HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-6-7, Page 6•
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1 1 ••thli .. , ... eveiyindf
I ••..• • Am th % ...i "1 by auy 011eille
WHAT IS GOING ON OF INTEREST TO %eau lay llias beet ft IS •g ..ei phut to
CANUCKS. I .•,1 lLaa etio orel consort to •'ierove
i 1 ie.' vs and l• Id fast that which Is
..ail, Dot 11.. Is ire part of the 'opiate -
Tilt INISIPlarstlalla eta time. Iliglelowataf•te0411 .., i. too „I 1,.0 1„rguir,,,,, mad riling*
, • toliwinus of newsy Paraiteseta• lrwt Is' l ."" t ay. Men proem, aud found red
Mannaitral Readlres. . I.- transitutly permitted to lapse
esemiseeng md ese
THE DOMINIOA nntr,r, Pt.! •
. se awe-, det friele
war 4,4 auelintit in t Le feverish !moot,
The grooving ceops in Manitoba were sot • iati r sena.ti ‘os I 1000 10 wed •n
dailinuril Ly the frost. d Jaw toned tea dish sr bath 1 have moo.
Th. Mortnnea have bought hare* attitude .. uo tante bem• es say own for away •
of land 11 the North *wit. ear. Perhase. it is sot quote correct to
Mr. E. ri. Srenee h01 vaateat the editor; ail ia "o d taste mid,- for wen to tut
chair oink t moon' t .iticati esio.te period alien 1 brit mad• its ac
Stratford is taliiutg ^beat bast% le .siidahosi. 1 do WA mead that 11 its*
• faa
electric street railway. . a• .'.wmosey lliiialatile dish, though 1
11 as stated that a new c•eaing mis11111 ton sore it was so. y touch iii -re widely
will Meetly be shortest iii Hamilton • -0•1i pi i net g....•retern ILau to this.
The town of tkatench gave A veal Savoie. i Jo hot I oew its proper mutat. In my
fel hempen to the I .ratial 1 h aiii,e 1,-, dee. tiler's le.ueir it tuts indiscrinsioatelv
The rem of tax& tosi this wear iu 1'1 I noires aisl :ed ' 'I ried apple pat mot 'Irma ai,
will be two mate on tin .follor #I• k.I01. Th. ioI*r maimed the
A now ptiWail will have to be Mortly built more appropriate title, th,uoili beth wet.
is Montreal the priseot ime is tee mull homely euowith. Al a hoisosertiat later
Dr. S. M Freest, of laciol..0 has bees ar time, lb y mother was serprised one day
grief"' nriccits -1 aiti .`a. kt Zif 1' at the diiic.x.:.:-y, in an agiicultural
P!. ,..- .4... lei. ...a.. . t -:-......A..• . Mapped Ilil.atlaly, of a recipe f r our favorite
dead at the Kamen Roam. 1 etziwr. family tea shale heraWed as a new thing
Mr. K Couper., 04 K I V g. Laron . ism, isreged and digissti. at With the deciderey unitise
ia a recut railway dimmer bear St Isnot tit e of "Mounters !'' The •tymolugi
Three times es mail) aetth-ra h.t%... arrived mil mystery attrected 00 01 once, and the
is Manitoba th,, year as against the nerber Lew 110.110 was imiumliatel metalled .11
het year. 0u:.' oI the time honored compounds
Mr. Edward Niiirpey, of Quebec. is sue- l'o this day • ' Altimeters" hutd the piaioa•
tinned as the prislable sues ewer of the Lite 1 lo.nor int . , :a table many time* a yam,
Stealer Kyart ...d in the hype of introdecing them -or
Mr Mercier has revived A new favour , io a wide appreciation, them lines
frees. the Pope iu raaognitoeu 04 his itervIO•• a .. written.
to the :hatch. I 'rho dish is crassly prepared and "More
During lbs.; Br C.1'. 11. carried r1.900. -IOU frequent ,i0C1M101el
,e a welcome solution
WV Ile. of tea, effitir ni IWO. it ‘..:..eal 13,-ja an often perplezing problem, "what
Ste2,91 I lbs. Ito get for tea.' Its diattnguishini m.
prof? Selwyn, of the Geological Survtre.' 410010r1 is an apple -0000. prepared by
believes natural gas can be fund iii Semi- • oewieg
it he former are much better to my teats
North thrit'att° Lihereis have nenlinat•O' - with lemou if desired, sweetening sod
Mr. A. P. Cockburn lor the Oinninonii.aziii :mmoonioR with plenty al nutmeg and
Mr. 1. J. Gould for the Legislature. ...me cattlienton. Then male a dough
• lVarniington A Elliott's livery suilake at ant, baking powder, th• same as fur
Port H ,ye sere destroyed by tiro .nJ never:41 :i.,dicuit. .,, Ivo, b 4,4a sod cream of tart.,
horses were hurned. _„...r sour milk, it that le your habit
One hundred :ram' a kr" naMber Ca Slake it stiffer than for biscuit, however.
them girls seri,. at the Stretford home,.
from England Fridydo not put *11 00 much shortening. Put
lint° a frying -pan or "spider" enough
A vote on the question of the repeal of the lard to cover the bottom and a little
Scott Act will be taken is the Comity of
Drumniond on .Iiine '27. 'more. Roll the dough into very thin
!round sheets, • trifle washer than the
The Montreal l'ollector of Costume toes
' ....".,1" , put the cakes
kuowledges the receipt of $101.45, sent te ).111 °I lb° frying -Pao.
into the lard and fry thew, turning over
him ma oonacience money.
Swede Johnston, who killed the old eras itid le ukase both sides. When done,
Keller, at Rapid River, Rainy River dm say the cake on • plate aud spread apple -
trite has committed suicide, leaves over it, as thick as you think bast
A company has been organized in Loeslos.IMake wetter cake and lay it on the
I.:0040, to ult.,. ...,,I w„,a..k tb. T,,,,,„" oyer of apple -sauce, and so nuild up the
Docaision Brewery. !mewl as high is you pleare. Three cakes
The Senate of Victoria. University has de. I's • convenient atria. though two will do
cided to withdraw all uppoutiou M the4"rve It hot, We often made Moulaters
federation scheme.i.he 'principal and sometti• am 'he only
The mortality in Montreal for the first diteL
et tot, and 0000' "ta f. -"II To
three months of the year wan Lem, og ea .asst large, very little was evet !eft for
lem than for the MUM period last year. lcold lunches- for which Menai rs eery?
Commander Gordon has kft Ottawa *eyrie exeillent purpose. Those wno know
Halifax to townie conimand of the ['Lotteries 1 t hie tine old dtzh will agree to all that
Protection service on the Atlantic went. ,s said in its praiee, and these who try it
The Port Arthur council will ask the mte- for 11.e first tune will make haste to en-
payen to grant a bonus of $2.S.1%*) to the dorm it.
Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railways. I speaking oI tea eethee, fruit short
The crew of the barge Bavaria. eight riakee are by no means so warmly &Imre
souls 111 1.11, ashore at i :al! , Islands, are 'coated es !hey deserve. There are many
believed to have peri•hed du. tog Motelee •ipeeple even vet who have never tried
gale. p hem except in strawberry time, and
The recent frost in the ile:ghhorboaal nl , -one (it is a fact, strtrge as it may
Owen Sound is estimate.' to have diamaged ,,,,,,,n) who bevel*" ao much as heard or
the grapes, plum, .al apple crop to the ex- .
;tuought of any frWit shortcake but straw -
tent of ..10,000, eserry shortcake ! Vet they may be made
All the St. Lawrence canals are to be 4100 .1 almost auy kind of .-ft fruit or her-
hereetter froni midnight on Sateralay natal ries, and an orange Oar rtcake is almost
WA Mora PM, apatite ha Like Apsa!ate of
UMW In riciincre of Wyse
dtoait "
"Ja,- said my wUSW night whim,
after a herd and Dying day, 1 sat sisrait-
mg the weapon'. ion of the et *wog meal ;
n hut Dot only boon. hard day, but it
was . Doubt...us tone in busiames, when
other hominoid men besides myself west
home eaith the burdeu of tim day's care
seams lifted fru ss their shoulders and
weight the comfort of the howl neat sod
the consolation of home !Moods. I know
that I showed my WIlliflUalg• and anxiety
i11* 107 lime as well es in my attitude, and
the look of I being sympathy with valiteh
she had greeted usy rather dejected
itosesecensting half an hour Ordure had to
a measure prepared me for the
'verde of cheer acd helpfulness
I know she was about to utter.
In all our married life Jeanie bed
failed, in hours of weariness and
durcouragemeut, to bring forward WOW
ray from her lemony mind sad tern it
into my gloomy path sod lighten it up
and inspire um with somewhat of her
oast sanguine hopisfuluees. It never
failed, too, to be some wise, well -choose,
thoughtful word, exactly suited to the
and fitted to the circumstan.
She wits °Gneiss and terse in what she
said, and never given to Wog speeches,
but the words were formed in • busy and
thoughtful mind and same from • warm
and sympathetie heart.
"John," she said -as she stood there,
beaming, hellos me, having just left her
task in the diniocroom teem's to ate,
as if anxious to convey the loving
thought betimes, that it might the- sooti-
er raise my jaded spirits, I netieed how
the pusses of the years had chancel
her face. It seemed to my partial eyes
thee nothing had been lost of the bloom
and freshness that had marked it when
years before I, unquestionably younger
and fruiter than now, had been her fav-
ored suitor among all the village gal-
lants, bat that it had grown richer and
deeper. She had never been accounted
beautiful ia the accepted sense of the
word, but hers was • beauty that was
more than akin deep; and now, as I gaz-
ed, it seemed to oome from soul depths
and glow in every feature, matured sad
dignified but in no way faded by the ac-
tion of time. I noted all this and more
as she came forward and laid her hand on
my ferehead in the caress so old and
familiar in its method, yet so uew and
welcome in its electric sympathy. The
itself seemed to bring ins some
o'clock no Sunday atfirnipa- and14411111 is delicious se the strawberry itself A
titer Uhl! o'clock Sundepevening. linistake make, 1 think, in making the
Broadway Tabernacle, Toronto, 1"2"4. Jim -Wake too rich. It is not only more
pome rdi" erected at a "'at of 472'lw", 011 wholmome, but may be eaten more free -
dedicated tor public worship by Rev. Ur.
Stone, Chairman of the IV eeteru Nlethoirlitt;'y and frequently without cloying the
Ihstre•t. lippetite, and with a better relieh, if
The fishing season on the Atlantic will ..Ritie quite plain --severely 00, according
open next week_ ft 1. raid the Dominton toLs, inc rich standards. Blake the short-
;0yerament good mum h0t -,:ace light and of goner( us thickness,
the American fishing deet this mason wi" be and uxe plenty of fruit. It will split
larger than for many yeais past. mire smoothly if • had knife is used_
The United States inter state Another gnat Improvement on the cow
will hold Re tine 4 *.m.dian letting m t;.,n. mon rirac"tee is : After the fruit has been
treat The tour 01 the 4otnnasaimicrs ',piss(' on the under crust,lay on the or.
extend throughoet Ontario and the North- oer crust with Its upper aide down' next
%Vest. the'fruit, so that the last layer offruit
A complimentary i.aneuet wax tendered may he spread on the fresh cut, inner
Thursday_ night by Inc Toronto Baptista to'aurface of the upper crust. Try this .
Rio .4. N. Castle on his retirement, after lance and you will always practise it. s
And do not be 400 sparing of butter if the fire teemed to catch the spirtt of the
you want lb* beet results. There no moment she raised and stretched her.
handier tea dish than a good shortcake, self from her nap and looked expee•
tomtit ; "John --and I remember now
how the clink of the dishes, as the girl
was putting the finishing touches to the
tahle, seemed to tot in ard mangle and
chime with her voice, not jarring with
the spell but seeming to rise to her in-
spiring theme and to form a it accom-
paniment to the whole ; "John sae
said, and her voice took on a richer tone
u the words followed, while 4-er eyes,
looking down into raine,encouraged with
their earnest, hopeful ;oy the confident,
expectant gaze they met from mine -
"John, dear, supper is ready ! '
rouge I the meaning of her yet un-
dien words ; and such is the quick in -
111g ‘srice ef sympathetic hearts, such
e perceptive antimpatieu, the faith,
Maps it was, of • nature hungering
r contorting sympathy and knowing
tat it is coming from • never -failing
,urce, that I could almost have repeat
in advance .1 their utterance the
owls she was about to speak.
"John,' -and I have no doubt at all
t the little woman realized, as she
p .0 the words, how much of cheering
opiration they would bring to me, ir
er face shone with a peaceful, content.
happiness that might have seemed all
congruous with the anxious state of
y own mind had I not eo fully sensed
heir blessed significance and felt so con -
dent that what she had to say to um
ouli be of such a nature as to corn-
letely justify the happy anticipation
hat gleamed in her and treinbled in her
ole.: "John," -ani as she spoke a
ow light seemed to break in the corn-
ntable home room and reveal its do-
hs In • freahly-glorified aspect and a
trly-harmoriitted ensemble, like* beau -
Birds without Waft -Take three
dices of rare, wader beef. spremi there
over three ahem, of bruited hair the
MIN awe; pet is wait we an olive and •
sage ue hay leaf ; wrap thaw slyer aud
we wit la thread tutu little rolls. Owl
Mem in • saucepan Willi buttes. ohm oil
..r olive weer. Cut the threads off
w hen they CUI114. to the table.
Walnut aske--Half a pint of brown
.gar, halt • pint of wahine kernels,
three seas tablespooefula of dour, •
third of • teespoouful of salt and two
eggs. Beat the eggs light. adding as
named the sew, salts dont and ?Ito
walnuts. Drop the stilton, et swish
"reeks" on buttered paper home • bak-
ing pee, and set in the oven until brown -
Puffed Egg -Oisodusee eggs, the yolks
left wholathe white beaters to the stiffest
froth, am fur cake Ming. Put sediment
butter into • frying pan. As it begioe
to New slip In the yolks separately 0005
not to break. Immediately Otaar•f the
yolks with • heaped embattle' of beaten
w hite. When lightly browned remove
the entire egg with • perforated ladle.
Serve on 0 hut plate with emu itobet
around them.
Shad roe omelette for stz persons.
Take two roes, bleash them by bo:ling in
sastedwater ; pour over at a sinallerhupped
onion ur a tiesepoenful oI onion juice ;
mash op the roe, and heat in a saucepais
w ith • piece of good batter ; into a
MOODS piece of Matter stir wine lemen
juice sad parsley ; put this lade on the
omelette dish and keep it hot an the
oven. Beet up tbor nighty a dczen fresh
eggs, and when quite light stir into them
lightly the Weeded roe and butter from
the saucepan. Cook in • buttered ome-
lette pan, turning owl the omelette bong
and thick and Iluite safe
A pretty pudding in cups. -Stir
smoothly two ounces of *cultist) tor rice
Sour into • scant pint of new milk and
lat both boil in • feria& boiler fur five
inmates, then add to the but paste a
quarter pouni batter. two ounces of
loaf sugar, the yolks of five eggs and the
whites of three, the grated tied of a
lemon, • little orange dower water, and
some shreds of citron. Put the yolks of
eggs, well beaten. into the pudding, as
soon as it becomes cold, and stir in the
beaten white after the flavoring and froiL
Drop into small cups, bake en the oven
as cuatards, or over the fire in • pan of
water, and serve with preserves.
hoe el•
D am
Iv eod
Chase - ''•'
sures .!
ie. O.. • •
.11 dreireso.
• , ilis
Mrs. W Netter p .ho ha'
been eteifee or to L • A ine hoist* io.
souse time, o
ISOM 1113WISIallialbl• MOIL
Found at east, hot tlie true petite'
has been hooking tor thew many years
and that is • medicine VI batch although
bet lately introduced, has made for
itself • reputation second to none. the
inedmine Jetuissm's T Ilar. ers
which in oonjussotion with Johnson's
Tonic Liver I`ifls has performs& timer
same wonderful corm impure or use-
priverished blood wets becomes purified
and euriched. 431 lIlousurs., and sie.ta0S,
sick headache, liver complaint, lausreer„
weakness, etc , won disappear when
treated by three excellent tunic midi
eines. Fur Sale by Good, druggist. Al-
bion blue. °ode/kb. sake meat. fd
•• • a
Man IU the height Cle
we, iaairs.11) olitaartailog • eireel.
.1 -lien 4 Assupanteu !embarked, "Aer,
st alb buy, how d"ye ouch
«4411siesd " ••Aw, dash fellah, left
00110 lit site hewer hall tether day.
..1 se • coking the ivory handle, too
sold, it chilled we almost to
44 h. 11 Charles had weed Har-
ey's Red Pees Gum hie sold would not
%%so astaimit.shspresora... eeryoussemeleeadommiarose sale si J1
Am yeoman, testaim. Casitate Meek eon
Par:nava le • sate1 mom aleat oateetmel
derammor ot memo fa Clitiamenaralia
U.S.A., BMA In competition with the
pianofortes of Europe and America. The
mly U.S. International Medal ever award,
id to a Canadian pianoforte; also Medal
sad Diploma ati the Colonial and
Exhibition, London. Kng., testi wi=
supreme b000r of supplying Her MOWS
the Queen with a Newcombe G
selected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Fos
Illustrated Catalogue, prices and Wine,
Oda*: Amok A, Co.,
Little pound oaks, t•ith preserved
lemon peel;. -Take three eggs, then
weight in sugar, flour and butter, half •
lemon and one mince of candied or pre-
served lemon peel ; cream the butter
thoroughly, and but in the sugar and
the yolks of the eggs, and beat until
light. Have the white of the ego
buten to s stiff froth, and add it by de-
grees, alternating with spoonfuls of aht-
ed Maur. Then pot on the (previously)
grated rind and juke of the half lemon
and the candied peel, cut in tins shreds.
Best for several minutes, then drop into
buttered patty paw and bake far fifteen
or twenty minutes. Ice the cakes on
the under sele immediately on comiug
frogs the oven.
ruses Piemenfluam
Mr Hazen F Murray, of Pictou, N S.,
w rites : "I was affected with dyspepsia
and nervous debility, and tried many
remedies without avail, but one bottle
of Burdock Blood Bitters mach improv-
ed ine and two more made me a well
WA116100010.. 10710. 01606094 Mr - rollOirre
IF•0110011,. • 00 5? netiesous mum'
Ines 1 say Cense 1 de net emu niereil le
Was kw a Wismitad then have them return
1 hsooloods the Mosses ad
• irmaaNG summits
AIM ingotaly. 1 WASIJISDIT My rellikaZ IS
i11111110 cases. Because others have led
se num lor ea we receiving a cure. Send
Moe Init a treaties aside Fans Borns of nay
cutout IIIINZDT. GIs. IC:press and roe*
It emetamosno.dilo t ire ti4M and tt
i ILO..
Walrus Adelaide Iltrees.
iful picture which has ever since re- man
inained, an immortal painting, on the
canvas of my memory -the bright grate
fire with its crackling blaze, the sleepy
pusay-cst dieing beside it, Jennie's own
rocking -chair opposite my corner, the
pictures on the wall, the cheerful
glimpse of the supper -table through the
open dining -room item% and by my side
the brown -haired, .nailing, cam-
orting wife ; I hive often conjured up
be picture since and dwelt open the If the • titer could be a baby again, and
beauty td it all and thought how, after carry hie present experience with him,one
II ,it was what she said and the impres of the'Nrat things he would do would be to
ive manner of it that gave the scene ita cronies • huge conspiraey of babies to
CiallUran's tisublag.
The clothing of babies must be sub-
ject to the methods of common IRMO.
The great rule here is to consider the
baby's comfort aud safety. It is as
shameful as it is silly ,to maks
a baby a milliner's model. Millin-
ery, as it is now understood,
should be banished from the nursery
peculiar life and grace and brightness, burn d ”frn .11 the milliners' shops, Is
uch as it could have derived from DO it possible fur any man or woman, in -
cher source ; "John" -even Tabby by side or outside • lunatic asylum, to cosi-
ceive anything more entirely destitute
of • single grain of intelligence than the
clothing of some babies 1 It is stiff
where it should be yielding, tight where
it should be hese, chart where
it should be len', and long when it
should be abbreviated. ()n certain
parts of the body where clotteng might
be dispensed with, as the hands and
feet, there are gloves and shoes and
stockinge such as make movements im-
possible. In certain other parts which
should be warmly clothed, as the chest
and 'boulders, nudity is the fashion
which weaken most delight in. Bat
why repeat for the ten-thousendth time
these stale platitudes? For this moon,
that women who will not obey the plain
dietaten of nation and experience may at
least know that tbey are wicked fools.
seventeea year. ',Tea:a, from the principal-
ship of McMaster l'eiversity.
Mr. N Clarke Wallace. M. was re-
elected Grend blaster of the Grausd Lodge trid some suitable fruit is always in
of fleitinh .tmert.a, and Mayor Clarke, of e.,,,,„. -n,
Toronto, ear again honorr.I with the Int- Fruit jellies are convenient and at-
puty t . rens! Mastership. :elective tea dishes. and afford infinite
From the crop report. received by the aeons Ir varied and (anginal combine-
Manitebe Government it ..pnears that a heat ,
waa not seriously affected liy th410.8. Any hon,,,h,jdn,.
e recent cold given to °rigi-
dly, but rain is much required throtorholit ianal..
l*s. biencan results with variations on
Twelve thotosina inintaitione to • confer-!th‘t: thee. using different combinations
ence to be held ID 114/71iltoti in August have ,o, .•u.i.,.and different methods of proper -
been issued io (Mures merchants by awing it and of putting the ingredients to-
Meanie's' Board of Trade. Important met. ,wether. Indeed, when it Cornea to thlt,
cantile subjects are ta. be .Ii.. -user& !there is room far all the originality one
An illicit still. which was supplying the can command in contriving appetizing,
surrounding farmers and taverns with whiskey_ Attractive and whole's -nue bills of fare
key made from "black strap" . and potato for the family tea. But don't tail to
peelings, at the rate of 100 gallons • day, trI "Illomaters."-Good fieusekeening.
has been seized in the township of Cornwall..
Meeks. Crowe k Blackwell, of London,
have dierovered that a Montreal firm has ta IN ease Time.
.v.I upon tire Mail kat .. quantity 01 Cana. '•Waa troubled with headache, bad
4110 pickles put iip in bottles with forged "'I it'd 1015 of aPpetit•' and trilid 011
talsela, and ceased oft es the genuine article. •nurtn of medicinal' With"it aacaaaa. 1
' Great etettetner.t exists ie Victoria, It. C. WWI tried one bottle of Burdock Blood
coasseuent on the orders received by te;ttellis and found relief he 10 days." •
aevalauthoritim at Eaquirnalt to
prepareiJ sal., mans... 001.2
buil for Behring sea early in June. h hi,
mated A number of sealing venni& has i.& "Tilowy tell in. you •re married anise
with the distinct assuranse of the navel iTat-- tip that so ?" "It is, *or." "Are
authorities that they will be proteeted. Igoe satisfied with the change I- "Moigh-
A great amount of damage was Anne to ty w•II, 'rm. Ef the forst Mrs M'Olach-
mew putts of (naafi. by the frost of TuessIerte warn aloive the day, me only regret
day night. Barley and corn hare suffered ould be that 01 hadn't seerried ine
severely, and .4. -heat in low lying lands hue kioligeond wolfs forst."
been badly bitten. Garden vegetables sa1!
mall fruits Imre been alrnoet annihilated. I
Judge 14111, dionsimed an fiction to ~over Not • Mask • est
the value of • ,omtneriia.1 tra‘ellor's trunk Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book
lost on the Comedian Pantie railway, °a, tee agent, but has the agency in °Men&
ground tliei the reeket had boon insued at • for Johnston's Tonic Bitters, which he
redneed rate, with the etyma understanding can heartily recommend fee any com-
that the company would not he respowsible plain to which a tonic medicine is &p -
for the loss of baggage. 'pliable. This valuable mediae* has
His Lordahip Ealesned Lantern. (brand been with most settenshingly good re -
Veer of the Roman dioesee of Rimonski a mita in came of general debdity, weak-
be'nou'r al Risher "WO*. 4 1"1"Nil..1 nem, irregularities patroller to fuesales,
awn of Mt hector Lmillityls, Wisbitor a N" *Itemise *omen, thipovorielosost 04 141.
lk Wakks, died et do NOlituP'm FIT, 8.8- blood, stomach and Hoer troubles, lose
lot appetlte, end for 44101 pews' woes
. Mr M IL Asderena, the English steam- eut ' feeling that needy treeti one im
ship avow, New sorsobees of the Dowitatee troamei "Ate at ammo nave et the mkt.
Uiemebaeers naernot 00
00Saptu0rday repauctiag the fasDMointe'. mdisuomd nemch
Atlaesmrwesfin ort II rbmth-us4es0".1"
Wining hbnd for eieanere aAmasheiNth• ram o $1,0,00 mbhtwar" sak.casesobi.
.4' es stSais • bigh ryes el epode •• ,.. a(WIL • a
• • '"
Jay afters/eon, aged al Tsars.
4 "
.40•• .•*•-•e,
Mies Beila Elliot. of Pontypool, Ont.,
writes ---"My brother and I were both
taken ill with • severe attack ef diar-
dein, having tried other remedies, we
tried Dr Fowler's Eztrast of Wild Straw-
berry, which gave immediate .2
"They have • larger tele in my die
trict,• says • well knows druggist, "than
bey other pill on the market, and give
the best malefaction for .ick headache,
bilelousnees, indigestion, etc., and when
combined with Johnston's Tonic Bitters, been
taken when the first uneasiness
Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills will per -
rude its appearance the illness would
form what no other medicine him done
have been "nipped is the bud." John -
before for suffering humanity. P111.
•0111.11 Tonic Bitters and Liver Pills ars
2 Celt" per ,_bnt,,t1°' decidedly the heat medicine on the near -
sad per mule- by '""""a'' het for general tonic and invigorating
mspottlese. Pills Woe. per bottle. Bitters
etalt• and Si per bottle, mold by
Geode the druggist, Albion block, sole
seam "bj
A large assortment of the newest styles in Hats and Bonnets.
Neath-Elt, seemed deer eff Square.
bas added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Plushes, Flow-
erti, Ribbons, and every other line for the embelishment of •
Hats, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli-
nery Department, which she is selling low.
Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before.
A Ticket for a chance on a !Musical Dressing Case will be given
to every purchaser of a hat valued at $2 or over, and
the Gift will be awarded on July 1st. 2102
HMI now received her Spring Stock of the
*04 11 prepared to give her many lady cuttomers the finest city styles at town raise.
Owing to the tact that her business has kept on Increseing. there has not been an smear.
tuany to prepare tors formal wing opening.
All are i flied to examine Quality, S:yles and Prices.
Weekly C011ifIlInn Received Dahill the By Sena
SHOWROOMS. Corner of Hamilton and Newintimat og the square.
Has returned from Toronto where she has ben making Her Selee-
tions in
if yon de not heed the warnings of no- , Simi
Mere Trimble Mae be esparto& .
tore and at once pay attention to the
maintainanee ef your health. How often 77te Brijhtest and Best and the Latest i n.
we see a person put off from day to day Novelty and St yle can. be seen
the purchase of • medicine which if pro-
cured at the reststart of • disease would at her Show Rooms.
have remedied 0 almost immediately
Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills had A thorough inspection of goods and pricas is cordially invited by
all callers at
Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sole
Malat [41
Mr Wm. Gray was taken soddenly
sick with • severe &Meek of inflammation
Friday evemine, the 17th inst , tied for a
few days wee im a eritieel wedition.
• abremobee tare.
Few am bawls asseruiplishod the asses
awns% of work and good in this world
e a Oho aolobrotsi Dr Chaser Over
500,1110 01 114* works boys hews sold is
Ossada aloes. Wo soot every parses
trembled with Liver Complaint, IC
ost111asidoebo, Ridsoy or UII;
to boy • bottle of Dr Mame
lAwer oars, it will ears yes. Kedlidne
▪ Reeeipe Book $1. sad by 41
-4 -
Mr Thomas Downey lost one of his
bonitos's harm ooltatorday the Ifith. It
sot Sok at Lesabory and dust soon attar
resehiss flostorth.
• Weleatialtel Mei Irelemeee.
This 1. 141* WM gives to dirrott's
dos of Cod Liver 011 by meal titemeadle
.41.bare hikes it. It sot may ens
lei strosstl by virtue of ito oars
*maritime ornlwentes. " W-
yatt* for food. liss it, ..d try year
weight 8.Mt'. &tibia la siordorotly
*debts. Bold by drisilits, at bOo.
The CHICAGO 1101:7233,
97- West Street'
GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of
value in all lines of Furniture -from the smallest chair
to the largest and hest bed -room set, or parlor suite.
Call and see his stuck and get a lorgain.
lo 1101. bronehro, promptly attended k -
gar EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand
PICTURE FRAMING a apeeialty.
G110. . God
8000 1.1
74141(7 1*'. Mos
WWII!, Masa
Illareems tali OM
heso Hutu', I
siesta el the Joke
the emaimatee MOW
the calamity, &ad 1
probable Me &.o*
any 10,000. The p
•00,000. Is is nos
yams IWO ow0a1ll
Tinsairylranie Rail
she roddesed sc
drowsed. Them
sown from Friday
am • siding hetwee
=sorb sestioas.
The awful tortes
disk between the
w ee mike, sad wt
distaste, *weeping
Fork, Aboral Pew
weige, having tin
• woolen mill, elm
sumil bemired% az
urbestaract aad •
w e% the fair en,
to.. rota is the am
queen's disclaim
Work. net in OM
thi railroad weal
the niountibies es
the tonne when
waiter Mir • catalpa
oak wee rosiotleo
kweisessres. Puns
and mem down t
omens* the great
forty-one Itscamtat
.0.4410.10 ,1491
dames framework
accumulataid debut
'MAW" furniture,
liqmse being*. 7
•saduct choked et
backed back over 1
upon which the tit
Irani tie water IIII
age* feet. la th
hundreds. perhap
stregglieg for life.
The seem to -day
ing pussies fer i
coseeive. TII• sem
dm viaduct to • lis
took firefross the II
Tien were sop
the sieht. As the
macaw the dry te
Inman bodies wen
home reale, Incase
eassenger, Pelletal
iron bairns, the e
hum their dim oft
was horrible bop]
fancy, a few days
age, were hurried I
bolder*. and no rev
possible. Strong
. grassed expreent
the hewer of the e
The dead are e
3000, and the nom
estimate. This at
the water' abate a
the dead from tea
pletod it will be it
1«.. kart. hem los
The Associated 1
trst man to ern
mesas of a basket
40.1110011*1* rem
Hers the scopes
hers were th,'
Mast erealtey see
ems !Geed that I
er, and big au
hter and tee
l.rk, J. Dorsey of
l'hilsdelybia, sad
ittrehrig tam on '
avil wife; J. 0.
'wet Gilmer., was
Ned McAuley at
family of three; II
gi.neral super:elm
Many other woe
ideautisd. ?oho
rendering all Puma
the deed seam :
the lir late
Cruder, Nfarket.
Mono streets bawl
vl all bnildinrs t
11..,, inhabitants
Streets •t the fin
Whiny rushed to tl
*mimed in their he
Stu *0 the upper
were hams stem er
4111tina• and maw
Rattier*, • brick
guests, and esty-i
the father in of
Morefl library, tin
generai wires aad
and ass other bricl
ably 2000 building
hoes their fonedat
The sane made
the nye, bed as
ttui water embed
this, or the wet
aad rail mike/ s
Altbsswii warned
away el the men '
loitered about th
is an instant. Tu
along the Comes
Allegheny Rivers I
down the Ohio HO
Below the mills
in which district a
The scones bars ar
hther parts of the
( ottribia's Chard
6.1 1.... flooded t
auditorium, the •
floor wseerwenicl •
depth el «ma or
stretched along the
teen bodies which
the stream by Fr.
his parishioners wl
Whale In the aw
amid the, solemn al
lane, the 1.1WIPM•111
1111111 of extraordin
llomid sot • wc
mews te eurpest '
emend earerines
tome to the memo
4 IIN tlewIttitair.
•ed bloodetaieesi
wish • woke
crud, 'VII
the mum Mime
t., hie bedew and e
nate ••••••• tut
roan molt Ins oink
Nam 41. 41....
lin wife and two
had bees drownel
is is insproette
thetie incidents th
I At Iforoll forty
misrule is las idea
eteldres, me that
mal had brim ha
felons, for Istria
Al Miasma, n
les bodies, swede
laid mu ia a sal
ash hir wr
. Wei melted
Mk WOKS ti
dommo Mai
yet Magee
Imes end tan'
emus lewd
, onather some •
shaped la es
There le se pen
hem leek se r
, emarb Many