HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-19, Page 5RICES. hard, Worth lOcte. yard, Worth IOcia. yard, Worth 35cta. 6 cents per Yard, Inited. & BRO. Legal. RD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR r, Solicitor in High Cour,. Cowes Orrick and 8410 arid. lir, timid ot- rhtYdva from 10 to 4. Mone to Iter coat. MOIL HAYS, SoLUCIroR, &c. or. corner et Square and Wee; derk'h. over telegraph odic._ Het. • to lend at 6 Per cent_ rMS [)W & PROI'DFOOT, BAR r6118 Attorneys, Solsetters, • J. T. °arrow, W. Proodfoot, 17 {(►N, HJLT & CAMER')N, ten, Solicitor, in Chancery to. M. C. Cameros, Q.(:.: P. Holt. Y. m. C C. Rom. 1731. it Sale or to Let. FOR SALE reigned will Afar for rale the foi- 1 desirable fartn. consisting of lbs D acne of Block "F.- in the ats mop the Township of Colborne, in the Horan. This farm is Moat Iles Prom Carlow. on then Michain iid Carlow.ravrl ere M a good frame house, it- nost sew, zit by 36, eonttiiniag 7 14. large de b t. and one of the fin42. with est tie township. It is watered b rshreanf good wetcrspring and fere ostumps. waste land of any kind 012 the od school within t0 rods of the reasonable Krebs. wand further particulars apply to SO. /Mk( Kiss RiDGlti., Proprietor. tio,ler4ci. JMEPH 34ci► IJWN. 0o the prwmise.. 'LASS BRICK HOUSE AND 011 SALK ON 8T. PATRICK err. D minutes walk from the .quasi. high. brisk addition in the rear (h, building covered with slate, mg has 3 Targe rooms on drat flat, 're are 5 large rooms. In the rear re are kitchen. pont. r, wasbroOm. '1s room and batho rom. Also good ly to tae satlersiygaed, who will sears Informal 4a. LAXIJL GORDON. �3tderici Apply_to. _ q PILIP HOLT. TI+NN LOTS FOR SALE ' 0111. X• kltin street and 195 1. A iso one phaeton, a one-horse set of single harness. A mule to 011. ]ic3/1C'KLNG. AND TOWN PROPERTIES iL)(- loot 13, in Maitland Con 1 •.-res-a very Ono farm. Pricy 1LI f In lu on. It. 0. AahleW. $I300. Iola L:aad4444a iseCoiL •e comity. IV3 aerea, Will be soil .ata 1& Nand Wi of 17, in the 9th oh. Sue acres "(excellent land in 'rice $1.1.00,• lost 73.Melmtai all's in of (fooeritn. Prae 001y n of Odderich. on night Hoose brick house and stable. Price 1.0:1 gr;. 978, I0I., sod pt. 1014 .:r.rh, nearly •rh of an acre in ithin the hastiness part of the unly b:m0. The above proper. sold on easy terms of payment. C. SEA11 Pt to lead al sem uw rates. 97 LE FARM FOR SALE - laable property known as lot 103, Goderich /nonstop. w,thin cue fro h. Ito tLe (arm are a large I frame house and klt.-M-n, with ,nd frame barn and .;ably.: emu - no, well watered. for further )plyto fico 311:KAL os the pre.n. E CHEAP -40 LITS IN parrs of a.derlo4, from i acres res; and 11 dwelling 4040 s. Apo N'kATIIKICU U_t1;4ly AND TWT) L4►TS FOR -The house hY nine room,. al ►entry, clwrts, cellar, wor,d- d N.ftwater, The gar,1.' .AM la of troll. Al..) lost acres of aha for sale or In ex, bonne for .b W 3L KNIGHT, Cioderleh. 1170.0 E. tf tot 1111, Arthur Street. with nage thereon. ..r,.. 191. 1..1. 244, :Li, Elgin in•w• N *rd. d Huron and ltrItannia Raaf, ry house un lira)• :t'r..t, lot In Reel's Surrey, opposite nen 4 rut,: A >K. S. IL +t. 10. 81. 46. *bag* et LOW RAT i . DAVIDSON at JOHNSTON. aCtioneertng. 1OX, 1:1:\ KHAL 11.0. and Ian.4 n' ta•nr Goderich owl tronai('..isIde experience 1s in trade. lit' 15 in a position thoro,.th aatl,fac: ion all . nm Sled to him_ 1.rdors left at or hymnal! •omya1d �!4Mteade .o. Jvd(- musemeRts. . I M RCII A,If iCS' TNMTI 44!!-k ItY AND 1RRA141!t Leet Moot and eiquars 4111 • t pee.. slid from 7 to 10 p.m 10 %t+Ll( 1N LIBRARY ,f/y, Weary nett Ifs IOtre T I .tsjiow rf .., r•+� �le Iii' TJI:�h,ti:T, OitL'f #toss, gee of Lt 7• amt lt.s•lle. rns meesl meelr r eee►a"1 b wo gat OW.+1Tliiie reeetry eeh t3t�. WM estrinciALD LM --PARASOLS.-- Jno. Acheson. Owing to an overstock of Parasols, we have decide 1 to have a Clearing Sale for ONE WEEK, and will offer our entire stock of these goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now is the time to secure a Parasol, GRLLT CLEARING 8I&LR OF FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS NOW GOING ON AT CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO'S, 7 BRAI41TIF'ORD. It is our custom and fixed purpose to dispose of all goods during the sawn for which they were bought, and in consequence we pro- ceed even now in the heat of the season, to close out as far as possible our entire stock of purely summer goods. The extremely low prices which we make would justify our pat- rons in buying now, even to keep over till another season. We place on sale at clearing prices the whole of our large stock of black and colored French and English dress goods, Cashmeres, lfenriettas, &c., black and colored, plain and fancy dress silks (from the most reliable makers), parasols, prints, sateen*, chambrays, printed wool challis., fancy costumes in wool, cotton and silk, plain and fancy dress muslin, lawns, flouncing laces, flouncing embroideries, edgings, lacer handk 1 ' f., es andunderwear in silk, wool, Lisle, Balbriggan andcotton, Jerseys, ribtwns, corsets, dress trimmings, beaded grena(dines, table linens, napkins, towels, sheetin��s cottons, skirtings, flannels, cottonades, cretonnes. art u►u»dins, l oldie, chenille seer ue , &c hosiery, gloves d ilk Aube Right SORS011 at tie Right Price. tapestryand silk table covers, and other house furnishing goods, Toi • -�cH=SON' ladies English waterproofs, beaded visiles, pattern wraps, mantlings, 21104 Sze., all of which are fresh and new, manufactured and imported for the spring and summer of 1889. lrrWe give special attention to mail orders, which will lie filled by competent persons, and satisfaction guaranteed. Samples sent by mail on application. • ONCE CET INSIDE Of our Store and you will be convinced that our claims of Superiority are based on Facts as solid as the stubborn rock. One Trial will prove our Goods as Good as the Best. We have nothing better than that. On top of that we put the fact that our Prices are as Low as can be put on the same Quality of Goods. Big Value in Gloves and Hosiery all this week. "The first shall be last" is not true in every case, because the last will be left when they try to get some of the Bargains in Hosiery. Q-ENTS, Lasa -EN! When a pant hunter pantless panteth for pants, And pants for the best pants the pant market grants, He panteth unpanted until he implants Himself in a pair of our Five Dollar Pants. _11101.3m ACHESON & CO. ,Lite Acheson & (ox , telstorkattde Tesahseaisle. Mr W. A. peeve, l+. C., of Toronto GLASw911TH, April 3r.1, 18 Ds J. M. M.-Lsoe, G.dr4icb. Dear 'ir,—l-vn told me to see L much I gained in weight shale asks your medicine, McLeod'• System Het rstvr, "l'he time i last rutted y tt4ce I weighed 11; pounds. now weigh 143,4aining joist 2t pt.ut+da, H dues that bust you! My back is eataret cured. Yours, etc., A. M. CasonLTO!r. DAKOTA. January let, 1889 De J. M. McL►.ou, Ooderich Dear Sir,—I am suffering from an i flamed eye. muse.' by catching col Mr, F. desires we to ask you to se medicines. One of her Daughters is 154 *t all well, meonorrh,.ea is the admen The above was answered an -1 medicta tent 29th January, 1189 ) (1'IIKATLAt;t.. N. D., C. R. Fell_ Dear Old Friend,—I thsok y -u tier ..ending the needed medietnrs an a most Ay ; and brother of Dr Reeve, Clinton, has just been appointed Principal of the Law uw ch,ol there; the position is worth ret; , 14000 • year. It speaks well for Mr 10- 4 Reeve • abilities when he, only • few otw i years a resiate.t in Terence, should be j !chosen f.'•rs' •est.onaibie • position in e. 4* city that hi.• av many lawyers who have bee'. there much longer The ap- puintn•ent 11 not a government one, being made uy the Benchers of the Law ISociety. a- d. TIIE !1i_1GKETS. 4 — — t- !UADSTIJFFS AND PROVISIONS ai • '— deti Prise.. 4.1101/ER/CD. July is. 188. needy time. 1 hey have :Lone thei work and performed what they were re- commended to perform. (McLeod System Renovator sent onlc', end on1 it / I think yvo ere deserving of mor credit than has ever been given you for your genius. Mn F. arta family are well—accept their thanks. Miss F. i. now well. My eye began to improve re - tinily after your letter reached foe. The d 4, Alrheat . ... .... _ . Mlwtr. ' bbl .............. ... ... r ;J h..litl ... ... ., rles, y busk Potaroe.. 11 busk • .. _. •a 4 iia.. d inn .............. y - tauter u a ............. • , tar:. fresh ■atlaefed **ties .. n 1.1 v 0 11 by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. t" fl.. ° l t `t a 1tin 3 Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling Shorts. 0 era .................... Id 00 "i 16 a. 5 00 `cr-ens scars.......,hi Ali the eapeiiae. :wow'rrr..,•nda.., emit e " e "h A FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT ........................... "*"°"° Hider........ ...--......._.. 4ntm Ii 0 H'• 4!0 wool - , 'ttteer.skina.. , .. ,.,.... . n no " o e-3 I.r+w.d hoes. s cert:.,.......... s ! .• f. 73 !f11 Apples. A bush .... _.....•l U0 " 1 to .. .... RS” dfh Dolor -Tea .. sta►at eonowe 0 e Coijlly's Co1orit1Pff(ll���.�l�T. e 4 a. 0 3g Teas '• ••'• •• tun .. • 00 Your choice of one out cf a hundred or more Handsome Volume .. or�w au (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,) BRANTPORD. BOOTS ANO SHOES The Largest Stock and Choicest Assortment west of Toronto, at the old established Boot and Shoe House of IlB DOWNINrL All Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Warranted to be just as Represented. YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN ! b 000DE, THE DRIGG!8r —FOR -- Lime Juice ---Healthful and Refreshing. Large sup- ply just in. Use it to brace up your S) stem age rest the heat. Ext. BLACKBERRY COMPOUND. Best thing out for Diarrhoea, all Summer Complaints, etc. Only 25cts. GOODE'S TOOTH -ACHE CURE never fails to give relief and cure. Try it and be con- vinced. Only lOcte, PATENT MEDICINES in great variety. Piso's Remedies, Johnson's Bitters, Ayer's and all leading lines. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, Soaps, etc., in great variety. Prescription wcrk our great specialty. WALTER C. C000E 13- DRU(KrIST, ALBION BLOCK. 1N LI4H, i RARCC-AMERICAN FLORAL PERFUMES IN L 0/ LZ AT— THE PHARMACY. GEO. RHY1 AS Prop. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared and Moderate Prices Charged. ARS YOU THIRSTY. —TRY' TFiFI— MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, - -CR— COR2Z=a�J�S —FOR A-- COOZ INCA H�1'�-LTHFUL BRINK_ RASPEER R' CORDIAL imminent -el Just tai. thit„( by all who hate tried it. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL (HALL. Ordered Womb and flc'pa!i'iiio' Piciniiilly Atlended 10 WE GET THERE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNI#G. Cor. East -et. and Square. JOHN ROBERTSON Degw to announce that he .s now agent for oet .n here were using hyJraatic sot hate of ••.rper, envie 4.4 Ir••1, slum urd, nurah.suipn., iw.raz and whit not 11 to 0.. purpose. I knew that J. M cLeo,1 *..u.d not te0 m• tortured 1!y hese blamed r.. , so 1 thought I would F lou".h sl: . Mt.ttOM an••.ol.: n:e. I tender you uta sincere tl:awls !tprin-wheat .r what you reeom.raeoded. Marley i uYTa rtC., D. M. C. t>'1t+ toe.. .._.. t pplea. owning, pag4 4M T•ournc .. ... 1 Haver Kim_ ..... . Iiat o.*,...4. ('oral woaod ....... . Hort ,. Went. ................. I «i+ A\IBERL\-. -,.in oar ossa car• eapnndent. 1Ye are a„rry to say that Mn Robert 4.tmilton is eery ill (pen tt:flanitnatlt (4. Mrs MkKenne, ..f D.- troit, and Mc* cLennan,of Lochalsh, paid airs 11. N. -Kenzie a flying visit last week. re McKoy and D. N. Xlclierwtle..d 4 s ('• Mer, *pont a kw da{a .•f fait pelt visiting (mode in (: •der cb 41r Jelin \, iS*-Ke, zie, of IArne a, id . brother, l). N Wheelie, a d la .ie- the other evening • Mr Malcolm McLennan built • Bae .* seil•huat named "Lally i olle,•'which a oredit to all exaeTsimu.ta v:e an glad to say thit 11r. William mptea, whn has heart .1'Tlba for weir. .e•, i. improvtnt. Miro Cha'. ('evoke .•f the h -,.i uT St.•r.,l ' 4'IifT, of Lit, know. je hale* for a few ••ksat Mrs Iturev•a . 17 F.' . all Veer 1.11 ss metre►. rake time by the !,.r. i. ek ere that •ping. ha . y c ,u¢h ..i soon carries you '..re a.. nniey C gi•0ro1•t,.:•• have pre - bel yon ; bon no time. but pesigala a Ie • i eh,• 4.14,.•d.il remedy f1 r tag atoll 8r..nehyl DiarOaw, Sont/'a nulsi,.n • ) CA Liver oil with Hypo. •+al.hitee ft wit► cora yoe. Siad by druggist., at Mb to 91. 4 July $5 In to 0 ..10 TO n9ito Ohi01 .. n 20 to 0 At to 1 m to n 3A 4r, 0 121to 0 11 to 9 0 hl 1011 to n Irl i0 n 1s to 6wto JOHN ROBERTSON, CHMes lemotntlas•. RHYNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS 14. _ • AI 0 !n Have 0 911 just caused through slew C*dnm Mese. ?Hetet from, the 1►f..e..feekate - the Best Assorted Stock of 05) DRESS 012 GOODS n j1 0 1! 1 Di EVER BROUGHT INTO RODBRiCIi• CONSISTI:.,: (.(• SILK WARP HENRIETTAS, ' 1A„atna: 11‘0.11110,4 Nattier. .L11 Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and Goods ri.oel,•,tof tar. ra : at idle tlantreal� Yard-. 1'•, t 4 hark-. for the wcck n n, •.wt7 .,.,,r ag.1 n11 131:.. ifs,.gi.r••re 20 PER v a � 1`,4elp'soflire s'nckatthe '" Mownai Mock i St f•bwrle•. ter *he week t. --n I.-.' CC1 1 1,w1...ft racer 4104), pr+oge wk. I4 T rte. x4,) 2:111101.1111,0i s a•p.A•r ills wdes•k . g,u'ux4 a,alf. Total exports far /11,111111011 week1.14-; 1.r9There were... teaser owl a ford trade in I wt stack tM akav�tik at these yards: were Arm• _gaol *hipper. bringing • fen a tic. ttltdhsfe' stork was is.. snore•stwt. Ttuirwt*)'. market W,••nInt *1,1. a pow, demand and closing doll, few ratilr 4 prollstest be pro Then were baler. r.veiy,. , of sheep. The demo.,' Co. hdga woe Role all non, sir to Ole. 1 We emote the fallowing as hems( fear- GLASS, vada- : Expert e. rwd ere. 1.:nn to 1 lfJ Ifs iia to 1 ftSt, hen. reel. are LOW to I. lee Ito se to e •pputt-hei'i. aswltuw..,.. ,t+t is Pntchers%(ulis .. .. f• to ^.. . .beep .. ` ....• . . r •ea, itM i0 AA .;k tr �I • April 19, 18049. 31! AT i'it1rf;•i AT LE 04T CENT LESS THAN EITHER OR LONDON FOR THE M411iF, CLASS OF (4001)8, a Suits of Bat Mat, red, Ftuhl'n•bly Made at Low Prices. ►ain:l1r made lien' other dress Improved Land Rollers ice $22.00 ` HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, rSTRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS der. TORONTO ..A T T—+C7X%i FIG-' .7:7:=, 1 FLOUR MiLLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVEn SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY Psbaieanly 1 ENGINE et. BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, of C1ot�t Wants at $1.25.We Partiesare Prinnred to Quote arae. to want of the same, , 7t�HAaxte •AN D 0A.82'2.zq' o. ' AS. L ]CZ N nits DWA R E DEPT. V7ines, Li uor c i rho q � Signal for balance of 1889 NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG.(}. H. PARSONS , to any address C. 0R�+1.A flD �[� Mil AI*B. 1 ALBiON RIAN.L, OOD11 W for cents. Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the finest and most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb iines of TABLE CHINA ) To which we Desire to Call 8p,,cial Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, FINE GROCERIES AND FRUITS, CO_T_2_ I3AMILTON-ST. Sc ISQUAIRE. Whole -le and Iter ,.t. X. iL-T }• l.•relme flakes for 44 nui:n•r. ..w•.—.e..m■assay Goderich 7ounary and ichinc Worts, RUNCIMAN BI OS., - Proprietors. WI It %\'.; UX BAND Y,4)4 PA1.K: , Pairs r PANTS, bTL*, \AI N1Nll ANO WILDING MATERIAL, AI Ff Lf. ST4)($k. Fat' e.t1.F, HV