HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-12, Page 3111E HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 12, if*
■•rep of Iduetirteu
NEW ENGLANDERS FAVOR OUR alp ( The G'I'ua u'r builru,o, d.Mlisg with
CARRIERS- rreu-se oft fare gars to outset., es based o,,
--... _-..._ n,twrealWn ►up.pbed try 3221 .1 the toan-
.1,r corr.•43.4,4mo* ul liar L. rruu, •t.urr
arldeaee Caves e• Saturday se(ere the lair ..1 Jule let.
daMsd S..s.. Msata twtrNst p "n•rtu, .lues l'. -A B ea,tiarrrtary.
-Th.replies to queueius,s wont out by
tater-*rase tews•msea hu burwu Irraruirig frauds un Limeys
& ote, July 6. -The United tactor+) hrl etopery. In
Ms timeliness rr uf
u4 lead to
toccata cummisafua os Inter ,state CM. t
Merest continued hers to-daLer prodded idle eeuc:luion that the rural population
Spear of the Burton Chamber of coin.. 1 the t.r..t iota to doll rvek..uwf as wood
merue drew • statemeet to the committee. prey by eertaie glib -tinged and enactsp-
ltiududed resolutio•rprssed by the Hewn uluus feilws, who are thtivmg on the
Executive Business kinds Aa.ueution de- g,• incl, vaulty or cupidity of their
preesting any intertereuos with the Dumps- vs/noes. But, on the other hand, the
tftiou u1 Caau/diaa ruadswrth theNsw Yolk rp.., • •l... •how that the farmers are
!ilea. Mr. Speen gave tiler" w wppttrt b•ouating +dl suf.ru ed regarding the
this postilion and denoted the efforts of
Voris -ie.. trade urgeonetiuoa f r relief from '1rr.u„ua.6 the sruudlna who latest
the unfair discr►miwtiun of the lines '° t,•wosh,ps, anti while this luuwled►e
against Boston aid fn favor of New York has $••mel hers ...ell buosht by a eDaly
before the iut.rf.reu..ro of the Canadian cud I a • fol •xperience, more freemen -
lines. After thi• appeared, lei *aid, the ly it has brew KI•and from the warning
matter began to aaeuute a different impact •••I , nos • 1 tau pr.:•s ••1 ill., province*,
std rho American roads became more ac-g •birth It• done goo.' service in •ap•e-
a,uuu.,datwg. The privileges between ••c l,ao.•t• • n •gricultor tow With the
Canada and the United states should be ro.-pts..., ,•1 t!u red,. nous seed wheat
exactly reciprocal. if Canadian competi• , .1 o.t is ('•••. rto-re •„iorari 14, hair
non were channeled New Euglrad trade Tway •marked falling raja the number
would suffer. Witness thought it would be
• good thins to let Canedrau roup w
not• • taboos pi..ct sir ou I IU.l-I4 :'win..
Caren termini in this country. .Ur. Spar hes ""Itry )ears. :�.eerth
Caren.+toss, • $Vs-
aud that iu tense of war If we had their res' "t deco:Amu and roguery hos been
termini their roads would uut be of much' 't"u•;l't to Iu:ht wntrh it t. the purpose
ase to teem with the termini under the tf this bulletin briefly to deectibe.
juriedi tion of the United status. %That•! S;.,l,e . t the Frauds.-AMutt g the
ever commerce develops iu Canada will be .ih.-r :.•tiro.. reporters as list alt beet.
for the benefit of the United lutes. lithe ,...1 w ltauduleet enns$Mhl1a are
Canadian roads could be pieced under the !,uric, 1, in:. •ue..chu•et, pumps, liar•
regulations of the inter -State Law it would tas, .n ►1.•,rruwrra, stove -pito •ting..,
be agreeable to New England. New Encs- a ! n to ••, t ', vs., (ar pod -ilii, 1'i%ht-
land, however, was aatubeJ with the pre. ,aim; rods, hay forks, weigh sewles,rooaeg
meat condition of things and would like to
be let *lune. u,., I.Loa o• a, sewing Midi iota, fru*
'President Goodwin of the Poston Exam"'' "tr •: a w .s rar,••u+ lions- «f
tive Business bleu s Association detailed Patent tights. llr.ef d•ucriptioo• of ate
Boston's disadvantages as compared with •moa oto.-+) prac'.eed of tees* seindlt$
New York. and cod them disadvantages are given, and they may be taken es
would be incrwrd should Canadian coat- a -miens of the whole.
petition be withdrawu. Forty per ...rue o1 The L awl Agent Ricket. -The pump
the grain curial;to \eve Ea laud comas 67 fraud ft.... worked extensively In lance
Caoa.tian runts in slater. In summer the
proportion is Larger. Tee Grand Trunk was su•l ,•t+.r western counties a year or neo
the pioneer to citing att•ommodatioas a40, something after this fashion : A
to the proivae traffic and the American travelling •;eat comes to a farmer an d
roads were f•,rccd to fall in line. ed., him to becoll.e on $lent for the sale
The Inter•State Commerce Law affect* of sou pumps, utleriig as an inducement
New England adversely because all its to p•aee .ane pump itt the farmer's eel.
traffic is inter -State, while New York has free. The partite Come to au asreewetit
one l:re entirely within iN !orders. After nr u h ch the hu titer consents 1. tr.:rive
the passage of the Inter -State law through lear, 1 nolo. w !co, he s to $W I at g1:,
rate. were taken from a large number of apla•e. keeping (..3 on each pump for bis
New England points. The Canadian traffic
teude.l to equalize the effect this had. The c n:uo>s1ou, and set:dung the brtulce to
trunk lines bad seemed to consider New We "antsy as the biti,rme* are sold.
EngF ltd a ground Incfor preying upn. t- mr then 1.61,1 abet he heurvrs
near tavored repeal of th- Inter State law tv be a:, order for the pumps on these
rather than extensiuu of its provisions tq -erma. but the paper turns nut to he •
Cusdian lines. 1prom..tory mute for f'10, the retest price
11-.:1. L I'utIlam said the sentiment of Port-. t eh. e:eren pinups. buit:ginned • note
land lusiuer u.vu was ag•tnat legf.iatiett!Is sskcd fru►, merely to c„err the value
interferina-w-ith the present bonded systems. 4 r: •aun exhibition" at the
of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Paceie farm bonne, and omi,,,„ nn'Iy there is a
roads. Mr. I utnan, spoke of the counectiona,..vur tact us, ere audiuy" that the uremia
west which Maine had estab'i.he.j via h vet l wjll 1 e taken back : but, remia
t)gdensbsrg through Canada, and said theywhile
felt their inves meats were as touch entitled'F.r note ineerf•b1y turns up, the gran
to the protection of the United tit* es as.+rth whoor the father ha,l the vertel
any elvestmenta made on oar aide of the.uuderstauding never appears again. A
Vie- innmlwr of 'herr pumps .re now rusting
President 1Yesteott of the Portland and in western barns. This stile of fraud,
Rochester road urged the reteeirion of the which is Sanwa/ • the "local agent
present bonding system. S. M. Thaxter rscltet,"has newt soaked in the disposal
and Judge (leave' of I'nrt.a11 supported of several of the oast r articles named In '
the position taken by Messrs. Puns= an,1 the Frcrdiug I,eis1 r.ph.
eatWt t.
M. L Sergeant of Boston, representing 11•e Hoy -fork Swindle. -The hay-fo-k
the Arkwrigbt Club, and T. '. Edwards, {w:uuir, I.le the C•uadan thistle, has
Treasurer of the ('ocheeo Manutacturitsg opp,A:cd iu nearly every section of the
l ompafy of Lover, N.M. said that mad ,t ort ir,c, . In many cases it is worked
the Canadian roads got luta Neve England acct:y as the pump fraud described'
the mills led to pay an arbitrary rate of 25 snore, bis', occasionally, It takes • form
eeets per brie oar cotton, but after the .f •I• • •ort : A representative of the
Canadian roads came iii the American roads ; ,u c.1t. upon the farmer and niers w !
•hal shed this rate. ►d• The commission out r.+1 s hay -fork for nothing if the
jowled until Monday.
snot r will accept an agency for the fork,
s tot. onto., which the latter is tau willing to
Cntcaso, J •:y t. -The Chicago commit- ucr•I1. A few days afterwards a second
tee of the C'eutral1 pudic As.ociauon met to• rep 1e•esen'aitee of the makers con.esaluug
day to farther orn aidvr the sitaatiou in the and gets 'he farmer to .igu a stateeuent
light of ths.11altimores 1)sio's reduction in of Ins *flair*, *lust to'ahow that he is a
the rate on corn and wheat. I)hr•ing the resp •nsible patty." In the c .arse of a
for.nnuu the Pennsylvania roaf issued • week or two the victim is surprised to
supplementary to iff api•lying da reduced learn that the so -caned statement rot *I-
rate* to 14rtca and other New England fair, is realty a skilfully worked order for
points. Th} committee, after full discus -a number of forks, .04 (bat they ham.
cion, decided not to meet toe action of the -
at the nearest. railway statues.
Baltimore & Ohio and the Pennsylvania at
once, some members preferring to wait for sumatinee the farwer give au order for
instructions from the managers of their foil"- there being a verbal agreeweut
lines, and others holding otl until after thi that he is to pay fur the forks only as
meeting of the joint committee in New York hey nae sold ; but in such a case* note
next N ednesday-. .1 meeting of the trunk is takes to cover possible loss by tire er
bus presidents will be held in New York accident. and this note invariably tinds
Jdouday, when an effort will be made to in- its way into the hands of a third party
duce tee Baltirnore • Ohio to withdraw its for collection.
reduced rates. It is generally believed, patent Roller --An agent fur • tent 1
however, that the Baltimore & Ohio Ina W
made lig contracts with ehippen at the go- e»Iler a h0 years ago persuaded several I
dined rates and cannot recede from ita pouf. fanner. of Simeoe to jour. un • note to
tion until they are fulfilled. the extent of g10 apiece for one of his
imelraiesits. The note was duouubted,
WILL BURKE BE SENT BACK, 'nit the fuller never arrived.
The Case u dere T. -day-• Mgateeaat
Fanning 111th. --A peculiar fanning
ststraseet lythe Judge mill sw,pole no reported by a Middle-
sex correspondent, who writes :
WINNIrv:, July ;.--The Burke extradi- R.ye,al years ago a firm started is the
tion trial was continued Saturday, when fanning mull bwinttas. They were not
certificates of Chicago doctors wen put in •uc^_easful in their canvassing, so they
proving the death of I)r. Cronin from rented a room near I..rtduu market and
viokac•.. Though 11. prisoner's manual
objected the case was enlarged till Monday 'Their
the mill in working order.
morning, the judge saying that all the Their meth..d was to invite fernier, to
evidence the prenecutlon had should be laid octspvct their mill and its work, which
before him. The twee will clow Monday was apparently very good. They then
and if extradition is ordered the matter will ,eked the fanners to sign in a large book
come before the fall court al owe by way of s rronmu.rud•tion of the mill and its
het' Corpus. ...ek, andlrath farmer who signed had a
mill sent to him. On refusal of payment
S.101at Jsrdea. they were seed. Some paid and some
JORDAN, 00t., Jaly 11-A man by the took a suit, when the fraud was exposed
named 0eorge (lreeb living in tbfs village. and the business wound us.
committed suicide yerttay by takinglightning Rods.- The frauds in ens -
Paris green. Before death he remarkedm nectioo with lightning reds aro too well
that had M knows it was going too give w
►um E
so much pain he would not have takes it. known to aced description hers. iDurismg
He expected he would f.11 over jest like a the past two or throe years then bas
potato bug. About a year age tlrauh ea• been a decided lull in this class 0
deavor•ed to kill birexlf by getting o0 to the 'windier. owing to the exposure in west -
house top and rolling from the roof, that ern coons.
time may enec eding in slightly hurting, Pau at Right Ageneiea.--While farul-
hioasll• ors but• thrown away a gond deal 01
Nu tlfs[festr+da t I some, by ao.opting agsneiw for patent
r•ghts, the lose in the majority of cases
fir. Parr, July 7. -ilea w•falkar yeet-%has resulted not eo much from the fad
day is the Nortiweatwas wawa- '111. that the articles were without value in
ew over 100' d themeelvw, but rather 00 account of the
Burma, Dak., 1 the peaet� were kept odtmeot of the purchaser is take
within doers nit •threose fee east. lo'po e. art deme for wtieh thane was ao
health. As Vert $.fly it was 104 bn the ' R
shade. 1:pmil demand. cr in paying an .s0esson-
laNe s tut far a too limited territory.
lltsseb era Paris Isaa) salt... 1 Nursery Agents.- From every q.ar-
Paare, Oat., July t -W. C. Jews, .dtter'tsr some eompbints of bra. iulpt aer-
ie The altar-Trameeript, diad seddeel this ;very emits. The charge seed* agaiest
moreiag abouts o'climb fr.. a M e� graapo-':this clam 1. that they ehest the farmer :
*plpepasyrw He come down town as [meal fa -'1) Ry chemise exorbitant grime fee
the *"estariwes.lth art ids el sed sstli
after m Isile,ed ^eve pe rate varieties of trek eel
sad ocher trees white are sitter worthies,.
some pain la his left els eammeeed Dr. w, at ate bona, old varieties ata+K •
Dlsasoa, set tote sato t+ M si eq etetrtittt
NW massa (!) By nm
p,eevad0R sees
DermaTb. Dera Mame tee s tf
mail lereerkess er le M hard. *Ilse lee
Yrs foreleg the strikers M *Y. .re etterly es.sitabl• for the soil im
oltssate. t3) ilv aeudloe common mai In.
!visor trees i.uste.J .1 the standard sort.
..rdered. 14) By sbippug trees, ate , •1
muse+rues►h timee. wing to Caroled*"
1.14,4 iu paoling. Sosueto•es the agent
0,11 personally agree to tep'atei all trees
dying within three yeses; bet after the
first season he u 1it paster.* nee% 10
ibis coausCU•.0 • corr.sy..'•dent Fantle
oat the dewier to orchards In in certain
wandering Knfter lie stated th.t one
•.t these peripatetic gardeners was heard
to boast that he never ran short of
setons while any orchard was neer• or,tn
other words, any grafts would do if tae
supplies ran out.
Tricks of Agents. -Pleats and orears
have been fully paid fur in cash 1 y
farmers, who thou signed what they
were to d Iles an acknowledgment .,f the
receipt of the instrumeut, which, Loit-
erer, Is • lieu up,u the art c e until a
escuud paynetrt is made. [lid sewing
ira:hwes lave been polished up, ec-
varnished and palmed off as new, mud
many clever but rascally tricks base
been practised by repairers of machinery
in order to ort a job or sheet the sale of
• rival artiste.
Shoddy Peddlers -Shoddy peddlers
are reported all over. These fellows
genetaily travel in pairs and the stories
they tell regarding their stocks are in-
geuuow. They represent • great English
,•r Scotch house chirp can afford to cut
•way below C'Apadtan prices ; •n tnsur-
ance company has furcud the salt of the
•'Hods ; a It hid, se:, h Jest is anrwuo to
deal direct with the purchaser ; or son •
other plausible tale is repeated with t n-
blushn'g e!Ir•ntery. A little fectoly
cotton 1s sometimes sold at two ,r throe
cents a yard with the cloth, so as t.. load
the buyer t.. believe that he is eettit F
all the goods at equally favorable rater,
e nd the adm eidy droners also claim to
have made arr.i, ementa with score loc.1
tailurs to make 4}p suits frum their cloth
at prices next to n •thtnt• Sides are
seldom node below $:t0. The g.ettla arc
of the po crest texture. and oeten sail
u.1 stahti Is.
1l•.lu4Jewellery. -litany f•rmets have
been Nerved l y peddlers of bogus jewe'•
ler, and imitation geld and silver
watches. Ths sllr_ed Bold watches are of
no real commercial value, but as high a•
81:0 hate bee.) paid fur them. V.ilualde
jewellery and hrat-class watches ate
never peddled.
freely 1.ed.
Mr Wm. Mann. of t otters. (O't..
ernes : 1 hate ..std Dr Fowlri's Ex•
tract "1 li'nd S'ranbrrry its cry fanuiy
with th.• v"rya heat rr+u'ts. I roe .en-
,net:d it to ply frirntis and i'•k a the
beat Oleitcnna• 1❑ sae for all summer
complaints, diarrh.,•s, dysentery, etc. 2
Wok Agent.--Bor•ks aceut are not
peculiar to the rural disencts ; hut
many of our correspxot.denta charge this
class of agents with fraud. And in
some instanced the charge appear* to to
A Solid feet.
Three years ago I had liver complaint
and indigestion. Nothing did me any
good until 1 tried Burdock Floud Ritter'.
three boottle+ of •hich cured me. I shall
Ise II. B. it. as Inc medicine. John
/Floyd, Baruesvi:te, N. L'. II. L. B. re-
gu.atts the liver. -_-
Foul Sad. -Several c'ur..popdents
characterise as fraud the custom of soil•
in: foal seed. eoeat.ining a plentiful ad-
mixture of mustard. red root and other
weeds hard to get rid of.
• tree Car
Around each bottle of Dr Chase
Liver Cere is a medical guide and receip
book containing useful inf•armation, over
900 receipts, anti protwuttced by doctors
eyed dreggists a. woCte [sit time• the
oat of the mrdteine. Medicine and
Omsk E1. Sold by as druggists
(1n Wednesday, the 19th nito., Mr
Matthew W11.vn, . f the 2nd conceeston
of Morris,was united in marriage to Miss
J. A. Stokes, of Grey township. The
interesting ceremony was performed by
Rev W. T. Cluff, of Brussels, and esu
witnessed by a number of friends.
flay fever is a type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It is attended ty an
inflamed condition of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affecting the lungs. An acrid
mucous 1•.ecreted,the discharge uscc.:m-
panied with a burning sensation. There
are severe spume of sneezing, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Creane ilalm s It reme-
dy that can be depended upon. 5Octs.
at druggists ; by mail, registered, Wets.
Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New
York. 1,
ale told Nee rano
A farmer's wife was at one time fitaet-
ly annoyed by ber husband's carels .-
ness. Hts moat careless habit was that
he seldom thought of splitting wood for
his wife to prepare thematic She tried
several plane to make him remember
this, but it was of no avail. $o one day
he had several men helping in the har-
vest field and be of course forgot to split
the wood before going to the field.
When it came time to prepare the noun-
day mea!, his wife got meet, cabbage.
potatoes, tea, etc., on the stove, pre-
pared the table and had everything
ready for the fin to do its part ; then
milled the men to w'wte for dinner. Kb•
had dose her part. and when he came is
he was greatly surprised, hut he knew it
was a good joke on him• and all ire
weld do was to Eo and split the wood,
then sit gatedy down, and wait for the
dinner to Bonk. Since that he re-
members the wood -pile and axe, ••
pedally *bee he bee hired kelp.
• WeaMawd rte,b ?r i.eee.
This is the title Rives to Myatt'. Easel
sine of Cod Lire, lid by many thousands
who have taken it, It not ally Ries
limb and etreegth by virtue of its owe
estritoes properties. bet creates es ap-
petite for food. Use it, and try yoer
weight Beott'a Im•lafee is perfsetly
palatable. Bold by all druggists, .t b0..
Des'. $ ,segeee
Run no nes la liar medicine, bet
try tits oreat Kidney and Luer torah'
tor, amide by Dr. Chase, setbor u1
Chase's ft -mopes. Try Chase's Lien
Cure for all d:eeases .• the I 'ver, Kid
uaya, Stomach and Etowah. bull by all
Ju ugg.sts.
The d stresafi•;_ valency so efts ob.
sewed to young girls and women. to due
10 s grout measure to a lack of no red
corpuscles in the blood. To remedy
this re. uires a medicine which produce.
throe orangery little 'blood eon•lltuusts,
and the beet yet discovered is Johnson's
rouic Bitters. Price 50 cents, and S1
per bettle.at Goole'. drug store, Albion
block, (.uderch. Sole agent. I b]
RasawgD AND BENIN/Mt.-The stock
of srattonery, including mote, Inter and
accouut papers, rovt4opes, and mu tact,
all classes of printing papers has just
been repleuialtrd at TME ht.•YAL. An-
other lanes lot to arrive In a day or two
and more to I.. low. It you want some-
thing Ilea% aro d business like ►u other
stet rnery caii It you want a card or
circular primed in the latest style. coli
at Tee i i••!f AI. steaw printing Luse,
North St.
The rtes end turern.mi.s of M •hsnt-
meile em are observed h' the eleven
(11ndo1is owh
1 that taith o key. just
reached New Yuek.
The Moat Puer.reatl+l Remedy ever dleae►
ares%... It is ....nolo In its Oro,• Ami cut.
m.•: Waster. Pial proof toe.
Orn^x necessitate A. asTaaa,
Deutos. or
C* err' iu La/ A.M.. Tav10ae Dare R.
ie.. E. J. T. rrr>ar_. non, fu., 2:0.. x.. lass
Icer sir.: I Ar. always purchased your Kew
!solus R„avtn cr::• yfv Ilse turn ,.• lel l.,ttlr•,
email l!xe pd..-� In larger Q.,Athr I n.1nx It le
•.ac of the ',ea ..oris 1 be,. used 1x
a ttf atau:.-s •er,r rev fears.
1. w.. t, 7. (n.a A. brig.,
ftwel. tri, K. T., November t. t -:3L
De. B. r. Et .r .
11'1 u Mrs : t d.•»:• o to etre iron testtttioetal er any
1^•d mmonor our liea:af.'•. vin Core. 1 tune
invi It I..r 1.aa.eneae. t'M1 J0511 ■•d
esovand 1 Ls,.:...•n•1 u a owe cure. 1 conn•
ata r--..'u.,mrAll 1 to 41:14 or.rmrm
1o.0$ rr,.:; .,t. }t. nnTTM.
ttae: Tr.,y L ..oaf. ata„lea
Sart. Wevos CorstT. vitt., Le..:4.les.
De D.J. Xaina.t Co.
Greta: 'fret e1 tt my daty to se .rte! 1 have Rollevette p;pr r.eade•re st •o't.. (or.-. i t:•,e eta. t
to,•^t.. n , bot,ve 11..•1 1 cot ..nevi ,, ten M
Hier r13...•, n.•:c am.' cn! •• u., t,f hived awl
. e.c0 ,.1 Data., aw. ao.•• t1•tar o.c Cmeor y'•ut
wok* an.: to:aimed not intr:t:.a>... 1 :u•• swot,
Luta e:: o see Sled.
1.e.e. Heal.! ,
A.Dr.-► Trina.
r' -;rte t1 rer hn't), or .Is 1y tisa for $ All Draft-
rl,t • [.ave 7t ..r amu ser ! r • oe yeti. cr It win b. .en,
to nary vaire44,.0 :vector. !.•tyv `,y 1114 pro .rte
Tura. u1Yd ia$Dun.t:u.. Ls•.1rtree l'a1tn. Vt.
rr+ run
c, p. E Bo
I hare a large number of Ilan -see and Letts
and Vacant Landes in the moot desltable /sets
of the Town -trot *AUG VttIP. -
Now i. the *nor to secure property Were
the Nig Hash. The C. 1'. R. 1• conflate sere.
and in • short time prices will have advanced
beyond the reach of maty-.
Call and are Liu and Prices before parches
bag else % her.
Revd rdat. and (jenernl in•..ranee Agent
Ogic• R'.st-Sat., third door from outage. r. Y.
tai Ticket and Teleensoh Unice. 44-41.
A selection of Choice and Healthful English
CO1NTF1=CTI02.1-E R'Y_
Try Almond Rock for a Toothsome Article.
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
oublic by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Rees ice & Son,
Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
r .
E cot
No paper spoiled by blotting. No pens spnilMl by cnrmding. No :snie wasted dipping Into an ink bottle.
r -
127 -7-
Kto.. Etc., at
Um1 oboe h the=
style. put is
new tarleeirha ra.
two of theta thimble -
bilked Rochester
Tilting e h a i rs. sad
bird a joiern.ytMle
Garble. we are in a
position to do llessse
Week than beret
Lady's* Childr'ea's-
Haircuttingr�mad. a
specialty on all nen
Razors and 8o(ssste
W. K1�TIG -I T,
Mat West Street• two doors east of 1'.O.. Oe4rlsb
Merchants can trot heti Hill Heeds. letter
Head& ta. etc. printed at thin ndlce for very
little more than they generally par for the
paper. and It hada. to advertise their
W besiaaas
Ca:d sea mmvt« and gel prices.
=illsad ell buslawm to the U.N. Paten
shaded to at MODRRATR PRIGS.
Our orloe is opposite the U. ft. Patent
iie. and we car obtain Faust* la tees the.
flan these rwmot, trout PA RHINO DOA.
vlesas lopgteataMilti tree of a sad
• maks aks 1(0 (JKA 101 ONI.1AA WI' 01'
We refer, wo t tl, eq
• I riDiv. and to o*o*aLt
of tis
L'. tt F050 t Ones. rot (Irewrr. edifies•
terms cud retenwess to areas' elegem is Pier
ewe (1050 or 0suaty. write to
•. S$OW dl aye..
nelteldts Pants. Olite. Ws.hiagu•. D 'C