HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-26, Page 8t POWITI"7 I. 2 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDA'a . JULY 26, 1P9. Giving up Business. THE BALANCE OF STOCK —WILL BE SOLD AT s— Great Sacrlfice —NOW IS THE TIME TO— Secure Bargains. As we intend Closing up Business in about T WO M 0NT F S.. J. C. DETLOR & CO. elebstck. July 11th, Isee 12-41 COUNTY CURRENCY. Items of Interest from over the County. A Weekly Digest .f the f..a y News stew- ed op satanic trader. .t ••Tar wte•al.' rue and rates. Clipped awe t..- diea.rd from beery arenas. J no. Campbell. 16th con., Grey, raised • span_ lamb that dressed iso pounds. How is that 1 A sale of 2011211 pounds .1 cheese ..s made to F McLaren, Ethel, at 9 cents, which is quite satisfactory. Little Jimmie Stretton, of Brussels, had the t'usfortune to fail from the w ...fi- shed on Sunday of last week and broke his left arm. Mr G. A. Smith, of (:alt, a gentleman well known to Chilton, has been ap- pointed science mister of l'arkdale High School. Rev Mr Gibson, Methodist minister, who has just h..en bleated at Ethel, died on Monday of last week, and was buried •t Brussels . n Wednesday. Mr W. 11. Pay, of St Catharines, brother .1 Mr Geo. E. Pay, Clinton, has been •p,hited roadtnaster of the Niagara Central Railway. He is well qualified for the position. On Monday of last week, Mr S Cole, of Methuen, came tan caries, moved • barn 200 feet, turned it round and raised it 9 feet high, on the I,irm of Messrs, Nash Brothers, of McK,tlop. A base ball match was played on the recreation grounds, on Saturday after- noon, the kith inst., betweeu the Br.d- fu of & Box club and the Firemen of Se•ltorth, which resulted in • victory for the tiro fighters. The henedicts and bachelors of Wink - ham were arranged in cricket array in Recreation park, on Tuesday of last week. cantaihed respectively by 11 W. C.'111eyer and Ed. Stites. The score was 30 to 24 in favor of lab llcugeidel ttiuti. One day recently, sable James Snell, sr., Embers', was engaged mowing, he plaoed a vest, in which was • pocket-bo..k containing e50, on the seat, and some- time afterwards, on examining the vest, both tn•on.y and pocket -took had dump peered. o ee and Samuel Mooney, Brussels, left on Tuesday morning of last week, for Indian Head, N. W.T., on • prepect- ing tour, with a view uf becoming per- manent settlers. Thomas Mooney has returned to his home under the stars and stripes. Mr John Mole, Auburn, who has been undergoing treatment at Berlin for the removal of a cancer from his face, re- turned home on Wednesday of last week and expects to be all right in a few days. A horse belonging tc Mr Thornton Wallace, of }Juliet', came Tutu Clinton by way t.f the Seaforth road the other day, with nothing attached to it but a pair of shafts, the balance of the buck- board hiving been left in the road. Mr W. Wallace was in a field when the horse ran away, end therefore received no in- jury. The following militia appointments have been wade: -33rd Huron Battalion, No. 4 Company, Clinton—Tc be lieuten• ant provisionally, Private Hugh Barry Combe, rice Edward Costello Coleman, resignation accepted. To be seo'nd heiter.art provisionally, Harry Torr Rance, vice James Your;,, Robert Sprung and John Knox, of the Base line, Hullett, have returned from South Western Manitoba, and are look• tag after their farm work just now, but intend going out again soon and taking with them 16 or 18 horses to sell. They will make a good thing out of it if the crops a the Manitcbsns escape the 'Poet this year. They are also taking dried apples out there for Wm. Downs, and will no doubt had a ready sale iU,r them. On Tuesday of last week whild Mr David Rowtcliff, Exeter, was engaged in raking hay im the farm of Mr James Pickard, he met s ith what might have been a serious accident. It appears he arose from his seat on the rake and just then the horse stepped fnrward,thruwing him beck over, and in the fall ons cf his legs caught in a part of the rake and held him fast. Had it been • skittish horse no doubt it might have proved fatal, but he escaped with • few bruises and a 'pained back. on Tuesday of last week Mr W. Mc - 1 can shipped a number of cattle from Clinton, among then being 40 head pur- chased of "Kitty'• Dale, Hallett, that averaged 1450, aid 36 purchased of Mr W. Brant, Stanley, that avenged 1417, after having shrunk 12 hours. These cattle were considered by good judges, Mr McLean included, as being among the very best that have been raised in the county. They were well selected in the first place, well fed during the win- ter, sed then turned out t grass thisspring, and were what might be termed "finiebed cattle." Men like these de- serve a good deal of credit, and get their reward in the enhanced pr 'fits If there were more 'like them in the county it would be well. On Monday, the 15th inst., Rev Joseph R. Gibson died at the Methodist parsonage at Ethel, aged 45 years and 6 months. The deceased 'booed to Ethel only a few weeks ago, as successor to Rev J. T. Legear, coming from Mait- land circuit, where he had spent the pre- cious three years. He had been on the sink list for the put few months, but, until lately, nothug serious was antici- pated. Not feeling as well as usual a consultation of physicians was decided on an./ thew gentlemen came to the con- clusion that an inward cancer was doing its work and that Isle at the longest would not continue more than a few menthe. On Sunday internal hemorr- hage set in and death soon followed. Like a valiant soldier tree suhject .1 this brief sketch died with his face to Use los, trusting in the captain of his salva- tion f:,r yictory over the last ea.my. The funeral service on Wednesday after- noon was conducted at the parsonage by Rev Dr Henderson, chairman of the Listowel district. Rev W. Torrance, of Walton, read the 23rd Psalm (a favorite pnttton of Mr Gibson's` and Rev Jno. Rant, M.A., chairman of the ',Ingham District, fwd • portion of the 15th chapter of lie Corinthians. Rev R. Paul offered prayer.re Short addsses, suitable t, the saoeosann, were given by Ree .las McAllister, chairman of the Palmerston iHstrict, and Rev Mr Tor- rance. The pall bearers were Reeds F. M. Smith, of Henfryn ; J. L. Kerr, R. Paul and S. Sellery, B, A., B. D„ cf Brussels ; D. Rogers, of Attwood ; and W. Tovranes, of Welton. The eervies at the grave was reed by Rev J. W. Gilpin and Rev Dr Hende,.os, of Lis- towel. Mrs Gibeos and her two dasgb- teae have the sympathy of a large (beetle of'friends. Rev Mr Gibson was a geiet, ssem.ming Naas, not ksown to many is this section. His work is the ministry 'feriae the put 15 years k.e beef at Maitlaed, Kemble, Little Current, Me - Kellar .,d ether in that poetise o/ tha ettta wine Mr J. 1'. McIntosh, formerly of Bay- field, who was an extensive writer on "The Mark of the Beast," and other scriptural subjects, and had in his day con- tributed to the columns of the Clinton 11ewrEra, died at Exeter, on Sunday,the 14th treat. Mr George Weatherheed, Si Helene, left on Saturday, the 13ti , in charge of a number of fisc cattle and sheep, for Liverpool, owned by Mr Hugh (lirvin, of the Nile. Tits will be Mn Weather. head's third voyage across the Atlantic on a similar errand. Mn Itetlaod,of Toroeto,who has been visiting at Mr W. Key's, Stanley, for a Short time, has gone op to visit her grandmother, Mrs Clarke,newr Godertch Slushing two children with her, and there On now hour generations in the one house, a thing not often witnessed. That wide circle of people who have watched with interest the esus of Mn. Wm. Cantelon, of Clinton, will be much pleased to know that she is now almost entirely oat of danger, and will be able to sit op in • few days. The operation and her recovery are proofs of the ad- vancement of surgical science. Mr Hugh Chesney, of Tuckeramith, left for Benif ..n the 16th inst., for the benefit of his health. We feel sorry that Mr Chesney's health neoemitated this step, but hope is may do him good and that he may receive bewefit from the celebrated hot springs of Banff, whish lir hews been of so much service to sick e:2t from all pans 11 the American At a resent meeting of Clinton lodge 1l<o. NS, L O. (4. F. the following nA- mire were installed it Judge Toms, D. D. O. M., aseteted jI,,y brethren frees Nen ll, Onderieh and other plaees : R.bt Logen, J. P. 0 ; Rich Stonehitm H. 0. ; 0. J. Bteveseson, V. B. ; Irma Alwek. R. R. ; J. H. Wnreell, P. S ; Sebe Loe.w, Tress Mr Worsell was dsssed as tative le the Grand Lodes, which meets is St Qalbsnsee Ike sewed week is A sed. Nosh Aricall Lift Ass= (ll1fll1, tl�l(%t1tPOMATel) BY 51 e1CLAL AOT OV UOSIIN:OY PARLtAU1 r.l HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO,'ONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Candian Company PRIMO/KM r -BON. 1. MIACKLy4Zttt. )i. 1 l?o ae Ifilaleter of C.avla VICILIPRKelDIC11TS HON. A. I1010t + OHN 1. BLai IIAMAOINO DIBBCTO - WILLIAM 'CASK, 7.1. A., Keg. TIN iovp y (,sees all Approved Fonts or Polices awl Acuities. RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. Tab Pettey OUARANTKKS A K1CTCRN Or ALL PREDOC1118 PAiD ianddition to the full doe of the Policy is the event of death dartsg the Laveetmeat period, at a lower rate than any other Compas,. 112417 F. J. T. NAFTEL, Diem t Agent. BINDING TWINE We ARK SHOWING campus Or BINDING 'MINN FOR THKCOMM* MARV1Vr PURE MANILLA, SILVER COMPOSITE, INDIAN JUTE. Which we are offering at a Special Price to Early Purchasers. Our Stock of General Hardware, as usual, ih com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed. Plain, Twilit, and Oiled Annealed Wire, as you like it. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. FINE TAILOR1NG! A BIG OFFER GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES The Wet Season had a very depressing effect on Business, and having a Large Stoc o f the Very Best make SWEEPING REDIICTIONS in order to reduce Stock. Goods, I am determined to NOTE THE PRICE S formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly BEST WORSTED SUIT, SECOND BEST SUIT, - A GOOD WORSTED SUIT, - BEST SCOTCH TWEED SUIT. BEST CANADIAN TWEED SUIT, - BEST PAIR PANTS, - - NOBBY SUMMER SUIT, - $22.00, 20.00, 17.00, 18.00, 16.00, 6.00, 10.00, $28.00 25.00 21.00 23.00 20.00 9.00 15.00 I will make II these Suits in the Very Best Style, with the Best Trimmings, and guarantee Full Satis- B.ion. COME ON, NOW, and take advantage of the Best Chance ever offered to the Public. MacCORMAO. fa ction. E. J. Hill. M.A.. science toaster I in the Clinton Collegiate Institute, ten- dered his resignation nn Thursday, the llth inst.. having accepted a similar po- sition at Guelph. The board c..uld have held him on to the c•mpLtion of his engagement, had they desired W do so, but at a meeting they decided to accept his resignation, not wishing to stand in the way t f any teacher that thought he could better himself, alth.,mgh it puts them to a little inconvenience in secur- ing a substitute. As a successor to Mr Hill is being adrertised for, the Institute will re -open after the holidays with a full and efficient staff. Mr Hill will be missed in Moth scbot-i and church circles, he being one of the active members of the Baptist church. During the labor to in Duluth a few days ago, •herein the police wen compelled to fire upon the strikers, Iy boy named Thea. Fitzsimmons, son of Mr Ilately Fitzsimmons, formerly of (.'tintrm, wee struck by a strey bullet, from the effects of which he died. The ' inquest showed that he had noconnecticn whatever with the affair, as be was on the sidewalk minding his own business when he was struck in the left side by a pullet from • policeman's revolver. Ile was taken to the hospital, where he re- ceived the brit care and attention, the city authorities doing all that was p.•s- •ible for him, but to no purpose. He was a procuring youth of , 3 v rs, hav- ing been born in Clinton, to which place his remains were taken for interment. LON Q FR L LO Wll 1111A11111111. who n- Ptan.ting. with reluctant feet. Where the brook and river meet Wtwnanhnnd and childhood *pet 1" la a type of thnuwnds of young 1015 are unerring from the chrysalis ageiff their. existence, as they enter upon their '.terns..' Nervous, excitable, Irritahic, carred try meaner. unknowable torero within them,, each a mystery unto hermit. our girls nm,1 the tenderer ears-, the moa string patient ;reeaight. and the se of i v. Pierre's 1olevorf . ''rrvvawcr rrllption. d. safely Parry them through this eft -fib -al period• during which, In ton many Ilvrw, aha, are sown the smile of dia- 1 teeming fora of diereses peculiar to the female era. not tele Mum to womankind will prevent all inset llama.. or cure there It they have already seised • virile'. Wornin owes It to berW4 to her_ family. and to her metal atatine. tto !we well and timing Int her then not negiret the mote meant of clew. Pawnee, Prewt iptkm " la • legitimate medi- cine, e•refull romprwtnded by an .•r,erienrwt dance*and lfnl pIv7w. . and adapted to woman's .xgsnim purely vegetable le to composition and perfectly )rant,, �p �t�ta Peseta in any condlfk,s f �• �M by drwegrh ; 111.0g or ni bott .. f for car►rl ane, 4, woau+y Imo Wm arra Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS hie hesltk h�i had to the Nabs of seek..leyee�rle.w.IWO w..1*.. floe,. iito s..oda sme going to Rthel amok. Pe+ thew Tatty esiaa a vial. Ci ~ ese- t;RATEFTL-COMFORTING. Mrs as Hopkinson lett, left on Tuesway of tau week for tar, who can formerly t eec ant y EPPS'SCOCOA Es^,snuff•, Mich., hero, we understand, i field. were interred in the • emstry there they intend.to reside. on Tuesday of Inst week. The ulcus, and gentleman was one of those who comps- - ed the first council of the 'Msgr.. By mmm�ll ATI TTTI 1 T ti1TT his death we are reminded that of the M J H pktnson and son of Hul- The remains of Mr McIntosh of Exit h f 1 d of Bey- members e members of that council only one, Mr iJuhn Eason, now survives. MEDICAL LAKE SALVE I — t•t CTJ14.E8 r.r Cats. Bruises. sad (turns. and lewd to coo- tie., ton with the ti .t ITS or Sr AMU and TOTEM OF HEALTH TOILET SOAP e -r CTJ1=1.818 ry halt Rheum. ircaema. Old moony. PCes and all Diseases of the Blood and Ston. aa[ YOCR DRCNol!ry roe yeteristo tlaUt. Totem of Health Co. LONDON, ONT. . Tilt BEST BAKING PO DER -a IS •- VOUS CEIuiIE I. fit 4k1 sit=e i .it FOR SALE, PRICES LOW, CASH. OR ON TIME. 1 General Pu lose Horse. 2 One Horse vQ agons, New. 1 Fairbanks Hay or Cattle Scale. 1 50 H. P. Engine and Bone... 2 Boiler Heaters. Shafting, Pulleys & Belting, 200 Plows various Pattei.ls. 50 Corn Snufflers, $2.50 each. PIPE AND FITTINGS. Plow Repa T3 of all Kinds. Cash paid for Cast and Wrought Scrap Iron. Warerooms near Victoria -et. Methodist Church. C■ A. HUMBER. 14-11 DON'T FORGET -TO 010 TO - ISAAC N. CASSIDY'S –CHEAP– Cash Stone roll 0000. CRKAP No Alum. Neale/ lnjuri•ae. �ETIIIEI EIERIUEL GARTH 1 CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Vat,.,, ires k lead pts, Loose Petry 0: ars, Sties let Pareps, F Ins Poops, wled Mitts, Coma Sn xatws, Dain and lasadry Utensils. US CRAIG STREET, MONTRKAL. D.A.MPCA KILL &-�° edaNUFACTuRERSaFFtNL ARRIAGE VARNISHES&IIAPAC 4 SILVER MEDALS AWARDED MONTREAL CHADWICK'S SPOOL% COTTOT4 Far Rand and Machine Coe. NAS NO SUPERIOR. LBITHE1QID STEEL-fuuEo Tsuuu LIleasekh allLdi.s' 4 ether kirids. Imo[ tY Onus; TRUNKS EMS Md. J. ETELEiGH & CO MONTRCAis. ASK root IT. MIK oration HOTEL BALMORAL. >roN'TMF &L. Peers Dame et. ewe et Use feces emend l, to the Car. `...mmtlat — - e.w t D4 0 an.ta. p ee BMW per aq. IL V s S T MWOOVanager er PEARS' Nt cook J. PALMER& SON Wholesale Imp'tr. of NNYNNISTS' SUNDRIES 110 10111 lin it,, NONTRIAL SOAP. DOMINION LEATHER BOARD HIIFAKFA IT. s "By a thorough kneeledireof the natural laws which govern theoperatiosa of digestion and nutrniou. and try a careful applies:ion of 'h.• One properties td weihwlectwl Cocoa. Mr Kens ha. wok ided our breakfast tables with a dehcatris fla.ured beverage which stay ,are I s+ rnaoy heat} doctors' bilis. 11 is by `the jtalk ots a..• of such art IA' .f I n diet that ■ eost,nuion !nay Ice srrndosily Wilt up Wail string enough to resist eter. tandenry to dn.•aw. Hundrrti. nt subtle maledirear• floating( around u. ready to at- tack wherever there is a weak point. We ( may eaia.pe many a fatal shaft by keeping I e.rsel%es aril fortified atria purr blood and-♦ �rwpeertly nourished (rano..-._ •'t irt[ Service spree r/ • Slade .imply with boiline water or milk. Pohl obit u. ,w. kets 11 grocers. Welled thus: J.'M i s FI`I'� g Co.. Honmeopatt c t'hem- iilta. London. t:aryd. 2t . -TIME TO OlE- HELEBORE, 'PARIS GREEN 'Nlo INSECT POWDER A WILSON'S Prescription Drug Store diS YEAR'S MYRTLE CUT ,ted PLL -O SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN 2VER, 'F:F la Bream cm each Plug aad Package. szsv COMPANY. 1 ANKSTININIMIN Iteseschemirees et p mios ON i TM[ Naim Peeking. FRICTION MILLET NAM ThiefeePeetoshildosion RECKI1TS BLUE. Teas and Groceries. PAPERS. NK1? DOOR TO E eDOWNINtPS SOOT AID *1101 RT()RfE CRIBB'8 BLOCK, Merit 3 YEARS SYSTEM A tvwul•tir movably. quarterly or half "'early p•ymest sa slight adverse, a the res - tat a ide buy the inetrotnrat. Any piano may he Phalen net of • &eat a•eertmsst or t'pries� Square*. Grande, 'wnrpwr1A llaa • aid Aflr.ietevs. Teachers, Government and •alts•. and those 1■ retgah, lsnm,m cel ft find Ude • ccuntwteenient sad •draat•g•oa• ese WM s ttb. (rut scai•et M vse,,� I ,sols. our • h .p sr Peet -tics Pedal row wear on the f'ts Oar ullttallma lettoesrtriaPodia atttasktmwt for i'taees h hvaln.kte to anisai. stu- newt• W teach;s. -. Priem M • isaa stlai lavhal QCVIPIIiS 1iR1COIBE & CO. R ni W WI Caw„�s,1 Tern W Bacot 1a w Tema - Id. - �i.. a�g d tie r4. q ee:e Ssptsw l It. GIN 1111112l$ 06ME AT SINK r