HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-31, Page 4n Vuron llama m r*. tlel.D BVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITU /Tsar PRI' TIM/ orrice: NORTH tsTHEKT, °ODERICH. 1/R le • wide-awake tonal newspaper. devoted •.saaty sows and the dissemination of use - 11 kwwl.dg.. EAT= M al ti 4 UrT'•e I p,. • year ; 73c. for six months : 40e. for iltwa ttaoatka 11 Ow subaa riptiuu is not aril Ms advisees. subscription will he ,'baraed-ar thereto of POO a year. •IlliVERTIMIllee RATE& I fetal and other casual advertisements. 10c. Ileo for first Insertion, and 3 cents per lite FlOaleareil scole.arch subsequent Ioaertioa. Mesrarrd by ewpareil aur. Laeal notices In ne.npariel type Sc per line. Local notices in ordinary reading type Ic pe word. liminess cards of s:1 lines and under 53 per Adv,nlrments of Lost. Fourd, frayed, lEtstations \'*cant. - .looters %Vented and near chancre Wooed. 1401 c>,cedlng 1 nonpariel $l per mouth. Houses on rMle and Farms on Sale. not to emceed a burs. 51 fur first mouth. ZA,e per sub - ,/quem month. larger ad, is in proportion. Any special not ire. the object of whirl, is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any ind4 'Meal or company, to be remndrn•d an ad verti.ruirut end charred accordingly. Tlwse terms w W is Alcamo* be strictly ad- hered to Special rater fur larger advertisements, or •dvertirnn.uu for extended period,. made kiown at the omee of publication. JOBBING DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Office Is carried ea in contortion wit Mtn* ordinary ne wap.per benne-on where and -class work is turned out at reasonable rats Everything in the print - tea lino can be done oo the premiers from an Klunt.nsted poster to % I.4I ing earl. AU comtuuntratiotn must be addressed to D. MM.uLN 10at'. Editor of THE. Si0(AL Telephone ('al. So.,). Uoierich Oat. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 31, libel TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. )♦,it•e-Y.!C. Mee ]]lees. k Oboes-- K. 'awning. .A Meet Mouth At hires k Co. Minn for IMM -Jaw Areekearidge. Lends* 141. Irnmuaee Cs. -Amex (:. Fisher. TOWN TOPICS. ' ., ehieraaemote, .ie. takiw'#twfes, -le'/alfa AMI proal il. Dent forget that Gen-ge Stewart has the Meerut an.era :n tis county for taking groups. cr Sews. A kiss:, I'ae,gsT.-lie meat nsefnl gift you can nuke is to give a Win Pen. Ap- ply to 1). llctiilticcddt. agent. Goderich. The I'ner nary stilt keep* to the front with the latest novelties and purest drug*. Every- thing carried by a first-elaes drug stere is al- ways ou hand at !Mynas'. One of then dava summer will roww. and if you watt to Dhow :o advantage. be sure and havevo.. measure taken for the tattle; and best style of Bonin I at 1.d• A. i'rid- h THE \VoMICYCA ('1lR1eTIAK TEMPERAMCt VISION wilt Elle -o1 regularly for the transaction et business a eery Tuesday afternoon at 2211 o'elock. In Knox church. Evert woman fu- lminated in Me work is cordially invited 10 attend. Get ready for the Sealer *ben the town turns it on. by c.elling on Saunders & Son. and buying a roll of hose. They have a full stock of garden twee reels. aozrles. and teary sprays, for lawn peewees. sanitary pfisaibiwgand healing in AU 114 branches. by competent men. I ricer as neseenable as Is consietal with Woad work. ('all and sea 1 hem. The Orange visitors struck a hard week so far as the weather vis, concerned, and did not lute • geed opportunity to see the picturesque points in town to advantage. It Is quite true that they all got cones of the /llwalral.-d .tityanl-.tilos, which shows np • number of lb.- beauty spot,. but rhe place to get floe stereos sad wood photos is admitted to be at It. R. Sallow,', corner Montreal at and BRIE FLE TS. Mrs Rec. Levcar is visiting in town The proofreader is something of a type - righter. Reeve Kelly, of B!y'th, ares in town on I the 24th. Mrs S. P. 11.11. left on a t Mit to St. Iliarys last Monday. Mien Marks. of Llruc(fitld, is the guest of the Misses Conk. Rev. W. A. Young was away east fur a few days laid week. Rev. Geo. Richardson was et Hensel' Iasi week attending the distr.ct mest- er/. Mr and Mrs M. (.'Cameron, of Ter - caste. wets 111 town for a few days last week. Mr an 1 \Tors N. lam, of St. Thomas, A. J. Metes sad .imspssit • few da iu the Quoin trey. Mr and Ifni Tuner, of Turouto, were to Iowa kat weak. Mr R. S. Wilhelm* wee in T.,rooto o0 the Queen's Birthday. Seafonb ...tee 06,000 for electric light's' by 1(M to 57. Mr and Mrs Hattori, of Waterloo, hat been •mues in town. Mr and Mrs Win Campbell were visit ing in Clinton, last week. Mr and Mrs J. C. Dotter, of Clinton were to Lowe oil the 24th. The Jaw session of the Ceucty C..en cil will be held nest week. The druKtuts of Huron, Brut* and Grey have fumed an aw..ctauou. Mrs Henderson and chsldr•u, West street, left last week for Detroit. Mr A. H. Manning. barrister, of Chilton, was In town on Saturday. Mrs T C Dettor and children have re- THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1883 Miss Beak, of ttaltford, Oft on There. day of lass weak one ran to Wuodetwk. )fres Jesus, Kay. of Kiuel.rdine, ie visiting her friead, Mian Belle ILathisame. Mr alsd Mrs J U Gordon, of St Thomas, ware ,i.-titttl the forsw►'s par - sesta Ur and Mrs Darrel Gordon, Met we -k. Koos Church Maesios Bead .111 meet I. ea Saturday tomorrow) after000u at half past two. AU members are rettueN- etd lo be present, as arrangements will he made for holding their annual ewtertam- , i meat, which will cures off on June 21.1. AC. 710Si STALE or VALUA•LS Peoria- . T% Ie SAvu Srs MAata.--There will be an unreserved *action sale of about 400 lute k as .1 Ile turned from a visit to Loudon and vicin- ity. Mr Wm. Confetti*, of Goderich, was visttieg mends iu Clinton the past week. An (Irsngeville man was lned $1 i3O for spitting tobacco jurors in the polo ethee. Dr McDonagh will he in Goderich for eonsultati..n on the brat Saturday of every month. Mrs Archibald, of lieafnrth, and Mrs Holmes. of Clinton, were visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs S. Megaw. Mr ft+.bert Park. principal of the Pub- lic Schools, attended the teachers' con- vection last Thursday and Friday at Exeter. The pond between the waterworks engine house and the s,nth pier is being filled up with the drudging* from the harbor. Mrs Fisher and daughter, of Goderich, were visiting at the Brussels parsonage, last week. Mrs Legear and son return- ed wish them to the county town. Dr M Nicholson, the West-st dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth • specialty. Gas administered from 9 a. m. for the parolees extraction of teeth. Mrs J C. Craig left Amherstburz, Wednesday. fir Goderich, where she will spend the summer with ber boo .and, who is engaged en the Government tut Trudeau. Mrs Agnes Thomson. the Canadian prima sienna, was the guest of Dr Mc- Micking during her visit to G.dench and Miss Langstaff was the recipient of Mr It. W. McKenzie a hospitality. James Hamill, who last week pleaded g uilty to a charge of staling a pair of shin boots from Mr Jonathan Miller,was sentenced on Monday by His Honor Judge I).eyle to two months' im,lri•ou- ment in the county jail. A POIPLAtt TS TMCMt.T --I new sale L-pright Pianoforte recently com- pleted by Messrs Newcombe d- Co., To- ronto, is affording great satisfaction. It fills the requirements for a reliable in strument by a tirst clam maker at a figure within the reach of all. Write thein for particulars. tf Paltry who drivedo net seem to un- derstand tbst the law gives the right of way t , the pedestrian. A man or wom- an who is crossing the street at • regu- lar crossing is nut obliged to leek out for the person who is driving the team, but the person driving is to take care not to jostle or inoommode the person walking. Fort SAL* Cwree - Note, letter and account papers, fo olscaps, etc, ruled and untuled, white, cream laid, linen and French papers, ladies' and gents calling cards, wedding otaticnery, business cards, Aiipping tags, tine printing papers, en- velkpes,—all sizes and .lualitios, at Tee $1(•MAL steam printing house. Call and ase our sample books and get prime. "Prof." Johnston has acted the rogue i• Wieghaos. Last week he left that town as he dad Exeter—without paying kis debts. The press will do well to pow 1,1m around. This fraud was ex - poised hy Tut Sl';saL some years ago, t, as the fools are not all dead, the "Profesa.r'• still manages to ply his vo- cation 11e dosen t come to Goderich, however. Blyth is blessed with a few very 000- nomicsl souls. Whenever they Ince anything, ur wish tee stall a meeting some- times, they use all pratble expense. They borrow a piece of paper and with someone elsas pen and ince • notice is written, the Mon of a hammer is secured, half a dozen tacks begged, and the hier- oglyphics appear ow • telegraph pole oe in the pont office. Nothing like keeping down the expenses. Acting Mayer McMillan, of Tnrontn, was in town on Wedneedsy attending the annual meeting of the Supreme Orange Ledge. In addition to his duties as delegate he found time to all and are his old frond, our townsman, Mr Samuel Sloane, with whom he spent many a pleasant day in Quebec in the sweet hong go. lir McMillan, like Mr Sloane,has oed his own row, .ince then, and both Ice been successful in their respec- t*. spheres. • were •:riti g rt'a',tes to town lest h wee[, Mr !loran 1, of In, nn. wa, in tow last w:•et ins;'ectrng the new government e building. Y The :wtu'ar ,, e.t'ng of the Public J School L ail he held next L1.•nday T erenin:. 11 Mr Fuller, government arc'itcet of d Ottawa. was in town 14-.4 %'e,inaday in- a spertise the new pest. slice and customs j 1' linable g. I 1 The t•talva(ion Atroy had aprcielly in- , teresting services en the 24'h, sereral to members of the Clinton division uniting i A 1d nrday excursions to Kincardine and tied - latch are tang to start. They will be I ff popular tbieyear. Dowse!: Pries. ' i r Messrs Oreseley end Horner htvwt+gsh ' t ri.,ed their evabgeliatie labors in Wood 11N Mock and gene to St Thomas. Thep. I h they wi:l rest for s few da/s agar tom' p rowed to Ratter. t LN Saturday /venire Mr Eli w -n Iron raptured a me btreua atc,pultrrt# 1 ti while spearing is (1•. r. er ettw'.,t. th. ' *e village . f kalif ad. It nevanred 8 fent 7 from tail to,baad and *flaked over 100 T .1115 Y. W. U. T. V. ENTIrl sieffiNT —An ntertainment under the auspices of the . W. C. T. U. will be held on Tue,day, une the 4th, in the Temperance Haft he well-knrwn and popular shaker, ev J. H Simpson, of IItrur.field, will cheer an address un "Woman • Work nit influence. A gond program will be resented, the musical part ,•r which will es under the snpervisinn of Miss Wynn and promises to be opr of the best yet Men. De ors open et 7 30 p m. Chair ken by Mr 1) McGillicuddy at 8 p la, silver oullectiun, will be taken at the oar. Tee'( C071.10t7.—An attractive pro- se of altered and secular music, with a ecttation by Mos Manan rands, will be yea by the mashers •1 the Knox church : t(ntttrrtRwinrement rf the rhtlys''h ((11 nnday,eteninc.lune ard,Itole, and it is ,.ped that a lute number .4 the con - rogation msy show their appreeistein .d he secular attendarce of the members f the choir and their valuable and en- , rely graleiteus serviette. by being pre- m on this net -amen., i)•o'rs open at 301 To comment* at R pr mpt Mho's, 20 cent*, Northers of the choir and at the 4..I with the local branch. People are wondering when the Sat - its the 0 Ili Chapman subdivisiou of Par luta 4 end A, etre. 4, Sault Ste Marie, per registered plan, at the Albion 11..1 Goderieb,on Friday,J une 7tk,at K,o'cluc p en. Maps and plans can be seen, an full eaplauattons will be given by if Chapman. Lir. T. •CUL ALLAN,--Lieut.-C. 1 Ihn H. Aliso, the avruusanding otiicer of th Quern'/ Own, is a well known and r erected mrinher .f the Crned,an u.:,itia He joined the regiment an MC, as went to the front at that *me with th troops ordered out to resist the Fennel raid. He has served tlr•.cgh a'1 tb grades of military oommand, being mall promoted in February, 1t487. from senn major to the command of his regiment When captain of "A' company of th Queen's Own he was noted as hating th beet shooting company in the regiiuen if not in the Dominion Under his coos mend the Queen's Own hare maintain their high record for efficiency, and in point ..f numbers and urgauization coo t►nue to occupy an honorable place it. th Canadian militia. L'eut. C.I. Allan et (brutish the Nenh- West as major of t detachment, defog duty there. As h found at impossible to aoc..wpany th regiment ti• Weltered, the command ha devolved upon Major Delamere - Alun treed Star. An trate Paerr,.atvPDT. —The Strst foid Hrrd,l was 'shown Betsy • cuupl of phutographs taxen by Mr Keith Me Lean. They were well defined, well ar ranged and well brought out. The tint scree shows the two ''Jim;," Mactaddeo and Wale, under their bicycles, harin apparently met with au accident. Mac faddeo s dog is also mixed no IN th eenmb:e "Mac.' looks resigned an Wade's face wears a -see that my crave' kept green" ezpraelon. (George Kay le engaged extricating Wades and Georg Tiffin is endeavoring to ''yank- off "Mac's-' leg In scene two Rads ap pears with • bandaged leg and head as a kind of hmpy appearance. "Mac and his dog, beth apparen.iy knocked nut, are in a wheelbarrow with un. of the bikes. Rooth are bandaged in various pleeee. (.-.orge T. is supporting them, while George K. supplies the motive power. Both pictures are quite interesting to look at, end show that Mr McLean has given quite a bis. of atten- tion to shadow -catching for amusement only.—Stratford Herald. Tee Aeenstet$Cv\, CRT. --A fashion • hie and appreciative sudieoce tilled the Grand Opera House, last Tuesday even- ! init. open the event 1 the first appeat• o nce here 3f Mrs Agnes Th..msun, I 'Canada's fair songstress.' Mus Lang i staff, also of Toronto, assisted in catry- ing out the prngram,the duties of which, owing to the nun apparanoe of • quar- tette club, fell heavily upon the ladies shoulders, though decidedly to the great delight of the audience. Prof. Aarink- see was the means by which our town was brought under Mr. Thomson's no 1 tice, and his desire to give us a musical treat was c,mmendabte. Mrs Thomson's two songs,Handd'a"Angels Ever Bright and Fair'' and "Una Voce ' *hewed the versatility of her talent, which is sof the 1 highest order. It is sot every prima donna who can equally master the two very distinct types that each of the songs represent, and if one, outside the mystic musical circle might presume t, poo judgment, a shade of preference would be gives to the operatic style, which seemed to reit Mn Thomson in every particular. Her voice is clear, rich and sweet,hsr high notes petfecticn, dded to et beauty cf face and form not often combined with so much retains. Mrs Thomson being vigorously encor- ed sang "Corrin' thro' the Rye, ' and 'Old Folks at Home,' and it goes without saying that she carried her audience with her in these favorite sirs, the for- mer being sung with the charming coy- ness of expression that is particularly pleasing in • song of iia stamp. Mia Iangstaf,who has • mezzo-soprann.voice, rendered "Marguerite," end "Caller" Herrin'," most pleasingly, and her hear- ers were charmed with her appearance nd expression. For her ,a.' --,e "A Member long" and "Rubin Adair,' were given, and one would designate the' former as her masterpiece Pref. Aarink- ` o, owing 1' indisposition, was unable o ably assist the ladies. We has a not he titles of the Professor's violin and piano solo, which filled in the breach— probably they may have been enncep- tiona of his musical mind Applause forced Mrs Thomson upon the platform again, when she gave "Hume Swett Home, introducing various little runs land trills,shnw0,g the beauty and fidelity et her voice. Mire Langstaff aec, m - I ponied herself in two songs, which dis- played instrumental ability. Mia Cooke acted as accompanist with her us nal ability. We would extend • hearty welcome to Mrs Agnes Tri onion and Mess Lanrotaff, at any future date.unti•r different matoagement, though it emit ht . be • matter of c•ngratulntion to hem that they were able to entrance heir audience for so long, even with he onus of being the Boole support. MAMMON NOTES. . fi. _ - Nees of breeeae MO ate Lake Some The three waisted ed« Iter Juo. Miner, with a carpo of oats for the lG. T. 1L, arrived from Chicago last week. The 0. T. R. elevator beteg ender re- pair, the care° was unloaded sad store at the Big Mill, The.obeoaer Tedman, with • cargo of lumber for Mr Joeepb Williams, unwed in port last week. The schooner J. O. Kelfage, Captain J. McDonald. wits a canto of lumber f.* Mr 11. Sveord, reached bet duck lag week. The schooner Grryhcuod, light, ar- rived in port from Kincardine last week. k The Bratty line steamer (totem' " reached Lee's duck . n Wednesday ID.nn• r 1145. `'he took oil • uunther of pa.seng- ,) !ere old • largo quantity of freight and sailed for Port Arthur and other Lake • . Superior ports. ". I The schooner T.dman, Captain A d Leeson. light, sailed last week fur e; Blind river to Inad lumber for this port. a I The acboener J. 0. K..Ifage, light, !▪ left List week for Johnson Herten fur a y I cargo of lumber fee this harbor. If The schooner John Miner *Ailed lad . Thursday, light, for Drumwond'. Is- e ' land. • + The schooner Dauntless, light, ailed t. fur the belittle islands last week. ed The schooner Greybou•id, lumber laden, sailed last week for Ktuaardu,e. The schooner Gnldhunter, with a argo of lumber for Mr H. Sornrd, ar- rived in port frum the north un Satur- day afternoon. The dredge Challenge was employed in the harbor during the rough weather the past week. The steamer United Empire reached Lee's dock early on Saturday morning. After takin:i passengers and freight she lett fur the Sault. The Sch. Aurora, with 41'8 tons of c,al for Mr Peter McEwen, armed in G.dlerteh on Monday morning. The achuoner \/,.,ret.. !tithe cargo of beeps and staves from Wallaceburg, ar- need in port cn Monday. The schooner Ontaric, Captam A. R,egi.•, desired, light, for the not:h on Monday. el Mr Reith, Clinton,left :fa Tuesday,fer . !Griswold, Manitoba, on a prospecting d i trip. Messer W. end J. Smith, Goderich township. left here laat week fur flay City, Mich. Alia Stork, of the Collegiate Inst - tete, Clinton, has been at Toronto writ. ink fur a higher certificate. Mia Len- - —. --. - - sox is taking her place. .iuctioneering. SPECIAL BARGAINS XN DRY C000S, TWEEDS, ETC. See our Dress Goods at IOc. per yd. See our Ginghams at 6c. per yd. See our Seersuckers at 5c. per yd s OUR Prints, Shirtings, Cottons, &c. Bargains in Tweeleand Suitings. Special attention given to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Tho Highest price paid for Butter and EGGS. J.A.REID&BRO Junlan's hire k, Uaderioh. May sox. l • Dentistry. NI. NICHOLSON. LD.S. Eighth der Wieser the Fes Masco. west -V., • ear NL•S-ly Msbtcst. SHANNON a 'HANNON, i� Yoyd.lana Surgroas.��[ Ike, office at hr. Shannon's Ataanates the NSW U.deru•k G. C. daolnaM, J. . •u:.. 1713 DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S. Degas. L SURGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitallard Air administered fur painMsaextracting of teeth. Special attenrk.n •rgiven to the preservation of the Natural Irelh. Oft. -c-. ('p stairs. Grand Open House Bloch. Entracte on Wert -Se. Uu4ericL. 2111-ly Lewd Notices. 1`?OTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE OF JOHN WALLIS BLACK. DE- CEASED. Notice it hereby given that all persons her- *? claims against Inc estate of John %Valli* Mark, lat.- of the Tows of Mauatun in the County of Junce,* in the estate of Wisconsin. baker. deceased who died at Mauston afore- said un the "14th day of June 1*1. are. on or before the 3,ah day of May Isom. required to Brod full particulars of their clams to Me•eirs Kineetoue. Wuud A. Symons of the City of Toronto. tloliciiors for the *dminiatratur ed the carate of the said deceased. Ard take notice *het after the mid :nib day of Mat. the said administrator will distribute the estate. having n•sard only to claims of which he shall have received notice, and will not t4- liable to any person of whose claim be ,ball not hare received notice ss aforesaid. THOMAS JONES BLACK. Administrator, by KINUSTONE. WOOD d'tis\'MON`(. his tiollrtors. Toronto. 21th Arril. LOA. SSRI Chs People's £olumn. ^ 1ORN KNOX, OKNERAL AUC - t TIONEER and fond Val satbr, Oederich LOTS FOP. SALK BY TENDER.— a--.‘ will be received up to Wednes- day. ednes- day. J..ae 131h. for the purcbaaeof the three 1.4o. occupying s5 ?rootage on the Square near kaat-at., the heat sites ,n town fur hueaueas purposes. The iota will he sold singly or collect irely -two lots are S feet ?rootage and one boa 21 fret frontage. Addres tenders to A. t4*IITH. Std. Proprietor. i)IANO TEACHING. Mina Andrews will give lemons on the piano to a limited number of pupils. at her residence Britannia Load, or u the resi- dence of ?evils. Terms reasonable. Having had • nwnberof Tears experience as • •ue- ceadal tear her. she feels Confident of wiring satisfactory tuition. y,� NOTICE. J The Council of the Corporation of the ('oun- ?•..f Huron will mrtt 1* the ('oars Hour, in t e Towel of Uoderich.oe Tuesday, the tb day off June next. PETER ♦ DAMBON, C. Clerk. sur 25tb, '15 21062t. 11 L'OP. SALMI—TM blacksmith shop 1' and dwelling awned by me is otTered for sale. The dwelling i, a Iwo -story building • and contains uvea rooms. besides a kitchen and pantries. Hard and soft water on the i premise.. There is a halt acre of land with a good bearing young orchard. Telma rea- sonatele• Possession In the fall, All aceounte dee me and not paid before the bit June. will be placed in Court forcot- teel ion. t -it HORA('K J. HORTON. ea a 1 w io N t O.L. Having had considerable experience r the eleetioneering trade. be is is a position discharge with thorough satisfaction all nra missions entrusted to him. Orders left at Martin's Hotel, or sent by mail to ml address. Goder'ch P. 0.. carefully attended to JOHN KNOX County Auctioneer. 1111 Loans anb ]#our n :s.I I ONDON LIFE INSURANCE -CO. (BEAD OFFICE - LONDON, ONT. 1•rorporated bis Charter of the Ontario Parliament. 1171 -Dominion, Lilt. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Alin 400.60, Ft 11. GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT, JOSEPH JEFFREY. Kos.. President. JOHN Mt I.AHA\. Esq., he President. JOHN 0. RICHTER. Strasser t Sevretary. BENJAMIN ALLEN. ("ewers( Agent. Every prudent man• during his tears of vigour. ebould accumulate • trust fund for the benefit i( 14 . Unpile. in the Trent at death, or to relieve bias from the ne Yseity of engaging inactive business during old age. This an in no wine be better accomplished I than oy taking a Lite or lend..wmcnt Polley in the Lundou Life for the desired amount. "For want and age. save while yon may. No startling son Ilii... ail the dal." ISAAC G. FisH Elt. { 1t Local Agent, Henm:Jkr. Ott. F 1 UWARD NORMAN LEN IS, BAR J tinter, Pelletier In High Coon. Coovey aneer. Geodetic!, aid Bayne Id. Ha field ut. rice ure'n Tburdala trues 11) to 4. Monett lo loan at Si per cent. 2215 It. C. Hata, $OLICIrott, se. O1ee, corner of Square rind Rest street, Uudrrirti, over telegraph ode/. Mei rate Fund. to lead at 6 per Dent. 211.11. (1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR T R18TKIt8 Attorneys. Solicitors, et Uudench J. T. °arrow, W. Proud foot. 17 (`IAMERON, H )LT & CAAIER')N, HarvMters, Solicitor" In Chancery,te. 3oletiek. M. c,, ('emeroa, Q.t:.:1'. Y. G. enemata. C C. iso.. For Bats or to Last. FARM FOR SALLA The oadereigned will offer for sale 11N j1. lowing very dr -.:Table . consisting' OM, easterly 1. acres of Hluc. -'F." u the , th IOa- eesNoa of the Township of Colborne. in the Comity of Hurnn. This farm is Waal - ed 1} miles from Uoderieh. and 11 mil's tomo Carlow. on the Bain .travel Hoed. There is • gond frame bowie, 1 storeys. almost new, M by 3{, eoaes1ipg f rooms: a large herrn, 60 by 42, with cattle shed. 42 by 14, attached, and one of the finest orchards in the township. It is watered b) a nrvrr-fatting sprung creek .sd • good wet. About Demme cleared and fee from it umpa There is no waste land of any kind on the place. Ooud school within 10 rods of the bonne. W,1! be sold on rrasoahle terms. For terns and Dirt her particulars apply to JNO. IIltkt'kk.N RIDGE. Proprietor. Goderich. er JOSEPH M4KKoWN, 5 on the premises. rIk) LET. A good brick Loom co- ntaining ten nems. good eellar, stable, hard tied son wai.r. at Present occupied be H. 1. Strang. Eon Poe - smarm glreo in May. Apply to 11$ Y. teM BETH. 2 . FOR SALE FOR 171 of Uoaertcb. Applyto, Ilett PHILIP HOLT. FOR SALE. The unn�de•roorned as a emu fat - eence on 1h• t or -reeled h rh Road. in t)4- Town of (3oderleh. consisting [on nae half of an scree( land,good frame house sTort and • half- omen rooms. int•ludin kitchen. hard end soft water. good stone cel- lar. ,table, scud and ,• are also some good fruit Tt There is beautifully omitted tied very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. Fur far User particulars apply to torr CAMPION, Hnrrieter. Uodericb- y4r(►R SALE OR TO 'RENT.—Th. 1• commndiots and eOe%eniart honer situ - seedon the corner sI East and Victoria -el., gnatainiag ■1114- rooms. pantry, geed cellar. Re. The house to well titled up and maven featly situated to the business part of the town. There to a la gard,•a well stocked with fruit levee and shrubs fn connection. Terse reasonably. For paslk.iars Kepi! JAMES/ It0111N»(►N, A. hero•'. store. 154. o REAL ESTATE AND ,`ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SA IF- Lot 13. In Maitland Ca , ('oltnrne. 112 a. rem a very One term. Price 55500. Lor E.}: to let con. 1.. D. Aah4eid. M acres. price 512) 1, Lots 43 and It In 1st Con. ItinI,.,,Riuee ('..,1141 100 serve. Will be said csey chrap.Lots 13. I6 and Wt of 17. in the Rh eon. Wawa14osh, 300 acres ofeztellent lend in nae block. Prirc 5,a •( - `(NICE. INst�R+NCE AGENT. The firm of Treble t Tarr. soup mannfae. tuner,, illwolyed partnership on the:'nd day of March' last. by mutual (-unmet. All debts Inge late firm intuit (e paid to the under- signed. i BENJAMIN TARR. Godericb, May 7th. iRli. 23/3.31 pASTU CIE. 1 A numbe'raf animals can he C. SEALER, Mn *Were pastured no �✓ o.ereform. lot 17, Rayfield road "Jh CLERK FIRST DIVISION COURT. prior. AARINKSEN Costayancer, Insurance. end Genets' j Money to Level at Low !fates and Cost. t. TF.AI'HLR OF)11 +it'. Farmers, Noir- I)iseountrd. Pianos tuned and repaired *t tnodrrat. Omer: Next W ('ornell's Furniture Store, charge.. l4atafact'on ,t-tarantee4. Oriole Uodertch. 2411.1* tett *t TAmeson • most.. store. 01 at his room above Natters insurance (Ake. 94.3m. i SIR. Ft )0T Imam 'Segue lilted with the Best t-oen-ma- ie, and Private ('apltellata to Lowest llama of Agent for the ROY AI. INSURANCE Co., of England. having the largest surpinn of As- sets oter Liabtlltka of any Fire Insurance Co. in the World. ()Ater on heat 14144- Hamilton .tit. Goderich, next door to Dr. 1:ws. /D;toro, t. t 1 HAS VACANCIES FOR A PEW MCRiC PUPILS. (MOAN, PIANO. SINGING THEORY. M0 -A1, NEW BARBER SHOP. The undersigned• having had large experi- ence is loth toe n and city. guarantees drat. elms* work et rre.nnablc Hitee end respect- fnUf solidi% a share of politic patronage. I "teed. over 4. \v. hmetb'. 14gkery, Eau. rt_ OoderirR ^i:►' 3r„ H. I.. %'ESTI►%. 'THE HURON HOTEL T1 Is well-knnwn and popular hntcl ha tree n inti -d and enlarged daring the pest and is now r'c.nd to none in qn••::tt of a... e,tet$00 tensa for 1140 tray.,ling publlr. boat DUNLOP ••'•omnt.dlat ,un for transient ,•eta W lt. CHAP). Fi Uhe teas-.'. Dederick. Ons Proprietor. rnm 0111 own CO rreapondent. The recent eons yet ton 1,1 sellout , teachers al Exeter was attended by the I AInnsemento. teacher here, and sits the !,►,teens r'hday. on F,uf•y. gave the •ch.lare and trochee three da)s holidays last week 1NHifkpi 1� atade a sojourn- in this burg and tat the knowledge of our sick 4-.,mwttttee to CUTE them, several fAiri:i•s Wine down with them. A number of gaws are amnnrit re this week, on their old camping ground, Nigh'tneale-st. and there is • little 60"en i•. horse trading. Mrs John Gardener and children, of Porter's Hill, vi•itej bete on the queen's Birthday, c, J. T. NAFTEL, Llt'E, FIRS AND Art 71).E T IN- ef'R.t-Y('E AGENT, Itepr•wrnting North British t Mercantile Liverpool. London k **lob : Norwich 1 ' n ion • NorthAmeti•an t.ife, and .tcc,deul li.aur• •newt North Amet Ica. Ioweet 1ia:cs. Levies settled promptly Money to Loan on Farm and Town t'ionerty Cont eyaneing done. Property valued, etc. Odle* Coe. North -at. and Square. Uudrrlch. $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To h n.. on hem *nd town ptopeny at be est intrro.., Mc',;wg.s purheset. Lo rom amnion charged agents for the Tr•i.* and IMao Company or Canada, the Canada landed Credo 1' °meant, the London leen ('mimosas of (ammo. Interest. 6, moi and ; per cent. N. 1* Borrowers can obtain mousy In dal, if title attat*cinr}' LAYi-y4N t JCIINRTON, 1570 Hamsters, etc.. Gederdek $600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO rook. rias I1oDRRWH ME('HANId7b' tJbTI - - \TT('T►:1.1RRAR\' Asha ♦title ;�i(t►NEY TO LEND. -A LAR(11 ReNeal, CAM*ROX IMI.[ &CAMERON God smirkcur. of Last street • for Intestate,' smirk Open from 1 to 0 p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p.m 1 ABOUT 2000 VOLE; iN LiBRARY er I L,finq Doily, We•Ala wad Digs, nitwit I'.J.4-ca, ,t�a••.rinrs eI-e on Fife, ME:MRERsIIIP Tlr'KET. ONLY 011.00.I graying free use of Library and 1114111111I!001111.Appllcatlon for membership received' 1,3 f.lhrsrtan. in rooms. IA MA1.11131StiX. GEO. nit' EXP. Oeiterkh, MarPreich iiati b. 551, ea! Wage • ammod Private Funds . ten ersa-t•1*n Manifesto, Apply t.OAR i' t PROC1►ru0T R. R.ADCLiFFE, GENERAL INIi*i'RANCie, REAL ESTATE .t ... MONEY IAIANiN( AGENT O�tl PTr.f-cense (•n,npon(es ffipreeeate4 Pr Money to (.end on s*ralglt M.enw, at th Invert rate of iater.•d going, In an, w•y snit 11. two -rower. ggropptwg Rist Wrest. Uoderieh d door Witt taaars Sarver. Tows of C ,derk)4 LPence ool as1b,. Lot 1•Q temp or (GoderIch, on Light House street, wish brick house and statue. Price _mill 5R00. Lots 977. 1)713 101.6 and pt. 1014 own of Godench, nearly ith of an acre in one blode within the butteries,. part of the town. Price only Prt°. Th. •bar proper- ties will be sold on easy terms of payment. Apply to N.B.- Mosey to load at veribw Mistss.. Y7 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE -- That valuable property known as lot IG3. MaitCholeric-1i township. within one m eo(oderOnm•e atarge oedema,. gowns frame hawse and kitchen. with stone cellar, and fretne barn and stable.: com- prises 73 acre*, well watered. For farther p»rtfrol*rs apply** Otto Meat isc on prem. flealy A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN,— R s --res of land with et oiler., orchard of choice moles. A comfortable house seal N* teles *Apining Goderich. A; ply to B. L. 18.Y I.E. Goderich. 814 mo. L'OR SALE LOTS 174 AND 223 1-' Dederick. Apply to 1L C. CABERON1• 1141_ NOR SALE CHEAP -40 LOTS IN definers' parts of U,•dertch hem 1 acres es 7 aceta In pry and 3 d 0e ting bwaae. A p- 047 to T11109. W};ATHERA 2174-1y IIOAND TWu UeTs r�R RAIUSE.1: --Thr hose. has eine Toon•0 w, 111• so hath ruonm, pantry, closets. r.'llar, wood- shed. hard and software,. The,radon 00w tains ell *libido of trete. .11,0 Dia acres of land in Manitoba for tnlr or In PI, !WEEP for farm property .to WM. KNIGHT. Ood rich. _--------- ilSttf FOR SALE. tl'e.r half M lot tai, Arthur Pt met, with *mall Mick eottage th.-reon. ISI imeixo LAM..- *84. Hak IN. it3, Klgtn At reel.81. Andrews '1% ed 411, ,owner of Huro., and Britannia Road. Frame ii story hewer on Keal • street- lot and holt had. $* c.rsl Iota la heed's Surrey, "omeltte new 814ow Ur,nn 10 vis. : Noe 23 21. M, It. 45, let, N. i . All ?Ieabove at f OW ItATSB Apply to Wet DA V1A0)1 R innNgTott. )ITMAK'N it/1O- R'1'16*NND $)1j50, A llstited nether N 1'eaelserlr sad "Moos& roes he *brained at half rate* al TR*..iu..al. umwE. --KIC Having pia( for the coming f our present stoc, 4 Button Color 4 Button Blaci 4 Button Color 4 Button Black Jrvo A I'dI like this young n it gets there just cake ; but take compare with Oi lieve in turning c sible, and make profits. We begi low, and the styl of the selling. T tinues, but still Goods, all Fashi( will astonish you cost ; if we did y 4•10.and therefore we small. Call and 2201-3m LEEBU R: From our cwa eorrespo•d4-1 MM. Huyton a visit township this week. Miss Marie Murdoch. is the guest of Mia Edo week. Mr sad Mrs .1 E (►'t..'., bridge, were the Meso paresis this week. Mia Blair, .•f the (:od.nch township, te vs here this week. James and Ife'.war•l 1 Kitimat on the Queen's were present at the hall t A H. Clutton spent se week in Stratford, arid . with the stir and hum of Classic city. Mies J. F,l.y has re pleasant fortnight's •u Kingsbrdge She was t1 McLaughlin during Asir si In the late exams st th at Guelph, our tow emu., field, made • good rec,ri year l at. comfier out first jeeta and second to gee e in the humor list. Bete Sversrnv. — 1 formerly resident her, practising his prefect 8:at• of Minns* tel, w from a professional call et pack of wolves Bring n he was able to climb • Ira ever. closely pr.'i wi The ed his peat -bails Ind carrot est off his back. In the he sought refuge bruin ns his gnarters shrive hint, molest him, as he had syn for his ses.rtneew to recap, After remaining there for wolves went off and this ds t,, return safely homow+i t., old friends in Leeburn ape. The onion tempera,ee 'auburn, Nile and Porte of the 1. O. 0. T., with cense Alen the Queen* h Eleanor Heights at the les ternut Knw, overlooking tl deep reeesnes of the cad tables were set. A work: of the home ledge had qui leg a mammoth radar bra Arne by the tables, whir number of visitors, partici sod boats of .dear/// many seines with no aching arms from pnlli Baseh.li. goons, cermet kept many in parrot mom tanked oil and .some sea lake bank. watched the e sailing smolt, the Sitar, of mandril by Admiral H troubled et'mlitioa of the r ,tel 00144ing unfit midday Into Ht. I'herl** harbor, w in tow, tiJuodinge were