HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-6-7, Page 7ON SIGN
8000 LIVES LOST "ON` ""- ds sensitises
'' defogs.
h•�o• •es+1e. w dtere ..d >i•wk1 .eek tM
1 husk. .led flags wilt stupor. tura d pr•lyna
nen of tarts mose•1 faculties, from the fright
.sed herr they have teen rtb,ected k.
THAT IS THE LATEST REPORT OF The .umbar at ample who are melds hem
THE GRIIIAT CATASTROPHE. Ibe beaks are ee few no oustrop will tb
populates§ 4 the vanes§ little buroe�be
whet*soostitut. the any that the yae.ti.s
gftry nve Homme& peewee Is • ffrstle •Where ere the premier" te ..ked .m all .idee
with ta. fest -m ewe. -plea Agile lata 1bt fmtwerios i. Pols mei that Ill. dt.drrgre.
Demon M M ghlaoMy eg the /deed. Y.S to ours where the gorge collected, sad
whoa i. now burnous over en area of emeral
Saw Nuta,otr Pa, lanai -The I ret .r wires, ie yet inure ghastly. Tee awfulne.. of
estate of the Johnstown disallow molar helot the sasse d.h.s lemmas to d.piw, as is dues
she esteemed mow plead upon the extent of the imeasioaut. to Cobalt?, d. Without see-
erthe cal•mily. .ad mated of 11000 or 3000 it i. }•g the haemo created no idea ma be given
probable she death list will race WOO, seamy atter of :he era of the dswlstios et the ea-
sy 11,094 The peeeprty law may resole 511,- tent of the dunes.
(100,094 It is sow known that two passim/sir Tea number of Wise tome lar resevered M
u.'.a. tea .,eta, , d tee day mpr.s• un about 604 How many he beam& the greas
re.asylvaw Railroad, ham bees thrown into bed d fire, urdemerept Ina ragtag toreeat, the
the teadde5ed tole and the pwssen uncovering of their hoses ma alone detr-
druwlesd Tree. &root were held as Job's- mine; bet from all appears/nesedews w
emu froFriday at 11 a.m.. sad were )lair mhauand.. Th..gooses win mad 1•m.saa-
nu • siding boleros. the Jobs.town sad home- Noss of the frown& who have.ot been able to
rt.ugh stemma learn any tiding. of Il.eir loved Bones are name
The awful wrest came doers the narrow deplorable and pathetic. Whoa s futon is
debts betwew the rwutaiss, a dimence of seen to (hop deo deeper jute tee games.
WOO wjlc., sad with • fall of 3110 feet in Met from the homing away of support~ sbrieke
Memo., sweeping sway the villages of South Pismo the sir tike a sail from a low suet.
Fork, Mweral Rust. Word,a!e sad 0..r Food. leather, sod mosey sneeded by the
t.a•irb, is r,.4 bat o,nro soma.. standing a.d iababstaata of Use stilek.n city. They mel
• .00lsm pill, ohm, but •s boar before had shelter also. The Mouse 4 Pe sbure sad
stud binsit, and drAiag on with the roar Allegbeuy bars started • relief fund. which is
orieretereet and with the aped of the wind OKw:ng raper', but the sum ..slid is mom
w eft the len may et the foothills. than any onmminW
e tnuaity n give. Feed
Tb5 plain a w ach Crus yesserday was Johns- been forwarded hose ►h. cisus. and mom along
town stem the naomteine like • jewel ea the the liars of the reed.
Qs.seean . diadem Th. great Gautier Steel Johnstown ie • city of 40,000 imb•bivate i.
N•urks eat in the pain Lad the city below it, Cambria County Pa., at the tu.etioo 01
the railroad tracks Weeding it at the ban o Stony Creek and the C,sem.ugh River, os the
tM moustaens oa the north. Here ea where Psnalaylvaara(J•nel mad Railroad. 714 miles east
tbw tains where gsading woes the lide d of Pittsburg. 1t is in • sort of hollow between
wain. bk. • essapt..t come down opus them the two sireama aqua which look down the
Witt sects mashes tome that the heavy $trrawttan.e,. heights of the Alleghenies. The city had •
kvomoUves. P5111550a .54 .11, wereoverturnsd lively trade, a:Meanie iron works and mans•
toed swept down tea. torrent *.d were lodged factorise, emend banks. one daily and four
apnea the great stone radios, aloes with weekly newappere.
forty -ase k,coaoti.m from the Jobsesowa The re..rvotr at South Fork whteb burst is
, egad -bog... ins heavy m.ebisery and pen- described Mee immeues body .4 wale., form.
dermas framework of the Gautier mill. the why read as water supply for the old Pennsyl-
accumulatd debras of more lyssa s thousand woos Canal le has been owed for several
lasses, furniture, bridges, lumber, doh and Years by • Womb., of Pittsburg geetbmgn.
human bei.gs The low arches of the stone who wed it as • edntog ground.
viaduct clerked up immediately and the water On the Bailemrr. ,k Obio $unreal Mery
backed back over the enure level of the valley was much damage also. hot there was no seek
.Wn which the city wood to • depth d what, torrent to devastate as that which swept down
tris the water mark.. indiemee •boot thirty- from the South Fork reservoir with a rapidity
51(14* tort Is the great se• seas gamed $Dcredible and a destruction unparalleled is
hundreds, perhaps thousands of popes, were theannals
elAmer af life cannot strugeba( Ise life. actualopossibly be
The veva. to -day js opt of Lha aome barrow- neo ttai.ed wittio lees than • week oe tea
ing potable fee the iaa(intion of man to d• •-
coovr. The accumulated daft gagged up .t J.
ceiG. Gill and thirty-five men .tarred in •
the viaduct to • leash1 of forty tett and then wagon to Re up the mountain and all were
took Bre from the up eetttng of moves or amps. drowned by the torrent which overtook them.
Then were strong men made sick at Gus McHugh, an emrinee.r on the Penusyl-
the sight. As the llamas crackled and nerd Tama Railroad, who lived iu Conrmsugh, was
among the dry timber of the Ou•tiug bowies, eel, 0,11 when the torrent fished down Use mi-
litiaman bodies were seen pinioned between the ley. Hie wife wait aw•v from hens at the
botss roads,locomotives, woo beams, freight, nine. Her husband and tour cLM:sa were
pasm.ger, Pullman andhaggege cart
hem y
iron bus, the greedy flamw.. licking Willi Just above New Florence is the little town
haste time dies of human flesh. The some d Nineveh. 1t was litre tpe5 1 found the
was horrible beyond dem-Titania. From in first c?osrm.1 houme: '011 de•ii were hen, the
Lahey a few days old, to the wasted serums of tarter proportion of wh.,m were women.
age• were burped beWes rte eves 01 slue be- Here it was that the awful work of the freshet
holders. and no rescue from such a fate was could be realised. What have beau fertile
potadds, esrwig men tuned sway limb farms loud like worn-out backyards. Great
.gosiuwd ex{raemaoe sod women .braved as trees have been twisted and torn like weds
the horror d the seem.. and the trocen household goods of hundreds
Tb. dead are competed at not le.. thea of boil.** t the shores fur mile&
3000, and the number may even exceed this T;in
hieves of the vilest sore, those who steal from
estimate. 'lois *sews i.cre.liWe, bus until the dead and the uatornuu•M►. have been
the gates abate and the work of removing timely a work rubbia( the trunks, boxes,
the dead frost tin* tremendous roses le COIN- .tierl furniture. turd there is nothing
worth taking lett except lumber. Every now
and then ghastly outlines could be seen in the
water (ring swept down stream. Two miles
from "`i.Q.' tower is the ' S,T." tower of the ,
mew of a basket suspended Irmo a cable, as Pennsylvania Railroad Comma? and here it
p•a.vsnrers are remo•.d from wrecked ships is that the greatest railroad in the world sods
}hers the some, were magnified as t4.ir soddenly in the river For aio,. than 1000
Laser. slot the entire track is wiped out rule, diem
Here were the residences of Om little e.ty'..tad seen hallo"- The north Week u entirely
n: et wealthy and ince:stent newts. Hese welted "FIT -
nine found the li.dy d Joh& 1obert, theThe le the nrueet reagreehie point to
ere and his entire faintly. asiring of a Johnstown, and the dal.e to gstumg Off news
liter end two gr•odeh.kkoi, fit'. (1,o,- dispatches has barn turfy maddeoiag. The
tare, J. Dtrwey u1 Deism & Ca, tobaceoaiwa, emaciated Pres expedition was the first in
}'hiledelp•loia, and one of the most popular the held and was ready with thousands of
word. of specials, but no wires amid be bed
from 11 a.m. maul almost 3 Rin. No special
trains could ba hired, &o locomotives were to
be bought and the situates could hardly he
kid it wap be imp asihle to t.11 how many
L vas have been lot
The Amociased Press cnrreepondent was the
fist man to crass the Johnstown proper by
grueling taeu on the road; Dr..). C. Couper
aid wile: J. U. Beaenho . bookseller; lir.
Win. Gilmer., wife and family; Jas Howard,
Neil McAuley and wife-, Mrs. Unkind and
family of three: Mrs. lyewi Felder, wife 4 the
general auperiate deaf of the Cambria Iron
Many Otbst women and children cannot be
impessilde se (adamate tae ■wleMr elf
identified. Yob°, officers sad others were
Tyndale' all po.s b. aid, but the :tuella-1. .d Woes loot-
oate• deed seams greater d,m the numtxr of P,rrssren, Jane L -It ie sated at the
the lit tag. Ace of the Prnosylr•.i• Railroad at an early
Carder, Market 3.1sim, Incest and Wash- home this looming that dm deatbs would ran
i,arte•1 weeete bee* been .wept dime and bars into the thousands rather than the hundreds.
of all Paddlers et whatever ebar.1ten sod es eau as fins supposed. From prime dis
their mb•bitauate seem tc bare gad into the patches 'moped a t. amid was the stream et
sung. at the ilret warning of darer, lied human beings that was 'wool Wore the angry
others rushed to their deaths. for those wbo re Soda was something ,soot pitiful to behold.
maimed in thee houses had an opportunity to men, women .ad chiur,m, were eneried as*
flee to the upper statin. Whim the houses frantically Mealtime for bele. hes sbr .tile
ewe Mame SNIT wro ffested hos their too.- availed them nothing. Rogue was impossible,
stat1055 and annoy wire weed- The Hotel Hasbatd• were swept pant their wires, .d
Halbert, a brick eructate. had Hrty-five ch,Mr'm were born rapidly along. (0114 at A
geeete, and sxty-three d ahem trete killed terrible speed to certain death before the eye*
th• lalling in d r. the Ivoand walls. Tinh. at their terrorised and frantic parent..
Morel library, the seism& boos*, Alm Ilwll, 10 was red as the depot Mat it was impotel-
(anw•1 *Mg,* sad aloe of the ire cr•mpaay Ile to estimate the number whose lime were
sod one ether beck bendier are alt of pmt loot in the flood. It will simply be a otter of
stay 2000 huildagn that have not been floated conjecture for seemd days as to who were
f• OM their f050da,orla or caved ia. lest or w10 moped. The torrent of surging
The stogie .i duct u forty fee* Ljgb from water* front vh• flooded riven a rapidly am•F.-
the steer bed as low water. and over this mg its may a.•rard this Sty, .ad it is predict.
5145 waw rushed a s 11101.11•104 flood. (e ed seas by i - 11.naor-nue share will be
that or the west side, On the Bwesm.r thirty fee! nue a. the wharves. The
and rail mills of she Cambria Iron Compeer over tom bald m:; h- w n f the Mary 'mamas
Although warned to flee to the hillside., sod lase last aisle members 01 them were
many of the men vessi&g in • fanned savrity about the wharves deeming the ,natter and
lo,u,red about the .tills end were engulfed the probable extent of the ries et lbs waters
In se instant To -day their bodies are strew. y Mia point No aeras damage le appre-
siont the Cestem.egb. Kiek,ai,aerss and headed, ae is is .tut believed that the flood is
Allrgheay Risers led are basing wined eels, Orme enough to go over the incline to Me
dowse the Ohto. ve as Roebede• etr,etat Timm is, however, considerable appro-
Below the mills is Cambria. • subhee+0410 hsatdoo lsje arsons/ the people who has
in which distrait. reside probable :000 people. farther up the rime, and ail pomibte promo.
The scenes time are hoe • r vete oe d the tions are beaus token a4anen a recommit, of
.,then partl of the flood -wasted my. In St. ahs fetal wasboot a Johnstown.
Columbia's rhurch, • new sluelure, which Mewsores tor rater were p rwrepay tab.e by
had Ireo flooded to a depth of tit feet in the thoughtful saes. The mayor d both Pitts
auditorium, the water had rse.ded and the hew and Allegbeny irked calls for maw mesh
that was sewed with • slimy tom to the jags, which wore responded to by throngs of
depth of seven or NM Melee. On boards Pjt sseerg's wealthiest mew At 1 p.m -
et retched
in-etr8ehed aloe( the top d the pews were this- 000 was In hand, and at 6 the mei was swelld
teem bodies which bad hem matched frau so $100.000. The Amoriom Republican Club
tM stream by Fr. Thome. Uerlm cod saws of s ch
met, and • enmaitt to take arts a ailfor
kit paritiioeers who be had Unlimited 1500 the sufferer was s11ss.d• On. thooand throe
wr•,oa hundred d. Hare we subscribed by the club.
While in the awful tworemee ed the dead and
mad the solemn surr.w.ndinas 4 • desolate RELIEVING THE SUFFERERS-
etrel9tnb ,.abas, es•.
*air Sallssatle s1 tM fres ut tare 66.66.-
pp..►Hamid sot • word, bet inie•tly weetfrea' easy Within the Sem.
corps teener, btu.( the stained sad mid JP117tat°wr, Jew, i-Teeerday: eeaamatea
meted ehlerio 5 of the 4154. At last he ,d tb. low r,, lrfe do net semesomes000d.
came le the corpse d a child about sine year. Sea bawfirna beim anew lyir f a iso r-,ar-s
looked a
hit dmehter. Hs lookthe swell. and • lamp Saabsr lave V
blood -hailed features a magea and was beetle Toe 1,5151551 relied
0,514, "My Dlseria, my }ilea Veggie," wolves. w beau well oared for. Time ie
the seam tame premiss sae inanimate form 15 siaeat. d phigin(. Ctiowmu.ieetton has
to bis boom and (iviae sage niton+ to alar- been .,.toed between Cambria City and
nae teemer.1 and ejaculations of grid The Jrohtmtoww by a foot bridge. The work of re -
Ism snob his cacti sled ran witb it to what bed psiring lb. tracks boomss' Sang Hollow *.d
tale ha bona. He pined at beside Mime.. 4 Jonwwown s piste as rapidly and trues will
low wife sad two ether children. ail of whom '1::".111
,� � M .s
mooing by 1oorrot► nutmeg.
beetss is drowned.
b .
serrate the any pa- N." y61161114.11.-4"811"" •» her.
thighs ineidaate that os,srre f ce all sides. THE JOMNSTOWN DAM.
At Merrill felly-thee
e bodes we laid net
wshtog es be hkeedt.d. Right d Mr
thew were ose pewee se mho melees Lbs et
Hires ewe that of . child whish a 'Systeme lams Pistol
had hem bora while Irmother e mothwas
SAM* foe her Mho in the reffiwl( Sued. Preramrec, Jame L-" We were sired et
Al IitMseli. see mules dews lbeele.m, the lake," said • germs.-- who had lived le
166 bOdb ., mstl
oy w www and slithhan, ear. Jo1setow• ler years. • We wen afraid M
tied est is • samiell, and edditiews were Om lake seven years talo- Ne one mold eco
wMg Dds by mese leek se • tines. whits tM •••••11121Might to cob ' a that .rtif5iel
beige melted rep on /M mollewe even Wed Dalen 14 within& fairies the ire•
.high the areas tide had with the tory aeascue Maw ed wtetrh514.14.54 01 1.1168••••
M Mm
deem. Many were /lased *VIA ler Mgt sent bs� 111114high /lbws ir1n•tw�rel
HA cd sionwi.('.' Iai ewe a Oh* brmilel•pewee lwswi4miM
1 Mese mid etww`+a I. ewe earns • bed and srfMns s Wee M h..sl New.
•+els mere lased l.dr.a i. gash xtra suer 115( ad • mils wide eat af with amid wage'
• mother ear . ase tea.
nib elwsled i• ensh WO tel dnly ma w wesrms
with • mice d the erre memorable % am, Um night •ef the
slob • I he aided e i dense Y Mrs is co w
ie use am or
ether. bed egt end epk5• at IM tor-
it IS •D pei•ib,tlty .meth � .'4Ys i a*M
that has sew es5- P o
V IgM, as the.m.8. assTM w•dmd weed .m sod w why the dwas see
Mkt e
twele �l wheat /sir use suet(Nsnd. w It ems. -,r w
talkeds' Ski", moot it as mikes "w THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD.
thawb naw sed Mea note Weald shake shear
beads es d a,assisun ties the Medd day
weld owe* same time. when sheer worm Isere WHAT IS
w1114 al's. by the homer of the
"Jubilee/ono is e• Meier d • hollow be-
tween ewe river., and that lake meet have
swept over the sty a s depth d laity feet 1.
.0.50t he, it ie impu lel.. that soh en awful
thing could happen to• city 4 40,000 inhabi-
table. aad if it has tlsu�ud. 1..e lose their
sed man are to Waine lye is. lot w•rniwe
have been uttered • thuu•aad min... *ad have
cocoa red so atsestio.. "
'lb* Pewee Mott ha Johnstown Aegean"
M5vwhs-itlssvred d as 1•mer.
Saha Holt.ow, Ps,, Jane L- L the Ares
,rain proceeded esetward from New Fkrenos
todaythe trw.n.we would ruab to the laces
ober. the bodies wen Lamas taken w board
to sin it they could recognise relatives in the
bloated corpse. Al Seas Hollow • king .top
ares made •.d sum sees Ire tom the
river plied out: "Coneseaugh a laid low :
bra City u gone; Johnstown is utterly
demolished and not • house stand. is W-
yllie." A+ this dreadful news rise, ose poor
woman wailed : "My (iod, my babies are
Rave'" and (ell in • faint. Thee the cries and
eureka and die pawsuEws became ane tearable, The holy of Ur. Dlaybric4, of Liverpool,
sad whsu the train • .'pped a es destination en to have 1»en sone s h bis wilts,
it wee a sorry eight of mourning humsaity was rl"wed exhumed ouoaoned sy Lor fur -
that left the Dare. heath was strewn tlewgY Y
the railroad from New Florence to `Seas Hol- thee examination.
low. Not hes thee • down I.odiee were There has been s decree/le in the United
picked up, while many others were eves in stats. public debt during Kay of tit,1100,(11111,
the rem kago strewn aloe( the task. aotwitbstaDding the ?lima pamrnt of nearly
A. 14s trsai reached `Sang liulbw a hose $12,000,IIW en ucuust d penSus•
black crew sand out into the eery meddle of
the b.ueteroos stream and darting down `Several London ladies, including Mrw
pecked into the swat water. The wow Ward, Mrs. Lecky, and Lady Frederick
then Hew away sad disappeared, bus ('avend.b, have squeal a protest in the Nine
on the neat wave the body of a .mall child tnenth Century against female suffrage.
appeared. A wild shriek went up from the Mr. ViseteUv, the w•ell•known
honied Peeeeegers. and fully 100 mese bookseller, has been sentenced to three
shouted to • number d sten who were stand- oaostha' imprisonment for ble4in • %era s
int on the rime hank,
arid before on P publishing
dead body floated down 100 fort lurtler Dwelt.
it was overtaken and rescued. Tbe people of Extensive preparations are in progrere at
Johnstown are actually even iso. 11..I who lawarden for the celebration of the golden
were yesterday worth half a million dollars wedding of Mr. and lin. Gladstone w
ere to -day actually penniless. suffering for the July S.
tmpaitis• d 11. A loud cry of distress ,s
Wig( roe up From the entire dry and the The (''Hard Steamship ('omp•ay wad ilia
wail should meet with s prompt reepuesa Tb. Oceanic Steam Navigation (irnpany have
g reat Cambria Iron Works see entirely ruined. secured the contract to carry the outward
The tide ie flowing t0rougb the great mill.. British mails.
All the beaks are flooded out. The employes The Manager and Assistant Manager of
d the Cambria works would have been pard the Ballymena branch of the Provincial
to -day. Bank of Ireland were shut dead on the high -
• (}n Friday morning President (-snot h.-
✓ ttlfrl 1.elde.1. of tee Calasetty-Wes augur•ted the new harbor of ('alai., the
Sables Roaster Sawn a Death. completion of which brings London and Paris
New FL1 fteeng. June 1.-Ti,e men in the
aithw about seven and •14.11 hours d each
"S.0." signal tower over Sang Hollow to -Jay other.
( 111 ..0001111 d some pitiful •woes %her Wil- The deal which has been going on for some
geed nes ersnipg. A be•ut,fnl girl mine time between the Northern Pacific and the
down the rive on thereof d • building, which p:rest North -\Vest Central railways looking
was swung in near the tower. She screamed towards the purchase of the franchise of the
to the operaaxs to m15 hue and one big later railway IN Dear) coo
brawny fellow walked as far 0.00 the ricer as T Y completed,
be could and Mooted to bet to guide bend, A despatch has been reosiyed is London
in shore with • bit d plank. She was a ducky from (:en. Hippolyte, the luaurgent leerier
girl, fu11 a Dawe *ed emery and stood upo0 in Hayti, saying he has mWaated President
her frail support in 'tide, obedience to the Lefiitime, captured Port au Prince, and pro.
commandd the °Fleeter. She made two or daunted himself provisional President.
three bold strokes and actually stooped tk.
course d the craft for an instant 'I•Mn is The London magistrate to whom Mr.
swervedand weal out from under her. She Sims, the dramatic author, applied for •
tried to swim ashore, but m • few seconds she summons against the Duke of Cambridge for
was lost in the swirling water. Something lilt moult having refused to grant it, Mr. Sims
her, tor she ay quiet oe her back and with • has applied to the Court of Queen's Bench
f• a pallid and expressionless. for a mandamus to compel him to Moue the
Men and women to dosses, in pairs, and „mamma.
singly, children, boys big and little and wee
babies were there in among the awful inn•
foree of watt, drowsing, gasping, struggling THE BUDGET FROM TORONTO.
and fighting desperately tor life.
Two men on s tiny raft shot into the wilt There be aGeneral Election T-ilet.vla
1wttte*1 part of lilies current Tbey crouched
Devine -
stolidly, looking a the shores, while Ieteen/ten-Iarrwtil 00 a Sevine
between them dressed iu white and kneeling Toaosm, .1 one 3. - Politicians e f all sines
with her face turned heavenward was • girl 6 and parties are at prawns in • sat. of an.
or 7 year. old• SI" weed sttckea with certainty as to whether or not there will be
par uslil the cares oppose lbs tows • general election in (Metric, this year. The
and taco she turned her tam tot's' operatore.•
She ens so clue. lbs could eve big tears on unwonted activity prevailing in form
ber clerks and b.r pel'lor eau u of death. Ten des has aroused the Conservatives and both
helpless men on shore 'hooted to her to keep parties are holding mighty meetings but
up her courage and she resumed bee devout their busing is kept a secret. Ere this the
attitude gad disappeared under the tram of • tip has doubtlese been given to all party
pro/meta, point • Mort distance below. "Ws organisations in the rovince to me to the
could DOI one her come out again." said the revision d the voters'lists according to the
op.tstoe, "and that was all of it." prDvwons of the Manhood Suffrage Act -
Do you ver that (tinse d teen!" mid ►b5 co, new list• cannot be completed before
operator. pointing to the place where the lit the end of November pert, sew that if Pre-
lim girl had go.,. out of right Well, we saw
rlg0gee d children swept in there. i believe Inier Mowat wishes to Dee thea, eh. eleetieu
Mat when the use comes they will end al- Mont lake place earlier than December.
Most a hundred bodies d children iu there But the Jovsrnn.ent has the rime in its own
moue times busbe."
hands : rt can dissolve the House when eat
bow it sem fit. Nobody need be surprised
SWIFT VENGEANCE. at this being do�ADysi�. d.risg the sum-
■aperw. or M Seed - "rime AM 11. Another seem has beenp•e/e.l in the
Water ad 11rswmN. Victoria University Feder•ti dren•. The
Jotrrwrnw'.. June t -Each hover reveals Board of Regent. and Advisory Committee
B eate now and horrible story of esffenng std met hereon Thursday and ie:weeed for
Dannon and brings news d meritd Punish- several hours a resolutio. to the effect that
meat meted owl b1esda wM have .and 10 the Univerit Senate be requested to no
de.ecratalthe e10rp.... Ilse evening thirteen
longer withold its concurrence in the matter
HuogeraDswen neared picking their way
d frelrreuoa with Tomato I'nivereit but
.tout tb. hank. d the Ut imamb town y
Swag hollow, $geed farmer, armed these• that it take such action as may enable the
selves and started in pursuit The Hungarians Court to free the Board frons the present
rime upon the dead and mangled body of • injunction in so far as it bus been imposed
woman, epos which there were a number on behalf of the claim of the !berate. The
of intakes' and two diamond rings. In revolution was carried by :.4 to 10. Ten
their eegenise. to anew the Ponder the member. declined to vote on tm. ground
Hungariw sgasbblsd and ons d lb"' /evened that the 1.)unction prohibited each proceed-
tbe Sager 111»0 which were the rings sad h suLe ently the asaate nut and
nn of with his prier. The farmers pve ng• i
cSw Soave 0f .1.. Hung•riaas a,ow«f 6tht, p•e•ed • p..th°n complying with the request
but beteg ooanusb.red flied. Mee of the d tb• inlet meeting, nwtwitlatandiog
brit...,c.pd lent Nor were driven into the • protest from fifteen aonatorw that no unity
✓ er(nrag river and to their death- The Roomier d the Senate was legal which was not held
who es act has beep described was meows the at the sat of the University at Cobourg,
drowned and further that the Senate was restrained
The morni an old railroader who had by the injunctiou from taking as to -
walked from Stag Hollow stepped up to • cards federation. The federal on�uh are
number of sen co the platform gwtwg a Dow a.uguineof getting their scheme through
Carr•nnla and mid: :'Gentlemen, bad i had limn g
• shotgun half -an -home ago J would new be Y
• murderer, yet with no fear d eve Two hundred ladies and gentleman, repro -
having to suffer for my crime. Two miles los- Denting all the evangelical bodice ha Taranto
low here 1 wate}sn three Miro going along the did honor Thursday night in Jarvis eleeet
Danks staling jewels from the ladies d dead Baptist Church In Rev. Ili. John H. Castle,
wime•d d•eehtsrs of nen who liars boon who for so many years .has been a astral
robbed of all they held ekar on earth." He figure in the edonti.w,al and religiose
h ad no .even finished than Ate burly sen tory d that body in tf is city. The Doctor,
wee ea thsllr way to the meow d pltmde►, after 18 years d melees service, is leaving
00S with aria
el rope sed su,oth with •
revolve. la twenty minus.. so i5 a stated the 1050.1 of sucawetol aiai.terial and pro
*bay o,eeteok two d ►h. them w in sh* •es ,J f*.nrial work foe brmrwed Isiwre iD R.tocbes-
wpier peen keen th.. ears and fingers frena ler, N. V. He wee the iatiastc friend d
sloe handsel two w• sem. Th• sco.ndrels were th. ass Hos. Wm. M. -Masse, sad °rgamiz-
e•ptared and arched. As their mneme ed anal wns the first priwppnl of Toronto
were emptied d tier ghastly Sods h. Indio Bapt4.t (olkigo
*shoe d the _gm" ,nnoneigsd, and when 6' The ioarasymen haters to the .saber d
t4ody finers d u ,nf.na ,',w rckd +nth ewes tin went out
aro etrjke S•torda afteraoo..
•say gnM ring. was found wm.onR toe plrledw • Y
ey eat rep Tlnefr demods are that viae hours be •
"Lynch thou t Leach them " day'. work, 011 a week the wages Lor f.ore-
V/nthr's • es5asnt's delay ropes were awn and 012 for journeymen. with 52,25 •
thrown around the robbers' necks and tM, day for jobbers and 25 cents an hour for
were soon dalgling to the lamb. of • te.m, in .reet,me, rwungroitk n of Union, sad only
the branches d which .n hoar 1ie1... were em- Un1n men los emph,yed. TSr. mnsters
tangled I0* (rift., d • Faber marl tea. Afte elan: that la.m a 110,00 Aasnclet, os cob
batt An her al. Wells" wee" bee. 4 end were filing to comply with thee. ...wadi-
, carried to • pls d geek. 011 the gormst
time mold not compel the °there to do so,
FRESH HORRORS EACH HOUR and thereby would b. placed a. • great die-
alvartege. The was the great obstacle to
1lshss tern : est Mss • e,4 t leu. eros.
at liunh.r, •gall 19, who .arse hem
w•, Jr1we 1t-Ad)t.-Gain. Raduyrs fr. • . NI 'deity • year ego and worked as •
full• b is tM riming, d Jf •h.,..o. n, towseht r' 'Is -, r.. t weerma. died ler,.l.y srrwi.g
nha the toes! number .a .1..ar1 1n IMI •e.. wM..m.tinn supsrinelnn.d it le sent by
dlease.r .ill not fell t► -In. 114)01 t , ,1N Ise adm,ni terry to produce labor
ggld may read• 19,t1IM1 prrs.m. (3 ... H.-.- t. �n 'I'm polo... have arrested Ellen
lags has ordered IMO o•sflln. to le ..°t w t, right, s n M vied woman living °w ('.raw
Jbhnetrrww. Tww.,a7 .11 em.lertwkev5 .K •.' • NN, m• •he party wee sold the naninsss
,. the0r a owem fngr. thio eHy- Ti" Panned- 1 the girl. An 'mina. rill Ire Heid. The
w•nin Railroad C'esweny •►. end,■ • 1 •. f
d ekes e. Nineveh, imams • •y1r1 was nether h•.d.iwn. Wath • srwtd
Iowa by anis ase. 1a N rel.. • s•vd ti 1 see enet t*Igkt Mise eyea }ll.e.ease.+( les
night Sateit• beim testi has . I .0 "1 -t int• slt Ilio eiw.w lur•iy eM
• pare/ Mer J.basenwa mase ti.. < t . • e le 1..d w,th ase .iw.danee
1 diesetse. 5N tee the erect• • e- A preliminary eetiga.
mk•dlttg. Ms* beer MM. 1m • Ise - '5 ea. ... y cod was .sy.ereed
Merle ..yas
Seethes Ine.weslee Dewey saga- aped•1-
1y Prepared for the 14114.1.n et ear
The Martinis of Lorne is oonfi ed 10 hie
how with a bad cold.
A committee has been formed in Loudon
to arrange for • nattufal nonsocial to Jdlts
Au ulbi4ia1 contradiction has been issued
to Um report that the Lake Ontario has
The military preparations throughout
Rei. are more extensive now than at any
tinge within tbm past seven }oars.
At fare last V...lo slayr Buffalo Bill wee
the guest of Vlxnetene Chandeau de Bri-
aille. at • dinner given in honor.
The English Jockey ('lub has warned
Lord James Ibugasoo, son .4 the elarquiw
of Queensberry, of the Newmarket course
for detaultiag in bets.
Haerthoese as/ Mies Ore..
Embers, were warred to the
e.. y tri tOay, era W edeesdaJ
•. . They started this week
• 1. , me in (i•hlurnta, t a Wain.-
• -g and h tis14 Culumbsa. May prue-
.111y, pingo and summit .heed
1. two the k Ws.
Dot •-a • ay night, while Mr John
Smith, • e 16th eon., Oodurich tows
able.. .. , pasted1400 wife and
age hero. le devise &owe Het ten bury -
t .0 ip.l. n he horse ran •way.ud whet.
• irscl.s. . *yetis mime It suddenly
u.. td, owing the wagguu over.
i 11 t 1.4- t upsets were, et mere,
:.,...1.. • and mom or leo Injured,
was a, I tat supposed eenoialy, but
,oedicel , . ml/ati•r. tailed to .►••w any-
thing sato than severs bruises.
1 he if o f says : The latest Incident in
Ottani- I overstated circler' is a meal
on., bee n0 lees than the marriage oI
Hon Ube es Drury, Minister of Agricul-
ture. t1• 0 Ina Isabella Brownlee,of Shan-
ty Bay '1 be marriage took place at the
ht me .9 1 • bride's brother in Barrie on
Vtrdu...• y last. The happy couple
pate to : • Sty the name evening, sad
•.sok up 1 air residence at68 Czar street,
'seely • copied by Mina Thompson.
Only • i try few 5rieuda were pineal
•t the con mo•y,eveu Mr Drury's friends
in the Cabinet being unaware of the
marriage . tail they learned of it yester-
day. Mrs Drury is described ea a very
amiable lady, cultured and refined by
foreign travel, having spent several plan
on the Continent, and speaking French,
German and Italian fluently.
and Neuralgia
These twin dds'aem cause untold suffertog.
Deters admit that they are tnmcolt to com-
mode their prangs. tames
Celery compound has per-
manently Cored the worst
cases M rheumatism and
neuralgia -4o ray them who
have used IL
•• Having Team troubled
with rbeum•tugn at the kms
and toot for Ore years, I was
almost unable to get around.
awl was very tate confoed
to my bed for weeks at t
Uma I used only 00e bat-
tle of PaIne'. Celery tem
pend. and wee perfectly
cured. 1 can DOW jump
mond. and feel as lively all
• boy." hang C..o1J.
De eta. Nevada.
Alt., steering with ebrode ehsssstlsm ller
several rears. I was induced allay Pawns Celery
Osspumd, and ear using two bottles fou.d w-
an greatly improved. It fan, ane. snag three
bottles. have not felt any rhemsaum Can co•-
eciennumatr rrcommssd it. Tuan very truly,
Mas. P. OOWAL,Oswaasru.n., P.3
No U1ff TO
Celery Compound
"1 bave been greatly amtcted with scute
e0amatlsm and could and no ret1M until I
need Paden Celery Compound. Atter
41 bottle& of this medicine I am now c'l d o
rboumatic trouWnt"
Lamm HCrcammom, S0. Cornish. F. 11.
Effects Lasting Cures.
Psme's(1leryOompoan6 W performed mane
ether curse as marvdoos as t ver.--eoples of
letters neat to any address. Pleasant to take.
Wee not disturb. bat aids digestion. and entlra-
1, veg (sbk: a chfid can take 1t. What'* the
use .R marertwg Imager with rheumatism Or
IDS. 81= for es se. Druggist&
Miasmata testltnoOlal paper tree.
West Hta.gasmr£Ctx.PTops Yoa11510.
MOON DYES ( r.*1 m,. ,1,
DA8IE8 a a'yd`wl.
Wee -
Ora Des
.d aeT•�•W 01•••• .51
wan ..•-•.-. 2151- MANAGHB
---- J La"'.se al" ya ba.spat
cobs .dada Near .•�.r. vino d , Me w
e /amps O...rine< ali�7ltamiea.
r'ouipvtltore envious of our suc-
Sole Agents for W. N. Peale.
Brook1y, N. T.
1000 Boizs
Just entered through the CwtomS
No Trouble to Show Samples
Everything required for house-
TheCheanest Bowe User the Su.
HEADACHE. tato 01 or 1st
I1 ACTION, ..ND 0001. A AAAAAA t 510
To SumouC$ 30.0110 SITTtae ns INC
(M*A.Nrc*. Dimes Y.U.. Oat.
May *1111.1117.
Hy wife .ufered for Ove years with
that dutrewtng 41.ea•e, catarrh. Her
ease was one of the worst kaon ie thew
parts. She tried all of the catarrh rem. -
dies i em •r mw advertisers. bet they were
ef no me. 1 finally procured a bottle of
N.ml Balm. Nita has need only one half
of 1t, and new feels 11k. • new person. i
feel It my duty to my that Nasal Rolm
cannot be TOO H1OHI.Y recommended
for catarrh troubles, sed am phrased fir
have •11 .nob sullbrere knew through 1e
sea tbey will Tredve dve 15.tant relied and
Uoderich Steam Boiler Worh
s al & Black
Menefaetnrer, and dealers la
81w Defiers. fish Peas. Tanks, Rates.
Smokesae Ireo all k.wd@ et ghee.
latrovd Auesstatle rot off Carnes He
Owes. Upright god Herimmtal Rngis*e. Ms-
eml.ery awe CpsMys et every d.srrrlittlos.
Bene ifrtet.r, pipe *ad Pipe platys ens
satWy ea kasi.
On Hand for Bale Cheap,
1 >/ D.►. eeeses (Sad
Seam Comelete.
1 I...1 -a.5/ Mee sot tilts*- 5 D.
r ..a Svetaele s •emsmssa
Safi .sten wnl resolve prompt emelt lee.
5eva• a *WINO. T. •. 1.1.51...
A Resat premptl, aeaded to.
P•O.BOX 861
ilnlnoks artist' elofglbd avenues eta*
Bowels. Kidneys and Liver. •eer7.
ing5Q gradually without weakening do
syslera, all the impurities sad led
le Ca i ens kids+ ecretions; et loft
Coned OOeaDerwin
an i O
Wel Debility ; all thew and massy
Ohl. similar ComplaintsITie+ rl to the
_ T_ _ Ia $ti$DQ(�
>L tltllJClY • OD. Poondmenn 7Msa99r
y . sere •
ass. r .m e••w. 17
►erg ..r nems..
..s pais waw 1b . : •r ye
Mee., N wassail Mer..•0
rt�r r .M rwmq,w nue
w .~•aM .Nb all � ear.`
Ile Wel a.. No1 alma • ••.N•r
em w on wm ad .Nano. w
I. Ntare N NO ON fan
NMI 5. 0.4 •• d•r eV
Noy ran OE e�� Mir...a Mw P
walla .5- brow emir. w
.ai,a bas NO MO •newt
..•w1• gala Oar .m ire
es ..e a•w ..r 1r
as..rrw. ...ie..i. P.
.m• r r..1 ear+ a maw -
ion •sir r O. w.v�..�.....esa�.
R� � Is,ele z iia. it=
s greet trances
Dealers I. all lauds el
AM bender'. metered of every de.relpten.
School Furniture a Specialty