HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-19, Page 3A
...:af••wt tele omelets lowayswtv.ume.wNli•
1. for Ow •dl.eyy of sew
tL -+ere.
. . rnn..a
.t have botany eappromed
Iiia .1,.,.-,,, ,-, •, •,h lasLasers.
Wary 1t .u•.r .i .seal bare been rind la
U'•• .,: u., ...e ,..0 t too a. Act.
-- r1 .,,.o.e.y will receive ties IOW
I«et .. A...:,,.;ten deputation.
. •« a •.,.. r 841e.i .4 the Ryerson Ilebnd
in a .:ut.t•.., w•-+ aril Thursday.
p.o.e., were made very ill •t
tar aL w..y bay peak. 1.y the pokeweed ed toe
.l. Mi.....1 Devitt declares that he wW
De. et agent outer the Parcell Commission
Th. •team'nat requirements ca theft.
Iwwret..>. cru 4o be adored to the letter
lou )oar.
Th. Carnegie Steel Works are being pra-
t wool by 1W Poikertou serm ad lOOsperM
. artehlea.
Thu strike among the Liverpool sailors
has collapsed, toe coo accepeieg the terms
al the employers.
Troops have bees ordered to F.gym from
Malta to assist Co' I. Wodebomss in his chase
d the Dervish,&
The look -out to the Clyde shipyards has
hese withdrawn, the Seeable loving bees
Port Arthur voted to grant • t2.S,000
Imam to the Poet Arthur, Duluth and Wes-
tern railway.
It is reported that young women are beimg
armed by President Legions, of Hayti, sad
plod is the ranks
The expenditures to date for relief u the
Cis.om•sgb Valley, Johnstown and vicinity
a jgregab $1,700,000.
Sarah Jackson has jeer did at Wi.deor,
Ont, at the great age at 100 yowl. She
left a daughter 62 years old.
Rev. Abbe Bois, cure of M..kd.o.ge,
Quo. , sad • ppiroonm• t member of the Royal
Society of is dead
Tl'm. R'eddingto5 (colored), was hanged
N Charlotte. N C., for the murder of
Policeman Jew. Pierce, of Mauve.
• Th. Egyptian troop. ander Col. Wods-
louse have occupied Abu -Sibs pees and
*hooked the.. rd of the Uerviahea Then died recently, at Tiverton. a
Emprsn Augusta Victoria has become hone with • biatory. That
ao..ert d to the Roman Catholic Church, horse was the great and only war -
and has made • profession .d her faith. l.,rae, ().d Samson, an suimai which baa
Mr. Parboil says a ten•.a' defence fund tilled a larger su•oe iu the public eye
or promotion against the landlords' synth- c hes any utber horse in Brum county.
d.tewW be torsed by the Irish party. Other Sammons have arisen but sone to
' The alien labor law is being enforced compare with the illustrious sire.
�pt.atemw pioyof the wrdina camping lac- When Samson tiro became notorious, he
yoriss near the New Brunswick border. was owned by Itr Lambert, of Ripley.
I Bol J. J. C. Abbott ►•s sailed on moos- He was then disposed of to Mr Donald
mission to Australia and New Zealand to Clark, of Teeswater, sad two veers ago
1mrtber Canadian trade relations 01 those was perches* dby Mr'Cbarle. McFady.n,
aot.friga of the boundary. He .ever suceseded
Gen- Bomlaager presided at a isle sad to killing anyone, not, however,
ba.gaet given by the French colony in Lon- through lack of endeavors. Maav years
dos at the Alexandria palace on Friday ago he tackled bit groom in an Under -
!wood stable, and used him up badly
The St. Paul, Mianeapolfa & Manitoba with his teeth. A wlet down
for ba' y Company is said t.. be behind the rope
s:beding • road between Dnluth:from the k,ft, looped around his neck,
.ad Manitoba Iseteral persona hauled on tba rope,
The mayor of Ciacineati has ordered t�.n.hile others extracted the unfortunate
police to enforce the Sunday law tfotn. Pref. Brwb, • noted horse
nommen labor. Street car and a,•t trainer, advertised to handle S&uaoa iu
men are not included. Tiverton and make him as gentle as •
Evidence on Saturday beton the In lamb. He succeeded admirably for a
State Commerce Committee at Chi time hot while the spectators were prau-
was in favor of bringing Canadian ins the prcfese or'• skill, Old S•m.:on,
ander the Inter -State Act with one of tbues t.rrifie roars. seined
Oo Friday morning • fire broke oat falthe professor, who was with difficulty
Jacksonville, Oregon, gaol, and before rescued. Others, too, hare had navel -
cells could be reached the three prisoners hats esoepos from this fiery animal.
confinement `erre suffocated. But Old Samson is now no mote. While
There is said to be • scheme by which in Mr John Sheen,'s stable he was .t-
Fritish wpitalisa will try w gain con tacked with acute inflammation of the
of the larger mills 0f Minneapolis and cons- bowels Dr Evans was mot fur bot no
Lina them into a larger corporation. skill could ears him_, per see/mi boars
Dr. McGregor. the English agent in N before he died he tem in s a.mY_.• hen-
Gtaiwati b asosdsd Mount Owes Stanley, dation, as quiet as an ordinary horse,aud
the treat peak to the ,Waning, .ad
meaal+sd sp•oimw d w plasia sad birda'rotbinq —ant even the pleasure of grasp-
. 11 w reported then Mr. Gladetooe ,ti • human hers in bis serteetti could
Mr. M bay. approved of the Tenant' stir nn the ember of his former tires,
Wenn !'wages., which will be foretell
'La.ohed ata meeting to bs held in Du Sive Than • Aimee.
"Me weal waii • Res. W eek°
Whew • great heinous, homey d w.ejd-
''`au bee horesesp, leis jot•
tag..re..4 lenientr reappointment. Susie
is imagining its oertides s .1
lear.rtt.e te me goud., emelt .Mien 1ur-
.ishee the hest p•teesbl..riJem.s theist
t►g products are Diehard w w jest when
daily are represeetd to be. tj••b O7•-
tldsssee sew tie pert of uthieufacturese ed
venders sattar.11y begat woolliness in
pu,ehosei s, sod keno. it Is that there
Rae grown to b., .11 over this Brest
weeny, son an umpressdeeted deemed
fur sled mob tmplswt eosldusoe is that
.must Wpm srliver,bltit.d a*J leer remedy
ammo se Dr Pteres'. Guides Medical
1)tasoverT, M ou other aKedlaue ben
ever before met with. It is sold by
Jrvegiste, under a panties yearen4..e
from the mneeLse mren, that it will
either benefit or sure se every can of
damn for which it is reoumm.nd.d, or
he .u.rt.y paid for it will bo promptly
efult.ld. It is usnefsctersd by the
world'. Dispensary Medico' Amooi.cioa,
4 Bufhlo, K. Y., • well known and
Snarta•lly solid business onrporatiou.
No other responsible neseutaoturets of
• edieiues hare pus their remedies to
,tree severe tests .s to warrant them to
Live ssu•tacuuu, or refund the money
mid for them. "Gulden Medical Des-
.wvery" cores "liver s.mpl•tut," or ha -
lumens..., indigestion mud dyspepsia, all
bunion .r/ bl..od abut., skits dimmer.
'enafolous sons •ad tumors sad pul-
monary cuu.umptioo (which is only
orulul& of the lunge) if taken en time
and ge.-en a 1.11 trial. Cbrouic ostarrh
in tb• head, bruocbitis and throat dime
we, are also cured by this most wet.der-
ul bloxod•purihsr sou invigorating tumid.
Ear fever a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptott.. It is attended ty an
•utlamed condition . f the Roue mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
hn.at. ■ffecuug the lungs. Au acrid
•tiva.oa u.ecreted,the diseh&rgeuara:m-
panied with • burning eerteatiun. There
.re severe &poems of eneesiug, fr«tneut
attacks of headache, watery and ioflam-
d eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is • reme-
.ly that mats be depended upon. :Mete.
at drugrrivta ; by email, registered, OOot&
Ely Brother. , Druggists, Owegs., New
York. lv
The Parrs Journal dee Debate says tie
a• ientteeof the High Court recon.mends
Shot %Meager, Dillon and Rochefort be ar-
ganged oa the charge a oonapiring against
the Settee.
The Ne w York Times says Postmann
Osssral R a.•otaker bas fixed the rate to be
gpaid for the Goverment% telegraphic de-
IpatnAes at one mill per word, instead of an.
sent us heretofore.
The Leedom Germane fear that at tie
emoting Matto London of Emperor William
his rw.Ptice will be outshoots by the
"dribeir while the Shah was them.
Rev. Felber Wbsen's champs to any
me to prove that the Joliette emelt that the
and justifies the means has been takes ap
and a Board of Arbitrator Is bang ap-
An English .yndicate intends oorrggaannidag
a company with a capitol of I140,000,000 to
e apply cheap gas to obs United States. In
the Old World gin ma be made for ants
per 1,000feet, while to the Stow the people
pay Com gl to 02 per thousand.
Coact Waldemar von Blumenthal,
Berlin, and Lady Actee, who was stay'
with Mende seer Munich, who were
lit earrings, recently bad • quarrel, w
011 she drowsed herself. He blew oat
The Pope bus ewter.sd tha.b to
seniors of the address eget Nm teem
oa the oessroa d the Quashes demssuhNie.,
n woeinted tie movement ter 0 b d
At ahoilliCls, Ind., Chris, SuMhu,
e hi
Mollie O.rvisb refusal ere
m mash k .b ad, weal i
how Tuesday eight gad ettesked her
go won 1s bed, with • banked,
lbs .4
Wel r*wher Aattl ..�
�• had ,ff.ere.d ►.r eighth b for
bid pp of marrying Settles, beet they
That is to say, your longs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very won-
derful m,tchinery it is hot only the
larger sir passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading from
R ben these are clogged and chocked
with matter which ought not to be there
,your longs cennct hall do then work.
e And what they do, they cannot do
Call it onld, oough, croup, pmenmonia,
•oat&rrh, consumption or •n of the
family of throat and noand head and
long obstructions, all ere bad. All
ought to be got rid of. There is jest
'one sure way to get nd of thee,. that
'i. take Roschee's German Syrup, which
any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a
!bottle. Even if everythng else has
Ifailed you. you may depend anon this
for certain. eowly
Ikea weJOse 01Ms.
Larson,July 11 grieves ever
obs Quesmdoubles SMM Si*ty..1
Primers Loeb, d L. Wake esti Ise Vine le
ID take plow 1r lh. dispel .f Beek1gb.m
lbiw--a shard tee smell b awteia .
rightteeth pert 1 bb ellet 1k Shit they
here eithen par
eerier 'era peseiy rbe hes Wasfb re LPN
suety eft elven 01wise. Lend Dile
01 `belie • dlawdeef .rams► s,y
1.,. skirted • wear's I mbootp ge M
.sub 1w • dbwatil to dais est
tum tie•• rg0h LiQdnat w dmsst
tree msmwwus hobs ewesM the
unless/. Ik fit e. tetra th re the r0
tired M b ksek. Am Nam �~
Rev J. T. Linear preseh.d his fare-
well sermon in Ethel os Benday of last
west. Mr L.are.r is • fearless and toe-
nails expounder of obs word of God and
will be missed as • friend and minister.
Oa Thursday he. Mn Linear and son re-
moved to Darden'. W. wish them
abundant .5.,..•.
• Ms metseees.
For wiener oomplai.ts end diarrhoea
I eon truly recommend Dr Powtsr'e Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry, as 1 have seed
it in my family with greet seen= sad
would not be wttbost it. Jobs B Bev -
sea. Grimsby, Ont. Mover travel with -
Wet it
iia amines own.
Thew i1.. ink el se-Wi.d semen for
ammo. ttilm.me kers a stere&
v.g.tsbls, wiled, emit mlswsl king
dem* hese bees reuse k.d ter !Weft L
b . okapis testier to nlmsve ewes wNh-
paia,for it you will gob sq is Let
.sdieiso denier sod boy • bolsi. of
Pu.a.'s Parolees Owe Esn.gg.r std
y N or dimmed the this/ le dila,.
••Peta.m'y" mad he other.
Thee wow t_j I . 4 in 11a[Irinp far
bat eh ..mike 10 111th., 90 chew
sod 41 meieiagss. The member el mer.
ria fe eases te be eat at ria pseperties
le the loam sod da lb.. NMI OM nos
me et MaLdit p Mogi They
fou alar 4
wrwebbilm. mealemene.
The devil speaks for • men u • pas-
Love soy lire as age it Fo. do gut
raaer7 11.
Every woman i& Ivo is some keen 01
her Idle.
The ire of jealousy burns with very
little tad.
O• what .trains sulitdoe every separ-
ate soul dwells.
M.., mods lead to Lippman besides
the one we take.
L takes two to tell • he—oats to speak
&d one to listen.
A husband's tams is a far bigger shield
than • father's
Truth me be utetragad Klemm Klemrails
as 'rosily as by epesoi
To the spider the web us as gauge as to
the .bale the whole wide sea.
Woman t. never too a.tgry to be with-
out • mouthful of sweet words.
Wbsm girls are old minuet for • lover
y ars • mMa► for soy gray head.
A man that gets the woman hs wants
very seldom gets any other good thing.
A daughter is • little white Iamb in
the household to teeth utas to bs gentle-
A woman is not to be counted your
own until you have her inside a wilding•
Eventful days aro the results which
months, years. psrchanoe oentorte., hale
made possible.
Who u free 1 The man who masters
his own self. Who is powerful 1 He
who tan twutnsl his passions.
The future dose not come from Wiwi,
to meet us, but comes streaming up
from bebtuu, over oar heads.
AU these inconveniences are incident
to love : reproaches. )eatouales, quarrnb,
re0000ilem.ots, war, and then peace.
All p'easure most be bougnt at t1•
price of pain. The true pay the pnce
before they enjoy it ; the false after
they enjoy it.
As there are in creation invisible
bonds that do not break like mortal
bonds, so also there is correspondents
.ubst.ting between souls, despite the
separation of distance.
Mere Tremble Nay be Reaserysd,
if you du not heed the warnings of na-
ture and at mhos pay attention to tbs
maintainsoce of your health. How often
we see • person put off trout day to day
the purchase of • medicine which if pro-
cured at the ouatart of a disease would
have remedied tt almost immediately.
Now if Johnston's Tunic Liter Pills had
been taken when :he first ameasineee
made its appearance the illness would
have been "nipped int the bud." John-
son's Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills are
decidedly the beat medicine on the mar-
ket for general tonic and invigorating
ptspertles. Pills 25c. ter bottle. Bitters
50 cents and $1 per bottle, sold by
Goode the druggist, Albiuu block, sole
Alt Langdale has gone to Kemple,
Grey county, haring completed has term
of tpprentsoeshep with W T Hunter, tf
Csmamm/siem surety Corey.
To Tae EDITOR :—Please inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. By its timely
sus thousands of hopeless cause have
boon permanently cured. 1 .hall be glad
to seud two bottles of my remedy free
to any of your readers who have oon-
sumptiom, if they will send me their ins
poses and P. O. address&
Respectfully, Da. T. A. Stocvtt.
✓ 37 Yong* St., Toronto, Ont.
...r a antsy
Ras .o rtes is heyitsryg{ se•diwr, but
try tet greee Biding ant Liter resale -
tor, made by De. Chas., .ether of
Ohw'e aw..ips.. Tory 0►.so'. I.i..r
Core fur all dime..• et the Liver. Kid
ds+e 8.4111.406teell
..b d Bowel. butd by a
1edegreasing wlewss so ofte..►-
..rred in young girls and wo.te.. is dem
is • west measure to • I.ot of the rd
eorpusolas to the blood. To rem.dy
this requires • media.o whiob produces
chase necessary little blood .oestituesb,
mod the best yet discovered is Johnson's
Tornio Bitter& Priem 60 .mote, and •1
per bettle'at (:sol.s droit store, Alb/uu
Nock. (1udernnb. Sole eget. [bj
Resawee awn Rswawnia.—The stock
oaf stationery, ionedtmg mote, biter and
$souentpp•pers, envelopes, and is two,
all of printing papers lies just
been replwot.hed at Tas BtuwaL. A. -
other large lot to arrive to a ley or two
and more to follow. If yoe went some-
thing neat .ad business oke se Oise
stationery, Wall If you want a oared or
clroular ponied iu the latest style, cell
.t TEs lltuwai. noun penning how,
North St.
The rites and ceremonies of M•ahau,.
'oedeoum are observed hr the eleven
Huud.om .4 the, faith who bee* just
reached Now York.
The Mem ameseesfel =smadr .vs* tilos,.
,.red, a. It b serrata la Its eilsaas ata Sons
ss blister. al moot sib o..
Owns ala ens, 4. amus )y
Clanks= Bar am Therms time Nes
k R
J. Ca.
W+.. iso. i tm1
Dere �: I Maw sus
=the host on4=F-I have newt U
amy mem tor throe yews.
Yue" Intl. comas. anima
211061//M11. N. T., Nemeabse i w
Dear reals : t dumb, a else lmed your setssvllmoul,l ergood may
It n
jelassfo re"
�.vl..,orr. found 0 • wire sewn .ors
.W r.rrmuswid 010.11raomra
r,wrs tsvb A. k. Orr...ar.
kaI s.•r Tror Laundry 5.14...
![mber iewOomomD• Dean.
SM. L.
.ass: 1 ten at .l'dory r slat I bow So
Kendalseasels cure. that
owes !hays ass nameIItee�ine amteW wnHea
osdDime e1 thedYMteae. I bans namelost a cue or any Mad.
Toss truly, Lansaw Troia
Rene Dortor.
Pros 51 par ,gals, tor ns bottles twat. An Dime.
ria. bare It or can pot.c g you. or a clo-
tosse aDe. address . e p ass pirt�owbers! PKI tF—
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
ro nage.
Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
me P !2 Ia
i =
�a to
s 4.11';-; s a:
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C$ • o �s
g o '1
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iiBge2-�g u sl '2
A giEa3 8 g
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r C� is :G a.. �Q b
p_ $ 5
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L. I
.5 i
:b _3
t-'' Q -•
r8 0
E. g
o- 3a
Feed onions, raw, boiled or baked, to
the chil'reo, three or tour times • week,
and they'll grow up healthy and •troeg.
No worms, no ecerlstina, no diphtheria,
where children eat plenty of onions
every day.
mere Remarkable Nut.
Found at ;set, what the true pablie
has been looking for these many years
and that is • medioite which although
bet lately introduced, has made tor
itself a reputation aeeond to none, the
medicine is Johnaot's Tonic Bitten
which in conjunction with Johnson's
Tosbo Liver Pills has performed some
most wonderful cures impure or on-
p..etishd blood soon becomes purified
and esnched. Billio..ne.s, indigestion,
sick bwdaohe, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, e•.o , soon disappear when
treated by these excellent tonic medi-
cines. For 9.1. by Goal, druggist, A1 -
bion block, Goderioh, sola ageot. [d
The freshest eggs are the heaviest,
and when plated in water will sink to
the bottom at Dose ; older eggs will sick
partly to the bottom, while stale egg.
List on top. Try it on the fresh store
Maws ies T owns. Abeam 11 t
Why ester • •itagb moment ellen yoe
w get immediate relief from all inter-
nal or interest pales by the as. of Poi-
son's Nsrvili.e, the gnat pain euro.
Norville* has sever been known to
fail in • singly ease ; it cannot fail, for
it is s eombisatins of the moot powerful
pain . belei remedies knows. 1't'y •
10 net sample bottle of Nervilln. Yoa
will find Nervdline • sure eerie for seur-
•lgia, toot►aehs, beedaehe sad
try, bottles 25 e•otaby all
A M law will be voted on is Wimgym
e. Monday, 21nd inst., foe granting $
e we of $11,000 for the emotion el a sew
sows WI. This w something IoM is
badly needed.
• wont ruM mob rsodw000,
Thfo b th.1W. glom M $/Mt'.1mm1
Kase el O.d Leer Oil by meq tb.salsi
sob. boss foam it. It est ear Owen
Iter end ebiespb by ahem .t he ewe
e st/Msms pepeMsb bee er.bes es sp
petite he lest Y.. It. .led toy year
ala t- kV byt all .mis,/bil+4 I
net p.
1 haves large number of Honwes and Leta
and Vacant Lads in the moat ,Irslrable parts
of the Town—telt *ALE alt s r.
Now is the time to sewers property before
the Bin Rook. The C. P. R. is coming sure,
lied in a short time prices will have advanced
beyond the reach et many.
Ca11 end see Last and Prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
Real Instar, and General In.nrance Agent
Orn Weat-.!tt., third door from :Nuare, C. P.
R, Ticket and Telegraph office. si-tf.
Eta. Eta. &t
1111111110 Of TICE
llerehaate s. ten Mir 111111 Aisle. latter
I sed& ace.. go. piloted s . t►se a amalleara�Lsyvertise ppat iegera Mr vbbs
Cell si.
paperad me s taad It jlee ad.S set ernes.
CUUTS. i'TIME11gnm1�11 W 01/01101T01/01101Tdtn i 111 ba i MD6R1llwliItr�
r r the U. e. P.rset Of -
g sa tbses remote mew 'Pa INT lest ms
is:iil..hitaa ViLNtad Oi
movwl�tb.ttiilC� te»r�i ismsi
your 010800114t' oMACr oh . toe
my slop le the lessee
NewInNur *iree
two or them the e�ste-
br ted Rochester
Tilting Cita 'mead
.•mrgber. we are 1. •
tt 4de nesser
t.ab .
Lay's ft C allkherfs
RiOnsetepeo1alt7ea •U Jamit%pe
eRRas s sad ,
MU West Street. owe doers .tet of P.O.. Oagerlsb
2 n
0 0
3 0 pd
Q w
M� z
U r,
14 !Z
0 41
aw • �o
g F4 I
lz 4'
—O 0
GEA. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the bunt of
value in all lines of Furniture --from the sinal leitt chair
to the largest and lest bed -room situ, or parlor suite
Call and see his stock and get a bargain.
In all its beanehse, promptly attended t&
a o
Bar EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand
PICTURE FRAYING a specialty.
OPO. BABISTAssabssiw. 004111Whip