HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-19, Page 6• THE HUltuN SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1889. TIE-bat/HON ni BRIE1,1 WHAT 18 001NO ON OF INTEREST TO CANUCKla I 111es Meopeassem er• Welk Spitessmileed Istie • • Celeemet1 Seim rareasseas ger ileasseee Seeders. Sullivan is mid lobe eanding to Canada The drouth in Maalsoba lhas net hod the alms at first reported. towhee, a Riel rebellious notoriety, is balm lionised in Park Jaime Wilma, • riming maa of Si Thames. was killed ea the Omni Trask track. Mr. Aubrey Villas, Dorsey Coomniseita- er of Croe n Lancia, igen at Braosbridga Forwarders akin the Rideau Camel roate tram Kota:Mon trees the United dudes vs D ela The Provincial revenue from timber end Crown loads for the year is likely to prove very satisfactory. A disease retesublim cholera 1. doling deadly work among the bogs of Tilbury Township, Pagin tourity. At effort will be node by the Ottawa Masons to secure the ineetiag of the Greed Lodge at that sity nest year. Quebec te making preparations to feta the fanathan Press Association iniouisers when they reach the city on their *Reunion An old maa llama John McCartney, of liamilton, was killed on • t.rand Trash! railway massing at Torontoon Seturdey. Al the meeting of the MontreeJ Her i1! am decided to urge that the question of the' Magistrate.' Courts Act be tattoo to the Privy Council. 1 The warrant for the ettradition of S. L hotilmeyer, in custody inToronto tor forgery i in Pennsylvanie, was issued by the Governor- I GeneraL "IONE aim poErS CORNER ••••••41.6.--4Mill Mos Veer A report in connection with the shipment, of cattle from Montreal, for last season shows that out of • total shipment of 49,979 head mily 527401. Senator Carrell has been appointed as successor to Lieut,nant-Governor McDonald,' of Frio)* Edward Island; whose term expires on September 251a. Rev. Charles Spurgeoo, son of the famous London preacher mat present making a tour of the United States and Canada, and is ex -1 pected to preach in liontreaL I used a bottle of Burdock Blood Commissioner Iderchmer is at present lac 11,t•er. .ny Dyspepso andit pn.ved a Winnipeg making arrangements for a patrol of nioulited pole. along int. inteniminnni, periect cure, end I was b:essed fhs day I I zot it I will not tm without it now boundary to prevent smuggling. An agitation is beinintmned in iininntfor a lot. II IR worth its weight in gold g Mrs W. J. smith, Haley Station, Ont. 2 of the Nbusitche rnisers against the separate, school system, upon which an sittatt will be I maid. at the next meeting of the Local Legis.! ASHF1ELD. later°. !from oar own corretpondent. Mr. I.. A. Castillier, who has held thel Council met July 6th, members all position of Deputy RegistrarA :emend since 'present. Minute' of last meeting Were 1R73. hne been appointed Under Secretary of Avid sod signed. R. Curry, indigent, Nate, made vacua by the retirement of Mr. 4460 &pante° cowls per sleek, one-half t:rant PowelL or bread, balance for meat. P. F. Mr A. Legliait, the new Belgian Am- Flamini, baker, Chas IL 'hansom, butcher Daseador to the United states, passed through I Ittawa. Ile is taking observations with • view of promoting trade relations between Belgium slid the United states and Canada. • A number of Winnipeg cttizeise, desimus of seeing Martin Burke get fair play, hare guerentee.1 the disbursensents 44 ariplying for • wnt of habeas corpus, and the prison- or's comicil will make the application with some chanoe, it is mid, of success. PT ILU*PI 111111.11. I like the •adts Rases egweeh Wok its Orem revisited, - It WWI a laid sad earns tarnish Wee dews 5ssur teenage; Th* semetak deem It rude I Itaiew. AM therefore they obese 11; Pat I have neverilvead it so- Megage Guides II foram it. Ideirt einem that mos Mead air The nettle they be,. raid fee - %visa ••.s roma.' 'maim am chore - ler there what Frew* wee mistletoe. Sat whoa • army takes swat Med In partian to address Du. He dopes ati foreign Mtge and Ho so" "Good-W-Hed Mem rser This ..r..i. zee • sawed phrase Witt reverence immeettsibwd- • thing eons deem hem rietteme days. Quaintly but may Naltimed It well be...mesa \meet Mee A vette there reused sad cheerful It stays the sturdy la Lavaca Sad soma the weak sad tearful; Into tbe immeshes of th• sere It mesas with subtle eastise. And is your heart et Isearte mama To work 51.gracious tunetten ,ted all day long with pleasing sees It linger* to caress You - I'm sure no home& heart WOW woos There wad "titod-by- tad base you r isvii the woros-punisava. became, Wass 1 was Marisa esether, Steadiest at Ma is esteem pause We looked at me smother. Amid 1-1 saw in mother's eyes The love sbe amid sot tell me- • leis eternal as the skim xhatever tate befell me: Sbe put her arms about ray neck And soothed the pelmet leer's& And, ihouith her heart was like to break. She spoke no word of awlevina, She let DO tear berths her eye. Fur tear that might distress me. I:ut. kissing me. she said irood-hy. A TIC! askid our God tot:dem me. -Chicago News. Ilia lashes* revive sec ce lost rectal as e le ;ye. Accounts : T. M. CarthY, $32 ; J. McDonald, 53; J. Stevenson, 515; R. Graham, 11 ; J. Dalton, $10 P. Item, *1; H. lohnetch, 75cts. ; J. Curren. ; R. hiradford, $9.19; T. Agar, 58.21; R. Webster, 52 23; J. Gray, $9. 50; G. tiarria, 51.40; & Hannah $12 75: J. 'atitebn, $2 50; F. Jury, $8 24 ; 8. The championship lacr.-se match, pleyed Poetised, 135.68; C. Nicholson, $13 96; on Setunlay in Montreal ; •iween the sham- W. Davis, $1; H. Scott, $6; J. Volt, rocks and Cornwalls, rosuPed in • victoty for $5; T. Anderson, $11 36: T. Hunter, the Meter by the score of to 3. The Corn- slur ; R. Drepnao. $16.90; E. John - wall.. iu the champ's' ', ship league, hav- 000. 95.60; J. F.orgoami, 55: J. mc. ing woo four games and ks.t none. Donald, $2.68; Mrs McRae, $5, chanty; Mrs Lucy, $5, charity ; J. Kilpatrick. $:V; J. Teckalarry, $2; W. J. Trelea- vitt, $2... Council will meet arain August 29th. W. Lase, Clerk. A MAN WITH TWO WIVES. 111r. Cray sad No. 1 neyeesed 5.5.15 TOMO- 411-11•Ita55ag • Illashead. Ci.gvi1.As, July I 1. - The Leader re - lams the particulars of • domestic row 'latish took place here about a week ago. About throe months ago • man and wonisa giviog their CIAITICS as Mr. and Mrs. George J. Ow of Toronto CD.M0 10 (.1141V41111d endltoA roonis in Hamilton -street. Tee man ob- tained enip!aoyment se bartender for Moll. ton', restaurant in superior -street. Thee another appeared claiming to be Gray's first wife. She said th-t she was married to Gray seven yeers ago last Christ- mas anti that her perenta were well-to-do and respectable reeidenta of Buffalo. 8be reported further (het her husband had left ber last October, and IL... subse- quently ehe found • record of his marriage to Minnie Sbacklin. She found be couple 5. St. Paul, but refused to prosecute her husband for bigamy. After a while she psid a visit to her mother in Buffalo, and then Mrs. Gray No. 2 installed boreal' again in the Gray homestead. Last April Gray and wife No. 2 left To. ronto, and wife ho. I bad only just if, mad their whereabouts in Cleveland. She fol- lowed her hoebsed to hie sew home, but failed to obtaln recognition and went hack to Toronto. On Monday she returned to Clevelan and persuaded her husband to go back with her 4:ray told the cashier at the restaurant where he had worked that he would give his wife the slip at Buffalo, bat this Ise failed to do, arid they are suppmed to be in Tomato. The .mond .144 4. is Cleveland. "ELLEN, YOU DON'T LOVE ME!" • Amami nessen liteense Mewls Els With mid Then Tillie leissaelr BowrOW, July 13.-Thedwelling house No, 4 Jefferson.pisos was the scene of • tragedy late this afternoon. lb% Williams B. %Visite, • medimd electrician 75 years old, shot his wife Ellen, an attractive young lady about years of ago, and then committed suicide. Dr. White has been married twice. By ha Snit w. if., he had several childree, now all up and doing we!L Two years ago grown eTria dirt and lie married • pretty ballet dearer. Of late the maple have aot lived happily together, the doctor becoming im- bued with dwelt's' that hisyming wife, loved mem other .,an. WIsil. h ,th were eating (limner taday the doetorgot apfrom the table with Oa exclamation "Ellen 'you doe't love vas" She made no reply and he left tap roma, into the yard. After lira. White had rotted her dieser she went up to her room and began to change hes apparel. Only a few minutes haul elapsed when the serves& girl heard •isterilshot. closely falowed by t another upstairs she saw Mr& White lyteg ea edoor with blood flowing hoes • wooad lo her right tempts. Dr. 'White wee Igkig ea the image dead with. revolver in him -right brad sad • wound In 5. rlOt ear. noisiene were sailed las, who toned that Dr. White had Len la - Mostly killed, Mae his wife will probably mitover. De. Waite wee a very quiet mid meatiestieicly nes, it le said. eel wee very Shall by Ids asighbore. Twe Delevera• amen sures. lbottavrtze. July 14. -Tete hams homes 5. Chereh-shrest owned Sy Um Them litangeroui twanterreal% Cocnterfeats are always dangerous, 'more so that they alasy. close') MI' TATE Till oltInINAL IN •rrEARANcil AND t- Slohlitsub and Cold in the Head hos k - The reruarkable success achieved • Nasal Balm as a positive_ cups for dooed unprincipled 'parties to imitate it. The pnblic are cautioned not to be de eeived by nostrums imitating Natal Beim 111 name and appearance, heernig such mines as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, etc. As for Nasal Beim and do not take imitation dealers Ina, urge upon you. For sale by •Il druirrista or ain• poet -paid on receipt of price (50c and 11 by addressing Fulford & Cj , Brockville !Out- tf Here's a good New England story that creme from Doxbury by way of the Bos- ton Transcript :-An old wapiti, she "widow woman" and he • "widow man," married after • brief courtship, sod he sold his home and moved over to hers. The first article of furniture that he added to her collection wee an old sun -bonnet, which he hung in the entry way, saying, "I couldn't be contented no ray, Sallie. 0 I didn't se* Betsy Ann's bunnit lienriu' up there." "Well," said oho, "I @ball go straight op to the garret for Josiah's old hat, which I waa decent enough to put limey when I knew you were coming here." And too she did. and Josiah's old hat and Betsy Anti's 'bonnet." hang sada by side at the pres- ent day. Sea We Illsomalled lap roma 1164 fathom ii., frbestalifeiag the almond*, du yoe see elm you sea assompiteli with enema ead Iwo - es hale take enure ages than pas ea • porkier, spare, but a kwn oast sowed .411 reassio • awe former with asowis sud mulehino, and • tees that teams take* root will be • jut forever. lf Toe weal • hit of color, plata someteartimass where them is a bit of moll above tree stooks or fame meta sad you will quickly be es- wardmi with their rtotona, troptual beset At Bow Jamey fermees soatel- bale* Mit Gellearg Gesillemint the sake direseigass the tray • tam - wits made surnotive sad beemetUal. Tha phis henna described am be eseasd eta by most of oar farmers. Miley ham bens bre years parading lb• mom mellsod. "Tbure ie a great 41 .44 sad writ- ten now-a-depe &beet 'home deserts - *mu' • peed &Ili el advise. sad wog = vise Ise, mat of it, is gives Shores, as the stades& el malt- ing home attniativie-the inside od the boom Tkis le all very well ss far as it goes, but with farmers sad their fa hes tt dose mot go lar anougi. la • city house one's home 11.. within foes walls; is a village awe le • IM of greater or mealler dimeamosis to be beautified, bet farmers mast harms the wind* plot, rowerally a large me, am whisk their home steads, aad ta some degree the whole Ramage oi their property most be leaned after. with • view la simitams at least. I ass the daughter of a farmer, io hot I maim of goseratioas ot farmers ; I am Ib. wife of a farmer, aid althciagit isie of soy yotiog gimlets is musk, a western newepaper, and the other is fightiag hie way •-hrosigh the Columbia School of Mims, them kb every indication that my daughters will marry farmers, and that little Jock will tread in lue father's foot - "re • strange thing, but the two great somotials of attraotivenom which are tionspicuous its their abeam* about the door -yards of many farm-boases are just Ib. two things which may be haat almost for the askiog--grase anal shade. I know of no more Menial sight than • sparsely painted farm house, without the sheitenag shade of • small tree, and with bare earth where luxuriant grabs should abound, or "lawn" whose proud- est boost is plantain, with an occasional tuft of quack -grass and dandelion. Fifteen years ago, when "thos boys' were respectively eight and ten years old, we bought what a now the "old home -stead," but what was then • new house with four rooms standing in tone of the fields of our two hundred acre farm. Fortunately it stood a long way back from the thou lonely road, but still the site was literally a "field." Corn had been grown up tr. the very door step,as was &boson by the stubble There was no fence or other dividing line to indicate my much ooveted garden. Planed lumber was scarce and hieh, skilled labor equally so, but there we& plenty of woodland on the farm and &moult this • Knoll oovered with beauti- ful cedars. John, bless his honest heart, thought only of gettion the farm under cultiva- tion as soon as possible, and indeed there are many lives where oestheticism must mire trey to necessity. My Erin petiticn was that a deep furrow might be draw11 around the house and Ise much land as J..tat wits willing to give op to our fu- ture "grounds," not including a kitchen garden. Land was not much of an ob- ject, at least we had plenty of it), and a plot of two bores was assigned for this purpose. We were two years in fencing this, which we did with • beautiful rus- tic cedar fenoe in front, and on the sides, as far back as the house, with an ordinary rail fecze. John says I was the moving spirit of this enterpnee do not know whether or not spirits drive n ails, but I do know that I drcve many • oue into that cedar (vice. John help ed when farm work was slack, and the boys, who were always great, 'aunty fel- lows, worked with a will at all times. Meantime we were busy at landscape gardening for the grounds. We instit- uted sundry family "Arbor days." Each birthday was celebrated by the planting of a tree. Strangely enough all our birthday. fell in April and May except that of little Jock, who was • Christ - saes preempt. It was kept, however, in ApriL Assoon as the children were old enough to have • choice they chom for themselves beach, maple, oak, cherry, or evergreen, bot the work of planting was done by the Iwo older boa, and great delight it was to them. Young forest treas,mven or eight feet high, were scat- tered with a generous hand over the Iwo scree Eight trees a year were planted in this way until two of our number went to dwell in that city where planting and reaping are unknown. Since then on these two sacred birth- days, trees have been planted no the lonely hillsid• where our loved ones lay. In the course of time our boys west out into the world, so that Arbor day is no longer observed by John sod OM, wise aro growing old, or by the girls who ere soon to make nests for themselves; but at wss in this way that the otately lino of elms grew up which alm-mit over -arched the road ih front of the home. Large specimens of this tree may be traosplanted with safety if care is taken to secure as many of the fibrous root... posable. Th.. meet be spreed oat le large holm, deep and wide, end filled in with good and well prepared toil. The rail fence has been supplanted by a beautiful hedge, of beeches. Them were grcern from the seed, and make a very useful Miro as the trees best pruning, and the branches readily inter- twine. Every tree is fraught with fonder re. tuition*. The IlW4/ tall maples whom graceful heads are molding in st my win- dow were planted by Dick and Teddie, ems on my birthday and the other on Baby BMW& They are of different varieties, however, for Oetober terns mine into markt sploodor, while Baby Both's is like the shams tit her golden hair. Only two other trees here boloag to Beth, the rset ore op on the hillside. These throe evagneans speak espeei. ally to m of little Paid. H• wanted itMe that woold not "dis" in winter Dear link fellow; h. las goes where them is so dyke,where the tree of life grows au the border of Use beautiful river. not rreoshil group of white bireise-- a small grove, in feet--boloogs to Helm, who is tell sod graesfel, and *moat to look epos, like her favorite trim The four-roomod house Ms pews with the trees, and se we did hid pleat User elms esieu0 50 melees air mid sunlight, 51 le wed lo55 eatitt of is' the fyiliego. Jake we owe 110 per mut tf die i vamp ds. feria bus., "Feta - Ry Arbor day." I would Eke to say to furesers* wives sad daughters that Ole is a salter ler isvidislisa. 11 mit Maass* Ye the ileitbsid rressomen. aim ail whs. may esineen. Phosphatins, or Nerve Foots, a Phos- phate Element based upon &anti& Inas, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. a Boston, Maas., euree Pulmon 'ary Consumption Sick Headache, Nos - von. Attacks, Vertigo ead Neuralgia land all westing dimness of the: human system. Phosphatine is not • Modecine. but a Nutriment, became it contains no !Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates !Narcotics, and no Stimulant! but Gimp, ly the Phosphatic and (Urine Elements found in our daily food. A . l. bottm 5. sailltiont to °olivine*. All DroggiMa 01151. $1.00 pee bottle. Lownw 00., sole somata for tint Dosainime. jIS Front Serest Rent Toronto The bast prepsratioa for restoring forester, to its original troilism. le a mixture of three porta of limmed ail and one pert turpentina agog the articles to which It is to be applied, rub it oa with a woolen sloth, and afterward polish with ehemeie If yes wish to sartiteli maimed wood, re !ill fled the following etosilmel:-Maselve lent me- Isemi isessicied by Mra. lira. Pts of maderes, am agues green eed --ansoewer. hstr,,mis bow ;mastie mid fear eases@ a shame be owe Ole operates tegneher Oar onstenta P•4114 el ahmeek nod add twe oesomird jous $1000. as Imseash sil IsersiNew ty. • memo, AMIN% WO haw* geed Fowler's Extract of Wild likirsieberry in our family of &is pommel daring twelve years, awl in •Il came of tharrisma, seasiner ampiaint, 10 , at thavoist fade to Oline. Ties valuable medi- ans Mould boon amid is every family. Mai Ileum flaws. Marti,. OK Mina Menseermerses. Tepid water acts promptly as an Fresh milk boiled with cut sugar will soothe • ouugh when (ober thiugs fail. Sprinkle cayenne pepper in th• resorts of rata, and they wall leave the preemie - OIL Horse radish, se a pooltioe, i• moose- smoded for rheumatism. White and pale shades of paint may, be beautifully claimed by using whitiog in the list«. Kid shoes tan be kept soft and free from cracks by robbing them ones • work with pure glycentie or castor oil. A little saltpetre or parbonate of soda mixed with th• water in which dowers are pcedus la. will keep thofresh to. two weske Oil of peppermint is a strong disinfee- Lsot and germicide ; and it is said that one part in • hundred thousand of water kills roaches - When dress silk becomes wet dry it by Wart' it betweeu the hands. When papering • room • small apart- ment cal, be made to appear largo by being covered with • paper of subdued color without any particular dsaUtn. If you want poached eggs to look par- ticieurly nice, cook eaoh egg in • media ring placed in the bottom of a 'isotopes of boiling water. A Prime Minister's Ophilita. have seen much of this world, but I never knew how to live until now. All the comfort I have, and what as more than the whole world can give, is feeling the good spirit in my heart •ud reading in this good book, the Bible. Vim are n ow in the prime of your age and vigor, and in great favor and business ; but all this may Is.,, you, and you may one day better understand .na relish what I say to you, and then sou will find that there a more wisdom, nuth.comfort load pleasure in retiring and returning your heart from the world to the good spirit of God, and in reading the Bible than in all the courts and the favors of print:ea.-Axel °Renato:tea, Chancellor of Sweden. The British Women • Tem ?Prance Amociat has now nearly tweitte-eight thousand members. It has 377 Affiliated societies, every one of which is olbcered and worked by woinsn. SPRING HAS COE! REAIMAKErS YEAST. Wt. ..dcirrie OWW MOW balsam imam sayustablyt=mass soy art Imilshost.11."Stemeltallik wham pemeshes. is =Nory temp is MOE FIVR CENTS. LIME. Witt) Sal ice & Rqrs The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of Water Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also NOT CE TO BUILDERS &FARMERS The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln is now running full time, and any quantity of Fresb Lime can be obtained at the Kiln at all times for 10c. a bushel. M. tit C. B/CCHLER, Gederich. Margi. 1P. =of REPAIRS RANARIAN 16.4 dike Sims, II WSW Wes rei To Steam Engines. Mills, Fat. tories and Machineryof all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. Meta travelling *nibs. VI were dead hear tow mall I sioaal 1 mace.. lisseneslimu ..1 ARA .0./ 1.54 44 It... wpm Us lihrioldri Moe Of lave • lire Cc Weald DIV, 151 nes 1Vtta50ver ciao sway give the motes Me Dims" of X as toned dead I ion, hawks real kill three WORN Mies Dane had to. but on oki, of @Ugh blue eyes, gm lair rather I Dame mach lily • opera . She piebald bang asses tend some mamas I ty seervit--4 kw &ad lump' story in o d,o. T kfcl,cf,1,4-1 unAvo TRUNK RAILWAY. Traluserrive and depart eh 94111401Th me lel Medea Wail Mali aad Upton ' Wiled ........ ...... ..... 11.40 Sized . ........... .7.assima /A am VW Hitintee ........ ....... Lan am Mite I .... ...... . ...... is When I my Conn 14. not mom menely ch stop them for a time,and then have them retain stain. WEAN • RADICAL CURE. I have made tho cUsesse FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS cum.:the worm/cams Bemuse cabers have A life long study. I WARRANT my rein= hi DO reason tor not DOW WWWWW• WM. Mud at onee for a treatise nada Fan1 Itorriat 01.y i • FALLIatu itamEDY. Oh° EXPIIVW1 and Pon °Mee. It costs you nothing fur a trial, mei it will cure roe. AMNIA: B O. ROOT, Branch Meti, 164 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. MARVELOUS EMORY DISCOVERY. ikeizico=strrry.,'Iltreed=o0. W11/14•4411. eared. Seery dirland admits spread, kosedessil. sum tobiewesess ss OtessesedasseOlorms. at .11v 55asa- prefensble. One eurposeek magaLoy: -avenue and Mrs. Morrie' 1. the wih • ToronaisiaNtLmtibetoissa0ande:" I am sure," sat she wee i g from ou not give ase so lady -like al Illte preemie( a a typewriter Mb three mini house. Si. waisted to get '1 gave her a* moved in ' 58 inilonvoniipidoyeatkno.iit mily was the illitalederth.er rgliont Toruoto. Sh Tuesday, w worm . dbmste Wssi sil doctor lihi g or servous proems ought to .at. tier and mid a nrcley but yeast ust before night I wich. At that ow I dread going t "I said: 'Why *me in Canada for " 'Oh, you doe's hod sadly sod I room aol locked 'About 6 o'clocl y amass, elm Gal WO 'Perinatal. Ediatildh albl: Wen.ehila heard ootrile is neorniag earl rack in the door to ag wi°tli herared" et tows% not disturb her. Ai same position aad t arid atter rapp;agesot! called in Om The yalung wont pounds. She was a and was lying cm tha the right aide with h and the eyes staring aide of th:arinfa burned by the were uncovered. colorless 04 maid, delicately formed. ' 41111ed stood agar I aseatlar man had the drained the dr stromly. The bottle be found nowhere. By the side of the hell filled with water hood bag, which no limn, • small j • plain gold hreast-pt tchiswastrtsritclo.P.6r of the Every clue to btu missing, and had app removed. Hier tra covered with brow opened it was (mod ber of dresses, waver silk of good quality. Miss Done cane to satin dress of stylish or two of the dreams , There were ale. to tilled with seamstress' makerspatterns. ile • : Roch.to nm uberofr te .11new llariantles novel bouaf" A The body was Mk the polio. took *large -42rfts.47. hvie..11. T. WINDOW SHADES JUST ARRIVED. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS 1 CALL AND SEE THEM LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN. A. 33_ COPa\T:ELLI, lalilLIT-.7'01q SUMMER MILLINERY JUST .1aI'V'MJJ AND WIT!! IT A -AT- S S S *Y -.2S.21' LARGE CONSIGNMENT A large assortment of the newest styles in Hats ani Bonnets. FANCY RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. Gent's Wings for the Seam tT- H. DUNLOP'S. Good material. fine styles and fair prices is the motto. 21F7- Next oor to Montreal Bank BINDING TWINE. North -St. second dour off Square- 611-1e SPRING -MILLINERY 1 SPRINC miza s.A.L.T.,]Kr_o3 has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Plushes, Flow - era, Ribbons, and every other line for the embelishment of Hats, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli- nery Department, which she is selling low. Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before. A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dreeeing Case will be given to every purchaser of a hat valued at $2 or over, and the Gift will be awarded on July lst. 2202 ALSO AGENT FOR PARKER'S STEAM DYE WORKS SILVER COMPOSITE. Call and see sample at the store of c_ Otidesich. Jose t. 23M-0 -411D SPRING MILLINERY! MISS Cats-M=122,01NT A COOK BOOK FREE nate say lady madleg st arrest Alm Airs«. Wilk. likkardiss 5 Ca., liestrael. 10000 PRESENTS TO MIR Arline& wale TRW LASS We will mad be .. ap =As= le mach .44..,• himily- w:er will try the Isemmentre Wen Pens eme red &els teem the label as* swel it la • Weer ~lag tam55 mimeo otos teirwiat. gime Woe. mat stes will we the giil Any rev. es tams ..._.....rjr:17.17= tof Tmit 01111110RILL 00,T13110111) Hos sew received her Spring Stock a the Zarzstraxo lizsiBez FLEAS Aied is prepared torte, her many lady customers the Onset City Styles at town rates. oaten to the tact that ber bungee. has kept oa uncrossingthere has not been an moor twin, to Printer, for • formal spring °maim. All are I rated to examine Quality. styles and Prices. Weekly Couipirra Remind Ihrii Ile By Sean SHOWROOM. -Career el Hamilton aad Newromet. off the isquaira. fIbew • Irsom the On. Cm-, July about 5 o'clnek • roll *stern Nat/ York at est • steep curve veis miles from thie 4 ewman and Engineo he speed of • new mg ly collided with a fn Brakeman 'Media of F.ngineer Stone had hi Mechanic Newman t meshed, Ram V, Greimen wore hart. FURNITURE 1 OARLINGPS ik PORTER CIRLING1 Wail (1104) 961: H. PARSONS III ALMON MOOR. ROMEO& U yea west te ma tat Immo sleet et Furniture in teem go tes Sa.a..1•T=1.4 C31-401=CZO1NT. If 7iitalaz le =LIS* Chs=eriZEMalEr 111111F-&-132)1111 tie lieuvel laC7T131111113 N111..A.acator Ca easily deee. J011217.2fCb leas ebaseer =,betel.= es est beep Sateek4/8•11.111=521.1RILIAL= ba orzitirg UN'DICRTA.K.I1401.. imr=====tf...."'"=1.1r1,412Makspit IDNINNI6 ANS Mb IN The Seesesesed PITTS/wait, July the Hcomestabd gtool Phipps & Ca. is praetie ems liatimat It in• Um inn wronged hy wm 4..s..4.. from n until aftar II tto-nlibt ad it wee officially sine sult of the oneferenos. bed bele isersird m, havermore ntinsieed itis rearfied as the • vl tree smostimg will I L. .settsc •