The Huron Signal, 1889-6-28, Page 26 THE DOMINION IN BRIG 1 •`••.•" ••."'••`s` •1..r.. t• 1Vlw s ,Irl W Jiesili iirluy TIM HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE •18,1889 badly d Osman. Bans. Unser hie of I ssn ;me received a 101.814 w,wi nt, the alertness leeveseeet shell bs inettes, WHAT I8 GOING ON OF INTEREST TO • i nreaustmt Otte* must b• given to hie al aleia Fairbs.k, who, flloes\ CANUCKS. still lives to se u.preteatiam bra -bow w the uesekftM of Angelis, E. Y., w lbw a.wweataa wen wee. M tsemtsse i.se se tree • mart r to the caw o1 b.m.a us a ('Nes et Newsy rerp.M es tee ba-Iaberty es Elijah Parmsh Lavejuy the he trio Brows. The followiteg is a rd see ..ted bleeder.. lilies ueidest of hie remarkable career, Ogden, escur.wniata to the usmbtu a "....kl. br (tum to • onusupnadeat (4 384, visited W'loutps'a1M g last week. fOelphis Pram - The lienoeio° Cabinet will noes separate "O . day iu March, 1643, wild*lea le fur the holidays. tag thruegb the iatl at Lwais5tun, K Eine/intim, has decided upon having a tacky, m7 •tteetem Irmo •teaseled W water works system of the prisoners, • young woman of ea An effort N being made to have a table gull" figure and .seminaratty Will."' laidl.from Pelee island to Kelly's lathed. ..ekeas m d"the jailer who she was sad, to Capt, hie eaa., of the Allan steamshipsurPwee, fx the was w las , • Illy heavies, diad during its 'voyage from rid. lee told me that she was a alar• .a° Juba's, Ned., to Loudon. Elis., the daughter of her master. who The Dominion Government have bees t.a' V latsr was to WI her upon t notified o ,(, f the .cover of en a.tir.cits °lock for the New Orleans t.ark.1, ins coal mine at Compote, N. W. T. polled by the jealousy of his wife The Manitoba t tuverntnent h 0111 have decided ° the lave girl was supenor to to locate the deaf and dumb asylum in Win- own daughters. Then 1 talked with aim, and the Bowe for Incurables at Port. girl. I foued that she was iutelligwt ego la Prune. well as beautiful, and I teetered to ex The Anglican Synod .4 the 'Noceas of drt every effort to save so mag.ibcent Niagara, determined tuset spare a Sunday creature from w rod • fate. I told her fur u.aug oo11w•tiuns fur the Jsheatows chat I would ge to Cincinnati and do m7 sufferers throughout theatre -woe. ►set to raise the murrey with which The crop null«.► in the vicinity of Otte purchase ber freedom. aa, where there are lee lying lends, is nal -I hurried away sod sought that oI hngbt. Potatoes have suffered the must, her„ and .pestle of freedom, Lori cow,. ' as eke e.- u 1 1 7 Darned • I1 be the Y • ak to J and m some district. will be • total lob Ile gate me prompt and generous •a It is reported that Mr. A. 1'. Roes, ex -111. ♦ietaucr, arra in short time we raised P. for Cornwall, has bees appointed 'apesis•8700 I then laid the cue before Sal- tendent of the Cornwall canal, ie place of uou p Chase, afterward senator, .ecre- )Ir. Macdonald, who will bar superannuated.' wary of the treasury and able[ justice, The rainfall in the .Iwen sound dutrict' sin:•e the 15th inst. 1!s.. been the inch+•.'siu Saye me $200 inure and rocket with being more than has Leen previo,nly regia '°s to 11. Ntchu{se Lougworth. The tered uhcr it , estatdialuneut a serve -Patter was worth melons, but was never Wry in that awn Iktowu to give a dollar for anything. The Ik'winion Line steamship \tostn•f, We feared nothing would come of our 1 to him, but decided to • al to which an ivc.l in Quebec on 11 r »eaolay, was appeal the first teasel to come through Belle Isb'Wm- as it cwt 01 nothing. straits this season. The strait' are clear of " 'Mr Longworth,' said C1.a.e, after ice, but there ate numerous ,,.bergs scatter-' we were seated in the little crib which pd about. Itte millionaire called his ..bice, 'do yuu After a long discussion on Ritualistic consider yourself • Christian 1 practices at the Anglican Synod in Hawn) " 'I aro not a very good rue,' was the ton, the re,.dutiun against ntuallam was reply. withdrawn at the instane•cs of the Bishop, as " 'Well, we have got a cue here that he did not think Repeatable time for a vote appeal• to both humansty and Christie. - en the subject. Illy. Mr Faitbank will tell you about There appears to be au epidemic of mar -!,t.' den by boys. .11 Langton, d rut., on %Peel- "I told the story. Longworth listened needay a boy aged 14 shut a companion aged in silence, araC. when I was through 12 kitliug hoar instantly. because he bad an witched oereoudy 1n his chair, draw his old grudge, and at Indianapolis four toys, heck -hook from a drawer and began from ranging 9 to L3, killed a playmate aged tilling out a check. W bile he was wnt- I5 yews'',ng Chase whispered, 'We will get a - A motion was made in the Montreal 'out 50 from hiA moment speer Coati of t,lueen's Bench to have n verdict, Lun wm orth wheeled •ond and handed set aside on the ground that nae of t he juror g jumped out of the window of the jury nom,'°e th+ cheekit was $1,000. Toa see went to a restaurant and procured soma the miser, as they call ht., hadu't such whiskey, with with h he returned. The . stinted nature atter all. A number taw was taken todelibere. Iof free oclored prople raised and gave Rev. Mr. L.riviere, before the Montreal'D. $200 more. and when I welt back Anglican synod yesterday, said that the a Lexiagtot the day before . le time ap- l'rotestant Church was losing ground in oninted for the sale I car. J *2,272. Quebec. He believed that since 1•71 the Moreover, in my pocketbn, was ars Church of h:nglan•I had lost B,INNladherent,, agreement signed by Chase, Longworth and other denominations had loot propor- and William Howard, soother rich Cio- tionatcl7. jcioniitian. empoweriug par ng metudraw upon them, if necessary, to the extent of $25, BIG MEAT AND SALT TRUSTS. Co(fo. "ttsstmn.'. L•mtred' It in nave a capital N WINS AT ♦ nLct a t. Ttoi, Fear mttlte.s la leas " The sale took place in the public Naw 1 °tut, June 21. -A rig meat frame "lure and war attended by fully 2,000 by L id„n and New York operators which people, dawn there by the descriptions has been talk d of for some time is now w f the girl's comeliness and rumors of the accomplished fact and will be kuown as that ,was to be made to ave her. "Eastman's Limited " rt. best p4ople of the town were there (sight prominent English gentlemen, in. and • num iMarr of strangers from Boston, chiding Lead Grenville and Junes Jobe New York and Philadelphia were also Thompson. art the London directors. and ;resent, curious and horror-stricken. tae New York Roved of Management will But one man appeared to bid against me, 'sonnet of President George C. Williams of • .quat•figsred, brad -.bouldered, thick - the ('hemicel National (tank, and T. ('. and necked, bullet -headed Frenchman from Joseph Eastman. The capital stock 1 Now (Mean., who, I was told, made it w tnrnulativehpretrich srred •hll00siof C; ach, business to attend sales of young the baloney bring in ordinary tW0 shares tins andd purchase them for • tate worse paying 18 per coot khan death. Eliza, when placed upon F. C. Eastman was • pioneer in the the block, seemed ready to drop for fee business of exporting American fresh mate .nJ .ham. The auctioneer began his in refrigerators to England in Is; , and work by pointing out her beauties, e..n- .lohn I:ell & sons handled his exports in eluding with : 'What am I offered for E:nglarol, an cu..rmuus trade being built up,' her ?' opening 339 retail stores. I " 'Five hundred,' 1 eried. The New it is claimed by Jo'eph Eastman that Pee Orleans man raised my bid $100 I bid amalgamate.( concern will still further *700 he $800, I $900, he $1,000, I $1, - lower the price of meat, which had been 100, he $1,200. When I raised the lot lowered somewhat by the two firm* acting bid to $1,300 the Louisianian turned on i.. accord. me with an ugly look and said : Another trust which will soon be consum- R 7 ated is the North American Sett Company, "How high .re you going to bid 1" m limited, with acapital of $8,000,0110. " 'Higher than you do, Monsieur,' I replied. SIX WERE DROWNED. 'JIe turned away and bid $1,325, I ;nieed the bid t • $1,350, he, after a mo- il Battens. Swept fiver ego Falb Is she he, inent's hesitation, made it $1,375. I stawrtew B•rrr azain went him one better and made it Tuh►t: Riveter, Vire., June 22. -At noon to -day, while • b.atteau loaded with[oassen- gers and frtightwas crowning the tit. Jl.anrica River at. the Grand ,tiles Railway station, Grand Piles, the strong wind and current, against which the rowers wero unable to make headway, drove the b.tte.n down stream and over the fells at that place. One man leaped out of the battean into • bark came w hich was towed behind. Another clung to a rock end Loth were saved but Joseph Rivard and his two child- ren, George Harnetin of St. Etienne, 11. Belk rive and Mies Kellerive were drowned. The bodies ..1 .lone 8 Itivard and Mine 11.11. - rive were recovered, but none .1 the others have as yet been found. Thee cries of the terrified paeesngers were heartrending, trot no aewiatatt`v nes possible in the boiling waters. Why remade leverets rho Acta NKR V, la, .1 tine 21. -An Ottawa Tonal to The World says : The Deputy Minister of .lnatice stared to The 11 mid correspondent to day that if the anthoritlea at (Ithaca are '.1.le to substantiate the charges made against Burke or onnvince the !edge presiding 11 Winnip g that there are just and rearmtaLle grounds for de. mending kis exyadition, an order will issue at once. "Must asaoredly," he mid. "we will not delay the issuing of • warrant hers • moment when the rase writei before os. $1,400. Once more he turned to me abd asked : " 'How high are 'ongoing 1' " ' None of your business, sir, but you haven't money enough to buy this girl.' "After my bid of $1,400 both the Frenchman and I bid slower, both being resolved to have the call when the ham- mer fell. Th. auctioneer grew impat- ient and raved and cursed, crying 'Give, give.' Finally he dropped his hammer, and tearing open Elita's waist exposed a bust as perfect as even an artist sculp- tured. 'Lok, gentlemen,' he cried. 'Who is going to lose a chance like this ? Here's • girl fit to belong to • king.' " ' i'oo had P 'What a shame,' ran through the crowd at sight of this in- dignity "In the midst of the excitement the Frenchman bid $1,450 and I $1,475. Then there was another lull. it seemed to madden the auctioneer, and exposing Mill more of the beautiful slave be asked: 'What • the next bid 1' "Again there was • murmur of disgust .iieh deepened into a roar. When it died away my contestant bid $1,840. The hammer quivered. Eliza and her aunt, who were standing by my side, cave me • look of anxiety and anguish I shall never forget. " 'Are you all done : ' cried the The American people are now beginning to auctioneer. 'One., twigs, three -$1,- ,.alier the danger et. element they tiara 145-815-86-86 Nb -and I'm going to strike am..ig them in the Clan-nietleel Mociety,tbe tbie girl off in one minute. Once, twice, influence of which aoriety defeated tie Hz- lama_ Uaes.°d sold.. tradition TratyintheUnited Statwts.ata "r . hammer fell and the irl was The Dominion Gm overweat has evidenesi mine.Ar. instant later she tottered that thin moiety a year nr imago bad planned hitch into the arms of her aunt in • deep the dctttru,-tbn of rho Par.i,unent bedding• here and the wae.fnatinn of Incl Leas -swoon., down., 'Rhe is ours, ria lean,' said the thea tiorernor general. We ► ceav covet -nil ths plot and !molestedtheir mmost,,.ter,bard r- a 7 trot her d -d dededgas, bad it i. hardly to he cb What are yos going to do wgam=th wnwder.d that boy mender of the sooiety he. r' " ..pines whom there are strong eridenass el " 'Free her, sir,' ear my &newer osmplictty in murder ehoutd expect web awoke • cheer, whish, rising to a K.. - ,.y fawn the titer -stint M Ottelnt tacky shoat, rent the air. As eons as Beery facilityL will be t,tven ie enge41114 they amid be nmds cal, 1 kivolvd Elis itand ei set the surrender of Dttdta.hie8 fg •hepape formallyat ler fn... Mthe least arid. see to warrant esker !roar day tater 1 took to Oisni.• IM be was oonwseted ."(1111 t s r ati, where she besmae a member of the deal. tMvder." marri.d well asd to -day is • chivalric Astro. of 116. Only the mwbers a her immediate family boo. the Maury of k.r early years ; w yea .W aseimetaud Irby I da out give yo. her 1.11 male." Olives Ilmrt.N 4141. "1 have tiers trw.Ned with asthma and • bad sough itis years. I get moth- teg is help me like klegyard'. Pestor.l Bol..., mad .cold r....t.esd it to odium es it gives instant relief. Ex- tract from letter favi., Walter McAuley, Yeataor, Oat. 2 A TwIab../Ienes..r. Tobacco bell. both witty and Siva If it were de.tr.etive to vermin wily, it aught be pet to • very good use, but et is a/together toe deadly .hes it 80s off wires When .ill Christie') people learn that raaoo and renew,. hay. set up their wanniug attitude against this vile stuff, and that thew vows* cannot he reheated atteuuun with impunity 1 Not long sine I was walking in the oily with a celebrated physician. As we ;teased • house surruuoded with every evideooe of wealth and refinement, he .puke :--"I have a patient iu there, an idolized wife, who is dyitig and beyond all help, and none of them kn .w what is the matter with her, and still her bus - bane: bee killed bee." "Why, duct -u," rod I, ".bat do you mean 1' '1 mean lust this :-Her husband is literally steeped in tuba000 until the in- sensible perspirattoo from hie body has become a deadly poieou, and his wife hes ob.orbed enough of this and had be- fore 1 was called in to cause her death." At au establishment where they treat patients for the cure of the tobacco. habit • man was brought in, washed as clone as soap sod water could make hint, and then some flies were allowed to alight on him. lu tive minutes by the watch they were dead. There was poison enough iu the perspiration that came out of the mar washed as clean as possible to kill them. You can imagine bow much more deadly it would be when he wasn't washed, perhaps, to spend hours each day in a warm bed with h:m.-T, B. Terry in Albany Argus. l'eaaampete. Surely Curer. To To. EDITOR :-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thouanda of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con- sumption, if they will send we thea Ex- press and P. O. address. Respectfully, Da. T. A. Stotrr. 37 Yonne St., Toronto, One The Best ew Massone. M. Mupero, a famous Egyptologist, related in a receot lecture a singular experience which he had in bringing to ":urups an Egyptian mummy It was 1e mummy of • king, and an important •ontribution to an archeological collect• ion, and M. Mupero fancied that the French custom -house officers would not insist too rigidly upon payment cf duty. The first of there functionaries opened the box which contained the mummy, and exclaimed, "Hello ! What have we here r "A Pharaoh -s genuine Pha- raoh, of the sixth dynasty," aid the scientist. "A -a Pharaoh i" said the puzzled officer ; "I don't neem to re- member what the duty on Pharaohs is." Ho set to work No look up "the Pha- raohs" in his tariff schedule, but found no such article entered in the list. "This inportation," said the officer final- ly, "doers not seem to be provided for under the statotes. We shall have to follow our usual role in such cases, and class it with the highest -taxed article of the kind that it seems to belong to. I shall classify your Pharaoh as dried fish.' So M. bleeper, paid the tariff on dried tisk on his mummy. am - Te the Nedle.l rraesatea. and, all obese It may rimers. Phosphatine, or Nerve lloou, a Phos- phate Element belied upon Scientitis Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, ' M- D. of Boston, Masi,., cures Pulmon ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Bier - vow Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the- human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poison, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants. but sirup, ly the Ph..sphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bon!. 1. sufciunt to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Leiner( & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 56 Front Street East Toronto New I. Beach the Marta. "How stall tee reach the masses i " asks a religious paper. "Dear brother, replies Burdett°. you an beet reach them with • spoon. Go for them with a knife and fort:. Ilmmanity's tender point u its paunch. The oonscience of man may be seared as with a hot iron, hut his maw is ever open to impres- sions. Hie intellect may Le stunted, but his appetite is • giant. Take him to the e000ert or the theatre, and he comes sway to meek the nearest feeding place where he may Norge himself before he deeps. The struggling church thew bank- rupts itself still further by venturing on • lecture course, finally lifts itself clear out of debt by a series of suppers. A man who .i11 not pay 50 cents for • hook .01 dump $1.50 worth of dinnerin- to his system. A picnic without ten parts of feed to one part of band is • Sat failure. When we 'receive' • digitin • gutahed guest, we feed him ; when we say 'good by. to an eminent Citizen, we give him something to at. We have a feast f:u the wedding guests, leneheoo for the watchers, and • light oollation for the mourners. There are a thoweend res- taurants to one library, yes, mon. By and by, if the principles of evolution be true, this world will be peopled by a rave M stomachs with let. and Arne. The legs will be needed to carry the Mou sek to the troegb, and the arae to 511 it Up." The best regulators tor the et math and bowels, the best mire for biilio.wsa, tick headache, indilRest aad 141 Nese. tion. arising from • d' tired liver, are without exception Johnson's Tonic Liver Pills. Emma is sine, sugar orated, mild, put t/• dere. 26 els, Rsr bottle ode by druggist, -Alines block, (,cele lamb, sole M1I r.t.e1'N n'y cvu, NS, ."thine : 1 • to aff.clyd aids dyes.", ale sad .argue, erteioy, and sin d w...,y reaadirs without avid!, hes '.toe 1.1.10• e.f Bmrdoei 11 u.d Seems 510th tippet's - ed w •ud t ea, aure stead. me • wet) was" 7 BSsvewses V e.aM It ie eneomfurtably tree that then is alumni as weal' drtnss trf laid gasper. meed is the n.tieipattuu ea is the realm - aims. About batt of our uubappy days are uco.woued by cur tooktug forsard to the unhapptueas of the other tial( "'Sediment utai the day is the evil thereof " %1s. heed t.ever take soother jot un cretdit. In burrowing trouble. laiitural laws .rt reverted ; mere mole hills of annoyance become wouutuw whim viewed at s distauce ahead. Sons. persons never take actual comfust. lar trsi:qua times the dread of a e.4100uie ohauge • always to Lila .ay of their joy event. I know of • family who were forever ezpectiug to move, cu,arqueutly hrg!ect- u.g to make garde, repast the house ur pelwats+ut.y anauge the furniture. At the Iatot advice. totii family h.d lived so the same It ,use elegem years. 11 we t..ke thln,ls as they cons@ we atoll wually tied that they come h.uch better ILIAC we have any right a. •gpect Our *anticipatory Sags of dssnem may hate hien inviting ccwpaysiou amu 8e,g- iug patches of darkuese over many a bright some for use utbs, fluty for w b. end at lost that we have leen boa or '.f oeedleeely, we alight say cruwuahy, r' bolog ourselves •..d others of the hap- piness rightfully belonging to us and to theist "Borrowing trouble" is st.metiwes out) another Dame fur selfishness, f. r the . ■e horrcwtugtr'.uble is seldom satisfied, mu- les. all within his or her.ndueoce are tu- vei4ted into the toils. It is holding a dangerous serpentin our hearts, which grows with what it feeds upon. It t. sinful, for it Milan abiding distrust of (i•.d'. hood nuns. 5 sees co AND WITH IT A LARGE CONSIGNMENT 1)1 - e Gent's Suiting for the Season AT H. DUNLOP'S. (Mod material. tine styles and fair latices is the motto. rl!<- Next sor to Montreal Bank A COOK BOOK FREE By mall to say lady seeding a her put office address. Wails, Richardson k Co., Montreal. BINDING TWINE. SILVER COMPOSITE. Call and see ample at the store of C. Qodet ich, June A Imo. ggp.,f • YELLOW OI L -11i74,416, xitiEi AA r p_"7:' MATTfy W©s Ii 7:4O1TIDZ$3, Are taassant to ta.* contain their nun Parti... I. a sato, snre, end anhe real dassreyer .r warms:. awaken or Adak. LIME. NOTICE TO BUILDERS d FARMERS The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln is now running full time and any quantity of Fresh time, can be obtained at the Kiln at all times for lOc. a bushel. M. & C. B&CHLER 0odsrl-i. May* sal. 1i(Stf Proprietors. 10000 PRESENTS To masa ArnTnro. WEIR TIST IJ.r• We will bend 1,, mil se apo rr..prutr tK(eft to each maiden. wife. n..w).er or eon.' -.one la a family - - rob will try de huNIM111'g Miss pans tut the red circle tram the label and send .t in a letser sone( honest opinion anew ler trial. Berner a5,loosMI pct sir wits seem* the rt Any rise." .r .Nrek know. whin inlet t if teaha by yob.—AA1.er►- Cgv11111BJ, a 00-. TIMM CARLINa'S ALE & PORT3ER CIRLING'S WHO lr LIGBB (B ) (. H. PARSONS SI A1.IIOIt ILOCK. GODILRiMS, IBl«•dMss Treatment of i.grewi•s Neal. -A duets reoneimeads the f Mow fag procedure for removal "1 uwtowier to. -nail, .hid he M. employed wi'h racellesit resuloi i. all his c•as. After ihuroetb desesi.g of the assail, • solution of Salta pendia, tee porta in 'bitty of tbkwsf'.rsw, is applied with a brush to the natnuav bet•.eu the tail mud the T0qTD-TH T! - Tr ek, MEDICAL LAKE REME'' Q ' :' s TRY NATURES REMEDY PURE-PEFRI E SS -POTENT SOLO BV Alt. c)PitC l` TOTFA/CFNf in .. i ti t AWARDED FIRST SILVER MEDAL WORLDS EXPOSITION, New Cetegal.i U.S.A., lltit-k in competition with the pianofortes of Europe and America. The wly U.S. int. motional Medal ever award ?el to a Cata'lian pianoforte ; aleeo Meda/ and Diploma rt the Colonial and Indies Exhibition, London, Eng., WM, with the supreme honor of supplying Her MaJest the Queen with • Newcombe Brand ,elected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fa Illustrated Catalogue, prices and terms, aalim Octavio Newcombe • Ce., e•eWC rare. .Aat$OO.e. e07 -'o C.eVN^.. R . TORONTO FACTORY. es 70 7.7 .,E'.• *out,* Avarua 1'iale Sri'i & 11epair The undersigned Is preps to undertake the putting in Water Services in connect) with the Town System toDwell Ings and other Buildings. ,SI REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac toriesand Machineryofall kind Prices reasonable. Satisfac tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. FITS! area 1 say Cotta 1 do bot maw Irierrty these M a time, rod then havethem ret rsalo. I atsu!t A RAI) AL CURL I have made the disease et FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A Iffe long study. 1 WAaa*NT my remedy ('t us the worst aro. Iterausr utters have ill Is no rowan for not now moven iUS a care. atone fur a treatise and • Pana Borns Of ■ 1WrAwnt.R Raw VDT. Elam Eaprresand 1' Othee. 1t coats you nothing for iteal, and will cure ye w. Addre•.: H. 0. ()OT Branch Omoe, 104 West Adelaide Toronto. IREADMAKER'S YEAST BREAD .nada of this 1" took lie Fir.t Primes at Pall Shows i• alb Over io,m.o kites have tri say that it surpasses bey treed by thea It rashes ths ligtorst, win tread, mil., yarn. buckwheat pancakes. Bakers is nearly erwy tows are swag it PRICE FIVE CENT*. WINDOW SHADES JUST ARRIVED' BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS 1 CALL AND SEE THEM LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN. g_ B. CORNEL H &MILTON -ST - SUMMER MILLINER JUST ARRIVED --AT— MISSES A large assortment of the newest styles in Hats and Bonnets. FANCY RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWER fit, second dose Or Square. SPRINC-MILLIy !--SPRIN MRS SALLgT•T has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Flushes, Fl era, Ribbons, and every other line for the embeliehment of Hats, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli- nery Department, which she is selling low. Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever bef A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be to every purchaser of a hat valued at $2 or over, and the Gift will be awarded on July lst, ALSO AGENT FOR PAR'KER'S STEAM DYE WO SPRING MILLINERY MISS C.6.2\4::CROINT Has no. received her riming Stock or the LAITZSTAI •D W S7$,r Aid Is prepared teens her masy lady customers the name City Styles at town Nem nether to the fact that her boei•.es hes kept on Isoreeeles, 18.. beg net Um as trinity to prepare foes formal spring °Demes. All are 1 .11.4 lo examine Quality, styles and Prices. Weekly Com Received kit the Busy 111110WROOMS,-Uoreerof Hasallten rod Xewg•te..t. of the Bpmare. WE HEAD THE PROCESSIO GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all linen of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and best bed -room set, Or parlor snits. Call and nee his stock and get a bargain. ZTNDRT.AKTN In all its branches, promptly attended tc K► EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMINO a specialty. G110. RiaitT,EamiHo n -St..