HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-26, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 26, I F 89 CHASING A FMTHLISS HUSBAND. an MESON tiveeliasbd itilro ea tlfleng& bat Ma Assam ■laded Wm Toe leen's flovuyer. laceellicli N Jai i0. —U George ('. Meow royal ISOM wee dose ; the Wag Pa.., will semi his mead aetight mem sew aeon to benumb care address le hie wile be wall receive the Aad to ha Jenter cried, "tl.r teal Moak' 4 a save\ wronged WOISIL, wile lew Seed now, sae mete fee a prayer t- saalp The Jester dolled hie asp sad bell had M stood the slacking Wro ort hete, Thal c.dd wets the hitter malls behind the pouted grin he wore. tM bowed bye head and beat hl. k... 'ITIi@re was mot • ripppp.e os Liss Beth ias..n:h'*elven str.l; 'bream of their marred life until it= law pl°°°t°s voice arcs.. "ask Lord.be imenatul w ate. • foot ! •'1►o pity. Lore. could caaae the heart f re n red with wrong to white as wool . R'be ..e mute heel a hr da ; but. Lord. lie userc.tul to me. • tool' Tia cot 0y guilt the onward sweep sa Of truth d rialto oh. LorM Lord, we ay; THE POET'S CORNER, was •'s• ass ad wealthy ttauchaal aerie castle, mad his family moved la the warm eat 4 society. Ma. Ilagma had a hoedowns lase .ad • .mail tonuse to remounted hag o taw wadding day 17 years ago, MS has the oast' now egao, most fair to look epos, was hired Ile do the housework. Mrs. Hagen woks ep ons mor.lng a few weeks ago to dad Ihi$ hesba.d sad servant bad ski ped bei smiting bet • meet; Shue slurs 1}s Ckioogo .slice touad tint Haga. W parobased • $33.000 shore in • cosfectio•.ry Mors a W•haak-avenue, sod -err • ppw*siittti�� off his companies as his niece. The dsarted 'Ta by our follies that so Ions wife dropped late the store last Saturday We hold the earth from heaves away. sed • -ball in • china shop" scene ed. Mrs. Hagan's rage was spent a these clumsy feet still Is the etre. Rachel, and Hagan, in ear for the girl's Uu crushing Wiseman without end ; life, had W fight oft his wife. These hard well la.awlnt has d• we trust On Monday husband .•d wife met again. Among the be•rt•tr..g° of a Mead. and she believed hie soft words of penitence •"yhi fly -weed truth we might have kept ; !unit enough wglee him a &eine to bolt Who knows how sharp It 'sword and stone again with Rachel. Mrs. Hagar tint.\. Id" 'The ward we have not sees. tosay - will be obis to catch ler recreant ins. atnd ly•„ know• how grandly it had runt. at Unisha, where he must stop to get • draft coined. She wants to recover some of her "Our faults no tenderness should ask, easy and thee return to Newcastle, with- The cheer ming strep should t mase them draw from society and get • dlvorc , all ; Hut fur our Wunder-ob, in shame. A Tata of tsaedskle Before the ryes ur heaven we tall.• Qv[sac. July 20. -Ti. Norwegian lark ' Earth hears no *arsine fur mistake, Craig•llie., -welch has just arnve.l here, Mencrown the ►nave and meows, the tco Landed two Amertcen fishermen named Taal does their will ; but, Thou, of Lor 1. Samuel Smith and Samuel Hutchinson, who He merciful 'o me, a fool were picked up on the Newfoundland banks its • dory by the bark Emmanuel The room was hushed : in silence vox bound to Sweden, and trans! rred to the The K •t, and south! his garden. root Craigalliun on the following day. The men And walked .tan and murmured low. tell • pitiful story of hardship and wlfer• •• eercifui w me.. foul 1.. Ing. Tney lett tip fishing schooner Carle- ton 1lelle, Captain Seth Eldridge, of Rooth' - Bay, Me., on the eurntug 4 July 1 in two 1 THE FASHIONS. dory* to go trawling. A dense fug came oa and their vessel became lust. The then cast .drift two of use dory. and They • Varlely of Jaulag• that Will lateron around in the other for the following hve the hair hex. days and four sights. Thee had only aboutThe hem ..f a It id . w . veil is deeper • quart of water in a tin and • raw huh. Ou hen ever. the fourth day their limbs began to swell, •od parti.ul•rly their tongues mid they Stumm-leg sleeves •re becoming to took to sucking the lead sinkers ..f their every. 11.3 Goes. When picks.] . p they wire lately Fine jewels have very insignificant set - able to crawl, •ud had drifted about 1110 Citta• miles from their reseed Ou .rrgal here they were seat to United States Cuusul The "crazy geilt" age has passed out Downes. •4 existence. Every bold« ci.rbeille 4 importance • argyles/ aortal Werk. has it. string of pearl.. Loon', -July 20. The week has bees A dries of India silk is without excep• one of unusual brilliance socially, even for tion the coolest one possible. London. The Duke of 11.voositire's L•U at Ibvons►ire Howse to the Prince and Princess of Wales am the first- for sixteen Mrs. and 1:e00 invit.u..n. were issued.Aft.. Henry ()ppenitetm gave both • ball.. and a concert the following night. at both of which the t'rincese was present, though in black for the death 4 ler aunt- Lady Rothe laid celebrated the coming of age of her son with a ball on Thursday evsnin4, to meet the Primes and Princess of Wake, Princess Louise and other Royalties. The rnarbk balls of this Rothschild palace were illuniin*ted for the first time with electric Narrow plaiting* are no longer used light. Last evening then were balls at to finish the edge of drones. Rridgeweter House and at Lady •oneness' The dired .r,re gowns teach • woman what it is to have coat tails. Talmo blouses fur boys are nude of lila non wool Striped mateptial. Drecees of China silk are worn by in- fante just put lute short clothes. The N iudsor tie u indispensable to cite natty apprsrance of the .laxer. Alpaca iiresses have their places in the world's history this season. house in Grosvenor -place, besides a recap- Fruit is only occasionally used as dt- nos at the French Embassy. The short list twratton tor has and bonnets. might be much extended, and next week Sailor hats in colored straw are effee- prornis.s to be hardly lose remarkable, both tively trimmed with black lace. the Duchess of Westminster and Lady- Nainsook morning jackets have their Dudley opening tseir houses. With that the 'entire trout laid in narrow tucks. season ends, and London society disperses till next apriog. ` e°+y young married ladies wear Inflate tJ:le cells with capote-shaped boo- iIadsseee. Tribute re Israeli. Eni,ert:..u, Jul' 20. -The presentation Golden brown and tercotta are the of the freedom of the city 10 Mr -Parnell n favorite colors for interior decoration. took pittbe in the Corn Exchange,which was p• -Led to rite doors, while hundreds were French designs and light colors are in un:.b:e to gain a.lnuittince. The Earl of favor for furnishing country houses. Aberdeen was in the chair. Mr. Parnell --A pretty inkstand of English manufac- was given an eatbuoiasnc lereptton, tins fere is an Imitation of • Japanese I•. - immense audience rising and cheering for�rn. several minutes Deputations from all the Liberal societies in Scotland presented ed• Ribbons add more grsee and charm dresses. Mr. Gladstone in • letter to Earl t i a summer drew than any other garni- Aherd een wrote: titre. "The time has not yet arrived for detail- Let accordion -plaited skirts have their fag the memorable experience of Mr. Par- day.oy all Beaus It won't be • luny( (tell during the last two years I believe that experience to be unparalleled in the ono history 4 Itritish statesmen in parliament Gentlemens cverc.rte are not made to for the past two centuries. I consider the fit cioso'y, and have no seam ro the l'arnellites to be in thg vest sense Comber- back. v&tivst Tbey have been •eforce Many of the summer dresses made of of great value to the peace d Ireland and thin iabrics have bodices without darts. honor of England, while the tyranny of the government has deepened the aversion d Mourning is worn (•'r •longer period in Iceland" the United States than in any other country. sees moons " Wakdraws altegiewee.- The direetoire ruffle of white or black LINDSAY. July 19. -Tie Warder to -day in lace a cyte ,f the features of summer is leading editorial Mates that it is reluctantly ¢uw6s. forced to the coselusiou that Sir John Mae - The ribbon. used for sewing in rows danald "hes finally. after • glorious career ofR nearly halt . century, fallen under Roisish on net dressee are generally two niches cuetroL - Such being the ease we wide. have so hesitation whatever is wtthdrawimg yellow daffodils wen the dorsi table allegiance from the liovernment m this great question of Ronald' .e- decorations much used in London this croachment • Though it o• turd 10 spring. g ive ep eooMdenos in t4.. O:d CbiAf, still White silk brocaded or lace parasols we hesitate not, it Sir John Thompson is to control the government, imaged of air John are not seem to advantage in .n unix- Macdonald, to withdraw our allegrane.. pected shower. Principles before arty este time i. oar Scarf vets threw -eighths of a yard wide, stead- and we or tall by it." scalloped on the lower ,edge, are worn with travelling hate. sealsws •.,4&..S at Wlmdeov. Twenty yards of ribbon is • very Wtxneoa. July 20- -nolo" Howe, all meagre estimate of an &Bowan°* for °agine driver es the (hoed Trunk Railroad, takaaa. g • summer dress. Was the vietim of • queer *Adient on Thum day. He was backing ap the switching! Sailor hats, whieb are again used for segtw of which he bee seated when tbebammer wear, age much more trimmed cab struck the earner d a ear a an sdjol.- tben they were lest year. fng track and was badly weeei°d, egne*tdng Sage tea anted with a little bay rum 15°1'm betw*n stM boiler end ti@ aur. H. is .n eteellent wash for the hair, and le badly crush@ 1 about the kips and has, it prevents its falling out its hared. @attained balernel injuries. The handwriting of educated women 1idn9 anew at Wee tesG,d. a generation ago was far more legible BEatrvroaq July 19.-41,lbers Lwrenss, s than it is at the present then dick in J. G. Merton's hardware Nem while An ancient fashion, revived by moils - showing Ted ('oz. drlrer.d tM I)cesiaree men of eh•ngeable testes, is the watch fl:xptess wegow, eon° .,.i.ee. this aurniag fob on the .app@d Sas b @hew IbM it icor vii an .igbs right aide oft . trousers. Groy i. the 141 breams. Cas died • Plain cert sl@ewss sr. .rel, sees. hen sei.eee she reaching the bsspit•L Irw- Tor. is slag" sometall pl&iung or ness ream iris's beim she r velvsr wen loaded se th+ top about the • wikolss Hs was@ ssreNd sad ubersead ea Mil gnomon sleeves are asessea ry ap- Paolo Win Tse WWI Sambre. peade's, to the light taffeta arid mush L01DOw. Jd it—TM shah i Syr Al. silk dost Meeks wore by ladies' when Mmes& TiKq.�gwt� et the meet dri.ieR. resday, at hematite* pities@ i. the Blglei.eds, sight n ags from Balmoral Nil Maras M Lea- den mote week, and will be pireaset M Prim- e_ lashesw.drteg me Joky (7. Thea �h.. imams ler good end benewn h4i ism Ms@ /ng htr..empr «a tie Is..w. a0 Diem: ire ✓ *mina • ffsa.l -dung. Paula. Jidy Iii. -The Fr..rb (levers. met bas plus* a Maul reterol w sees( l the lyppya. mammies .knee. Kangaroo skis is • favorite leather for tase'a •smmer shies .Ind boots. Gil or dream is used to oak. it 'oft sed !lege ere sew 4kriss for nsosrshsg broarbt net as r'.R.Iadly M welds* is my other deportment el Wigs alb. gory. The tea goes is me beim wan tee a reeepti . dress, het has lakes he peg. ties ie the wardrobe re • seised sort dl ww,per. The Richelieu .ngbruideq--Sae, open worked patterns on mire t•atete-te • 1.io.ettee of dcatuicuon cur wslsier gowns The steamer blanket used by ladies Um year se in the shape of a Ioag circular clunk, which curers them from head to font. Drees skirts art • fashionable length (tail 'ou the ground. It a to be hoped that the utude will out be generally adopted Very broad black borders on Dards and note paper as w indicant a of the extent art mourning is nil the very worst 10.441. Straw poke bonnets are of sufficient NM to shade the bros. Large loops of ribbon, in which there are Beats of dow- er*, trim the crown. The Elephant's Ear is the name given to the hue, thin, fiat sponge which is add to wiriness who seek new methods of taking particular care of their am- plealope. The atmpllcity of the .tyle in drew this season is a great wtidactwu to those ladies who du sot like W appeer old tuh►ooed • id still who object to the complicated and burdensome to women'! tf'1wu.. If • savage were suddenly to find him - sell 111 the midst of • uuwuer of fashion- able ladies ready for • walk he would thick their long -handled parasola equip - pad them for war and would run for his ore. There is • new and important change .n the etude of • lady's carryiug her parasol when she is driving. 'Ile band which bolds it has the index linger phut • • I upward if the stick. Auy variation of this rule admits the possibility that she di... not belong to the u.igival 400. \N a Yeek • esti Mr Goode, druggist, is not a bout *gest, but has the agency in Godench fur Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he can heartily recommend for any com- plain to which a tonic medicine is ap pli.able. This valuable medicine bas (teen with most astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general debility. wesk- new, irregularities peculiar to female*, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, low of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Dunt forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitters 50c. anti $1 per bottle at Goode'. drug store, Albion block. (suderich, sole agent. — -� - a Mr J. A. McEwen, Wingte art, return- ed a few days ago from his Manitoba trip. His reports of the present et'nd - tion and prospects are far from being f.vorait1e. The weather was exceeding- ly dry, and crop* are very poor -short, thin and unpromising. His movements were mainly in the Southwest. Ontario i• • gnod enough country for J. A. Mc- Ewen. Mews Gelber: Forgit, of Tarn - berry, Thos Abraham, of East Wawa - nosh, and John Caeemcre, of Morris, also returned. none being very f.v.,rably impressed -at least with this season's prospects. sa.serem t eo.trrf Il.. Counterfeits are always dangerous, more so that they always closely fel- TATE THE nenlie•l. 14 APYEAEAN.'i AND Nati- The remarkable success achieved by Nasal Balm as a positive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head has ir- daced unprincipled parties to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be de °sired by nostrums imitating Naval Balm in name anti appearance, bearing such names as Nasal Cream, Neel Balsam, etc. Asa for Nasal Balm and do not take imitation dealers may urge upon you. For sale by all druggists or sen• post•paid on receipt of price (50cand $1 by addressing Fulford & Ca , Brock vill. Ont. tf Oil cloths will last longer If one or two Igen cf wadded carpet lining are laid under them. Wore RernarkaMe MILL Found at :ast, what the true public has been looking for thew many years and that is • medicine which although but lately introduced, has made for itself • reputation second to none, the medicine is Johnson's Tonic Bitten which in two unction with Johnson's Tactic Liver Pills has performed some most wonderful cure* impure or im- povtrished blood soon becomes purified end enriched. Billiousnee, indigestion, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness, etc., goon disappear when treated by these excellent tonic medi- einea For Rale by Good, druggist, Al- bion block, Goderich. sole agent. id The Rev T. W. Cousins. who has bees laboring oS the Hensel) Methodist Cir. Beit for the peat year as oolleane, our ambient to Rev E. A. Fear, and who re- moved rmewed a very pressing invitation to re. main • sseond year on the Circuit. has since been removed from there to Seeforth as assistant there. Mr Cousins, by his earnest, faithful and able preaching, eoepled with his oasis' and social dispo- sition, has endeared himself to the people on that circuit. nave Tea Tbengbl About, 1, T Why suffer a single anent when you ens get immediate relief (roan .Ii inter- n al or °sternal pains by the use of Pol- son's Nervilise, the great pais mare. Nerviline has never been known to fail ie a single eine ; it eannot tail, for it in • eombinatinn of the most powerful psis gelding/ reseeding know.. Try • 10 asst ngmple bottle of Ner'viline Yoe will lied Nerviliee a sem sere for neer. ale* beethaeka, legadaebe. Rey .ad try. Ise bottle. 15 sesta, by all druggist& • Wendsslal Plea ivsdse«. 'bb is the title gives to %eon's Zeal tim el cod Liver Ai by messy the es& who hem takes it. It got nety gips gest end strength by virtue et its ewa u atrieons properties, ►et .routes an s►• petits for feed. Vas it, ad try year weight o limehige is porter* yabAutils. Sold by 41 dreggista. el MO g al SL r' Baal 1 eeelMti Roe me rias in beyeig ngedidur, trot try the great Kidney and Liver retals to-, made by 1)r. Chase, setter of Chess's rsceipes. Try Cb•se'. Li... Cure fur all dis ases art the Liver, Kid soy*, titwneuh and lionele. fluid by all druagggsata. The distressing palewaa ao atilt ob- ageyed in young girls and Wos►sn. u dee in • gnat measure to a lace of the rad oerpnseles to the blood. To remedy this requlllbs a medicine which produces three necessary little blood constituents, and the bast yet discovered is Juhn«•n's Tonic Bitten Prior Sit cents, and it per hcttle:at Geode's drug store, Albion block, (iuder►oh. Sole agent. [kJ Roggen) Mill Resxwlea.-The stuck of stationery, iuclud►.g note, letter and account papers, envelope•, sad in haat, all claims of pnuting papen has jun been replenished at Tum Siunat. An- other large lot to arrive in a day or two and more to follow. If you want some- thing neat and business like in utboe stationery, call If you want a card or circui.r printed in the latest style, call at Tat sweet. steam printing house, North St. The Wee and eeremonl.a of \I-iham- med.num are observed h. the eleven Hindoos of that faith who have just reached New York. Ike Meat tharee.nf■I teerdr freer dhow. s MS It Is certain e"e�duelsnoate. Hepwtbe KENDALL'S SPANN ,CURE. civets orrnaea 1 mien.,news& or )y err -luxe Dar Aso Thorne, laic nceea Eoxw000, Iia-. 1ov, Ulla, Oa D. J. riNDALL tb. Deer Ban: 1 Ore slings purchased your Law tall% aperte Cure by the half doses bottles, f would tlkw prow In larger Quantity. I think It h was of the test Ilatatent• on earth_ limes used IS t .y .tables for three years. Tours truly, Casa L simnel KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE. aYwatirp, A. Y., N vember r, IWL Da It J. Ers•ali. Co. Dear Bars : 1 desire to etre Two te.tl_o.e W of m7 cosy opinion of your 's yin Carr. I hat used It f•.r I.ar.e.e... tali Joint. so B)avtn.. nal tram a foiled it a sure cure, f a na- aW recommend It to W borewara our. truly A. H. oaas.T. Ikaaa er Troy laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE. Orr, Wnroe COUNTY, 052.1, Dee. IA Sal De. D.J. Kr.nau. 1,.. Dente : 1 feel 1 t my *sty to my what I have dna with your Kendal(. emirs. Cure. 1 b... cared twe.ty-wre Mars that had Ittotairlesn ten d Mao neer.mho. .0Ms.d r.nhl Hood end serve of is Jaw. Bao.. - I ha.,. h oto yo.tr honks and followed the directions.I a( hare Nesse late• cs.wsM any lad. Tour. truly. A.m:rw Truett. Hoer Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURE. Pelee et par bionics? ax bottles for re. Jul this lymph or cannot It for you. or It veld be sent itors.Da. address JJ g0105 Coving .... In ...burby gh /.1la,Vt SOLD BY ALL DKUGGISTB. PUBLIC NOTICE Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. BEES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. i; CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. WritcarVWva0,Aa,fC\tiekT,ette's,asmL`:%thaa E ET, a shio JiI e as•�E 1Emajl eiL. oca h_oF-.ac k ti ii-` LLa a EoF�c . c o _c, a -r> t ,.c c•a , S= Ec g ovz'&E u a.0c- as- r- it. C --Y a "so� acTtC Y� c 1- �•=Ya o - -a? cc43 ".- R .-el. c-_-3 0411 833 TOWN PROERTIES FOR ULE. $100 AND UPWARDS i hate ■ large number of (louse. and loots and Vacant Land% in the most .lesirsWe pane of the Town- FOR IIALL l'■isi, Now is the time to *.cure property before the Hirt Hush. The C. 1'. R. i" coming sure and In a short time prices will hat molt beyond the reach of puny. ('a11 and see List and Prices before purchas- ing elsewhere. R. RADCLiFFE, Real !taste and General In.nrwne a Agent O.. -e West-rii.. third door from 1.yuare. C. P. lit Ticket and Telegraph Unice. 54-tf. ENVELOFES • V n ib a s 1 1 s $ 8 0 'TAPING RI- /UKN111HRai my shop in the latest style, pbaVruI tsert'l two of them the cele- brated Rochester TiUlegCb•ir%,and hired • Journeyman B arber, we are in • position to delieteer Work gku berme fore. Lady's k Clatdreses specialty est WiaireutUng � e} sodsspecialty C IC -IIT, Wit West Street, two doors wt of P.O.. Ooderlch BUY ENVELOPES, • NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Ktc.. Etc.. at 0. THE SIGNAL Merchants oats act heti Bin Heads, letter Heads &c.. kr. printed at this Mike for retry little more than they ¢g.srawcerraily p for tM pater. and It bedew to advertter their AWeen t aH and vee samples mad got prteea PATENTS p�C�lIl L. TU ATN NAM MI5 Cfl►TR1aaT =ask sed MI boatman 1a mho V.R. Paton Ogee •ttngdd se at MOMRRA MA' PRA!A. Oar Mk* U pleyte the U. B. Parent Of. Bea, mad sea ma .Mals Panna la lam Was Mao arm mama from rv,l ammarOM Led RIDDLE, OR DRI WEM7. We ad - i The"Al�r VeLltarigli Oaf se/se ts fie itusL �. ..i•Mt��{� sic if tie ler drys.. MPS •. ts la roar e gMsML D �C cc U 0 cz_ 0 cri O O Es 1 WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. O v GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the hast of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and bent hers -room .et, or -parlor suite. Call and loge but stock and get a bargain TTNDERT.gI -G In all its branches, promptly attended L. EMBALMING FLUID FLUID always kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. 010. BABBY,Handl teanat., aedor h+..r-