HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-31, Page 7SS
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t.•1 b'►
uftyEILING OF Tilt STATUE OF ON 'My Troy • pet* to (Harlow, Hiss
A I'I.,-alv l*5en haoly eye
TAR108 GREAT EDUCATIONIST. t•,,.'dn't ye de.cdnu
ua, teht lu •tstorpf hsiro erre
' t:;assuw ,1 not very far off. ' said
a wont teal ne11.1 4:".•••••••••"•• "in A; I. ,e Prepb it. tba prcttteet uardw'r to
• ear -An *Rape ' er.•eaI. •e Mt uurobnu, mobs opened her brows a routine,
e •l0•tahaeut to are Mr. I'eltuer, a
Mr alet- tlam•be11 and Ih. eNwrl.
.y hotness ile at un
r up . 1 lit V olive I) cenFarm, Into plea sae
narlrll •l Artiste.W [ lantern -steady, Buttercup ! eau you
er.nt 'sue ccbuol.
May 38The principal nniCoro. r herr a moment, said Mn alt her, Ailairf"
of veva' 1: birthday Ray.as ilk.
wit I.lin 1's1.ur, Orr« u • ,i He put Atheist tenderly on the back of
WI. t•llrlt ah 'll t I
•..w. tier peril' f d
rem across V demi
la the trout of the Norval !k•boul toeldiug, ou•ge. '''i :.u'rs "matte enough to "Donald and I have been to Dius ly-
wkt.11 was the *roue of meat 01 lobes -Ana lave • heart about wog, lass. Hawse's re," .•Id he, talking quietly, to set her
bau,K I;oud./trees there tow stands eyy given lttu, hypes and peened the lad'• at her cam; "I •epprs51 you mimed the
ln,prs hlecpr of use puss w whom Unur, rod wnh your •a), tell cele that 1"
a la•tiag debt of gratitude lot ••
yrs P51lwter the rhll•trru will a path (ram L echhldir1 Yuu usual sews
A. interval elapsed, and Ikea else b• -
came cunei sae that eider's Sall 1. ret wait
striding towards her through the shad-
ows, aced his atrouI mwetlku areae were
stretched oat to her aid.
"I'.wr little maid r' said he, ver/
eenuy. "Due't tremble a., Ailsie; tet.
Is but the worst part of the bog -further
up it u bad -but OPT. WOOS aro safe ;
noshing OSB hurt you . •.w, 1 shall have
t.. carry you, Aibt.; i1.e horse u orer by
the side of the pith. Donald has •
us, slat cat Ike v yew k , 111151 i.to the tiny tho .s ..f .,ted ore•tere, thn,wwii the
of foander of t* s sc •o. •viten u ► o0, at the end of the ki
havieg catabltabed what it perhaps. the •eutrnp u:e; tt. u la hu1 a;ated th51
school system of the world. -11.,11' to •.
,.e "...tows -tad people were w.remblal to wit•
r •'You've d• 1 au •w, lectan•ara .• .
Ilan the f.ru. aid dry your dress. unless
you have soy ubiectuou• to uraktug use
111 ung tire, '
Dees an
take part 10 the proceedings. T11 nut r+ i w lel a th your I pp hj t n us • n .w ,
lee, Ai.t.t Prr p int - ever slice the lewd MIs.., shortly ; for 0051 she was
Mui.or ..f fdoeatls was rhsinoan and
then Sart petal near him the Lteut•naut 1•s u LIN Lehr heard you singing Use safe she thought with indignation of the
le proaineut educationists, represent •.•act the bole ledy up there, you've the 6.1 "1 am tit, tired to talk, Pair
i„g,,.,trIy all the cellose. and a location.►1 Ovoid your herd s.• hi,lh tort tuy p....r Itub Primer ; 1 can stet duwu at the farm
.utattuna ice the pnwIow. The Kyer.o. ret turn los Leak on those that love sae walk home."
ooeily ears represented by Mr. ('hides !':ger •.1.,, and uo and leek his tottu,.e far il:r Palmer ! Su she had f..reutden
:..0 Ryerson, the doctor', .b., wfta kers ..ay MA. ay the sere
I' encs said their "n. I' grruw and 1'4tanle7the time when he was always 'Rob' t
Nva Edward Harris, daughter; Mrs. titer, ,broad.,. not luow he meat to gu I Err ! The young aims wslkod in silence
rose, the lfd•lop of Ton.uwaud a bust 111. kirk, and wanted won to promise he had extracted from her in
and son; by the side of the horse, and Donal 1,
.:erlio[ed ersonIlia F. hal Hardy; ilei Hard, "Ay that's why he'. quitting Donee f who had been riding behind Ins brother,
"'•151II, .1 : Is. means t.• tale ship from Gies- I followed complacently, chewing Ir'I'P •r-
ut 1"istw J U K.
Arms[ ng and ice taw; !td. tea sod turn his thoughts to sheep- I mount sick wud bearing the lantern
511 kin. J. Armstrong and kir. Georg, '
After prayer and singing lien. G. W acus sauces ahan►en. He's a brave 31 re. Palaver was watching fur her
•d, Louie; he wee'[ break his heart and IN.ya at the garden gate of the Dun
Koos deb, Bred an oration. lie paid a glow •1y down Its l.fe as if he were wily half i Farm. Despite the sureness of her
tog eulogy to Ike memory of Key. 1h. Ryer.. man, beat he'll come bask, says be, I heart towards Ailsie, her hosp,itsble frr}-
."n a..1 reviewed his greed work Of tar. het Adsio Asa gu:.o away with the!ings could not endure that the girl
felicitous f terms, as indeed 1 diet al
mu..t elicitous n ed. . • • :; :.I genial ' •
should ¢., home so -weary turd wet. She
:out 'Tankers that fodowe.i, the volume, K•sl1y, ]Its Palmer, I cannot steed
theme being that ()starw'a gra5f see ',stet:me to cash talk ; there navel
monument system • eves i belts as atytb►ug applets t:•151seu oar wits
monument then bronze and granite. Sit , d 1n self-" y
Row in his address gave sour very interest )
nig figure,. When in 1444 Ire. H)'erseu
"Nay, but you stye him bupes ; didn't
.•ntered upon his duties to Supertatea ent o! •e 'hails walk home with woe from the
the Common Scboob of Upper (naiad&t.her •Ike and brise you berrle and dowers
e,ro :Rc+S 'obools with as attendance o' -t 1 ear, 1.04 vitt theses s Ind in Dun-
eti,+1ei and &revenue of onlyi140,1mM. Whet ion that yrs would {pct at thea but
Get retired in 1166 there were 5I092 srho,71 T Koh 1 Now th.t the folks at
with 449,614 pupils and a revolves o; tie Lodge have tak_n you up, Rub'.
83,373.015 la 11/18 period the high schools. ,., .id to ask you the question ; he's
increased oMa'20 to 104, the pupils frog away without a wood. Aiiste, gill,
ft.."' to'0/i and the roweuu. frxl. 116,5*), 4.. •t 1 veru f ori • W
a:iut,i44$. "Pre mat," raid Mr. Rosa., rra! e.Osae for Atm ? His
a• great if notseeder thantbenpportuufty,' - her pled* for bins ; my Dnp loves
sad uppt&u.e followed. The work Oat b. "w, lasate '"
did was wonderful and for 10 years Par ACIDS, torted to the window, and look -
labored wills pen and briia to carry out hl et beteeen tete roses to the purple
,des 1; --rhe thought these familiar stupes
The Minister of E•ineatiou then cadet , ,td mein cold and dreary if Rub
❑pot the Lieutenant-1:o.ernor to do the cat r, over the Ma. Wey had km
seili&g. Sir Alexander in a few words 011:4 *pokers to her wawa if he wished
that nu governor 01 this province hal beet 4.1C44 Gar he, faro., ? Ref eoateiieaeS
called o r.0 to perform a core le.i4ant duty .1 her she bed openly bestowed her
fie gratefully pulled the cord that haulm ea un Captti+t• Fust►n, the visitor
the deg from the statue and amid arimiw
stay reg s1 the Late*, rho had asked
the beautiful work of art was revealed. Mr „ ,,, paint her portrait., and was al
Ross next prevented the sculptor, Mr. Ham
dtos lld'arthy, to His Huuor, •Pau cot .tr►ynlg into the mom where the
e'tt•i:og the alphabet into the one heart, and another has worn you Hev•
gntulatrd the artist a,wu kis work.
The statue u is bronze placed on 1 '..lighter of the family : .he had go bless you, Ailsie-both of you '"
pntestal of polished and rough granite, the .y showed to Robert Painter th.t '•I dot.'[ know what you mean," she
whole being Olt feet high. *The dgu:e slumi - ps•saes•cd a richer, daintier, and mid, • little impatiently. "1t was
s 9 teat 6 inches. . ire cultured suitor than himself, and *roc,: of you to ask me there -but, ltvb
Ur. J. George Hodgins was called apse aka ernstdered him sow beneath -I said, 'yes.' "
sad ..coupled three-quarters of en boner it >,.ette. Perhaps Aihie bad *never- "Lassie," he exclaimed, his color 115 -
meting au elaborate bi,tori-al retr.wpet', Captain Fie.tya with • vagus idea ing as he looked at her drooping (ace.
of the sI. ario school seat -en *dotal ite omit ( •tr••egtheuing Bob's devotion by • "there'. something between u• via don't
sod of wLe talon of lir. Myerson- Aldi f jealousy'', ht new she reaped understand. You've never said 'Yee' to
milb0 followed in a capital yxsch ac '' "•j 'y,•
,,,,half of the Pity Council. w,orb ma.' • .1t. b.4 ¢•+tie tt.o far ; the billows me, dearie--I rarer dared to ask you.
.11.tily received. (fiber adder '.e. follow .t roll between them to the days to "Heb ! When you know you told me
••d by Hun. John Macdonald. l'b.,u /Tot - e you would get me nut of the bug it I
t:urw.sh, Sandford Fleming. (tee, t meat to sato the.obool. Mrs Palm --I promised to be your wife ! '
Prof. t'Iark and lir. Rand nn be ; 'nut c .'ck has %track the hour." • You must have been dreaming, Ail -
half .f their ro.ps-tiee universities I;WId, have you acthing to say to .ie. 1)o you suppose my heart's lose for
.'.II of those addresses were Seel Etna in 1•' I you is such milk -and -water that I should
i!1 Were eulogistic of .ibe deceased educe Nothing ! but I hope he'll get on want any promise or waste any words 1 e -
tion st whose nunnery was being h red, I. lbw (•.ruin¢ abroad. ' tore I came to your help 1 I thought
i•r°}. 1•lark'. 61ttx •pe.:iahy excellent, see retmrr lo•.ked as if words of re- you knew me better than that."
urge.; that we don't want to hare au -An
pa ( "1 we tut dreaming," she said, "I
-ameri,am or even ('snadwn mania, but t 'ch 'Int in trembled on bee het. i
the to .'hen chunk! first of all aim to raiN 1 Ailey he.l turned towards the ech114I- I was terribly frightened, but somehady
�,d •jou ata a clans of men to the lest yew to o, .ltd the widow greet slowly down }f called oat : `Don't you know 'Wb P
„1 the word. v .••'ta:e path. oblfaiihe girl preikhed• mer 1' Pana ikon promised to save m• t71"
Noe iX gore ?LAI'. Vit.• fu til her daily ditties at assistant I would marry you.
In the [:rand l)pera Helix on Friday ' he nameand elderly village wwhe el- , ' '1 hen, it was that scamp of s lad -
:,'gat Edward Stowe, one of the end ton o1 ,n. es. A'lue was as clever and 1, die," said Rob, suddenly. "I suppose
Malady's Minstrels, cd.-'►te•i s '.0a•uo0 by .-ei t a girl as heart *mild wud, butyou were tow much upset at the time to
nag At the manager of the tenure. Twenty a anode mare than one slip in entre-I recognize Donald's voice ; he declared
e•inutesafter IDE curtain had risen tow .r and geography that day, and even 1 h. heard wore one catling, and as we
...diene leas startled by • pistol shot fire 1 t bewilnered over the catechism ; heir I were walking by Buttercup's side for a
arutnd the entrance to the auditorium. , •„vn eyes seemed razing far away. to ( bit to rest her. off he ran, and I got
otowe bad encountered the manager then r p,l.'us that 'bib would be tendu.g' quite alarmed about hien. I began is
,cad after demanding back pay with mimic- .• . e, !think presently I Gould beer you, Ail-
• wful results he brandished • twelve deck They may we're soon to lose Ailsie ' NIT, and you can fancy what I felt when
n cuhed. and finally shotit otf. Stowe war , Olt, remarked one ofh
the gossi o
.,.rested. it is said then wen• nosy b(auk. V t ( Donald ran back and paid m• you were
n, its revolver. The polies arc inveatigat 1 Duaroten to R.. b 1 elmrr, dunng the sinking in a bog. I can't be angry with
mg the case and meanwhile the buret cork •'"gond( ; 'the young gentleman at the the laddie, because he was the first to
+glial lies in jail. '!lodge hos takes • fancy to ser, and she I hear your cries in the distance -oh, sup -
%Ir. Wen. ('take, late Manager of the .Old ! • ' ,r own with any lady in the' pose you were there alone new, whilst I
tlereleati Bank. was prrseuted with a cad, 3, .. . re,' -o...l fortune for a; am safe by the tire ! N.., Ailsie, dearte
seven hundred dollar tea Ott Vie': by
made her change her dress, putting 00 •
quaint, old-fashioned, !tittered Vont,
that she herself had worn as a girl, and
then she led her downstairs to partake
of warm porridge and home-made bread.
"1'ye mast a boy over to the school-
house,' she said, "to tell as you're safe
and sound, and will be ',team over
when you're feeling more yourself ; *Ca
eueugh to give a lassie like you a fright
to be l.•at .•n the moon."
Mrs. Palmer coon bustled stray saying
D,•nald would be getting tote/ mischief,
a,d then Allele stood up on the rug
1 with her pretty face flushed and .luiver-
w ing, sed wild hesttatirely : '•Your
mother's very good. Mr. Palmer ; I sup-
pose she kuuws you're going to stay at
Dun Fano now I'
"I sail pelt mouth, Ailsie." said Cob,
gently and sadly.
"But what fort It wasn't right of
you to make me promise in tb. bog ; but
1're baser broken my word yet, and now
rite pruu.ued, Itub, why ehuuld you go
seal 1'
"I am going away," he said, d. tperatc-
ly, "because I lore ys.0 with ■l1 my
W01/I•r'e Mea•
During k r Whittler's recent birthday
tmlehestlen 11., was Tooted a,s.uilp where
by M. Jul.a 1/ouet.•n %set, Allow
chimer Mrs Waist wee 'eked l.• •lull, tiled
grating b emit at the t; tato. she Leese
the beautiful baled of "It ,bin Adele,"
cueing It 'e oho can with all the to:,glmt
sud h5rtoreali "4 the .0011 mot musty
to leer vote*. ) ' eel had r "a:-. '-
IWe Mr N Iatt:51r • pet d,•g ea.ue Into
lb. rtwe +1..t ..rung himself by her
aide, watebed her. ea 11 boo owe 1, end
1tet.5- d won a dribs lit unusual to au
sutural. 11 Atli able h..telied 1.0 .:•46.1. .cad
pct Pau pee very gravely rote her 1; tot
and lactose Ler Yowl
•'itubtu taken ttext a• a irib*t• 1., b•:u-
se1f,":said 4r 1%'ui'Ler : •'be also t•
'!Goble Adair
It was it 1151. Tbst was the 1.4. ° .1111.
and he evid•,utty ounotderr.i that h • ears
use hero of the sunt. Fr t.0 thew two
recut, dame.; 11.4 tt est a vont, lie was
her outvoted at,eud.i t. Ile kept by her
side when she was tuti"..Is and •eoom-
ppantsd her .1.51.. ►h. vireo .out to walk
`That she wcet away he earned her!usteh-
el it, his m..uth to the gate, std pia Leg
depart with every evid.tn-'e of rent:tones
and distress.-11'ide A +eke.
Ene You fbet'gM Aboui It ?
Why an& r a single inorur:lt w hen u
man get imwedtate tchaf from all tit. 5 -
nal or exterusl pains by the use ,•f 1' •:
w11'8 Nerviness, the great pee. :tee.
Ncrvslii•e has never ewe,. kee.e 1 t3
fail in • •Inlee c..e ; tt eeneet fail, f •t
it u s ouu.bluste.0 of the most i,.-westu.
pain wbdueug remedies Ligon'''.
10 cent sample biotite of Nervitue. 1 or
will tiud Nrrvthue • sure cute far neur-
algia, toothache, headache. Buy anti
try. Large Pau:tie• 25 ctuts, by all
hi, ..... ..-lel.,. - .-ie : but then her -it was all a mistake -I never asked
•tensa friend• of this city. - 1 e,ks are ••u. • :. .ummun-don't you , you ,.
Mr. F. X. Cousine..0 ha. g••s into trouble' nice, so. Rob r" I But they were so close together, and
were ten *uremia companies, a ver the flea The good woman, looking up curi..usly' there was a sweet, tender dew In her
,at damaged the Kon Marche in January •, the ys•ong 111.0'4 face, was surprised • dusky eyes, that R..h Palmer s heart he -
.1•t. The 1o•urssceo',Ie, who el over
ile 1 see him so romemlea and coon ; she gan to thud In the certainty that the
Constar', -17.t(541 to Mr. nwne
ia t, bare suttee-inmate,t. closed not'ring ••f his walk through I Fetetberner never would call that win -
p investigated the circumstances of the Ile wo ods. when be battled alone with I wme face his own ; he made up for lust
tire, anti ailette that the in eau not
• stn ht." Several detectives have beet .;s 1"al.n•y, and prayed t;od a blessing I time then, and asked the momentous
:.t work for weeks bask and they have se- •'• t'.•0t11' A;'•ate. question ie. softly that it via. • wonder
area evidence by peens of obi. h the 'Pile j,t;'s heart craned to see him be that Allele heard, And as she male no
rosnpat.ie hole to reo'over l.•ck the mesas ...re Le .., ed away, hat he seemed per- I verbal reply, hew it was he underst.x.d
...sou •t, 111r. ('owinrao denies there wit ..upset to Avoid her ; she even strolled the truth 1 At au)rate.he saw the sweet
any "crookedness" ice the bre and .aye Ile'oohe beide of Dun Farm, but nuly Mw lips try to fashion "Hob !" and what
woe fight the companies to the ena tt,-b's liu'e brother, Donald, Otto of her else she wnuld have soot was 1..•t against
The seventeenth annual exhibit of thel)n•',,upth, who had some notion she wee kis heart.
s ' j incl
tart° Society aArtietawas opened last week „ tI,,. i,ei,l.tn.rh. a with s view to Air Captain Fm.tyn ,teat the fair else
.1 .Int•
v le.. had
x s eputtreit h
.r .1151against 11 Ielure the ear r t
byr hera n h
the Lra rsnt•uu errxw. ,°• a warned f
to ..n 0d. Iwac andg D1
Te keef Them facets.
Fiera' surprises are a new idea to com-
pliment yuu.g 'onion cr..stag tl.e At-
lsalic, especially atter they have recover -
.d from the unpleasant feelings tncoleut
to the tint seal secuud dc's. 1.11 a tin
001 with rosebuds, rates of the valley,
violets or other tlwerrs, with stamp tbet
will absorb Ovula:ure. Pack them in
wet moss. Wrap the tin bus iu rubber
cloth and • stout piper wrapper. D:rtct
the Fackage t11 the person iuteodd to be
surprised Deliver the box to the
steward .•f the stear.hip to put in his
ice house or culd roma, with ine•tuc
tions to deliver in three or four d.s1e
staling hien at the same time. When
the bot is deliver•.: the flowers will be
fresh sud, of course, • plawssut summer.
A ',vette woman so complimented was •
paralegal: WA the last trip of the Unit re,
who wrote her fe lend fn,mQneesstoau ' u
Friday reeving. when sit days out Ire u.
New York, saying, "I am wearing fresh
rotes std lilies ut the valley this ettn-
um and have some loft to wear when we
laud in Liverpool to-tuctruw."
said he rotteidered •eek efforts t.,wl•rJ* et. .Par hail! in the 1,esture, thus causing her' eel as a wsd.htng peasant, and It sings
(silence in art shire in Canada.. Ile errs [tale ret teat. at the Don Farm, wunw
ein[ many s
attributed also
lack of poverty
giver 1' Mar esen'ae Ailsie lied been neer the pnvat• chuck'. el red hared i) .nald'e
to Canadian art to the overty of the ones
try and spoke very much in favor of ad m•o••r. eo L'ocoleldie W vine her ranch over his moue •v,,.ptalbettc aced brotherly u•
ranting mechanical drawing. T'.,. anisate .1.4 s,tut, who esualiy drove ter biclit; . tempt It prrs• °ung emtgratien. end wi-
pt•e*s o ssi.let•ble indfination at his hr:r horse waa lame, and she 1•..•kcd to; itieg tw., n,utnsl heatte es "the knot
or . renter a. 'ra'•.nt •t,h iutnreand toindul;;e her' thele'a no oat) seg!'
proposal of the Minister of Customs .hotel th.•aght.. so. declaring she -knew
pone a ditty of 20 per emit on ettn.seli .s wry inch of the tenpin, she started off
w•.k•d • prof.., frons tanners •sd •Ineeclorted. I'nfortunately. it 10011
r persons interested. A deputation grew dare, and the "short cut' lhaf she
ite.l on corn•-iI d the Board M Trade "entail eletehed ant lad her into a,
Induce thhee heard to take scene action h lame, deep, dangerous hoc. whet. she
Pai 1► 1V ea,,,,,der. R
e•rrr. mx mania to M helplessly sioktnv, tk.'"uh
Elliott, W. B. Hamilton ami :iebtrl '
.ppninted a cormlttee is •1'e eyed loudly f..r assistance. to 'set,
tattoo the Gaversmeot to ranee free amid her •g.tatt•n, she heerd a vette
posing the tax. 't deans through the darknra•:
'(-o't that the teacher, A.Is.a i'r••
1101. Tele en .5. lat'w
Cnu'aoe, May 27.--A new eos.hinatioe ••Y vis. 1 am siokine; 1 sin in the worst
hien male • n the chess timed d• lab ['ort o f the hoe, and 1 cannot vet or::
mil teethe 0. let the t'aiwltan Perth 11'. 'eke pity on fie, whoever yet wire."
Chioaers. thin time it is PAn& coast DLl.• not y in kwow It.'b Palmer! wee
strew which i• the pica The Nes b�.rkeiirj: "y1•u% be tidied if yea atop.
the 14seHc meat port of the Canaille* t►eee. ABM*, 111 get yen out if y'
Twees over, ►y tell ever that mad es• say wile. Sty 'Yei of `Palo' ; rho
15 •e ARM Md tl.1 IS . ("gear br Ns eonther•er eeelds't art you oat."
he ,s 1*ler the elf Mwmen. The nail Adele believed that: Omp►aia F•mtyn
At s 11tes*.din lad the lath elm s the bet ku•,w that hied of dtatriet well
e trek Pad o1 rice b the Alta d G iesee*h to hen her, *vee If he were *ear
�newN woe Ike wow rout.. It woad M P .
Arta► early this week avid `MMf M 41 'baled. Hew wiehyd, know ere*, *1
easy to (1issge on the p repeller Jay Rot. !et make her "Yea" s tnBdti"tt .11
it war serried from ('hies hl1)'eaelee ken life ' Rut she was wit est
dirr.'t M V$.er'Osre. Otte* tooe•!,ar•fd,tier•fere she rephed enlssitrtieely:
s of ries are sow ea the way ever '14,.h. pone awe help me; I'K pen •y
MON rwate. w. rd t.- fete ligan WO 4 Nta."
Rase Trouble nor M mtpeeedal
if yext d,. n..t heel the earning* of nII-
I tare and et *woo pay ettent+et. to the
meant tine, r• ed your health. How °Pea
' we see a p arson put ,.ti from day to day
the perch- so of a medicine which if ptn-
cured At the eutatart o 1 is Hearses 51oald
have refnonii«l 0 Nlr'.04 iumo•dtatv'y
saw if Johnat.en'. T..uii: 1.i.•1'r Pi114 had
been tithes wlu o tt,a best uuemene s
made tie *ppe*ranoe the illue.a would
have brew "'nipped i + I 'e bud." Juin•
sisal's Tonle fi,ttogs and Leser Pills Ory
tleeidedly the host meth tee on the IOW.
614 (or general 104•10 n0.) invillmalins
111... i
prat* land $1 nut It -tele, veld Ivy
oke the druggist, Ashton both, ease
letaset b)
I...ite upon an abets lanes o' tegy .i
i • e'p a' d as much o it as possible before
! nun -,h• conies.
Thome. 1'••d of 8 11.len., had ►e
'stator: Otte to se on 1 his Itnpor N
C1114.e44: moa w .tn over iced est
VENNI was t►t r• Ir.. 11. •O11ered it
a IOW as she wast line •1ms!.
J R Grail, lieuss'le, ..ho i. m •
to Wtunipeg, wined. 1..... the weather
ydellgblrut tad prospect* of a good
resp are rrry rncouragtne. He has pil-
ed for mid obtained aro Ikea month •
lease of 1faeuee.
Mr J M McGregor, la'.ly l,uain
t ta..att.r of the X nasi. ,. B. l'„C „u n.
h is r•. geed bill p• sit ion ; I . is $ son
Mr D McGrigor. Luok-biudrr, Harpu .
A Pro/table 1.1551.
Few men hare accomplished the sante
amount of wurk and good in this world
as the celebrate' Dr Chase. Orel
000,000 of his works have been sold in
Cauda alone. We want every person
troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys-
pepsia, Headache, Kidney ..r UiIn)•
Troubles, to bur a Ixatls cf Dr Chases
Liven Cure, it will cure you. Medicine
and Recaioe Book Nl. Sold by all
es.Oelies Y aal les ry►peetlr..
"It is an unfortunate fact that the
dietary value of salads is but little c,1u-
prohended by the majority of people,"
iOmmeuted an epicure recently. •'Lear-
iett out of consideration thew thnroneh
b.rbartaas-sadly numerous, particular-
ly in the rural districts -who l ek men.
'grass mutt' with unconcealed our. -
tempt," he continued, "w• still have a
multitude aur'ug us of persons deeming
themselves intelligent who either car•
nothing fur salads ere at best, bu.k U0'u
them as mere gratiticatou/ of the p•Iatt,
kneeing nothing of their importance for
the prea.rvsttun of health. The dandel-
ion salad is worthy of special to mean
and c.,m'uendatiun, from our preact.t
point of view, not because it tastea
better than either of the ethers, but fol
its medicinal effect. It must bo a sadly
worn-out liver that will not take the
new lease of rigorous life from a .00115
of dandelion rebid. In the sprung time."
A rreWerfel erz.►•
The large»[ organ, ant' ono that plays
• controlling part un the health of the
body is the liver. If torpid or ina,:tive
the whole •ytem boatmen dimmed.
Dr. Chas'e's Liver Cure is made specially
for Liver sed Kidney diseases, and is
guaranteeA to cute. Recipe boot- and
raediciue =1. Hold by all druggists.
Dlefereire of elpSaw•s
Fmitl ( 1 ,.b pug • iwinttog, 1+i4 own
wor'0-1 doetere • cootwisseur you'd
* wear it 5141 x Titres t
slutbah tilt---H'm' Insv tvl ; and if
T,tesls Mgt .. f e would ew,.ar it wet •
the System
4. M. ■•_• a Hasa
l'Itul'RleTtn e& i11011'TIRRLie
awls ream sASEr mum emignaaTee
1'. • D '1 $At e:.•
P••osiounoed, by practical ooL
socia .t, aeuptgrlor to anything
iu the C'an''dicn Market.
11' 1:1 18 Ft )N I N YOII3II TION.
ma: [fat 'oxen alio s
CORP fel J. TIC a•.t tvsrrnN qAr
t'Att • cid 'IAN UPL%STEM.
Tcm•'.to,501..• rind Warebrw'e :-'e FUOM!
Nelb that leu..' tr►ta*Is
t0..ilctne- Pantea ♦Nef W. ('. 8d.\NElate Msa toe
e .a'.pousa It purtn.etie
I*1os1..suew oau.tipatWL
ant reg Metes toe h. er sOd
t'larywee."ta*lly •'vane
trig t he systetu cat all waste
and lead manor.
Celery Compound
amblers true were teal• sad stern net -Mg
quaDtlee, revhtgf the eaertoes raid adepts.
I have been troubled tar some ye•de. will b t
compilerton cel dwllcunNx Atter trying vie
roue remed)ea and [tut nudtog relieft trt.••1
1 aloe's Cs-I»ry Compound. Delon" taking one
fill bottle the long troutileenme aytnptoraete
eau to suoldde. and I can truly my now, 'bat I
Mel like a new Lean- III .'stla, ha-, unpnsved.
and I heir, gained ten bench in wel>•bs ■114',
Pave susunie•awd taking the t'umpuund -
11oar-.rr. STEAaw*, Frkbrllle, Vt.
Coe, All ear Mase. At Dtwggh to
W[ctn. RK7aaro11O11 t (YL, )ronr5Ar.
A Dress, ora coat, Any Color
Ribbons, Feathers, FOR
Yarns, Rags, etc- TEM CENTS
and in many other war. SAVE Morse •.. nt m.l4
clang look like NEW, by ceg toIAMOND
DYES. 11.. work u near temple. quick . the.t'k,r.:h- BEET ac.w
.and FASTEST kne A.k lair
DIAMOND DYES snit take no other.
For Chiding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USE
Odd. Silver, Browse, Capper. Only a Cents.
By mail to any lady sending us
her post c. ce address.
Wella. Richardson & Co ,
.1.7) ..•1
11•14:111=V1111•11•11 5115*:
•.as •m ..u.. we .moa
p1545. 15.5 . tar•
wet QM. •,.,11
..d d..5......,..'► ares
.d . r ,p
[sa« Ulm reesi 51.5.
rew IN owl r.
faitly eau were e�ea.
y.IW r
n.rU •atti ____bete
. b;smetr5 Z:.
a a, '►- leak,
..i . d 114440, awl rl5re ...►...
M1 lleeeelere.
`Rise en risk in n'tyn v seedieite, l.tt
try the greet KiJ•.ry end Liver retsbs-
tar, mase ter Ih (.fba•o, wuu OAT of uie, e'.
nseo(enupw, 'hy C 1. Leer• • I.t . car
n)1 dMasMa
of the fer
lll•Pk era boeels. Sold by Jeyes
Ware, ArmpeflilL
Not long ago a merchant in Cincin-
nati discharged his -whet is the botani-
cal term for typewriter girl 1- -because
she said, ''I have sae," and "I would
of done so," etc. Two weeks Pater he
failed, caret all to smwh and his eredi
tors wilt be powerful grad to get :10
cents where they .bound get • dollar.
There are amts things in busiuees, 1.,-
10.011, wine than bad grammar sem
poor *polite/. some things- 1 *new a mail
wh.ele spelling. would make yourfbeck
ache, while kis cheque would make your
heart 1.5151 for a mouth.
The hest regulators for the attmaeit
stet bowels, the best care for biliuwss**,
mak headache, iadirleda'n, and all aRee-
thwte &relies from a disordered liver, are
without esesptinn Johna,o's Tonic Liter
Pula $i.T,.J1 in size, sugar coated, mild,
yet effective. 25 els, per bottle solo by
Goode, druggist, Allmon block, (:.de
rich, site agent. fan
Fran stains on Engem.-'fake half as
0535404 .4 ctpam of tartar, and a half an
wenee "f *alts of worel, mi* them well
tegeehe►, and keen tigttly. eluted. Reit
$ 1110e stn the Strews when dampenet,
sad tha stains will dnsappesr. I: Intl
i'ao !eke tort ink a][il?en; _tee •t*
a'►•e eieths, naPk+us, and towels. it M
s.1.1 ender the name ..f ..It of lessers,
het tEtrw is nu lemon In it,
A Inv Girl
Around welt Mate of Dr Chose
Liver (:.+a ie s mob/el snide and reueip
book ereeta'elag as -1511 w,f.rmrtion, over
gee reeo•lp.e.. rut pr.meowed by de•et••rs
tl• oegisie as wirwth Mm times the
...T of the rwe'►5ei to it: -Amino end
cos di 4L 514 by all drleg{talw
N 4d. .f ,.[.lease I2•.' / .5
.. �ry •, ...
•4ua...,. .t•Z. ll Nae1e.n.14e
A _ Jn.. CURE
Fon MEW DUI?. S8 5. COtiG-tPAYSON.
INU,CCeT;i,r, 0.2511.11.3, SICK
14CADACetr. *50 Owit.if.. Gr TUC
&TOYACre, 1.x ER AND 1110MEtt.
TACT API 11 1 .TAOO.-1 11'40 /SOUPY
IS ACT14e, .,N, 1013 h ri1.644144 Ale
Tw1ATra1T AND C5ae o• C$RONIC
see Sew55 - ee5/we
1..., ..n ..t.l•I..h
to all •. as.
.•. a••,1. . 1a. Aotr.. •.• M
5s 11 .nd Veva. wan*
►.M r.,• ...\w W. is
e. •.Id..tl► al, As •50...5•/5
w ..,1.5..md sew.....pia.
Aso u. ow .,sae. .ad estraa1. Yl
of 1. na.... W 141 7M
'ewe Nat Al. ...r, 5. 5 who
ay .oil .' ret, 5.. „.5 .n. e
••••••••1106•11 Me..• r.-, amain
IMO •w•V .•••Par le
r Ne ed. *r••..
• sa.oma.5. mamas
a••4brae 444weet
0.4 my. wIla
• . Iw.4. _eew•.a, ,seat ma -
h+ waw .• 14 wand. Eta 1.
. .. mmol .emm .s Man,
said at.w d.1..••4 wpm* Ms r' .w ed. e.-
free 1d. i«....w-Mw al OA wLL .ad elle
Mt�..i 4r..r.w araa.11M4 .n Mr....••••••.t .. ..,...
VA Is CO.. Ma 7M, Aoewsaw.1VYrw
Outs*&nut r•a. Ulxons r.U, ",•'• !
May 11111, fie•:.
•1y wife suffered for fico Years wi-u
*het 4,.tr.se;ag disease, Catarrh. tier
ease was one of the worst known to there
parte. She treed all .1 the-atr•rh ream-
' r ad. saw a.trrrtiscc' Pant
the) were
opal. r )
of so caw•. 1 !ten i procured n t.a+11. of
\nisi Halm, Fhe has need unit one hall
of ;t. and new feels like a new person- 1
feel it my duly to ea) that Naoaf Heim
renal 1., TOO iIIGHLY roe cw•rnrnat.el
for •:.:.rrh toothier. and nm pke.ed 'a
ha%e ::h an. h .u1P,r•r• know th10Nr-h
we 'Ley wl!1 551405 re 'natant r• tier and
1.'11.154. MCGII,t. Threw
Ooderich Steam Bailer Acta
Chrystal 84
Man.facterrrs avid deafen to
111..rn ilottGw. Salt Pans. Tasker Wet • is,
eraussestetes, and ell Mods of *Otero
Irnu Work.
tan 'tel awe Horiamest Ir0 lao!t. ttt
1 M lstons'Ir c'nsht r'ntel•s 1'w-
abHa•uy M.tl_ .1 1Y••l• 6100 linea.---i-
sta�b sea pips eel roe FliSter a sea
On Hand for Sale Cher.p,
I :C M.i. •rd... Nowt Bone. 11554.•1..
• wereed-eleesl flee Nae 111 lose,' 1s V.
1' , .s opal -els•. 5'o04111SSea
Ma l orders will remove prompt suenlioa.
Meet• 1 ear.. sap. T. a. 51$5855:.
Se. t1, esti., prompt) eate..1a1 to.
P.O. BOX 801
--.ISD ,<Y-
t1`iI '3 ! ij CI TIT ILL
-- AT TlII?--
lOnlocle• •"td.'o+e!n(.';lu! Mensestf the
T./rwoW. L' ad. ye and Litter. tie
i .--t 1D
.1 I with. --t TPeahal'
•d.4 cert
i life +1
.yet, len, 1.11 the lit --naritios 4 sl43 IMO
hutuor-.o( Coe rsc-C,.ioes sit Hilt mese
f:,+C Corsiiot n �.Apac�t of 1•a
i A•. it t:t, ns.'mr!! Ufiiotteaee0. Dt'e.
nit far Beadsehvt, Dic"ttr'+as.
neertb,nrtte Cona!iptt see. Dr eneell
of the Melina D10DIQ Dhe-it .+ u[
Y}•tion, Jaand a45t nett Bh•
Drib ; ;Nas, C1T0iii.A, Ps:tt.''l:NZ or
UM Heart, Iferros1•n'm+t, Ur.l U.u•
e^.1 Lels}lnty;. all throe w Ix: many
ettot runnier (•ntbpt'iuts v' '.t lel 535
1'.. •v ip1s•nee of DIMJOt
SOA ::1711ltip.8,
SURELY £ C .. Triekten. Txs4
PLA -!TING 'fit f IL
1S 48lis1:e OM.
I't�Cll & �1rQ�1
awt'rattt, watw
S.Sii, D GO:I, :.nd' BLIND
i5. MOO a all ►lad, et
Audbwlhi*r'r ,,.atonal .t,.ery dewrip.ao►
Scholl F'unitare a Specialty