HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-6-28, Page 5: S ECIAL SA=,�i or -PARASOLS:- Jno. Acheson. Owing to an overstock of Parasols, we have decided to have a Clearing Sale for ONE WEEK, and will offer our entire stock of these goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 6 1 ♦ Now is the time to secure a Parasol, F At the Sight Soasoo at the RiIit Price. 701-3INT AC1�$^ ON ONCE GET INSIDE Of our Store and you will be convinced that our claims of Superiority are based on Facts as solid as the stubborn rock. One Trial will prove our Goods as Good as the Best. We have nothing better than that. On top of that we put the fact that our Prices are as Low as can be put on the same Quality of Goods. Big Value in Gloves and Hosiery all this week. "The first shall be last" is not true in every case, because the last will be left when they try to get some of the Bargains in Hosiery. CENTS, LISTEN When a pant hunter pantless panteth for pants, And pants for the best pants the pant market grants, He panteth unpanted until he implants Himself in a pair of our Five Dollar Pants. 1 °.sfl.3t ACHESON & CO. ,'Late Acheson a Co: ) *sr Garb. Rin is witty. Nett ie pretty. Lane le ante and sm•Il ; Law le Aasattelines' IfMl�yie tt1he belle the tr:I : And Malik i aas tis imet of •11. Pothook health keep her rosy aad rad- iant, besssifal and blooming aeuoible and sweet. It is secured by wholesome habits and the sus of Dr. Puri a Favor- ite Pre•eriptioa Herta takes it, and she also "takes the cake." The owl, iwiruwteed cure for shoes distresses* ail- ments peculiar to women. Satidfacttoo or your motley returned. Fet Constipation or Sick Headache, Dr. Pierce's Pellets ; rarely Veset•bl Joe a duos. A zl-eese.$a tweevy bast. There is nothing in history mo touching titan the martyrdom of the Re J. Damien do Veeater, whites death It been annuuneed by telegraph. Anon sixteen yen aaggoo this heroic y Bei ruin priest landed on the rocky nista )foiokai, in the Hawaiian group. E heart was tilled with • profosod pity for the ahaadoned lepers. Stories of the horrible immoralities practised in pestilential eomma.ity, where there w no taw and no religion, had reached h ears. He yearned to raise the sere there and preach the tender maeaag. of Christianity to the nnanmbra captives of leprosy. Father Dentine knew the certain death awaited him. He knew that his comely body would be polioted by the moat dreadful disease known to man. But be wen* to his pint with a Molle on hrs face and sweet words on his lips. He fogad a damned company walling is the uttermost depths of pby- rieal and moral degradation. Diatinc- ttone of age aad es: were obliterated. Gamut misery .talked amort( the dying wretches. Their homes were fit only ild heads. With the advent of the order was brought oat of chaos. the bash of piety secoanded the e revels of the h..pele.s and friend - lepers. Little whitewashed onttages Pretty gardens began to bloom. hymns trembled op from the men and wetness. The pwea of mis- branded over the island. Who m what the kind mi.istrations of Paine Damien ware to the hundreds of eetr..Usd human beings is far away kai or with what hely devotion be aeothed the dying hears ,d strangers I I►t int the good man w.. marked by the Ilwvitable brand of .et.,.. He- was a leper too—to be shunned by ell oe O W* wave these around hits. Bkswly he perished, doing what he Mold M .w and cemfort his took while yet hs was d iva seek an *sample ought toelleuas the man whit who out amines the wise - Swath tlastsry. . No age and we rase has pnds•d a more Muer s type e1 n.aslfY hs.rsiss► Caenaisriise Ilan bild ds� ens M Ike Om of Mist Dads Rev Mr Dunemore,of Feaoaville,Mich. pre, is at present an Sealorth visiting his mother and other friends. Mr Dons - attire has been suffering from ill health, and his congregation granted him two months to recuperate, and gave him a liberal parse to enable him the better to aoeomplish his object. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS Cmeerleb Prices. .Qonaeuca. June r. Wheat . . *"055 500• •00 ��.ma. •bush -- ---... 0 1n. A 031 a B.rIer. buab ::::::::::::. 050 0 0 sa caw 00 46 31 Potatoes. p busk .........:. 0 2500 a ors Har,............... l 1 a it a Bolter A f •.. . .... 0 14 • • 1s Rm fresh unpaei.d tr dos .. 0 15 • 11 FNM 0 • >a •�MIna NM re rZ .. t .itafr • ..w, 15 0• 1* SI .s eery<,A r .. 4600• • f► tea "� • OD go son 075 1 a(f Apples ! bane o" 100 " 100 i. 11 Malan Meati.... June M. $.15:: e 5 5• Pali leaf sew midfield l •0 to 1 0• a 80rtsg wheat 1 to to 1 V* aPe:•. •*0 to 041 •oto aM . 0 at to 0 5< 1'.I tw$s03rl Pe.. tall 1 IV 10 1 10 Roues 0 1241 a Ewe. 0 I• to 11 a OD w • I Ito 00 Wool ti: to Pork = 0• to 7• 13 `� sea ■mNasp Neu Sat! fsasree. There were 41• basil ot bsttab.ra• rat- ) el.. a calves 1O .ad egbr- .d si rag A • . A Wow proputt lea of ft. e a• d 6 �borcw e os eta11-ted beeves are ' we omit pry 1b• blgber Lase wore lase 3100- dar.,tboagWok eel se gh es » Inst Ther.day. A few of the bee colliewere mold at a per Ib.. bat fnm y� Se sfe.ramnatio( to be rhnatio(prises of Gena bateb� otitis, while the mime awefiia a Aum a *e per le. Of 004144111 Ha net of these wore la pretty._ Retie oesdlNw wise VW els ea tbmos ms lows were Y tt0ld sap#1d Woke a tl,srslwl�rlthout ewerre odd rwin t X54 pvtat M. } w etas espestling! ea they last weak gad aril at hem ate a 5fo per lb. Amusements. ODEAKOH NNCHANTCW TESTI TUTz W �t AKT Ir1 AND RXADI R0011. air. of area aad Square stn aglR Op.. Irma 1 to • p.m., aad from 7 te N Am ABOUT 2005 VOL'8 1-N LIBRARY Lysing Dailr, Wesly .red IUse/rdd PtRsr., Yi`wa erect, A•e. , res hips, g� reiz f•/Etrai:Na w... Id r. re•HII iM a Iri.1.c 010. fifties, ttw.pw. se., MMS! • THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY JUNE a 1*89•' 5 BOOTS AND SHOES The Largest Stook and Choicest Assortment west of Toronto, at the old established Boot and Shoe House of E. DOWNING All Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Warranted to be just as Represented YOU WILL FIND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. EVERY LINE A BARGAIN ! Ordered \Yoi andRepairingPllIp1IyA�ieaded1.0 AND SATISFACTION GUARANTBBD. See our Special Bargain Table. Some Lines at about Half Price. E. DOWNING. Cor. Bast -et. and Square. Have Jost passed through the Custom Home, Direst from the Msaufacturere. the Best Assorted Stock of DRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO GODERICH, CONSISTING OF SILK WARP $ENRIETTAS All Wool 20"R NEWEST SHADES, Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goods AT PRICES AT LEAST CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR THE SAME CLASS OF GOODS. _ :n: Ready-made Men's Ssits=of :Best_ Material, Fashions bly a ■t soutomay Low Prices. .0 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25. IN HARDWARE KEPT. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH AND Ill ILDING MATERIAL, A FULL STOCK. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEL+. C. CR-AABB SQUARE. April 19, 188. Spring Arrivals CROMPTON, APPEI.BE & COS., BRANTFORD We have pleasure in apprising the readers of this Journal that the greater part of our Spring Imports have arrived, and are opened up. These Goods are the personal selection of our Mr.Appelbe, during two month's visit to the European Markets. At no time has our as- sortment been more Elegant, Chaste and Varied. The Prices, Quality considered, are lower than those usually charged. We have the advantage of direct purchases from the manu- facturers, saving Local Wholesale Merchant's profits. frir Special attention given to Mail Orders, which will be filled by Competent Persons, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samples by Mail on Application. Orders Solicited. Crompton, Appelbe & Co. (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.) BRANTFORD. aoderich Foundry and Machine Workz, RIINOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. WS AAVs ON RAND 500 0110: Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00, HORSE POWERS GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW 0urri Ra, PLOW POINTS Sc. - Zl W amici-vR=s FLOUR MILLS BUILT 01 THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having maderangemonts with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE Aa BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. 24B:j >•j iJtJ ti :JVD a.earrxrras Or . LL zXN'Do CLOSING UP BUSINESS. 1 DIT07 U CLO01 o M 1 b Ci 11 i 1Z@Ty- 1 r 0ODZRICH. u SATURDAY, JUNE 29th, And wW sell all my goods at greatly reduced rate until that date. No Reserve, as thebustnees will be closed on the above date Now is the time to secure bargains An immediate mettlenttsrt .,f all ea. counts rendered is requested, 2vr:ISS C--? z 97 - West Street. IPH U WANT Fine Toilet Articles, Brushes and Combs, Perfumery, Pure Medicines, Chemicals, etc. OR PRESCRIPTION WORK, PURE PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER, ETC., ETC. CO TO WALTER C. 0000E, 9?- DRU(a(ylsr, ALBICN BLOCK. JOHN ROBERTSON I Degs to au5Mt ee that he i4 now stent for The Uqnor-Tea Cofflpa.ufl Ce1ebratod,Toas Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volumes by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. 1 FEW GALLON OF 11 11 IAUIE MU? LEFT, JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYNAS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS 1889 1889 THE PHARMACY. ESTABLISHED 1854. Having removed to my new store in Acheson's Block, fitted up specially for my use, I desire to drank guy Customers for the liberal patronage extended to my predecessor and myself in the past, and trust to have a continuance of the same. A t the same time to permit that I will keep a full line of Standard Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Goods, aad everything found in a first-class drug store. Having had an experience of twenty years, I will give personal attention to the 'reparation of prescriptions, using only the purest drsigs. Telephone connection on call at any hour al store ov residence on East -sl. • 1 me to inform you 1 GEO. RHYNAS. FURNITURE t If Tau want boom the largaw dock of revolter* to town. go t.. .1 T2 Z C CI II .SON_ I7 Tea wast a es.* the ('�� W DOW 31A An3EQ as Ilse Newell soles. esu mod sae thea Nva slats odes PIO rt7111p/>O�riLL�Zitt� used/ data JOBB' )Q CiF damsbeai1 1 de net ant yhth o1 ski I..4,tes w itadCa ltIJd10• 0. .ask rrr..s, 411ta test. aur Pow ws.si. elm 1 w 1 l l meMr nn. 4"4U1NTIDICR1MiTuaAlt KING. Uaiu W m. t lava! ul 1.0100 fa the Q.titt♦(uaL* w 0.6a1c , Apr 11b IN -=