HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 13THE EUliON SIGNAL, XLUDAY, MAY 24, 1819- --KID GLOVES -- Having placed a large import order for Hid Gloves for the coming fall trade, we have decided to clear out our present stock, and are offering 4 Button Colored Gloves, 4 Button Black Gloves, worth 50c for 35c worth 50c for 35 have )eat passed Ihruts,th fisc Custom Huse. Direst truer the Mseefsetorers. the But Assorted thissek of DRESS GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO QODICRICH, CONSISTING OF SILK WARP HENRIETTAS, NEWEST NIDAL , All Wool Henrietta Cloths, Cashmeres and other dress Goods AT PRICES AT LEis8T 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR THE SAME CLASS OF (100:)S. :e: -- Ready made lien's Salta of hest Material, Fasts,.•nably Made at Fabulously 4 Button Colored Gloves, worth 75c for 60c1 a Low Prices. 30 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25. E toButton Black and Colored Gloves, worth :1,00 for 80c Jno. Acheson. 240D - Who Can Blame You ? If you buy your Dry Goods where you can get them the Cheapest, taking into consideration quality and style. We can show a large variety of Goods in every line ; in fact, our Stock is complete throughout. Ladies, if you require New, Fashionable Dress Goods, call and see our Stock, for we feel confident the prices and style will suit you. Gentlemen, before buying your Spring Suit or Spring Furnishings, drop in and see us. Our Stock is new throughout, and we are showing some of the latest nov- elties in the market. New Goods, New Styles, and Low hitiffices. Drop in and see us. ACHESON & CO'S. 2301.30 late Ache ns & Cox ) 1 he style of pulpit oratory hu chane- • ed very touch daring the last twenty tiro years The conweesatweal tone, simple, direct, often homely, anmetimva even 1 r,lloquial. is the vogue now. The old style of preachin,,with its elaboration of detail, with its formal exordium, its numert.u. heads, and its rhetorical per- oration, would not hold the peopte now- adays What is looked for and appreci- ated in the potpit is • crisp and epigram- matic style, with an element of newel- ine.e end freshness about it. Such • style at its best demands quite as mock ability and culture as the old style. Indeed, it really demands mon. for it presupposes the power to coodeoss a great deal of thought into a few words. which is ooly invisible to a high order of ietellect. tl oreseaue rates i:equire no description, since, with ran exception, all at some time have ezDer- enced their twinges. Rheumatism is not easily dulodtad, oily the most powerfully penetrating remedies reach to its very foundatiovv. The most sue- e.ssful trestmeot anown, and it is now frequently resorted to by medical men, I+ the application of that now 'anions remedy 1,r pain--FuMnns Nerviline. It is safe to saw that nothing yet dis- .,vered hoe afforded equal satisfaction t•• the suffering A trial can be trade at smelt art, as sample bottles of Nervi - n. can he had at the drug stores for l0 Dents, large bottles 25 centa- Fred McCracken, 'trowels, who hes `nen sojourning in the neighborhood of 'eterboro for several months, is home (Rein. A H. N. Jenkins, late publisher et the B..d.,ef, is going back to his old occ- upation of school teaching, so he says, and he is now trying to obtain a situa- tion. Winghsa's tufa) assessment this year is as f.,llowr; real estate, $439,626; per- snual property. $64,685; income, $13,- 400; total, $517.712. Lot year's revised eas.ast,ent was $500,855. A strange woman, under the influence of liquor, went around Clinton one evening last weak with a jug, wain; for w.oney with which to purchase whiskey. Of course she was refused. It is said that she spent the night on the streets, sad took the first train east in the morn- ing. The best place f..r her was the Count, jail. Rev Mr Kastle, flenrniller, who has been poor of the Methodist churches ins that eireeit for nearly three years, will les eu June for some new field of labor. ki•• ' , beg,' a faithful, hard- workln% r"- :e1, • • the ciremt in an advanced . • . condition and will carry away the good -will of all. Mr D. M. Malh.cii,inspeetor, Clinton, who is this week l.•okiog after the Turnberry schools. says that he has lately been throuvh the t..wnahips of Toekersmith, Mullett, McKillop and East W awan„sb, and in all his journey bas not seen a bed field c grainthe considers that the crop prospects his wagon and he has had a splendid chance of knewinr)are infinitely ahead of what they were at the setae time lest year. EXPER1ENC, CAPITAL 4M0 Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the Imes, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My ncreasing business is an evidence that my efforts to lease the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- wlly found in a first class house, the general public may ely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will ell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieux t former prices. .111, Specialties for Ilio Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, ine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in mallwares, from Needles up. AH tads marked in plain figures and strictly one rice. 2064 ALEX MU NRO Draper and haberdasher. tV: WINDOW SHADES JUST ARRIVED. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS 1 CALL AND SEE THEM LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN. A_ B_ COR1•TEa_,I1, = &MILTON-aT. N HARDWARE D E P T a Your choice of one. out of a hundred or inure Handsome Volumes, by the Beat Authors. given with evory 3 I.,.(. JOIN ROBERTSON ) to senouucr that be is sew detest fur The Liquor -Tea Company's Colebrated leas. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH AND BUILDING MATEi:IAL, A Give it a trial, and ire a Valuable Library without fueling FULL STOCK. acquthe e:tpeuso. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG. It FEW GALLONS CF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT. April 19, 1889. C. CF; -AA squAKE. A POEM. •r a Sete ssirrtwa \atwre. For boots of kid or cordovan, W any price or size. 1 es tl dnd fist Downing is the man That you should pn; vain. In kid or calf for tuni.ner wear. Or for the coming sprang. His Immense stoi k's sit ead y herr. Wive dust the u,rrect thing. In lady's wear he does ezcell, For At and nratnots too : The graceful instep he knows well, To give to any oboe. In prices bels not rs.fcrrd,l By any in the business For all agree. both young and oh!, That hr's the soy! of cheapness. In fort. you should just understand. tlf hoots ,ou should be wanting' That iia w.•Ig i,ow!Ivu is the loan That rules lour ue,frrafus,lewy. His country friends. down the side -line. (1r 'way up the conuraillWn. Vtlll find ham there at any time. Bury to his prufeseion. At custom work. where taste and skill Are ah w much now treasured.' Just try him ortw- you never will By none else c'er be measured. So don't forget the corner store, The toremflag In the town ; The lees Ile light is o'er the door, And plate -glass all around. Spring Arrivals ! —AT— CROMPTON, APPELBE & COS., BRAN'S OR.D- WVe have pleasure in apprising the readers of this Journal that the greater part of our Spring Imports have arrived, and are opened up. These Goods are the personal selection of our Mr.Appelbe. 'luring two month's visit to the Enropean Markets. At no time has our as- sortment been more Elegant, Chaste and Varied. The Prices. Quality considered, are lower than those usually charged. We have the advantage of direct purchases front the inanu- facturers, saving local Wholesale Merchant's profits. p Special attention givan to Mail Orders, which will he fillet] by Competent Persons, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samples by Mail on Application. Orders Solicite.l. Crompton, Apvelbe & Co. (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,) BRANTFORD. Goderich Foundry old Xaolibto Warks, RII N CI M AN BROIL. - Proprietors. s *iy,1 t 7 , i•c 'o s r 111 Er Ct PIE far V 1'(•tws•1s1 f1► a « i '1 rMciovtd •Lav:OnuCAiliviTORsa.ee.ps''tlstt 'EA.•I S "rftprT 1iwF'turttew ..P WI RAVE ON WAND FOR SALE: JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYftI S' OLD STAND, C01. SQUARE ANO MONTREAL STS. SOME -r1/ Tin ASu T WHY GOOD' THE DR.DGC ST CL.#' TTS YOUR PA i RONAO-i_ From the Cltihl to the Jttdgc all are treated alike honorably. He gives personal attention to Prescriptions at any hour and guarantee, thoroughly scientific and reliable work. He uses only purest materials—Any doubtful drug it, carefully tasted before being sent out. His conveniences and apparatus for dispensing are the best The poisons on his dispensing; case are kept in a closet under Lock and Key, snaking accidental substitution impossible. His charges are as low as consistent with t'twt work and finest material. Physicians and people are already b:gini.ir,g to ap.'rt'ciate these advantages for which thanks. GIVE US A TRIAL. Pure Hellebore, Pure Paris Green, Insect Powders,.Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds. WALTER C. GOODE, 97- DRU(tbb18T, ALBION BLOCH 1889 1889 THE PHARMACY. ESTABLISHED 1854. Having removed to my new store in .-1 cheson's Block, -fitted up specially for my use, I desire to thank my Customers for the liberal patronage extended to my predecessor and myself in the past, and /rust to have a continuance of the same. .41 the same time to permit me to interim you that i will keep a full litre of Standard Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Goods, aad everything found in a firs! -class drug store. Having had an e.t ferienec o% f'venly years, I ,✓ill ,gi:'e personal attention to the prepctralios: of Arescrifition:s, using only the lure's! drugs. 7 i•lephone rapt/tee/ion we fall al any hour at store oY residence on Last-st. GEO. 'MYNAS. FURNITURE! If you want to ace the unmet stock of ramie's. in tows. era to Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00. _ ar. . HORSE POWERS GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW A f i OUTTER8, PLOW POINTST&C. r If ran eget to see the Ch«p.w WtNDOW BKAD108 aad lke-UewSM ata i ss aa/W 3- a/ a =p5.3 I I a(ylea. rsMaed ase thoar lavrly tl•tlAiwt aha,,.*. P I t :`T V R=S rice. tor I NO emit! y .:nne• 3 01313 I N CA doer t t.oaply. FLOUR •ILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. 1 l do set keep iheIT > SAI o RR . e s a In .t wtl('e,;t.ant of Havin made ar mt nt I with the JOHN DOTY ' mao,. hot kat r gg range , mo • u et t b s11 'd ENGINE A BOI L ER WORKS CO. TORONTO, U N D B R T lA K Z N C . Ws are Prepared to Quo Prices lathe •,eotensking I have evrrylhiag rrnnlred In a llrw•elaae est,btt,Nacei, 1 arrs •'be Parties in want o the same. nldew std must espevteaeee trueral I$reeter iss tie t'otrar. i ItAMOK'S 1100KRAT` POET' AIRS :SND 0A9 -Tx IQCie OW A.LL ZI:QIDS ond&eti. April tlo. its'!' mina's •