HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-31, Page 3TM HURON SIGNAL FRII►A Y, MAY 31. '4 9
THL FASHIONS sew slwee.
- A wealthy hueww• wan
Made • AI.. ,t .1 Into ha
• •a 4rsr .f Jetltaa. saws Will lasers•s
las emir era. w.s asked to address the taut y SchoolTbi• y.u's atlas .r. Wady ".park- ou the usuers' out pent of sums:.. sq
able for their splendid Bruges, Leli, 'Rut 1 date's kuuw dist 1 have -may
all ou • serge de
olr• tiers,'.tiers,'0-biota0-biot0-biota"' pre- them tis. a v, weep& that INJUstry am*
dou.uiwg. The wl.ur-drouhue.l thin-- bounty wwit, 114. „irehs A swrtud
tier .aka hires natural colored d••tal . •Your very.tauple 'timid he steeple
deeeige. Iwprratnee a one of the Lew• i law it yeti w..uld tell the story of your
eat hteda of auk ; 11 is hur,atutally ourd- life," said the superintendent. "Are
ed, the curd helium bold, thick and I you not • sett mule wag r
"i d.u't knee sb-•u1 that."
"Why, Fie heard all about your early
struggles' You went tato Mr Wheel-
wr;gf. t'■ nftitw when you were ugly tea
"`I o I did ! do I did ! But my mother
gilt i.. the place, and while I was there
she a .1 •:1 my wattling and w.udtug,sew
that i hod something to net and when I
• throwing Intl* place, and
or tercet • N
•rat Icag 5440 '•I have wed1lrerarei:s Tsetse, 00uu lv• t5WU. I for este and melds ou lu•reN ithetatorr.,
• Meter btu ills" and they got et tour. 1 kat• are.
td• ssod it ter 'prams, Sterns, cuts and
croup 'mews my e•1 IIJrewi, a•:d cin re-
ohousoold 1t h•iliIy as tit great 1.114.
W. Bert mmei Minim. Mau. l
clueely set u' row. It is wither used .y
itself or for cuutbituug with velyeMa and
plashes. Large plaids are fashionable,
but require au artsat to arrange them to
ouil the figure ; badly cul, they are
atrocious Inroads. with mature mud
utervertleui drove... ■re popular, mud
there a • muddier} to employ bilk• oath
le.eidered grounds slid over deeigus iu
Mick. P ,ogee still bolus its own. I gut de•w,uraged, told wt, to chaser up and
Gray. 4remi, and tat, pumice ;re .ant. remember tears were (..r bible(."
times ch.seu 1 r era:r!I,: sl..i sun para- "Whole you were thane you studied by
"Oh no, bless y••a, ro ! Nut by my-
self ! Mother heard wy lemons every
night, aoJ made ate spell lung words
while -he heat up cakes for breakfast.
I remember one night 1 scot Sodiac:.urag.
ed 1 dashed wy wnting•bo..k, ugly with
pot h..0k. and trammels, into the tire.
sod she burned her Issue pulhud it
sols. Everythlug e•'t tow geed for those
fur dressy occasions. (1ul5 and silver
lace cud embteidery in all their r.cl1 and
brtlhsLt potter..lnma ate called 1:, to
help out the dr.orati.•s of the parasol.
A wort striking example a a ewnupy.
topped pelted, coeorrd soh d.ltcatt,
alwe.at titular•wrent, lavender s,k, and
tnueutrl with circular rows of wide and
tilu.y miter I.' ., u,et.e:uta •prices rug
with baby ttbl...es o1 whir.. wore, 'titre
r.utiue with wary %li.e patterns lu aiilrr-
duse embroidery. This paras..i bas s
br.4d, .tilt* rlbu.,n iv/Wed ab•,ut i:,side
from Doe ret to soother, and when the
paaasol Is cbaa•d it tads ID yu,;.•r, buuc4y
loops snout the hguu.e.
"It 'u' unfr.i oenily happens that the
inside of a parasol t,aitve. lairs Jecr,ra- Inks to tt1I )(.0 • •tory connected with
tont than the cover. A grams pram.: teat time. Perhaps that might do the
is e.•nr:,iered chic If !.+se tiute'l and per Amide, school good. The tecoud lot of,
fee. ?y I '.esu ou the unlade, wile settle .Pet. • i bought werespecked and wormy.
every rib a erds.rd with a full folio( *lire 1 had 4 -errs cheated by thu mein of •h.• n
lace, cue or tete lengths cnastui ends toe
the pretty, rummer hung pavtliuis. The
same ides is curried out to a handsome
Directory panel w it c .cer of hetvy
wrote twee..1e sd•truw1ouly by iia v..ry
names*. uu:il ,re pes pa into tlot tumid••
'•Well, it was certainly fru*, sun t it,
, hat se seen as you bad anted a little
moiety, you iuce.ted iu fruit, and hrg.0
to por.dlo it .al en the evening tra'u !"
The rich cue's noes twinkled and then
grew motet urrr ohs fun and p.lii,s o1
sow i •nil rrc'.tkctiou.
' Yea," he said, slowly "aid I should
1 h,.usbt thee), end I could nut afford
the loss. Tree a.ght after I disc ,vend
:hey sore nolo. •.** eft, 1 Crept down cel-
lar sod holed toy ba.k?t as usual.
'• 'They look very well on the outside,'
f thoo:•lit, '.end te-rhap• nunet of the pr.'
and discovers this white ribbons and roe vibe• bey thews will ever come this
knotted bis. which are tatked ore. the cry neon. Ill sell them, and just a
tubs u+ c..naal the furrc-work.
as they're one, I'll get seine wand
''lt slaws edit to talk of Directory •'nee." blether was sewing about the
pera•ele, •se.4) that •!r• art•cle roll icti kitchen. a4. I came up the cellar emirs.
goes by that name hurruws n .t gnu * 1,,. 1 hopctl 1 , get out of this house without
from the last ca la' Uri', 'i he parasol el
the Directory wets hot butit to use and
was a Moist eel, ward and 11.Ct•I1fe•nle•tll
thief to cam. bull, ov-rt tlueg
which is M►de; uvea to yells, which were
not wort under the Direet..ty, anogatoe
that risme this redeem.
"There is nothing m.ae nurel in the
*price parasol culleetitn than the eddl:y
with one pearl unlike the other seven
A bet•hly nch and elegant paras• •1 a of
creams stilt. covered with dounces of
Spao.osh lace. Tin• iI maces ate opine
untie mid run about the vivre 'whol
ut<ruptieu lintel they mach the fatal
panel. Here the continuity u brokru
eata.,.t that the batons liounce, edgtn1
the p.-:t,ta, c•em,letes its •:bitted circle
The pees! ur side thus left vacant u . •e-
rred w.t.s silver spergled eters., (•tel:y
diRerrot (rein the lace in t. a'ure, drops
frim top to bt.ttos• instead of in a ht n- uu:ha, !*117 Poem tf the pru•perity
Rental citrle they have lion for their children -lar
••Frn.ge and bane psirting are fea-
mine didh't."
tures of the lira parasols. 1)ne beset'
fol specimen calcut.tsd to make have c in
the hands ' f a pretty girl, is e sere4
with s creamy white silk, and edged
with a white silk fnu;;e, like th,t on the
.std silk and exit mere shawls now so
feehie.tiable, mane inehre in length, se
that the prettyeirt's eyes must tesukle
threueh the tbrr•:ds if they are to get
any twit.klieg acro'tmelttiseei. the very
n. a design is of black silk tainted with
tare atrameiv, passion lb wens. J.t
le ding sod embroidery is the further
decoration, which is put on in taitds
eith•'ut regard to what stray may be
ceased, shat teary partially hidden
Parasols of hlaek and white sill b.•
sty h.b; aid 'bees.. c vereTerith rml.:' 4.:J:
er.d gauge. ribbons, aid ahetiele dotted
tulle, very troublesome aed inconven-
ient, even 'bough It is shirred into tnreee
rows of 45Lda. Pretty plain ..r erucaded
etlk in the ceder of the costume, lined
with some tint of the rant ss, centbinat-
tun, with medium lengeth natu•sl wood
handle, and a now or two of nhb')n, will ,
make • reamed in excellent taste, and
carry en.•ueh diversity with it to make it
••fasbi..nab:e. Black lined with white,
cream, bisck, or some light or dark tint,
•ted trimmed with Iao.e will he reed
f••rm. Small covered black buttons are
an odd and tnapprepltate decoration
fuuud on some of the novelties.
Mr Thos. leeiottotone, aro .+f )lr
Livtng•tone, . f Mullett, left heli* on
Tuesday last for D.Ioretne, Manitoba
Mu has two brother• in that vlc.ulty,
and pt. to sur out the land.
Mew • O.dct'ewakt 4 old.
A slim young wan in the !.eight of
fashion was violently aria :5rµ of a atr.et
ear, when a tumpatuon remarked, eke..
Cheerios, deal) boy, how it'ye c•.t:-h that
dwearlful cold " ••Aro, deah f.11ah, left
my cauu iu the lower hill a they day,
and to suet:eug the ivory 1,5:41 r, an
dweadful c.'I.1, it chilled toe almost to,
death." if Chitties had used Dr. Har
vey's Red Pour tiuw ha cold so: Id not
trouble hi,.. eery 'nuudnc. or sal, at J
t%ilwu'a preempt►.'" drugst.-re. tf
C .1. Reading, of ID:uevvlr, has pier
cha..wl the grocery 'winnows of H 11.•
cuckr, Woe:hem Ino will ran tl.e ea
peas and the teleerape flies as well.
Slop. Reasarka?l. 44/11.
Found •t .:est, what t'.;t true pied:.
has been I.-ok:n_' 1..r the:.• malty yew •
and that is a mastdicw<• wLich s ytluuvl.
lent lately iron ,hissed, Ins nn ode f• ,
itself • relwt.tti.o, second to WNW, th.
medicine to J. hrs.n:'s Tonle Bntrr,
Which an an•junctlon with Johnson',
Tunic Liver I's Is has p. tfor ed sew.
resat .> s.uderful cies impure 4.r n• -
pot a riahwd blood 1-44451 becomes petite.:
and Bunched. Elilliuusiws, tndtye•tl.m
sick heartache, liver colnplaiut, !steelier,
way ktnew*, 4.'c , stem disappear whet.
treated by three rgce1lettt tonic m4.U-
eine* Feer N•tlr by tioeol, .Ira i'*', A1 -
bion 6:.•c., ;:.eteriab. sole stent. id
4 kiwis 5 Towle* mad w14
And all diseases .4 the Caroni and hinny
emu be cured toy I1.. use •'f Semitt s EMU!
, as:! cent.').• the hemlu•_ rotors of
d,scunen,t the sut.)e ct of unsound fruit. Cod i"`' r ilii sod i(yptph..ftyhitw in
but i. the twinkling of an eye she had
their fu sac faro,. Figs...5b5a W. 8
been asst was upon 1111e.\Icer, M D . 1.. Ii. C P.. etc., Truro,
" ' NO,' said s4M. tit her clotr voice, N S says : ".i:'tri three ysri rzpe'r-
'what are lou e' rug to do with themlel"'I c.,.aidrr. 80.11'5 1l,wtulsion .ass c•f
specked apples f"
, '6a --sell them', stammered I,asham-
ed in Ethane..
' ' Tnen you'll be • cheat, and I shall
be ashamed to call you my sen,' she said
pre/aptly .'Oh, to think you could
drestn of such • sueekiug thing as that'"
Tioeu she cried and I cried, and -I've
never been tempted to cheat since, No.
.1r, I haven't anything to say in public
,bout my early s:ru441es. bot I wish
sou remind your boys sine girls erery
Sundsy that their meeker* are probably
delveg far more for thein they de for
thenaelres. Tel thein, than too, to pray
that those dear women may live long en
Geed r. EL
Dear Sirs •-I can r. •...nmen4 Hae-
yaru'• Yellow IN! as a sure curs for
rheumatism, freta which disease I suf-
fered for sine time, but was cured with
two betties. It is ths hest thing 1 can
get f•er man or hone. J Mut'ard,
Strath.rcn, tint. -
Nelson Ritchie, province! land survey-
or, well known in Kincardine. is street
to locate in Wingham. Mr Ritchie s
parents reside in Kincardine. ,
[ever Despair.
Evtu when all menu lo.r, theta is yit
h.,pe. )lacy a (Iespairing, dahrmte id
victim of dyspepsia, liver complaint, kid-
ney r•wplatut, *eyefuls lir rheurnetissD,
hes beeu brought hack to health and um -
:eines' key Ilurd.eck Blood lilt•
tem, the greatest remedy known for ani
blood dtse«tes. 2
the very best in Ilse (market. Very 't
cellent la *bloat atfeetwtis." Held 4)
all druggists, 50.4 awl $1.00
sews • sasses.
Rte •n rise nu buying u,M.w.ar '•.
try 11.415.1 Kidney and Liver tent .•
tor, wade by I)r. Chase, su'Itor
Phase'. r.'eesipee. Try (hew'. Lite•
Cure ler all diesus..d the Liver, ked
ae)s, Siowa:b and Iiuwela S.. J by .•
1145 a..atr...rim; ealenese ,R, cheap ••h
Sar...' In )oung girt* and women. a (.L.•
In • onset •..suer to A 154.11 t•f the reit
onopu•cls In the bl..u1. Ti. rens 1%
this rig lire • mr'Ielne *Islets pnsluo.s
thefts, Lreesaary little blood renes durr.l.,
sold the best yet discovered is J ,hu•,.n'•
Conte Bitters. Price fel coma, Anil $I
per I4•tlle at Goole a drug store, Allis..
*lock, tioderich. Rule agent. (bJ
As sol evidence .4 the esteeuve eu►e
nes. eastig deur al the lir.adt...es tb R .a
furniture factory to lb•forth, we w.'
.tato that they have now on their 1s o4.
or.krs elided for ever ten car heel. .•4
F.iy fever a m type of catarrh bac.!
•4vcuhar ey:npt..rne. It la attendee
:etame.4 cunditten'•1 ttn'luuug u..
hrietes of the uodrils, tear duets .
throat, ■tf.-rt.ng the lungs. A.. .r
ntUCotth areerrtod, t he discharge Ise, • .
.""lost wails • buruin,I sensation 1'h.
.err revere .pians of sine Kung, (retro,
lttedke of io ulathe, watery anti hill los
sal eyes*. F: 4.'s C saw MAIM is a rein -
Oleo 4.A. •»• depended Lysin. boot,
at dru;.21•14, ; Ly rri:.il, rcgs.t•Ked, 1110et-
Bay 1S:.,tl,e-re , Druggists. Uwetet. NE
York le
1:1lue:A1) resile of this 1',s-•
took t 4 Fast Prints at Outs...
Mali Show. in 1•h'f,
cher no.w ladies hese wrist -r
U, 5444 11141151 .url....c. any yea: 1
eret herd by them.
It mate. the lighMt, white -s.
sweetest bread, roll.., bans ...I
Palter. in naartr csery t•.ww IN
Canada urs u>lne i..
fg rWIb artritevrwtee.-The stock
..f stet emery, including 'tete, letter •au
atcoui.t p*prrs, envelopes, and in tact,
all classes ..f priuu,g papers LOIS just
been re elrmehaed at 'Ina Sweet.. An-
other Isere lot 4i aeries• in a day Er two
and more to folk's. If yi..$ want eorM-
thlr.g neat and hesitates like to office
atatt ,very, call Ti yea want a cant or
arciear panted ti the letcet try's, cell
at Tur. `:(:vat. steam prit.tiog 4•. use,
North St.
By melte any 'ad) sending as harped oRUx
;dilute Wel:s, Nkhars;on k C,.,1!unusai.
C. P. B', Boots
1 have a taros number of I Ion..•* and 1.nt•
an.: Violist Lassie iu the nine desirable parts
M the Town -MR BILE PMC al.
I New h. the lure .o ....•err property before
'the !Mg Ru -b. The 1'. 1'. 1). ii eoening .nr,•.
'and in a Abort'kn.• pri.-.'. will have adcaured
m:d the r -s.:), ,d 'n1t.y.
(all and +4.e List anti ('rice* before' puie•ha.-
lag else w h.: re.
Real Estate anti General In...ranee Agent
Gibe's Rine -,,t.. third deo. from.yuure. C. 1'.
R, Ticket and Teleerapb 01Cte. 54t1.
liar r, . ju.t l u•I.i,It•r.•,1 the lours')*.,» tit (Ise Well-known I .r are »r k ..! It tt•. ate I, E /.IE• an.t t!soruuglth' renovated the pre -
41‘.4 lila' prep/m..1 t') till till orelery auel retlWretllCgta of tlla pub.
it' in I'i•11' Lille
lotteista'lkttAinti•nt given to !Marino Outtit4.
10.-'i.i'istt public Isttr,artge, and will tics to gilts; perfect eatir-
e�nl>ther large consignment of
.= resh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest- p; acti::es perpetrated on the
Dub is by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Rees price ik Son
Bay's Block, r.^rt Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone rromptly attended to.
Wm B!ack, t\•ingham, proprietor 14
the De -:ter livery. ha, sold his hoe huei• 7/1:Z.17,11 I44 r11n1tewT i.r.7 do,.
raw to Mr Dulwage, lase of the f1: this -
wick b,•uee.
cite Theft A Chew*.
Taut is to say, your lungs. Alto all
your breathing "machinery. Very won-
derful machinery it is. int only the
I*rger sir passages, but the thousands of
litter tubes and cavities leadutg (rum
When these ere eloeyed and chocked
with matter which ought not to be there
your lungs cane. t half do there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia,
catarrh, consumption or any of the
famil f of throat and nose end head std
lung obstructions, alt are bad. All
ought to be got rid of. There is just
:ops sure wiry to get rid of them. that
is take R..achee's German .yrip, which
any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a
bottle. Even if everythng else his
failed yne. you may depend noon this
Net • Seek A est
]Ir (7ocde. druggist, is not a book
agent. but has the agency in (:nderr1Ch
for dehnstsn's 'Ionic Ritter, which he
can heartily recommend for any ce.as-
plain to which a tonic medicine is ap-
pliceble. This valuable medicine bas
been with most astonishingly good re-
sults in cams of general debility, weak-
ness, irre.nlsnties peculiar to females,
extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
blood, stomach and liver troubles, lose
of appetite, and for that general worn
out feeling that nearly every one is
troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forget the name Johnston's Tunis
'flitter' 50c. and $1 per bottle at Goode's
drug store, Albion block. (lodericb, sob
spent. •
Mia .Mies J. Coleloegh, d•tujbtor of
Mr Henry Cob:lough, of Hullo**.W _w This is the title gives to Berets'. Easel last for 'Isthmian. Dakota, WMtis 1 Mon of Cod Liver Oil by m•ny thousands
who have taken it. it not only ¢lyes
Rash and etrenwth by virus° of its own
A RSwASw-(N one dose. "Tessa* nutritow proPedis, bat creates an M
petite fix Intl l's* it and try your
for certain. e,wly
as "Haller. Weal proof Wiuw.
OPTICS tear ha►,.n, A. S . TDaa,
Inman • or
C,.avuiem Bat' SSD Tse memo Rare Haws.
Et.aw000, 1Lt., Noe. 111,, UM/
1a. D.J. [saaua.C.
Deer stn • I Mew always pwtri.arr l your [
lall's Nioel• Cure 4J ter. Mir doses le411..�
wo4MIRs pi4wta I•r4. rg4r. unity. 1 taint it
.'n. of the las.; liniment. on earth. I twee swain
es m; .setae% for slyer yarn
Tours truly, 0'115 L t.RDr'a.
Mr Jelin Lnadman, et the 14.: con. of
l'•berne, sold his farm, tonsistint till
101; scree.to lir John llowden,of Iltt,,bt, 1
f..r 56.400. Ile intends to remove to
Manit-is iu the fait. Int
To 1te tledleel Presssassa..root. all whoa ,
It may macro.
Phesphatine, or Nerve Foot, • Plots- i
phate Element based upon Scientific
Yscts, Formulated by Pref s.or Austin,
M. I). of Beaton, Masa., corm Pulinon
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
yous Attack'", Vertigo and Neuralgic
and all westing diseases of the' hunsan
system. l'hosphatine u not a Modecinso
bet • Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Oleates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, hot &imp!
1 thePhosphatic and Oartnc 'Clements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
u sufseiont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Lowing &
Co., sole agents for the Dominion,
66 'tont 8trse% East Toronto
• yrea.Prral nook rr.A.ser.
her sister is et present living.
KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. y�rr �r rr�y) t
Bann*Lex, 1.. T.. Nurembrr , 1411. ! to ■I�itt'�Ali 4.:k• Pf•pister>. _�
Da. R J. tiotD.LL Ou. Oi�01�7
Dear Mr. - 1 .1.am'e to eater 4.a teethe".:al nr _. -.- -_
oast °pinMw of your [ '. a ren torr. I V i
,.at 11 for 1 }have fou. Stiff a ears t s 11
�grec m and t have 11 boy v a n es ears, l
sue recommend n to u1 horsemen.
loan truly, a F. y IlabI.
1•aaaster Troy Lausidrr stable*
ii'i •"'t' fjA'few � -
sot ,•
, ear y, °R4
u�' ..`'-�•' J is '
W.. ► C:% .i oR RELIEVE
"r?r ; V1. % CIZZIN!S3,
f > !. =-84.01;