HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-31, Page 1WORTI'stitto)ND VKAR.t %HOLE N U BUR. Mee f GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, MAY13, 1889. allIfikillAUSIOSTRYinilinlitill‘ THE ORANGE ORDER • - - Annual Meeting of the SdpreMe Grand I d • giantess' life, and that, therefore, it wa the duty of •Il Cinadiams to rests' by every legal mimeo tLe !neat potter they ware rapidly itteleirteir el Geode " The G. M. thee vsotei the terms of C.I. • Greed Secretary and Grand Trees M A adeteum and r Mt:A voy, Grand Directors oti Cerriereties. Major Armstrong presented the repor of the committee t.; strike the eandut • soramit tees as follows : - Ctedeuteal•- -Cep. A L Sinclair. John Nowt. W 11 C.egg, Janie* Shams, David Eweig. Correetiondence -Jesse. John MeAmehay. Ald. Win Bell, Robert Mc- Lao4hIst., C /I Aruticalee. Fitteheat -John White. W J James Carle, Frank L Stewart, Clark Petitions and Appeals- David Bolter- •ille, D McEry, Chas Pelliug, litres Leese Frank Smilers. autpenennis met Expelsious-11 T Wallace. Jame* Mills, Thee Gilrey, Rev Wm Walker, N Tedd. C, elven at ion and taws- Wm Jehnstou, J L 11uI1ies, t% 31 lotzgeraki, Hales, Henry Perkins. SEC.).ND DAV. The ntimher et delegates wits large- ly auemeilte4 by the excite!s un yeeter- day evening:e trains. This morning at a o °leek the brethren met at the Court House. mid beaded by the horn hand, m *retied to the harnor, where serer temente had been made hy the wen authorities f.:r a Lao esoursion ef time members the Grand L glee and their tre.une en the 1:laity Lam steamer Cat/even& After a pleasant sail of about three heuo. tar ezcersienists heeded, having had a most et..p.yah.• trip. and being tem: in prose of the Camps:ea auJ her excellent lead of etheers. The session for to day Rtwind at fern deitiCk, ftivi great iutreat .aa awakened e s et the result if Vie dismission on the Jesuits' E,tatea Act. the rote in the leo minion Leieg the noestion before the meeting. During tae sfterrnom a stormy trine was had in the Grand Lodge on the verities aspects of the subject,sind at ale o'clock, as no site of donne the debate was apparent, an anjournamet was had uutil 10 D. in. Th.) baretnet m the Palace Rink Wei - needs, evening was largely attended hY delegates, citizens and ladies. The rink was garnished with evergreen teetighs. The tables were well impelled and erery- thing was highly creditable to the Lash- attinifrut. Cornea- Master Floody pre- sided. on hie right sere Grand Master %%solace, Meyer Butler and Seastim C meow, and eu hz. 1 -:ft were Hon Macken- zie L iaea aed Greed Master CLirden. of Q.t.-nee. After the toastsujthli ta-seen and the G ,verner Generel had heee hoe- tued, Cie toast nf the Go -and Master ereedo Mr N. C. Wal.ac•, the member ; for W. A Y•ra. t., hos f -et On behalf of the Grand Lodge 1 t 'oafish America he theaked them their reeeet lee and besenet. Tile Jetta lutp.44f:auf ,nerdtig Weer h Id by the 4i.eatid 1....Iste was than twice held in their terra Tne geeeteet • ability was being displayed at th •meet - Mit USA was tree dirpluyed at au y Grand (tee sleeting 1 • had ever al teeded Ile :Gannet the co :4 -,ss a of Codenzh fer th • 1) 'Irma r••,,,,Itatt. RI for diaalhoonce.up- en which the v‘te ••• taken in the Ileum The resegates la Iles•ssii Sarre arse*. Of T." ("Ur." "1"eatild era/aims EArainiss 4.44 Ile* 4 Aampasa tMeigaelve.tit i �),Iell he autetetted Ibe for the Grand Le!ets's c iniederateiti aiad taisq set A not INs416*•14444 Ike J.14 yeeslimis Llryttrie yr Inipeoval. Ile c eitedeteat tire rt.y od- ometer, I ' d cute eta .•. gaii.Z• tem which was monorail ,46 t1.0 1/4..rddItY. welfsre,pesce sod happiness .4 'h. Dim - The Grand Lodge opened Itt 3 o'clock 111100 An itopeal ',tumid be made to on Tuesday afternoon, May 281h, its the e mirt•room in the county building. The •1.11..witig delegates were :Nit:fere i :- Most Worshipful Grand Ledge 1)111 cera J Midland Iter It S Cooper, Inverniey; Jae Keilly,St John. N 13; 'leery Parkins, Guns; Wri An• donn'. Ideuntainvieti; 11.,n blerkeezie Ottawa; N Clarke Wallace, MP., Woodbridge; Jahn Maltase'', Ante- liaithure. 'tight Worshipful Grand Lodge ()ffi core :-J J Armstrong, at John, N B ; A J Van Ingen, Newcastle; Win Lee. Torteen ; Jes Mertes, &Ores Saritie ; 1) Stewart, Carman ; John MuCitaghey, ',armee ; W H Monier, Goderich ; .1 L II ug bee, Top in ; W 11 Fit sgsral d Leittlon; R Itirmlnyham, Toreute; J 'hake, Ottawa; 1) Reinff. Warkworth; NA Nicholson. Hamilton; C it Gordon, lento...the; Stewart Mulrev, %Yeinipee; itt eed Seusiders, Exeter; Itebt andon, Corny Mastery : 11 Wallace. Alths; ! C McAsety, Balsam; Wan ilobuseon. Floody, Clinton; W H rtie; irkton; C ti Artniteee. Petr,les; Stewart, Warwick; Thomas Ililr07. pping; A A %Infirm-, Wardsyille; Jas iyce, Bracebridge; T $snley, Purple rove; A Irwin. Dresden; Chas Pelting. Ilandalt; Mese. Lace, Briton; Senator .41mMit44. Ottawe; John H Wein, Black- I ock; David Beekervithe Evelvn; J runtroug, Guelph: A 11 T..dd. Walker - i; Jae Bromley. Si Cithannes; T react., Weedbrieler; Jas Thorudy ke, illbrook; John Ilkhite. It Relearn; W hoiden, Belleville; L B Collins. Mill- ; 1 J 4sttclair. Canningtoto J ft .rh, tiakefiekl; Jam. Th. inpson, St hr).; W Rell, Tor..nt.,; 13 Mc(llaneh bloutreal; 1) McErny„ Carp; A :te•., Hagersr 'Ile; A Carmichael, ,.liceraiile; Joreesti tiorritt's W C Reti. Enterprise; E Logan. $ Welar.ore, Burford; lirrM W -It:1,tte, Port R -loneen; R.inert Ma. he hie. St Catharines; A II Reerme emeroo; Jelin Graham, Toronto; W talf.p, Tenant.; N 8 McColl, St District Nfasters-J Locate, Lucas; ji creek, Ford itch; It Maberd. F ad vich; Woodbuty, leitsehnre; E Metcalf. -reatte U R Hand ey, Clinton; 0 itypiece, V.ari:ham; A T bevi..teow, toe.; Jas II Frtelrorri., Purple 1111; !caboose, '4"...ocknort; Johe J Neshitt, tIvertor; Tiro Stewsct, Uluevale; Jos thieve, Gerrie; .1o. Melltiegh, D'ingan- ; Robert hiearlet, %teethe.%) .whark -Toronto--; TetatIkr, Mi - nk;%V.i McIntyre Breek•dee dilates arelesil. Kintretott; H Git.bunP, to; D 111 Geranye, Wiarten; %Valiant ! tint, Ottawe; Richard Ailles, Hamil. Proxies-3as Brodie, Vendeleur: Gen ylor, M.P., Gamut, tine; Caleb r stetson, Lsamiugtoti; W McClelland. en Sousa I; E Cochrane. Brittotehet F nebell, Brampton; A McKay. M.P.. seethes; Chas Riley. Camden East; W Ihn huts, Gerrie. besides these there were a teenhar Oi :tors from various pans of the Pete c. THE I.EANI) it aa,1411,. At 4 o'clock an adjoernment war mule recence an address of welcome from a • Mayor and town cono•il. :fhe ad- i me woe orally respond, .1 to by Grand r Wallace, and on the retirement 1* the civic functioneries the seunens ere resumed. In the Grand Mes:er's t dress the Jesuit question was almost e role topic. He said :-"I has been , h important year iu the histcry of our • riot in Canada and net telly in the 1 tenets of Orangemen but also an t irtapt epnch to all Protestants. For ears this most Vt'orshipful Grand " ' o. iipeakine for the 1 orangemen , • tritteh North America, has been a eenti- !I el on the witch tower by day and hy t ieht, warning the people of Canada . room the rerer-increaside encroach. It eat. 4 the Churtih a Reuse. ConeesIm - .tti letter emccesioe from every itoir- rninent has failed to satisfy their erer- 'wresting demand, until at last the hero haa been reached and we are face w 14. 'face with the incorporation and sn• • ment-tris that most deuterons enemy , sa ofeftil and 'religions liberty. the Jesuit , Order, by the Legislature of the Pm -1 elate of Quebec arid the formal reong- • n inon of them in the ((Teat ProtestantPr.'o-inc. Prerince of Ontario hy the Government in the tiring 1,f a valaable property, ostensibly for Church purpose', but is reality to enable them to plant their samsions on the shorts one of our great lakes. At the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, bold in Winnipeg in baguet last, I ea/led attention to tbe ineorporation of the Rociety of Jesse by the Provincial Legislatureue of Qbee, to the fairs recent endowment of that body with a Jerre sumnd of mosey a to the denims that threatenei this country in °nosey:woes el these seta. TheGreed Lodge renottod clwwl tib• eabjeet,1 esabodyi...g the views of the 4 lrangestse of Canada sad impressing their hostility to the issaite as enemies of freedom, es destrootive of social end the highest C out in the Empire, :he Judicial cheninit tee tif the Privy Council, menu's! the tomato lutltheality its•th the Acts 41 itic.•rporatien e-ii.iwirirta Ile urged thatGr the eiel L idea ,u1,1 use every elf rt t..1:r:sig flue it lir pch decboon.aed that it deine• 61,000 for that toopose front the fends G 411 the rand id,, .4 that ..h mein ber .,i the 4 4r.l.q. or *eked to am some Secoaoliy. they should appeal 1..the Limey:al Pertooneet. 1:afar...men hare before today laid their crievences at rbe loot of the Threne. If the Je.at. or the Cher:11.d *loch they tonna p.rt. have env epeeist privoece• Called. that are dented to other ref:Loma b dies they have t•ceived these from the Par Itisis-si 'f 41.4 - r.t Vre hat o re (wired our Acts of l'outeleration from the same saiiUrnai Let Ue as Ceatadose• amid our petitiens to the Imperial Per lientunt,ILT4•Ugh 1 he Governor taeaseral of Canada, sekitiz them todeclare by Act Parteimmit the Acts ef the l,Nebire Lertil attire inc•itp..ratin.; the dewing and Jesuit Estate. Hill illeu,s1 We have rushy warm friends in both nradschea of the Britiiik Lectialature. who eel eccord us hearty at...stance. The tined 3Iaster, in conclusion, declared it a hlic:1;attn2 fact that, while the °ranee Seciety, ti,ore et.eat;tott .u, 11110.1 sevorts of street- luIr were open f •T public perusal, acid which Society had ever been leysheheald have 1.een. reftem.1 lecorperalion. while %itch • hely as the Jesuit Society *Laud have received it •,J an endoeteent. Ha recommended that applicistien ;holed be made for incerporstiisn led every taint 'tumid be put forth for its attainment. The agereesemiess of the hierarchy iu other dire:nom' required to. be checked. En truces of luta were pointed to in the fact that a hauiitated thin!e .d beets platted in the putilic schmils .4 hitarin, Yreueh was t•aeoht as the 'viruses ed sumo of the sch.e.is aoi Inc )sy,labue vas and u a tett two k. • irTUElt The report .4 Thomas kehes, Grand Secretary, retuned to the so -oath .4 the eat! years •4 tIlitetiSs, ubta It Low numbers thou- sands eta tusaude, and hta .1-read deur the airlio.e Dououieu *4the lased cif Newfoundiatei ma the Bermudas The cerrerpOnnence an!, suplinee from the Grand Secretar bad Menai- sd Seel CW311Villta urn g the year, Tim rep reie the distribution ot waersies and that endeavor to .w.f. aaaoh watuarata is Roark - Nig. or, if tot,* ektog, an erf. rt to Mace the saute. Tats teat wai the result preeented in a supplemcutary report A tt tion rag (Idled ti. the pro- psed legislate a by W W Bo, Fliager- ▪ th ensile new ledte ges to be rmed e itheit asking otlar lodges to do go, et oat hoped iltat this matter would recei.e aitetti•oa. Dea'.11.eg with n Inae., toe report a .ya -The ordta- ary business f my cf., ::oite not tat: tor special mention. The ceeh receipts Smelted those of last year by $10 8t3, white the expense* of the office exceed those .1 last year by $21. 50 dos beitte an increase in the peetzee arceunt for the year. The stock ou heed a., Grand Secretary's office is $7S3 ttl gullet lit72.) 5.7,1 last year. or an increase O this branch ot our assets of e19r The preer ttiacecutit and effiee xeiseded the estimates for the year ,.f75 10, but in this was the account o he Neor;ia.t, f,r returns fir no ateounii1.4, I think, $47, which should ite been presenteil awe paid the pre - iota ytar. The estimetee for the coni- ng year are placed at lt't00, Win than he estimates of last year by f :Ad The u isse of ties warrants show, sn i f nine over Isst year, and it.. it Scarlet charters au iscrease oi Gores orae ast year. Mince OU7 last anima session he Jesuit Eludes Act, paned by tbe uehee Legilator., has been allowed by he Dominion Gevernment. 1 wid net ke up your time in going int.. the mat- ter in dated. as you are all aware of the eommoticn that the allowance of the Act es canoed, and your Grand hlaster, whe as ons ef Rot noble thirteen that voted nd spoke ter the disallewanee of the me, will nes! with the matter in hie address to tem to much better advisee'. han 1 could dis. I would elan ran par ttention to the saloect of the French atigusee in the schools of Protestant bitario, which was brouht rap on motion of Mr Creel, M.PP., in the Ontario Legislature... The treasurer's repeet showed the total reoeipts daring the past year to b. $11,812 04, which with the balance at the beginetaR of the year amounted ti $3,&d 61 of disposable funds_ The si- c:I:zees were $2,346 7. harlot on bend of $1,304A1. Th ttaaeurtir had itlitihtag r51 ES for thif Ballykilbeg redesepties toad. OM, IRA aeli 01111ITTZTA. The seism officers of the ()rand Lodge ore :-N Clarke Wallace, Grand Master; T J Armitaes. Ninety Grand Master; lion blaskasva Rowell end Vi J Park hill, Past Grand Mainers; Themes keys*, 1 nebsn oS pa so n w o yet with ' the majerity should be cendeustied tr 1 not. lite hest clause of the refuel was t lagdatory of the acti in of the Thirteeil and was a• r ived f hy itt. entire gethering. The eeound clause was eitedesinatory et the Pretestant teem. bees. "eseeetally these who are throng,- men,- ei the Dentinitio Perlteinetit who rota., with the maji.rtty en the iieeettoo when it was before the House The en Itt huixa was in favor of consume tit Pr eciatant Members, but the speito megaton of the • °reties numbers caul e.1 a dig n. Ili the effort...tin John I White, of mutinies, mei Stewart hiutvey I of %Intelea. !tad thrown bombe lett', th ; camp itf the 4 Prange Partieeteeternies mad their hiend.,ani when the lee ;ea met Got night the exetterceut was at fever heat ; Striae addressee in f .'or cebausing the Orarge politicians were made by Maier Arnsetrong, Si JAit's. N IL, C It Seerbredt. J L Hughes, Rev W H Vdect. Ald. Metliiien and Win B' ell of Tort.oto. and the defenee was I trees) ea by Geo Taylor. 31 P. for I, ILeeds, (*.scheme*, M. P. for Etat North- umherland. lien Mackenzie 13.iweil, A M , Ilauniton, Itobt Biresinie beteaad i.e. Mr Haih..IL The vete was in fes or of censuring the 1 niembera patliansent. but in the report (ureisbed to the repartees the phrase careens:1y those wb . ate Oratteetnen weielitniteded. me result 1 : Car tote was urvatee. with rousing cheers, and the., envie of the ' National 4nthem " --------- Grand Sovereign Nowell, esd W.P. Cochrane, Mackey mid Taylor. 'rho italicised word* in parenthesis were in that original motion which was carried, I • rim. • er , (or fear of int artistes effects upon the •••ehing t reth from a Ist:41tIcal THIRD DAY. Th• election of °Seers conducted by 11. Macisetolie Ilowell resulted as 101 I. es : Graod Ilaater, N. Clerk. 1.1'41- 1 • ▪ lette' re • gene I : Deputy Grand Metter, E. F. Clarke, T,,r,,Fito, ,reelectei, ; Grand Chaelein, Rev J. H•hissell. .Atueltashurte, re-elected) ; tirstid Seeretery, They. Keyes, Bt. • 1 Isere to the boas* ol *tory tralosabaso in town. Chancellor Holt stronely supported the melon. Peeve Proudhea moved tataniondment 1, steam out that pert • 1 the inetieti nutlet:1r to the grant of $i0. The amendment was Mu by 8 to 4 the Reeves sid Ceuvicillere Ceiberne aka Dunlop velum for it. ilhe muttou was then carried. 1h,, nastier of using the gravel dredged from the liaise! t ..t th• harbor for lis tl.e bolo rtt• the pompuom. station was refereed to the Harbor Committee, with ter to put a ample 5.1 corporation laborers on to take the refuse from the dredge for that purpose. Councillors Holt and Nichelem moved that the Waterwerke Cieursaittee have power to turn on the wider into the mains at one.% mid t too the rates date from June hors. Carried. During the •tes votes .4 thanks were teedered to the mayor and corporative of Goderieh for the leisintelity acooteled by the town t., the livered Lodes i mid to the local Orators committee fur the perfect arraneements made for the aec euieudation of the visit ung brethren, aura the carrying on of the mak. The Grand Lodge session closed at 3p.., Thurs.lay TUN trete T • e • Met. w :. V,,, ter •for farthei Iirtleth Aruerieo. Nide*. W:ashipful S4 and brethren - The special committee to e hetn the tamed Mono's A4-tresa and thee d relating to the sii%tict el Jesuit seereir stein were tete:tad 6164 it. recom- mend as follows : - '1 That thte thanks of this Most %Voichipful Grard 1..'e be tendered to M. Vi. bro. N. Coate., %Vs:lace, for the shie anti c •ureeeeus mower in which Ise dealt iu his iedreas wen the great yew • tious now affecting cool and relqpese i liberty in our 2 That fs• tee, rd our hearty approv- al of the coarse pursued by our Moo tv,,rob pis: 1;:auct Molter and those who uteted wi.. bios itt suoportino that re- soh:nous 44 Col 0.13ricn, H. 1'. , in the ' Ileum of Catunione. rellatine to the dia- . alloaaoce of the -lesaim' Edith, Act, at:3 our strong disapprorsi .1 the actt; n ' of the Preeetant oseaeters of Paths- ' mete : ore oidae .5 tiro.' le - In • P.I • be voted agaisist those resela- ' te Cr. Therevery rosetil.4e elf ,rt be mad• to teat the cAl.ltvitu.as114 of the arca of the geebec Legielettire incerperstiag and endowing the Jesuit Society before the judicial coiam:t4ee of the Privy Conectl, and Oat: the silos el allele be elect 1 at the iiMposal et tt.e Execute,, of this Grand Ledge, to be 'poet tit ec- enretosee • :th their hest judgmeut, itt co-ogeramoo with .ciy ...User orgasm:Mean, tharthwt-pritharylotteee: arel- hcialtrithiat ihmegemen throuhhout this 1.1.tunston be streissly tweed to sutracsitte to Gm heel for this ,lerpose. :4) That pa appettl be road's by pita - dais through 110f Majesty's represeeita- tire in Culled& to the lot:artal 'sent eattet dsciarstry lts poet/aim- ing Co Jesuit el..ciety te be an iliwital S .2mty thronoltout the Lea:1.h Empire .tt1 11.. 1:41:kin'ee. i Tia.t a, trarizentee and I tants generahy he ierimely rec ed to take immediate i11, as citizme in appototing and reedthe delegess itt the convent', 11 called by the cellos.' committee of fortuity for tit., the atui Ithh of June. fie That the persistent an 1 tletermin- ed efforts of the Roman Catheitc leer- areith to destroy the eatienel system of oulafie education threoehout the Doane - tossed Mao. all ediscationel meters un- der the canard t.1 the Church of 11 -nie. ahon'ol tee eigorourilv resoled : and thet eepeciatly tu t swarm attuned:rite I,•Pp! sheirla be talien to etre the 111,1,1.0 tta pt per else* its the 1o:b..1: arlirruill, 1, provant the le.;41 rce..waticu of any bat the I. ie!mh Unease. in the tett boehe t e pvba, and separate echieds, to, prsret.t the distribute.; a puble• funds inmost whose teechtee and test iteoks aje n..t under the direction an e rs.l itt t rot ernment, to se - core enviable rosessinent laws for action! . purpeses. at.d to ter:ore 11,411 11111*: Statiate b ks all laws giving epeeist -I favors to any p trtionler religious den ern- e •11., auti -hood thin atm- titrit dem tlteJ wketn. , roma% the vein.. . The neat toast was the "Greed Led/1e; of British Ainsrica,- c p2,J stets the I camel of Hon Mn-kei to, B,w.k amid Peet Grand Muter Parkhill. YE 3u' LLL rectliel the diftizatIties under wWeit Orangemen heal horn ehlicael t,• 'teal to thair Meetings it. the daps .4 the fathers of ilove present. N twe be was pleaset ic kit..*, List n'. matter how tit„la the velum a moo might oecapy iu soy sploa• of life. he was n .t relented to setieraledee hinatel • ereetsare rf the Insinge Order. In the early diys it wen scarcely safe to enueciate the etc** they were tie the raiment ciecasion beartne. New,the Grind L -dye of the Order wet et.f..rre their opinions. Hat th,re w ere time, when men'. mouths were 1 no.‘nrJ and boasts .4 Prot.oasetiste and , tsran„esni were made e herr ti would ke is the best intere,t. of the *egety and j the indiedluel if he hoe hit went!. Ant. l If ties &ivies was foil -wet. it weeli be better for them all. Ile complimented the c tizens lot tLe :44;,..aramett I f their town, and hp -'i tit it the Gertrittuesolt.• l�tt spend irp.fe ra ney tio• t.• irns haroor. lie spr.iiiiot itt the tnerm's salt intertste the: neeln be' well if more duty were pleeerl en that 1, ennenottity to silJw h ene uelueery to compete with outeiders. P. D. G. Perkhill made a brief Speech Of thanks, and the team of liodertch was honored in a s2tendtd addrese. The Mayor responded. welootning the Ilrat.d 1. Age. and with ancesside pride na :ng the present advanteges and wore herpes of the teem 1 comma' Grand Lehr,. WW1 coepl• ind with the neeses of Mestere .1 1. ilazhes. W W F.ttiere'd. T 11 Collies, R Gordon J J Arinstroog esti Stewart Mulvey. All them arthe broil' in me kno wledgmen t Megan Cochrane, M. P., John White ant kld .1oh, Me - Milian. The oasts ef The Press. The Ladies and the et -entente* of Entertain - G lint concluded the listand the dele- gates returned as bafflest ton o'clock to the Coin [Lase 1,, resume the big 4.- TOItiRRATE R160 nil Berea Grand Orange Lod e miniver at 10 pit Weggeedei sight, and continued in seseem mW S *heath Thursday toornitig. The debate es the Jesuit .1110/Itifill was continued, mid the Greed Lodge was &Ott into hew the camps on the matter. The rennet of the epeeist committee was the fighting ground .4 the ennteasets, aed the hone of content eel was whether the Ortega Colierines, (re-elected) ; 01411ftd ?r41411 uript, Win Anderson, (reelected,a Grand LeCtiartal. Jaillatsa Kelly, ht John. N B ; Grcod 1):rector 4 CeretiOnaiee, E Foody. Choose ; Deputy Greed Chap tains-)t,, Kemal C ..per, El D., Inter.nay : it•v Jas It D.tI, M.. en; Ret ‘Iker, 1'. rt Robinson ; Mr Minuet, Arthur. Rev E. W. Sinbeld, L pit.twn v W H. Tetoo to : Rey I: Mamerd, Rlackatock ; Re, F A Rooney, Barden Hill ; 11'. %Ant 11 eattyrint, Fele ; Rev W 1' Lleweilyti„ loskevi ht. N. it ; Fiootti, M A. M iitro.l Iter Davol Carecaddin. Forest ; 11., v 1 el rims. Cheeter Rev 'PI,. AftrUe. Mai,itou; HIV fl Unties, Rime ; Rev Rumel Irma. flt;thienil Wailed Her Wan Denach. Screen -iv : Itorr Case E Pero. Acmes ; DantovalltV Rao is 11 ,Leach, Eldorado. THE SIGNAL -STAR. Deputy Grand S vegetate, A J Expert Testimony that Puh111 lege". Newcastle. Deputy Glued Amateur Critics "in Tteesurer, Frael D. Stewart, Carlucci- tho Soup." Deputv Gr. ,i Lecturerso-Ontatio West, Ca pt W I mu re u rf..r 41. 4 1u - East, ItleCaughe•, Coheuist New Bruelewiet, Win It itiewetigh Bey. N B. Quebec, tI Me Leughltn. Montreal. Masoitobs. J Mot- ruw. rth West Territories, Nibiuck, Abort*, Jos 11 Mill, C.Igary. Nova Scotia, Jelin C. Glass, tehubeies mules : British Cituu.itig W,0 .lehtistm, New %Vestrihater. Auditers. T (' Mc- Avoy, thileatu and W 14 Stewart Ti.. nest place of means.... will be Si John, N it. A rate .4 WA, front 4 'In- tari.. there and return has been &reams - ed 4,n the taw short line of this C. P. R. THE TOWN COUNCIL Tbe latenstes et Last Serrial Meeting A special meeting of the C buried was hehl Tbursti,y evening, the th•rd not, all members present escel.t Pridhaes and NI krtott. • 4- e ca t e 1 3 2 abetting speolially for two ebtezts : ist,Tudecide what should 40 docie with Ike 'tVuoghttou stet tinder tch railway char- ter Toe commutes to whom Mr Meyete !application hail been referred, had tele- eraphed Mr Can Herm: asking if the ' charter was of *by we to his co npany, 'and received a t.p!y to the effect that if -she applieents ceuid make *sty use of it , be would stritiely ad vise that it be hand -j 0146C to the.m. FUrt-Ur Ina litivICO was theft tak.e by the omitaiittee aa to *hat were the towit's genera in the mat- ' :er. an this was to ti:e effect that none but tee pros/tonal directers ceuld band over the charter or take toy action with . it, and it was really a question as to ' whether the oenpany elided, inasmuch as Bed a single thing had ever lean done .uhtier the „equities since it had been cratetetl. Mr Meyer had wooled that as lie had net mewed the chatter by the time Stipulated, the '20-h nist., 1. would drip the menet altogether new. The Mayor suagested • ceratin course elliatlf • was Still 1,1,1020 to preserve the ch titer a - lir., hy a formal cons; hence a nth the 1 pre:ant:oil reeeiretuente t4 the statute. but as thts omit' only be done throogh the t,riootional directors he would re- commend that the Council talia action to co-operate with theta au having iliasts re- iteireineuts met. recommended dot itt censider- stem of the character 4.1 rho gathering which was to take place in lloderich n•at weer., when would h. present hem every part of the Dominion, the Council ought to tate action it formally weberning the visitors 1. oiir town, by presennog them with an appropriation of say $5.0 towards towing thorn WI *l- emmata', en the lelte,att 4.ne .41 the N.W T. Co's boats would be here WA Wedueeday unorning. 1 emcillor Nicholson itt 'vel, seteinded by e eancillor Holt, that the nity- r and ore reeves be a committee to urge upon the provisional directors to take all poi - sib stepe to carry out the nailer mug - treaties*, usa to keep alive the railway charter. Carried. Councillor Holt morel that the msynr, Reeve Preudfoet and Cutmeillors Nichol- as§ aed Thoinpeon and the layover be osimasities Ls co-operate with the local roasption committee in attending wet - 1150e to the Orange visitors, hy present.. inn theta with an saldress, and ea - radius! the sum of in Riving Mete If excereum on the lake. This Walt seconded by Councillor Smith. Reeve Proadfoot opposed the meant glom no tha same geounds se he had formerly opposed a similar penmen tuft �. would subearthe his share 41 the b mount, hat be would vete aesinet *Ey public annoy helm{ applied fur the pl.= pea minted. Councillor Colborne expressed similes, Instimente, bin his Worship potato* est that lila awe was not parallel wills the application of last year -this wee t grant not to the visitors, bet tn enable the tows to erected a proper welsouse. The memo* of Su many visitors would Ira Marta the Weary 1 Moe %.h,. at et; Me Sill The rare% shaos_eseiib. teesery Cour. 51e54 the TR erat. a:"1nrtLLlf“irr The S;rf/..:t.ir:(iercrlpt%e of Mae - tested tieda.rich, *hews the prin....opal pails .4 the t.:mrt, hy separate cuts. besutiftilly go d up and is • credit it authors.-- Coe. Alerted' Advocate. • 1 KEPITARLE WoRR. The Gielereti teen ensued has issued an illurtrated bo..k •tf some 28 paheh• tri•- tite a drec•iptien ef their town- as ad- vantages fir bwittiews, and describing the .natty itelostries there located It is a very cre.l.table werk, and must le the means 44/ Isenoting G. d.rich Mt.) promise enc.. --Strut ford Time.. THIS Wit. The ?owe- .4 thetericte out , has in- . rested P10) in lees1 newstoper ti.', -k, and pays that WIWI ti the bottle :Ape!' to Witte up the t.. ern. The 'meal practioe i. t.. pay distant city petters to 110 such work, sea Love the h..nie editors to forage 1 ir thediselves. Seers one to fitelerigh eetatimm auts.41.-Lteter Advt.- c.ate. CPO* ; --The GoIetn.h 17'itairale4 Sig_ ! s.4-Sfar, honed under the auspices of the theistic\ 13- and 1 Trade, is we!! gto ip and alt wt the -bean-ties of the town to goof a.icauteve. There are few prettier summer epot• In ransom, and the wide cireelat ien 1 this eseelletst parser do much to make the towit's leteuttful loos- tien and tidos, attractieue better known in the Dinunion. Looking through its interesting leinteuts we came across this pithy and entirety trothful characteries- nen of Tea HiTuN • the paper is an itidepeudent Rehires puma!, is female's and ontepokee, and ta e abeerrient t.. no mirty or chicle." The man who 'uprose& that Tim Seisteh other than Dais Mclki3ticsil,Iy. ergas makes • inistel:e. and Dan is a power, ',UAW With t en of tontine, mid ore of the very bee. tighter. emetic the r:mny ab:ii champions of Letter:Lien in 1Vestors 011t4141.,„ A %, 445 (YD 1.1t./1"Ert 711110, The Goderie't limed of Trade and Tuwu C nitwit Ala 41 wife SO :114,1Ate Shift, when they gliv4 a larnol g. -ant to the Vern tie wspapers of that place to enable them te write na bit attrect;ve t.nalt twenty-' 1 muds is a hoolovene illustrated petaph- h.are, eteao„e N; 1141. - 044, in • smuttier erceecItetelv credaahle to the Otelerte.. wipers. The hiatoey the town, interesting hots et•eardtmg 'the salt and miter industries. its **hada. thurc'eo, leading buctnais men, with, lavish iitu doe ionsoion Vastly given. The pamphlet will be ait eteelletett ine•ns advertising the heautifui t orn of 0 -J- encks. -- St ret I .rd II orald. ••otirda1'ill11.1.reft Ante. Through the help of the fltderieb C.•uncil and 11 lard of Trade the two isswapapers there, Ti a Staiti end the Ai ft-, have levied • 28 pace illeatrated edition of all that would interest the bounces non or tear.* regarding Gods - ✓ ick. To the week are ear-ifully drawn wimps of the 'nee and harlsor and one showing the iremneetiens hy rail and water. Illootraticos of the *ebbe build- ing., chnrchee, erincipal private reit- &acne, etc, art plentiful, and the hitter press and deschtption•oive token of hi.. ing been written by thoee who hare a love for the town rather than these who do the wink for money. The whets get- e p of the work is seetainly very neat and pleasing, and ihtilf*editahl* to the ma- terprism. test* sad business ability of Meese McGillimeldy and Mitchell. As Guelph, we hope, will ere long be ors- neeted directly by rail with Ooderich, it would pay any enterprising cheese to M- eese fifteen cents in pressgang/ • eopy of Shrel, Utiotpli Norway. 11,lieving this to be a fitting time to urge the inoorp wati^n of the trance Order, year committee recommends that the Executive of this Grand L Age he instructed to tette the pr• per steps to ha, e an Act nf 'newt...sestina subeieted to the Paritainete of Canada at its nest 111M0b41- till Tour committeeafter giving very 4111baul emsiderationi to the petition from the County -.sive of cannot recommend thht the prays the petition be granted. W. W. FITIGIRSILf. Chairmem JAWS. L. Huhsce, socrosasy. W. Ni, snueolt. A. J. Aleeransr... G. IN. G. n. L Stewart- Mitts RT, (CIL , Nett T. B. Cou.ron, 0.31, i),$, JAWS HALUViLL k ti (ionran, B.D. The above is the report of the saw (dal committee appointed to give • do. liverenew no the Jessie question. 1111111 Vas p flatUsOttd eondeVats*Ii111 ti si