HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-6-28, Page 1• TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. • NEW ADVERTISEMENT& Item perm—J. J. Wight. Pine Tmllerlag—B. MaoComma BORN. Wai.asa-la Ocderfeh, on June Mb, the wire td Mr 1... Walker, of a son. MARRIED. Corr--Durres—At the Northern Congrega- tional tte j Toronto, ea the Iitk inst. the Rev. JW. oe Benoit, r Y.D., amWetl byyt Copp.orA-. Mr. WiI- Jall• t' • unto., ..000d ('perk C..1 to LM the Yrederlck Dutton. 01floutb asteen, Reg. tformeely of Stratford and Mitchell). eau brother of Mr. Juh. Outtos, chemist tad druggist. of Stratford. MCYaooax Ironic At rit. Peter'. church. cm West, Mr. Thursday.. McYtdden,June rib. l tb.rr Father of Sault Ste Marie, to Mir Annie A. Moyle. et Ooderich. DIED 'Leto—I. Goderich, on Wednesday. June lath. tttm. William head, aged ra yew sad 10 days. The funeral will take place tram the resi- dence of Mr. Charles Morris. Dualop's HiU. CrMrne Township. on Friday. June ISth, at Maim. to Colborne cemetery. Frieads and aeoeal•taacss will please •oeopt this iatlm•- t les. TOWN TOPICS. ' / .Aid'. ansay Ile, 4M *' notes, L*'faith Ae'U pram U." GOOD Patmnxr,-Tbe most esstal gats you ow make Is to give a Wirt Pe.. AP - PIT w D. McOluloudd). agent. Goderich. The weather appears to be steady and so 1. the demand for the epteudid phuto graa turned out by Geo. Stewart. photographer. Th. Kazoo hand premises to be an attrec deo as the to of July. and se will the bead - some suromer suis made to order by F. t A. Pridham. the people's tailors. The Pharmaacy[ eW ce ansowast the bolds Ars* pla a lines of w/rate the town The 7 and the purest stack of drone In the meatyabe- hind hind s be round t1 ,lad tie counter. To Wowcx's Carseat Ttoumnu,+Cs Times will uutet regularly ter the traasact'oe of badness every Tuesday attersooa at tMe o'clock. in the remperanoe Ha1L Sven wo- man Intmre•ted la the week 1s •cordiasfy invited to attend. One of the most essential things about • house is proper plumbing. Haueders 6. ton have/est eng•aed another plumber. and caa now overtake all enters. They keep thoroughly po•tvd on latest sanitary meth- ods. avid do only arst-elaa. work. Their prices are low. if you have any water services or plumblag to do It will DAT 700 to call and get prieea The cheapest house under the sus Railway building Is • subject which is at- tracting great attention eowadays. and to have things dose right ariseoper part must al- ways be made. It is the same In •very other line of busise... and It 1. particularlythe cane In regard to plrture framing. Ithe tnouldtngs are not goor1 and the workmen- ahlp perfect. the efI ct will be marred. To areN such a atamit get year pictures frees - ad by it. It Sallow*. the photographer. BRIEFLETS. Mr T. B. Vat Every was in Toronto es Wednesday. Mr and Mre Beayley, of Toronto,.were in town last week. Dr Fraser, wife and child, of Detroit, are in town voicing relatives. C. A. Venetia. jeweler, of 8tratfore, spent &today last in Goderich, Mr Wm. McIntosh, of Wharton, is spending his holidays in town, Mrs Baird and Mn McClain, of Kin- cardiae,w visiting at Mr Magnin Swan - son's Dr MoDonsgh will be in Goderich for noo.oltetion on the first Saturday of every month. Authority is like dned apples. A few cent's worth will put • small mu op astonishingly. Rev. Geo Richardson sad (wife have returned from a trip up the lake us the meaner Campine. Tb. near sighted hen that swallowed a bee was not Tong in concluding that ben was a peck of trouble. Mitchell Advocate : Mrs Jonathan Miller, of the Albion hotel, Godsend, is the gust of Mrs James Jones. All tbe'drtlg stores in Goderioh will be closed hereafter at the hoar of 8 p.m., by mutual arrengsmeut. lir and Mn Geo. Utter and two chil- dren, of 8reven's Point, Wiseman, are visiting friends and relatives in Dodoes& and vicinity. Laokoow Sentinel: Mim Rays, of tioderich, who hes bens vistas/ her comae, Mre Dr Elliott, fora few weeks, Iett for her borne os Wednesday, Mr Ward, onesof the English experts on the American Salt Commi.sioe, paid • g7ieg visit to Goderieh on Satwrday lied impeded some of the salt works DrM 17hebolans, the Waste. daslist, ' 'flakes the preservation of the tla/ssl :nth • specialty. Gas administered from Ea m. for the painless aztraetion of teeth. A close observer of beakless said fee- eres makes the foflowieg sage ewm•ak : "If an advertisement is diseenti.wd a batsimme house it N like removing kearitlg eo natio, of a sew location," Kr Jonathan 1GIlerr, Dropiestor of tis Albioe Hotel. mese* psi In a haml- ets' new safe, for the cele of valuables 1dimglag te bre guests ne safe is ass of the largest sad het i. ssetio.,and • Imo w *Ivey Of °oldie It !Wel Inst poseDuesserving waCame and' refreshmentsperuse people of tse toys 7 Bee Mrs A. M. Shepherd and family have where they will hands donut the summer asontha. The High School :loses today (F;2717) and the Gloster meeting of the Literary Society in conneetwo with the school wdl be held the amain The examination for entrance to high schools and eolleoiste institutes will be held in the Coots! Sahool, beginning on July 4th, et L30 p. ria. Miss Rowan, of Kincardine, who has been visiting iia Detroit,.peet a few days in Goderich last week on her way home, and while here was the guest of her cousin, Mrs J. 0. McLean. Tne tee - posters. gone to Cleveland Ohl g - A frmesdly game of quoits has been been champion n ed fee between the players of Goderich and Colbobe played on the former's grounds on July 1st, at one o'clock p.m. Persons wishing to improve their manatee or •tree then their power of attention should send to Prof. L,ieette, 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his pnupeo • tug mlutnrit nee, as advertised in another Mrs10-if Capt. Wm. McLean returned home Tuesday last, after 111yiig 'Pent a pleasant mooch in company with her husband on the four great lakes, and al- so Value)( some of the leading Canadian and American title'. ♦x Iero.TAST Iarraovasteire—Tbe new Soft Stop and Pratt10e pal et - Newcombe Upright Paso serves the nerves of the listener or per- former, when practising, as well as the iostrumeet from wear, and preserves the tom, tt. Locknow Sentinel:—Grouncillor Adam Thompetn brought over from Goderich on Tuesday net a handsome pair of grey eolored broncho.. They ars direst from Oregon, and have never had a halter ea them till Monday last There's fun In store for someone. A Fun I,wca.—The Globe, with its usual enterprise, has brought out a spacial edition for the Montreal Board of Trade,which is a nredit to all concern ed. It u one of the finest Meese of work of its kind that we have yet seen, sod the publishes* deserve the top notch of credit. Bert Johnston, of the Sesforth Nero. icor, had the middle finger of his right hand broken the other day while en- gaged in playing bill. He left for Lo. - don un Tuesday with the Goderich vol. catmint, being a member of that oom- psby. Newspapers us often criticised for what they print, bat if it were miaow s how much credit they merit for whet t don't print, or for the nonsense t whack oat of what they do print, ey would command a much more generous judgment. Mathematic has its odditis. The multiplication of 987,654.321 by 45 gives 44,444,444,446. Reversing the order and multiplying 123,456,719 by 45 a result equally odd u obtained -6,555,555,506. L that curious or isn't it t And there ii plenty more where that same from. Faavbe ox Fawns.—The Ontario Bureau of Statische bas Wooed a bulletin dealing with frauds on farmers. It eats - lugs all the sharp tricks by which the farmer" d Ontario have been victimised, front the historic ligtniog-rod racket to the latest product of wily invention, the "marriage esremony." Every farmer who rets the bulletin should read it carefully. Milani' Advocate : Mrs George Roy returned oo Fridayfrom her extended visit to RichmonThe lady enjoyed Mr Southern visit, aad(the climate seems to have agreed with her, as she u look- ing much better than when she left. in the meantime she is staying with her brother, Mr Williams. Logan, but next week will go to Goderich fur the Sam War. A free exhibition and dinner will be given in Geo. W. Thomson's music store, this (Friday) evening from 7 to 10 o'clock, superintended by Mr Wanner, of Hamilton. The cooking and roast- ing will bs sip dose on the Wanzer lamp in the Wanzer 000ker,one dozes of which will be on exhibition. These exhibitions have become very popular, and it u to be hoped that MI who are interested is cooking made easy will call lied sus the wonderful proems& GENERAL INTELLIGENCE Mies f es miller was i• tows donne the — eem.t•tlatt mimes tae aa11wV. past week iib. will speed • portion of T. the Editor et Tsui Qnoxat_ re- doing b gratuitously for the public Das* Stt, —la First thee, we bad •cert with mach re- wg named Wm Reid, atm- rsspon•s to the repeat- &rot the offer, of the Toronto Grey bk,7d et 8eeud'. lumber duck died l id of the Stir sed oth.n as to sad Broee R R Co., the summer iia Goderich. A you mut suddenly from hemorrhage, os Wednes- day afternoon, while ptliug lumter. Mr A. Gerrard, of Goderich township, broiled to Tag 814/NAL ',n !Thur. day • (,ox of excellent strawberries. He says be will have a quantity on .ale apart from those required by regular customers. wbu would"startaCunru'a Railroad Com. mines 1" atter waiting fur several weeks and no one volunteering fur the work, on the 27th June, l8d4, fire )ears ago today, I addressed you • letter °n Its subtest, as you will perceive by • raist- .rio. to your tile .•f papers of that data I therein informed you that Mr Wood - he sad 4 —the use an octogenarian, the other fast approaching it nutwith- sanding that we bad both been 0t of public Ids for over the fourth of century, but both bating had consider- ble dearly -bought experience of the ark repaired of us for doing w, tirst o eh. years 1846-7, and again through t the years 1852-3, had resolved eo ►canal! the contumely which we kin. ould be beeped upon um as preeuup- ooes "old fools, Ib attempting to ac- mplish what the united wisdom and sot of our town councils and their erica bad failed to do in a period of membered years. 1 then also assured us that "ou amount of pooh probing, sneering nor sarcasm would dnve as rum our purpose until we bad exhaust - every endeavor and arvoment in our w.r to gain success,'' and 1 hesitate of new to my that we would haws suc- ceeded ban nut the town c:uuoil, who try the bag, .sized the matter into err own hands, and wish a result > to bring their road to (iodersch, rejected by our town council because it was • narrow siege, 1 whilst the new township of Culruse in Ithe county of Bruce, and the then paltry tillage of Teww•ler, gate a bona• of 4 *33.000 and got the rued, and wltbio two years thereafter reaped the benefit to the locality of the mosey .pent in al- tering it to the broad gouge, and it is new the property of the C. P. R. A abater was got for • railroad from this to Wood- stock at, if I mistake not, the met of Ilti0 to the town and wee then almost immediately dropped by the town o'uu- c,l, who, at the starting of the Citizen. Committee were dreaming of a railroad to Tomato by 1)rangeville, and then it ended. When the C. P. R. was first spoken of here one of our leading coun- cillors in hu wisdom thought it best to coo.alt Mr Hickson, manager of the Grand Truck on the subject, and that gentleman proved to our friend's entire satisfaction that Goderich was complete- ly cut off both on the North and South, and need never expect r0 have another railroad ! Another councilman excused his inaction in the matter bacaa.e we really bad no trade to offer as an induce- ment to the C. P. R. ,or any other company to tame to Goderich, while at that very time our millers, salt mere, and lumber men were grievously oumplalnlog for the want of ars to carry their goods to market ! A third declared that we evold not sow expect any through trade from the lake because the railroad. from Chicago and Milwaukee carted all the grain from the west to New York, although the sane spring during the first three mouths of navigation Barak received 15,000,000 bushela of wheat a- lone front thew very ports. Now Sir, if we had then bad sufficient means a transportation, we would have had all that when and thousands of tons of other western produce the aeon imam, landed at our harbor, reshipped by through trains, and lauded at Buffalo within some twelve hours of its arrival hen, and several days saved in the navi- gation of Lake. E, ie and St. Clair ; and, as to the Clinton bugbear of moan yew ago, about the expense and wast- age lin handling, it u far overbalanced in the saving of time, the freeing of gain from duet, and the cooling, if it should hate got .lightly heated os. ship- board. A fourth oouocillor on his re turn from one of their delegations to in- terview Mr Van Horne at Ottawa on being asked by a (nest) as to what argu- ments they used to show the supenor claims of our harbor over all others on the lake, rather aasrily replied that nothing 000ld be maid for the Godeiab harbor that might not be claimed by all the other harbors on Lake Huron ! The total incapacity and want of knowledge regardtog the claims of Goderich for a a,mpetitire line, as thus displayed by some of our so-called city fathers, is, I think, sufficient excuse for the "old fools- to take the matter up,which we did in earnest, and with a determination to win. When we first approached the directors of the C. P. R. sus found theta be belief that no grade Isms than 200 per mile could be found to God. - harbor. Mr Woodcock at ones Are- a map or diagram showing the y of Mr Wallace of Buffalo, the neer of the Buffalo, Brantford and • Harcn Railroad, giving • grade by lake shore of only fifty feet to the . The General Manager Mr Vas e, immediately opened a moat dly and encouraging correspondence the committee, who then proper - published and distributed oils Twin ,calve copies of a circular containing oily collected and compiled stens- showing the quantity of wheat and rts of pr,ducs arriving at oar bar - A public meeting ander the auspices of the Royal Templars of Temperaooe • will be held io Victoria Opera House, ° on Friday, July 516. A tine music.) • treat u being prepared by Miss Wynn • and her pupils. w &seeders & Soo have enraged the eel- vice• of Mr J. R. Arm•troag, • tint aro class plumber, recently from lata. Ange- los, Cal.; he has bad a wide, (sponsors w in some of the largest Americas cities, t and comes well recummeoded. au cal A LLCM.= AsaoaD.—Mr Thomas McLeso, the wall known cattle buyer, e has within the last few days bought over 200 fat cattle from the following :— Messrs Co., McFarline, Raoeford, Watts, McMaster', Hamilton, McLean, ed Roes, Lyons, Weldon, Macintosh and other Some of the cattle are very sus o penor animals. Specie! mention may be made t.f the lot purchased from Mr es MoFarhne ; these are very fine Polled Aozm cattle. When Mac gets his eye upon the right .toff he means business but every time. to Tie Catholic picnic at Baecbler'. Fal). cub Reserve, four miles from Goderich, on akar Dominion Day, promises to be a big fel event. Games and spurt., and other at- p h sun. divers:end and But, air, had we only y to acted pus the suggestion of Mr MaEwen, our airman, and rased the money for the ter °tumid° the council, which he t confident of being able to du, 1 tirm- believe that the Wiogbam breach of tractions have been arranged for,refresh- the C. P. It. would have bees .4 y ; and, if any cue over a bona iitie nature chooses to deny or dispute this rtion in either the Slur or SIGNAL, gives a reason for doing so, I shall bliah my raison for making it. We suggested to the council a joint pro- uional directorate of seven or nine, wing them to name the majority ; , they thought 6t to appoint seven of sr own body ; three outsiders who shown no interest whatever in the ter— but have lance brick houses— . oar chairman. I shall, however, urn to this section of my "object ere$fter. Bat now, sir, as Mayor Bet - is order to Dover his own incapacity wrong dologe, has resumed his old- tactia of street-decryinT, and be- ing the work of the citizens railroad mtttee, and has lately been talking he iniquity done to the town by its foolery," in causing the uxpeisdi of $300 for the charter of a "use- ' railroad to %Vaughan) ; it is sow, anion, my intention, (1). V.,) if you kindly allow me space in your mos for the purpose, W lay before citizen' as concisely ea possible some - of what the committee really did at their own expense, in the matter taileto.d dining the last Eve yeah, he same time glancing occasionally he proceedings of the town council ng the same period, and for some previous thereto. And, sir, if I Id at times write warmly or even somewhat bitterly, I beg of yourself and 1n t readers to bear a little with me, for II feet venture to moire with en the feu of rich effective contradiction that 1 have spent ( Pared mon time and mosey in attempting to forward the beat interests a Goderich en l than any two mea who have ever been L•' in it, when and when then was no lb* chance whatever of my deriving one mil* iota more from the ootlay, than would Horn every other man in the town. But, (nen alas ! air, it in now so long past the with "eleventh" hour, and after what has just ed happened amongst o., that I can ss no Two human probability of my ever seeing care( that substantial prosperity in Goderich tics, which 1 have for over fifty lean most all 50 hopefully looked forward to. But, be- fore I haw. done, you may pore/moos pick op food and pointers enough for your welt edittos of "now To .CILD;C, A TOWN. - menus barn been provided in profusion coda and everything possible done to make sig the picnic a success. The train toGuds- ch on that day will take on passengersso nd at Irishtown crossing, (tickets to be pro- po cured at Dublin.) A somber of speak- bad ere have been engaged to address the gathering during the afternoon. For alto particulars sus bills. but work A Bio Pitta,—Don't fail to read Mac- the Corium's ad. in chi. issue. It will car- had taioly be of cash interest to any intend- mat tug purchasers of fine clothiop. As be and is offering the bigkeat bargains in order- ret ed clotting, you can rely on getting as b good 6t, style and trimmings as if be was ler, oharging full price. He has • large .tock and of splendid fresh goods, too many of which time remain on hued on account of the season lift! being wet and unfavorable and be is ooze bound to reduce the stock. Hence the of t opportunity ie yours of securing first "tom class clothing .t your own prices. Keep tom your eye on this and save mcn-y. lees' The editor of the pully Advertiser th must have been closely perusing a Clio- cola oar thing do, of the at t at t duri 7Mrs .hou 12.7 he7 I too newspaper lately. This is bow he th moralises : 'It is the editor's duty to speak of his town as the liveliest plies beneath the blue arch of heaves. Speak of a deceased a'c'res as a 'fallen oak' whim he died with jim-jam•. Calla man a prominent and indueotial citizen, when you know he is the best poker player in town. Speak of a little street arab as • bright-eyed youth on the road to fame, and eall • mea who has • few dusty bolts of calico and a soldier's blue oust • pros- perous and ezp.riened dry goods mar - chant. Call a lawyer a leading light of whom the profession oagit to be proud, when you know him to be only aa ordia- •ry pettifogger." Ti. Taxxancar4wn. — The Teunemee Jubilee Bingen, ceder the massgement of B. W. nomas, former- ly of the Fisk Jubilee Singers, will sp- ppueaarr in cls grand Opera House ea 7 ereday, Jo1y 11th, under the awpi- em ret North -et Me(hoinet 8. 8. oompany 0050.. with the highest reeose- mesd•tsows from the American prem, sad peblio, sod are credited with the leading Jubilee Ringers of the see For partieslars see bills sad program. Hvwswaat.—A pleasant .vest took pleas e. Tbsludhy nursing, at 8t PMer's aerie, is the marriage of Miss A.sie Deets, yowagn sister of Judge Doyle, of this townl *o Mr M. M.Fsdden, bar- rister, of cash Ste Maria The bride i well end laewsby knowe to may of oto rtmtlliwe, Wrier bees a resident of Medeal& sham her birth. m The brads best wiser et • wtide sleekof C s50550stntaeem The wedding was a quiet ase, may rentiv.• heist presmt 11s happy ample left on their ',eddies trip by 7 * m. trsie, x "OODW WWC I ILLC*Ta*TR O 8.Oxa 4grAa.' —We amuch obliged to Mr W. Dickareson, the writer of "the Rernioiaoems. of Renfrew" which wee published in The lferrury some years ,go, for • copy of the Board of Trade edition of the above- named illustrated pamphlet,' descriptive of the situation, advantage., progress, etc, of the town of Goderich, of whish Mr Dickson has been a resident for many years. The ohj.et of the pamphlet is to make known to the outside world the fact that the t,wn io"abreast of the times, and ahead of its previous record." The work was entrusted, oo the suggestion of the noel Board of Trade, and by the aid of funds granted by the Town Coon- eil, to the publishers of The Signal and Star, and by them has been executed in a very creditable manner. Bevies the descriptive letter pre.,the pamphlet °os- tane upwards of forty illustrations of the public biildings—000rt hosss, town hall, churches, schools, priecipal places of business, and private residesees, eta, which oosv sy the impression that God. - rich is • substantial and go-a►.ad town. If mon piass would adopt the same plat[ of advertising themselves, and were to *eel a liberal supply of such illustrat- ed pamphlets to the old country sewn papers sed "Mechanics' institute," it wwidd greatly teed to dissipate the too cocain Ides that in all respect. Ganda is too clow and unenterprising as tion• pared with the linited &ales, If Mr D ekso. could pay• visit to Renfrew, he would 10 uld sesee•rj r.sogwi.e it as the MINN be knew of old. There are win - putatively few ef the old building. left —lues a part of the "bi°ek" be helped 40 seiot. whim the "maenad chute" was Mt dshbcd " be Village of Resfrsw" —1s demolished—and there Meade The Miresry •alas, which, in apparel's*, would certainly not rusk as intake to the .Bee of the Oodesrie6 Star, ea dhow• e the pamphlet referred to. Arid is some of the sheathes sad of private red- dens= he would fad Renfrew, i• ape 'bMuekt of linen sad ahead of precuts rs .&"—Peaiww Mawet, M! 1R•bt. I!.wetmam p.. Is Need* t• pose his • I should warmly be believed air, were I to explain to you the nervous anxiety from which we both suffered be- fore we could summons courage to again appear before the public, even for me own benefit ; for myself I eon only say that it oust me several night's sleep out and out, and two weeks hard wt•rk, before I could Induce Woodcock to jots kilts . ma ; but, having confidence in ourselves °wrs- sad the integrity of nor purpose in doing ed b7 so—we made the .tart, and when the W. was ones broken we feared no one, after . After having published severs) letters, es the each showing the neesmity of a comped- 6Oent tits railroad aid the natural advantages seen f of our harbor, and the facilities and re- ilei@ sources it pneseened for building •p • reseti large lake and local business se iodises - siesta to whatever railroad oompssy we might apply te for relief, we were joined by our late energetic sed lamented friend, Mr Platt, who et Dees, by print- ed circulars called a meeting off nor most promises' business and professional sten in the Huron Hotel, and the Glosses Railroad Committee wee thee is•agurated But .las, sir, Naas the want of sufficient social eteedjng in 1he originators of the saoveveset, it did sat 110•, nor hue ever Saes received ea- eseragement nor support from winte- rtime's. Mow, sir, 1 shall give you • tem et the rumens• white draw Weakish ted myself east et our shell•, into cwt sidesable pommel trouble, and sub' ei es to mash usealled for foal albs sed datrietion dariag the last Ave free poetise who neither amid nor mid harm deem what we were t • 1 IMAM £DV N Y Wtegham for distribution immediately after their publicatwn in Sept. 1884, I was exceedingly surprised to hndoo ova who would acknowledge having seen them. Atter several weeks had passed I became acquainted with Mr Williams, s. druggh.t, and now captain t,f their volunteer oomp.ny, to whom I broached the subject of ratlrued, to which lin cavil but firm reply ase, "No, no, we want to have nothing more to du with Goderich," but would give me no expla- nation. I had not bpoken to Mr Meyer on t6. subject, for under the oireom_ eteones I felt enmewb•t surprised that be bad Oct mentioned it to me. Alter leaving Mr William.. I immediately stat Mr Neelands the mayor, a storekeeper, and Jam« Lootit, his bookkeeper, arid, a former resident ..t tluderich, from both of whom I received literally the name reply and refusal 1 , give any sapless - lion, jest as Mr Williams bad done ! Perfectly thunderstruck se to what 000ld be the meaning of such treatment 1 at once hunted up our old friend and for- mer townsman Gents. Mackenzie, whom I had often met before, but without 00 word of railroad, and insisted en an ex- plattatioo. After warmly expressing bis indignation at our town council for their ungentlemanly and insulting treatment of quite • number of the beet men in Wingham (and he felt it more keenly from having been • former resident is Goderich ba nsel(), he informed me that some seven years before that dme-1886, the councils of Wingham and Goderieh had arranged for a meeting in Dungan- non for the purpose, if possible, of de- vising means to set a railroad between the two towns ; and nine of their lead- ing mea, vii : Mr Willson, their than mayor, and manager of the Hamilton Bank, oar friend Mr Meyer, Mr Gregory,one of the oldest and wealthiest inhabitant•, and now their reeve, Mr Elliott, • leading merchant and at that time their reeve, Doctor Maodonald, their present M. P., Mr Mackenzie him- self and three others wines names I for- get, kept the appointment, haying worked their way through Solna threw fest of snow ; but not one of our vener- able fathers pat in their appearance nor ever had the onmmon oonrt ey to offer an explanation of their absence. Arid again, some year or two afterwards, Dr Macdonald, their then mayor, being hen with an excursion, made arrangements for another meeting on the subject ; but before the time came for it arrived he reoeived a letter curtly telling him that Goderich had determined on having • railway to Woodstock ! And then, se above stated, came their motion of • road to Orangeville, between the townships of Mono and Caledon. I find I have omit- ted to menti.. that a week or two after my arrival, surprised at the universal reticence on a subject scarcely ever ab- sent from my own mind, I addressed their two papers simultaneously, briefly explaining what we had done and still hoemeeting wito th pfew of them to talk the matter over, leaving them to name the time and place ; and in asticipation of such a meeting I patched together a number of pigeon of tracing paper which had been in my paper case ever mime the time of the anticipated Fenian raid here in 1866, and prepared a rough sketch of • road from Winging' to Beemiller by way of Zetland, St. Helen, Dungannon and the Nile, But I received no re- sponse to my advertisement nor relief to my mind until I met Mr Williams' as above ••*otioned. Immediately after m7 conversation with lilt Maokeozie, I published a long letter in both papers showing that the Cturna' Committee was perfectly distinct from, and rat►.r believed to be antagonistic to the town ooanail, or, se y.ns would no doubt have put it, that "the Jews had so dealings with the Samaritans." I ezolainel oar at fickleness In calling the meeting awls, , which lied added to their sem to have been at tbe instigation Van Horne, sad u, we believed, uggeeted to us Imogene of their io- n to make • loop line from Wing - o Elora or Guelph ; a surmise was afterwards fully confirmed. rumen meeting was held on the Dee. 1*84, where subcommittee• ormed at each municipality along to Elora, and the result Por- to Mr Van Horne : to which he replied by • question as to what t of local trade the line could in response to which we at prepared and printed • carefully .d stat of THIRTY-xlxa different of farm and other prodoo., ori the I6th Jan. 1885, for• these blank forms to each municipalities betwixt this and requesting them In all op In proper places the awwoen' of that and exports a each totals d er- years of 1882-3-4 and return these our secretaryon or before th. 10.h folk,wing, which being faithfully ted with, they were at coo. for. to Mr Vats Horne, together with Godewiei, which showed thee porta and imports for the years sawed were lathan were Bnntfn d gad Ma, !mar. oombia. er7 soon therittll[tsr. air, ti tea seethe, letter from Mr Van tatyng as to mean the Wiaghem sad etaia.g that Its would look Guelph me himself. 8o mush Tor Butler'. .barge of tomfoolery Et."'" the (.ltieeus' Onmmilbs 1 The chart., te., .1011 b. at - to Net week• Yours truly, Timms Kram. Osdemis , )7th Jess, 1881 tour from foreign app*n g ports exclusive of at Bre lumber, and re shipped by rail for Buffs- conn to between Sept. 1862 and Dec. 1863, oflMr when the road was transferred to the wa. m Grand Trunk ; making fin all 153 car- tentio goes of 6474 carloads, or 293 trains of ham t 15carloade each, beanies the local trade which in mit, dour, lumber, inc., Ac. B. much, The B sir, for our town councillors' •esertione 16th that we have not sufficient traffic for a were f second railroad ! Now sir, hero es Mr the lice Hickson's opinion of the harbor which warded smother of our representatives declares to at once hone better than:any other harbor on the *moon supply ones eomptl articles and warded of the Elora, the beet harbor, the largest floor ring imports . mills, and mist extensive salt works is to ti. wr. eb'7 In an advertisement for an az- ton from London to Goderieh, •ign- Mr Hickson as Manager, and Mr Edgar as general passenger agent, peaking of the County of Huron garden of Canada and the meal - lake scenery, which can only b. rom Goderich Haighta, they oo.- to my "besides other numerous at- one, Goderich 11 famed for heti --delightful parka crown the heighte overlooking the lake, and the boas itself is eelehr•ted for its fine hotels, yobbo buildings." to. to.—No bed praise for (notarial, that sir, and es Mese than troth. i shall here, Mr, five yoe a little of my ex. mimes in Wingham daring the win- ter et 1883-6, and i .ha/1 give It pretty folly, as 1 think it bet right that under our peewit circumstance our whole people should know it: I had goes there boiling over with "'sensed," for by that time oar Citfiwa' Oommittes were on the moat fnesdl7, and to s the most sssosr glnt terms wddh Mr Van Horne, tbe leswsl manager of the U. P. R„ and as i was aware Haat a vantit7 of our lgeeNn u.la, of whit\ i %t somewhat posed, bed bees seat to oompl warded one from oar ex above them of ed: V mired Horan charter, atter the fer Ma •