HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-31, Page 2Atu*t►" .ii':NAL FRIDAY, MAY _8I. 1889 . Br» 1 ••- THE WIDE,WIDE WORLD. it is d the teat lac T►a letter r a s Always come hafts mod -tempered, (1 U1: CHICAGO MYSTERY. m moved Naked . lael sd, lad., ••d was w 'leering business earns behind, end du ONvd Yy 1.'o. I.,"k,..d was tuna' X1.3, anaiamouth's ,uth's rent. 1t sae signed by WHAT 15 GOING ON IN OTHER LANDS "Pt wentanuvyu.ar• rout with i the WHAT A k11LKb1AN FAW ON TME •Truk WUUams He attem ed le explome AND PLACES. 1. glee eu your wife and family NIGHT OF THE TRAGEDY, 'way thea hasty exit irom the bwidleg and M.kr y.•ureelf agreeable to your wife sod friends and do not sit ,slum •11 the I _- ___ - . the paint daubs on the parlor floor. He said the hour was painted so as to saw his Rears ass tnsrrreUaasewer tingses+Mretra, monolog, looking utterly bused. '• iisteestre l anew *.spode. Polite •! sister the trouble of ecrwW,ing the boards - eget. in Merra (..afrrre.•e--wa. wort rt Ultsiw wa. siwt about i&& f,,tof them IS ere -eared ear tie ult/.attea ed: ear He kismet to your wile'• faults and do Hennas. tsar.lerree. T L.Big lu.otpriab is the paint. He air , 'not raped perfection until you have brat negteeted to ray anything stout the biuwl become perfect yourself. CgntA'os, May 2:i. will:am Mertes, a etsiw. l'ugliskao.l .arnerican salt prvdu.sws hays He puuotual at meets. Remember milkaw. who Leel to the nei{bletettun t 01 Mayor ('regi.r at • cou:fere•ee this alter formed an allisuco. that a cuok cannot keep dinner waiting tthe t er,sis cottage, an which it is supposed noon borrowed on Supt. Holden.' and the Three busdre•I mile. of railway will he without its bring emoted. Do not inur ea- lk. "'woe %se eserderd, Milo • story Corporation Comore! the uecesrity of making built in Manitoba this seeseems.Ghaoat snot. wnwt to b e cru ;again .•f wbtelt etlrie 4. the so 'dews "emboli extraordinary efforts to bring Cto.on • The Suez canal dire: ton rece'me en.'e•l auda Ito that coucluaiue tet tie niitit "t dere,. w justice. t►etecove (ottgblin was animal dividend for Don of 3n per neat. Do not etpect your wife to keepse_ tl►a murd"i }X er, between I aad Y o clock- summoned. He told kis story and gas about the time •t which it ie swpposa.l closely questioned. He became flurried and A C"•krvatire Irish lady a lea diad re cx,uub utiles* you take the trouble to the 'Meter arrived there in the I.0 nervous, it r reported, but sud notbi'.g cantly bequeathed t`3,tllJO to 1Jr. 1'aroell. keep your own correctly. with _II' ...Who came for hien, Mertes bat whk•1t could be used against hium. ('oughlin, Mr. Parnell will visit Edible:r:n on July k. Du.. as well sud w neatly as your leis mouse to visit the grucwry at the corns: however, was taken !u cwh.ly after the I. when he will revere the e`-'.• m tit t --hears will allow, altd he eme.'uI Dot to ,ol Ashland-•ceuue and Oturs(r.et, 41 hid/ cowfer.nse and locked up The deecriptiot city.est your best trouser," wet, se baggy 'LI ugly et h • she" south "I the Ceche t which l.iveryrosa Uivar, now gives of the TI:e Y. M. C. A..:e.o egates t the 1'hila• nurse ars •thing nu ra w use rwplet. .iewtt•ge He welk0d wt u. Adds'wo- Dian who hired his horse the eight of My 4 delphia '1-t,rid Couveati,ut rev", Lott ',Ain- 'nieces to Ashland, and then turned south' and the dwcnption Capt. Schanck says M day. I Be as kind sud attentive to your wife on the east sidewalk. As be neva' the hist gs.e are very different. The deecrip• no. boohoos n:itrers' families are sized tc as you 5100 before your marriage, and 'Cartauu (email) • batty oontaiuieg level tion Ihrun „owgivsaor Detective Coagblwe be wfferisi$ 110x:. want, and cont:,lttees are remember .he has got no pipe to go to Leo rolled up to the tato of the ditch. Ute friend tallier very Homely with that given 'eliciting aid. for comfort. by ]Ire. ('.a.kliu .d themun *kr sew driving Rev. H. r:. Scheer, asrd.tant rector of St.! n hru your liver is out of order, ra- llr.Cronin away Paul's I{pisc-rgwlcheech in I:eltimore, sub' et inter food rennet M palatable; A free examination of the Carle • cottage riled ht. sh,e,iug Geste dry. herr(otr au sot grumble bed taro over of the neem, ahem Mertes deeesibee •e • tall and apparently athletic leas, sprang ;from the hug...).and reos n up the fruit stairs tel the cottage, the doer of whi. h was thrown :Tea. before be koncked fur adnaissiese .Sc-arcely had the door cloud again when Ohs sonnet of loud .and angry moose !tsithin the cottage startled tie milk•c dealer. lie locked searchingly at the ma in the 'twiggy, but the stranger's teen was lshroud•.f Ly tl.e Lrile of a soft hat, and Mertes was unable 1,, tell whether he wagstout or sunder, or fair or dark. The fel- low whipped his horse into a gallop, di eve iso Addisou avenue and then turned in the wee permitted today. It preeetted a fear. The l'o'ud -tatrs l:utrnue "'tele Rush „ fel sig t, with IdoClair/lsttend Ewer and sansei frmt San }'ranci.c•o 4. protect Amari-sd f.er y r Fu, as if rtwhat sr a not tit fop r a audd walls, aid es-ery loll• •non of s terrible Y ora lyebulg Interests in bebriogS sea. og atrugKie. Arr•nlrm»rte cur the Cronin Ito slat. tragedy cert apparently begun es early as ('&•bier"eerie .1'or.up, of the Scranton. February 1. At that date • person corree- Pe-, Pity Bank, was placed undr, arrest at ponding to tate dint,. iption of the sun who the bunk en Seturdsy, charged with embeizll- rented the I'arlaem eot:age hired roontw ing I135,tai1. across the street from t'runin'a office. In' I:eu..luhn Rates, • retired officer of the one :nr.m was pa el furniture similar to British army, who has been travelling Hound that found in the cottage. The furniture, the world tro search of hie sen, reettly found was removed at about the date wi.en guru'- Lim cmgluycd a • waiter in a Seattle, W. direction of the leke. Mertes says time tun was 1 rought tint to the cottage. The T., hotel. ;was • dim light in the (runt room and that furm:ture *hicks Retell d ('a gold included Dr. Croniu'a body suns buried yesterday. the num bo WeIit U() the t.--•pr•eeunieblyI the trunk whi -b hos figured in the owe. A l l.rt:ago detective named Coughlin has Ili. ''ronin -were • long brown oreruwt. I • be per leaser hied an extra heavy atrup'teen arrested on supicitn of having sante- Mrs. 4. maiden, the women at wb.se house made toe the trunk. ttir4 tc do with the ,.murder. 1*. Cronin lived. says the doctor wore a It is now generally believed i• pnlice A St. L. and Sun I•'rsncisoo passrager long brown coat co the nigh: of the murder. eirelea that the ase:oseuns of 11r. Cronin after' train s -as derailed near Sulliean. Mo.. oa As morning sten. with strong ard vivid no. A mrwin ng paper puhltatoa bec • curry which having ,trti.leted their fearful crime stole a Tbur.Jay night by train robber&. It was limit es. nem the cart!, the sullen mists away, implicates a n.en.bzr of the Chicago police beet from the boathouse neer Fiacter's t:ar- 'kik !t. 16-.10 strength and tongs u.. t. force in the taking off of Cronin. The ofii-Iden sumda morn's and rowed out upon •o awful wreck, and 4,+ passengers wen Dote rout d.stew and stay claim's heavy goer in question is lietectiveltssiel ('ou blit lake B•P° Lally hurt. hand. t I the eke out they mgt a sailing cruel u' The ('ity of Paris, which broke the record Tie paper says that on the morning of Ma ; noting for them and un that eeeselproceeth by making trio (n m New fork to ,day ou which ('ronin disappeared (oughlta!ed to some Canadian port, arriving at To• by making the S days. ' house. and 1C engaged at • livery sale's rr,t far Iron ! ronin in time to Hotel tl:e reporter L,nE minutes, on her quickest daily run mad. add "fake" up the fictitious interview with _„ roils lir. Cronin which was telegraphed to the :\merican papers. It was evidently the in; The Loudon Standard says the Marquis tenti sn of the assassins thruu;h thee method of Londonderry is net disp red to ..:uutinue to throw the detectives and friends of;he another year in mhos as Lord -Lieutenant of If you have a wife who dome keep bet huger in eider. to rot es.niteutly at war wetb her sr roods, Is out eztiavagaut, has hub regularly sud well served, and ogee tier best to p ease, let her see you .pprec•tato her ; otherwise she will cease to try and ma►r y.•ur Lome e.•mfortable, sud in due course your troubles at home lull br iubwlely worse than guy you may have at the uffice. ■w of Frith. Fwhe,'ronin 'bed a horse and buggy. R n hk•b be said a friend of his would ..all for that evening; that the man did call tend was given • white borne, siuulor to the one &Da.•bed to the buggy an whicdl '('ronin was decoyed away ; that the murdered man off the scent loop enough t. Ireland. I: es Lellescd the post hes been 'time of going and the description cnrrespond Allow the body in its biding phos in the offered to ti:c duke of %Vestminster. minutely, both with the time Alva he Came Lakeview onto! basin w heeon.e so tbor' It was announced on Seturhay the Em - ,fur ('ronin and with :he appearan.-e of the, toughly decomposed an to be uurr.xrg..ieaLle.' peror William and King Hun.beut would !roan himself ; that Coughlin eubeequeotly. . -_ - - -- - , visnl it Atrasbure, whereat Paris Lecae very ,told the livery stable keeper to sag uotbing THE FUNERAL 'muck excited, and tl.e telegrams were sent 'about the matter. t'or'e is .edde.l to these • e---- . tv Rome whicb resulted in the abandoarlent Ascended by a met plop .f the ■erbld stN "relatiuoa by the fart tint Coughlin was a ;of the trip. •ember of one or mer- irocieties of which' the (as~ws giliiam t:fimttar, who knight under lien - Cronin was a member sed that they were, Crtic•.teo. May 26. -The funeral •.f Dr. Jackson in the Au,eric•m war, and who is 'enemies. The matter wan tin•ll) brought' ('ronin took place to -day. The corpse 4.i at present in Pembroke gaol, suss n zrried ;to the attention of Chief of Police Hubbard.; Leen lying in state in the Cavalry Armory teven tines god had :(i dh,ldaun, of whom Iwho seems inclined to take a serious view of nm :he lake front. the most central print hist were ser--. :the matter and promises to probe it to tbel Ilse. city, and there early Otisur srltii bottom. 1 the morbid amid curious unitti. A: t:. t:'setin6 of the Presbyterian t:ene- This afternoon • .e..•ret conference took; dead man's friends male their rel Assembly, in session in \e+ fork, Kev. place at whi,•h Mayor Cregier, states At- I pilgrimage. Armed sentries iron torney Longuesker, Thief Huhlsr.l, Chief! the Rities stood at rest at each corner of 1 ilhetective }:,Butt, and other otheists were;! raised platform on which reposed the eats prcaent. l falque and coffin. A crayon portrait of th The Hersh' this morning says "'•ester I dead man draped in bla. k stood neer tb ;days developments give point to the belief c .fain and there was profane gyral decors :that the murderers are not shed may never tom,. A crowd that jammed Michigan -ave '}ave been reeidente of Chicago. 1)mi the nee steal before the armory. The police kepi contrary, then it some reaeose to suppose a paseags way open for three who w that his slayers .•gessed the water el to enter the funeral hall an from Englru.i wi'b designs on his two unifortoed rieemem Irani.; on bay, life, and thst as non en they tomFteted net d weapons lent the giamor of tb 'their work they made their nr;peli will ach,•utrements to the military air of t be ren.embert.l that eine T. •1. Kirby, a place. For three h.•un the procession 'native of ('anada, tante to ('bingo last year double tile marched moms the platter 'from London, Eno., on a secret mh.si.m for Only the picture and the bis silver plat 'The London Tinea Kirby knew Cronin on the (s.ttin lid traittird that all that we 'when he lived at St. Catharines, Ont.. and aortal of Dr. Cronin was within the ca when be came tot'hicage he renewed his &e- 'e!u•int nee with the De: tor. ft is known 'that the two met frequently in Chicago when IXirl,y was .1..101 spy work for The Times (The connection is eu% .•tire, to say the least. \\'Len 1..• t'san was on the wittiest, 'stand in the Periled owe he refused to give Ithe manes of bis American as ... eptice. on T•beu..•a P. Tuite of Detroit. Leaving tballram'L Iitlte buys to tTwrdsy school. The toe- less,Ithe ground t'ac't would be as much a their Amore the casket was ptnre tirw C ; -- arra iii to be abort the prophet were worth to he know a Le ('arm drawn by four I.Leck hearses and ilia TME CHICAGO MYSTERY. ``I<ilijwh and the widow of Zarephath, who, ;was ordered by the court, however, to fur. proce.siou was formed. 3(sr.Lal Cabii 1 fee w will of coarse remember, Told Inish the name or n.,:i es privately- to the rr court and o.neel, which he did. Might it not be that • deta'bnient of the band that hollowed Carey to his death followed Cronin to his cruel fate?" la, him Times says : Tho char'eu Croat i r. 'ronio and I.is friends m ole against Alm. - antler Sullivan, Michael Boland and Iesnois ('. Feely. the tenons -irate that acted as a retard of directors for the United Mother. h,eod, are stronger than mere rr•thenle. nv. rot of funds and n:alfeasaneo in offit•e. There was a charge not long a:;.' hr•etight aifaiett the member• of this It.e.. 1 thea they bad not only iniseppr-opriate t large 0111114 of the money ►nlecr.bed h.; the goo l of the Irish Na'innal movement in the (113 Country, but that they, or some of them, tithe: intentionally or otherwise allowed secrets of the order to serape them, reset ting in the imprisonment of several t'aarice of the Clan-tied:eel and the death tee on British soil. The charges are said to have been lensed merely on suspicion, lett; Itt. (:ronin w.a said to have leen active. in the •cc.nnulatitm of testimony calculated to fw,rreborate the s-npieiot,s- in a.ldition to cago lawyer, is here to inquire into the the "este bootie- OOlie•ealyd in W.• water, lids and mere.et.s•tionel than all. is the un-. alleged visit two works raged lir. ('renis he found a bloody towel ei..tly similar N e•;dotibte.! fact that in the possession of lie. to this city. Mr. 'Ieefer has Been Mr. Long,) the one that was a rapped el. at Cronin's y sddret.t.g Fuifutd & Cc , Hntckrilly -Cronin was •o afhdasit made 'oy a well. the reporter who wrote up tee interview head. Farther groping breeght np a single let. tf J Tnown Irish -American that he heed one .4 with ler. Cermet' in Tor•mse, amid Mr. Lon .bumat Gee( r. Th_ rrermiher was eleetom- 'ths parties interested in these and still claims that be 'poke M Dr. Cronin. psed. awl :t wa imleselbte t.. determine Intb.r din !"mitres ay that- (tis. ('ronin He has made •greeeten statement that up to whether it wart a mono ,r a w • osin's. : ••rdut'ea 1. :-I. •'p hue and ere zed Imus: 1e pit out 01 'the wa). The' and aiter the tame he wrote the dispatches I r,,balelitiea foieer the idea that it w -c• tee • 1. c'•ld 11 - t- el o no. to d too., Mtn,' "f .b• n•an who haat.• this atatrmtauti rear ling lk. Commie being seen in Toronto. finger et the nolle. Recollections of Wood- •d a!1 well aeaenued with a reviler is it: tip. 1..: t•,.inn "1 the states '1ttornoy' he had no letter. tear,: am or any ether tit's e•mfeselem as to a w.,man r body were ,, •, - itemise makes • .t.• up aced & w ,grant for his siren t le;p be haekeid' esmtiunicatismi with my nue is l'hiengo es rat reed s y the di.e"sxwv. The mettles' t ' i g 1,r • 1 .1. fur at,wv M. nt.•nt, sllswbere regardl-g 110. (lun.n s diseppearLode W oorlrutf sial hat blew rut up law. - Ik•tee'.irm 1 org!.lin has ezplaioed to tippy' afire, except with the newupyera to which'.mall pi. ces, Red +hr finding of 1..e singer 1 ► ' lord Liui connection with hiring a wit me be ennuis di.pitch.n. I. joretty generelly taken as a pemuil•I. cog- 1'suswm tlem %.rely twn.l. here, from li.try stable kceltrr Seism LIN' Ifnieeratme of the p tlroseA Mra•ege et+srg. To To r F.b1TOR :-11'..e infurm your Ceti o, whim Cronin dmsapp..ued. Ile a.. / /ae }Nur thee, It i, .,rt•.ts th..t t►,e finger is sot . no timi readers that I have . prsitive remedy four that a .esu 'lays b •lure• May 1 a a!ran ta•1 (y am' bend ,4 1). l'rsaa n. the above name"1 drsrase. flits lintel tr,.Bnna honest! to Coughlin as 7lrwsaerai.stt*aae.ptasas tb! •aieaat, Arre to. The pekes we on telling a'meant esti gs ate atonal rte of he relies cares hove itmith et Ifam7.ck, MO h., a 1r:te ded/' hs den ta1MM ewot 'ars 1ou11ed stud l.ltmle is i-akevirw, w9,.ch ase re«bfi rh'n e1e en permanentlycured. 1 shall he lad lin.' I.r•Ihcr. Ile n s-4 on his n•• .hew lona 4ost •w• third o/ tient sdmiltasi{ before Ike ('sortie's death, but h•. :IA been , g y i' tb.wji stele «►rot e:.:rancee.l t" reed sun borllrs of my remedy free I 'Metes., be weld, end air cern din of R.... ata ummi „r,•u ue.1 •lura A rr otter Feed entracte ••eek a. ked hie. to 'inti up his brothel' D n. •aililr abet tea• thirds utra 1 elk•.. 1 :" l:+t e the •let. ...iv,. wh.i.. M wee in Cbkago. Des' betel;bsrrr oettty ssa!0d y'h to pnuceed :. Mutt tier 1071.P11;311 -'04%."17n3: (irrtiv• ('+mghlin aiw.we1* smith •rxsofrtt town. Nw at mtirms sud to M buena ami the steps 'lit, were 'storages! with Moroi,, ice. fr.11y, Da. T. A. Sui.rw. }Sa'er.la.. • .. . sail by would like tr take{{ Maps pest • twggy tido that everting to the home Ohestre Se for the prew3;. iters! nsuwAol heath tie renin: era e..dcnt'y made an y 37 Yottte St , Totonto, Oot • eus.11111m•teami are open to•nTgi,t, ef...t se sive awaythe 0vi,hrr•e •.1 the •f an aunt, lot he did twit know whether _ p" the 11s et v stab's kerpr•rs w• it11 trnst • re. t. T . • .t w'• rum's crime. Thr parer nor i4 eorere.l 1♦ fftrsn ,r with•bees••. to ouchlin Int'''. 'will' Nate Tnwm, )Tae lik -The New''nrk hk"'dy neat:... The B'or is denied with its .I role, '11 1hnredsy of last week, Ile go to isinan•pla'e whenever he wlate•! Omagh & VCeaera Railroads n. ►at, Issue. tyrosnpaha. and it ran heJp'lsinle .cru tuna I,aoch.lrn Black passed t.. he reward et 'beret. and he wee:d see Innen tiering the teii..le for I110thfl neer,, sultneed '-y • re .1 the j..l.wast(tase.ahnrryf 11 1 01.ms•-Arewm he %Tee age of PR )cars and was buried jay An nate it 101 right. Smith got the „aim 10 the sleimetile fres. ('n as •I: i "di'i nos •Need r r.•rnplR; m...(g IM ' ,Hr..,.cla eensetrn on tlaturday after mete, here. and ring Anel 1'neghlin .lid not see line -+eel genie, equr``u.ents sod stock. T the We `ttrstt e1 Its. 1 sonic. • ..on, lief. (1. B. Heel, conducting the pawn +gain ger s week . r at...,..„. subs n 4 :.wgb b:yids a?i i iw paystsis to I - - I on net him nn 1Le street •s-•1 wielded to years with toimiK M 5 Mils T ti'*It1111a rat Suet ilk . _ Sooty' why he .lid not pay for the nee of the sr", mortgage tis twMt M• • tweeter. Ais IL-- 'lir. O'Brien will tar ss- Tse sstaN. sag, fKnu hiring c.me to ('nnghlin f• r the op ger in the Homer of Cwmmens loefo.re fhe beset'. eedtb gave ('nughlin $3 and mid l to Were wtsm-a• 'e I,it.un rases. His •loctisr, 441 lee dam le De'n't alt'•w a rrnio i" the heed to .low• writ give him the ...Deo $ later IA s -iu s, LLT, -A AIN eoeltainiw( g„ totbr seu.iMlMnsutlOw'a1w f and sorely run into Catarrh, when r,vghlin meet Smith for t!o. lest time one three mcg .' tw4 is wee ea.ght .■ 1 __ . ++ too own he cured for lac. by using Dr. yey tat week and Smith sail he wail wiw.l noel rah" Miro,. ,\e •Nrrrtmm w\iia MOM HsMt • arm. Wham • Catarrh Cure. A few appi0a- rt fee Kew Meilen the wort day. en -,t,,; the river jest meet et the city sad i An ..ening piper .s :het ti • ! ;ter .. 1. All re eieeeeel• *aro drerwas 4 ern«( over tie two po i,w by :;o. teems. We) awe trona Met k-piks w y was Arm net..t the erica /•045 $mise/ M ea alma a IYMrt.I r th. . Maud o••••01 .,,t t . 7 esesse t /k r Iltgwi• O r slid eai>•ae as Idiom the op..' i totem A Few resstests of test. It is t.ften necessary to remain in the kitchen all the while the meal is benne cooked, oven after everything has been prepared. While the meat is ruwtiug end the regetaoles are boiling, if a few mageeines or fresh newsmen are kept •11 • ce-nvenient place, and • comfortable necking chair is (aced by a pleasant wirduw, the housekeeper can entity a few mou.ante of machete and rest while she attends to the satIous things which are cooking. ties ere Ateaea. Airs fle.la Elliot. of Poutypoel, writes -"My brother and I sere birth taken ill with a severe attack of deer - flare, hoeing tried niber remedies, we tried Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild t•Straw- Its. Then:peen ann.•unce.l that he h..t re- herrv, which rase immediate relief.' eeitee,i overtures fro,., nfteen I'rr.Lyteries "They have a larger rale in my die asking that revisitms toe made in the West- rrkt," rays a well knowr druggist, "than nsineter 1 onfeaion. stay other pill on the market. and give Three masked robb'en entered an expresi'he beet satisfaction ler sick headache, car,.,. the Texas Pacific railroad on Satur,biloiousueas, indigestion, etc , and when day night, bet the meseenter into insensi•!n mbtned with Johnston', Tonic Bitters. bihtr, robietJ the car of el,eoir, nulled the; lohrston's Tonic Luger Pills will per bell cord, OA when the train slowed upIf,,,,a what no other me :nctnn has dour lumped offend escape.'. !hefer. for sufferne humanity." Pills Ctrs.. (. LjIcse baa been presented crag tkat2b cense per bottle. Bitters 50 motto tYomens Liken! Pederatt•.n with a dia'And til per bottle. Sold by Goode, u lad bn,sch mut• mein a miniatureof mr,lDrurrgrst, Almon block, Guderich, sole a.ulatoae. \Ir. Parnell rna•be the presenia• cl 'pen speech and Mr. Gladatouu in reply re - erred to his wife as the greatest gift he had received at the handset Providence. Mr Joh, riearhtt, of Leedrury. had this leg e•verelt injured while rendering ket. The • rent► unending ,line to iiia 00 tore w nn n,aue tae p...t mn. ..,, _ apparently i on 1,r. ('rutin a Lod in Chicago has'• failed vo"Ioabta aasietanea at the 6r. of Mr Mc - sightseen was furor# out at the s"uUt y fr door and few pe. pie remained long iwatde to ngreeas to the cense of death. although Nannara's betted on Friday last. At last the poxes:seer stopped sud the (they think One cut .m the bead may have _ _ _ __ . - pull bearers entered. T..yy were Luki' Peen the fatal wound. The n,y.tery A' A SSW tiefsedr. Dillon „f Philadelphia, Ed. O')leagberldeepeaed by the di.':every of a bemuse) fr ger' A Sunday sebutd teacher tells this Condon and Jebn IMcny til New fork /adlm the swat where this doctor's body w•I • ,.eiwg story : I was te.ching • elms of Ail the surras ♦ala. The ulli errs and crew of the steamer which reawv.•d the tsasaneers and ores d tits uufortuuate steamer ";laosrat4," hair been bosimed in b` 1w"styiv be the 'Wizens of libillo •.re •sud Ptidedeiphie. Baltimore gave a baogwt. sold wedal* to the odium*. sud • stleer one to each of the crow. C.ptsti. Murrell also gest a silver water pitcher. Philadelphia ale.. gave then, andel. end the sun, of =23111) It is things Ilk• this that keeps al,vc one'. faith to Luna*. nature. Especially wheu ono reads o1 the teepee the sante papers which describe the die graceful debauchery *loch turned the Centenary Ball. us New York, tutu a veritable deuce .d Kstyre. N"ibinw rote herrit ly debasing has been braro of for a long time. Meu ■ id wooers. diigursral in fine clothes a hidroa u.yi gentlemen, got shamefulry drui.k wish lbs. chatnpagee that was mu liberally dis- tributed, and behaved themselves more like savages at • war feast, 'hag like citilired brings At the nett C•O'et,- nisi 8.11, let us hep, that civilizauoc end Christianity will base sr far pro - greased that chsuilsdne will not lir thought'lactssery fir an ereniu4'■ en j,ymeut. tteesm•Ue rains Require no description, since, with rare rzexptl , a1' at soma time hate rxl rue Mimed their two gra. Rheumatism is not easily dus!.dse1. 011.0 the moat powerfully ptenetraiog remelts& reach to ice very foundations. The mat suc- cessful treatment known, and it is null frequebtly resorted to by medical risen. u the application of that now G w remedy for pain--- I'ulac.n•ui Nervihne. It a safe to say that nothilrg set dis- covered has aff girded equal au.facti.•n to the suffering A trial can be a ads at s small est, as sample bottles of jVertI line can be had at the dreg stores for 10 seats, large bottles 25 cent. WALL, PAPER DECORATIONS SAUNDEBS &SON Competitor:, titor:, t•nvious of our suc- Sole Agents for W. N. Peak, Brooklyn, N. 7. ARTISTIC 1 NEWEST ! CHEAPEST ! /floe fOLLs alyt-entered through the Customs No Trouble to Show Samples Everything requir•-.1 f..r huu,e- Th€Cheapest HOUR Ue er 1 cu. vAt. _T1t10YS AND RLMOVCS • S c r ALL 1111409g11N CNILDREN OR CA NOT Fi4 THCUMOST Dt.(..,CATC 4HILD E RXPFRIENCE, CAP1TL ASKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieux at former prices. t/Ir Spe ' a/t/ s for the Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. 291;4 ALEX MUNRO, Draper and Haberdasher lotted that ;CO men were in line. Iielaties to carats%erste. Elijah, when he ,"ked bar to take hien The amble hall and plumes. the bands and Hu M,a►d, that she "had Oct a cake, but drums wit • their selenon mrains made s Ctttisw,, may J1 -A post_na,rtr•m et deep impression upon the thousands of! "'Musa:. n cf 1)1 l'reniti s 1. dp ilea road•. • h•u•,fnl rf meal in a barrel and a little people that crowded sidewalks and win yester.lay. The uea:tora found nu signs of Al in a cruse.` When asked as to the dews, that climl•.d no stoops and Loxes,1Auffocation lir etrabggltrig, end could not upply of food the peer widow had one that .at on reufs and the tops of nntinishea!agree as to the mime of death. although all ittle fellow .inickly replied : '•the hao bsildiug'. - I were of opinion ti:;: Cronin n,i;;t,t have been into meal enough t:, wake a cake attu 'teaching the l',th••drai cf the Holy killed by the hhne at the outer corner ef ail euou(;h to start the tire Name an immense crow.l was encountered.' lois left eye. Eters this blow was not hard The oast edit'--, was peeked Ls,. hours he enough to fraetnre or splinter the bene•.! as Brow. ferwrrfrilo. fun the ceremonies he;i•ir.. .'11ter the The mystery .1t the eJde w thus deepened. i C.-t:nterfeets are always dangerous, church seni,rs the pro emeriti se t9 relieve,: The funerl.l will take plane iunJ,y. 'mere K. that they always clearly twl- and the way was travel to the C.uon dept' 11r. Crain'; -r„her, •Iolm, a: nve,1 from Trains waited for the crowd as 1 ;l6 car' :\r::: naosyuster'isy and p•sitisety identified ii1R ORIGINAL IN Ai'1'CAKAyi. a AND were comfortably filed. the hotly. saws. The remarkable success achieved No exercises of any sort took p!ae•e at the: Wm. C. Ifotchkiss, s repertcr for the y Nom! Balm as a positive cute for cemetery. Amon; those who followed then Inter Ocean, did a little polite work l..t'.atarrb and Cold in the Head Las Ir. Icier from the armory to the cuurch sol night on his own ac.otnnt. The rt -suit may owed unprincipled parties to 'minter it. oemeto rag were Dr. ('Ioni"'s sister ar:d, 1'e the disclosure that nnnther person be the public are cautioned not to be de brother in-law Mr. and Mts. Carroll of St' side ('ronin was murdered. lIotehkiss ..it -ed by n..strnmsin.itatmg Nara! (lain) Catharines, ('anade,•ud hie brother Jutusli;.' found that the suburben police had neg!e.•t „ name mud sppr•.rsece, hcari :g Ruch Cronin of Arkatsoe. ed tot :arch the. attii basin where ('ronin'. ,„Irlrs a Nasal Cream, Nasal Relearn. body was found after tone.%in;( the to ARK f.e. Neal halm and do u, Gema aura. to SI. Merv. n - rne e. The 'enewspaperf.la man anate tnnk ke imitation dealers may urge upon Tt.w r1 r , May .' --A. F. Tcefer, s ('bi the work himse.f. In the 1. tt••m rf t u. Foe site by all drn;ti•'a "r mens ost.paid on receipt of pric•,e 51tc and g1 t100SSER FRAME GRAIN DRILLI lilts wrrniror gad discover.• gained aflame"' o eny of ynnr readers who hats- cnc- the fe nt parser 'dor, in the e.rnrr of the s'In•ption. it they null send me their 1 z - hs •k parlor, in the hallw.'y Rad en Lite fre.nt 'e•ra and I'. ft. address. bra yerrael snug► to ip•l may 02 Lover •", 4. -The wall .•f aha 1•taM"ns cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to ! hoses .,•4e mew,Iki.ih• wamew, * e" •Is lb. tea ''s -es ordn.ary catarrh ; 2 to R hell" N tatsf bel"eetb .M ••Mar velo.•.1 maranrrrd to eon ehr•nic catarrh. Try ' to Iter ehnda.s, •Ib. +ill eoatained roe peat it Ot.iy Ziac and aura cure. Sold by Y bairmloseall lrsiggi■ta tag . _- "" ,i.•"S'''""releeeali':e, ? ,PePlairs.•.'m ...s amrrlg".e"+l*a-. GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD • 10 OTHER DRILL made ran heyt0vtau:l, mro:a:, d o rale et 50) ,1e-s:r. d depth t the to am. NO R OFILL will eow kirdeof gran trooroturhly, esenlyaud prq.erly cost r- ed at • um. ,rrm dept in :oil kind reds. NO OTHER DRILL own' roses un sow the instant the hur.e9 e.. nmence t0 mere. and Oil's neo nil w •1 ..totemic i•, a(t.•r too -erne w. • • . NO OTHER DRILL equals the IIs. -i.1 w h. n wed ae a , . 1 s.tor aced no "Mole culti- vate-•utprase. it. thus ewrn'tining two ,mot boom' •n one . NOXON'S : NEW STEEL BINDER.. ace it r rrrstes t'aeratiows of the are la mgr new center whist' cute but oar cad. make s sense .end. met es, e0 tOrd itt ter, iia:. GODERICU SEI M EMPORIUM ! A :NI 27 -- AGEICULTUR.AL WAP5E UOOI1IS, FL3UF, FEED, &c. in roturt.ini,( thanks to nitr malicious friends, both in town and rotintr)N, for their linter;ti patronage since our commencement in busi- nesa herr', we world r( .pcctfully announce that our Steed Grain Ikpnrtment will be found complete in even,- detail. We am Import- ers and Gr'.werx of this Department ournt'Ives, everything its nrperi- rnl.ntal!y gmwn, and after a three years test the bast for the Fanner to grow is brought forward. Every(„ie who values a rellahle change of i Y'.I wt1! 110 oil it, (ilii lira ('x11. (It?t: ST(►f'K ()It' ('lA) 'ER AND TIMOTHY Awl a!I kinds (rf Ail irnitnral Grasses will be the 1.e'.t the MLtrket Affortln. i'IELI) AND (AKI)1•:N SEED;;. ( ins 1w'l. (flout ha%( liven math+ with the grenixmt e;r•' and only suet, Seedstiten who bate a reputation to mn:taln have: 1,i -en dealt .wit'.. (Jur 4t•eck iu Ilii • Dcl.artnlent will be found Complete. iN F1,01'R ANi► FEED. A Moll tit.i.k gill La kola- ,y14_4101- 4.-_ r_ -gr}} -the heat Fkur the Minket germ p•ochieu• and gilarhnt.•.e matiafact:•,n every time A(IRICULTUitAI. IMFT.Is1.ME\TR A Full Stork ,.f this line of go.ohe wiil 1M kept on Exhibition, and i e,r title. Flinders, Mowers, Seer.! I)rll!., Rakt•", Hal' ttrks, Culti- vator.. Sulky Pl,rnahn &r'fur Ai. Ihepttrtnent will be represented Ml' V. 11 \' lh. ,•F, of Dungannon. in the T..wt,ethip. of Ashtiehl an\\':twAn'y-le anal Iet Mit. Aet.l a McKIN ;Oft, in the. Tnsrn.hipet f Colborne, Mullett and11mle-ich• R. BL'Itla lR' t, 92 i a»nn.