HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-6-7, Page 3THE HURON 81GNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 7. MP
"Vier •.■team
Looking ..n hue faces, we edam ire
!•attire•, aider, eaprwtoo. The (ea
tares, these totems of brow and wee and
Min, are bequests, often from lar sr-
esetats ; .Mors, too, are its the main be-
quests, depesdi■g on the quality . f us
sea and of blued the more Immediate
parents glee of ; but expressions u very
large) our own affair. Aod, ileac with
Ruud feature and the Meanest colon, ex-
pression ta "the beet part of beauty.'
The play of thought sed will and feel
Mg on As fees —of noble thoughts, Arm
.elt•ountrehi, sad pare, unselfish, gentle
(eelirsp—we ean oearaelves secure, if so
we will. Ten years of habit, three
years. or enly oat, will affect expression
mach. Some one has [mid that "every
tamp ought to be beautiful at forty," and
another, that "no old parson has • nett
to be ugly, bemuse he has had all his
We in which to grow beestifel." net
is to my, life's opportunities of .Oble-
aess, or even forty years of upportutaty,
if weU used, aro eoough to make so
much beauty within that it cannot help
nosing tkroegh the *edam in graceful
habits of the nerves and muscle*.
The tracefaguratiuo of a pleasant smile,
kindly lighting* of the eyes, restful lines
of sol eoutrol about the lips, pure shin-
ing* of the foot as great thoughts kindle
inwardly, these things no parent makes
inetritably ours, sod no fitful weak or
two of goodness gives them, and so
schooling of the visage, either, but only
habitual nobleness and graoiuwneea
within ; and this will give them all.
Splendor from within ! It is the only
thing which makes the real and lasting
splendor without. Trust that tue,itable
law of 'elf -expression. Be, not seem !
Be, to seem ! B. be•utif.1, and you
will by end by seem so. Carve the face
from within, not dress it from without.
Within lies the r.oeng-room, the scelp-
tor's workshop. Fur whosoever would
be fairer, illumination must begin in
the soul—the face retches the glow
truly from that side. It is the spirit's
beauty that makes the beet face, even
for the evening's company ; and spirit
beauty is the only beauty that outlasts
the work and wear and pain of life.
A tesseammexs Tesadesee.
"1 ma plainly state that 1 can find
nothtng better than Bagyard's Yellow
Oil. 1 have rbeatsatem 000.aiooally,
and Yellow Oil does me great good Yea
nen use my nano if you wi.b." Yours
truly, I3. Diskioeoo, Confectioner, St
Thoma, Ont. 2
• Carl's •pt■/es
I heard a girl all a man et an atter-
n000 tea the other day that she always
expressed her opinion on any topic that
was it trodeeed into the oonrereation.
Sbe liked to express an orinion, and she
meant to do it ; she did not care tf she
shocked people and made enemies ; she
would rather do that than giggle and say,
'•I don't know" to everything and be s
I like her for that speech I like a
woman who has the courage to express
her convictions, regardless of what it
may poet her, when she does not do it
with the sole intention of shocking or
anaoyicg others. Of all iosipid bores,
of all detestable ninnies, the giggling
girl or woman who oeese originates e
thought or expresses an opinion—no
matter how stupid it may be --is the
most tiresome, aggravating creature that
the nieeteenth century has produced.
And there are plenty ot them. I have
the misfortune to know several, and I
avoid them as I would the plague—
Saturday Review.
newer •eapalr.
Even when all seems boat, there is yet
hope. Many • despairing. disheartened
victim of dyspepsia, liver complaint, kid-
ney complaint, scrofula ur rbeumati.m,
has been brought back to health and use-
fulness by Burdock Blood Bit-
tern, the greatest remedy known for all
blood dieeoses. 2
Maas Thews.
"My age is bol and for 80 years I has.
suffered from aiduey outsold/mot, rhew-
mousse and lar■os book, and would have
been a dead erosion if it had soot bees
fur Burdock Blood littera, of which two
bottles restored me to health sad
strength." Mie. Maggie Hesd.by, Half
Lal/and Cove, N. tl. Y
I..twos k,tib peal to silk, bat .eatetiws,
bewever stfp•rtur an quality, do not en -
dere weer like foulard silks. Thee,
WW1 are the nosiest materials, as they
an also the hght•et is wwrbt, and *tend
a wosderi■J amount of wear.
It is well in making •p lace over
dresses to keep them diatom( or uu
attached too the silk hsneatb, at lees[ tit
the skirt portion, as thin 4. ..r. Cie o oa•
ves.leaee of adapting the loos to ether
silk gamier dress...
• Veaasa of asallaa'h■s wen esess.s.
Ms V. ass_
It i• in good fens to have small and
dressy tittle wraps made of the gown
hbrr wholly tier in part, with tailor cos-
tumes (or the ptusreuade. Them are ap-
plied mostly to morons" wear and fur
tile country and *onuses res ta. They
take many &Mitsui tunas, embrumig
the Direetoire cape, the plain soar', the
mantle shape with front tabs,the pointed
been, sud are, ill fact, *i any shape that
takes the limey. l he furs or shape call-
ed the empire polarise iso (ovula.. This
has a short, Weight book that barely
passes the waist, and lung paneled or
readyked scarf ends that asarty cover
the frost of the skirts. A vast number
d openwork febnca are also wade tato
promenade wrap., some of thous being
much larger than the pelmae and cut
mostly m the ".este" shape, with
"taped" sleeves and "tabbed" (Wool.
Su acceptable is Oita style of wrap that It
may almost be said to be becoming e
standard garment in wraps. It obviates
the costly comm of turaiskiog sash
separate euatume with one, and if nude
to blast, which is now the most fashion-
able Dolor fur them, they answer for ac-
companiment to a variety of dames.
Timm is really no end to the list of abbie-
viat d palmists, French cape, directoire
costa, and fancy short wraps, with tabb-
ed or peplum finish. Then there ane the
lung Moe wraps spoken of earlier, besides
• new style of .ami dolman shape that
his lest its buochy effect, and no longer
seems to bind the arms uncomfortably.
There are also short wrap• made of Ar-
ians silk in black, and colon matching
in the gown,and very costly ones are im-
ported to beery ardeo colored silk, bro-
caded in superb Persian patterns, and
decorated with "jewelled" pawmenterie
or lace. For genuine hot weather there
are charming little short ants of black
or white lace suitable for evening fetes,
and alien made of fancy basket net and
long masked grenadine• in latice over
patterns of sulk and velvet, with bands
and fringes to oorrespond. Besides the
Mee onnnemarae, these of suitable mat-
erial for warm weather travelling come
in black aid colon, and make comfort-
able end protected wraps. Woman who
give close attention to the details of •
toilette God a imitable travelling cloak
that can be early put on and off indis-
pensable et all seasons of the year.
Paris models in short wraps Dome in
some of the palest tan -colored clutfu,
whether in jacket or pelerine form, and
with no trimming but • double stitching
round the edges ; they are made to open
over • gorgeous want -ant of gold cloth
on which applique embroidery is done in
ecru cloth. Psngatuses peso de sole or
twilled serahs for vests e( light tan
cloth jackets, using lavender silk with
"livery tan" and oordiog all over the
silk with gold and silver oord.
Laos limed in every available place. A
double row of chantilly flouncing about
six inches in width is sewed together at
Use straight edges, and shirred to the
torn -down velvet or attn collar that can
be worn with any house costume. The
late is then knotted .t the throat,trather-
.d in at the belt with • fancy becklsand
the ends left to flow over the skirt tc: al-
most its whole length.
The Yale Lase •oil.
I soaetiwas think that if an angel
were to wing its way to heaven and tell
than that there was roe little child here
on earth—it 'sight be one of those rboo-
tem, mastless ones you call a street arab
—with no one to lead it to the crass of
Christ, and if God wen to tall the
angels mend his throne and ask them to
go and epeod--say 50 years—in teach-
ing that child, then would not be an
angel in heaven bet would respond glad-
ly to the appeal We should see •vea
Gabriel saying, "Let ape go and win
that soul to Christ." We should see
Paul buckling on Ihi• old armor again,
and saying, 'Let me go back spin to
earth that I may have the joy of leading
that little one to his Saviour." Ah ! we
need rowing ; there is too much apathy
among professing Christians. Let us
pray (lod that he may mod his Holy
Spirit to inspire us with fresh moray
and zeal to do his work. —[D. L Moody.
To the Medias* rreuBwa. esie all whom
51 may wean.
Phoephatine, or Nerve Food, a nou-
gat bead upon Soisnti&e
P'sct., Formulated by Profeemor Austin,
U. D. of Boston, Maim., cures Pulmon
ary Consumption
vo, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting dimness of the' human
system. Phusphatine is nota Medecin.,
but • :Nutriment, became it oontaina no
Vegetable or Mineral Po•wxr, Opiates'
Narcotics, and no Btimnlaats, bot limp,
ly the Phosphatic and (}artrio Elements
found in our daily food. A 'ttgle bottle
is nefiloiont to .,\ovine. A111 Drttggiet�
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Lowix &
Oo.t sole agents for the Dominion,
65 Front Berme S.ii1 Tu,oste.
SIM wales Yrses.
Speaking of baself, Herrn* Reenlist
Stowe recently said : "My life MOMS
like a dream. MIwork is done and I
am 1 enjoying the awry of parfait rest
and freedom. I can't remember what
I1s•d nowadays 11[y mind is a blank.8.t t is "Volved *tato love. I love
everybody, even the dirtied beam lop -
on the atraL" What a sweet, rains
elggest to a lib of good deeds !
That table! hi. • tisk quit to en
and tint whisk strip lis of a
hisad,erpnelly •Reek's him is all these in-
terests aid Ste aphis tot being weak-
the alta ewll asp urted by the
wessya Idea .t . lteahedsss.
A IKefbediat is one who loves the
Lid" W. God with all his heart, with all
his tail, with all his mood. and with all
his strength. God is the joy of his
beset and lb. desire of bis soot, which
is eusttneally eryiesg : "Whom have Iia
heaven but Thee 1 and there is nose upon
earth whom I desire besides thee.' My
God and my all ! "Thou art the
strength of my heart, sod my portion
forever." He is therefore, happy in
God ; yea, always happy, as having iu
biro a well of water springing .p into
everlasting life, and overflowing Au soot
with peace and joy. Perfect love hav-
ing sow east out fear, he rejoices ever -
more. Yea. his joy is furl, and all his
bones cry out : "Blessed be God and
Father of our Lord Josue Christ, who,
e000rdiug to bin abundant mercy, hath
begotten me again unto • h. log hope of
an iohsritanee i000rrachble and unde-
filed, reserved in heaven for me."
The gray shades in expensive materials
ars beautiful this season, and in many
asses these various tints take precedence
of all other .okra. and their varying
tones are more refined and artistic than
over before. There are also to be seen
in the newest fabrics lovely tints of 'rime
rose, mauve pink, strawberry and green
that ars indescribably beautiful. The
latter especially, in tome that are neith-
er garish nor aggressive, appear in
tehdereet half -tones es if a bit of gray,
or gold, or silver had been rubbed into
the faintest of emerald dyes.
Some very beautiful effects are being
.effected in French models fur tailor cictb
or Freo:h camel's hair that are excessive-
ly stylish where dove -gays are combin-
ed with white snore or moire silk,
braided over in silver. Or some haus
the cloth deftly mingled with the armure
of the seine tint, that is garnitnred with
One cut steel embroideries, or gray silk
oord decked with silver threads.
A reseds cloth redingote, bordered
with gold braid, is made up over a tan
sloth skirt, with the lower sleeves of
the tan color, also the plaston ; shit.
the waist has thickly oorded ribbons to
gray green, crossed a ('Empire, and
hanging nearly to the floor et the left of
the front. The tae skirt is full and
plain, with two rows of gold braid as •
Tb. sleeves ars of the creeds from the
shoulders to the elbow. They are fell
enough to push up in irregular folds,
sod below the elbow they shape into
points which are edged with the braid.
These points reach over tightly fitted
seeond sleeves of tan cloth, which coos
down closely over the wrists. This and
similar picturesque dresses for efteree s
uses are to be worn with the projecting
Empire hats of tan colored Milan braid,
faced with green velvet and trimmed
with long sprays of aeon foliage and
pale tea -roses. Rosset -cod **the and
red eamel'a-hair in variose shades are
shown, —these designed for the sesame
resorts, with vests made of white sloth,
wro.gbt in vermicelli devises is gold
pork, with folds on the skirt and bodies
of amok white Bengaline. The demise
and •veoiag toilets are ebarmisgly
The vary body old wise shades are
yery attractively is some of
dal laidenea salon fabries--reap,
madlsa, spleens, sole. --and the patterns
we formerly saw in woolen textiles only
••e here repeated ea that one i• paroled
h•quently, at e short distaiee, to know
what is the onset nature of the materiel
Th. tints and patterns of Bosse of the new
Watteau sateen are vary beautiful.
They are superior to lefty of the foul-
ard silks of ehwaper amides, +blebt while
',Aviv to imitate, have contrived to
eirpass. Ts** best freshness Fres&
Are■.e iressilte sad aids
And all diseae...•1 the throat and lungs
can be cured by the use rf tioott's Emul-
sion, as it contains the healing virtues u1
Cod Lever Oil and Hypophosphites to
their fullest form. lee what W. S.
it[eer, M. D., L. R. C. P., etc., Truro,
N. S. says : "After three years' exper-
ience I consider Scott's Emulsion one of
the very beat in the market. Very ex
cslleo1 in throat affections." Sold by
alt druggists, 60o. and =1.00
■otters mat • Mme Farle ['ase.
Here is a yarn about the incorrtAible
small boy which I heard y..teiday. An
Albany woman was telling a Bingham-
ton woman, who was visiting in this city,
of the rapidity with which volts were
.hooting skyward in Albany. The Bu g-
hemton woman, after listening awhile,
began to tell of the Binghamton rents.
Theo bar small son interrupted her,
just as .he had finished telling what she
paid per month in Binghamton, by re-
marking ; "Why, that wa'n't for a
mooth, mamma ; that was f..r a day."
Both the women laughed et the buy's
idea, but the little fellow kept right on
and paralyzed his mother oy adding: ''It
must have been for • day, soy way, be-
cause the man seed to come every day
for the rent." R sport ayeth that the
Bioghamtoa woman collapsed. —A I bany
! Chicago man hes invented • spring
coag, to ~e attached to an umbrella or
cane, so arranged that if any uoauthnr-
i•ed person picks up the article so guard-
ed the bell rings with • whir that is
o.rfatn to attract the atteatio i of every
one within • block.
Mh • esussse
Rea no rim in buying asedierine, bat
try the great I( ;dewy mid Laver renal.
tor, evade by Dr. Chase, atelier of
Chess's nedoipes. Try Cha••'• Liver
Cure for all dies•... d the Liver, Kid
key., Stomach rod Bowels. Said by all
The detre•'s% pekoe's so often ob-
served to juuug girls awl women. is dee
to a great naos.ure t. • lack sit the red
camomile* in the blood. Tu ressrdy
the regwras a ssedicine which produoes
thew ueoesaary lift!. Wend cosettaests,
and the best yet daseevered Is Johnson's
Toone Bitt•es. Prise 50 east., and $1
per bottle:at Geode's drag stow, Albwo•
block, (anti g& Sole .gent. [b]
At Ytateaboeo, L*., a negro cut down
• large pine tree • few days ago, and 1t
fell across • small stump, and split ex•
actly through the canter for 23 fret 6
inches and 3 16 of an inch, and staking
23 rule to thecae.
Kay fever is $ type of catarrh having
peculiar symptoms. It u atter-dad ky au
inflamed condition of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, affeetiag the lunge. Au acrid
mucous esecreted, the discharge Isaac, m
Denied with • burning serration. There
are severe *plums of an.esiug, frequent
attacks of headache, watery anti inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm m • reme-
dy that an he depended upon. Wets.
at druggi,t. ; by mail, registered, 60eis.
Ely Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New
York. lv
BR/SAD made of this Yeast
took tys Post Prises at Ontario
Fall Shaw. in [spy.
O,er .ora, krises have written
On say thee it surpaars any yaw
e.er used by then..
It tm.bm the behead, whitest.
sweetest Mead. rolls, boa. sae
hor1wheat pancake.-
lisher. in *..early every Iowa M
csials are agar.. it
6rJ� ae6 h'sr lad se.dlag esMrped.Bt•
ae/l•... V ells, Lcbardsea It Cat r•atrs ..
P.R., B00M
i have a large number of Houses and Imes
and Vacaat Lands in the most de.tr.ble pares
of the Town--F•s adL$ smear.
Now as the nae to secure property bebre
the Big Rush. The C. P. IL is coming sure.
and to . .bort [late prices will have advaaoed
beyond the reach et many.
1 and see Ids[ and Prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
Real Relate and General Insurance Agent
Older West -St, third door from Square, C. P.
RI Ticked and Telegraph Moe. e4-11.
Having just completed the purchase of the well -knows hard-
ware stock of R W. Ilfl'1►ENZE, and thoroughly renovatwl the pre -
are now prepared to fill all orders and requirements of the pub-
lic in their line.
Special attention given it Marine Outfits.
We solicit put::c patroucge, aasd will aim to give perfeet satis-
tea' a semi I�1a.�eeer■esa�laa le les erects aeras tows
ace lflkaer. Peed past 511w.
Orntw a Moors A. iareas„ )}
CLETIMAss $.T s ?.o?esw iter. seams $
emILL tralsavroas,, as. Nov.. aYy�lsitsLa.
ir eh.: 1 .cava�t ,, p., cr...ddos. lopt.s.
Ws r Wier telst a r
ares t w a
s w e�iss wag. Casa A. !avant
A R I. lads . tb " S• T. lovemhar t, tett
Dear Ila.: t assns
i/w ip.e.rroCudr.a1. r
lfosofnour Pew J ■■
:niAo re Trey lit
]t L Wrti wimtpi�,Oswrf. Oma, rtes 1L 1sL
Ae■m1.: -sal l t mr disc M wast y trace dem
with [r■datrat��lapt.*re iirireer t
twenty r.
or it Nene
w eases 11.�. Noes ^e y5
T v.t7 Agoura.. TessnoL
Isms drum
•51'1ul•rseinlapw• itit m
`"De. "? r•esseLM141~i7a r
We will . d be mai: s a sp•
pmpriatr ph In each n-i.:ea.
o ifs, mower ea entat .,n. a
a family-- who will try tie
OrtaltMee's Woe heirs
e'ot the net circle from eb•
label and send it is a imam
staring hosed ogeioa shit
fair trial. Either a 6, 10 or
est Wee vend rewire the gift
Asy prow or etnerhettpet
knows wham to Relit if seal
ter by you. —A//rw.—
• IMMICr11 a c0.. T0B011TO
Ter Sam by
14.1flt ERi•0
And every species of JMeaes arts' i*wn
disordered LIVER, MOONEY&, STt55Msty
BOWELS OR tii.000,
T. SILBURN & LI. "'Mos
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
Public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solkit your pat-
Rees Price & Son
Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Squats.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
1 8
in 4
Etc.. Inc., at
Slereb•nts ran wet heir Rill Heads, Letter
Herds ire.. lar. printed et this oar. for very
11th:e mere than s.sthesenorita/ sot for t.W
ind It
samples •ad get vetoes.
p C1116At1. TISOl ■AMAS A66 CM1MENT
11•oe •to et MO sesin
ft j Paton
Om mo. 1a optarette the t'. R. retest 0*
f1e, sad its vas oasis Musa_ is a time
ththose remote fromle'4 InIMOTON.
A• tefirr ss the Peern+setsr the�spt..
• Mwsy dfdr •...sola *.molal. t�•
U. b, spkifea/ I'or n►r.ralar. Melee. erg rw?S1u■ae to seam! 01155.5 is yaw
ew• Maw or Voasty, write to
6 M•:•w a
Oses.its Pawl Otrw. sV DC.
my shop le a lots
4710.- put alfa Thee
two o them Mess
brawl Ree►eat•
Chaire, a
b a joureeyma.
pYsasrlhcfeoro, we w ia(
to Wert tbban�horses-
fore. f Wy'stChild/es's
Itslrcutting made a
.peelalt on all days
except Saturday-
Risrrrs and t30ieeere
fait Wutt Meet. two aeon east of P.0. t1NWMli Il
0 0
a ElY
Q �
v I
0 . '1
0 0