HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-19, Page 1wouitt NUM M N VICAR, I
j D. IlcG1LLICL'DDY. Punkt a�,
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later!
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Loma Restee .
AU odroaaer *titins it. Mr local eeitssaa
of Tint Stuxu. of meetings or Inger-
(distends at IL4j I un admission fee
is eAarya& or from Windt a peowni
cry fiettelf( is derived. must 6e paid
Jor at the rete 1rJ on* Kut per
mord each insertion. no (harp lass
than tt rtity-lire e,-nb. Whore ad-
vertisements of esfertwi,esvnts are
i*arrtltef i 4,4f load will be given
Ytvtt*--fledrr1cb, June 7th. the wife of 21r
A. L }links. ut a esu. 11tlttoru.
8Tw.z.-.11 tee residence of Mrs L.Tonsel,
ftk ti a l'nsc.eut on the 11th July. the
wife of Is.. C. *teem, P.Ltl., of • daugh-
1'sAc044:.- tt-ILeo% -At (iolerlch, on the Ilth
lust.. by the nee. Dr tire. Mr. William J.
Peak°. r. tit Uunerteh township. to Mary.
eldest daughter of the late Mr. Witham
Wilson. of tiuder.ch.
xwiwr S.I!funl, on Wednesday. July
17th. lie.. Iwt.ella Jane. only daughter of
Mr. James siew.rl, seed II years, 2
months and It days.
The funeral will take place frons the rein -
mice o1 Ler tether. Sanford. o. eatard•*.
my 10th. St 3 o'clock p.m.. to ytaiUand
w atery. Friends and acquaintances will
accept this intimation,
Lot -Signal Ogee.
Steer -M. C. ftaechler.
Medlasw-••atter C. Gide.
Lcater .newsy re. fnkiw' nates.
1»Jath% he U **.rent it:
A G000 PRSeo!T.-Tie most nsefml gin
can make is to give a Win e'en. Ap-
r to D. Mte(ii::icoddy. agent. Goderieh.
Every requisite for the turning oat of drat -
work in photography at shortest
is now on hand at Geo. Stewart's.
The Pharmacy .rill leads In the disposal of
,• drngs and ts:icy ,Mods. and is cooed to
•p up with the tubes and stand at the head
he precession. Heat of care and attention
vee to medical presenptione.
The weather new has settled (town to a
id sweeter temperature. and the goods In
k A. Pridbarres have been selected to suit
times. Cheap suns, neat. natty sad well -
e. to be had at shat .rice.
Saunders & on aro petting in hydrants
will not freeze, for those who cannot put
water into their hooses. !'all and vee them
get prices of hydrant'. lawn sprinklers.
a and pinoht l.I goods. Pint -class work -
n. The cheapest boom leader the sue
Tletpirute Season is sow in full swing. and
meatal_ -^-seeing to town weekly. Tse
nd„owte stereo views furnished by R. R.
lows would be pleasing mementoes for es-
rstore.ta to take awry with them. It
Id be understood ales that the picture
mist( department in eosaectlos with tae
io Is also one of the best in the Dominion.
'all at the Goderich Foundry sad sea the
t styles of house cresting. trots 1t
h to 1111 inch high. We are nmenfactnrimi
proved steel mouldboard slows ; cal* std
t . A new straw cotter for430.011. All
ods of castings made In order. and repairs
agricultural Implements promptly nomad -
to. Rt•.tctw.t'r Haiti 12.21
Mr H. E. Ratbwell was in town ea
Mise Annie Doyle hu tongued from
e States.
Mr and Mn Tanner, tit Toronto, were
town this week.
Mr Allan Seeger arrived bens last
eek on a holiday trip.
Mr Geo. Pharis, of Detroit, is .peed.
b few days in town.
Mimi Alice Reid u vi.tting friends et
sekeow and Wiaghani.
Mae Newcombe meet • few days in
e Queen City the poet week.
Reeve Proudfont left to a trip op the
es on Wedaeday morning.
We have a few old tapers for ale at
He Smut. : prise, 3 cents per pound.
Miss Mortimer. of Stratford, wee last
eek 'Siting at the resideoce of Mrs J.
Mr Logan, of Chicago, is vi.iting his
Mr and Mrs Lng.o, St David
Kr Naseeyth, of Laudon, was hat
the toast of his relative, Mrs J. 0.
Mt J. W. Shaw. of Toroetn. wad in
in donne the week, visiting his friend
Kr A. Murdock.
Commissioner Wilson, of the Caead•
the do and Mies Wilms f
Mr Many Ehron4, of the esie n d.•
tpe t. Santis is the gust of his
*bother i.-hw, Mr P. Hoit.
Mn John C McLsas and eon sr. M
outset sejoyiag s trip at the laked, M
company with Mr )1.Iwne.
The Pbker(st Kim eaMis• Miri-
b& of Goierieln, sis
Kr C. Ormareller,of the High &heel,
Osstes,wfM Me elk osd mhlldres,
tbe guests of Mr Wm Diek.ea.
Kr Nevis few some roes *..eller et
sebaol, Aef/N. now of
wee in terra devise the mesh.
Masa R. R.ddMe, Jeenph Is sled
Addison we the rM"ele8
*1 ll •t Oeliads
Owes Ilsead.
The Ree G. W. Itaosy, St Stephen's
Chervil, Goderich Township, preached
hie farewell sermon last Sunday and lift
on Wednesday toe his new appointment
at Blyth.
The many frieuds of Dr McLean will
be pleased to know that he is around
again after km recent severe todupoeit-
tos. H* had been confined to his room
for nearly • month.
Lawn TiKNfs.-A match pine of
tussis was played on the grounds of Mr
R. S. Williams, on Fnday last, between
Messrs C. C. lion and h Elwood,
of Goderioh, and Messrs F. U. Peto and
Koele, of Ciinton, iu which Goderich
won by • score of 6-3, 6-4 and 61.
Capt. Gibson returned on Satur-
day from a visit to members of his family
iu the Northwest He expresses him-
self well pleased with the country and
says the crop prospects are pond to the
localities visited by him. He exper•
Mimed much benefit from his trip phy-
PeoviticIAL ExHisrrics. --We *have
received from the Secretary, Mr Henry
Wade, the prize list of the Provincial
exhibition,which will be held in Loudou
In September next, b.;einniug on the 9th
and eudi,rg on the 14th. In additiou w
the oriinary attrectinnsof the exhibition
the international bench oboe of dorsa
will be held on the 10th, Ilth, 12th sod
13th sir Sept. Peres ns wishing to obtain
copse of the prize list are regnested to
ante to the secretary at Torw,to
CRIMINAL Rwrvex,t.-The schedule of
convictions at the County Judge's crimi-
nal court and general sessions of the pesos
for Huron, for the six months ending
Jule 1.1, as show that of fourteen
cases tried, in thirteen • verdict of,
guilty was rendered, and only one found
not guilty. Thu light bat is a very
gond record for w large • county and
the result is very creditable to Mr
Lewis, our crown attorney. The list
comprises eleven larcenies, nae bur -
elegy, one false pretence and nue as-
A man recently was heavily fined fur
semdinl{ false news to local newspapers.
The msgiatrste. before whom the ease
came, pointed ..tit how mach the proprie-
tor of a newspaper depended on the
gond faith of its informants in localities
where be might bane no personal know-
ledge to guide him. The practical joker
or maltcwus talsilter who may thine it
rather • clever thing to take in a news-
paper in this way wi 1 for the future be
wise in remembering that it is • danger-
ous game to play, even if the editor is
neither pugnacious nor a gcod shot.
The Dominion Illradmted recently had
a couple of fine Gooerich views from
photographs taken by our young towns-
men, Mr .1. M. Williams. One is taken
from the south pier, and show. the
lighthouse end the beach towards the
harbor, while the other represent. •o
Iudiaa encampment on the shores of
Lake Huron, taken last summer during
the stay of a small band in this neigh-
borhood. Both views look exceedingly
well and rival the beet in that beautiful
publication. As an atu•tuar photograph-
er Mr Williams has few tousle.
Tea Cowers "Se Hoot. "-Robert,os'u
well known comedy of "School" will
shortly he performed in the (:rand
Opera House, for the benefit of
St Peter's church. The play is wader -
going careful handling by local artists,
and will be placed upon the boarde
on Thursday July 2$th. The comedy is
astatic in scenic effects, high is tons,
rich in humour, and se the dramatis
pereo*a are sustained by the following
ladies and gentlemen, moeh enjoyment
may he anticipated : The Misses Chil-
ton, Williams, Start, Smith, Horton and
Doyle : Meagan Meieultasoe, Reynolds,
Murray and Kidd. The chief charac-
ter of the hero. Jack Poynts. will be
taken by Mr C W Andrews. For further
particulars see posters. Plan of the
hall will be on view as usual at Fraser A
Bonne PesterresT. --The Presbytery
of Huron met in Knox ohurch,Godetioh,
on Tuesday, filth inst., at 11 a.m. After
linen wee onn,tituted by Mr Martin. the
retiring Moderator. Mr Stewart. of Clin-
ton, the next on the roll, took his place
for mixt mg menthe. Representative
elders pr odsesd their commissions from
Sessions, anti the roll wee med. up for
the year. Me Commissioners to Gen-
eral Assembly reported their diligenee.
Tee list of ,.sanies was Mrieed, report
of committee on superintudeoese of
students was reediest The sadden
examined the tresserses books sad re-
potted them soma, Standingenosait.
tee foe the year were appointed : State t.
Religion, Rev P Measireve, resumer ;
8 Schools, Jas. 8eott ; Temperance, A.
Meitiliaa ; P+m
Iu•nes sod Sy.e.ti.
Sassdeenie, J. A. Aadersoa ; Sabbath
Obsernmes. J d Hooderena. Oirsehrt
nn Prison Referea,..d the Pr w.atlon of
Vies, were reed sad eammittess sppotst-
ed to weeder and report eras thea
Three ow °iodidates for the idolatry
were istrndeesd and dealt with: --Moment
Ewe• M.Ks as, Albert M.lad& soul
Wm fiscal The two forms are SI Mw
ins 11.081 Ooleg ,Mowtwal : the
Kant Colles•. Te esto. Mr Wilton, •
misdeal et the third veer in Uatv.estty
Oo1Me•, Tetwsto. she ppw.d bolero
the Iissmbiag OsomMtn. Mr A. J.
Madre, Oodert h, mid Wen Presby-
tery s hsatiIy els • pt.uiU.d wynt
q st nazi 11,,. -thea M
tie.to ;asPoor et tie tataMses
were .b.sed, sad bat few .f the 'Yem
were prarwt. Row T. G. Thnmsus.hee
.f Ri.et/sld, ... tot Veeeereee. 11t C..
mus purest and shed es s wewapeed-
ilei ■gtabsu
The rush* of the Entrance Ruminations for the Inspectorate of Woe Seem 1
are given below. The total number of marks for the different subjects 1. 735, the 1
number required to pass 367 and one-third in eszh subject. Those recommended I
have obtained over 367 marks but have fallen belowone-third in some subject
The ;narks of those mita have fatted will be sent to their teachers by the inspector. 1
C•lt lit Dates.
MAR[• 1 M'3OOL Mitt)*4[0. a5Al*as.
Acheson, Ettei
Andrews, Marten
Ball, Wiente
Fulford, Lizsie
Strang, Pearl
Saunders, Alice
Ten borne, Maggi..,
Cox, Benson..
Fritzley, Jonathan
Horton, Joseph
Meaner, John
Morton, Rebut r
Price, Willie
Pasture, Charlet
Reid, Weaker
Robertson, Willie
ftohert.en, Warner
Williams. Graham
Humber. Charles.
Johnston, Frank
Campbell. Agues 3
Potter, Carrie.
Hawkins, Alio
McMurchy. Jennie,
Jobnstow, T).'.. J .,
McKenzie, Donald A.
McDonald, MSlc•;lts,,
Matheson, R.•derick...• .0- -
O'Neil, Michael..
Stevtus, \I'tlha
Bain. Kate
Marmon. Jenna
Allan, Geurze.
Nicholson, Maleulsi
Murru, Archie
.4:.0.. Goderich M. dal SchuoL'Robert Park
.4414 '
.469. .
372 .1
.3119.. 8.8. No. 1. Colborne. -.;Miss May Jones.....
,.,$5..,S 8. No 1. Ashfield.... Miss Annie Burrows.
.418.. 4.8, Nu 3. •. ....'into• Jennie Cowen.
.421.. ..
481.. 8.8. No 15. "
.... John McRae........
• 446. " ... •I 0•..,• ....
376..'8.21 din 2. ••....*Mime Kate Diedy....
.423.. S.S. No ;. Colborne.... Mies F. A. Holmes..
[[COtty[M 'tI'.
.413.. Goderich M'dcl School. Robert Park
389.. ..
1..3. "
.424 ..,8 S. No 6. Colborne.... Havelock Beacham..
Bell. M.ogie ' ..483.. 8.8. No 1. Tucktnmith Ben. Smi1Ge
Corry Mary A 381..'8.8. No 3. Hay Geo. Brown
Haub. Row '..413.. 8.S. No 7. Sam. J. Latta.......
Jeckell, Addie V ..465..18 S. No 1. Osborne.... Wm.Meliay
Jeckell, Blanche...50e..' ••
Heroes, J ante.. 1 403..
Keddy, Nelson -":.36:3
Keddy, Norman. 442. .
Mitchell, Frank 1..390..
Swan, John '..196..
Tapp. John 1..3).6..- '•
Robinson, Mary 1, .394.. R S. No 8 Stephen . - .. Frank Turner.
f ..370.. S.S. No 5. McGillicr•y•Alex. Tort
Bagshaw, William • 342.. 5.8, No 3. Stephen.... A. W. Botham....
Shopton, Edmund.
DA,uglaa, John• 551.. >;i.S. No9. Hay&Stsnley'R. R. Rus•
Manson, Donald +..412.. ,
Keetle, Asa J i, 445, . 8-S. No 2. Colborne....'Thos. Elliott
Russell, Thos. A 1 -.M10.. 8 8- No 5. Ueborne... - Alex. Fowlie . • ....
Tota. Cassie..
Love. Tinos .386.. 8.8. No 8. Stephen... ••Frank Turner.......
Stienbach, Edith ..403.. 8.8. No 7. Hay. S. J Latta
Curry, Jim. A --...370.. 8.S, No 3. •• Goo. Browu
Leine. Lavine ..370.. 8.8. No 10. Ashicld..•Albert Morris..
Fegenaon, Thomas ..4.32..1 t• •
Bailie, Ncrmao........
490. • 4 8. No Y W. Wawamosh John bicCormiok ... .
Irvine, Joseph -.397 . - .1 ••
McDonald, Hugh ..420..'8.8. No 4 W, \branch J. B. Weatherhead. .
Stewart, John _.410...8 8. No 8. Ashfield....VGeu. 8. Vi'oods
Milligan, Trio 382..18.5. No 8. Ashfield... -Gee. S. Woods
Mimi Price left on Friday last on a
visit to friends in lielleviie.
Meson D. A. Brace and Taylor, of
Stratford, spent Sunday to town.
Dr McDonagh will be in Goderieh for
aonsututicn on the tint Saturday of
every month.
Mr Fletcher, foremen of the gait Re-
former °hien, gave us a friendly call
Thursday last.
Mayor Butler visited Stratford last
week on business connected with our
electric light system.
Miss Yeats., of London,aod Mir Rich-
ardson, of Peterborough, are visiting it
the North -et Methodist parsonage.
Ret Geo. Riehard*on preached a *sr-
oon to the members of Court Goderich
No. 32, C. O. F., last Sunday morn-
Mn Washington has 'ensued hoose
from Toronto. The Mimes Washington
have also returned from their visit to
Dr M Nicholans, the West -et dentist,
makes the preservation of the natural
teeth a specialty. One admii°ietered frost
9 a. a. for the painless situates of
AN IMPORT *MT bran tttrntr.-TM
sow 8041 Beop ail Premise Pedal atlesb-
moat to a lei be U peisht Pima
eervea the serve. of the )Wwsr er psr-
formev, shoo presides. as well se the
i.ssrwmm a hem weir. sad preemies the
eons tL
memeeioo ghee their fit lompro.their
attsad t tita should meaProf. ►
SW TIM Ave.. 1g. T., Ise hi remiss -
Ws past phos • sd..iNeed is meths*
osea, 10.11
Mie J. M. Reboots, Dw.ones, limo
w1�y of lbs West Vanessa MOW
71. I...ia... 0.., was t. tetra minds,
.4 tib. gra dee et Rent
Mr A. M. ltoberw.• is weenie Clio -
tun for • ti s-els's certifiable.
Miss Susie Payne is visiting friends in
Dungannon and Lscknow this week.
Mn Magnus Swanson and children
bre nub visit to her sister, Mrs G. B.
Robson, Peewits
The name of Flo Bates, promoted
"m the senior 111 to Junior IV., was
omitted from the list of last week.
Dodge Tome std Mews F F. Law-
rence, J. Roberta and Jno Straiton were
in Clinton last week *needing the dia- 1
trice meeting of the I. 0. 0. F.
The peripatetic irgan grinder and hia
monkey "did- the town on Tuesday
last, and had a large following of the
juvenile element of the population.
Mr Tom Chilton u borne un a holiday
visit. He is completing his education at
Rock Hill, Md , and has also develop-
ed into a Cret-clay Newhall player.
Mr Mawre, recently of the Rank of
Montreal staff here, and uow of Guelph,
spent a et•uple of days in town this week.
He says there is nu place Bite (aoderieh.
assns of the president, Dr Shames,
vice-prwidst, ooeupid the chair Oa
motion it was decided to call the aneiety
the "(ioderfoh Turf Association." Mov-
ed by Mr Tlsoe t etadry, mounded by Dr
Whitely, that the tioderich Turf Asso-
ciation join the American Amocia-
tion - Carried. Moved by Mr Joh°
Knox, summed by Mr Chas A. Nairn,
that a oars day meeting be held on Wed-
nesday, Aug. 21st, if the committee can
perfect arranaemeots by that date -
Carried. fin motion the meeting *d-
oomed subject to the call of the execu-
Tee GoDttut'u Ext•csglos, - About
400 people took an the Central Metho-
dist 8. 8. escursitw to Goderich on
Wedneday, where fine enjoyment was
had. The day turned out exceptionally
tine --all but the evening Sturm, which,
however, was escaped by the majority of
the escursi„nists reaching the train be-
fore the storm came up. Rowing, fish-
ing and ailing in the tine yacht main-
tained for the purpose, were the chief
Sources of amusement, while • few went
in bathing. There was one narrow es-
cape from drowning while bathing, and
os. young woman got a ducking while
being rescued from a rowboat in which
she and a venturesome young man had
been caught by the *term. The excur-
sionista returned with a high opiuton,
generally, of Goderich u an excursion
point. -Stratford Herald.
The prize lists of the t treat Northeastern
Exhibition, to be bell in Goderich on
Sept. 17. 18 and 19,are now in the hands
of the Secretary, and are mush admired.
They were printed at the uftoe of Tut
Slut am. and are of superior typographical
appearance to any of former years.
The attractions this veer also pro -
Mee to be great. We take the follow-
iog informatiou from the pamphlet :
September 17th -Entries in the indoor
department not previously made .01 be
accepted up to 10 o'clock • st., at 25c,
extra,and entries un stock not previoiely
made will be accepted up to 10 o'clock
a m., at 2:w. estrs; judging in all indoor
departments, t , commence ,.t 2 o'clock
p.m. ; bronchus exhibited in corral -
lassoing and riding by cow-boys--sele of
broncho at 3 p.m. ; open to visitors at
9 sea. September 18th -judging in all
outdoor departments, to commence at 10
o'clock a.m.: in the afternoon- speed-
ing in the ring ; hnneback riding and
lady rider ; lawoing and breaking wild
brooches by ouw-boys. September 19th
-speeding in the rine ; lily drivers
procession of prize animals, to commence
after the judging sod speeding has been
completed ; cow -buy race with will.
broncho• --races by local riders ; exhi-
bition to close at 4 p.m.
Oh for au toe-ie,i to creep in and hide !
01t for • gimlet- to get un and nd.. !
Oh for a I.tckhone as cool u an u tele
Ae4 an a;l summers trip to the pole on •
An effort is beteg made to establiah a
driving park •s.ociation in Goderich.
The tint annual race meeting is expected
to he held during the latter part of
Porte mote Covens. -The union
church picnic of the Epiecepal and
Presbyterial' churches, Cliuton,on Thurs-
day. was largely attended. Clinton
people do Eke to emu to Ooderieh.
The following letter wan received by
an undertaker. "My waif 1. dud, wants
t., he buried to-morrer at wener Work.
t- nose ware to dig the hole -by the side
of the other two waifs. Let it be deep."
Mr T. J. Huckstep, Myth, has *truck
a novelty in the way of window drrwing;
he bad a bell of earth placed in the bot-
tom of the window and then planted mu-
ms, geraniums and planta of different
The members of Goderich A. 0. U. W.
intend holding tbeir first annual picnic
during the latter part of Austen. \tie
understand en efft.rt is being made to
have the C. O. F. Society of Goderich co-
operate in the ondertakinr.
As a result of the entrance examine -
tem Frank Johoaon wins el3 fur being
first from the central and first at Gods -
rich, Warner Robertson wins $1 for be -
frig mooed at the cehtral, and Purl
Strove 50 cts. for being third at the
central. Pearl Strong stns a volume cat
bongs presented by Miss Skimmings for
being tint in the English subjects.
JOURNALISTIC. --The Guelph Beenld,
daily and weekly, now comes to hand
printed (tom new type and otherwise
Unproved. We are pleased to learn that
the financial trollies* that have for
some yeah boost the paper SM now 1111.
moved, and a bright future appears bee
fore it. The Herold is a goad paper,
barring polities.
Test Doii'r Reap Tne Pares•. -A
very slick swindler is operating. Upon
entering a plate he lays in • supply of
small ilium at se expense of about 10
cents spies.. Thew he fills with earth,
into which he plasm • eoaple of short
stalks of milk weed or any other pleat,
and Nin anoints the earth and plant with
attar of roses. He is new prepared to
furnish confiding poreha..n with shoots
from the celebrated "Ceylon rose," us-
icg that nr *nose other high-sounding
name, at $1.60 each, and dates it as fast
as he .aa boodle them. Thome people
who do sot subscribe for their sen lomat
papers are geaerslly the Int to get bit-
A KLttrrottawia...-Oarn* McK.a.b,
alias McDonald, a sebno) umber of Viv-
ian, t/Mtario enmity, went to Toronto to
*pend be holiday., sad baring oat so. •
demands tom number of fmailisa, ramie
ist for s few days at oath pees, she
stole • The pawof 'lithos sal s .it.as.dgirl seta �meysod
rsww.ew/ ithe odes weds M her Wgiae
Maes 'lees me, meow, lot Dodi. bbb.
Ism ems" elle cried, eades't pot lay mem
is the peens. I den% wool my Meade to
tees sheet this nidr,let ser w batik sad
mash MT
abed albs the h � sod
will bos geed girt the rest.1 ylib,"
. he meshd, as the metres led bra to the
e1dL to emit bee t11 l Wee the pekoe
moths is the lienee Rieneurg.
She i. • mod bmwes yang holy, mad
mere that hew Mbar sod mother 46.4
pesos end that the end wile -
mai h tar• e 1 ,
of I re s01. whom she hue emit Moak
Tar LADY'S D*L+:tyu CAnt,--Last
a�riag Mn C•:kvid offered a bandenae
lady's dressing mete ber customers who
made rurehases over • certain amount.
On Thursday of last week t special com-
aittee sew chosen to do the drawing for
the sele_ting of the successful candidate.
The lady holding ticket No. 26 was the
winner. and can have the dressing case
by calling at Mrs Salkeld'•,
Toe Jt.ii *a. -We have just received
from the Rev Principal Austin of Alma
College. St Thomas, • copy of his 40 pp.
pamphlet last Sued on the above sub-
ject. It has chapters no the Origin and
History of the Jesuits, Principles and
Aima of the Order. Condemnations of
the Society by R. C. Authorities, Ex-
pulsions of the Order, The Jesuits' Es-
tates Act. Treaty of Paris, &c.. and
gives verbatim, Tbs Boll of Pope Clem-
ent, abolishing the' Society, Riv-
ing hu reasons therefor, &c. Pries 15
outs. Addrses : Principal Austin, St.
Thomas, Out.
R. T. or T. Cosmos -The Royal
Templar* of Goderich will hold a.nncut
in Victoria Open House on Tuesday
evening melt, July 23rd, which promises
to be one of the moat interesting of the
man. Miss Wynn has kindly taken in
hand the preparation of a very choice
program of vocal music, mediae*. run
tenons. etc., and in addition the North
.t. Methodist 8onday School orchestra
will present some vary fine instrumental
melections, oleo specially prepared for the
oemeion. Doors open at 7:30, to begin
st R. Admission only 10 coats. All are
cordially invited.
SreetAL M[[rtxa or Cot:Nett_ - A
tpeaiai meeting of the town aimed wan
bold tea Tosed•y evasion to outsider the
waterworks bylaw. All the umbers
were present sept enencillors J. W.
Smith and NafteL After the seemed
readtaq of the bylaw the coon -
oil .me resolved into oemmittee of the
whole, and the bylaw waw damned
.lees. by dooms. The resell was • pro
1••g•d passion attending to midnight.
At e}eweo riclock • to adjourn
was voted down, bad the onasider&tion
of the bylaw was eoetinned until the
w ebedele of rates was reached. At tbis
stage, owing to 1M late hour, it was de-
cided to 'dyeing and postpone further
amaajjer.tinn until a futon *nesting. It
is the iatentinn eat lbs eos•eil to publish
the bylaw in fell is pamphlet form, for
dietrthetiw i.e-set wetertakere-
Ooosesne Tom Awnrn%rretr. - An
twetisa of the Oedeetsh T.rf
A▪ _.oitien wee WM et the Albino
Motel. ea WedMt mesa', which
woo l.rls4altoemilevd. The fdlowieg
°Mssoe ween Jested : PreelAist. Rin
roseate* ; vM-.rwMeat, it J. R.
Shames ; traimerse W. L. Moria.
e..tetary. A. Meedosc. Re.. eemmeit-
tae-Dir Aike.hmad, The. /ie.dn, D.
Wbbiely, Jobs Lass, W. A. Curseae.
I. A. Mid ..d JAM Yids lie IM e
-144111161t NOTES.
• .Number et Ilisinb sf raterest team Me
gate r'reae.
Thnniday. July 11-8chr. Aurora,.
400 tons coal for Big Mill.
Thursday, July 11 -Schooner Carter,
Thewlon, limber for N. Dimwit.
Thursday, July 11 - Schr. Lome.
Chime°, grain for G.T.R. elevator.
Friday, July 12-Schr. Koltage, lim-
ber for R. Sectord.
Friday, July 12 -Prop. United Em-
pire, Port Arthur, passengers and
Satutrday, July 13 -Prop. Ootario,
Sarnia, passengers and freight
Monday, July 15-Schr. Greyhound,
Johnaton's Harbor, shingles for H.
R'edneeday, July 17 -Prop. Lilted
Empire, Sarnia, passengers and freight
Thursday, July 18 - Tutt leis,
Thursday, July 11- Behr. Sligo, Rae;.
n ia, light.
Friday, July 12 -prep. United Em-
pire, &rata, pampas'* and freight
Saturday, July 13 -Prop. Ontario.
Port Arthur, passenger sad freight.
Saturday, July 13-Schr. Cuter,
Theaealon, light.
Saturday, July 13-Schr. Kolfage.
north, light
Wednesday. July 17- Prop. United
Empire, Duluth, pbmiesgere sad freight
Wrote our own come posdent.
R. E. Brown hes been engaged for as -
other year in S.S. Na. 5.
The farmer are busily angered et
their bay. The scop u a very good aver-
age in.
The crop preepeets are very good at
prasont. On the whole hero will be •
ail a ••«ryes yield.
The root crops are doing wdl. Pane -
toes that were wit killed by the wet
lor'k remarkably well.
Rev J. Ceskboarne, • blind pt.aa-
.r from Genie, preached in Zinn Marsh
lest Sabbath very forcibly and eloquot-
A de. lob of gravelling was done em
the 12th en.. by Mr Tsber. It one
bad piece of read, said needed it badly.
Rev J. A Moss sad family arrived
le Ethel last welt. The rev. gootheme
is on the Mit IM sad his volt ei tit
does ..wwidws"y, by a 'heieb srlmi
Davis Welke Mr eases tld>r Mott
1. mined he *[silk trod ellnl ►