoeld not in honour receive
b quite free Ie setas the epithems "te.iser" any recognition of the serviee it had
sad "spy." ,bow his good fortune to perform, umbra
that recognition were shared in by Sen
nelhaws 5 tee gime MDmad. taint O'Toole, who he persisted in main-
Oam•wa, Ams. 10.-Thuwet g en the fatale, deserved infinitely grater credit
bylaw hu
geemtltts a mus of $140Oi end ID than any that might attach to him.
years' exempting Nem taxes le the Oshawa Qasen V ietoria eon appreoiats, not lees
1Wiway wad Nay lain C.°mpgmy Mak them soldierly valor, soldierly hoeesty,
Ono to -day, reselting as f°Ilne s: Ta y and modesty : and eo it am*
law 11411, sgai.st the bylawIOL The beet that the ,Nit flown, after Lard
readis to he vas from the Onheire higher, William Barwford's visit to Windsor
eemeweNas with the ONErd Tmak tptlsm 'sighed the annoeneeme it that the
mod hrmisls $Mit liar tieeeghd aha Mwgh. ... reward a soldier d oar Lapin
• Inn Oneevss.
For moronism ooneplaiate and diarrhoea
I can truly rwomenneed Dr Fowler's Zs -
tract of Wild Strawberry, es I have weed
it h• my tastily with sweat sateen ad
would mot be witho.I it. Joh. B Hav-
K Grimsby, Ont. Nev., travel with-
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
ro nage.
Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
I have a large number of Hooses and Lots
and Vacant Lands in the most desirable parts
of the Town FOB SALE 47E•r.
Now is the time to secure property before
the Hie Bush. The C.1'. R. iv coming sure.
aal in • short time prices will have advanced
beyond the reach of many.
Call and see List and Prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
Real Rntate and General Insurance Agent
Mice West -St., third door from Square. C. P'.
IQTicket and Telegraph Office. S4-11.
W iAca TWva wa& \w‘c. I,cttcrls, US wAtb a d vV•as akb.
Lions tor Riling, classing and using, also
/irCall on or write
ney- shop in the latest
style, put in Tares
sew nertert'hedrv.
r w o of them the cele-
brated Rochester
Tilting C k • ire, and
hired a journeyman
ilarber, we are in a
position to do teeter
W sr k Ginn hereto
Lady's k CblMrea'x
Haircutting trade a
specialty on all days
except Saturday.t
Razors and Scssors
Nest Street. two doors east of P.O.. Coderiek
Foto.. Rtc., at
Merchants nae get heir BM Heads, Letter
Reads. kc.. ke. printed at thla office for vary
little more than they generally for the
paper. and 1t helve to advertise their
email and see s.mptee and trot prints.
Obtalaed, and all beakless la the V.A. Paas
Oilles attended to at MODIRA TIC PRZ&
Our else Is opposite the U. R. Patent Of -
Ilea, and we as eb in Patent. 1■ Was tints
lima these remote tram WASHINGTON.
Bead MODSL 011 g1R4 WIMJ. We ad-
memoir• e as s runlet UNL amnia;
We rafee to the Posttrs be Best.
• mow (. here,e 4Sola
Div.. sod te is of t1e
U. a, rased Oil... Por circular, aeries.
teemm mad ret .ewes to .steal climate ►a yew
esus Bim.. far Comity. write te
A. asOw
CMOS* Passes plica w.nbi.gtee. DI C
GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of
value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair
to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor suite.
Call and see his stock and get a bargain.
O 0
In all;ite branches, promptly attended tc
O 0
$ EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand.
Gas0. BiA$RY,Mamilton-ea, pcd*riols.