HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-19, Page 81TH IRON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JULY 19,1889. mos=lt��� .r-2" ' Giving up Business. THE BALANCE OF STOCK —WILL BE SOLD AT A-• Great Sacrlflce —NOW IS THE TINE TO— Secure Bargains. As we intend Closing up Business in about TWO MONTHS_ J. C. DETLOR & CO. Uoderich. Jule',., IRA ltit COUNTY CURRENCY. ltema of Interest from over the County. • Weekly Sigest of the t'w.aty Neve eery. ere up to writ traders .f ••The Menai? Pith aa4 r.tar. flipped nod (Sas Sensed feast t:tery section. Mr M. .1. Flanagan, of Acheson, Kan- sas, is ou a vett to his brother in Wing - ham. Mr Henry C .lhert is hating a brick building ert.•e' in connection with his brewery, i i . .00ndville, to replace the one recent'y burned. Dunces: McArthur has odd his farm in Morris, to Richard Bewley, for $3.000, which is • good bargain, but Duncan has got tired ,f farming •lour. Mrs Poon.!, wife of Robt Y unT, of the 6th con., Morris, had the misfortune to break a couple of her ribs recently, while euga¢ed feedia. calves. A Winnipeg desratch of a few days ago says . A y.-uua roan named Clege. from Blyth, a east , was peril:ape fatally dragged by a horse at Calgary lately. Mr John McMillan, M.P., left on !blonde` for the old country. He takes with him a I.d ..f fat cattle, and expects to be gone about three months. Mr Wm A'r fl'at and Mr John Gil- mour, Stanley, have returned from their trip to the N.•rut We • Mr Moffat has secured land in the .1!..nsejaw district, to the extent of 960 a.'r. e. Mr John Mc Le .d, min of Mr Angus McLeod, of McKillop, Las passed a suc- cessful examination at the Ottawa Nor- mal School, and has been granted a second-elass certificate. Mr Jim Robb and wife, of Whee!in¢, West V irgiuts, accompanied by Miss Jessie Simpson, of t..nd..a, anent a few days recent!) . ith their uncle, Mr Chu Robb. of Tuckersniith. Mr Walter McMillan, of Kamm, with his wife and family, is now visiting at Mr Robert 11.101014n's, (hie father, of Rox- boro; Meliitlop. Some years age Mr McMillan was a telegraph operator in Seaforth, but has been a resident of Kansas for several years, and he has prospered there. Gwith eo Murray,tblurraySeaforth. met wash another mishap Sunday evening, the 7th cost. He was seated in los stable door, when one of the men let a hone loose to go to water. As the beast was going out of the door it kicked, striking Mr Murray on the mouth and nose. For- tunately'he was too neer the animal to receive the full force of the blow, but his lip was cut and his nose bruised. Had he been a few inches farther away, he sight have been killed. The Fleming boys came up before Judge Tome, on Wednesday, for sen- tence, liaison Rohe. was committed to the Central Prison for six months, and William for nine. A petition had been presented the. Judge, asking for clemency towards the prisoners, and we are inform- ed that the Judge deprecated strongly such a course, and he was quite right in s. doing. '.'.'e are informed that sem. of the signatures on the petition were forgeries. -New Era. On the eve of Rev J Ferguson's departure for Londesboro the ladies of Atwood circuit presented Mrs Ferguson with 'en elegant hanging lamp, • beauti- ful easy chair and acme money. Tole was right. Mr and Mrs Ferguson have shown themselves friendly and had many warm friends in Atwood. That they may prosper in their new home is the wish of all. Mr Geo. Plosives, of the 2nd tonmeesinn of Tockeramith, has returned from his trip to Manitoba. He was much pleased with the country and purchased 010 acres within three miles of Monsosein station, and he now wants to sell his floe farm in Tockersmith and his farm in Stanley ala., and will remove to the Prairie Province sod commence life anew again with hu sone. Mr Donald Grassick, of Stanle1eyy, is also home, and while in the North- west levitated in a half eeotiom, bet we y'. not learned Its location. Ileum Louie and Henry Diehl, of Tares, are hose for the summer heli• de" There young men passed very creditable examinations, bout of therm assuring the scholarship prise, each, 590. Losse then .scored smother valuable yye��w. eomeietine el 13 colones of (Aura Hillery, came VII, she the s pries, books be the tales of Mf►. This was divided between them, there oely sae mark difference. To/el prises takes by the boys, 1140, whisk in not bed to take thea hard times. Mr Lod. H•rtt, of the Manufacturers' I.rfe lusuranoe Cu., Toronto, mad young- est son of Mr C. A. Harts, Clinton, was 'serried to • Toronto lady, on the 1st inst. The average attendance at Clinton Public School fur the tint four days of July was 394, an exceptionally large at- tendance. In 188ti it reached only 306 for the same time. Meagre W. Whitely and D. Jackson, Clinton, misled on the "Catapana,' on Wednesday, the 10th, free Goderich. They are bound for Manitoba. Mr E. Sibben, of the Huron read, who is • good feeder, sold to Mr T. Mc- Lean a load of export tattle for which he realized • good price. During the thunder shower on theist, Thin Taylor's tarn, East Wawancah,was struck by lightning. Hen Taylor, Win Helps and another man were inside at the time but fortunately escaped un hurt. While John Cooltes, jr , was return- ing home from Clinton and gear Blyth his horses ran away, the cause of which was the bolt coining cut of theclevises. The harness was considerably broken up ;and the neck yoke smashed, but no other serious damage done. Mr Ninian Moore and wife left Hal - left for their home,nar Sundridge, Parry Sound District, on Thursday, the llth, going by way of the C. P. R. through Toronto. They have the well wishes a the community, and may prosperity and pace be with them in their new home. On Monday of lot week, Mr W Scott, Clinton, while w..rkin¢ with the hand saw, had the misfortune to brims his hand in contact with the saw, resulting in a had cut. Be had the wound dressed by a doctor and now he is taking an enforced holiday. The Rev T. W. Cousins, who has been honoring in the Hensall Methodist Cir- cuit for the past year as colleague, or assistant to Rev E. A. Fear, and whore- ceiv,-d s very pressing invitation to re main • second year on the Circuit, has since been removed from there to Seaforth as assistant there. Mr Cocain, by his earnest. faithful and able preaching, coupled with his genial and .tidal dispo- sition, has endeared himself to the people on that circuit. We had • call yesterday (rcm Mr C R Commander, one of the former busi- ness men of this town, who, in the years that have intervened since his removal from town, has undergone little change, as he looks nearly as hearty and active as erer He was accom1anied by his son, Mr Sam R Commander, now one ..f the flourishing business men of Helena, Montana, who has been in Canada for s few days, and is visiting the scenes of his boyhood. The Americans have evi- dently Dead him well,and be speaks in the most pleasant manner of his surround- ioge in that western city. -Sew Era. One night recently a ¢lib•tcngued, nimble-6neered and apparently respect- ahle young man expatiated on the Market Square, on the merits and vir- tue of a certain snap that he bad for sale. He demoostrited that it would take out Areas spots from clothes and was indispensable is every household." His talk and object lesson were so effec- tive that he could sareely :land nut the snap, at 25 omits • cake, fast enough to satisfy the eager purchasers. His even- ing's sales amounted to the BMW sum of $40, and when be retired to his room he doubtless laughed st the eagerness of People willing to pay 25 cents for what Dost shoat three. The sap was good enough for its parpnse but was 'timely electric soap and ammonia. -New Era. Wingham has strain .offered from • most destructive fire. About sx o'clock on Friday morning, the 5th Inst , the Targe furniture factory of Mr Thome Hell was disenvsred to be on fire. The Ire brigade and a number of citizens W. soma at work, and for two boon they energotioally fought the flames. The up - pr flat, which was well stored with fur- niture, was completely destroyed and the .aehieery in the nest tat soeswwhat in- jured. Then was a partial in•uisit r. t the lose will be heavy. About 40 men are thrown est « eseployesesf. The Ire ha the upper 1st sod is swpp se se lain bees sassed b spelt- teaseus sn.bustion of saute of the utas - twists used Is the isrnishien room. Int Bell hes is e....e of rsML .. s hoe brisk building. M, with the t.usltmrewrw room sad oasis, wee miolused. He had jest returned the previos...wipe floe • hansom trip to Manitoba, where he had pros.r.d lass, {.age .gars for fernitwre white be .ill tree Raw he able t" m'l. He fel rebuild M INS N M' flDlt► Noi1L Awricao Glc Aunc Caipaiiy !'BINDING -t TWINE UNCDRPURATED ET /PRCIAL ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT.) HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Canadian Company PRESIDENT --MON. A. MACKILNIDL. M. P. Ea -Prue Mlalatar of Caa d•. YIC1"1"SIDIO1T. { %INt BLDAIRih MANAGING DlitliCTOR-WILLIAM McCA,E. F. L A.. gag. Ybs Aoapaay Zama all Apprond Forms of Polle:a aid ►tildes, RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. Tide Polley GUARANTKICil A RE rURN or ALL PREMIUMS PAID in additlo• to the t•dl few of the Pollee la the .vat of death dunes the lay.mtssat period. vat a lower rate time any other Company. F. J. T. NAFTEL, Dietri t Arias. WE ARIL SHOWING SAMPLES OF BINDING TWINE FOR THE COMING HARYr T PURE MANILLA, SILVER COMPOSITE,' INDIAN JUTE. Which we are offering at a Special Price to Early Purchaser.. Our Stock of General Hardware, as usual, is com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed, Plain, Twist, and Oiled Annealed Wire, as you like it. ; :. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. FINE TAILORING ! .. BIG OFFER GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES The Wet Season had a very depressing effect on Business, and having a Large Stoc of the Very Best Goods, I am determined to make SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in order to reduce Stock. NOTE THE PRICES : BEST WORSTED SUIT, SECOND BEST SUIT, - A GOOD WORSTED SUIT, - BEST SCOTCH TWEED SUIT, BEST CANADIAN TWEED SUIT, - BEST PAIR PANTS, - - NOBBY SUMMER SUIT, - $22.00, formerly 20.00, formerly 17.00, formerly 18.00, formerly 16.00, formerly 6.00, formerly 10.00, formerly I will make upp these Suits in the Very Best Style, with the Best Trimmings, and guarantee faction. COME ON, NOW, and take advantage of the Best Chance ever offered to the Public ag . $28.00 25.00 21.00 23.00 20.00 9.00 15.00 Full Satis- B. MacCORMAC. Mr James Atcheson, of R-ixboro, Me. Kil.up, had two stain kilted by light - on the afternoon of Dominion Day, and Mr John Elgie. of Tockeramith, had one steer similarly destroyed en the fol- lowing day. Mr Henry Greh, Health Inspector for Hay township, made los first •5ic:a1 round on Saturday and Monday. the 6th and Sth inst. In Zurich he found six whose premises ate not in a sanitary condition, and who were ordered to c'au up, while in Hensel! he f d twenty delinquents, who were ordered to purge their premises. On Monday morning of last weak while a daughter of Mr John Rapien, of the 10th concession of McKili.•p, was as- sisting in the hay field. she was Peen by those at work with her to suddenly fall to the ground. She was quickly carried to her father's house and a physician, who arrived soon afterwards from Sea - forth, gave his opinion that the young wo- man was prostrated by sunstroke. The case proved • serious one for the patient, and in spite of all that could be done to restore her she remained in a completely unc•nacious state until Wed- nesday afrrno ,n. She was somewhat better on Thursday morning. but from the great prostration caned by the at- tack her condition remain, extremely critical. Such serious attacks of sun- stroke are fortunately rare in this sec- tion, but the o xtrrme heat cif the former part of last wi ek was severely felt, and probably more so on account of the cool weather which preceded the recently high temperatures NwiAT =SSINNT E! ARS MOW OALLii• roma 1 to aged tie feporter of an old d _ " They Dr. redo pecparstlo, „ Thee Sae doll under a p..itive they will. d every �d» to gs Ps nese• Preor the looney�lp on' (ia those ehrnntc weakness* Nervous and rtr=ticrves. 11erns weak Auto unseen. to ere . n legeuron common the lseltsae,a. and welt moist perfect uoef taste awl l tet entire r 4 McWee lou emend Inc t is constant, sod i ps♦valalle with serxve of wow cured by 1L" Returning eller a new mows.•• aims* tile wielder of the pestle oras~_•. tie number of msreapargys and othertoot, IMc-ni naoilleSla - al Dierevery ea keep �s� .111•suitMyhm ama of the soar which i .s i�*brt.°�ad-tnartaer out rap *trios• tbit yoases sr� . ie . Clot r,.tehss see. fae..1L rreasteltekte �tlJs - eve >� Moi s. Otg,u1 tone w tranare Da iENA Aerie. $500 FHB ee«�D.iw` w�� �: c�t.a.�r,i�� 4� �10 mRnMLW Mame►wOs� Mpwyt 4.41111101. We have made arrangements with Dr B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable all nue subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable wort frac by sending their address .enclosing s two -cent stamp for mailing same to DE B. J. Kt.•IDALL Co., Erosio uu FALL*, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over (cur million copies having been s..ld in the put ten years. a sale never beton reached by any peblicauon in the same period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work, and be glad to avail theme -1 --a of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable bark. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. 6w Mr Tho. Mills, of the 5th con. of Stan- ley, has traded his farm of 100 acres with a Mr kiob•sehes,- sear- Wing ham. Dr Towle having left, Pr Godfrey, stun of Rev R Godfrey, is pow the Belies» phy*tc,ne. Dr Godfrey :s a graduate of Toronto University where he succeeded ie °maiming the proficiency medal, .sd will, se tient-ye, he able to attend satia- fact.•rtly to the wants ..f llelgrave and surrounding country. THEBEST BAKING POWDER -*law Y.:11f1'S iE1011E Cook's Fred No Alum. Zoog ligeso a. $200j r EI RITEEK, I hereby ohr • reward of IMO fon informs tion lading to Inc apprehension and eon vle tion of the person or persons who endeavor ed. on the evening of July 11th- to set are to the barn of the Exchange Hotel. Dunlop. The materials used for the purpose of causing the intended .-onflagrstion are in my possession. for purposes of Ideotinxtion. A. ALLEN. Owner of Premises. Jury 11th. 1tld. ii. TOTEM OF ALTA Medical Lake Salts or Concen- trated Water taken internally CURES . Dywp.pL. indigewlon. Soar Stomach, BS. loneness Sick Headache. (Kidney Troubles. Urea Complaint. and ,teed for bethtn cures Rheumatism and Paralysis and all 1 of Ibe Rlood and Skin. YE YOCa DErtiOIAT POE TEaTflONIAt*. Totem of Health 00. LONDON, ONT. 1l-ttt 0011 FORGET -TO 00 TO- 6AIC N. CASSIDY'S -ORLP- � �1..-. Stone FOR GOOD. Cii1ZAP Telt sad arooeriesi. NIX? DOOR TO. 311 _nomrws SOOT AND SNOB 'TOSS CRIBB'8 BLOCK, Doderich. CARTH &CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES valves, 'roe a Land Pip Lasts Pei,ey 0; ern Steam let Puospy Fen P•mpi, 1r?.d ■i,,s, C -ear* assaratxt, Doty Gad Landry ubmiuk. 536 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. D.A.MECA KILL & O° MANuFAC TUBERS OF FINi CARRIAGE VARNISHES&AAN- 4SILVER MEUALSAWARUEL MIiNTREAL CHADWICK'S SPOOIk COTTON For Hand and XaooA/ne Use. NAS 50 Willa ASR rola iT. GRA TE ft[; L-OOMTORTINO. EPPS'S COCOA. PREAKPA, T. "By a thorough knowledge of the iteral laws whnh gurern the operations or dia.-sista and niceties'. and by a careful application of the our properties orweuyste.t.d Cocos, Mr tpps has provided our breakfast utiles with a delicately flavored beverage which may save os many heavy doctors' bills. ft is by the JudiCIU114 use of such articles of diet that a constitution may or grad ually built up until strong enough to resist tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladie-. are floating around .n rorty to u• tack wherever there is a weak pont. W may escape many a laid shalt by oars i.e. well fortified utthpure ?Moodk • preprrly nourished frame.-- 'COS Sere*, f(TTaa.. rte •' e wit hotl Sold only t nm� simply b gr-ine water et undllu occers. !Owns= JA I b.s ?H4 k Co.. Hotmn,opathie Mts. London. Itu,daad. UM- -TIME TU DIE HELEBORE, PARIS A GREEN INSECT POWDER • WILSON'S WHERE Prescriptian Drug $tore STEEL -LINED TIUMS LlMerkdla4&. aitd Io IRIS YEAR'S i i fes SUoli'!A TRUNKS t. the Wena L ETELEIGH d CO NONTREAL. MYRTLE I* i n.11E ion IlCUM'S HOTEL AIMORAL CLT sad PLUG B >tloALM. SMOKING TOBACCO tbbe nor M. one .1 st.d .sareatel FINER THAN EVER, SEE «17.e-L.Mit ass gores. $I tea N t>rl A4• IJS ve woo= PEARS' ins or amok J.Il Pwh k •set MISSIBITT MOSSO mem M0NTQ[AL SOAP. DOMINION LUTHER HER DUML COM eANT, wa..t.cauers at UUESTOS NR1lNMII Sews iTeetheg. FRICTION PULLEY UM, Moho Ar)tarlbi.ia, RECKI1TS BLUE. AL 33 L 8ranse on each Pius sad Package. any PIANOS.. 3 YEARS SYSTEM w £ s'''�'pv oxo awart.rty or half lipweM t• Mases w t►e nm- sa..1 Agit t& tastrAasoat, ritig..rmil �Acw y� " aN vel sIL se �l .vas eZiev•W OCT1 WS & CO. ist7Prkilm *WVemenneserTNefflumemminmaimlN00 R* i$ ONE AT =I AL d FORTY-SECOND YI. 41 %HOLZ NUMBER. ogli TO ADVICE otice of changer at this Office r Monday noon. changes must b than Wednesda ual Advertisemr to noon Thu week. Legal Neil advance Hatter! In t of Tma atmmAL ej one Ouseewte at which a to dammed. ur frost to ary benefit is (forint,. or at the rote of word each insertion, then twenty -tire cr l ver dieeinertte of rote. iuisrfed u brief iooe free. BORN. -in Ooderich. on wire of John I. Dirk tear. of • son. w In Ashfield. on tette of Michael Dalton DIED. cOetaton-le tioderieh. Mad. tat Mary. the Alex. McUrexur. ant •ostia. NEW ADVERTIS . A. Humber. .mdse. Wanted-Jueeph 1 weenie& Reductions -J.4 lake Mahe -Teton Tawe et 0oa'wie TOWN T( Achid sawuasp pe. ••• taiga Ae'1! poi A G000 P.aszxt.-Tbe you Cee nakr V tot• e. ply to U. McOilllcudolyl, as Whatever you want In graph,- an be had in good pricey at Geo. Stewart's sit The summer keeps morl so does the demand for t hi ,,tent. turned out by the pe A. Pridham, who cannot 1. of goons or style of cut. The Pharmacy matinees of the drug trade matineese a the tow able charges. purr drugs, a tion en the pari of the prep surpassed by tone. tieosw tor. Persons who are haildir see the "New Harris.' woo. hibitiuo at :+Gooden ! tits and moat 'commutes' fur Another lot of the E. & otos-velum re:rived. 'Met ly.Sola agents. the C hal 5 be NAIL Experience. energy an tbreegreat factor in build tul business. and w sten in gnalfcations you find tam ship sad good material, a always be deeended upon. iuriag his bnsin.-te career built up • reartwork•utation ea thi dttton to nu photo photo tea a class artwork i picturetaw and surpassed by nose. BRIEFLET Miss Moore has return, in Buwmanville. J. C. Robertson, B. A Owego Sound, are in (owl Look not for Vie cheer 'lie G T. R. on the civic Mr and Mrs Will Yes returned to their home in Mr T. K. kobertson, o in town on Monday viatii Miss Lillie ' anstone, visiting relatives in town Miss Bruce left on Ts Stratford, Waterloo and Miss Ella Carl left on 1 visit to friends is Ayr at Mn and Mies Toms, of iting Judge and Mn Tum Miss Ella Platt has ret trait miter spending a f that city. Dr McDonagh will be i consultation on the tin every month. The town is crowding u an visitors, and all app.. a good time, Mr and Mn Hoary E were last weak visiting thl sod Mn M. Carl. Mr J. H. Colborne, wit ehildren, left last Frith father, in Paisley. Mrs Steve Perry and cl Thomas, ars visiting at th, Mrs Thos. Andrews. Mr Raker• of the Gab in town during the wail friends, the Messrs Nair.. C. A. t-anatter, jeweler spent a week's vestioe in returned hose on Wsdnes Mrs Peter Dain and di of W inghha. are speeding Goderich, the Resets el vanatter. Ao itiaereet Italian mei attraction es the lareere t and Ube all ostdoor a.. atm! amdwseas. Me Ow. Saves, of the P .sbL ho i it Wilk W wife end to aily. Mr Ira Lewis, sees!, Hare., was at. Swots Tau tondioe the iswel 4 the B. Pardee. Me Prader s it48-49 was a le* student mf ler Lewis, .mi • slam existed butwgs the tee i