HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-26, Page 611Al WIDE, WIDE WORLD.,
Soo T. t mseseet.s. wee. WreegM b
k. r......e.
Auung 13eotcbaiaa oared James
Hasthuu was living in one of the sit=es
n the S.wth.ru S=tates, and beteg se
litristaist eseseeseme sews, ShosIIII• menses Christian, he found plenty ut
reeve.", „iw siuseausis eir „„iu, Rug* tar his Master. Allstate other
Masagem. !thing* he taught • Fhb's claw in mimeo
t with the 'Aural which he had juin-
' The Kriel sad Rayne' itaijwsy hom ed, ciessistiug of • donee buys, trees
unelgainated wish the Canada Southern. Melee to twenty yews of age. Nut oaly
The F:arl of Fde, who has been crested did he mak• the mule of Om one hour
a fluke by the gamete takes the title of the Sunday, but he also invited the boys
Doke ot rife. ,t.0 visit hien at hie rooms, where he could
Mrs. Carpenter, • widow lady uf Grimsby, !Save the opportunity of speaking sep-
teas thrown freest her knew sad killed by irately and individually to trash one
Ism horse rustling •way. He had great a/Aileen:0 over them, for
The Kityptan t;overntossit have oseilled ,he had won their confitherice, and they
the Freesee Government that the islAseallemni bun. Quite suddenly, Adam Om
Mill oat Egypt yearly CJeu,000. friend ut his father, received the
Dr. McDow, the slayer.), Capt. Detente, eder of •n eacelleut situation in one of
has been expelled from db. South Citro1100 Abe Northern States, sod he must go al
Modual Seviety for Unmoral, unprufesesemali,mar. its order to 'secure it. He called
sad uueentleinauly cotoluct. ite eay farewell to his teacher and friend,
The Paruellite members et the House eitbst preasmt, and their inter-
reminons intend todeniand that a .eintusittee_t leen, • short cite. As they grasped each
l'emluie7 `Plesetad 'tale the eer jother's hands. James said, • • We have had
gin of the Pigott forgeries. !tins* for • few only wurde,my boy. but I
There •eined te la no doubt now that thdha,e a lorry important and sal me,.
.sir ship, which asesided leen
,out fu,r my letter !" A kw days. after
tt as.. and that Prof. Hogan was drowned.
Allan • arrival in hut new home, this wsl-
M es. Rat Widow the late Master
oome letter was received. He was lone.
Mechanic Heaton Cauada 'ether's Rail.
way, fell through a trapdoor into the cellar
lit her resi knee. in St. Thomas, on Thurs.
Day 011/(01 ig and was seriously injured -0
ly and home -sick, and as he I.soled at
the well knowu and familiar handwnt.
ing, he could soe before him tbe earnest
it is refadied that. in view „j the excel) face and affectionate glance of his be-
tioual ciremnimanees which now prevail in teacher ; what would he not give
the politic, of Fratios, President 1'arnot will loved for oue half-hour of his
society 1 He knew well the poeitton he
cetiupied in that large, deep heart, and
his heart was full. When, at length, he
opened the letter, he reed it, and re -read
it, and then read it again until
ho eyes were so full of teats that he
ceuld riot see the lines. What was in
thts letter that produced such snorer
emotion, and mowed hint et. deeply 1 It
0.1.11'11(1rd an urgent, (Host adectionste,
and earnest appeal, that he would- !cow,
at this instant, give himself up, heart.
soul and life, to the service of the Lord
Jesus Christ ; that he would be ripely
for hitn. not only at that moment, but
all through the night. Although deep -
'rented with ineuperable obstacles.
Searle end til'ennor ILIVO 001, been doing 17 affected, not at once del he yield it.
nisch reAl training as yet 1..r the race for the that earnest, tender pleading, for he had
sculling championship id the world, which the same Moue to tight which all must
takes place in the beginning of september. pass through. The tempter stood be-
ta the tatting Searle is a heevy favortte at gide him, Red whispered its his ear, "Eht,
odds of 31 and 4 le I. ot tie influenced by that foolish letter ;
be • man, and decide for youreelt. Y,,u
are just about to enter ray •tid (sallow
able society, where you will meet peeple
(eremts in the world ; hi. servant 01
such as you ntiklit let, sought after, and
4.110ired.- Almost -he sem 01: the eve
if yielding t this sedwoive picture.
when just •1 that instaut the..e words
his vista he ham kept eighty engagementa.
tleeind before his eyes, as if %written in
The Petrie papers consider that tile King
tuners of tire : "The faeloon of this
of Nolliusd's address to the states General.
in which ht• asked that 641,triei troops he world passeth away.'• "Yes. 1.0 said,
kept armed to defend Dutch neutrality, is as iti reply to the tempter, "those are
▪ 'rare event, indicating expected German the friends who would advance my in-
action. tercets in this life -but how would it be
-The t ;imernment have 'tempted a pre in death 1.' All through the silent :seers
penal by Mr. John Morley that an increased of the night, the struggle went on. but
e llowance to the Prince et Wales, enabling lust as the first faint Heal of dawn was
children be substituted for the ,preposed, was pale and weary, but oh, so happy,
special grants. for thst letter from his faithful teacher,
Lila els prayers that night, had totiche
' hip, was thrown from his waggon by I
-11. his heart, and won his *out for Christ
team running away on Welnemlay lel Whet words can describe the pu.7e
Orangeville, and six of his tine were brokeni
felt by James Hamilten, when he recem•
besides internal injuries. There is hope o
ed his boy reply ( It was as the angels
his reemery.
feel when on this earth a soul is bent
The Duke of PortInnd has won another
from death unto life. Allan Graham at
largo sum of money 011 the tuff, his latest
once acknowledged Christ as his Nlas-
victory being with Ayrshire, last year's
Derby winner, who captured the Eclipse rer, and as the years went on, he stood
Stakes of sovereigns yesterday at the high in the regard of his fellow men.
baselonti Park meetieg. His word was as go...I as his bond,every•
A telegram frown Pitts/meg -antentisees -t-Ising prospered to whiteli - pvg, hie
reduction of .i,44 per ton in the pries of hand, and he was esteemed by those
steel plates by the Minot 'arriegiek Phipps. whose esteem was an honor. He mar -
A fall in quotations ns this' extent is .ried • lovely girl, wh.) was a true help-
cedente.1 in the steel and iron trades. he meet, In every sense of the word. But
Pam" li"P"teh states that the *Wing ecale the brightness of this hepps time was
si-med by the cniployoa of this firm takes f -
overshadowed by the death of the friend
based on the price et steel for the thr-re
1.0.1011.• A numitesto to the country 1.0.torro the
The Nhah is not a tool. When told that
Mr. 1.1adsuese was aie ut to celebrate his
Is better te live fifty ye. w (ww woman
than i-ne year with Id ty mute.
France and the United States are
anxious 141 ivresession of a small
island nutter the iurisrlictiou of the llaytistn
Government, which •••iii manila the entrance
to the Pansies canal.
The Rowe Itiforma estys 7 If the Pope, in
contemploto resorting te arms to win back
tempera' power, he IA "tail b1111 himself 300-
Joseph Medill, l'llicago has written to
the Earl of Aberdeen. refitting the London
Titnes insinuation that do eit9iera of the
Iriahmen or ifterobers of the (len-nal Med
A London cable says &Ir. Henry George
"rinsed for New York the IHobtia
Naturday. He was entertained Thursday
might at tbe roonis of the Society of Iltritish
Artiste by a number of friends. During
Hamilton, not yet in the prime of life,
end in the midst of his work, departed
decrease in wagea.
Ito be with Christ, leaving behind him
TORONTO TOPICS. urecioue 'lame and memory, which
!shall not be forgotten. A few bright,
The •rnoy In Trouble -Tle• iterlsoas Area. ihappy years pawed away, and then tbe
deists. lovely young wife was quite suddenly
„f th, called away from earth, leaving her hue -
Canadian Press Aasociation was held here hand and little son, bereaved and done
Thursday last. lir. -E. liewart preside& late. This boy, who was called Hama -
There were present members of the In1100Cia- ton, in memory of his fathees 'fiend,
tion from all parts of Cenada. These otti- was • line, intelligent little fellow, and
cers were elected It. V. Son.erx tile, Pre- se his father refused to part with him,
intent Andrew Patten.), 1st Viee-Presi• he WWI taught at home. The careful
dent : H. P. Mome, 2'n't Vkat'Preaideatt training bore fruit, and as he 'tree te
W. R. Climie, Secretary•Treasurer ; '1' 11 hood he was • son of whom •tor
er might have been proud. The closest
Committee H. Hough, 1). Creighton,
sympathy existed between thorn. on all
The aissociatien left on Friday for a trip to subleet0 olive "ne on1y• Hamilton was
• censistent attendant at all the servwes
the maritime provinces.
in his father's church, and had • high
A very serious accident, which in one la -
pump at least has resulted fatally, occurred respect for all that wail grotd report.
at the new Mee avenue school last week. A hut he did not believe In yessenol con.
precipitating those 011 it, three in number, could be • good man, • good citizen, and
to the ground. 4 hie of them Alexander Car• very happy, without it. and whenever
ney, residing in Church street, near Carlton, his father upon hum the importence of
eras killed outright. The other two, Samuel decision for Christ, he drew hack in
Garland, 93 lioult,m -avenue, an.I John (*ow
silent reserve. The years pawed sway,
dy. II I Sherbourne street, were seriously
and :Allan. Graham also entered int.) rest,
hart, both being removed to the hospital in
leaving his as his executor, and heir to a
the ambulance. A brieklaver's laborer
ed ,t.lem Colter *leo sustained several large fortune. The night sfter the
injuries but refused to be taken to the Hos- funeral he was looking OVer the PoPen
pita'. in his father's writing table, when on
Another *seldom death occurred in the unlocking a small drawer he saw to his
new buibling being erected 041 9ueen street surpriee that it contained one letter on-
e/rest, opposite the Avenue, Toronto. A ly, tied with ribbon, and carefully dated.
painter, named James Itriiigeford, living at Supposing that in some way it concerned
35 1;eorge street, was in the act of bringing
hie beeettlel young mother, whom lie
ahoider from the eidewalls into the building .
upon quitting work, when he fell heevily
forward. orol bat imane„. e.mild be reverently, when he perceived that it
anal „raj rietiewt. In baling Bride, was addressed to his hither, by the pet
feed's head struck the telge of a carpenter's name of his boyhood, and on turning to
beech, inflicting • severe cut upon his fare, ,the signature, ha remembered having
head. Mr Bridgeford had been taken with heard his father say that letter from
• fit oft • previous nocesion when driving • 'his faithful towhee lied bees the tenting
street esr, but the trouble was not thought point ia hie life. This, thee, was that
serioess. letter, sod hove carefully
The salvation Army Ina been a standing 1,4es by whitest instinct. ear,17111.
n uisance in Kenton for the patois months wins, time it, tem', was bwf
The special rent of attack has baba t talents's pimid. hit foam had hat tat utter
head. sad tilos end Mein ha" the red. where his sou would find it, wheetetisiebil
i rt. swanned open Mrs. Osloott's grounds, and bereaved. aim._ _Irma
heating their drume Lpparenwthlyasiestitki. by an than eireseimose:IThs Nod it.
Mail mash wise as '
Olney serreanded thelentel sad behaved very ,Pretwowl °P0o 111. reeeerery. H• looked
rudely. sad mute unsay unbeenmiag re- at the data, and emoted the new awe
mean sheet her hushaed's hesietwa. Lea It wee written. Nearly thirty parse --
week they again Weans unbearably neiey knew thee quarter of • watery --had
Ind the result wow thee tire al the arway 4,41,4 usy. tad tbs bwba of man who
mem were artonMil ena 1001 Mist gook gis• had passed thews lines wee sow so du*,
bel rr4e belts dead, yet'.peak.tb," sad
sit that eataat, levies appsat lad tome -
ed soother heart, sed woe sa.dMr su.I
fur Obrisk. W►.a Hirsute Otaht..
knelt hali4e the counneaaon table, ts
the same pleas where he had ellee
sees hi. Tether limped, he left that he
was sot .lose, bet that though sw..s*
by mortal rye, hi. (saber, sed hie lather's
(need, had bees witnesses of the mit-
w ard signs of In. Batus and ou.tosui.w
with Christ. That letter is preserved in
the faintly as a sacred heir-Icorn more
preeioue than gold. A.d who .hall ..
that its work it finished, or that it may
not yet win other hearts for our Lord
and Saviour Jews Christ I
All poisououe waste, sod worn out
matter cught to swap* frown the sys-
tem throogh the secretion* of the bow-
els, kidneys and skin. B. B. B clean-
ses, opens and regulates these natural
outlets for the removal of disease. 2
Grange Cream Spouse Cake. -Otis
e nd ova -half cuts of sugar, two MIMI of
gorse, CAW half cup cold water, yolks of
five erits aod whites of two, the nod
end juice of one .urange, two teaspota
&Ls ut baking powder. teaks to laying.
Whip one cupful ot thick Milani to • eta
froth, aud stir gradually into it half •
cupful of powdered sugar ; grew into ot
the yellow ...I one orange rind. Spread
thickly betweea tbe layers of cake.
Leuion or Orange Creans.-Take one
leuson or two oranges, grate, add one
cup of wear, half • cupful et ice aster
and one cupful 4 cream ; beat tne
whites of three eggs and stir in. Warn' a
gill of milk, in which mix two table
u monfula of corn -starch ; let thicket.
mid stir in. Set on 103. Whip • quart
of cream, flavor with eesence ef almond
end pour ever
Kedgeree.- Retrieve all the brine
from some cold boiled fish and flake it
tido small pieces. Mix with it abeut
half tne quantity of cold boded rice. •
couple ol hard-boiled eggs cat al% and
• few pieces of cold potato. Put the
mixture in a small ssucepan with a lump
ot butter, • little pepper and salt, and a
w ell -beaten egg. Stir it over the tire
till tiutt• hot.
sh0p's Bread. -Heat fourteen oun-
ces of sugar with the yolks of six eggs
and the whites of three for half an hour.
Then add el:Ally eight ounces of dour,
• ounces of blanched alumods cut in
Ia ..11M7 AIM,
Ws ban seed Yowlers Salmi of Wild
I!Strawberry is our faintly of as peewee
durls twelve years, ..d in .11 saw., of
diarrhoea, .uovvr complaint, etc , It
Meer falls e. cure This valwMe mala
ei.a should he en hand i. every leanly.
Ills. Sirs ALL.., Harley, Out. Y
BaiAD mak ./ We Yaw
im Fina at Owens
Fall Mama is Finer.
Over mi. lades ern intim
.o r� b surpassaa 7 pima
It males i.
ewah w►tl/a4
wham pane►.. ..d
Bakers in mealy e..rp Www
.n .ams t.
There •re 255 electors its Part 1, Brae
G els, 1 12 ie Part 2 aad 38 in Pert 3
Nighty -ea peewee are tlealified to serve
as jurors.
Severe •sseen.
Miss Beds Elliot. of Poutypoel, Oat.,
writes -"My brother and I were leek
Wien ill with • severe attack d
d ime, keener tried other remedies, eV
tried Ds Fowler's Citrate et Wild Straw-
berry, which gave insinedist• relief." 2
"They haw • target rale in nsy dis
trict," says • well knotist druggist, "than
say other pill on the @market, and give
the beet satisfaction f. -r pick headache,
ounibuted with Johnston4 Tonic Bitters,
Juhusetnn's Tonic Liver Pills will per-
form what ne other medicine has does
before for suffentic humanity.- Pills
25 cents per bottle. Bitters ZsO wets
end III per bottle. Sold by Goude
Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sole
event [1:1
Mr Jae Robb and wife, of Wheeling,
West Virginia, accompanied by Muis
Jessie Simpion, of London. spent • few
days recently with their uncle, Mr Chas
Robb, of Tuckeretuith.
Itheasnatse Palms
Ftequire no description, since. with rare
• xception, all at souse time h•v• riper -
mimed their twinges. Rheumatism is
not easily dielodeed. ouly the mos'
powerfully peneUoting remedies reach
to its very foundations. The niost sue -
easeful treatment kuown, and n is new
frequently resorted to by medical men,
is the ripelication of that now famous
It tli safe to say that nothing yet dis-
covered hes •fforded equal satisfaction
to the suffering A trial can be trade at
• lineal' cost, as sample bottles of \aryl -
line can be had •t the 'drag stores tor
10 cents, large bottles 25 eent•
Mr John lifeLeud, 5401 Of Mr Angus
celestial examination at the I ktawa Nor-
mal School, and has been granted a
second-class certificate.
Waley Service & kairs
The undersigned is prepared
to undertake the putting in of
Water Services in connection
with the Town System to Dwell-
ings and other Buildings. Also
The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln
To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac-
tories and Machinery of all kind.
Prices reasaiable. Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
le now running full time, and
any quantity of Fresh Lime I
can be obtained at the Kiln _ _ _
at all times for 103. a bushel.
Ciederteh. Markle Ude. Met
Peoprie tors.
Inallaserrive sod depart at Oesitellek es le
that.' strips, am ounces cif raisins and
toneemprien Rarely tared.
dife• tai•CSIS of citron cut in tine pieces.
o HE E.DITOR :—Please inform your
Peer in • well-greiused pan and bake
readers that I have a positive remedy for
'the shove named disease. By its tiinely
Salad Dressing. -Peel and boil &large, Use thousands of hopeless' cases have
heen permanently cur...J. I shall he glad
to send two bottles of my remedy free
to any of your readers who have con-
sumption, if they will send me their Ex-
po -roe and P. 4 address.
Respectfully, De. T. A. Stocee.
line potato: mash well and, when cold add
mustard • and little salt ; stir well to
poker ; add two tablespoonfuls of olive
oil aud vinegar very 'lowly, stirring con -
' tautly so that it may be very smooth.
This is nice with chopped celery or
Aline Pudding. -This pudding is a
chopped a ouarter pound of Miele
chopped suet, • ouarter pitied of dour
Mr Wm ffat and Mr ,hn Gil-
mour, Stanley, have returned from their
trtp to the North Weet Mr Moffat has
secured land in the NI.eaejaw district,
to the extent of 91:A) acres.
make a good custard with the yolks of
thine eggs and half • ptut i.,f intik.,
mix. this w.th the other ingredients uutil I EAT fever is a type 1.1 catarrh having
tne whole is in a stiff taste, and tlavora peculiar sympteen. It is attended hy an
with essence of leoson Put the pudding inflamed condition ef linnet 1.10111 -
into • buttered mold and tie it clueeiy III brains of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
a doured cloth. Hod fur three h.nirs ; I throat, affocting the lungs. An acrid
when turned out serve with arrowroot MUCOUS issecreted,the discharge maccem•
sauce dsvored with sherry and sweeteu- ; Denied widt a burning sensation. There
ed : a little cochineal 111 tile sauce is an are severe spasms of sneezing, freotient
improvement to the color. attacks of headache, watery and inflem-
principalli_tif beautifully blanched en- dY
French Selad.-Tn winter this is made I ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is • reme-
that con be depended upon. 50cts.
at druggists ; by mail, reentered, tiOcts.
diver, washed d tern -steely clean and bruk-
en into small branches with the bowers ;1 Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New
then taken from the water and shaken ork• l•
dry in a basket kept Un- the purpme, or '
in a tine cloth ; then arranged in the -
salad bowl and stewed with herbs, ' w A
tarragon generally when in season,
minced small. The dressing M not add- In Lir
ed until just before the ealsel is eaten.
In summer young lettuce is substituted
for the endive and intermixed with •
variety of herbs.
I soy cuss I do net mean merely te
hare made tbe diadem el
A fife long study I WARILAST Mg remedy to
Cuss the word rose'. BMWS! others have failed
Is nn reason tor me now remitting a cure. send
Moe. It costs )0u Doane' tor • that and 11
win cure you. Addrea.:
Fwar Soaks Leaning ha NO readise.
Mini wanderhse muted.
livery elated sag adult greatly iseseilttel.
Gnat lathaaamais to Ourrassaremaas Clears.
IM ..eialams4 A re Is Mad
Fat fur Frying. -Just here let me tell
thee how to preeare fat tor frying that
will nut have the disagreeable taste or
smell that lard has ; neither will it be so
expensive. Have thy butcher reserve
for thee, say •Irsout ten pounds at • time,
of the best beef fat, and cut it up into
w eal! pieces. When it is_brought into the
kitchen put it Into • pan and cover it
with cold water ; let it stand half an
hour or so, as convenient. Then take
it out, putting it into a broad kettle
over the beck id the stior• to gradually
try out. When done strain It off into a
pan w:th some cold water in the bottom.
All impurities will settle in the water or
on the cake of fat, and the next del it
oan be melted over and poured into jars
for use. For frying I prefer beef fat. for
many things, also the kettles for that
purpose consisting of • double kettle,
the lower one for the fat, with a side
handle for allowing the upper one,
which has holes in it, to be hung opon
it, end es drain off all superfluous fat
from the articles tried. Have all pieces
of fat from eteaks or roasts of beef sav-
ed, tried otit and attained. Chicken fat,
se it is taken from the chickens before
they are cooked, is very nice for makine
molasses gingerbread, and, by some,
considered nice for short -cakes and
biscuit. Mutton fat 1 Know of no ow
for (w it is impossible to disguise the
taste) except for chapped hands and the
like. bet all such scraps are good for
seep grimes, and that can be easily made,
and is wry useful for cleaning porpoises.
Fat from sausage most is good for fry-
ing potatoes, alas for gingerbread. Jost
try it if thee feels disposed to doubt it.
A slim young MY is the height el
heftiest wee violently weaning is street
M• ewl's, desk boy, bow iota that
climatal sold." "Aw, dash fetish, hie
way dose is the lower ha usher day,
sad is welds( the leery beadle, se
dweadtel sold, k 'skilled me assist to
death." It ClbSelee had seed Dr. Rat-
vey's Rod Piss Ova hie sold wash! net
it Doom's pressripesos drusebers.
A large assortment of the nese-4 ,tyle, in Hat, and Bonnets.
Nortleat. sweat deer Mr Severe.
Competitors envious of our suc-
Sole Agents for W. N. Peak
bee added a Large Stock of the Latest Noveltiee in Plushee, Flow-
ers, Ribbons, and every other line for the embelishment of
Hats, Bonnets, andi every other article in her Milli-
nery Department, which she is selling low.
Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before.
A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be given
to every purchaser of a hat valued at In or over, and
the Gift will be awarded on July let. 2202
1000 Razz
Has now received her swine Stock of the
The issemeehme::al
Oil has bon diai
Victoria, &C
ft is belEred Watt
twos will take place
tiedly damaged by fir
John M. nicks. a
been killed by
latrar. Anderson, the r
tor, says the saw Elect
YeaArLmoyensent is on
erecting a pubbc awe
Archbishop. is dying a
e l, from diabetes.
C.P.R. people say
into Windsor over tiu
middle of October.
The Montreal Corp
false arrest in the Mul
peg soots months isg
China, is returning bee
The by-law to give
Railway an addithaal
Indebtedness was deem
12.1.100e0 tiMu.szt.W. 01; stournagw,
of habeas corpus in the
• week remains in whit
Mr. Themes McInter
undertaker in Cantula
citizen' of St. Cether
for opening letters sw
their hand.; wore coo
t"AtTriaori..ntonien was
for • large tobacco fact
oil favorable terms.
A report from the Cs
through •Illakotasourts
te be a total failure, Ma
localities reduteni le th
The- .urusto
list of fixtures with the
Maritime Provinces, al
for that purpose leas,
their engagements.
Joseph harlton,
Wean. suay of tackiest
befere Isis death he step
He leaves a young wit
• axount of his allege.
Cal/alien Pacitierailwai
before the Railway Cot;
Seven new guards for
tentiary will he appoit
•mnil seven ef the old one
.luty. The new officer
have been Patted. Sue
of the present guards.
The documents in
very volunrinous. the
charge being given as er
If no further applkatie
courts, the Minister 01
pared to give his dec,isica
An action has been
perintendent Morford,
Central Railway, by :
Blackhouse, of Aylmer,
Smith, a farmer's son a
sum of denser
malicious anent. Tbe c
trial at the Elgin Fall At
The Stinson homicide
not been settled yet,
serest will probably be
brought to an end. Mr.
smother interview rid
Hutchinson and Magian
morning, but he bas not
further proceedings Altai
the fatber•in law of hod
A diabolical crime was
Nlennonite Church, tire ni
Wednesday night. A
arming out of the clear
night. Immediately sft
...ening from the chiinnei
went into the church th
eramioing a stove, found
with the body cremated.
rated with coal oil.
Just entered through the Castonui
Io Trouble to Show Samples
Everything required for house-
TieCksaDesl lime lister the So.
S1111E11 IliS COIE
And Is prepared tagiee her many lady euetomers the erten City styles at town rates.
Owing to the tact that her tvnainees has kept on increating. there beano( been ea (rover -
teeny to prepare fora formal spring opening.
All are 1 rind to examine Quality. Styles and Prices.
Weekly Cong. este Received DarillI th Boy Seam.
SHOWROOMS. Corpora Hamilton and Newaratoas, egr the blow, iSalw
If yea want te see the largest oteet et eerea... wawa. es be
Gen Nap fir the Seam
Owl siedinial. nee styles lied as* velem le
he teens.
Sew see le alsoried irk
area sal sae so. tame teeny date art
Urea Vele el lee the Chiding/ WiTaFPOW SIEL.A.MICSK aad the SHAIII
4. so C3.4.3RitaALams. la meek fer twat er
het bow an We eheakeeprea ea hand. and aey peewit wassitio.ene we seder ea a
GOMM MO ems um
Crest Stellement In WI
or Arrest
leotte.v, July 21. To
night the life of anoth
tempted dyne by Castle
and man were seen to ap
teen of the thorringhfare
East station. The pair .1
dressed to dal 1 man
with • slouch hit and a f
The man seirerl her, dr orl
tance, dung her upon the
deiced a dagger. s Trani
mos •nol W1.011 n fro!
Anmeg the first. are v,
Weill several members
liefore the. man Ised
was seized, and it dreat
.0,41. He had a knot kni
it was Walle time before he
of it. Fientualle it u.ss
F:ven then his Lehi t
meet determined nature
the flay the woman erawl
whist's.' wets. boned in
.reat number of officiaL I.
Metropsditan tore- *ppm'
1% 'teethe pnIfee roaehed
was cut ate,1 bleeding prof
kinds of mitailes •1 the pr
reply, he mud • "Tire wo
It hen sake' wh) he dre
'replied thmt he had deee
fie said he was a tailor, a
nags,. folding that he h
Where he wee MI the me
east hs email mil ally.
where he had snored whit
own kW* now fiainii in k
pow with his sfallaaa• 1