HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-7-12, Page 21,0
Hester Brand stood in her cool, clean
dory, • linen apron tied aruuoo1 her
plump waist, her round arcs bare 1.1 the
ribuw, working • huge bowl of fresh,
•e.et butter into dainty prints, each
stamped with a ruse tau top.
There We. Du sham shout Hester's
pnots. A good 16 ounces :o the pound,
every one of 'cut. No sham about Hea-
ter either. She was just what she pre-
tended t., be, and greatly respected by
everybody, notwithstanding a small in-
chnatiou to have her own way 'which
gave some folks neon to all her •tub•
hero. But Hefty's head was usually
MK in the right direction, and if her
tongue did grow • trade sharp now and
then, everybody knew that a good, king
bean lay beneath.
A comely woman still, spite of her
elm and forty years. She was • plea -
mut object to hook upon as she stood in
the inviting dairy. Se thought a stal-
wart farmer who presently appeared in
the du..rway, and rather awkwardly ad•
dressed her.
floodmornin', Hetty.'
Hester looked up. and pausing a mo-
ment in her work, answered :
"Meriting, Nathan. Why didn't you
g to the house f"
"I did, tint thing. Hefty. Lindy
said I'd find you out here."
"Well, you have found me, but I
don't receive callers in my dairy. I
never can teach that stupid Lindy any-
"Wal, I ain't agoin• to pester ye long,
child," said her suitor good naturedly.
"I jest want to speak to ye on a little
matter o' business, if so be as you're
"(:,'long and tit down ..n the side
Porch, then. I'll to there as soon as I
finish this last print.'
"Sartin ! Sartin ! Any way to suit ye,
Hotly,- and with a whimsical twinkle in
his blue eyes, Nathan Strong took him-
self off to the house.
Hester, with a faint little pucker of
impatience on her brew, took her own
time to finish the print and set the whole
crockful into the stone trough, where the
bright water from • living spring rippled
through the dairy and kept all things
fresh and cool in the hottest weather.
"I'll bet a cent Nate etrcne has tot a
fool '• idea in his head aeaut,' she wlilc-
elnized as she drew down her sleeves.
"It he has. he'll go home with acother,
that's •II I're got to say :"
Stepping at the kitchen door to bid
Lindy go to the dairy and wash up the
butter things, she went around to the
porch where Nathan waited for her.
"Will yuu go into the house 1' she
"No, thank ye, ef you don't mind.
we'll jest stay out here. The 1 melt o'
them vines is Sorter sweet like, an' I
kinder fa:;cy sittin' under 'em."
".Just as yeti please," said Hester,
seating herself in a splint-br.ttumed
chair. "All well o 7 er to your place,
Nathan r
"Wal, yes, I be. Aunt Betty ie sor-
ter complainin' with rheumatiz, as usual.
She's gitttn' most too old toe keep house,'
Hester frowned and thought, "He
needn't think I'll ge keep his house for
him." but she said nothin•f.
Nathan, who wan a bachelor and own-
ed the farm joining Heater's, saw the
frown, and understood it. He eaietly
went on.
"\Val, I said I'd come on a little
business, th's runrnn.'. Wait ye thinktn'
o' rennin' the hull farm on your own
hook. this season f"
"Why, I hardly know, Nathan. 1 -es,
1 suppose se."
"How would you like to rent out a I
field or two, ef it would pay ye pretty
well ' p 1
"I don't know. I badii t thought of
iL ' o
"Spice ye think of it Bow, then. I'd a
like to rent that there little patch on the
south o' my land, to put in wheat this
fail. Would gi•e ye grain or money,
jest as sons ye best."
Well, i don't know." replied Hetty.
"I reckon I might as well let you have it
as not. I'd better take grain. We b
won't be apt to raise a• much as corn- w
mon, this year." a
"i'm much obleeeed to ye," said Na- a
than. "We'll fix it up all satisfactory," f
5e hreitated an instant, then added, k
"Don't ye find it pretty tough tryin' to ca
faros it alone, now Jacob is gone, Het•
t7 I., f.
"1 gnaw I'll make it, if do," replied In
Hetty, tartly. "Jac,n ltrand was big h
fool to do as he did at his tiros• of life,
but that's no roaeon the fare: ahouldn't
go nn. " .a
"A fool for gettin' married, Hetty h
for ruin' nut to Colorado •' asked Na-
than, the whimsical twinalo in hie eye
"For both," answtred iletty, prompt-
"Wal, 1 think myself, it was • pity he
sold his half ..f the farm and went peoktn'
off there," pursued Nathan, calmly.
"I d..n't care f.,r the farm, my half M
Wadies colored, bat thistly awered,
"Toe haute I'd give you that, Hetty,
may day, whether you marry in. or nut."
'1 neves, will marry you, Nathan
Strong nor any other was !"
"There's comfort in that. Hester."
"I dada.' iutend it to aumfurt yoe. 1
wean to show folks that a stomas can
live by bers•lf, and mauage things with
lost having • man tacked to her serum -
strings, u..w put that in your pipe and
'I dent Saone, Natty. Iteenew
hoarier yuu say once that you was d
agin smoking, so I wuuldn't learn,
1'11 keep in wind what you say. H
you 11 change yuu. mood soma day.
"1 shall nut ctange it. Id not be
dunce at toy age."
"No, 1 reckon you couldn't be tha
you tried, lfetty. Wal, I'll VV. }:t y
(seed any advios or help, reams
you've promised to call on me.
you shake lauds before 1 r" 'f"
Hester nave biro her band and
went away.
"The silly fellow !" she said to her-
self when her was gone. "To think he
will keep on liking me in spite of oh.
everyti:•ng ! But 1 wont give up : 1
don't ! se to be liked. lino net lone-
some. I don't need anybody's help or
cowpsey. llh,dear Jacob ! Jacob ttrand,
haw could you go and do that way :"
-And by way of proving her strong-
mindedness and independence, Hetty
gat down and bad a good cry all to h
Truth toad, Herter felt her brothe
defection dreadfully. She had bee
su sure that they would always live to-
gether on the old hrmestead. Her rel
reason for refueling Nanthao Strong's
offer many years ag. had been that she
would not Isere Jacob. Now he has
left her acd divided the old farm, but
she has resulved nut to follies in his foot-
o, I've stood it this long and I can
"OM Deb wouldn'tseam M a tr'actfoo
engine," said Hetty, "and I'm etc likely
to be whipped out by a Dalt like that.
Olive use the rope, now."
"Wal, there tis. Ef • woman wilt.
she will, 1 'spice But of you get your
neck bloke with the Wattled little boast,
don't my I didu't waru ye aforehand.
"I wou't, Mr Mills. (loud day. Hel-
ty dente u9, leading the call behind the
u;d Bob glanced around now and then
bar roe if be did not altogether relish hiseom-
ead pony. But he behaved pretty well—as
but .ung as the calf did. It trotted behind
ape c)eteutedly for half a wile or so, then
began to frisk amid bound, making little
• stde•l.ng runs, jerking the rope.
To make it secure she gate it • turn
t if and a tie around her wrist, and held osis
tau tighter, first scoldiug Bob and thea the
bar, calf, having all she could do to manage
Vie the reins wire one hand and the juwpmg
calf with the ether.
he Every moment the little beast grew
friskier, and poor Rester a arm was al -
meet pulled of
''li;eod griseiuus ' Will I ever get
boms. alive 1" she cried in despair.
"Who would bare thought of such a
time. If -1 ever—du—get out—of this
—" her breath e'irinq in pants, "I'11
Dever—try it—agaiu !'
Suddenly she heard • horse coming up
the hilt behold her.
"It may be Ehen," she said. "Oh, I
hope it is : 1 can't stand tt much long-
er!' She turned round to look back
rs and see if the rider was Eben and dud
not see a large rock before her. Just
then the calf gave • spring, Jerking the
rope violently, Bib whirled, the bug-
gy struck the reek and went over,
and calf, horse, buggy and woman
were to&bled together, the rope
still fast to Hett1's wrist, and
the beast turging at it with might and
Hetty screamed in spite of herself
stand it Ionizer :" she would say grim
when she felt any signs . f relenting.
But she soon discovered that it w
one thing to live 00 a farm there skill
lab'.r directed everything. and quite a
other t•, undertake the directing hers.
In 'airy, poultry yard and garden,
among the sleek cows, she was entire
at home. But .with the heavier wo
she did not know what was beat to d
If Ehen Sharp had not been perfect
trusty things would soon have show
their want of a head.
Even Eben could not do everythin
and it seemed to Hetty (:tat as sure
anything got into • muddle, someh w or I
other, Nathan Strong was on hard to
nettle i:. She did not know whether+
she was must grateful to him or
angry at hitn.
aline day during harvest when Eben
was "changing work" with the hands o
a neiehbonng farm, • sudden storm
wind and rain came up.
The wind blew s_ hard that when th
gust was carer and Hester went out t
see if any damage had been done, sh
found a part of a fence blown down, an
some choice young cattle at liberty t
get ',ut and wander at their own awes
'This wont dee' says Retry. "A
Eben will not get home these two hon
or more. What to be dote, 1 won
der i"
ly There was an answering shout. A horse
galloped madly up. A man sprang to
as the ground, snatched his knife from his
ed pocket and rut the rope. As the treed
n- alt darted off he caukbt the lines, con -
If. trolled B,b w,tb • quick hand and lifted
or Hetty from the upset buggy, saying iu
ly tones of consternation :
rk "Lord sakes. Hetty, what's op now 1''
o. "Why, I am, ' gaped Hetty, steady-
ly io,g herself by his arin a moment.
u "But what d, -es it man, child 1"
"It means— 1 am a fuel, that's what.
g, Sesta Bole please.- and down sat Hetty
as on the rock which had shipwrecked her,
and began to cry. Nathan let her cry
quietly, while he righted the buggy, and
saw that Bob's harness was all right.
Then he returned t'. her, judging her
ex_itement t . have had its way.and said,
"Come, Hetty, get ur. The horse and
n buggy are all right. You are not hurt,
of ars you 1 ,
"Ne., but I'm mail :
e "What et, child
"Because I'm a fol, I tell you. Ne-
e , than, where's that calf f'
d Nathan tried to look sober as he said,
•, 'Kicking up its heels somewhere
t down the n•ad. I expect. It isn't in
sight. Let me drive you hams and then
rid ' 111 hunt it up for you."
ra "I can drive myself" replied Hetty, I t
iew roe ladles.
A corre•pondeat ut the Housekeeper
writes as follows : --'•1 row s young south-
er Sud Ove but one bauy ; but 1 du net
believe then u a more comfortably
dressed child to the w:.rld thou mine ben
bees daring the terve years of her life.
I made her wardrobe • study, and tumid
11 a aye/Ty Isactuating one. She wore
bands jest three weeks ; thee they were
discarded. She mover wore ohms. They
are usually fwiud in an uncomfortable
rull under the baby 'Ganes, and 1 was uut
going to cave made her tierv.•us by any
aucbgar.ueut. 1 maundered how I,w•roett,
would feel milli such a roll towed
around we, and resolved Dot l0 compel
my baby •to bear what would wake sue
nearly wild. The most important item
of the wardrobe was the ganneut that
was to come Dell to her, and take the
place of the shirt. It was • sleeveless
raid, out low tar the neck, fastened I
I front with tiny, dot buttuu% and with
!larger buttuu tau the bottom at the bac
aed (rout. Tu these buttuu• was fasten
ed the outside diaper, until the bab
was rive mouths u4J ; sine. thou mor
buttons have boon added for she art
wears the waist), and her drawers an
stucktnga are fastened to it. I Almay
make the waists of the softest flannel
k "Du hot truat a wan uu:ess couvutced
' that his daily prudts aid mete than his
7 daily rxpeures.
e, "Do Dot trust a man Aho habitually
11 and oenhuuallt• sella his g' -"d, for .v...
d than average c••t for doing busies -sit
T. "Ili nut trust a wan who dn..ks to
1 ext'es,. '1
r "D.. out trust a man who liver belied"
his nrstaua.
"Do lint trust a man for snore lb..'
AR 1IM TMM Waverer -
Th. sea.uw sd trees (rude and sum- ,
mer drinks M the tiros aloes tee w .,rat
forms ..1 cholera ui..rbu• bed bowel onto •
ppluuts prevail. As a ',legume, Dr
wren 's Extract of Wild strawberry
sunutd be kept at hand. Vol :t0 rear.
it has been the moat reliable remedy. Y
Macro to Tre.I.
'Here is endow of a good deal of
shrewd obliteration mud experience w the
hollowing list of prohib•twus drawn up
by a suoeesstul hueluess eau for the gov-
ertlawes of has clerks w anima credits.
They were prutnul;;alei some mom ha atm
at a gathering of gr,.-yn tot Ns/ York,
who rudeay.red wham. rules and agree
&ants to cure trade evils. We have
printed thea, before, but they are worthy
uf repil110,11.
"Do out trust a man who is not wil-
ing to male a statement over his urn -
"Du tout trust a man starting anew in
busto... who has out autlimeut capital uf
his owu to pay for lin stuck and bxturer.
au find. They comae well down over
the hips, now, and lire made to tit easily.
A belt of semis, stitched on the outside
at the waist line, holds the outruns firm
ly without tearing the flannel, fh
'sick, and around the arcus, 1 finish wit
a oruchetted edge of wash silk, tustea
of with a hew. The next garment was
• flannel skirt tut princess. It tnade t
Mother Hubbard style, as many rusk
them, a would bu too levee for warmth
I t ought expensive flannel for thew
skirts, and mad. them as prettily as pus
able. One, 1 made of soft gray Manuel
piping the seams wttb red and tiwsbtu
the bottom with deep scallops embroider
ed with red silk. Each scallop hel
three laves worked also in red silk
The skirts were wade .tuite large, aD
had box pleats in front and back *ha
would be let out when baby needed more
room They were high in the neck an
long, sleeved, and in the summtr the
were used as dresses. Ilaby suffer
with the heat with ber drew and skirts
too, and I knew she would be cooler and
more comfortably •iia one garment of
tlanuel than one of cotton. The tie, ht -
dresses were all made like wrappers and
were buttt tied all the way down in front.
Until she was three wanths mid, she
never wore any other drew than these.
That sated a change of drew at night,
and troubling baby to put her arms its
sleeves when she was tired with a leer
day's handling. The clothes were loose,
Sud I could easily rub her chis: with a
weft cloth wrung Irian warm water, with -
cut dampening them. She is three
years old, but I bare never emitted
gitiuf her this little bath. at night. It
rests her so that she drops In sleep at
once. The bath le always followed by a
good rubning,with the hand. The feet and
limbs have rece:vel the went attention
ince baby began to walk : but before
hat. the tired little back did. This, I
consider the greaten re...n wily my
baby has not kept rite up 'nt;.ht•. I
never had but one patter.. for all my
baby ckithes. It was of a prin_ew slir,
and with it for • guide as :., neck and
arm holes. I cut all sorts of garments fur
her, and have c,ntinued d.vt.g so, ere,
since. Tee outside draper, spoken of
near the beginning of thin s.rticie, was a
triumph of my own invention. It was
three cornered, and bad a button -bole
in the nedile of the b:,cl• and another
in the corner that cones between the
legs. It was pinned in front as reapers
always should be,—with corners that
cone around the waist, put under the
other one and tucked uuu•nhly between
the linitis, to absorb molature and pre.
vett the untidy M,ppiug lu..k that we
often see. 'The safety•pin was put iu
below the be:ton-11.1e, aid thee that
diaper wail buttoned to the waist in
mitt Thus the watat was kept down,
ie diaper was kept up, and the baby
was wade perfectly conitort ible."
1 one ...inner mit lose vieib:e assets.
"Do not trust a wall who• w • exw,t:aa
It bettor ou horse races, er is a ga.esb.erd.
Apply these mules to the ordinary way
of Canadian wholesale trade, Sud Iso.
n many would stand! And yet they are
e sensible rules. some ..t them esaruua
• rules, u, thew tirya uf a•xtr.vagrnce at d ( A110 ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS
artihcal living.
Filigree gold wrote with and without LDREN OR ADULTS.
gems, to again popular in jewe'lery.
• A N'eadertelorate,
The lar:ast ..r.a,, •u.' oou that plays
• c..utrullwg pact on the hsrlth ..f tee
hotly u the liver. If twl.td or usa,,titie
tlw who* system bea.wrs dhit lsed.
Dr. Chase's Lsvrr Curu a made spa ia.ly
tor Liver and Ktduey .l.aca+w, and Is
guarant.e•t t'. vure. /teems look u.d
sstedtetue 11. beta by all c o ma:ci s.
.EXT: OF •
lera Morbus
Lr 1 C 'acs'
She settled the question by going t
work at the fence herself. Even Lind
was gene, at. there was no one to hel
her, hut she went bravely at her task
hut the rails were heavy and hurt he
hands and they would not stay a ah
ruing. "Nathan, you always seem to
be en Land when I m in trouble."
o Nathan turned like a flash, his
y ' bawely, kindly face lighting up all over,
p "L mrd -a -massy, child ; that's just what
I want t" be. I)at't you see you can't
n get along without met Don't try any
e m..re, Ilene. Let me take care of pee
pot them. She was so worried that •h
did not see anyone aiming until a fami
liar voice said rtght at her elbow :
"Hetty, strikes me that ain't jest th
work for you. Suppose you let me tr
it a De
"( ..elness graciers• Nathan ! 1 d
wish you would;" answered Hefty. cla
at of breath. The next minute Nathan
was handen1 the rails as if they were
mere twigs, while Hetty stood helplessly
o.•king . n.
"There ' Now the critters wont get
mit : ' said Nathan when the fence arae
11 up.
"Ian nighty much nhiieed to yns,
Nathan," returned Hetty, quite humbly,
for her.
'Sho, tsin't wuth it. child : I'm glad'
to seri a ye, any way I can, ye knew.
We men mayn't be very pretty fellers,
mit we're kind o' useful mice in a
htle " With one of hie quizzical I..r.ks
t her, he mounted his horse, and rade
way, leaving Mester t.. go to the house
Yellse very mach provoked, and not
nowi.0 whether :t was at the wind, the
the .r Nathan.
After the storm things went smoothly
4 some time. Hetty saw Nathan le.ck-
d at her in chn-ch every Sunday, but
e kept his word and did net come to
butter her."
Such queer theta women are ! She
tided him when he did come, and now
• didn't, she mused him and wished he
}fester had the finest herd 4 young
stock in the neightorhnod : she was
proud of them and mean to realize a
handsome sum from them in the future.
Haring of a Mee calf for sale on the
Mil;. place, ah.nt two miles nil', she
got into her boggy one day and drove
Ter to look at it, with a view of malting
porches.. Eben had cone to town ;
e directed him to return by ti:. Mille
rm so that 11 ahe bonrht the calf he
,old drive it hem*. Tho animal prey.
to be what she had heard. and she
•••n struck a hareain for it. Then she
aired a reasnnahle time for (:len. Nu
ben appeafed. and she feared he might.
ve been detained in town, and would
.' tet h -,me hef•re dark,
S , she sei Ito Mr Alilts : "1 *Inlet be- t
ve it is any nee to watt, heetdes, why i
sed 1 depeh•I on any man i Jon( bruit(,
e calf oat, 1 ve g•.t a rope ready, and '
11ea I it home myself.
"c1'al, now, Miss Hester, 1 d.'n'► woo
how you're linin' to manage it," obs
ed lir Mills, danio,»ly
"You don't ' Welt, i de That's
ter. 1'.•u fetch the ra;f ow. tie the
e and help you. always, dear.""I might as well, I du believe," said
Hetty, turned fiery red.
e "Su you night, child, bless your
y • heart. You shall never he sorry for it,"
and Borne -bow Nathan had gut hold of
o her hand.
r "llut, Nathan, my farm. "
lend, never mind the farm, I'll run 'e
both No:. let rue help you :tato (bei
buggy.' As he did so he t.n,k one leis
to regain hints for his long waiting.
l:ut Hefty would not let him drive her
home. ea, he went back to find her run-
away calf, while she drove en alone. fr
That ia, B,,h took her home in hie own ti
fahi:,n. She was too (nay thinking
that she didn't care it she had given up,
because Nathan was such a coed. true,
faithiul fell•,w, to pay any attention to
&b. —Indians 'teller. •
more then enough to s'ippert me," said a
Hefty. .b
"Wel, T can't agree with you t n the fa
marryin' part. Hefty, ctrl Iin nigh as ct
old .e Jacob --I'11 be forty lire come ed
r!tristmas- -but I'd marry to.., quick, s'
if you would have me."
Heater jumped up, her eves fleshing. , Y
"There, Nathan Strong' i knew von ' ha
eoaldn't go home without makin' a n'
ford of yourself."
"Softly, Betty, girl, Deftly ! it ain't he
a sign o' a foul to like a woman from the n
time Ow a mite o' • se'he.o1 sal, an' 1 th
never tr fink at any other woman for her I I
sake, is at 1" -
"No, hot Nathan, i've told you often , )i•t
anal often—' sent
Nathan rose trio, and interrupted her.
"11 'ar in. out this trete. Hefty, an' 1' b,t
betty's ties.. P. E. 1.
Kidney t: •&plant and bad stomach
troubled me far years, but I was cored
by taking less than one bottle of ilor-
dock Blood bitters. For my present
speed health I ow• my thanks t., 11.11 B.,
writes James (..,rman, Sen,
The "leafy &..nth of Jun.," from
time out (-1 date, has been a tannin
season for marriages the world over. i
is not only prolific of rotes with which
to deck chancel and bride, but is rich i
folk lore that brings all mutts of tv••xl
Incl to the harpy ;wire who are in wed
lock united during its :htrty days
Denaerew. 4 sewtereella.
C unterfaits are always dangeroaa,
gore au that they always closely tut.
yari tta 0141441,‘ AL 11 APrIAC tiff ASO
Walt The remarkable success achieved
J Nasal R.Im M a positive cure forCatarrh and (' dd in the Head has ir-
doced unprirciple.i ,,erties to imitate it.
'The t'uhl.c are cautioned not to Is. de
rewired i.y nostrums inutAtine Nasal wee
in none and appearance, hearing cion
'times as Nita! Ci.•sm, Nasal ;soma,
etc. .1.t f •r Nasal helm and do not
(take sm,tati••n dealers may iIr . oleo
rw. 1' -r sale Ly all dram/sea or sent
qt -haul on rera,pt .,f prom Vie anti 81
addresauig Fulford A!Cc , Ihr'sekrille
Uwe. . f
won t bother you again. Wel. not soon, : ro
anyhow. Came, Hefty. this is • lone- "tit
the back .,f the horsy.
..las .
" And 'Ca a sight ..' worry for a tin. } tri
man to run a farm by herself, ehdd.- , rem
"i don', ears ' it..aides, Inc'lel • I
roil Fumed man, and [Andy is heat rate!
le the kitchen." •
"fent that ain't all, Redly." , tint
h rt, eve if y.,nr besot dant get
pe simnel its neck and give me the
et end," sine Hetty put her arm out
er.m. life, ain't it, dear 1" - at
'Now, More Hester. you hein't *rein
try to lead the critter that ar way,
"nitrated th. fernier.
'That'* what i am. Mr Mills "
'Wel. ye better not, then. A calf is
pesky frisky critter to drive, some- t
es. i Inc yell soe a esght .1 troahie t
Pearl ear rings are in demand, and
there is treeluentlr a small Imp come
white diamond sail chn rusq to which
they are suspended.
Memel* I wast sed .Id,
And all ,liseasos of the throat end lung
oat lid cured by t1.e nes et Scott a Emul-'
siem; ae it eenlatna the Assent virtues of
Cod Liver Oil end Hyp..ph..sphit.s in
their ftrtl.at form. `tee whit W. 14
�finer, 11. i)., L. It. C d' , ere , Truro,
N. vs : '.Alter three yeses' viper-
.neon i •.n.iol+r !tentt's Bmnlot .n tone ..f ,
he very hese in .4. market. 'v11\'.►y •_-
eellent in tAt�it affect tone � by I
'ery w., chin 1 wast store help; wit
j'U call .m y,,e.' sk•e
red." 1
all drnuxist[ I)Oe and 81.00
Laths um peal Tit tee.
Cardinal Dub -.is was in the habit of
partaking of roast chicken every even-
in)t. Un oase..ccasinn a dog ran way wit h
the fowl, just as it was ready for the
tattle, and there was nothing left for the
servants to d, but to quickly put anoth-
er on the spit oefore the tire. At that
very moment, however, the Carding
calved f -,r hie chicken, and the hawse
steward, dreading an outburst ,f rage tf
he told His Eminence the p!atn truth, or
:asked him to wait beyond the regular
I time, with prompt decision put to
an air of anrprise and c .,ply said, "Why,
your lordship har had his supper !" "I
—had my .ripper rrplird the Cardinal.
"T , he sure, my lord ! YOU did not get
much to eat, it is true, as yon seemed
tory husy at the time ; ho', sf you wish.
you shall have ant✓her chicken, it won't
he ton_ in getting ready " At the mo- l T --_ ---
merit. Chirac, the physician, who called Cj 11rn111 1 every •venins, walked tete the house. LlI 1 Ij�! t Cf API 1tIlJ ,, AND SkIll
You Hungry
1. t•'. MYKl I+ A SM•.,
l'It:.I'ft1►:Tutt'. - `ttiNVl:E.IL,
Ant. Tart nigras or ear CCLPMe ATE!
WI have Hired Pamela Oelery compound arid* i I rA -1gra 9
has bad a salutary I�tt!'
effect. It Inclines*. L o� i- P
ed the system and I a o aA iiss
feel Ilke a new
man. 1t Improves
the appetite and MIND :? ::IL:;ILLA
feminates dive -
O tioa" J. T. cora- P `P4
1st. Primus. & C.
Pprtng medicine meansmore now -&-days than M
did ten Tears stn The it -intend tt*R-es hasletB I
,,,v E R
nerves rs hi farad est The nerves mor be
strengthened. the blood punned. liver and
bowels regulated. tamne's Celery Compoam— lr
The t•pr•tcg wredteite•d
else e.l wy--dbea all tht4 f
as rnthtng ee can. P ..r.tt.d y P*ywnaaa, „,,,,I E
Ate vmeewded y Drragists, EadegM by M,asasrq
Ower enteed y rite Mna,VYrstrrers 10 b
The Best
Spring Medicine.
" In tie, spring of lie: 1 was ad ran down. I
would get up in the morning with so tired a
terbnk, and was so weak that I could hardly get
araud. thought a bottle .t Palm's Celery CMS.
pound. And before 1 had taken It a week 1 tett
very much better. 1 ran cheetrgly recommend
It to all who need a building upend stient'there
leg w llthir." Yrs H A. Dow, ttur: -tun, V ,
Celery Compound
b a unique wale' and appetizer. elmeatit to
tde taste. quick ID Its actlun. And wlULuut .iqy
tolariui:s rffevt tt Oren tLat rucged health
which makes everything taste rola 11 cores
drat^paia and kindred drr,rders. I'Irrec'taus
prescribe it. tree. six tar VOL Lrtlagliets
DIAMOND DYES 4.:,, rv„ t',`"`" irAf,,,;yea ,
LACTATED FOOD rfrP> y�tuaii j ,fv,"�,y-
Ooderich Steam Boiler Works
Carystal & Black
.,Lcutfacturrr, and rlra:erg in
Steam Nuoers. `alt ton.. Tatka, floaters.
�wu,t.e.tauk,.• and all kind, ut Sheet
Iron Work.
Improved .tntnma•ic .-nt-t•fT t•nrlisa i'n•
wines. l';.riglit and Ilor..'ou sI Engines. )t,,
c Liner- and Yasin:;t1 0r earl)' d,•.•riptimn.
Unmet Fitante•, I'ip• a :d 1'.p� } I;t;nes ton -
'tautly on l:ar.d.
Qn Hand for Sale Cheap,
M.P. err.■ Eland goiter. t wteptere.
1 areal -Mand tier and I amine. It 0.
P.. a ar.s-rte.. %nndteiwa.
'.i•tl rs will r"co;ve pr•,mpt attention.
Mork. r Opp. L. T. M. *rattan.
TL ll'pa•ra prompi;y e•te,ni..t 'n.
P.O. BOX 381
Pronounced, by practical con-
sumers, superior to anything
la the Canadian Market.
Mannfacturersa:ao tf
COitDAG} tt••y}; and COTTON RAGS
t ALCINEll and LAND I'LAeTF 1t.
Tnr.,ntnerff;eeand WartLonee
W. C. IION N l:Lj. Manager
law Man
Ban no errs�.ee o
.said att..;
rum.' ens...:...,as
w.1''..•.: ,
...silty . Sena*. 't• a..
t•r.ra.r wits eve :err W ter
' Free ^obi
a.5,, . v... t.•w
ekes. is .� 1. +.. ,a 0 w,.tt. d .a•.. ,sow .• .a...
..-.,..'t.,• a,'..a, ) ben.. eye. •,o
��.. be tete of ,o.i.1... t1. iH•eMY
&We e&.6.; a:eiplea w. Ira. cit ..•A' ala
a rip. r•a.ax.... t[atie.
,t1t1 . k. 1tixnrt5YAr..Ont.
May 11th. 1557.
My wife suffered for Inc years with
that di.treea!ns disease, catarrh. Her
tea. one of the worst knoy n in 'hese
pans. she tned all of the catarrh reme-
dies 1 ever saw advrrtlre.' but th.,' were
et. no use. 1 finally procured a bottle et
Nasal Nalco. She haa n.ed only one brit
of 11. and now feels like a new limen. I
fret It my duty to say that Ness/ Halm
cannot be TOO HIGHLY recome.en.ted
for catarrh troubles. and am p!cas.d t•
Aare nil such .ntl',rcrn know thretgb ire
rose they will rer.ire:instant relief and
'The aervauts told him all. and entreated
him to heel• them. "How very odd,'.
Mid the Cardinal. "here my servant%
would harm me believe that I here had
my slipper. and still I feel •Iaite hun-
gry !" "So much the better, answered
Chirac, "you litre beets exhausted with
overwork, .o that the tint morsels you
trached seemed only to what pair ap-
petite. You might new venture to eat
i• little more, hot only a little. tnind
f flies, turning to the servants, hi said,
"how, attend upon his lordship. I will
itay to ape him tinish his simper The
foal was hrrmrht .•n. The Cardinal,
i highly pleased at the indulgence o1 his
physician. the apostle of tem,ersne.,
which he regarded as a mark .,t improv- '
fed health in the patient, fell t.' with a
will and completed his repeat in the hest
d. • ints
Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from
the best houses in the trade.
The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the
times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. M
increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to
please the public are appreciated- ,,p9.
And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us-
ually found in a first class house, the general public may
re!y upon etting the correct thing in every department.
Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will
sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieuz
at former prices.
(f .1It' S/ecraltees kr the Season.
1 chime tali.
After •nfferin; for three weeks from
Cholera lr.fantum too that I was not vas
petite -1 to live, and, at the time, wnnld
even here heen glad had d.affi milled me,
se wean was my suif.rinv. s friend re.
tnntmen.ied Dr Violet.' Esteem of \Vilet
Strawberry, whieh meted hk. mawie <m
my system. Rat for thio rr,eli..ine i
would net he alive now. John W Bred,
abate, 399 fat Proal 13t., itrntr•sl, PQ 2 `
Linen Goods in grea
Fine Hosiery and aloes,
Smallwares, from Needles
All Goods marked in
2)64 Draper and Habtnrdasi:a,r
t variety, Laces and Edgings,
and all the leading items in
uplain figures and strictly one
N1SW 1
marc. a
Spear u
morose d
It Maud
titoe of
Baca h
varioul 11
the uuf
against I
L.Iuue t
linea .1
nastier b
and th.
oro tnm.sI
l'awJa t
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would se
• good t
saidtiwit tanthe
termtui I
ice te
juns !toi, t,
ever ewe
for the b
l'Ana.l iat
los •gree;
laud, hog
mobs con
tine the
liens: wt's
New Ye
would be
the grain
the pin
to the l
roads u
The in
New Eu
traffic u
Dae laza
the passe
rates we
New Eo1
tande'l t.
trunk bit
Deas ta'ru
rather tl
land Lw
of the t.r
toa.lo te�I
felt their
to th. pn
any love,
M. L
the Ark'
l empire"
the l'aat
the mill,
eenta pe.
Canad an
alx,l ahe l
journed u
tee of the
d ry to ft
light of tl
the rate c
rates t0
eeCe, 5001
lines, and
ttaoet:n; .
Deet rte.
line presi
duce tis
made big
duced rat
Mon until
Tb. case
tioa trial
ver vificat.
before hi
and if oxl
come bete
habeas cc
mamma 6
Paris gn
that had
an muck
1pDSpptato hat
Ho *spec
house toy
rim. °a l
day to ch,
Huron, h
within d
fo TM st
tmnrweleing s
gy 1
Ututae, I
Th. M
tt.. ret+