HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-26, Page 5x ' T..E nu, 8N SIG"AIA, FRIDAY, JULY !'6, 18119. c SPEOI D S.Aj --PARASOLS.-- Jno.. Acheson. Owing to an overstock of Parasols, we here decided to have a Clearing Sale for ONE WEEK, and will offer our entire stock of these goods at � GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now is the time to secure a Parasol, 11 1110 Bight Seasou 31 the Right Price. 13„, 701-31.7. AC11£30N. ONCE CET INSIDE Of our Store and you will be convinced that our claims of Superiority are based on Facts as solid as the stubborn rock. One Trial will prove our Goods as Good as the Best. We have nothing better than that. On top of that we put the fact that our Prices are as Low as can be put on the same Quality of Goods. Big Value in Gloves and Hosiery all this week. "The first shall be last" is not true in every case, because the last will be left when they try to get some of the Bargains in Hosiery. GENTS, LISTEN When a pant hunter' pantless panteth for pants, And pants for the best pants the pant market grants, He panteth unpanted until he implants Himself in a pair of our Five Dollar Pants. ACHESON & CO. !201-3m (Lste Austro & t;ox aemere GWxwoern, Apn! 3rd, 1849 Da J. )I. McLeot,, Godench. Deer Sir, -You told me to see ho meal gained in weight while takin yew faedicioe, McLeod's *Mem Iti_no- nlitur. The time 1 last visited you offsets I weighed Iii pounds. n 1 weigh 143,gatnteg just 26 p,,unds. How does that suit you f My buck is entirely cured. a.ioeseitatee a full cbemisette,-,r ought t. , I, but there is a mere short stolrgy f. rot e urs these sleet ' Frelichy. ' Thew win w I be rel.e'udby those to s ;ergo degree the f kali owisd lir them Iii r . Destroy the 'orms or they may dee. tory the eht.t:ren. Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms. Yours, etc , A. M. CAstILTor, DAKOTA. January 1st, 1889. De .1. M. McLson. Goderich. Dear Sir, -I am au&enng from an in- flamed eye, caused by catching cold. Mn F. desires me to ask you to send medicine.. tine of her daughters is not at all well, tnennorrh'.ee is the ailment. The above was answered and medicine sent 29th January, 11189 WlIIATLAXD, N. D., t . S. Feb..18, 1689 1)ear Old Friend, -I thank you for sending the Deeded medicines in a most needy tuna. They have dune their work and performed what they were re- commended to perform. 1 McLeod'~ System Renovator sent only, mod only it 1 think you are deserving of more credit than has ever been given you for Tour genius Mrs F. and family are well -accept their thanks. Mfr F. is now well. My eye begin to improve ra- pidly after your letter reached me. The doctors here were using hydras:ic sul- phate of Dopper, sugar of lead, slam curd, mtmh sulph., borax and what not. all ton.. purpose. I knew that J. M. McLeod wined not see me tortured by these blamed d'a , sn D thought I would write. I tender you my sincere thanks for what you reooa.mettded. Yours etc., D. M. C. rear LAIN ss Merer. Take time by the forelock ere that rasping, hacky cough of yours carries pea! where so many Consutsptives hare pre- ceded you ; lose no time. but procure al hotels 14 the rational remede 1.r Lung and Bronchial Ibera.es, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver th1 with Hypo- phosphites. It will euro yogi. Sold by all druggists, at 50e to 51. 4 ' r � The new prince** t • sets for ereninte wear are imported as the very latest ex- priraaiore o1 Ponstan grace and meter ee. The garnitures noon these gown. dtIer considerably, son.. beton made gip with Grecian drapenee of crepe lime, or with bodices that have shot sleeves with hoho folds over the chest of soporb nal tsetse. or nets that aro (earl dotted. fhhers aro • elrsantly decorated wish nests, 'honker I pieces and pebbling enda,or antique girdles "f headed strap or s setwerk of silk and Meda that are pearl, milk -white mid opa- line in tint. The skirt parties of the new priecws dress is not as lose as the familiar trained princess*, the new mod- sol !eine mach more tr'set.fel and far mors easy t r manage with skill in the; loam•. Some of the bodices rot there towns here the V -est that r pretty and , asttsible; others are &weed to a p.dnt (r,"„ bets to belt, fresh Ind bock. This The d•fference bo twin n a laby and as over -cost u : One you was, and the or her you wear. Me was iewl'sy. , Personal illustrations are usually in doubtful taste and sometimes are positive- ly dangerous. A farmer was complained of for teuntaining a nuisance in the abape of • rimers: the neighbors asser- ted that said pig ery was detrimental to their health. At the trial the rustic gentleman argued his own case, abed summed up as follows: "The neighbors my. your bettor, th . • hors is unlmaltby - I say they ain't. L., I; At rte' Ain't I beelehy!"-Youth's Companion. --�. ells-- Conduet..r Quirk. in himself, attrseta more rectos to Kincardine than any other single individual He is known as a whose-s.uled gentleman far and wide. The friends he has would maintain a magnificent summer hotel. We have of- ten thought tha town should pay b:sa a premium annually of 8500 so a alight recognition of pr patriotic service to ; this people -Kincardine Review. A new G. T. R. station is to be erected in Wineham. The work of ennstrue. torn will begin at an early date. The betiding will be in line with the 'Id owe, there being Sts feet space between the old and the new. The new greeter* will be 62 feet lone by 24 feet wide and one storey high. The general waiting room will be in the west mid, the nacos in the centre and the ladies' waiting room and haggage rouge in the east end. A platform will extend all around the hui:ding and the main entrances will be nn the north side. The present build ing well be weed exclusively tate freight. A recent isms of the Hamilton (Sent - iand Aifroll iarr says : "Rev G. Branch Howie, whn r a blind student from the Lehannn New Cellews, Edinberrb, Ix. came widely known in Scotland, seems k. he soce.. dung admirably a a pastor in Canada. At the anwieereary of hes redinetinn at Rressele. Ontario, on the lith Mat , the chairman said that when he find beard o f Mr Howie. Looming to Brussels he thought it would he perfeet- t, -im sande for him to sewerI plink the work of s pastor on se- eowst of his want of eight, Mt now Ihsi Wes folly persuaded of Mr Hn necisncy, sot Daly is the pnllrt het weer y rt her breach -1 eerriee Dr Nichol. of Brea tined. elsewhere bore tdmilar testimony. Mr Howie, how- ever, sesiied in the University of Rdinbergh. not in the New College, as the Anhvrtiser says. `x`T `:N° 13ALE DRY COMM GOODS, THE DIUGGIST CROMPTON,COS,j Ext BLACKBERRY COMPOUND. 7O'° °O"°ON . Lime Juice ---Healthful and Refreshing. Lame sup ply just in. Use it to brace up your System against the It in our custom and fixed purpose to dispose of all goods during ' Best thing out for Diarrhoea, all Summer Complaints, the season for which they were bought, anti in consequence we pro- em; • Only 25cts. ceed even now in the heat of the season, to close out as far as possible our entire stock of purely summer goods The extremely low prices which we make would justify our pat- rons in buying now, even to keep over till another season V, a place on sale at clearing prices the whole of our large stock v1IICed never fails to give relief and cure. Try it and be con - We black and colored French and English dress goods, Cashmeres, Only lOcts. Ilenriettas, etc., black and colored, plain and fancy tires~ silks (from the must reliable makers), parasols, prints, sateen*, chantbrays, printed wool ehallies, fancy costumes in wool, cotton and silk, plain anti fancy dress muslin~, lawns, flouncing lace*, flouncing embroideries, edgings, laces, handkerchiefs, &e., hosiery, gloves and underwear in silk, wool, Lisle, Balbriggan an' cotton. Jerseys, ribbons, corsets, dross trimmings, beaded grenadine'', table linens, napkins, towels, sheeting~, cottons, GOODE'S TOOTH -ACME CURE PATENT MEDICINES in great variety. Piso's Remedies, Johnson's Bitters, Ayer's and all leading lines. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, shirting, flannels, cottonatles, cretonne:~, art utuslins, quilts, chenille Soaps, etc., in great variety. Prescription work our great tapestry and silk table covers, and other house furnishing goals, specialty. ladies' English waterproofs, beaded visites, pattern wraps, mantlings, ire. all of which are fresh and new, manufactured and imported for the spring and summer of 1Siif). garWe give special attention to mail orders, which will be filled by competent persons, and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples sent by nail on application. roi t-� (Successors to II. W. Brethour k Co.,) BRANa,FORD. BOOTS AND SHOE WALTER C. C000E, 13- DRiJCAriST, ALBION BLOCS. ENGLISH, FRANCO-AMERICAN FLORAL PERFUMES IN -LULK THE PHARMACY. GEO. RHYNAS, Prop. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared and Moderate Prices Charged. The Largest Stock and Choioeet Assortment west of Toronto, at the old established Boot and Shoe House of E, DOW4,11,,Ls ---s! All Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Warranted to be just as Represented. YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN! ONIerd SVn$ oar a aiM�a }y�� Pnp11y 111 ended to V AND SATISFACTION Gt7ARANTEED. See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNING. Cor. East-st. and Square JOHN ROBERTSON Begs is announce that he u now agent tor The LMIIOrT03 Covajirs Cele Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. 1 FEW GALLONS OF PORE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT » JOHN ROBERTSON RHYNAS' OLO STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL NT$ Have just passed through the Colston' Howe. Direct from the Manufacture's. the Best *snorted Stock of DRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT iVfo GODERICH, CONSISTING OF SILE WARP I ENRIETTAS, NEWEST SHADES, All Wool Henrietta Cloths, and other dress AT PRICES AT LEAST 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON POR THE SAME CLAMS OF 0001D8. -0:— Ready made :Yeas Rehm tof Rest Material, Fseblo..bly Meade at Fabulously Low Prices. 30 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25. IN HARDWARE IN HARDWARE DEPT ALASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH AND BCILDIEG MATERIAL, A PILL ISTI WK. NAILS, $2 70 PER KEG. Aril 19, lees. C. C R A A P3 H() -A&R R YOU7THIRSTy. —TRY TI mB— MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, —OR— CORZdS„� —FOR A— COOLINC21- HEALTHFUL DRINK RA8PBEIR RY CORDIAL pronounced dust the thing by all who hare toed F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL MALL. WE GET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK I8 COMPLETE, and we can show you the flnestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, FINE IAND FRUITS. GROCERIES COR- H.&MILTON-ST. & 13Ga LTAL.E1:w. Wholesale and ite:sil. I1. 13. --Try Coreli,e Flakes for Kummer. Godderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. 1.L- g•itt(tis . as4 ttt ,cM*Olt c: be!.I t s touctol; Int srsi1y Aha a ,i1, tl•c � . REPT .I)17I ATcsf Cy We MAIM OM HARD /OR BALK: Improved Land Rollers - Price HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c. .A.T ZIOW I' I-T.TRES FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOR WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to uote Prices to Parties in want ofthe same. seam' :AND O.A r120TCI8 )J' ALL IcINDe Wks, Liquors, as Th© Signal for balance of 1889 G. H. PARSONS to any address 'for 60 cents. MR atilt ST AI.JUOI aL°va. 0()l.KR11‘11•