HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-19, Page 4si
uran Ii$naI
!• lwaaaaaa
AT IT. •tome!! 1911111161111111 oewt0s:
h is a wldeasi.Ne toadse „devoted
t• stems sews and the dlesamlaatlM et .
f sl haewldg .
RAA N sellllAAP' , w
OM • year • Tie, ler six m..IM . Mc. for
*see mastba It the wbecri lea is an
as a al lbsreto el MA i`b. ch.r>p�.at
A.viarhate O Rams
and other casual advertlseu este. 1.4.
tae ne for gist lesertio.. rad 3 swot per line
bis mai subsequent !.write.. Ilwsured by
• soaparNl male.
Local .ott ms a nonpareil type 5c per lima
I oo& nodosa In ordinary readies type be pe
Ilms►nese cards of ,is lines and under 33 per
,*drelariwb aof Lost, sound. Strayed.
Mnulattoes Vacant. Situation Wasted and
Trainees Chances Wanted not eacesdlug 8
Uses &imperial ill per north.
Ramses on We end Farms on Bale. mot to
exceed t lines, SI for first mouth. Our per sub.
mensal mogtb. Larger advts is properties.
Lay special notice, this object of which Is to
promote the pecuniary benefit of any lndi-
vidual or rompea77,. to be considered an ad
vertlsemeat aad cbarwsd aotordlr.gly.
These terns will la all oases bo strictly ad-
hered to.
Bogota' rates for larger advertisements. or
advertisements for extended periods made
kaowa at the °taco of publication.
J011113 OCP*OT.1•EOT.
A taw, equipped Jobblag Moe h earried
se la connection with the ordinary newspaper
beslat... where fin! -claw work is turned out
at reasonable rates. Everything 1a the Print-
ing Ione can be nome on the premises from an
Wuminated posier to a visiting card.
All communications must be addressed to
le. EleaiLLICTNT,
Itiditerot Tow Ss*wat
Telephone ('al. So. 30. Ooderieb Oat.
FRIDAY, JCLY is, '18119.
At one time Mr D. B. Chisholm was a
prominent resident et Haintftun, where
he resided with his wife and child.
Some years since Prof. Foster, then a
travelling temperance lecturer, also had
residence in the sanie city, and was on
terms of intimacy with the Chisholm
family. Some years ago Mr Chisholm,
from financial embarrassment and other
causes, suddenly left the annbitiws city,
and fru m that day to this has net visited
that city or his family, and lin Chis-
holm was thrown upon her own re-
sources. in the course of time Profes-
sor Foxier entered politica, beams •
Cabins: Minister, with residence at 1)t-
tawe. by • strange coiecidence Idt+
Chisholm also made Ottawa her abiding
place, where deo did literary work. A
few weeks stets the Dominion was
startled by the announcement that Hon.
(.. E. Foster, the Minister of Finance,
had ceased to be • batchelor and bid
taken unto himself a wife,tn the person
of Mrs Chisholm. Mr Chisholm had
not died, and Mrs Chisholm was not •
widow, but had gone to the States, ob-
tained a Chicago divorce, (it is stated
without just caner) and Mr poster at
Qum uttered his hand and hssgt, and she
etCMpfpd them. It may lea aright.
but there are some people uaeharitable
enough to think that Mr 1). R. Chisholm
had a good and sufficient reason for
leaving his wife in Hamilton, beyond
the fact of financial difficulty. At this
distance from the capital it leeks to us
that there. is an air . f biscuit*rity ah..0t
the actions of llun %Ir F etre and Mrs
Addie Chidbolnt, not emly sines the alar•
riace, but before it. Hsi either of them -
been lees pretentious in their advocacy
of high morality and all that i• ;;sod and
true. the public might not have been led
to look so severely ;item the tanner, but
the marriage under the circumstances as
published catuo.t but brine discredit up-
on thein and do injury to the .00,ro,lr of
New that tba wale asrrtus are Wig
w eed, canoes lamely (eel the west of
sewerage. !lucre worthy tows father
will ears him, for himself who will posh
the matter. It would be • good plank
is an election platform.
Tan members d the tow. sussed had
• prat:an al eap.rleaes as Toesd•y night
d how the 11 p.m. abetting off of the
electric light works. Thu deliberative
body had !met to pet the now w•terwt,rke
ylaw through the necessary stages to
make it feet and budieg in all its pro -
'laicism, and had reached "clause 21''
is eommitt.s est tie whole when sieves
...Gluck e.me. The clerk was reeding
against time, when there was • flicker of
the light in the council chamber and
thea there was • darkness in the midst
of the councillors so donee that yes
oosld feel it. An adjoerumeet wss
had to the clerk's ofS.s, aad the
work of considering the remaining clau-
ses of the bylaw was at oma proceeded
with by the .id c[ a mai oil lamp
"dimly burning." Fortunately outside
the moos arose shortly atter 11 o'clock,
or the ezpertence of our town fathers
groping their way home in the darkness
would have added to their practical ex-
perience of the early "dowing of the
clime' As it was, several of the members
deserted the meeting, and tried to get
home before the lights went out.
The aewspapes rear thew are Adve.eb.
sag teedMca.
Grand Rapids, (Mich) Democrat : The
Sigaal-Star of Goderieb, Ont., has just
printed • very neat 28 page edition for
the board of trade,illustrutng the Indus-
tries and beauties of that city.
Bro .klyn N. Y. Iktily nuns : We
hate received an illustrated pamphlet
setting forth the glorious achievements
and hopes of the thriving- town of God. -
rich, Ootarie, and deecribtrg its Lumer-
tus advantages Up to this time we had
scarcely known of Goderich's existence
!them woe ewe wnweereeet.
Mee Maid Meatus a %mediag kir
blulaye m tiederieb.
Darts the hubdaye the Basil of Hops
will meet Wednesday •ftareoose •t
3 30 p -aa.
Miss Linfteid has returned from Blake.
where she lira been teaching ssttool
will Mead bar holidays with hes pat
Cuo mueiw 8.aday at the P
We doses hese.tsr.dvsa reopensible ler the
lits M Nis male* them -
ye -
eelstie e) Nej toeetMse, and bur brief.
MOW Roller tad She Near Vr..r.
Uottkaat:a, July 3rd, 1800.
, sad Te W Itdlter et Toa ss*aa..
eats Sir :--We had a as* before our mayor
oS Monday, the fTltb ale The ars
reeby- was against Julia Bl.at.ry, who keeps •
regular drtakiag div.. li u 1 who get
lofurmetioe sad .et sheet "steam ht.
up. 1 west aid perohwd • pint of best
and paid for at, and dank part of it in
his boom 1 had another willies* who
proved that he drank part of a Nat of
Now 00 8uody, and then were lour oth-
ers them is the hose. The iridis.,
was strsigIt, sad yet oar unworthy may-
or meld mot see where Slattery had not •
tight to sell. Our ooaatabie, Mr Yale,
gate *videoes enough without any other
to soave* any party. He swore that u
w as a drinkiug, rvwios place from Satur-
day night to Sunday night. Still Mr
Butler ..s blind ; he said he wo01d die -
miss the case as not proven. Mr Pais-
ley asked for an adjournment, bat be
would out give it, sod thew, rhea 1
spoke to the Mayor, lie had so ileo&
Ignorance as to ask me what I was
•• nouthing"about I had fora otherwise.,
some for Wham during prohibited hours
and some Inc having their bars darkened
by Winds, which is c,utrery to reguL-
tione and law, but I would not bring
ak Nem op betore him. There is not • hotel
`ley or tavern keeper in town who is comply-
ing with the rules but otic, arid that is
Mr !Miller, et the Albion. So I would
advise all the rest to here • look at bis
place on Saturday night or Sunday, cr if
they don't they will find that wie are go-
ts* to 'stores what law we have ga.
But Mr Butler is not going to try any
mare, .0d we any bring bin before the
oou•ty judge fur thedeasiou hehaegiver.
As far es we can bed out he bad a right
W give judgment aa'atrat Slattery. The
case is before the lodge, and we would
like to hear from entre others what they
think, and if such things are to be toler-
ated by ourtownepeople.
Yours truly,
ROOT Goat,
C./emu: tee of R'yal Templar* a Tem-
terms sbarw.l os Sasday, and tM meal
preparatory servals beseech,at 2 p.m.
Fur • httle otter a year Re. J. A. Ander-
sue bee labored Isere red Ne membership
has gained, together with •headerse at
church. 0..• • lesSMlght he /alloses
the weekly prayer aseetiag.
A new flagstaff high shwae the trees ot
the woods adjoi.Yy{ the Point 'Farm
summer resort has bees erwoted by
mins best, who bee made considerable
Improvements and •began about the
grounds, the Deabp architect lied staff
dciag the work. Summer rimer are
now c omt.g, and the old sur and bustle
el the areal summer acarus there r
boomers up. Mies Maclean, of Clinton,
is the telegraph operator for this ..Moa
The Lesburs farmers held • sweetie*
her. oe Mued y night of last week, at
which there was a fair turmuut, and a
full discussion took place of the bast way
est Improving the farm stack in this see
time Different views were expressed on
the question by those present, but no
decided decision could oe ertived
and the meettug adjourned till Mon
sight, the 22d Inst., whim the gsestivo
will be further eoe.idered We are elan
desired to say diet the proiect of starting
a creamery is Lesbian will be brought
aboard we hope to see a large turnout of
the farming oommunity at the temper-
s/ice hell, where the meeting will :be
held, ohatr to ie taken at 8 p.m. Come
one, came alt
Some time .ince we noticed that ocr
townsman, F. B. Linfield, had wen the
first silver medal in the second years
Bourse of study at the Ontario Agricul-
tural Collage at Guelph. The following
address was given by him at the closing
exercises mentioned in the Guelph
bier.-.u•y ot June 29th, which readers of
Tee rloeat. may like to peruse :-Mr F.
B. Linneld, the first silver medalist,
then retie excellent address. He re-
e to the studies of the peat t
years, in which the cloys had had ma
hard ouotosts for the supremacy, the
parlance* of which they had .cored
or future use, to which many war
h eadships had been formed, which o
but now we know 111 abt ut it and pre- 1
dict a big future Inc a place whose peo-
pis are so full of pluck and confidence
in themselves and their town. Thera's
nothing like letttog people know you're f
on earth.
Moodier •:basely aesebery Wbleb tenon to
tmdleate that Jack the Rorer 1.
Agate as Werk.
Lo'Dn,t, July I6 --Jack the Ripper has t
evidently begun hie humble butchener s
again. At half past one o'clock this h
nu ening a wernan named Kelly was found • w
in her last gasp en Caatle Alley, White- w
chapel tintnct, with her threat cut and a B
her stomach frightfully dashed Th. b
victim is oils if that unfortunate class r1T
outcasts who inhabit that section of the I d
city. The body was found neer a lamp
at under the Ila-- -r - '
0x -
entailed the pain of sear•tion.
drew a picture of the farmer of the p.et
due to his circumstances, the leaving
the old land to hew out a heine to t
wilderness, his unwelcotne greeting f
the Iodau and the wed beast, the 1
cabin, the clearing of the land, the dm.
burden of making ends meet, in w
he wife and mother bore such a noble
hare. They could never .light or
artily condemn the old style of farmer,
hose work was honest and bard. and
ho had nu opportunity for education
ut sterner arid seep more difficult p
leets confronted the farmer .'f teeds
he soil could not stand the strain
id when hat broken, they had now i
sect pests and weeds, and even Dam
ature seemed a_ainst them. The
oat now call science to their ai
griculture had betaine broadeued an
.pecaiined so education was neede
well as herd wcrk, which could ser
set aside. He touched on the al..
t aure,advancemeot et the fusser wit
as more and more taking iaietrue plat
• associates of the College
fluid be thein te aid iu the intellec
1 upbualding of those around then
J se live that their
amble, would be d.N as unto th
nim Morris, Morris, amved back hem Manitoba.
,g H. has been in the west Inc a number of
' y ! months but bas suffered from what ap-
bs*b peered to be paralysis. lir Attiring does
not give • very glowing pru.pect of the
eomiug harvest, the lack of rain did
grant damage to the crops. Thousands
of acres of grain will not beet.
Miss M. Pak.. Wingham,has tendered
her resignation w a teacher in the pub-
lic school. She was an enthusiastic, con-
scientious and successful teacher, •
talented and scholarly person of s..ciable
disp•siuuu and popular amongst her
scholars, and her departure sill oe gene-
rally regretted.
Tuesday of haat week Jame* Aitkins,
no- There is a tic war *ansa
y .end be b grim sir.
it AA'heo.ir' • 'tSeel just r:gbt
(Inc remedy be tries. sir.
0- ft's just tee thtng to take In spring
e The Wood to purify,
Hp tells his friends. and no'bine else
1s be 'minced to try
d. hec.oe,having taken Dr Pierce's Golden
d Mediad Discovery to cleanse his system,
d, tone it up. and enrich the blood, and
or finding that it always produces the de•
w. sired result, he considers that be would
be focdish to experiment with anything
e• else. His mono is, "Proves all thine•
It and holt! test to that which is rood."
I- That's why he pins his fsith t9 the
1. "Gulden Medical Discovery.
L Carts l
of many descriptions were standing on m
bath sides of the street, just where the! A
murder occurred, with room fora man to i
stand out of sight. The theory of the las
police is that the mac and women enter- i be
ed Castle Ally from Petticert lane, and 1 b
as they were poring an unoccupied build -w
log he thrust the knife into the neck be- ! A
low the ear. The woman then fell. ( w
when the murderer completed his .hast- ua
ly week. The Whitechapel district is j en
terribly excited over the occurrence, hu
hum oar own correspondent.
\\e were favored with a heavy shelter
of ram on Saturday morn,,,;(.
Raspberry picking is the favorite em- i
ployntent of these who have :velure tone •
to engage in rt.of
Quite a business is hei tg d..ne in the got
fanning implement line. as almost every
farmer is piueiding hirnse:f with new pee
implements. ,,1
iMr Alex. McKay, e n of Dr McKoy, M
; of this viilate, has arrived home from "n
Godertch. where he has been wrlttn. for 11
a second-class certificate. V. hope, ,
when results are known, :td will to time , we
of Cie sot _es.ful. .tl:'
Mew Jas Walker, of this village, was, 1e"
pre strated ran Saturday evening '.i last • 111.
1 fie , w th an attack of ..sere indispo.- tri
idem one own correspondent.
W. Jardine visited friends at B.yt
is week.
Mn Chas. Arson and two chtldren
Ilrucetield, spent last wee;: here, ib
este c•f Mrs Allen.
An imprempt 2 tiue.ihne tame of 2
tots was played •.0 31..4day eveuto
thea week, between D. Cumming and
r Thomp,an, of the Sitter*, l:aieneh
d was won by owe local chawpit,n b
pe into.
e Welkin. advertisements ler Dr Save'•
Catarrh Remedy are the thousands it
has cured.
She People's Ir
p ,,OlilYlri.
jZ Rt ►OCH LOST. -A lsde'sgnld Meech
i l ' was :flat on Stender nr .mint last between
No -'h -•t. Methodist Chtir'h and Pietfm-.t.
1 n tinder w.11 he suitably rewarded by
leeriest. it at this office. 13-2t
• i ppremire of the .ub.ariber, about the
• mirldie estate, a yeariintl steer. reddish ria
y from head to breast. anti retosinder whitish
roan. The owner is requested to ;.rove pro.
bg.eevel gqio���� ehailps and take :t as*,).
UAlt,l'HI EIL Fall. Iteterve. i'.tt
Hit TIIIKI. Tbu:.-.atur.lay 01 las
ek our townsman. !ten .filen, left f..
.cher tr.p across the Trevor octets t
more of the wonders of Great
min. This is beceining an annual
p with Ben, anti when he returns be
1 he full ..t anecdotes .. 1 his joutoiy.
H 'LLt'..r.-i tor well-known Ioal
mpteos, D. C'ummtn., desires us to
he still meet any player 4,1 quoits of
leech or Colborne ter the single -
idea champi•n*hip of this .reties.
e thatch to be a fr•eudly one and to
played on the : teenier efonnds in
tie.derich, the t;r.t laturdev in August,
in the evenipg at 11 p.m. The answer at
said challenge to be to the local papers of
e (:uderi:h I.r-x: week. (1 ;r Dusk p
N• champ:en racier neCw, down.
flu Saturday, t:th tore., • hee. Mc-
Laughlan. jr., Grey', hal lite :trot dio-
•d nee- 1, •tales for Ulla vicar.
-m. H,•rra, jr.. • f Al,..'. .\IIIb, s
rner restdete of Brunets. a renewito
.cynito•at,cw in that I'.ca:ity.
in Friday. the :eta inst., F'is.hr,h
My customers and the general public. are
hereby in'•,rtned that 1 have removed my
the cnuntry. Mrs Chi.h• int find cher i !son. which has made her besome eery , oil
new butter half aro to id pr'festog i weak, but it is pieaarog to he ahl,. to ' 1
Christian pee 11.e aid ntoralint., and I state that she is at yre.eiot becoming ells
deter sieh twit.. and 1 en, bat if they convalescent. ,sy
Mrs :McKay, of Eonbro, in the c u01 1""
can recnncii t their acts ens wall the ; t n ilei
morality of the 'enuou e n the �Iuont , of i 1xfnrd. is a! t•rese•nt el:meter her son
Or Mckay,of this source, sod her gram!- Th
we wilt be pleas. 'h. pah.,, i their state- children. The r,IJ lady, who is up he
. wards of eighty years of age. In .ks and
' feels Teets TI.r , iv, being as elastic •M
i.«,t al, toga/ of the I ,une Indies, W
1 hope folic will enjoy her sire, and
mato f.,r it length ed tame we: it (u.
The 1. 11. Lex:lee. o1 tbufl.annen and
! the N:h•, t.itned out in toll 1 arca to cel..
*nista the 12th at Wingh;o:e, 10 * very
Itrc,lit;,i•tu aid ret -ctrl, manner Tatty
retnrn•'d le meward In the emening as
respectably anc
d delr•'udy lie they wets: Iver
away in the moru:ne.-not .ane ItiatanCee
t drre.,enne.s fir d,aor.l,r._ *heel re -
went in frill. Until they do, they can-
not bet be under • deal.
Iv ?NIS :NEat cT ..i1: tui '
Those outside Raton county'vedette'
Tait Hvtogr btnxtt. aeon: 1 ire careful
to keet, tlomad0ss peel 1- *n.1 s far lei
advance M peaalble. 11'l:ere the same
is f 1ln1Jtse we dislike t•. r_••rre 11 oil.
Hun :reds of dollars 1,1111 not maleic and
..'.item« the a,esty of Huron, for sub-
actipn,m.: dvertisine and j its weak, enol
we eh .este1 have then ri.;ht ori. We
have eo..ru.• Di paper bili. t.• inert fear a
town hes Godertch. Al's toad every
dollar title we. Lew1k at the label ed
your paper, and if y .-i are In arrest. for,
ward „• the money at once. If live re•
ter v ori ■ceonnt from us for prig.* lir
adtettfame rcuwmher that • ur!erliegen
•'cash eon bras"atatto:l of weenie We
Mb for rhe :mewl owed its in•iauss it
bleues t., u., and hal n . right to he in
the bt-r elo.e p .k'•t. of o••r debtors.
Deet wait to be dunned, bet if you
reeve se cmn. aeon. s• "nee We wean
othistery payments most hiuh:y, fe,r in
Ai§ nee ss in all others, ".,rte eieneteer
h w,r:h more thin a .1 ztn p-ened
fineries very Meeh t.. the ensile eat the
t Inter (?ugh111 a material trance fr..w
rant+o su%
tar p.elou.'er train throatier, Mr Tit. s
begley, ht eruct to do h'. wet ; t.e:0
e.Mtaa i• drat lite Morsetdcteutiy, III
t b sive •thxrengh aae.fscto.a to those
Who Mg patr.oixa him, use !t•uaht t
Etat-elms• ottani eetin.. of the &rest
pattern. Me h..pe•, thsrnt..re, tl•tt ht,-.
111g rite•a sat .11 in ins ;'est he will
ate; merit lee petnetiue of .il s'. nitre
bitherw termed Will.
1! It with regrtst that we }'ir•
e t o 1,Mate
that Mrs Jas. 31.11ough, vete .1 Jas.
Jf.atlourh ' 1 .tahtield, near Domesi3,.n,
li t--rr•.rl'II i' I.I. ton :.-i.e t , 1,. *,00 to
stats in the nese future that ohs t. ,re -
.bort not:. !1r Msl!'tugh, sof trlan*telt,
Iota dutiwg the past andaiued . alt. a
sores•..cert... h*v.eg ' ..t t•••' hn..
aiu.hle iter., ae ala., a ray', Ha hos
the sytu:••thy et the eemntun ty in hie
lessee and ir•luble.
Jere., danghfer .•f Hoe') ane Afloa'rlDA
11 twit. 11: a con , horn., (bei r.' her pn•-
rv.lar!y and nttezpectraiy'. She h
t ruling v..ith dielentis for warns time
est lied been .'tale to mote abets* .tad thea
:a flroseels eta Ite.ml.b,repv�tll�►itnestlleg
the g'ioes v:Nt.laOW 44 rrw..'/li.i1'
.1.1 an, fele tete • tde4P 05 Itoeoaeeinus
e nnditinu. neto4 shIslt e'te trniloi grit be .
�t..ute.t, dowt a fioih.at'w .:.irtscthat-Tn.-
hat-Tn.-nit. aa. w4 iii her 1: th year alai isms
a pr.rnteitteg " j .nonan. "Ph* teemed •
on PION lay aitrru:ont ': a.:arlely stud•
1 .
Ani, r:3N SALES. -.T
enthtrn 7.; i; t ,Z
ehavins parlor trf►wa
mast 10 .t. 3.turdo:k', Ph.-41
ptoontrhem IIwmrt►,•
1 walbisl•r•'ptrrd toatfroe,1-ismo
all busisesa in
m; liar. Fantee-ut.- pd.arlor. easy chairs, and good
wok guar
12C.n ,,. IL L WESTON.
Tenders will he reeeieed l,y the underaigtaed
0 norm of ti,.• 22nd irist*nt in.Arked ren
drrs tar a 'arch, for the h, Mg's. of a ehnrch.
of the rlwr.-n of I;agtaad is t'aaedieti lite ril-
la.n'ot 1'o -t .Albert. flans aa•t •'« Il.ntioes
an he teen at the ptronage. Itontrannon.
from the Rev. James Carrie.
Th.-,omrnittec du not bind themselves to
accept the townie or ani tender.
•tet-. H.lildiag Committee.
Port Albert. tad July. iota of et
The revis.'1 St*tntp.' 1')'atarin '•1 Victoria.
IRaO. bare been laver. ed hr rhe+ 'tnden,iwwrd,
red esu mow ready rite distribution to ga:a-
de.l J u.:1. es of the Peace anti other persons
entitled to for *aloe.
Colored Mullins 5 cents per yard, Worth lOcta.
6inghame 6 tante per yard, Worth lUcta.
Chea Seph,rea 13;centa per yard, Worth 35cte,
8eeraackre, Just Opened - - 6 cents per Iard,
Inspection, Inited.
Jerdaab Block, (iodertck. July all, tars.
Last week George Dobeor arrived is - Legal.
Ethel for his Irma vacation fm Wayne'',Simeoe CO. He says the crops in that
section are doing well and to prose it 1.e
brought samples of fall wheat and bar-
ley with him. The former measured h
feet 6 incises.
Eighth deesbelow the Posstt O0fo S.
(aoriaatca. 11126•17
Oas and Vitalised Air administered for
painbmextraa ttag of teeth. Special Woggles
riven to the preiervatbn of the Natural
Ogtlee-Up stun. Greed Open House Block.
Entrance ou West -St.. Goderieb. flGl-lis
Payslclaas Surgeon., Acoouchers. ata
office at Dr. Shannon's residence rear the
gaol Ooderirb O. C. b.axscux. J. R. Seaw-
aox. 1731
Loans ant) 3nlurance.
Conveyancer. Insurance. -pate aad General
Mosey to Lend .t Low Rates and Coat.
Fltrmers' shotes Discounted.
Or-etcs-Next to (*otaelns furniture SIAM
Gedt-rk h. 2188-tt
ReM•ee•t►ng North British k Mercantile •
Ltr rpool. London M Globe; Norwich Union:
North American Life : and Accident Laser- i
twee of North America.
Lowest Rates. !.eases settled promptly
Money to Lova on Farm and Town Property
Ceareyeaciag doter. Property valuer!. rt,
01111e* -Cor. North-st. and Square. Gedericb'
To lent on farm and town property, at tow
est interest. Mortgage. purehaaad. No rota
mission charged agent for the ['nog and loan
Company of Canada, the Canada Landed
Credit Company, the London Loan Company 11
of Canada. Interest. 6. of and 7 per cent.
N. H.- Borrowers can obtain money 1n
day, if t ate etisartor}..
Barristers. dc.. ooderich
_.'"0500,001:1 TO LOAN. .APPLY TO ,
rich. 174
.01. amount d Private Rands Inc nreetmen
st lowest rates ea "rst-claae Mortgages Apply .
Only Frew -class Companies Repre,eafed
tar Money to Lend on straight loans. at the
10'1441 rate of Interest golag, la any way to
suit 1t, oorrower.
Gfr OFFICE -Neco.3 door from Sinus
Kest Rrreet %dovish. 110(.-11 0
riser, Solicitor in High Court. Convey
saver. Ooderich and ►ly Held. Iia} field ot-
floe open Thursdays from to to 4. Mone to
loan at M par cont. 2116-
C. 11AY8, SOLICIrot:, Ac.
Office. corner a< Sgtmre rad Well
Merl. Ooderleb. over telegraph edicts.
rate Funds to lend at et per vent. i
MISTERS Attorneys, Solicitors, -
0ederlcb J. T. Darrow. A W. Proudfwot, 17
vv barristers. Solicitors le Mowerryy, to
3ederieh. M. C. Cameros. Q.I� P. Holt. M.
0. Cameros. C C. Ross. 1.31 -
Tor Salt Or t0 ret.
l offer for Pale the
being: v desirable consisting of lbw
7th otia-
Toros wnaab,p� of ColBlock borne, o the
County of Hurn. This farm is sinal
ed It miles troy Golerote and 1ii
mikes from Carlow. on the Main brave!
Resd. There is a good frame house. li-
stoeeye 'almost new, Its by 3e, containing 7
rooms : a lame tarn. to by te, with cattle
shed. 12 by 14, attached. and one of the float
orchards in the township. It is watered b
a serer -(ailing epriag creek and a road welL
About I10scree cleared and tree from scoops.
There u no waste laud of any kind on the
place. Good scbool within !0 rods of the
Will be sold oa nameable tons.
For terms and farther ppsrtieulan apply to
Profir ` JOSEPH McEioW g Godertcb.
oe the iremusem
About two minutes walk from the Square.
Two stories bl brick addition in the rear
ii stories high. building covered with slat.•
Slain building jus 3 large rournson first Sat,
spN stn there are O large mews. In the rear
addition them are kitchen. nanny. washroom.
I' tarn, girls room and bathroom. A:so good
cellar. Apply to the undersigned, who will
give allfnevwaary informalite,
Lot 6771 --ed Oodemiei, Apply to.
CHEAP SC 31f6 Elgin steres and 193
(Quebec street. Aliso one photon, a one -hone
sleigh& oda set of Slagle harpers. . A Pell to
Jr FOR SALK - Lot in Maitland Con
Colborne. 112 nree--a very tine farm.
3(M&. Lot E.t, In 1st on. E. U. Ashfield
30 acres. _price Site. lots L: and ll Pi he ('o.
Kialees,$ruce tPunt,. 11/3 awes. N ill be.old
very ebeap,Lo.., 13 (Rand WI of 1.. in the 9th
case Waw•aireeb. Sts► acres of eterilent hand in
owe block. Price $1.1..0,. Let 73 !lel ',Newell's
Survey. Town Lot 1%, time, off Gtdench. one Light Hoose
street, with brick house and stable. Price
only 35(D. Lots 977, 978. 11N; and pt. 1014
Town of Godenc4 nearly -Ih of an acre in
sae block within the b sinean part of the
town. Price only 5000. The :107-p proper -
les .111 bis Wld pia easy terms of paywcni.
Apply to
c. N.H. --Money to lead et sem ow raterilvlj
• That knoll,. as iot 103,
Maitland s'-ocalas cr1.b to nslwithin epi
on ed G«Irate h. On 11,4 farm are a large
marl. good frame house and ktteh.n, with
stone cellar. and frame tarn and c abler: cone.
- prism 73 aeras.. well watered. For further
Legal Notices. nartacelars applyto unto MEN:Mtn" the prem.
tL_ -_
TOWN and Vtl.Ln(nE 1•ltuPKitrlka.
Politic Au •tion and Tender, at the Court
House. in the town of Weiland, at cleave
o'clock a.m.. on the a°
arra OP' at.rc:3-va2, r rJ
The Parcels of Land hereinafter referred
to and nunihered (Joe. Two. Three, Your,
Five, Sic and Seven. Psr,.els 4 and L will he
sold*. Martin'. 11ae1. G'dereh, on the lith
day air August hest. at 12 o'clock. noon.
PAR( EL 1-('ompns,vl of part of lot
Eleven, C(awas.4eo 4. Tnw.sschip of Nenit%
L PA I f R.1 1 li('itt 4'It" trl (bncr•."sinn 1,
Townet.ip of W illfngghby, (•onety of Welland,
cnutatnng SO acv S.
1 1'APr}r.3 Tt.,Sonthpart of Lnt!ttnc.ir
the "nth Cnnrea.doe. amt the fart of
1, 4 f tee. I.onrth 1 •IM, r,iie.n, Township of
1 Walnfleet, Comity of Welland. 97 at no.
I',\r(CFj. 1 I.u' 50. on Fraser street. Town
M t rliaM.
PARCEL The Feet 'tall of Bretton T
Township 2. Runge 3. East Masittlba, Iii
I'Ai'.l'El. e- Tho West Milta/ootles 19.
Township ll Range 1. East !Namable A•0
stn ..
fAIDJF:L 7 Tt r We.t Half M Sec,imi 21,
Tuwn.hlp 11. Ii,inge 12. E..' is' Mention'. 33.0
at ars.
l'ARc'RI, s Tips number. IA. 11. 17. 13 mod
r. in 31ite...1On sot re). en Ire t'titage of
!turd. tet,. • aunty 01 Hnrfot.
P 4IU Kl, 9 Lou ' A' Nd "Tr fn Bridge
End :'.car.•, known at R>.Itlord. Township of
t:alauwn., Count/ M emote at.iaernt to
Goner! h. Ti.- n•iilding* eontpr,,.• what as
known aw "The Tanntaet!rryy
Tenders wilt be rrt>rlvpd by the raid Master
ftp to road inrl:..nr of the 10t3. dad of
A•igit•t n• *t, fans T'nn-r a i, it..nd :. and should
the -a.m. ens any Psv.-,•l therrafremaiw 'm.e,ld
J diRrrawt pars of °Merlon from 1 aeras
ap 7 acre,. in area. and .^. dwelling notote•a Ar;
a T11(18. W LATIILILt .D. n;l-I'
SALE. -The honer has nine rooms, al
hath room. pantry e•leae1* cellar. woa,d-
eins allfand 'kir.'I N/fruit. .fir,, 1:50 •cre+uof
land in Mendota' for wan or in pub/mice for
lana pr'uperty.b K M. KNIGHT. Goderteh.
:ft A LEWik.
C.erk of the Pear. Hornn.
G,?erich.Jdy le h• ern. Hon
\Tt 11101, TV IX)NTI{ACTI/t{1t
t eontra.t wilt bis tet a' Ilnimesrtlle brill
(i.eJ.-rich Townslisi,fla elun'tay. 11.1204. y
of Jn'T. prr.nnr year, a' ane orloek 1'.N..
for let:i the huiuling e; • t.ridr;e *h.�nt tine
Y ltd?e/ Mn! In wear pia, •,. flea and
ap»elll al eel will oc given ow the grounds at
the t, a• or lutt,t the /ow'•,e. t
11-t11 JOOHN INIX. Serra
3114. Addr•ea will vire i__c..• en The
piano rot a Lus.iel muo►ene of peplre et her
1t .car A . ,A Or err reed•
n'..drnre tit ' , ,
ler of pt.l.il.. 1.0111s. '. a.n.ahee. Yes
13.`11 g*i nl'..etp, rimae «• n
e,o,.A i tee „•r. site fret'
Mhtfactery !unite.. same
Alt pieties •retr,g'l' it «,:. 1, 11. t.r1:i-'4 at
t1• a nevi•'•• w,l/ ger a tr•r •hots • tnM•s..t ea
rote : h•• MIN.. sees.
esterase, . niy ^Ii tq r r,-, serial
*sir N h"oetrar t f'rnr••nr. at Nee ear.
tem rooms (.lea t► Na „y
c'mmoisibt g et 1 A ' .t f' \[ti[,rg-
ate, proprietor , J„'la K.toz, •ueti,nver.
This ear kites. n M 1 t., '- ler bmf ell Na breis
refined sn•' rrdnttng lis peatsi�ss
net I. lin • r Ora'„e1 to ,l '
seer -,:Araban fnr 1"r'I-'i r. it R•',t k, se-
a. eon.. ,,.d.1, . M:.tmr inc..'.. 'ion/
n f..r'wnieMMf Kar•.... •
The them. Oo•ten •h. Ont. CR
tam some w 111 1w.oEereil ter sole at the name
sod pia..•» sllote.trn, rie
ltftrh Part to Ins sal eee.n to a rraos•r -rel 144 I jT
N be lard by M« 1 ,.f ,•r, r l
uT Eli 31-s. 10 per .e..t. (, f porthole- re one y Is , Rot
lawh, ..r by merged , loam, et time ,n .aIp or
trnl••r. In Ito IfeN.t. tit iSlsuwr to be told
into t e ..rt to that red hi. :nature
Tt .. a ,m teth.m 01 Tat. a -e t•e st.nd.ng 1 At
tesditt"ne o' the f'ourt.
�.k.r hlrher pejiu-ula••7 .:ply 10 Mesart.
dd•s•. (( ron,
Mr Andrew .P I •.n.. Bars*
tarty I *eams: Mee e, Games, R Mwsdasra,1
Hite dee.. i teh • or to , .. 1►Il.abss.•1 )f
rAI tlllst b J T t rr.}oi's etnL�lor. gr.
s esti half of IM Mk Arthur Street. with
college thereon.
Rt it of wo Ltrr... 191, Le.:, 244, 215. Elgin
Pones. St. Andrew. tt Ord.
131. toe carr of Huron and Hritatnei* Bate,!.
1"rams 1{ story boom esu Kea). Street, lot
and holt had.
/*errs! lots In Ile ed'a Surrey. opposite mea
Show Groans, viz. :
Nos 21, W. 26. 30. 5., 31, 14, 04. All
Ali the above at LOW ItAT11:x!-
Al ply to
02 tf UtVisON St JOHNPTON.
TtoNssit and land re:-tatnr. Gederieh
flint, lasing had Ion.irlera1Hp eal•erienoe h
Alb aurtlencrrtnsg trade, he la in a poaltion
hmrwe• with ttneo, rh wttsfactInn all four
mislon. rn;r.5f.d t.. him, ifl Ier's left at
Martina Hcttel, or. -t t by mail', my.4fir���eM%�
li"d.•ricl P. O„ earstut!y attends, 'n, -WILY
KNOX Cnwotr Ano-tie.eee, i*t,
ODElertfh 1[1CfIANICS' i1fM''
.►A/. ow. of fret Street and Squat. tea
OM from I to 0 ass.. snit from r to 10 p.m
it)(iT 2000 \'0L ll IN LIBRARY
Leading /illi/(ter frcei'ry ngd IIIA(rfrrtted
raper., r., 1/0pritl..*. •f''• i /'t1j }'I'Jr•
FMBCk:u1111' TJcKi• T. OA;{, ,p1.00,
sang free gee o i.jbsery and Helene'
nMt-*tlfln for wvemtrv,srtp t reedited by
Parton. in morns
24A1,(Gld�tsax, GEO. HTiVAAa,
Pr...! t 000rt•tary
. p. moleeiLeteee Ta al $rotor A
(if lee Anpgeaikeslt t ( JaFo- (matte et In
• S.
Vender's Sotinllor 0
sdertch, March Ill;. see
Owing to
Of our Store i
of Superiorit3
rock. One T
Best. We ha
we put the fa
on the same
Hosiery all t
true in every
try to get son
When a pan
And pants f
He panteth
Himself in a
temarkable 1
G LA!rw •la
Da J. M. McLsou, I
Dear teir,-You to
much I rained in w
y aur medicine, McLe
gator. The time i
lice I weighed 11
weigh 143.gaintng jos
uses that eu11 you ! 1!
De J. M. McLrou, G
Dear Sir, -I am sal
lamed eye. cause.!
5Irs F. desires me to
,ntdielnee. (In. of ht
,t all well, mennorrh'
The above was anew•
sent 29th January, 18
St itIATLANP, N. D., t
Dear Old Friend -
'ending the needed no
needy time. 1 hey
work and performed w
•emmended to peri
''stem Renovator sen
' I think you are d
radii than has ever he
tour genius. Mrs F
=e Il --accept their the
w wail. My eye het
',Hy after your letter
• ,et ors here were us
nate of capper, sum
ard, mcruh.aulpn., 11n
s.I to no purpose. 13
'McLeod would not see
,em blamed n ...o I
rite. 1 tender you est
r what you revenues/1
1 ours
ern our own trorettantlnd
W• are le•rry V. say t
l.milton is very all ft;,
Mrs McKenzie, of 1
ci.nn,n,ef Le.nhabh,
cKenzie a flying visit
re McKay and 1) i
.'s ('•,rn'rr. .hent a
lc vatting funds in
Mr John eN. Mckiul z
!1. brother, 1). Ili WI
ri•it the other evening
Mr Malcolm McLent
law uil•bWl named''L
s a credit to all exaeyei
Y, a are glad to my th
emotive "he ham bees
r ncq to Imprnvmr.
Mrs Ch.a, C'eoke if tl
Cliff, of Intc
know ie I
•skeet 31re Mecisme
Tear air' to a
rake tine by the f.
• ,•ping, h.I ,.y cough 111
ere .o msiy C.nalon
lett yon ; heel la, 11mr
•le • t the et?, -1
Lung •ad Soineihepl I
Rtnwl.n.n •) ant Liver
phosphite. 1t will mor
all dreiai te, at &Oe to 1