HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-12, Page 66
rewwlastl.a a Goatee Taut Tw• e'aa Play
Ale A twosome mep.rtad irlweea and
levet and Tea sraldrrsee.
New Yontt..tuly : Mr. Smell.e la his
London cable tu'th. `,stole? Trii.unc says:
Irish news 1• not of • S:I1.f t • please Irish-
men no Ainertta. Agitation is att.ost at a
S tandstill lir. Smith ttarry'• tenants, who
canoe to louden to testi.* butt to .l.sseloa
his fellow :aad.oni., here gone hark with •
plain Answer au.' A ere in their ear. The
latollorsir have learned .tent the tenants the
et ra : of cotat.wtton, a kirb has become a
les popular game With the, teasels now h
(a seen that coo can i,1 1) at It. ilir.
lou'* maw cr*aade bar IN'ottght btu icer Yew .o+• dui'" a lot ouch • duty.
* tautly into en'!isroe with the su•horittee,
and 11 «emus likely to b. bract :u
ocenre. The Lontrmstto•, .e •Mr. t'tay•
he re's sentence to throe It1n•.► i rprtsa
meat draws tears and shri.'•• ' "til The
lr•:!y \.w*, sleek info.u.s .ss rs.'lent this!
Morning 'boat there has long •w . t... reties
in 'retried. and that now there s .• w,lutely ,
n0 law I'erhaps not; het thank peace In
the linage of ('ootI&Oaa.
111. l►.Yitt a" &.•Itiuution bat .:twee-sa•
sufrutioa hays revived some interest to the.
Fattier franks.
IY arato•IAX.
1.10:.• !Ourrthns 0 a angels
)I •:-1 I:,.i nubile bear' tut r. 1 • •n,
lyL.►. *Atte tar.rout lion aand kiadreI.
\\'ills ■ hemisphere bet wren.
'ung!. 1bal boleti tale for le,wi-r
In toe ler utf'toulbera time.
lee d:.nut tot 11.- drrod toataKwu
}'row iu.urablr al:mo ue.
t'brt.tdlka• 10 11 • great tiecut:un.
Wo.s not by ore .youthful breath.
tl..o i:h know Sedge of the future.
1 .•.•.r• 1h.•
levet • lit ion death.
Awed stand Protestant and 1'rtbnitc•
'In,. great :t.am bath died :u save-
�inL the Iran u' 1'o;W or ('al%:n.
4t1 tb,• 11111.14 I1. 11) r gra. e.
1,•.vr..It.1 Ibe call obey •
Sew le messes tee •lumbar.. .r Item
t*deal.d rind linos Is Labe new.
It is • watt r/ to many pe•.p:• how
the scourers of old cla.tbue evil earl.
them slw. s ae good a. new. Tale, tot
'moaner, • shiny fold Chas, rest •.r pato
of pante of bro•dclu h. ca* lmare for
'The Meurer wakes a .snt,
warm soapsuds. mud plunges Ilia garment
111101. $•-ucvs 11 up dud -down, rubs the
dirty p aces, tf necessary pee t through
a *drool suds, then ruts,st th10ue1.
severs! waters, and hulks it to dry on
Om lour. When nearly dry, he trka• it
i *,ells it up for an hour in two,ei 1 then
premise it. An "Id cotton cloth is Ind
to tie outside of the oust, and the iron
passel ever that until the wrinkle, are
wit ; but the Iron in removed bel we the.
steam ceases to ries tr the go.•da, elect
they would be sl...._ 11 male, that are
ulatlnate aro removed by layiut a art
Per Mrtwg *..wsrt.. fir cera hat.
(melba $nibs.
tl.hw ..., ►1' uta 11, li'.4i. A • k• „even
tbe 1.,,;o• nog d.re. I mini Or its. -.4 5r
tattoo of YeI.•.nies; before «ooki •g
11Aelt11 1 Anted h... to C'•"k • ) •'•'
',eta t.v'r.4110.4. )...I r.0 111 den •kv.•lista
:r.f.toh1•a hut Theta are «•w' •;.pest
rule That too .ns brat leers". Auld I:ret
aln.•it Ise prep.rau.11, rhl.h IS always
nuportsut :
1'.•taloe.-scrub and pare when leo
collars. 1. it t..d al.rys u.. ..cry 1 .
polo n. w p-.td•..s, and the this, dell•
C .Ie .L•... , 0•.1 yet ur••.0 tuu.;h, *111
O 140 fol toy ruutlug.
l'ar.ii a -scrub till white, and trite
uti the *runt, tweed -like I.eota
C irr..1. --wroth, anti ecr*.,. o:.e the thin
unset •infant.
Turns:,, --soot.. cut in elites and page.
Louts --rills u1.f,lGY, fur 11 the alta
he brokuu the su..IV i dee* 31.1 racal!e.
Uft l'.' 'rKI'Nli 1: \IL\t \1
Crainr.t-rte rad dc:.art at tau icer•... es fu
i.,.. .
•01111 1
Slats .s,4 exwfees.... ... .......... . t. i e no
\I '. ' 1 ............... se %a t. 11
.I : x.. 1.......... ..... 11.111 ,1 1"
1111;••!.•.... ,, • ..... ..... .. .. .. ..:.s:o til
W.rA1t?. .. T.1 ..m. ail! .......
................... .
.I...t 45d swim-• .... ............. 1.a.....
.a • y.m
liiAr t .............••.... .... ... •
... Loi sa•a.
comma., and caurt11 orcr-into and DISCOVERY•
HU` the death M Father laud en Cloth toyer 1110111, and peasiug the isms Soak, top do•'11, t.. dreg oto: 901' ili,e'Cts
r ea►s 4It.tun fur to dal over that. 11 at slits lases aro sant, Lammed t memos.
A:! .ow:u•t r:a• 1 ;taper., y y P C�Irfy--wasp out: scrape 4tl taut' rust] Mimi wuderiy cured.
so`lta they are treated as the wrusk lw are ; the portio,,..
I:..r ....r,n. our land ro ta r. iron is lifted, while the full Cl cit.. .f
WOO 1 you seek U,. i.ath of duty's SpinAen •pd other greens -••41.0:k beef
ateaw arises, and twinge the 11 ti+ up
10U wi l bad It seely then, vr[y c uef ally, anti wash 11.
sevlsrl 1
with it. Cloth should always hate owls
(w' o slide l.ailig w *trio s,
wade specially for it, se If Gott *huh
U•uong- 1 old 511514
I'eplts,. has'urru used G,r white cub, t .•r w ,old p p"r
Ohl, (1...1.. flyste. of Me.wy Trate WI.
Wear Hawks • s we
Every ebIld and .dal' greatly ksweatled•
t.�i edsarr•ta to O.a+e.p..a4-.c.1 .►
1 tea, baa Opt....... of Dr. 4� t. Haa.-
,.'. 11b. world -famed lip.e,eh.t 1. Iliad [Woo...,
$.del (1 el rT. p•aa, It. `...I
Ldew- it: i.aqAM.r. J at Deo 1...ey Jltdni
C A 1.0 ei Y'Iell'u. 931 1191s Ar...11. T.
• The .tush
I jot.&bac. I hays
1'arnel! 4'owa.wton. i1• peeves 011 t4•! n11.:•rau.•11 f.r the
whole to be a damaging r:itness fru the' tote tried urauy utedieltre without r -
Closer Of Hoene f:.1.,. 110 1'.nlness, hos•, tau•. 1 tried flsrd•+ek Isl•,.d Inners sod
.sty &nes sincerity, it:. re:uties's' tuayow r:• .,tet..au M
y there uth 11. tttn:,1 t.. it.
treule opinions. his ..•,wvuua of his owe ' 4'lo m.t l./ limn*. l3. H B. cure. dye -
preference for cotuplelt arpar.ifni b*tw.es pt•p•a. bt:l•Wei. es bbd calstipetioll. Y
t: eglaud and indeed. hi. defence of the
Alaochestsr murderers -these and maty? 'sap Veeressee►: Es.b ass.
other niers love Leen s.: ,dory n.airops is It is u,•nt iuterestine• to note the
the hands of 1.4s cunei., whirl. they have yai,w;ue charges slid w••daAtaaut.a tlaa:
not been saw 1.i csr. They tare statog.rtled .,tar, coot» oyer 1`.0 faaBwus *talce the
lir 1'a I,.r I• moo roti a 1. vrke the what Ii• t a r.t:..0 1:111 t r -haudrrd )'ran
2ish •trl►erals wart ref .all, eke ksor what
politica: use v ill lwte.fter lar shade of these •- E...: urns. f• r Leatit•inrn, ie► uses.,
teat.' ialr. Whim : Ir Devitt ia•i•t, that 1i y *. 1' 'oa.•ted of silk coat, end breeches
the tae of dynamite and the preaching et a •t 11,.• 5.11,", at • .1 du.br.,idrred wristeoat•;
cootie Innw'll be loft in the tartar, bill tafetal cootie-- h
ns k th d t J
w: lean
.an a,
bray uvablod, with cloy to the cloth. In Hos manner we, Nut u • u ,1 rash it.
teat ' ac
0o rears id
hate loo*11 I ,l' 1151(10 coat and 1511.4* � 1'.•rr bill beans -shell with clean
!,x.w t -i he renewed lime and again, and hand, anJ 'sass 4,11, illy.
hate all the 1.•..t and feel of new eel. S'1 ..bell .q laahrs-waab, pale, and
M m o. Good broadcloth and its tot to Oreille -4.
cloths will bear many weal Ings. boo
lot.' better every tint.. because of Otero. 11arJ ahs -1: r.l1Aaha*-wYh; spin, yd
co.,, to the *loot.
Asparltgu.--wale, and break ..8' the
To Tutt E*'* 1 ; : -!':emit. 1114,1 n your tou,;11 eons., for In bunairs, and one*
readers that 1 hose a positive h•oa.•dj ter iglu rich WI.
the alwve named dlserrr. Ity us ante!} Stmt; brwlia-strip ufI the en* . and
ttt•r thousaeds of h••1lrlrs1 reset herr 41tII1l24 4,41 esch side, cut or ore,ik into
been pernianeutly cured. 1 .hall ht. triol awA.l liars *nil w'ar't•
to send two bottles of my r.wedy free I,r.*h ve►etab,* do! sot r0.i3ire atgt
f*as.Mptl.. :•.r •ly (seed.
to 5117 .f your readers who !ogee cot.-
dynamite en. ace ccunauo: witl..ou ctl l.., ll err "aim hrrecltcs. bock- I auluptiol.. if they will ase„u:a'belt Es-
C'hristian ci.ti • 1.4', bis snore moderate tri, Male t•fnaniablei. end A t.an 0,64c wow mad al. (i address
n/nestles,'el: • t .•i no r13 41 oni11io"5• win ,. • ii tee 1.utalneu in 'a ba::-e..-eiu eith 11
escape with di.. illy tie the surp1.lrnt of .., ,, , ,I1.2 .> ltrsi+tctruily. Da. T. A. $ioLT'tr.
of ; thaw. lb. reeu!t, '11 shv whtlle, ,. 0 c'. .1.1101 11 551 autu•uary -f••r_ the 1•y ' ':'!7!'. Y•attgr 6t., T.Nonlu, l)ot•
of Mr. Devitt's ...via 1111oay is to increase .,r10e, .:t tcbruuw.iud weir:• and eau+_
general rep r bite anti to ..`tow him / Tae 1sa.Dy low/b 1uasnsewt.
,o -1,e a •:., - ails• in a Mule.eat naris u.:, tri; go to eh••t.h '„,let/ler tkre• Arch. lsm;ytrell, tliaroly dealer, hu.
wtce,$ue 1bunst•vs after •11e wedding. .
1$e 41. sole the ,t C. Ya• It la 0411\IDGng h Wt c••wpletrd a laudi'''''c granite nNM*-
the En list u,i. .1 it. moderation. . t., a change of ures..acu lay. It n
Putaeut which is to watk the retia( place
e.orti., the one t:atrk4,,,a appr•red .t the 11a:whtre of the Donnell fund
Mt.,i la4 TI rt Cardiff 7 y
t,•e Lr■t 1l: a,e.a„l!u a d,1 br •mt.; to p tit• who were so ruthlessly murdered lot Ind -
S, Jnly 1i. -Tile frr.•.Nn.Uf ('5 11 ..c,..dui b:tea .utl tlold,the :laird iu sob t
sea* presented to ylr. tar.'•aaae to -day. biuou, *.tad prat! buttons. 1 Pe dtiip,i Nue tears ago haat February. On
itr. a;iadetone's si•.eeit I .fern'd, to the 4,s.. , t +re neva * ,re 1••,wifer. and • ! the front of the uuuussept u the follow-
Con-tituti'n sea ...Arte* of polite• seat . f Gatti tot frond tl sly to t..r:p : ta'b: atwcriptioo:
cal wt•doml, exhl1iting t ....tight. of • J1.11* Irr>e3tatty. •
delnlntiot. in eontraet tri, :.,4 erll+nf ono u•loatcs ' have datheir�brr irecr barite,
crimped., Born Marek 7. 181G-wurders.JFeb. 4,
r Mute:: !,-to 18t11R
great eenir,Jiratftia, u. w .s it Femme bpd
Italy were example•. kik. I.lulatone stiyltt suit rust: ton'neontnderel►1e pale :Avow. of 1
of 141* 4dreaseipacra)» t m_Kew_'i tie Hitt. --tris" tb. fwir-y*-.got.--*ltd .lusalts* tnits.tu.t>;,
sad Illinois and said tlim+e' awl 'similar -Au- sio ntetiuu�'11eEt the ltct-
rtlrltng•-taay�- - Y3.._lf#2f-tnar'trroos Feb. 4,
Kest -ion" of opinion ,n tial il:inas Rule Cee.-.: hats, wilts, soul rest ilk atet sere , - Ie con.
question from *motion raf.idlj aar.:111ng to..be usual dress ta: .midi.:I:Moi; bra :a, XATIyYti6PTTPPBtt tin:At:ELAN!.•
ttite py*uo5itiou of tide hliinrlaw
ry pei of t:te I sing rarely seen except antoul( Milt- ! '
i'slt•slieal.. 1. rate.• ought to 'tin eaery Lary „fen. t4boestriay, sand. worn only'
pruderuoent 11'..1.)., .•: 1.:a7:.stea.i t'or reflection. ty tit 1•e who ranula n.'.; ft .rd t.. biz Farewell. we meet no more
♦ INstreN'aliasee. l bua•llei made
winter s..u':• roast were ;
On this side of Heaven :
_, ...stn. eaiaye see$ with hi/canna, whteb Tore heartfelt parting scene Is o'er.
SFI.•-..,.- ,1-:,i .lice ,,._,‘1,0„i. o clerk oft The leotard hook Is given.
Moreing A o=re bc•,;•-'o.:t LIT'S tea,. niti• evils drown to the knees in fr,d,t.
Mately did ,'on..iaer...lt lama e, awl which ' lir" :It the Revolut*.o, even t,,. boys
for some tine tit:eaten.• 1 to olomeroc • nose 111010 wigs and coned late. ' Crape Erected by the temaininl( members of
!leer o: the here. te.1*(1►ss 101••3k. in town. .whim-, al:d hoops were in.ila4*l.att1�,. the family.
. The tire aye. t dis•eeereft ie the itande of 1n fi.a ,res.. A eat er, walking an (Ince • tad on tete side the following: -
Meyer Hilt,. whirs is ei:uit'*, immedf• of 111" streets of the c.ty, met fro Loire . - 'CHIN t.HS:1ELLy,
•tot; beim ! we li betas . Il.,i..r. It was wh,e*e keepb e* tirefy .leered 'he pare•' 8,,,re Sept. Di -murdered Feb 4.....1431111).wurrtanude.i or, al! nide* In il,
,fra..lathenses anent, atld stelatr 4. 5& o1 poising 1
and the names sponsi le'itl1 lightning without 1 ...g l
ato the etre.!, serving ' TXOMa+ Int\SLLLY,
raiddity i.* alt dir:.aiao- Tue.Leiters/Ayc'n.pkteiy over the hoops, and tbrutl}}1 Bern Ane. 30, 1834-sslttieted Fob. 4,
H ,use, a She thrc-nor': 1 ,,.'k, was re1880.pr:.tel1\' Ott tail. 1,,,,,ti,y 4.0r4etel:t work • .te•nry tu.d* :by their extension, to NATIVE. m} }tt1,DLC! EX. 1•":'.
was /aced The tiv.re, Lava sed residence the u.lnlllls". ciisersoea - of the *pectao+►s.
a aliug is. eald water, and It as' teem: r
not to prepare them until )oto aro toad►
to cook thaw. Kut if they are +il.t.o.
w•ali*, will fu -sten them, and .f the)
curt by 'neared 11.'I; before .monis.e,
al:.. should iw covered erten eui.l *.fou
to proveut them trout wittta l(. r trona
bec•wiug discolored.
For all trash oven Tegetahles lose aefl
water, rated end freshly boiling Cook
rapidly until soft. The time will de-
ptt,d upuu the age or 4roahuvsl of the
V0. "1A410.
% ith•ereet* peas, shelled beans, geese
corn, ■apara1us, celrt7 cul *1141841.1., *5*
AS hit t- wrier ser pos*l0ie,-stud let it boil'
away, ).anti. )fist etI•a.h tt tweiattn
And thus SAt'd all the desirable sulablx
matter thin 0347 brie been drawn cu'.
Cowl; Cabbage and cauliflower unc..arer-
ed in a I..;_u kettle of rapidly b
.alto water, pith a saltspcxuful of >uds
is it. -
Gulags*, scald and &tango tie water
All others', cook in water en'' L' l to
.over, mud drsitrit off after cooking.
Greets wmnter Match, cabbage and
other widely ..statin• s:u uld be press-
ed is $ doth or *trailer'', and well urate -
of Archie Hillier, owned by Dr. Hayes, Al the ejbo*., the Lidice wore from • Satil*:5T lne.NELL',
were t i,rae.f with*. portihn cf the cnntente. lour to .ix rows of [gilts. They sore ! Dorn May 1, 1S514 --murders Feb 4,
including :tett in coati. Next to these Ila ' 10-'e19letn whatever, the head dress • 1P((U.
•tood the fine brick Amerieen • Hotel; consiatinc .1f a large .iuwtstity of woe: A NATIVE mF TI!'i Ei:Ai:Y, :1: L.ast•: lir
owned by 11 space )1eQueen, which. to- deal on the head, with the hair lapped The name and date f btr h and
tether with its big brick LArn, was totally ftncifuily t;ver it ; three rete denmeai- 1
columned. The hake step of Cherie. Alia- . ' eieetl4 of Dische.,, A11..1bcr member of
r.n: cu+Mops, and were sienersLy fox
tier *as burned, as olio sea• the tsar the faintly; silt o sea stabbed to death
Telles hitch. ' Another kind .4 head -
e rt...n of \la T41. i:rnl' pork Iackitlr ' *.ane Lillie beG ie the noted tra�edy, will
Iress, ♦Rich sea• called' 5 calash, was
ing sseiicr,so.n * The
Arthur's nsade in the manner of a' 1;i¢•tup, entad tlTkj!*etai e I aiseparate laCed p/ht` r19 marks ile 1111n i(IAret
photegrrplt gallery, Mel ntosh'swrbershop, was drawn over the face when the heat i The monument sal shipped to I. teats on
and Stroud s ! ;:iiard parlor, Also suffered ,f the .un was tow oppressive. Tuesday and will be erected in the Itid-
cottsideraldy. .laia1 S1' as baa -A._&. *i ta+u. Tr y lst;..a lure •hoes_.wtLh &harp true. t dutph cemeteryDiu week. It braced* 11
Battersby ed the following are the losses 2 atteby mrd large silver ilueidee *et with brit- t duns 2 inches hr_h and is • car hu:d•
house, eltliki, I11.Ured: Dr. HAY," $!3M, 'lane sones, and their twins were spy• y
Partially Mooed: Thomas Jfarshail, =311°"0 .here front two t•• throe tete loot, , moue affair. -4 ..nc••e Transcript. -
insured for u'LitMi: (. am. Arthro, 1'•1000, in. Sometime* ladies were dressed the, day - --
muteOn building but amt on eoptepa:Nal hal"tri toe party, sed alevt m say ' The best res(ulaton for the et .mach
lace Moteieen. Americas heel, !1'",(01°, i5- chub. to keep their halt in to a .nliiti•.0 and bowels, the hest cure for,bifioetanlw,
•ural for fel. 00; A. Hillier. 31,°11, no blow. , ' sick headache, indiiteeti.rn. and all infec-
suet: F. Ntereneon, •$223°, insured : Chas the•k.:,owantt night.
Misner, 2730; J. U. McIntosh, Lot Strood, Par*s*ls were un.neiwit. and one - tW1►s arising from • disordered liver, are
J. Clouse bad M. R. 51..41, goo is 5ligitly gentlemen who imported an umbrella without exceptit n Juhntun a Tonic livor
daunted byremoval. �u•'nt England was luokr*i 04..4) as a Pitts Smelt in size. sugar coated. mild.
rent 1,14) 'The infest dingier hour was , yet effective. 25 cos, per bottl. sole by -
FiREBUGS AT COBOURG. Ito„ y clock ; bet pont, ohm, of the ti't'tle, dru_au. Albans block, their
* K*WAal.-t)t ..iso (p•Leu •• :'Ce sts
RT" to any "foe st•ndibl the best f•'itr lin-
rhyme on •-ra.tazwht. ' the repmrealair
little yu(u for the Teeth awl Pau:. , Aek
y ss Uru8Yeat or nod re...
erec:: •':,.ILR t., -..Z.14 GCAJ LIKE A .CD
MEp1CA ,• ME
IN op, ce" Y', 4S toe' PFF
TOTFAICCHE- f TNCG,' '4" 4 �?ti
f.••• -
C.,lonial Government dialed later. In rich• suss assent.
ti.eet )stables and *bells EmimF-A Limber tente*1 families ladies went to drink ora FREE
TM aesrellea. about four ..'cook, sed errrs:y owed •The Dlinister ..t b'Itsaeee had •surprise
By null!. tan; ',-, ,and.ng eT her nest o1Rq
in store for his Ottawa friends. He ar- add ' -
(' ,0.11 R.., .41117 7 -A kr.• which broke after nedielight in summer. tams:. ',;:, h.ctud;on i Co : i4:nu.s.
tint alA,ut 3 a... Friday in the rear of the _ ._-_ Turd f" (Ittawa op 1Yrdnrpday evenaug
(,tut« n'r and t ,.n .- L,,,al H-.tvIs burnt the Is Oriel. mad foe she Palau. by the CAuSdau I'acaiC Railway thin a[- --
11 ueru ...beds, the Lonunercial . *noble an 1
rail ea COOK BOOK
_ 1 c,ou:panted by his bride, Mrs Addie C.
dorch damage in .tones and liarnum'a • l`8uholas. 11r Faster was married in
id t
lumber and a.1 yard. air lining. I.e..rge Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered Chtc*go ou Tuesd.y at the First llaptiat
l'Iunkett of theien-en's 1•.ses..l.o•nt R"P4, fn• liver is misery. Indigestion is • foe 1.. , church by (tsar 1 P. tlen..n, D. 1)
ruran, e$ilM1; Jen.cst.nrre of Chet o, .rater, i51 mewl nature Mrs Foster, who is well known in ten.-
et1:,tk1, in•u:anee "I$); .tones t ):artium
the human ii...tire apparatus it one vermin codes, is a lady p.ss.•winv ear••
*Lou, tnsuranee tads
-,f the most cumplicatto: and wonderful mental gtfts,•nd wilt he an acel•►isitl.n to
It is believers the tire *'A• in endiary.
Bing• in existence. It is easily put out Ir:Ingo...stet,. As she lived there for s
time she has Italie a circle of friends to
Grealy ford, smash fond; eloppv food. ! welcome her return.
trswu or tae sywtb*a•Palra.slaa Imvewt- bed c.►o:cry, mental worry, late hours, t
ashes -ll.atrewthews. Iirre'*u!ar habit.. and ninny other thin•te i Mew • tawdr(ausbtt*Id.
Mo'.Tar t1., .luly L. -In the case of the which ought not to he, have nude the
Cynthia-l'..lynesian disaster the Harbor .l,.neticen pee,ple • nation of dyaprltie..
Commissioners have come to a decision but slut lireer.'s August Flower hes done
refuse as yet to disclose it. it is under -,t wonderful work in reforming this sad
• food, however, that th.:y have deriad to
Mumma and making the American
reinstate Troth pilots, ennoble:mg that each peotde s, health* that they can enjoy
believed he was taking the itl:h.t .mora..
their meals and 41. ha.
Hach 'd 10 it• uw0 cokehappy.
The fame.'r.l n( the tau 1 1..
\Iecl)nnell Remember :-So happiness without
toe place irom his readen•e to -day. The health. But Greens August Power
coffin was taken to Notre Dame Cemetery, brings health and happiness at the
and by permission of Cure 1entenne was dyspeptic Ask your dregga.v for •
placed in the vaultsaw•iting the p•rmiasion hottla. Seventy -bre cent.. lowly
of the arebhishop for interment. 1 he sass
1s precisely similar to the famous Guilford
ease. Jk.th were members of the lestit.ts Mr (:es. Samwell, of Exeter. had a
Canadieene and refused to have the last eery valuable Jetary cow die en Saturday
rite. .,f the church administered. The the 22•d ult. Tr • supposed cause of her
e ta• hbi.hop is out of town an•i it cannot be death was ►mflammanon. r'he was cab
learned what action he will take. toed at *MO and had one '•f the beet
A WRIT FOR $20.003. pedigrees in C.nsda.
1se.N *,.Iasi tt.5 Grand lemon b • R Ise se Tear Cased.
s'•urse Tartan. Don't elbow a cola In the head to slow-
. Hann -roe, July A. -This morning pro- Iy and surely run into Catarrh, when
cood,nip were started 45 s ..It arising out you can he cared for 223c. by using Dr.
of for v1 Dowd* raliway accident- Mrs Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applies.
Mary .Iran Evans, who 1. nprts..rotad by tion• care incipient e&tsrrh ; i to 2 hoses
11'. E. sunned, had • writ isesrd agues
cares ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes 5
the Brand Trunk Railway for Il4",t1(M dank,toad to Care ohmnac catarrh. Try
ages for personal injuries sustained in Useirww
accident (ally she and San caro }ktld l y
D.s body of the (lapplsnn's Cenge•11116.1101114
aoicide was buried last evening. Ne ass i
b•* yet turned up to .loom the body. Ilfr Gen. McKinley, of SM(orth, a
At • reMesal ms.rtlm` t. the(•ostralIrrformer modest, will attend Montreal
down ilin
e* end it build
1.6;000 u+ asap Th'"4...real Collet• that yew % is pr•par-
dewn eh. manes bill build • Nb,al)° t(uady
sshaol ea Ws till ,ati•s for the Methodist minletry.
A slim young man in the height c f
frahlon WAS violently snees,ng In a 511.04
ear, when a coni;anion remarked, "Ase,
Chawlra, dean boy, how dye catch that
dweadful cold." "Aw, •teals fellah, left
my cane in the lower hall t. Cher day,
and in sucking the ivory handle, •.
dweadful cold, if chilled me almost to
!death." 1f Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey • Red Pine Duni his cold would not
trouble him very mucline, or sale at J
i 11 ilson'a prescription drugstore, tf
Mr A. J. Holloway, Clinton, is beck
. from Manitoba
Serer* al/oeb.
Mini Beals Elliot, of Pontypool, (kit.,
writes -"My brother and f were both
taken ill with a severe attack elf dun,
rh•e., having tried other remedies, we
tried Dr Fowler's Extra.t of Wild Straw-
berry, which gave immediate relief." 2
They have a larger este in my die
trict," says • well knows druggl.t, "ibaa
any other pill on the market, and Rive
the Met satisfaction for sick headache.
biloioesnees, indigestion, etc , and whoa
o►mbtned with Johnston'* Tonic Kitten,
Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills will per-
form what no other medtcine has dome
before for *offprint hurnanity." Pills
25 gents per bottle. Bitten Ito cents
end $1 par bottle. Roll by Goode
Mugge*, MINN' Wok. Goderfob,semi le1
WORLD'S To ITION,NewOr,Ii/flea
U.:..t. ls•i J, iu competition with ilio
*Ilinotorte•; • : !turopc and Aeaerica. The
.ittly U.S. In, national Meelalever award.
aril to a L *►t ptan.nulle ; $1 ., Me -dal
and Dip:nwj' :' if a Colu nal awl Lldiat
E*-hI*4litan. een.moa. Eng.. 1.:-•... with the
suites -me hot.,•" of supplying 11••r Mies• •it) .
:he Queen \'.ion a Newcombe 11.141
selected by fir Arthur Sulfivan. Fut
Illustrated Catalogue, p. -ices and Letitia,
nda'eae Octarius Newcefata & Co.,
The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln
is now running full time, and
any quantity of Fresh Lime
can be obtained at the Kiln
at all times for 10c. a bushel.
0oderl^h, May In. 14*1. 22e3ff
`., rl:1aT A:': tl" -. a'g11.5 Ttattr4ac,f,
A: td; ..,'d be rn,,1 an ap.
t'rn;ar.alrI(1•-. 1'' earn mains*.
war. 14, Ow., r an'4 --. Ale to
« tamtlr- who an!! try et*
ptaaraus'i ISISIS hisses
1 al the red Circle from Ow
label and .end it in a latter
stating heewst optnioon aha
fair teal. E ie,er a 4 10 or se
Cert ata* will *rent* the nth.
Any Emcee or Nnreaeeper
kn..a where an 1(titif asked
for T you-A/lrrar-
cAG11;CHiLL It 00-.TOt0]1!0
LAGER (Burled)
yen 8als toy
• *1.01014 1Bi.00[. DODWCH.
r .....o......
WAR*ROJ0S '07. 05 CHuR^A IT - eorameO
A:'.•R! et TD Lr ltd'*_:,SAteMR
\\Tl(EI liqrairs
The undersigned is prepared
to undertake the putting in of
Water Services in connection
with the Town System toDwell-
ings and other Buildings. Also
To Steam Engines, Mills. Fac.
torics and MacI,ineryof all kind.
Prices reasonable. Satisfac•
tion Guaranteed.
ig7. - I.; R E
L� ,. - -y 11 t
4(4. 'II i s,o t'. Olt T :''• not n ..ani I, "I • .IF
Ii t.r, ut.ecc. Y i u S':, :I.--. a .
gy;R, )t} yi .t 1. ti's. -'.'i• l i. ...,•
1 (tare mace :*1 : -.
Fern, E!":: :PS or
Fr l�fvi t$:014.:NE138
♦tfrWoe tun•.y. 1 t ,,... r .npl+ly to
Ct'f:: tttr *Oras. 1[r•. * :.'•'a l... Ind
is tt.t011 fa•, • .2 t:..H . •6't•14.:
4.u1.•.•1•at:. •1. '..1 • • n -n• M
1.40.\Lt•t'•1 r 1. i. 1..i Poet
,*g,. t. • , t: .:o.ol 11
e..; v tree. . ::t JT. M.0.,
*1nr1.'.i OiRcs.... I. t . . _ ..•ata 8t: oat,
1os.'4: ).
rv..• ,,, I 1 ., a •.t.:,.
}.1$:a,.. : .
tit's 1... • . ..i--.41.., er01111en
Ito ate 0...1 ,1 'a..s.,ea bay yeast
',Ire? *tee by L . •e
It r: -.1.•a t e lightest. whitest
art for n 4
!LJEiA`7TIFIl:a 'v i..SICNS I
_A. 1_ C0_L--?,1\1-7.0=111i,
2 LTC.L.
A lar,. assortment of ,the'newest style in Hatt el,tl Bennet*.
North -8t. *.tamed door cif' !Moore. Sh.gm
11lLRS. sALLg LD
has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Flushes. Flow%
era, Ribbons, and every other line for the embelishment of
Hats, Bonnets, and every other article iu her Milti-
nery Department, which else it; selling low.
Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before.
A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be given
to every purchaser of a hat valued at $2 or over, and
the Gift will be awarded on July let.
arias C112\2£RON
Has no* received her Spring *tock of the
.1.1rEAy r4X10 SES z Si ILE
And is prepared torte* her many lady runt omrt. the ttneet City Styles at town rates
(swing to the tact that her business hen kept on increadaa, then has not been an op
'unity to prepare for • forme! spring opening.
All are S riled to examine (Juality. sit lea and Prices.
Meetly Colstmeats Received Dann. tie Busy Seas
IHoWRll(►a$. Cornerof Hamilton and Nearside -et. off the &pore. e'r
GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the lest of
value in all line% of Furniture -from the Amall.•,t chair
to the (argent and best bed -room Ret, or parlor suite.
Cell and see his stock and get a bargain.
In all its branches, promptly attended k
17 EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand.
PICTURE FRAMING a specialty.
0110. BABRY,Hamilton-Bt., Ood
n -
'f t