HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-26, Page 1lpf fte INTELLIGEN �* UOL cY t 11 EIt,g R .1, GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1 t M A YZAR IN LDV�A&N I TO ADVERTIBEB$. otice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted p to noon Thursday of each week. loom seals- ede/wee Notices to the local columns Trak SIOa•L of eseetiiya or ester - immure at whirls on adwiiawwt fee (-larged or frust which a prosrwi ry btrsefit is derired, moat be paid r at the rote of eHs ernt per trios/ each imertio,, iso diary leas tamely-Arr crate. Where .d- eer(ixatewtr of entertainments are Sniveled es brief tonal trill be riven /rte. BORN. sox -1a Goderich. on the 17th last„ the wife of John 1. Dieksea. Deputy Regts- tser. of • own. x la Asht old, on the T_'nd last.. the wile of MIch•el Dalton. of a daughter. DIED eOanoon-la finder:ch. on !gondol. Jolt' flat, I. )nary. third daughter of Me Alex- MuAlregor, arced 2 years and s swaths. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -C. A. Humber. enders Wanted -Joseph Beck. weeping. Redacteesa--J. A. Reid it Bre. Lake Hales -Totem of Health Co, Taws .1 Oodertee - wet. Campine. TOWN TOPICS. • A eAi rsptwewwpp ye. !Okra' votes A s' fail* ke'rr pial it." A Goon PasaaNT.-The most useful gin you can make is to give • Wirt Pen. Ap- ple• to Do McWillbudd"y, agent, Godetick. Whatever you west in the line of photo graphy can be had in good •t , le and at fate prime at Geo. Stewart's studio. The summer keeps moving on mace, and es does the demand for the ta•hion.tl,le mMt• turned out by the people '• tailors p. A. Pridbaw. who cannot be beaten for quality et goods or style of cut. mations% to bold its share of the dreg ot the town. •nd for reason- able charges.. pure druia. and care and mien llama en the part of the proprietor and clerks is massed by nose. ticorre /thyoaa, proprie or. Penrose who are building should call and flee the "New Harris- wood ft roe. on ex Ibitiun at launders d• !ton's. the cheapest and moat economical fnr•ace in Canada. Arstber lot of the E. k 1'. Gurney t'oy's t Moves ,i tut re: ei : ed. The last Inc sold rapid - 1 time aneats. the cheapest house under the .air. Miss BetthaCrotlt•, of Lando., is v ing Miss Davos Mr Alfred Massenet, of Lo.duw, s Sunday in town. Mn Mainers. daughter and son, London. ars visiting Miss 8. Davis. Mr Edward Sharman will repair a maks additions to the Registry offi The confect pnce u $1,246 019 tickets were sold for the Sogli.h and Dr.byterian 8. S. stun from Clinton to O.derich last week Dr Mclean and his eon Gregor left this week fur a trip drown the 8ie Law- rence on the "Penia." The doctor hopes to be able to resume his practice on his return. H. I. Strang, B. A., has been appoint- ed • sib-ezamioer ori the second and third class teachers' examination papers. Th. report of the examiners will probab- ly be leaved 'bout the middi• of next month. The roof of McLean'e new block is now completed and the interior of the work is proceeding toward cmpletion. The rent is covered with iron, thus tasking it fire proof from above, The work has been exceedingly well done by the con- tractor G N. Dern The Durham Review says:—' Rev Mr Lesser preached his opening sermons in the Methodist church here cn Sun- day last. Mr L. u • young mea of good personal appearance, • pleasant sod fluent talker and will evidently soon become popular with the people of Dur- ham .' Messrs Fox Bros , of Lucan, Bid- du!ph township, are changing:their grist nodi to the roller system, which is to have a capacity of fitty barrels is twenty four hours. They have let the 000tract to Runciman Bros., of Oodench. The mill is to be completed by the fist of September. Mr Chas. Blackstone,the retiring pres- ident of the Employees Mutual Benefit Society of the Doherty organ factory, Chiffon, was, last Wednesday, presented with • very appreciative address and di- ver cruet by hts fellow workmen. Tee address was signed by R Stoneham, Benj 'Phomas and Chas. Trendy Mr Blackstone replied in his usual happy stale. • Dr M Nicholson, the West -et dentist, makes the preservation of the natural pe i teeth • specialty. Gas admtnntered trum 9 a. as. for the painless estractwu hof of teeth. nd ce. Messrs. Dickson it Hoye, formerly est Garr,w & I'roudfoot's office. Godench, have opened • jaw office in hSe•tt.rth. They also have an dice in Brussels ; but one member of the firm will be hen permanently. They are both well up in heir profession, are thoroughly reliable yentas/ men in whom the public may Experience. energy and rn'eriorl.e are threegreat factors la building up a seer.. rot business. and when in addition to theme q.alffleatlons you tied taste. good workoar ship odd good material. a goal article can always be depended upon. H. 11. :=allows during his business career in (locerieh ha• :built up a re •uiation on this line. mid. In ad- dttioau Ia10 ran photo trade, now =urns out a clam artwork is picture fraosreg welshed by few and surpassed by none. BRIEFLETB. have full confidence, and we hope they will d.- well here —Seaforth Expositor. f J. Price, • young mao aged 17, met with • Mvere accident on Saturday at Buchanan & Cos planing mill. Through t some unaccountable cause his right hand get drawn Into the planer, three of 1 hu fingers bring out o0', the remaining one and the thumb being badly torn f and htuised. Dr Whitely, who was e on ion attendance, sewed up the finger hich may be preserved. Brussels Past : The Sunday echoed sacunwu of this section is being talked of. tiuderich appears to be the magnet- ic point. The park at this place has beau greenly improved this year and is noir an attractive resort. Persona wishing to improve their sgamuria ur •treugthen their power of attentive should seed to Prot. Lursette, 237 Fifth Eve., N. Y., for his prtsp.c- tm putt Itee, as advertised in another autumn. 10-tf IT WARN T A MITHOJI'T Plt'Yi,' — Conton paper says : The Sunday rich picnic from Chinos to t;odeneb, la week, was favored by the clerk of t weather and did nut have the customs rai, though towards eveutug a spies seamed ircminehI. As IrlrokTAxT IllritoorMtyT.—T new Soft t'; up and Practice Pedal attac meet to a Newcombe Upright Pim •ernes the nerves of the liateuer or pe former, when practising, as well as t instrument from wear, and preserves t tone. tf. Sheriff Springer, of %Vitterioo, was to Mg in the scenery and other plesse memories of Oodench during the wee As plain Moses Springer he gained reputation and a name as a protein, politician in the olden dais. Even no although on the shelf politically, his ey is not dim, nor is his natural lures abs ed. Miss Grace Robertson, of Clinton, w i• town last week as MAROON NOTE& Mr and Mrs Geo Acheson have gone to Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Mrs M. McKenzie, of Lockoow, has returned home after spending a was with her daughter, Mn MoGtllivray, o Goderich. Morris Crawford, formerly of Oleo Williams, Ont., was attacked by a ruttian in Detroit on Tuesday night sod beaten so that he died. Lord William and Lady Cecil have ar- rived at Napaoee, and will settle up the •ffain tot their uncle, the late Lord A. P. Cecil, druwa•d reread,. • comber of sestam or messes mom tim Labe wrest. a alit Ya0 k Saturday, July 20th--$tr Campania, f Sarnia, pa•.00gen and fr.igbt ; schr. Arial, Serpent River, 180,000 feet of lumber for H. Sword ; sobr. Kollage, Johnston's Harbor, 100,000 feet of lumber for H. Reword ; schr. J. 11 Carter, Thomaston, 240.000 feet of 1o.. - bee for N. Dement ; nein. Ontario, Blind River, 180,000 feet ot lumber for Jos. Williams ; sir. Ontario, Duluth, passengers and freight. Sunday, July 21st --Sir. Canada, lighthouse supplies. Wednesday, July 24th—Sir. Ootario, Sarnia, passengers and freight ; sir. Crated Empire, Duluth, freight and • large load of passengers DrrAItTCD. A Letters potent have been issued by vol the Ontario Government incorporating st the Gederich Organ Co. Omits o) with he • total capital stuck of $10,000. 17 We understand the I. O. O. F. hate h perfected •rnngemeets fur • trip to Port Huron on the Compose on the civic he holiday, which will be toed .oi Ifnutd.y. h- the 8th of Augt:st. O Dr Fraser, of Detriot, with his wife r- and child, left for home on the propeller he Campana last Saturday, after having he paid • pleasant visit to relatives in town. &lass Maggie Fraser accompanied them k• to Detrit,t. rat 1 Th• Government supply boot called at k. oar harbor during the week. •ud furnish- • ed the lighthouse supplies for the seas roe rat There nes a thorough -going holiday w, party on board, under the fatherly care • of Mr Pat. Harty, the genial inspector t- of lighthouses Mr Thoth McKenzie, of Goderich, h Intimated to Tut Sro,AL his acceptance of the chWeuge "t Mr 1) onald Constant) of Duolop, to a friendly game of quoi for the championship of Colborne au (lodertch. The game will he played o Saturday, August 3rd, •t 6 p.m., obi tit Goderich titivating ground.. Amongst the passengers of the Canada ,r J1 her last trip to Goderich, was the well- known currrep•ondent of the Toronto hie - g piny, Faith Trenton. The talented writer is t -sok • drive around G.derich diving the d $!ay of the boat at tut dock, and we ex - n poet to see her impressions of the moat e beautiful sown in Canada published in Saturday's nue of the Etapir.'. THg 11LDLRT R. It. CoaDL.TOk, "Rambler," in the Traveller's Advance thus refers to a person well-known i this vicinity :-1 have beret enabled t give in this column the experience o several conduc nr, of the G. T. R., a going to prove that a traveller a abru as safe on a train as by other means o ocomu(lon The other day I had a ch• ith a gentleman who claims to he tit Nest passenger c,nductcr in Canada. I refer to Mr Daniel Holmes, of the G division, but who was for many years n the Buttaloand Goderich division of 1. G. T R. He is called "Dan" by his thousand friends, an.: he is deemed "pernickety" by those who do not know him well. "I hare been • conductor or 85 years," mid Mr H., "and I have never lost or injured a passenger. Though running for over 30 years or he Buffalo branch, I was never west of \Voodstock until transferred to the main ins fur duty." R. T. or T. CO\.'ERT —There was a at air attendancethe Royal Templar.' cone!:in \'trto rt ri a Hall on 7 uesda evening The vocal musical portion 0 the program was under the rnanag-men t of Miss Wynn, whose pupils acquitted • themselves in excellent style, and the i inst-umeutal numbers were highly at • tractive. The absence of Mn Detlor • detracted somewhat from the interest, • u her recitations are always appreciated by Goderich audiences. Mira Martin presided at the piano. Following is the program : - "Gloria in Exceleis," Or- chestra ; "Jack's Reward," Mr Belcher , "Star of My Life,' Miss Graham and.. i Miss Rio ; "When the Robins Nest Again," Mr Young ; "Lighthouse by the 8..," Miss Nettie Crabb ; imam- ! mental duet on violin, Mesar*. Porter & Whitely • "A Bird from Over the Sea."" Mies Rinse ; "Ie'. for Money,'' Mr Belcher ; 'Sweet Bird of the South," Miss Nettie Crabb ; short address on benefits of the Order, Mr D. McGilli- cuddy ; "God Save the Queen." Moo Ws Orrsx Marr.—A smallish going man, dapper, swarthy in feature, — Petri AwAaD.p.—The prize annually siren by Mr Moore of the High School to the head toy or girl of his French u class in the 2nd division, falls this year f to Miss Huth Williams. The examiva- s tion was upon the work of the term in t De Firs., the etymology and about f nifty exercises of the syntax. r The total value of the aper set e was 240 marks, of which Miss Wil. llama obtained 195. Robert Ellis 1- 6. Alice Addison 18.2, Emily Buchanan 175, Alice Reid 159, Clara Sharman 117, Arthur Naito' 126 The rest were be low 51t per cent. The head hoy or girl in the senior section of the French c'a.s of the first divisiou will Ise mentioned next week. The following from the Detroit Tri - bun, will be of interest to the many frieuds of the bridegroom in this sec- tion, who will all join with TFig S1uiAL in wishing the happy couple long hie and prosperity : — "Hendsreow—Roth- acher—On Wednesday evening occurred the marriage of Dr Thomas Henderson of Gretiot avenue, and Mi.. Rona Rot hoc lit r, daoghter of Jacob Ro. w W. Miss Moore has returned to her home s` is Bu+maliville. J. C. Robertsoe, 11 A., and wife, of w Owen Sound, are in town. Look out for Cis cheap excursions on h rile G. T. R. on the eerie holiday.• Mr and Mrs Will Yates and son have i To Deli x AWAY Mo.,lt'ITogu. — ould mem that the mosquito this sea son had come to stay, and, besides, the is thirst for gore does not abate. H s not easily driven awq,but the follow ng recipe ie said to be effectual : Tak of gum camphor • piece about one-third the site of a hen's egg, and evaporate it over • lamp, taking owe that it does not ignite. The smoke will soon fill the room and expel the mosquitoes, and not • will be found in the room net orning, even though the windows should be lett open at eight. PTV? OCT Yora WILL*. —A medics 'Rieman in • nsi,(hbcriog town sug- gests the propriety of having al: the ells pumped out in order to avoid an epidemic of typhoid fever. Many ref the ells are now filled almost to the top. oat of this water is surface water and consequently more or lees impregnat- with vegetable matter. If this wpter • Ilowid to remain in the wells, the rot weather of July and August will reed in it the germs of the disease and • me by the people will be almost cer- in to spree,' typhoid fever broadcast •r the land. A little care in Ihi. mat - ✓ may prevent serious consequences d it ie much cheaper to pump out the e11 than to pay • large doctor'. bill hint to the wise showld be auteient. returned to their home in Winghxm. Mr T. K. fi�tobertso•, of Mitchell, was in town on Monday visiting friends Miss Lillie Vanstone, of Brosesls, was visiting relatives in town this week. 7 t'thacher. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev Chas W. F. Haata at the bride's residence, 720 Gratiot avenge The bride won a robe of white milk and lace and carried white noes She wu attended by Misses Agnes Henderson and Elise Ruthacher, both attired in cream silk. The ushers were Messrs Jacob Rothacher and John Darman. The rooms were decorated with flowers, . and about one hundred and twenty five g uests attended the reception. Dt and Mrs Henderson are staying for the pres- ent at 720 Gratiot evens°, the wedding tour taking place later in the season. o0 Miss Brom left on Tuesday to visit m Stratford, Waterloo and other points Miss E11. Carl left on Friday last on a visit to friends in Ayr • nd Brantford. ge Mrs and Miss Toms, of Simene,are vis- iting Judge and Mrs Toms, of Oodericl' w Miss Ella Platt has returned from De. • troit sitar spending • few months in M that city, i• Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for ed nonaultation on the Kit Saturday of ie every month. sea The town is crowding up with Anent- b eon visitors, and all appear to be haring it • good time, to Mr and Mrs Henry Elliott, of Ayr, ov were last week visiting their relatives Mr to aad Mrs 11. Carl. an Mr J. H. Colborne, with hie wife and w children, aft last Friday to visit his A father, in Paisley. Mrs Steve Perry and children, of 81. M Thomas, ars visiting .t the residence ofsem t Mrs Thos. Andrews i. Mr Baker. of the Galt Report r, was k in town during the weak, visiting his of friends, the Meagre Nairn. six C. A. Vomiter, jeweler, of Stratford, wo spent a week's vacation in Goderich, •.d fee returned home on Wednesday. $gb FROM tree WAy or WrhoRAw.—Ca t. antsy has returned frees • two weeks* p and toys that the most picturesque try noticed daring his travels was the law office of • gentleman well- eown here, Mr Harry Meyer, ex -mayor Winghsis. io front of inch of the windows is • box of dowers that old take • prize at any horticultural r. Their perforce is lovely and do is the worried about. of the county Heron. They enure fro.. near and far to smell the dowses, and steal one possible oat the sly. The displaT la� ..dor the management of Chief (Aerlt yeas, who, ander the sodden** of His R'orship, prepares • fine sample d le..oa•de for •11 lazy cheats. While Ad jot•nt snd some lady Magda *1r enjoying the begrimes end s oyer -Palm lemonade • lady shod happened in with a lovely baby. it was seised and kissed Hie Wera►ip, sad apposes that Hry loss.s all h by .Met. esd.g throe yews of igloo 1111.. 014441.tamale le all ours that tIM., the morni.g is gentian the M- *gbea. gisstwas pidOnsnei hi O�PLo wIlbb jet.wt segs takes le the aaeliss find eareesed while.— i!w •to Wadi tW its soler we Mrs Peter Deans and daughter, Elle, •f of Winghim. are speeding this week is lust Goderich, the guests of Mrs J.o. W. if Vsastter. An itinerant Italian orehears was the P. setraotioa on the Misers es Thursday, and like all outdoor si. s aeata held gond aedi.ees. the Mr Geo. Slime, of the Ban* of Com- y mores. O.derieh, is t•kiag • soo�pi.! erf weeks' holiday it the vicinity .1 pr4o, with his wife sad family. it Mr ira Lewis, eooaty .tyg.ey of Hares, war at 8 rue Tends brat, .t- Okief tandem tits t..erd a the hat Seel T. O. 13. Penis& Mr Aram swop bsekg a 1849-49 was • .. d.w gl d..t ka WOW ppe r.eel et Ketosis, tali e Om, albs\ -.-i Ad � bwt. wgr. w . ti.. Il. emir I.0 with moustache and small goatee, and with shining gold rimmed spectacles, turns into King street about the noon pour and hurries westward along the crowded walk to Simone street Then be turns down, stokes the Esplanade, threads the maze of tracks that shots the people o4 from the water front, and mon enters the city Pumping Engine Home. At his heals scampers • brisk little fox terrier, spotleas, except for the velvety black of his heed, and of ancient lioe- ase. Th. young man is Walter C Brough, Assistant Engineer snd Chief Draughtsman of the Waterworks Do- pirtment. Since his appointment last year, and until the attenlioa of the aldermen had been galled t/ the fast that it was he who had prepared the very admirable spseiieatinns for the im- mense and costly contract of laying the DOW conduit f -one the lake to the '•- Rine How, he had been alrcoat hire*. lea by his masters,for his is a di.p.sitioe grad his is an office that prnelodes hiss hem that pohhoity which Is en dear to the hearts rat many ofiesel& But no ex- amination of those specifieaticna and •o•Nideratio• of the *widows in Nem .oetal.ed, of the p-----4oe of en- glineeriag ability of the highest order, Choy saw then the young tons was of the as.. Nook as that Irma whish his brother, Redmnod J. Bro gb, before Nm W hem eat Now they have sen • Idiom gist stay in has same ..d in his vessel he de motor of other crapes. Rees, halt fa the lwdsestiun of his ability a .-loose le the latter his own .p«ifi *.doss for sue of the most important esatrn.is whish the eitty hes tidertaks.. —Tem.. ]lora AUCTION SALES. All parties fretting their sale hills printed •t this7:1°T.,7:2getafree.otltx. 'awned in this the time ar sale. Sale of valuable houeshold furniture, &a, at the Amnion Mart, (Geo. Old's old steed) on Saturday afternoon, com- mencing .t 1 o'clock. John Knox will wield the hammer and bargains will be going, MAGISTRATES' COURT. Before Mayor Butler. July 19. John 1Vilsro, waiter on the steamsr Campania, charged John Yule with as- sault onthe night of the 18th inst. The a ease was dismissed without costs Donald McIntosh was charged with being drunk. He pleaded guilty, and was tined $1 and Dista. July 20. Wm McGinnis, of Colborne township, was charged with being drunk and dr - orderly. H• pleaded guilty, and was fined $1 and costa. Saturday. July Mich—Stir. Campana, Duluth. passengers and freight ; eche. Ariel, Serpent River, light ; sehr. Kol- (age, Johnstuu'a Harbor, light ; eche. J. M. Carter, Theasalort, light ; schr Ontario, Blind River, hay and oats for lumber camp ; sir. Ontario, Sarnia, p•a.engers and freight. Monday, July 22nd — Sir. Canada, Kincardine, lighthouse supplies. Wednesday, July 24th—Str. Ontario, Duluth, passengers and freight ; str. United Empire, Sarnia, passengers and freight. The new%chnnner, "Sophie," owned by Mermen Williams and Marlton, is nearly completed, and will be ready for sea next week. THE TOWN COUNCIL. The trl.ute. of nasi ne..i-ire.tbty ■et1- me. The town council met last Friday evening, the 19th inst. All the mem- bers were present except reeve Proud - foot and councillors Cantelun, Cul - borne, Pridham and Nicholson. Minutes of previous meeting ware mrd, approred and signed. R C Hays, on behalf „t the manag- ing directors of the Northwestern Ex- hibition, petitioned the et.uncil for tar- wiaau.o to trove the machinery building on the fair grounds to the north-east corner of the grounds, nn amount of the annoyance caused by the noise of the machine-ry in its prevent position. Thompson moved, seconded toy Reid that the petition be sent to the public works eummu;ee, with p. ower to act. Carnes. The Goderich Turf Association re- quested the council to grant them the use of the Agricultural Park fur their race meetings for five years, agreeing to put the grounds in proper condition fur all purposes. Moved by Holt, seconded -1W deputy reeve Smith, that the matter be referred to the public works committee, with power to act. --Carried. The following accounta were received: —tt. P. Wilkinson & Co., $2 05; Wm. Bollman, carpentering for chief -engin. .ser, 91.50; E. Belcher, relief orders, 85 25; Jot. Kidd, plank, $14 22; F. Smeeth, $4 35—referred to finance com- mittee; J. H. Richards, clerk of the township of Colborne, for the Goderich share of putting snow on Maitland bndge, 93; E. Downing, rubber boots for tine men, $4; Doherty Mfg. Co , Sarnia, $24 30; Ju Saunders ok Sun, $115 06— ordered to be paid. Iworks bylaw, not having reported, it was resolved that the council consider the bylaw. The said bylaw then may - ed its third reading and was passed, clause by olau•s, with • few coiner assondmeuts, the only olio of impurtaoee being that one changing the eollsctor of the water rates free the town clerk to the tax collector. It was moved by Nicholson, secooded by Pridham, that the tnwo clerk request the Grand Trunk Railway Co. to place planking between their tracks from the G. T. R. elevator to the tog Mil1, for tits convenience of passing teams—Cs:- tied. Moved by Nicholson, seconded by Cantelon, that the street inspector place • sign in the agricultural grounds warning trespassers that if di•oover.d they would be prosecuted, and offering $5 reward to soy uernoo giving infor- mation convicting trespassers—Carried. The council then adjourned. COLBORNE. From our own correspondent. Mr James Hannah, of Montreal. son of W. D. Hannah, general inspector on the G. T. R , was the guest of Mr Allan Buchanan during the past week. Accosts. --As H Richard's peddling waggon, in charge of Thu. Rutledge, was coming out of Wm. Fergusun's lane on Wednesday evening last, one of the tugs broke, causing the horse to run a- way, considerably smashing the rig and injuring Mr Rutledge so that he will be laid up for stew day. LEEBURN. From our own correspondent. A. Horton is building • new house. Haying is on the move; haystacks and barn mows tilled show good progress. The Misses Philp*, of the Queen city, are visiting here, the guests of their copies, the Misses Linfield. A new barn was raised for W. Stirling m a *tune f..undalion last week. John McCauley was the bulider. Captains ot sides, Geo Burrows and W. Bogie. A new townsman, Mr Whiteman, of Kippen, has decided to live here, and 1s building a house on Maiden lane this week, the Dunlop architect and staff doing the work. The Band of Hope will Rive an enter- tainment here Monday evening in the Temperanee Hall. Program to start at 8 p til. Iter H. Irvine, of the Nile, will be present and give an address, and ' several of our local talent will assist in the prot.ram. A small admission fee or a collection may be taken up. Coate one, come all. ligroin OF THR t•aYgTtay .•Ols'iTTga. To the Mayor and Council. The cemetery commute., according to instructions from the council, examined the slaughter house near Maitland ceme- tery; in Goderich Township, and found the same in • very unsanitary condition, and wculd recommend that the clerk wrote Mr Bawden, who, we understand, uses the Mali slaughter house, to have the nuisa=nce abated without delay, and in case it is not done the council of Gad *rich township be notified of same. We would also recommend that the road ad- joining section 6, range D, at the south end of tame for about 40 feet be straight- ened out about two feet at south end, amid that the balance of the range to be npsoed up for sale be sold only in family lots. We wood also recommend that boot 21) hitching pasta be put in. All of which is respectfully submitted. Rose. THottre te. The report was adopted on motion of Naftel, seconded by Morton. Moved by deputy reeve Smith, *r- eloaded by councillor Smith, that the as - stunts referred to the finance committee (at previous meetings) be paid upon bang duly certified. Carried. This motion concerned the following amounts : — (Ioderich Yfar, $6 73 ; Roans 81,15.1., $1181; Jos. Kidd, $31.50; Jos. Williams, $35 81; iltandard Carbon On., Cleveland, Ohio, $50; Ni. vers A Borns, London, $30; Chrystal & Bls.b, $41 41; A. & J. Beck, SelUnrd, $4 Sl; Trios. Swartz, $6. Moved by Holt, seconded by deputy reeve S..ith, that the scatter of the re- lief of $s...el Noble he bit with the re- lief o5... of 8t. Andrew's ward, until the next mooting of the eo..eil, to deal with sa be may think beet. Carried. The en.nell then sAjoaraed until Tuesday, at 8 pia. Missies se agleam. t1Uesas& A special madiag of the women was held on Toesd•y mooing, the Mrd inst. All the .*.here were prevent stoop' mere I'ro.dhuot sed eoarsillon Reith •-d Cel Was The eeesglMtee of the whole moved es July 1$1L, M e.ueid.t the water - Lias. to Me ••••gbI..- On the building of the three mooted • ehe.on•r "Sophia," owed by Meats Williams and Marlton, Ooderieh. Oo 1. thy glory o'er the might, deep, Take with this smiths wind• thy talk t. .well; 8essbl.e sad glary on tby streamers keep. Pars ties won. "Sables- farewell. Oedarieh. Jay lard, 1101 J. R. DUNLOP. Irma ear ewe e.erespewdeat. Air Oto• liana—Thea. Nelms', form- erly a residu.t here, h•s retuned t. reside amnrpt us for a time. G. and R Coombea, of the invade. her Press staff, •n ewjoyisig • few dye, holiday. hen, the gets of Mr James Tots's. Both w well pleased with our eti..a . Bud the tooling lake browses of Hero.. Communion service Zest Sunday was conducted by Rev J. A. Anderson, who muse an impressive and earnest address to those who partake of the rite. Sev- eral new me=mbers were added to Ws church membership. During -1h* ser- vice Mr Anderson bade a temporary fare- well to the aongregatiun, es he goes for a .nonth's holiday of well earned rest and repose from the busy care. of • large congregation. We wish him • happy vacation. NILE. ' From our own correspondent. Mrs Mathews is still quite sick. Alexander Shepherd is at home enjoy. ing holidays. Mr John Pentland continues to im- prove In health. Haying is Belting pretty well done. The crop u very heavy and is being well saved. Fall wheat and barley are ironing io fast. Roth aro god crops. Fall wheat promises to be the best for years. This Elliott, who returned from the volunteer camp st London quite sick, has not Man able to work yet, and looks very pale. Sion we wrote last the wedding be l have been rinsing. Wm Graham. o Sheppardton, took from onr neighbor- hood Min Annie Kan, daughter of Samuel Karr. Rev H. Irvine perform- ed the ceremony. Miss Annie was .•n• of our grandest girls. We all wish her the greatest happiness in her married lite. Mn Mary Sorolt, of Colborne, mother of Mn Jas Hetherington and Mn Mary Watson, died at )ter eon -n -law's on July the 8th. Her t•reral sermon was preached in the Nile church on Sunday morning by Rev H. Irvine. ;She was born in England in 1810, and head lived in Canada about fifty years. She had bests a member of the Methodist church for fifty-five years. 85. was • eoosist- eat Christian, • good neighbor, and • loving, parent. in her death another of oke old landmarks has been removed. Dr Maekid, M.eforth, started on • trip to the Northwest, os Tuesday of last week. Malarial fever and chills are beet brokers up and prevented by using Mil- burn a Aromatic Quinine Win. The people of Hnles.ville in many ins is. will not have es marry apples as ...y had barrels lad year. Ons at their largest farmers thinks he may hove new barrel, another ore p•dIal, sod . third 14 apples On Friday, the 12th last, Jam Oliver. liens cis, was rep•tnagg • fane.,aad as he was Artois, the last .•i1, onesplatisg the job, it flair esti str.ek Nss in the right off, addroyinst the os'—, who i � oalj.wrd..f 73 ld h years of age, hes swirired s feed deal et p.ia bit hopes 1s sone $et sliest err. Me w p ed w hes elaM t b•e..Orett114, its