HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-6-28, Page 8• P IT THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 28,1889. LOUri'i'Y CURRNACY, I rINTAIL. Mow glottis's Brom Corr** Ion - d. nt�s sled (:t her ILomus. a Realer antras •.rsae 400104) law. ed se. se 8 44 a.a ter, or -nee .toga re,I4 ...1 P..4444. 4 taper! sod 4 OE. alt Ae.n aver, matte*. sore - 1" Dineen NI !Klemm at Piece!, W shipp.-d 1f*i tube u, buster to Tory hist week. Mus t.lowee Took and Mrs T. Riamis. C-..o•wne et, left twit week Manitoba on . pleasure tries. CAN. !,•rnnetty slid Lieut. k(ul hand me arra to ..•mmand of the B tleia corps .,t lb. Salvation Array. Mrs W i 11. j, of Vane..0 British 1'oiu,oba. a st Wroirter visit to her mother. Mrs John 1hlJ•4)u Jas. Rfah..I, Brussels hoe gone 01 trisit to arse snot, wlw roadies u^ State •.f 1t .•h:rtf.. He wall bs etre for nes era woks. Mt Nel;ia.• Peck. ,,t the B.O. pion li Varus, reign t last week a spleouid bars; M is _...e • d the progressive mem of eels• ttaigbburhu..d. Terry`ti'Meil, Iloissels, left for ronto lam t'ryday will a e..:toad of d ng bones, Among the number was own taatt ••q hots. •'H.i,y. Mr Wal. Oover, ,rt rsleffe, lost valuable c•, t on Tarwhsy, th. 18th, f rha•unwtia i. Th.. is the .woad Mr U!:ve: has tura Mu season Au old lend mark is being :, •r.ired Brussels i.y the taari,.g n.,wn of w was f„riae.ly Melville church. Th boil ling % of tut belong to D Stewart. ytb, ate ma• for hal- nes- ler, :e a A the sit . e, beak far- To riv- e hiss • ■ Colt in het • been a ted lot 1e, a, mg his T. eat igoesstat r. m- nc- of m • 0 is an n w to has !IY g re r 1, • of absence in visiting friends and ae qustutaices to t)ntano. During the lis few years he has held several 'positions in the Maultoba penitentiary. Mr J.10.4•4. Murray, Hark.ck, baforvery ill for the poet six weeks, from type of rheometaro which he rontrec while in •he tf.chigari .haaies winter. Alex., ynemg.et son of Jun Sanep formerly •,! Morris, died et Rrando Man. on `i krurday the lith. .•oIloopi cough eau nrcbi4i. wag the sauce of death. 8 Rev Mr Odium, Cranbrn..., has been pF,nin!o.d er sncose14,r to Rev J. Legesr a pastor of the Method church fro next year. Mr Le -,car Durham. Dr. R. F. Fowl•, who he. been prem mut medicine en Soignee for the 1 x snot:the, has sold his practice to D . (lerdfrey, and intends moving to E entire he baa secured smother p to tis sebro lite I Richer 1 11 .Innes, ..i T arnntO, 144(4 Thoma Holmes, arrived in Wioeg:b• last week. otter .4 visit to North Bay. 11 broul;nt with him • greet curiosity i the shape of a real Indian -made trim bark cat,.. Mr W. J. Martial, Fast Wowanosh, M,eb:eau at ,.resent. He •)mbane• .alnw with pleasure, and as be u en• anuexatwni$t we will not be stir sea .: he makes up his mind to alai ter there. in b •rd pre terra Mr S. S. Cooper, Cli,ton, hoe aggai been awar.led the contract for the ne Flaptiet chapel. The trustees claim have effector'a geeing of $:.'00 by a sligh siteration of the Flans. and catholic no w .boder.. Mr Andrew Neely, St. Helens, mined iron' an extended prospect in or •hr.••igh parts of Michigan, whe ha. taken up laud, area intends mese there to., mak• • future home fo mse!f and family. Thr other day while Mr (leo. Christ() pher Hullett, was at work in a sand pi the side caved in and buried him atmos to the thighs. He wins at once dug out, bat has been lame ever since, from th effects of the accident, Mr John Mustard, of Stony Mountain Manitoba, is spending • six weeks' lea. ret to he mg hi /►w •ae.w. weeleaah.i. • "w HaR-- Haat 'Laos Welegadq, ,Metas lAb. aa i. eresti ig W making bast taw was held off the harbor hors, be Wein III. H. nails .end C. C. Mackenzie, lee the oi.aapiunehip of aquatics ia Otis ratios. The rase was a mile with a tura, and was witnessed b, a large ew«,arae Of •peewees C. 0. might the water tint and led fauna steel to finials, winning by abut nevem host lengths. 1)r kaodo.aid and B. Mao- kesa,e acted as judges Gad took the time. PORT ALBERT. .;:,,t .- tress ear ews cS nsponaeet. Mies V:atori. Hawkins of the Wits' Collage, L oodoo,riatted hoe parents hers this week. Mears Harry sad Will Hawkins, who during the past four months have been raining a bakery in Loeau,bave sold out the business and returned to this village. Harry left os. Monday fur Cliatun when he has snared a situation. Will Nasal* hes returned from his pleuure trip sp the lakes. Messrs 4 C Hawkins and George Thurlow, appointed to solicit s,beerip- tiois towards the building fund of the Euglish church about to be erected bete, haws boon very suoosseful in their oan- rses et this village and surrounding neighborhood. We understated the work of building will be o.)mmeoced dur- ing tits earl part of next mouth, Pod will be rapidly pushed through to com- pletion. Now Seism. -We have received ia- formation frogs what we 000aider a trust- worthy goitres, that • new, aod certain- ly s must original society is about to bs established bens. It will be composed almost ezd.•ively of married ladies with a slight, -a very alight - -sprinkling of un- married females residing in this village and immediate vicinity. The object of the society is ,good. It requires that each and every member shall, from the day, or rather night of their initiation, abstain from all such practices as lying, tale tsarina. liatenina to scandal and re- peating the mass, detraction, unjust suspicion, et hoe geniis (tenni. Th. so- ciety will, in this village, to nee au old stereotyped expression "fill a long felt want ,. "When the devil wit• sick. the deril a moot would br. When the devil wag well. the devil a monk was be." We reproduce this ancient "chestnut" at this time, for the reason that it applies most forcibly to a gentleman residing in this neighborhood, who daring the pest winter, while lying on what he consider- ed to be his death -bed, made: mealy loud profe.uons of Christianity, acknow- ledging the wickedness and aiofaloe•s of his put career, promlaing to amend, hoping to be forgiven, eta . &c. Bet just when our subject had g• himself is prime condition to depart b. that "un- discovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns," the fates decreed that this penitent sinner should be re- stored to the bosom of his family in the full enjoyment of his prisons strength and vigor, and now, with the bloom of health upon his cheek, with the same jaunty step as of yore, with • tloricua opportunity to make a full and sneers repentance for his many peat misdeeds, what do we find 1 A Christian walking in the path of righteousness, unceasing- ly thankful for the gnat blessing that has been conferred upon him, ever watchful of his many b,emttintr aims ; with a clear remembrance of that aw- ful time when with the breath of the Destroying Angel upon him he promised to stone 1 Oh, no ! That terrible ordeal hu left no lasting impression ; those many promises, those piteous appeals for mercy are now entirely forgotten. His evil habits have again re -asserted them- selves, and once men do we behold him treading the time -worn rut of wicked- ness over which for so many yearn he ha meandered, once more --but why con- tinue. %1-e haven't the space, neither - have we the pen of our Dungannon cur- t respondent to do justice to a theme of this kind. Mr Samuel Lawson, of lIallett, wit• married on Tuesday of last week to Miss Isabella Murphy. The seremony was per- formed .t the English church parsonage, Sesferth, and the happycouple left im- mediately on a tour to nitoba and the North west. Mr James Morrow, of LaRiviers, '.Manitoba, and formerly of Stephen township, was in Seaforth last week. Mr Morrow is • member of the munici• FOOD Baroaa Gommro Bsn.-A well - pal council of the municipality of l.ontse known donor writes :-"It is • common and is in Ontario working up emigration impression that to take food immediately to that section. t before going to bed and to sleep is un - The Mews McMilla.,Seaforth, intend al". Such a aoggeation ie aaewred by shipping about sixty head of prone fat a reminder that the instinct of animals Fee the sables. 1t is not necessary to boy corn cures. Men and women should remember that Potoam s Painless Corn Extractor is the only safe,aure,and psiolass corn remover extant. It does its work quickly and with oertainty. S.. that the atgnat.re N. C. Poison & Co. appear on each bottle. Beware of poisonous imltatiots. steers to the Old C000try about the first of July. this of the Messrs McMillan wit, cross the water to look after the .tock. If satisfactoro sales are made this consignment will be followed by another of about rout numbers. Mr William Cooper, of the Mill Road, Tuckersmith,who is making an excellent .lapses without food ;and for persons reputation as a breeder of thoro bred Short Horns, has receotl sold • very superior 17 smooths old ball to Mr Jobs Broadfoot, jr., of Brussele,for $140. This bull was bred from the Bow Park Boll ''Reran Prince" and is of the popular Duchies strain. He will be • valuable acquisition to the tboroogh-bred stock of Morris. On Tuesday night the 18th inst ,'Mrs Boyd and Miss Thompson, acoempanied by A. Symonds and John Oillesppie, Blyth, left for parts unknown. Mrs Boyd leaves a husband and sit *mall children behind her. She took ad- drunk in the middle )f the night, will vantage of bet husband's shames at often send people to sleep when hypoo. work in the country, leaving her six ties would fail of their purpose." small children all alone to do for them. soles a bast they *untold. The youngest Mr Humphrey Grey, Fath eon., H.I- k not two years old. lett, has • curiosity in the shape of a re- Rav John Fergescn, 1he ring pastor eently hatched chicken haviog three prompts them to sleep as soon as they have eaten ; and to summer an after-din- ner nap, especially when that meal is taken at mid-day, Is • luxury indulgeld in by many. If the ordinary hour of the evening meal is six or seven o'clock, and of the tint morning meal seven or eight o'clock, an interval of 14 hours or more whose nutrition is at fault, this is alto- gether ltogether too long a period of feattmg That such an interval without food is permitted explains many a restless night, and much of the head and back ache and the languid half rested coodittoe on rising, which are aecnmpanied by no apo dite for breakfast. This meal often issipates these sensations. It la there- fore desirable, if not essential, when nutriment is required, that the last thing before going to bed should be the taking of food. Sleeplessness is often caused by starvation, and a tumbler of milk if of Melville chunk, Brussels, and now of Denver, Colorado, preached to ole .44 ertnsreg•titn on t•tnnday the 19th. HM ••miser.. wbieh was based on Pbilippiaae fully developed lees. Mr Will Stewart islin S.forth from Si. Paul on • visit. He is looking well, and aye too number of Meafnrthitse who 2, 1l-13, was • powerful exposition of hove po•itloes in tits( prosperoae city an flospril truth sad will set not s few thnriag. thio tng for many a day. The attend The hone of Rev Mr PAN., Clinton, ones at the erns, wee large. Mr For- , h.a been out at pasture for some time,and 171111017AI.= AS A I IVZR PILL .idewd -- I 1oMh Americas Lid Assurance Cofflpflye :1tNCORPORATRD IT IP111C1AL ACT Or DOMINION PARLIAMENT.) HEAD'OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. EFUII GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Caeadiai Compan PREtttDlMT--RON. A. MACKENZIE. M. P. Za-Paima M1alster of Canada Y110E P1tIS!DEI1Tm WIC ; JOHN A. MORRIS, M MANAGING DIRBCTOR-WILLIAM MCC �' �R >/. L A.. Eng. . • TM got/pity 'luau all Approval IP.ms of Policia *ltd *Beals•. RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. 331 Tote Potter OI'ARANTEFJ3 A RETURN Or ALL PREMIUMS PAID la Mattes to the foil tam d the Policy In the event of den. daring the lareuaent period. ;at • lower rate than any other Company. 111Y-iy F. J. T. NAFTEL, Diavt t Am•at BINDING TWI][E Otte ,644• WE ARE attOwINU SAMPLES or BINDING TWINS IU1 Trill COMING MARYLwr t IDLY FLIT. MANILLA, SILVER COMPOSITE, IND IN JUTE Which we are offering ata Special Price to Early Purchasers. Our Stock of General Hardware, as usual, is com- plete, and Prices Right. Barbed, Plain, Twist, and Oiled Annealed Wire, as you like it. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. FINE TAILORING! . ,`eP'd.. w x A BIG OFFER .�y,..�.1:''.:ai�a.; GREAT R PRICES The Wet Season had a very depressing effect on Business, and having a Large Stock of the Very Best Goods, I am determined to make SWREPING REDUCTIONS in order to reduce Stock. NOTE THE BEST WORSTED SUIT, SECOND BEST SUIT, - A GOOD WORSTED SUIT, - BEST SCOTCH TWEED SUIT, BEST CANADIAN TWEED SUIT, BEST PAIR PANTS, - - NOBBY SUMMER SUIT, - I will make upp these Suits in the Very Best Style, with ion. COME ON, NOW, and take advantage of the PRICES $22.00, 20.00, 17.00, 18.00, 16.00, 6.00, 10.00, formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly formerly $28.00 25.00 21.00 23.00 20.00 9.00 15.00 Best the Best Trimmings, and guarantee Full Satis- fact Chance ever offered to the Public. LEEBC RN. From our own correspondent. Mw Edith Horton enjoyed • plevant visit to relatives in Auburn last week. I. 0 G. T. No. 413. -Bros. Williams, Llnklater and J. Horton, with Siston Ltotield and Ellen Horton, attended the recent session of the District Lodge hold at Londesboro, on the 19th. A11 report • good gathering of delegates of sister lodges, who, with one or two exoeptions, gave good reports of the progress of their lodges. A grand picnic will be held under the management of the Westfield Lodge cn the 1st ot July. and steps are being taken by the District Lodge to have a lecturer present to give an address on Canada's New Party bud- ding slowly in the political arena The Westfield Lodge has invited all tem. pounce lodges to be present at it. It was decided to keep up the district meetings three times a ;ear, and St. Helens was chosen for next meeting, to be held the tbisd Wednesday in October. Bros. Pollock and Medcalf, of the ban- ner lodge, Blyth, aid Bro. Linklater were appointed delegates to the Grand Lodge meeting in Toronto this week. In the election of officers, S. B. Wil- liams eau elected W. Chap., and Suter Ellen Horton, W. A. S. Bart. Bond Lawmen, connected with I. 0. G. T. here for many yeah, was elected W. S. Boni is still a resident of Londesboro, and is one of the chief workers of the North Star Lodge there. There is nothing lower than hypocrisy. To profess friendahip and cherish enmity u . sure proof of total depravity. "If • woman r pretty, To me lin no matter. Be she Mond. or brunette. So she lee me kook at her.•• An unhealthy wnrn•n M rarefy. if even beautiful. The peculiar diereses to weir* so many of the err arc subject, are prolific muse of n.k' ealk,w fact,. blotched with nn- s1phtll mples, dull. luetr le. eyes aid aGtM fp'nrm•. itnrm•n .n amlrt,A.per- tly cured bysans Dr. Pierre's Favorite pion; awith the reatorptIon of cram•, that beauty which, onmblird good qualities of *cad and brart, makes wom4 n ante or lovelinti. Favorite Prescription ~ le the owl medicine tor women. eoM by ten ander a pestily• triutarGt gamratatee from the fn ^�• that It w111 glue entlttectloa every man. o r coney will hr refunded. d. it is • lite ave* for an those painful dime - dere, dreg Irvw niarfies and weaknom„, with wink so many wntm•n err aaiet d. CenrrVat task by woad'• cos. Maw AIR IwueuraI the Purely lis t lie 1 Perfectly Meringues 1 room a General Assembly in on Monday week It was intended to sa•attesa, ems. Toronto l.et week and leans this bring it in, i a'. the animal tot its leo one rens�, so -coate•t net • t~doese q��o wsek, seorrretrseied by Mn Fertfineon erbetgled is. • barb frees wire, and ae :412, Rr.4s.'L Wilms, Hwdaty ttwsCo and Mus McOse.d, to visit aid friends Redly est that it will be some ties be- tm.mi „f 18.unionssoAttunes mmeea mad in Montreal and the Emit i (try it can be ossd at aJL 'li rants a vial. by dr4Cpglele„ A Grew tag wane... Our well known cltize8, Dr. McLeod, hae,r.turoed from a three weeks' stay in Rio, Wisconsin, and other pointe in the Western States, where he most success- fully established a reputation fur Lis System Renovator. He was sent for specially to take charge of a most ditli- ealt Cafe, in which the patient, • lady, had been given up by the local physicians, and was apparently at the point of death. He at once began treatment with his System Renovator and other preper- ations,and before he left the patient wse well on the way to complete recovery, much to the anrprise of hermedical atten- dants and to the great delight of her hat- band and friends. The facts of the come are well attested, and an be verified by abundant testimonials. Before returning our townsman made arrangements for supplying • local drug- gist in Rio, and stores and physicians at other points, with his preparations, and a large trade from the 1� est may Con*- deotly be claimed u •Iready added to his Canadian trade, which alone has assum- ed very large proportions. The Dr. fairly claims that he is no in- significant advertiser of the town of God- erich, and that through his sunless our town will receive most substantial bene- fits in the extension of its name amongst outside communities. Tear uk 1■ teaaaer. Take time by the forelock ere that rasping, hooky cough of yours carries you where so many Consumptives have pteceded you ; lost no time, but procure a bottle of the rational remedy for Long sod Bronchial Diseases, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophoepkitso. it will ours you. Sold by all Druggists, at 5Oc. and $1.00. 4 Those wno desire • pleasant time will find 'The Point Farm" well salted to their tastes. The Grounds Much Improved and the Beach in fine order. Dinner at 12 o'clock and Tea at 5:30. J. J. WRIGHT. ainiiipm B. MacCORMAO. E GET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK I8 COMPLETE, and we can show you the finestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. FINE GROCERIES AND FRUITS. CHAS. A. NAIRN, C OR.. HAMILTON -BT. dr BQIIAFt Whobels and Retail. N. B. -Ter Coral., Flakes for Summer. -10 00.7t0 - ISAAC N. CASSIDY'S -CRZAP- Cash :-: Stoic sans YEAR'S It RI LE CO? and P1.Ue SMOKING TOBACCO FINER raAN EVER. SEE rir la Bronze on each Plug sad Packsge. 217147 FOR GOOD. CHEAP GRA rEFUL-COMFORTING. Teas and:Groceriea. EPPS'S COCOA. NEXT DOOTO BREAKFAST. 'R • thoronrth knowledge of tau natural lame which govern the operations of digestion DOWNINGi-'Sa irition. and ray wa careful •ppliccatt$000 et r E 11.. pro; And our 1:enakf etta ole• witle • delicately flavored beverage which may save BOOT AND SHOE STORE, us many hears doctors* tills. It Is 1r► the Judicious use or such art1.{g, d �fy Ln but that • constitution mal be near floderioh hulk up netll strong esongb to tendency to dteeaae. Ifundred. of •okW s r••ladke are floating arnnnd no ready to at - point. We taw escape many • total shah bj keeping tack wherever there Is a weak soars lues well fortified with pure k400d and • Oreoerly nourished trace.' -"CfrU reredos tbMItaliey simply ppscl belling water or milk. J A 8158 IPEastland. a Co., prat. I.eeoed thio: s'•'n•p.ttle �� RABB'S BLOCK, travelling $uibe. HOUSE AND GROUNDS FOR BALE_ Tb.t valuable ptoprty on Nelson, .trait. h. • t pretest scegesd by Inc is olt11 s4 sale .t a norpwta The boass Is • haulms. twostore brtek edifces, sad maw ws twNn resets with elegies, pastry, eta. mad best ewreetes as. The tleaads oa.eoriss sae acre and a , sU,y� tail t est la Bower beds all donthe la term• glea a slabll ne00mmed•tfeo 1. 0M.eeti... 'g1� y will be recd eta sad set, er will be epmd traesaller tastes wd aqui raised.er fav tune sad Hsmltten eale is Mal beelesteAlio that Mebdtdgia en them in Godevieh, le ollised tar sale. at teegsaM mat pm -charms. Alan throe urate if Oede Belt tewna5pp of w*M% leentedattepemamwtfepa ear M abs entire yr .rad progeny ky q ��� gnMes.ee In is s 1. Toremta. own* to is somas• s�gliish,�its Ilea. Il is trradd le a tie l wbl ectal b�e.rrrla r It= ~ g b ��r ssyy Ismer to w1f, MoLRAN, sea gl. O.ds isi. GRAND TRUNK ItAII.WAY. Tralae arrive and depart at aaari.h a 6a1 lows : swarf Mail and Ex'ress 1.05 tom, Mall...........ami p.m. 8111.4 sass sass.sass. .nI a.m. Mixed sass... ..........7 Mall MMan sad s=pree.... 1.18 1.0o a. to .. ............Lotto MARVELOUS EMORY DISCOVERY. be ewe reaRkaii- e.d. Wines, Liquors, 8tc FOR BALE RV G. H. PARSON ALRiON BLOM 00DERICH' -TIME TO DIE- HELEBORE, PARIS GREEN IN♦nn •� POWDER WILSON'S Prescription Drug ewe.. cf 1 FORTY4E4'01 %HOLE Nt'�4 TO A Notice of at this t Monday changes than We ual Adve up to no week. Molitor -Vero thesllt\sit . eon of lino amid 111 tor NEW AI Notice -Jobe At Notice --P. ter A , Judicial se, -.4 Notice to C•ee.a OIr: %antei - St Monter.-•:.l;ep .• Plana. t avec flpeclal 1'rkce.i - TOW: eltier*.' Is. ja. The outride vi with tut Mtge the Duasinion. A li,wu t':ta.fx you c•u. u,410. 4. plr to to act, t: The Kazoo 1... minion tray. nets looked as it tare sngtent.•4 b, Inc ham. r.. Womrcx'. L'ator will owtr of Mehemet ever oclock, er, ti.e T.• man tnte..Agel invited to anew!. GTbe Mountain Pharioaci. and it teen. Huth dugs, •pbere.. and the sad gond a• rue bad at the utCer. The p.tere 4) thousand. of ape 1arnch, ea, a d taken in tis seen, it world. of muun pbotograpt.rr. sir any art gull -r::. 1 cialty of pi.: ure r Nothing is ao e, ppluntlnn,t ami el, have a laver mu - and san'tsry plu two Sret,laes p: are mo,ler*tr. ' latest approved en in water rail an: house render the e Miss bleGervi of Mia Wallace Mr J. Well.o tewr. on D •1(4141 The central Biose for the son Mrs O. H : C •., is the a Richard "Mk Dr McI)onsrl .)wultati. 0 Cu every month. Mrs Capt Ls, Mus Bella Mitt: at Detroit and Miss Lillie and Turnnto, are rime Mr C. A. Hunib The Ligh sell, nn Wec:neaday, There le • iar4e 4 Mr L. T. DIcD sey Q Co , }las Tuesday last on s an old Goderich Mrs L T McD rat Hamilton, as Mn Hyslop, Any spend a month of Dr M Nichols makes the preset teeth • specialty. 9 a. m. for the teeth. M J. Agnew arid lilies Kay, Pdramnunt. root.), were viaitii week. Mr M. G. Camp Mato, was ill t• business. We ar our fnrwer towns in the city of chu Persons wishn memories to etre attention should 23; Filth Are., tea pest tree. es column. AN I,troiTa.T new Soft Stop and moot to a New.. serves the nerves former. when prac instrument from ■ tone. ANNUAL L 0. nasal nerm•rn to be pruehed in ' Sunday morning n tm. The brethr meet at the lode march t., the churl of the lodge will evening. A fell ai Howe, Swan 1 Craigia with his t. Ooderieh at 6 a m. South flay, Mono Dederick fisherman! Dominion Day in t berneorey several were taken nn 1 ripest an enjoyable the let.