HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-6-7, Page 88 OOULNTY cCItR N;N CY. ii.welett.r• from COTTSSpoa- denta, and Other Item. est op seinen Readers of -ilse asseat.'" Falb asd resat. 4 lipped sad t ea. Mr sad Mrs John Willis, formerly of Dengannou, have sold thou fano and somata) reside lu Walkerton. (leo. Cleric, of the litis oono lost a valuable horse week beiore last front audigastion sod tuff ouuntiou. to Toronto Iwo weeks SW, by the illness of Ms feather, erts,.., however, as ell tight Maw Messrs Crossley and Heater are donig a good work at ICAetar, bAsaly 100 peo- ple having confeseed converaton during Isat week. Capt. Dean, of the Salvation Army, Brothels, has gouts to her home for • rest. Her place ts supplied oy a }vette Lady 'roue Poleserstou. Wednesday of lest week, tor Torouto, the leading taw newt to feather fit bite - self fin the prsfeamt n. Mr Wm J. Cameron, eldest sou of •ery narrow escape from being seri tosly use that he is al e to be II. the nurg Wednesday of last week, rattier mien PnetrdlY. th, tied been ailing for s ime tone She WAG most soli - Wattle young lade. The fin•eral took place him Friday afternowy The (mends of Bev Mr Brown, Wroxe- ter, who learned with regret of los re- cent iiinsh while emitting relatives at Itrampton will be pleased to hear that he hoe Maoist eutaruly recovered mod a• now at lootie. Margaret, the 13 rear old daughter of Jae :Smart, of Silver turners, Grey, has been missing for anent ter,' weeks. She was emit with prrossoins fur her father and boither, woo were working m the Star sawouill, hut dot not retern home, mor can any trace 44 her be found hy Miss Atom Bella•Graham, daeghter of Rev bIr Graham, Se...forth, has pegg- ed very immediate! examination at the Toronto l'iinservatorv of Music, at which e h. has Keen a student the past year She is a natural musrciaa, and will, no doubt, graduate with hunon when she completes her course. Mr Dan Moran. Sealforth, has return- ed from his top to Alitirma. He writ( there to stay for life. hit found that the air did not. agree won him ond work was too seater. He footed it from Owen Suomi to Oraforth, mid says be never missed a meal font the tone he started until his return. Wednesday of last week, Henry Mr - over to the 16th rif Grey and captured Miss o:peratn. As ail parties were agree able maid • preachee boded the contract nothing will bedew'. about it. o rote nf the Grey boys wall got even with these Morris tad, by reverstug.the order. Mr lohn AtItioseist. who left Exeter a few weeks ago fur Cheerio has reture- ed home under unfortunate circum- stances. los bad his two f.trc firvoers and thumb seamed by a eircuha: saw while at work In the cabinet factory. He hand is nor healing 'Nay. Mr Wm Henderson, who has been a resided of the tt woship of McKillop time there have only two been Mays in which there has cot been snow. This should afford hype to thloe trio, aro groanino ow the present cold wesather. The Sertforth band have enraged Mr J. Jones, late of Brussels, ae testier snd musician and an egoelleat cora* player, and unuer his unrance the hind e di, lei condittoti.. nes is a Jew- e!er by trade and' we bel.eve 1..terds martin:. 10 stone id the Mothediat church, lilyth. A gentleman from Lnutlesboto promi- nent an church worio at the time when the audience was being photographed, stood upon a seat, sbore the level of the others, mot remained in that position after the ten hail taken the;r seats, un- til a friend pulled li,s cht arid gate him a hint to sit down. A change in the lirussels post office is rumored, Mr Gnat resigning aod Thomas Farrow gettino the position. Mr Farrow will make • good r oat master, better than any of the aspirants of the town. though ronie Gem are very much anroy.1 Mout tied being considered in the atrangenient. It is said Mr Grant has get the ajohnottnent I of inspector r.f a Loan Company for Manitoba, which we trust is correct, if he has decided to retinal the irthca Leie. -Cot Expositor., We are caBed upor to chronicle the I death of another highly respected reso I dent of West W &warmish, in the beloved wife of l'eter Glasgow. r the 91,11 con., ; who passed peacefully tn rest, on Mon- day. OOth ult. Her remains were fol. ' lowed by s large concourse t‘f relatives and friend,' to their het mono place in St. Augustine cmnetere. Mr Glasgow has the heartfelt sympathy the entire commanity in lila gel oereavement, hetng left with the care of four small Affliction r toted heavily on the fami/y of Mr Alex. Robertson,,of the Illth con., Hallett, cm this 27th ult., when hie youngest eat Albert E., aged • little over IMITIM years, was called to the spirit wield. The child was taken sick about two weeks ago, sulietriug with a nein in the hip, which left, under medical treat - meat, and wee followed by inflammation tif the lungs, and also enlargement of the brain. The child suffered iateionly, and death was truly • relief to it. Too remains were interred an Rells cemetery. no Tuesday. The parents have the sysn• ▪ path, of all in their bereavement assawaS TM, HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1889. I born the other 'day by esolla Archibald Taylor, Morns, has gams ani Mr Janis* Steep, Chinon, ham planted slew peanuts, just to see how they will tura out. Rest R. Craig, of Dunbertoo, an old Huroa boy, is visituag friends in this Mr l'atrick Page, Clinton, had • small cancer removed from one of his hpi last wee:. Chm Bishop, Grey, &flirted home he week from Toronto, where he has been atteuding college. Mr W. M. Griffin, of Clinton, has in tith4 prioted in 1629. mr McKowen, Clinton, left us tne 29th ult„ for Cleveland, he having secured • situation tu that city. Mr Chas. Coats, Climon, has gone to Tilsonburg, where he will engage the iewellery hemline for himself. Mr John Cornyu, Turnberry, has re turned frum Toronto, where he has been in attredance at the University A skunk was killed in Simon Grant's hen home, Grey, two week.. ago. The peifome wait iA the -loud character. Jae Jackwia, 9th ma., Morris, loot • vsluable mare end colt one night about two weeks •ou. She was valued at $200. fee Taylor horn, Bailee north id Brussels, has been !Atoll sold to Ecloaid Mr R. Callender, ison in-law of Mr F. Itatunall, Cianton, has purchased 25 acres on the 4th con. of Mesa front live. Parrott, cif Glencoe, for $900. Mr R II Knox. Harlock, sold his Ayrshire bull to Mr Winters. Seal - forth, • for days ago. The animal was only three years uld and weighed 2600 NVan. McArter, 7th con., Morris, sold or A. Smith, of Blyth, 3 fine stern at 4* ceuts per lb. They tipped the scales id. the- utatittiborhood of forty hundred or over it. A book agent named Roach took a tit at the American Hotel, Brusisels, Wed- nesday evenieo of last week, while writ- tng • letter, and in the fall cut Ins head nude severely. Mr Ewart, cf Scotland, who was •isit- ing hia cousin, W. Roddick, Brussel*, for some time, started eastward last week. Ile purposes ahortly returniug to the land cf the heather. Mr Wm Robb, of the 2d con., Tuck - the • shape rrf a table. froin the legs of which several sprouts are issuing, souse to the length of two inches. Mrs J Clerks, Tuckersmit: . who has been residing in Dakota ter e last four years, has returned itu a .sit to her mother, Mrs Robt LendsOuro. She speaks Tony highly of the country. The contract for the new Baptist church, Clinton, has been awarded to Mr S. S. Cooper, who the also the con tractior making an addition lo Taylor's school house, Goderich toutuship. Miss E:aily Stapleton, while working ham. on the f.'Zith ult., in sone way gio the forefinger of the left hand caught was ilecomary. Igoe night recently two men ettered to be in search of horses. Mr Schwabe. son happened to be watching • mare ex- pected to lia/, and gave the alarm, wheu they speedily decamped. .k youth named l2antelon, r'f(locierich township, who a short thee ago went n. tv.o, is still there, but expects to returu ht we at an early date and be milker or the effect* of has illness. 11 ho 11 be appointed Postmester hi Brussels is now the pertinem interne - ration , The Pol thinks Thos. Farrow, ex-M.P.. has the beet claim. according to the usual disposal of Government pstronageonol he would be a very accept- able man fur the position. 1 in the 28th ult., 1). McDonald, Bras - wi▪ ll take charge of a butchcr Aop for m. Stitetton. The latter as an engineer ham been Schriber he will be able to have the oversight of the business ably assisted by Dan. On Thursday. the 16.h nit., New. come, of Brussels, had the miefortune to 'have his left arm broken while assisting in raising a barn on the farm of Dunces, McCuaig, Morris. A large pole fell on him inflicting the injury as he was at work and the wonder is he was not more seriously hurt. imcricall Assurdocc Compr ! Fine Tailoring HEAD OFFICE, - • TORONTO, ONT. NEW SPRING GOODS. THE N EvrEsT PATTERNS IN CANADIAN TWEEDS. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN ENULISH AND FRENCH I Vigorous, Prosperous and Progreesive Gaudin Compaq SIVITINGS. New Shades in French Worstesd. New Irish and English Serges. PRESIDENT BON. A. MACKENZIE.. M. P. New and Nobby Spring Overcoatings. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. Bs -Prime Minister ef Canada. VICE-PRESIDENTS / HON' A' HIJIHRIH' JOHN 1.. 111-11iLIE MANAOINU DIRECTOR—WILLIAM Y. I. A.. Eng. fibs Company Issues all Approrod Forms of Plic:os aed Ito uitiet, RETURN PREMIUM PUN. This Polley GC ARA NTIllori • HE MRS Or A P:Ill MS PAID in addition to the full face of tl.e Gm event a death 'Amritsar the luveminent period. .at • lower rate than any other Company. F. J. T. NAFTEL, Duane A1100t• Ear, fa AT am BATII, CARRIAGE, BOAT in SLATE, A selection of Choice and Healthful English Try Almond Rock for a Toothsome Article. F. jORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL BEST CUT and WORIMEANSHIP. B. MacCORMAO. MUM Sawn filheiler BM fa °POW A mereal of cheapness, Mi *Soapy, and rif promptitude, contained in a bottle of that fatuous remedy, Volutions Pan- ties Corn Extractor. It coos right to the rout id the trouble, there acts quickly and so painlesaly that matinee ta known a its operation until the corn is shelled. Beware of substitutes offered for Putnain's Painless Corn Extractor safe, sure, and painless. Suld at drug - A Moos was lately found on the farm of Mr C Holinnville, which is supposed to be ths petrified left foot id • human beiog. The shape is toile natural. It was found in • small stream near the Maitland, and is doubtless& the foot of ene of our female aborigines. MCLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR h • specific and antidote for inspore. • weak and impoverished It cid Dye - WE G ET TH ERE, Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the finestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, FINE GROCERIES AND FRUITS. Wholesale and Retail. N. 9. -Try cereline Flakes fOr Butataer. Irene We la Manger. Take time hy the foislock ere that ,ou where so many Cotisumotives bane preceded you ; lose no time. hut poseure and Bronchiei D. tee sea, Sam t Emulsion of Cid Liver Oil with Hypophosolotes I rill cure ',rm. Sold by all Druggia.s, PORT ALBERT. From our own eorrespoodeet. Mies Grace it visiting at Mr Jar Mahattv's. Mr George Irwin has returned to this villsoe after e yeat's trial rrf hotel keep- 13,arPokitli.-Ths school picnic which was or haoe been held tat the Poila Farm on Friday last is rostponed until Friday. dune 14th, when it will he held at the same poce. Junket -Part ni'eci•nd - Hattie Thor - love, 301; Etta Pellow, 227; Nellie M000teney, Simko -Part Second : -Victoria Reeking, 3C8; Elsa Richard -I nett, 279; Giece Richerdom. Sr. Seeond--Dourhis McKenzie. 379; Kitts Cowden at d Stevenson. 375; V• Haelons, Toird Class -- Love Stesenorts, 320: Mary Stevenson, 319; IrVillie Drape r, 304. Fourth Class -Alice Hawkno, 2;1; Cleo Draper, 270, Mr Angus McQuaig, of Lucknow, who has been for twenty years in timber ehip- ping from this northern section, has ; this year 'hipped over $20,000 worth of timber -sent to Queboc and British • markets. He has spent twenty seven years at this work in Canada and was for 21 years with Messrs McArthur Bros., of Tot onto. On Tuesday of last week, Mrs John Dark, Grey, passed over to the great ma- jority at the early oge a 24 years, 2 months and 28 days. The deceased was was well known to many in this locality. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon. The husband and relatives have the sympathy of the community. Mr Cesar Perdue. of the With moo lion, on Sunday week, hy the (loath of his wife, arising frost Ontifintiment. She the manse line, was into in the rime of life, and enjoyed the friendship of all who knew her. Her death is a particu- larly keen one to Mr Perdue, who to left, with a family of seven small &Antrim. on the Ifith of May, at the mane. in Sestina* City, Miehigan, Rev Mr liras- rformed the na re: between Flonert sweeney, of Merrilr, Michigan, and Miss Jessie, eldest daughter of the late l'houses ltob- 'rhos, of tiny township. Although it was rather • surprise party to a great msny In Cirey, as the bride was only thought to he going on a visit to Miehi gen kr • few weeks, the 'emend wish is that emcees§ and prosperity may atteod them a/I their days. Their home will be ia Merrill. WHICIII WILL IT ME 7 Which hg the faireet. a nee or a toy? ei h.. h is tile weediest, pooch fir a peer? less le pudic and fair. her. /tweet se • Rimer win her fare when 1 k gLore is thi romance and glory of life., 114111y. my playmate. 1 kW, " like a sister." Rut Dora I choose for my wife That is tight, ym1ng man. marry the girl you love. by all Menne. If elle will have yno. harmid her health become deltoids. and her broritY fish' after marriage. is member that thim usuall. dile to functional Moorhen -ea. weaknesses'. Irregularities. ike painful dfaor.. lead to give witiatsetion. or mosey refunded. NW, the printed certilleate of guarantee on bottle -rumps r debilitated leseilfera Milliner*. drealmakees, nursing mothers. and Mobie women veer- =israsteweally D h..sorilleire:±abotra:unribpseilwrrewertunequidedpthon ?at ng (medial and restorative tools% or copyright's", AT WORLD'S *an AWL Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS mount* and cleanse the Peer, atosnank Mid bowels. They are !surety ve=1* WI Ply - druggist& is mots a Ism AUCTION SALES. Itheumetiem, Loss a Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stotts., and General Pnce $l suet $2 a bottle. Call or write for McLeod's nch, Ont. Travelling *nibs. Trainsarrive &Da depart at tJoderialt as fu Mail sad Express Lan p.m Mall Mixed Magl 14 LW. m All parties repine their sale bills printed at t older will get a free not we Inserted in this list up tu the time of eie. ture at the Polace roller rink. on Satur- day June 8th. Jehn Knux, Auctioneer. Great sale of valuable nousehold furni- MYRTLE See lorge voters. CUT and PLUG THE MARKETS. SMOKING TOBACCO BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS Cederieh Friers. GODitniCii. June C. MS. S t:a.tesiate),..t.....lottwir tbboutten: hlt.. ... ... ... ... ....... .... ... ...... (SHuill:hr,..7...dloar.np...,(,,°:::,,,,;,.....b."7............h................................. . „,,,,.:..i.:....i.noit: Apples. d bush . 11 Ile 4012 le Cantos quotatione. Flour Fall %V itear.essei and el Spring B heat Barley this brag flutter any cordwood 0 00 o KIM* 311d ISTETMEMEter Arse 4 50 good groceries and Wail. et the o 75 Cheap Cash Store. Jimle l• when 1 ten aim that I am Aniline W/Alli LA 8 27 to 0 27 Farmers Take gy Advice 0 Yd to 0 53 for ono. and do het b'e deluaril by thme rs 25 to f, :M tang you to buy their Trask, stair. They •re Os 41,71 ttoo 0 I li here today and away to:nerrove lei: buy 0 10 to 0 11 from usthat will Land by 0me mud will 10 A. : 3 03 I. Ss 099 what if right lied boatel. and will take your o ou to is ee CZ: bead quarters and me not fledge ',flit% m um• in •xehaage. We itnpyrt our Mos 6 50 to 6 79 he minors . for Oils reams weol Pork HOUSE AND GROUNDS That valuable property on Nelson street, present occiipiell by me, is offered for sale at a norgain. The house Ise handeome moms. with eloaets. pantries. elk and best con% eniences. The grounds comprise one acre and a half. sad sire tastefully laid out Is dower beds. shrubbery. etc.. and afe beyond all doubt the handsomest in town. There isi • large and complete eonservetory, and good stabling aroommedation in connection. TH. properly will he mid mit and wt. or will be sublimated for a smaller house and tee u shiest. or for farm poverty. Alan that bioek of buildings on the Square and Hamilton -et. in the hest Mounties locatiaa In ooderieh. is offered for tette. at terms to suit purchmers. Also three farms in nrwierich townehip.e1 which immediate pomemion een he given. Th. entire property will be disposed °f.'s the roprietor in.ends to take op his perman- ent reeidence in Toronto. owing tit its greater Moine.* faAlities in his line. trade la as the business will still be carefully att Huron will not fud'er lay the engage of cot= to in thi•ronnty. Apply personally or by ledter to WM. MILEAN, no7• Rex BD, Inederleh. BINDING TWINE. SILVER COMPOSITS. Call and me sample at the store of fletterieh, Junin. Ink 1111141 I CAN GIVE YOU A good Me. Japan Tea a. 23 cts. A good Wt. Mack Tea at et& A gooe enc. Young limn at Soil, I ha:, also just reeecived a fine lot of Ord Fruits of all kin& also ( sane! 31 -ata thatiare very fine and trill be *OM cheap. My Tobaccos and ot the very best Brand. don't forget roy Pare too:loon rof. fee: my Spices and Fla re,. are pure aril good. 31y customers cat. rely on get- ting good Butter. and goons *red pun% - Doz. Eggs War.tei at once Highest Price ekiid. rant door eouth of Door :L.'s Soot aue. Shoe store. rabic Bio. tio.ler %h. ISAAC N. CASSIDY, THF. GROCER. Ferry's Seeds alessme is. wins. Pima a Oen EMI be raj Wines Liquors 8to F4)11 11.14: G. H. PARSONS GRA noruL-com/DIPRTING. EPPS'S COCOA. the One propertied, of well -selected Cocoa. Me Epps kw presided our breakfast made* with • delicately ea% ore.' be% .,rage which may ear• us men% heat, "tumors' bills. It its bv the Jwii4:10U• ewe ot such art iclea built up uutil ones' eumath to rinds' tendency to disease. litindrede et subtle totaled's-4.11ft' floating around us manly 10 al tack Vilierri el' there is • weak pow. W• may emape mans a fatal 'shalt by keeping ourself.* well fortified wine pure mood and • properly nourished frease."- "Civil &twice Made pimply e itli hotline water er sold in packets lo ormers. lataNted Guam SPRING HAS COME! AND W 11:11 IT A LARGE CONSiGNMENT - Gent's Niko for the F cam H. DUNLOP'S. Good material,. Ise ist; les sad fair prices le the motto. ME- Next oor to Simonet Bitak LIME. NOTICE TO BUILDERS & FARMERS The Falls Reserve Lime Kiln is now running full time, and any quantity of Fresb Lime can be obtained at the lain at all times for 10c. a bushel. TIITZALTH AID CA0L lit'LREMI".*441111°.‘FOlif. ..U1R$ C -Ea 11.3:REP 4McN C'OC :1 PURE -PEERLESS -POT& IT SOLD irc ALL DRUGGISTS 7077410f WALLY -0 LIVO/W ON T MARVELOUS EMOR Only Grealne leyeems of Memory Emu Swim Learned lin ane Penang. Mad waaderlog rimed. Ivory reed and meat greenly benetesseda rirleime_ et Pr. Waskaile.... leilIFF1.1.101gb Awe.. IL T. -TIME TO DIE- HELEBORE, PARIS GREEN INgECT POWDER WI LSATON'. Water SPri 14Tairs The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of Water Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, F ac• tor es and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac. tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. ROLZIgialillig Notice of change at this Office Monday noon. changes must k than Wednesdi up to noon Th week. The People's YEARLING 111111 A. Strayed from the scriber. besii of Glutton) 7tli yearns* heifer. re ma forehead. Infer:mats coven Ina be suitably r .1 LOT FOR SALK 0: —About two minutes wi Two stades high, brick n stories high. building Main building has 3 lari • ire there are halt there are knell*. Upstairs, gins rootu and pOar. Apply to the tin aullaecessary infers Ott 1 so much vs' stable mai hubs •nd other Graben stolen otY lbe grounds wood 1.'6,w duriolr 04N I offer • reward of fifty Men which swill lead *web and even- emprit : Maraud for omen cans This reward to hold get thin date. June lith. Miss Andrews will piano to • Hooted sun =1:e4n:rf ponds. Term' had a manner of ream ceeMel tea, her. she fee satisfactory tunese. THE HURON H( Tilts welt -known and refitted mei enhanted di and is now second to r commodst ion foe the fru amoremodatioa for teat NEW ADVER" forayed -A. Smith. iteward-li. Y. ADAM Home and Lot for male imamate Twine -R. P. ' BOI yATIOA.—In Ix -Ingham.; TOWN r ' A Ales awing As' faith heti Now is the time for a can get • very tine line has the appliances. you can make la to • ply to It. liettillicuddl The weather seems and time rugh to the styl haa begun. You eat The Pharmacy keetel la OTATrtning in Ds dr proredoe. Neat ection clerks. Imre le .geMnient alwars ten. Tan Woutrons esti • Casson win meet regul ere badness every Tui o'clock. in the Tempen ' was interested in th. invited to knead. Pat -erne.' tkat R Pius Ifts that are moulding .W to set off rood et bendson, pfeee of art !Mum. and to obviate s Means to adopt is to studio, and enemies =outdoors. and have ti n eatly and cleanly. BRIEFI Dr McDonagh wil fe▪ ety month. Knox Church Min tomorrow (Saturds o'clock. All membe he present. Writing ImPair of professions( purge Till 810.11.41. 001 61Ied, and Dr M 'Nicholson, snakes the preservs teeth • Wealth,. 0 We learn that Mr who had his foot am last, is progressing f indication of s same speedy remover,. Mr D. E. Camaro eial Treasurer of Os on Monday last, on He looked as if the' mot cases, him to Aw IMPORTANT new Soft Stop aad T semi to a Neneene sums die nerves of whim preen tf TRIM Kase Ilk mad by Hansoms& the way oat envelop demand All pis Come sad see the