HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 12WOW 0(14 that WI• to Is 1 1 THE BMW( SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NAY 24, 1889 tie /non tignai to rvst.rswaa IYRRY FRIDAY MORNINO, AT rsa OMAN P*luTluu iar-rtca : WORTS -STREET. OODK UCH. la is • wldsawake local uowsesper. devoted • sweaty mem and the dbsetn1aat loo of me- tel seto knowledge. RAT11rN sttltwrsar tag s �1 M a year ; e. for els most►til • : e. for Oras tae. mootbe. if the wb«npt►oa is not Wd advnaoe. esbeeripltoo wlf1 he eaari'ea.•t Ibe rate a fiftJM a year. Cusesll, ebbe i ase elms aspired to be the tartly WPC. bas appareutly beau seised of a ded/se. We are inform- ed that the uumbersl dw.ikug■ vacant is mope/modestly large, and bwtuese is as • low ebb. N raw would be the Watt fur the New Ere to trade off to Gudsneb 6fty or one hundred of its vacant dwell - ins.' in eacb•ege t of r Q.urt House. God.rtoh Deeds t �*tatrs dwellings badly. A,VIIETI*IMs: RATO a I 1 sad other mamaadadvertisements.lac. =each mamafor first iasertiuo, Lod 3 ceatt. per lime Le each subsegmsiet iasertlon. Moas.tred by • nonpareil aoaalNs. Local atlas la eoeparlel type 5c per aloe. Local mottoes la ordinary reading type lc pe Meet. Realness cards Made lines and under $3 per Adrertseeneata of Loot, Found, Strayed /slaatiaas Vaat, eLtuatloo Wanted and saatoem Chances Wanted nut ezceedr rg a Hass noaparid 11 tier -ratan., Houses oo Sale aid Farms on Sale. mot to emceed s lines, 31 for end month. Mr per sus aequeot month, Larger ads or In {important. Any special notice, the object of which 1s to promote ibe pecuniary benefit of any iodi- vidual or roolrn!!, to lo• tuuddered an ad verUsatneet cad charred accordingly. These terms will in AU mem be strictly •l- bered t4. - Special rates for larger advertisements. or advertisements for extended period'. :ode mown at lbs Mice of pubr:cation. 1011111111 OEf AlITA1taT. A fully equipped Jobbing cM ee is carried en In commotion with the ordinary newepoper bateees. where first-class work is turnod out at rewmmbie rates. Everything in the print- ing line can be done a the premises from an I laminated paster to a visiting card. All oommunleation' must be addressed to . tereaLU• tMT, 1.4.toret TIM SIGNAL Ibleshe - Ceti Xe. 30 taderle► Oat. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 9e., 1M1 COME uNE I14F BLUNDERED. In June, 18.87, • charter for the wandering to divergent points in the con- struction of a line or railway to wow." thermometer has not bees witnessed in with the C. P. It_ at 1Viugham was ob- is section, and the oldest inhabitant twined by the town council of Godericb, (■ as much at a lues to account for a fur which awns $300 of public money precedent as to the latest addition to the cradle inhabitants of the town. The was paid. ♦ provision•l board of directors was then appointed to hold the man who took off bis winter flannel on charter, and endeavor to develop the Saturday and bought a linen duster was scheme. From that day to this nothing bey during the remainder of the past bar been done to the matter, sod it is • week hunting up his Warred overeat cor- onation if the members of the pro- ant winter accompaniments. Ha eer- visiiotial board ever held a meeting to taimily Deeded them more than he did the further the ruse Lir which they were linen duster. Ir wit are to believe what s Clinton newspaper aye, the Omagmata of that town sod malty are gradually getting into the political trues again. When the eaoitemsat was higb and "Prvy Coun- cillor" Heihee and the other mouth artiste of hes faction were bowing •iraiast the Dominion Tuvernmeot for iia actino iso the Jesuit queeUoii, Tug Sw- eat, ventured the statement that they would all drop into line again wbeu the ebiettain's whip cracked. They are get- ting then fat now. GopsaleM is booming. The people hays settled down to the task of helping the town and the tows takes kindly to the activity of its people. New buildings are going up io the town ; old edifices are being repaired ; reel estate transfers are being mon readily mode ; available dwellings are taken up as fast as they are vacant ; industries are being encouraged ; Dud the evidence through• out is of permanent progress. This is as it ahould be. Keep the bell a -roll- ing. Toa change in the temperature duo lag the pant week has been something marvellous. Saturday last the mercury gambolled at and around 90' in the shade, sad Tuesday sod Wednesday wandered down to about freezing point. Such • appointed. That was nearly two years ago. 1:7 the terms e.f the statute the cbarter will leper at the end of two years, or, to be explicit, on the 23rd of June, prox , if oo action be taken in the +atter. Recently. Mr 1i. W. C. Meyer, of Wingham, developed a scheme to save the charter In m lapsing, and aures ponded with the council, stating that if the charter were handed over to him, he would comply with the terms of the statute sr.d preserve the charter. Last week The Shoat impressed upon the council the necessity of throwing no im- pediment in the way of saving the char - THE EDITORS TABLE. A Weed .r two About New P.bueatteas That ■ave Cease to Mand wiles ♦nice For June might well be called a "trus- sing" rnumber. ' It opens with a repro - d action of Henry Bacon's beautiful painting, "The End of • Long Day," photographed especially for Weie Awake -a loyely picture. Then come the true stories- live of them :-"A Plain Case" is by the now fatuous writer, Miss Wil- kins, who grew her early laurels iu Wide Aunt ; this story is most pathetic. The scene of Miss Kuley Seward's brilliant atury u on board an ocean steamer ; it is entitled "The Naughtiest Buy I Ever tet from lapsing, and pointed out that Met." Mrs General Fremont • is • the only easy to preaecve it wnnld Irl to (C•liiornu story, "The House that Jack Built.," Mrs Annie Sawyer -Downs' accept the offer of Mr Meyer. The hest story is of the Confederate side in the business men of the town also favored Civil -War, a jolly tale. "The French Member of Company B.- The story by Tara Trainer Smith, "Overboard in the Java Sq,' will go to everybody's heart The sepals are excellent : Margaret Std ney'a "Five Little Peppers Further Oa" has a tremendous surprise for readers ; "Sibyl Fair • Fairness, ' by Talbot, will be enjoyed by W. I. A itnkr'e grown -op •udi.nce. The number abounds with readable anicles : "Relics of Torture," by Mrs F. A Humphrey, d.scri' e• vari- ous "machines.' fur punishment in old reeve and deputy reeve, with power k, times which she saw in England ; Mrs act. The committee met, but from one ClaIins "Letter from Daisy" on be- cause or another failed to take action, haviur is excellent; Mass Poulsson's "Two Sermons' is exquisite; Sallie Joy White's "Volunteer Reading in School" is of great suggestive value; "Little People in tbs Studio," with its eleven pictures, is charming reading for every- body. "Men and Things," the new de- partment, is filled with en'oysble woo - our contention, and it was hoped that everything po.aible would be done to have the matter attended to before the 20th inst.--the day set by Mr Meyer as the due for closing the arrangement with him. Friday of last week the Council met, and when the tluestion eagle up for discuss' ,n, 11 was referred to a committee consisting of the mayor, and finally decided that it was not their business to decide the cane, but that the provisional directors had the full Idirec- tioo of the affair. And the 20th of May ---the day set for the noel decision by Mr payer -Dame and went without ■e• dotesand talk., notably " the Footsteps lion being taken. of Genius. "Lord Tennys on's Chalk On Tuesday last lir Meyer was tele- ; fits," and "Fish -Catching on the graphed concerning the matter b; per. ! Pntom■c " The poems of the number by Clinton suns onuide of the cou,.cil, and wired I are Marin D•u�glas, HMR. Hudson, back that h• bad withdrawn his offer, as Kate Putnam (►,'gond, Alice W.litneton the council had not kept faith with him, Willing and Elisabeth L. Gould. Wide and had ■'lowed the day which he had Awake is •2 44) a year, D. Lathrop set to pass without aectdeng to iia Company' Publishers, Boston. terms. MAOMITRATES' COURT. Tao north is tC:•ret is reason t I be- lieve that there is every p.,seireilty of the charter tieing al:us. d to lapse, and the town will once more got a a,'t-beek. Some ogle hes blundered, and i1 ie to be h •ped that early aco.•n aill be taken by the provisional tareclor• cr others responsible to rectify the error. A si ecial matino was called fair James Thomas. painter, was i. p for Thursdto evetnt;C, May 23rd, to discus. ■Daub,• a Francis E'ludt, on Nsturtly, the matter, the rel...rt of which has not ,she i$ h The defendant ',wore that reached us a we ante. But if the don. � the piaintm.Toioor his knife on him,which ••,• conttadreted by the plaintiff. A tuition of this ecmmittee-thst they bad ' ti, a was imposed of III and coast•, an power to set - be correct, we fail to ! an..nntinr to $4 73, or isrpriecnuieut seg what the tomato leas t,, do with the. for 10 days. affair. I &award Hopper was o'harged with A. we remarked sat week, naw is not uatng trader shueire and insulttnq Isn1•usite to ,Icor. I).oyI Ile plesd•d the tient to daily with • rine`t•m of such gmi;ty and was fined Ono/ guns. vital ireputatsee to Ike HsMre rs of ,fie' - town, hut that there has been dallying , Lest seek isase Fihlslriek krt. Dros- te • self evident fact. :,.pts for itienheim, Kest Co., where he The sotqut sbt,uid be taken up st has taken • situatum se baker. pro., and, despite the delay, an •ff.,rt Robert, son of Wm. Rees, and Dan. should be made to obtain a reennsider■• MrKenaie,knrasegs, Aare some to Cleve ,Mrs of As decision from 1r Meyer. 'snd,l►t.i's, when they will try their for- tunes Feilinj that, it devolves upon those 1 Massra titowart * 1, .wick, Rreesel., ' who barked the seam" to d..,.. •noth" ' shipped 'oven .K .taht ears of peas •a d , method to save the charter, loafs to the Etat this week Tuesday, May 21. Jas Hamill, fetter known as "Whis- key Jim," was brought before Mayor Butler and P. Adamson, J. 1' , tan Mon- day, the 20,h fust., on a charge of the larceny of • pair of skin hoots from Jonathan Miller. He was sent up for trial, LK/MURK. Paws ear tea• oorrwpuadeat Mr ♦U. Nicbulsoa awl family, of Ouderloh, were the guests of Mr 13 Hog- gnrth, 414.111 day last week. Sheep shearing and washing is wow all the rage here, and *hemp and s►mp- herds are now as thick as koala w Mutter/oat Row. Rev Mr Sglith, •aocesaor to Rev John Grey, Clinton, in the Baptist ministry, was the truest of lir W. elution, sr., last week. Dr W. H. Clutton, of Edgar, Sigma Co„ visited the old homestead last week, and was exteuded a hearty welcome by has many old hoods to this eaters. 'thus in hie first holiday trap during • year's active practice, and he .ojoyed it ricecltngly. We are plastid to learn that bis practice has been lucrstit6, and the prospects are good fur • further lu- cr.see. Mr G. H. Clutton, of Parkdals, paid • Dying volt to this neighborhood Ber- ing the week, and participated in the family reunion. DUNGANNON. From our own eurrespoadent. We are pleased to be able to state that Mrs Thos. Hernia is slowly bat surely becoming convalescent. Our assistant teaoher, Miss Mallen, is Old by, owing to illness, and cones- gneotly anomie teach. We hope aloe will soon recover and resume her duties. We are being highly favoured with copious shower*, whish are ausing it. crops to grow rapidly. and the pruepecu of geoid crops aro very cheering to all concerned. It was decided to hold a public meet- ing at Dungannon oo Wednesday, May .nth, to be addressed by Mr Jas. L Hughes, Toronto, Dr McDonald, M.P., Winyham, and others. Ton much praise cannot he gives to the publishers for the energy displayed in issuing the Illustrated isyrsol Star. It is neatly gotten up, sad contains • fund .of knowledge as to the history of (:udench, past, present and prospective. Success to the enterprise It must and cannot but be interesting to the people of this county. On Friday,the lith inst., • meeting of those interested in the Jesuit oaeetion was bold in the Methodist church io this village, to take steps towards mak- ing arrangements for a future discussion of the question at issue Messrs Chu. Girvin, ex -Reeve of West Wawanneh, aid Gera W. Eeklin, were appointed chairman and secretary respectively. A committee o•mpoeed of the local clergy- men and the chairman and secretary, with power to add to their number, was appointed. More reference to the sub- ject will be made in future. Mr John 1Va•hingtoo, of Goderich, was present. NILE ,From our own correspondent. it Mr t;,»ling, ;of Prince Edward Co„ is visiting his sister, Mn Jas Kennedy, of this place. The wife of Rev. H. Irvine, of this prase, is the happy mother of • second ✓ an, born on Fnday, May 17. Mr Thos. Pentland, of Manitoba, who same home some time ago to see bis father who was very sick, has returned to his home to the West. Mr Pentland is •Vll rery low. The Nile branch Lodge cf the I. O. G. T. are uniting with their brethren of Lnebura branch for a union picnic '24th inst. It is to be held at the lake, and a good time is expected. The basal;ne boys should be very cars - 1.1 as to their rate of speed when driv- ing on sandy line. It is somewhat heavier than the hard gravel roads of Hullett, and the horse is likely to play oat much quicker, especially if it is a w et night. We would like to know i' Mr Isaac Carey has got any trace of his strayed sheep which he was hunting two or three Sabbaths ago. Drovers are not always looking for sheep when they pre- ttnd they are. The handsome dwelling house of Mr Ge,. May, which bus been erected on use Gore. is nearly finished. It makes • wonderful improvement to our berg. These improy.mente surely mean something. In fact, the people are ategioning to wonder why it is that Bill is scarcely ever seen ezeept when los 'Liza round Carlow. The Young People,' Christian Endes- vor Society, together with the ehotr, are getting up a lawn social for Friday, May 44th. It a to be held at the home of Mr Robert Kirkpatrick, who kindly of- fered his house and grounds. As ex - anent supper as well as all sorts of games will he prepared. The program w ill be tilled by the choir and members of the congregati..n. The officers of the Nile lodge of 1. O G T., are as follows : W. C. T., Wm. Mollwain ; P. C. 7'., Wm. Morrow ; L U , Jesse Ornmmett ; V. T., Mies Plummer ; S.e'y, J. H. PentIsnd ; A. ec'y, Samuel Sbepperd : F. i;ac' Thom. Shepperd„ M, Jos. Irvine: D. M., Moss Hutchins ; G. M., Miss Hethenng too ; San., Geo Putter ; ('hap , Samuel Pentland ; S. J. T., Martha Mcllwain ; Tress , EIten Mcliwain. This branch of the order is advancing repid'y and we wish the new staff of officers every sue cera. "i cove yDn we'd.' thestar,.p exclaimed. Iger ens elope, *o true. In fact Ire evident teal* feat I'm stuck on ynu." Newel' wire IAwhtwln,. Neatly describes the position of a hard or oat corn when I'otn•m's Painless t'. rn Extractor is applied. It does its work r ';'nc:.ly and without pain that it teems magical in action. Tey N. 14e- collect the name - Putnam'• rainless Coro Extractor. Scold by all druggists and dealers everywhere. A retired jeweler pays tial the uaaia. spring of a watch, for which the jewelers share• e.1 nil, cont •bout eight sesta, and it takes only half an hour to apt it. Th. plumber and oc •, dealer mg' r IV. it take ■ bark seat and giro the enter. pn.iag jeweler a cbaccc to come to the frost. T...d y 'resew Borba, Dennis. +moot■, while paying ball lath some atrmpewwra, fell and broke his right .rm sad dWeoated the elbow. Sam. Fleker's little oht14,lI1yth,whtlat pl•ysmg wok sense caner children to Mr Crawlurd's yard, got hold of Dome lye and doauk it. Tae mother soma heard el it cad no time was loot is getuag a phynlaian, under whose treat - matt the }bale •udira m do:ug as sell as cmc be expected. Mr Geo. Huweee, tailor, Clinton, who went to Regius io the ■pet=g, has oueue bead to town for the purpose of learutug the outing lowness, after which be to - toads to go beck and will engage iu ami- nes. for b►m•elf- He says that the spring crops look well in the West. As Mr Wm. Treble, of Keefer, was earDeed In raising a frame cottage ou the eecoud o,nceosiou of iliddulpb, • **now accident occurred. A young man mooed Rube. Fault, whom paruuts It.. iu that towuehip, ores assisting mud was under the b..udtug atteodiug to nue of the jacks, when the support gave way and sae was frightfully crafted. ♦ doctor was called and tendered all the assist - twee possible, Dud it is hoped he noy r. - raver. A severe thunder storm passed over Exeter about noon on Friday. The aerating house of Mr Isaac Handfeed was struck by ltghtuing, the chimney was totally wrecked mud the floor sad carpet were torn up. Mr Alfred Allan, market vardeuer, who was about ten rude from Handford's house, visa koueked down, but was out hurt much. The baro of Saunders Dud Harvey, about us miles out in Stepbeo township, was also struck and was burnt, with about 1100 bushels of oats and 300 bushels ed bar- ley. Insured iu the Hay & Stephen Mutual Cu. she People's tolumn. GiRL WANTED -To do general housework. Good wages to competent petean, Apply te MRS- U. McOILLI('I. DDY. 'l IMon at, SPECIAL BARGAINS DRY C000S, TWEEDS, ETC. See our Dress Goods at IOc. per yd. See our Ginghams at 6c. per yd. See our Seersuckers at 5c. per yd. SIC OUR Prints, Shirtings, Cottons, &c. Bargains in Tweedsand Suitings. Special attention given to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. The Highest price paid for Butter and EGGS. J.AUREID&BRO • Jordan's Bleak. Godwleb, May rip►, ltti IMssenewl to Ibe Rom. Why should Ur Pierce's medicine+ not distance all competitors in amount of sales. aa they are dotnit, since they are the ally medicines soli by druggists is0..eeeed of such wonderful curative pro- perties as to warrant their manufacturers in g.aranteeiug there to cure the dis- eases fur which they are recommended. Yon get a cure or money paid fur them returned. The Doctor's "Golden Medi- cal Discovery" cures all dioceses caused by derangement of the liver, as bilious- ness. indigesti-on or dyspepsia ; also all blvd, skin acd scalp dosages, tetter, malt -rheum, scrofulous uses and swell- ings and kindled ailments. Dunt hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, diegu•tiag everybody, but use Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy and be cured. Mr Wm Callas, Wingbam, had the point .of nue of his fingers split open by LOTS FOR SALE BY TENDER:7- at the Union on Tuesday. Te•dere will be received up to W edatm- day, June 12th, for the purchase of the three Watt orpyiag e.5 frontage• a the Sgture Fast•t.,cuthe hest sites In town for bmuinearne s purposes. Tho kits will be gold unary or collectively two lots are 22 feet frootattr and Ai, NICHOLSON, LD.f3 one has 21 feet frontage. Address tendon W 1 _ A.BMITH. IPENTAL ROOMS, 5 -td. 1'ropretor. Eighth door below the list Oflleo. Wed -•t-, 4.001410(11. Za2.l-ly Dentistry. PIANO TEACHING. Mise Andrews will sive lemons on the piano to • limited number of pupils. at her reddenee Britannia had, or at the reel - demes of pupils. Terme reasonable. Having had a number of yearn experience as a 'suc- cessful teacher. she feels confident of giving •atiefsctory tuition. S xm NOTICE. The Council of the (orporarioe of the Conn- tyof Huron will Met, in the Court House. in ire Town of Uodencb.ou Tuesday, the iib day of June next. C. Cleric 1PETER ADAMIION. C. Clerk. I a tar lath. '80 2= -21. CARD OF THANKS. To the Editor of T.z swwat- Sin i wish to thank the Loathe Life inaur- ance Company of Londo,.Ont..for the prompt payment of 1111000 under policy 13X'1 held by m tate son Albert Model, who died April 2' Such prompt payment should en; •urage those who desire insurance to place their inveet- mea in rrspua•ible and prompt companies such teethe London Life has shown itself to be or this instance. I WILHELMIN♦ MAU:1EL. Beewiller.May, loth 'Mr. S11 COURT OF KEVISION, Notice L hereby gip en that the Court of Re- vision for the Town of (ioderich, will be veld in the Town Hall on 1nerday. the 2ltb day of May. Iftifi. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. WM. CAMPBELL Town Clerk. Goder c . May Seth, 11010. 4-2t 1 UNICIPAL NOTICE. All parties interested will please take notice tpot the Bylaw respecting the running at large .1Cattle and Horses will hereafter be strictly enforced. W M. (' all PBEI.L T.wn Clerk. pwimbh. May Mph, 1S1& 4-21 THE CONTRACT FOR THIS EREC- tion clan addition to school hone No. 1. Godeniel townsbip.will he let on eaturda . May ?Stk. at the school-houae,at •t o'clock Plans apd specifications can be examined on that day. JOS. WHITELY p 4-2ima OTTER WAIi$.N n -Treaters. WML'Oit SALK--The blacksmith shop 1 and dwelling awned by me is offered for sale. The dwelling is a two-story bolkling and contains seven rooms, beside* • kitchen and pantries, Hard and soft water on the premiere. There Is • halt acre of land with a go..l bearing young or hard. Terms rea- soraable. Pose/salon in the fall. - A11 ,econnts due me and not paid before the 1st June. will be placed in (hurt for col- lection. 4-41 HOIRA('E J. HORTON. NOTICE. The firm of Treble t Tarr, sap manias., ►'vneri DR, E. RICHARDSON, LD.S. SURGEON RGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalized Air administered for veinier extracting of teeth. Special altrntioa siren to the pressrsation at the Natural T.etk. Once -Up stain. Grand Opera !louse Black. Estrum, a W, -et -$t.. Gudench. 3161-ly Meta I1RS. SHANNON s ilIAN11ON, 1! Yaysirians ttursruu.. Acesashem, he. eros at Or. Shannon's rep/deism} alar she owl God/inch ti. C. dra,swr, J. It. Mean. NON. 17+1 Legal. L"DWARD NORMAN LEWIS, BAR L mister, Solicitor in High Court, C.svq saver. Uudrr.0 h aid Hayfield. Rayl. of - See wren Tb ur.dao r from 10 to 4. )lewq to loam at 14 per coat. LR C. HAYS, SoLICIroR, Ac. R. Dice, corner el square cad Neat street Goderich, user telegraph once. Pei vats Toads to lend at 6 !ver mat. 66. elARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR T FWtTYRB Attoraeys, $ouoltera, et Goderieh J. T. Garrow, W. Promdfast. 17 CAMERON, HJLT t CAMERJN, Barristers. saneness le. he. 3odericb. M. C. Cameros, Q .; P. olt, Y. 0. Cameron. C C. Rasa. I72.1 - Por Sale or to Let. TO RENT. House a Bruce str- eet, next to lir Mc- Lean's remodelar, coataisinngg a rooms, hoed and soh water. good tether, toatacodlu. Melee Has been recently renovated. Rent moderate. A to 2M 21 iLS e. POLLOCK. TO LET. A good brick horse containing ten rooms, good ceder, stable, hard acd soft water. at present coapted bill. 1. Strang. 2.... Pam- sraswn Brea is limy A 1 El Y •pn y to , So M EKT H. yy,p Legal Notices. FOR SALE. 7v OTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE OF JOHN WAt.LIS BLACK. DE- CEASED. Not Me is hereby given that all persons hav- ing claims against tee estate of John Wallis Black. late of tete Town of Mauston in the (oanty of Juneau in the State of W sooaeln, baker. deveaaed. who died at Marston afore - raid on the 30th day of June 1trti, arr. on or bs fon the 20th day of May Ill14. requited to send fu11 particulars of their claims to Messrs Kio.tstone, Wood ! Symons of the Pity of Toronto. Solicuors for the admiaistratur of the estate of the said deceased. And take notice that after the Paid 20th day of May. the mid administrator will distribute the estate, having regard only to claims of which he shall tate received notice, and will not to liable to any person of w busy claim be shall not have received notice ss aforesaid, THOMAS JONES BLACK. Administrator, by KINGSTONE, WOOD !SYMONS. his 2olirtore. Toronto. 22th Apra. leM, Int - Auctioneertng. TOIIN K.O., GENERAL ADO. TION KKR and Land Tsivator, Ooderleb (hit. Haying had oonsiderabi,• experience Ist the aurtioneering trade. he ie in • position discharge with thorn igh oati■f•rtion *11 rots mhsious entrusted to him. O.•ler'a left a Martini Hotel. or sent by mall to no aidrewc Ooder'ch P. O.. carefully •,tended to. JOHN KNOX County Asctloseer. lett Loans anb insurance. F. Lot 475- of God•rick Apply to, 9►tf l'I111.IP HOLT. FOR SALE. The property a pres- ent oc:upied by the uedenarird as • resiience a the Huron Road. in the Tows of Oodericb, tuneasier of one half of an sensor land,good fran.e house story sad a half- wren rooms, including I kitchen, hard and soft water. good Mune cel- lar. Mable. wood and carriage homes. There are alai Boase good /reit Imes. This property is beautifully 'situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired, For fur i thee particulars apply to team E. ('AMPTON, 4 14arriiger. Goderick. I11OR SALE OR TO RENT. -The commodious cad eonvenie.t house dtu- Iaced on the corner of East and Victoria -et.. containing aloe room*. pantry. pod cellar, t••. The bona. is well fitted up and conves- ently sitnand to the busterai pen of the ,,Down, Tberr iaa:argr tpedee weU stocked With fruit trees ■ shrubs In ecuaectitu. Terms rra+nwW''•• For �y to i JAMlai HOBINSY)N, Achesoe s store. „, i WARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES. FUR SALL- Lot i3 in Maitland Ca Colborne, 112•nws--a very floe farm. Price 1131100. Lot 1 f E.I. 1st ca. K. 1r. Ashfield, acre*. prier• SI2P0. Lots 43a and 11 in tt ('on. Ki•lu.w, voce('unnty7 I4H acre . K'pl le sold very rb-ap,lwgs 1.1. tonal %Yl of 17. In the Rb i cor'.IYawano b, 5p► ares of excellent land in nae block. Price $13 .44. Lot 73.Me1)ougall's 4urv.y, Tu.. n of Oodr rich, Price only Got l'K town of (l dericb, on Light Haase Street, with brick home, and stable. Price only ie(10. Lots ir, 7. 27*, 1015 and pt. left `Town of (iaierlrh. 'teeny lth of an acre is one block within the buainees port of the fowl. Irlee only . The shove ar.por- firs win be 1 W OODUOCIL sod on easy terns of payment. Apply to N.B.-Moser to lend attveer low rate.. SI REAL ESTATE awn• INSURANCE AGENT. (mans \egoeiated with the Hest l'ompan- I In and Frit ate (apitalids at Lowest Bates of t Interest. e Agent for the ROl'AI. INSURANCE Co., of England, hat, lag the largest eurplas of As. sots over I.lahiiities of any Fire Ineuranee Co. in the World, ()lee on East side Munition -tit- Ooderirb, next door to Ile item all -,'(ma, c. SEAl.E1t, s, o nine Gorierleh. CLERK r1R+T DlVIic1ON (Y►['I:T. 1 iOYLF^ t:oderich, turn. Conveyancer, laseran.v, Estate and General _ - --- -- -- Agrrat, Moser to Lend at .u.w Kate. and ('wt- Ooderf h `VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE . - That valuable property known as lot 100. Maitland con.. (loderlcb township, within one mile of Goderich. On the farm are n large orchard. good frame house and kitchen, with etas.. a^lar, and frame ban and stables: corn - prise, 73 acres, well watered. For further particulars apply to limo Mt Koh on the prem. laea 2102.1y A NICE I JIt errs of land i� with $ aelecPoGtetir of choice apples. A aomfor'able home and *tables. abk id/ i Apply to 11 L OR SALE - LOTS 174 AND 53S c , Apply to M. C. CAMERON. utrerr, diie•alted partnership mit r Y2nr1 day orrice -Nest to Cornrll'r furniture $tern,-tf. of March last. by mutual consent. All debt Uoderictt MOW SA LB CHEAP - 40 L(►TB IN floe rhe late firm must t o paid to the undo e ' slimed. 13 J. T. NAFTE BENJAMIN TA RR. t Lt - _.. Uoderi• -. ....-. AGENT .. -. -. _ I)ASTURE. lloderien.Mas 7tn, 1+fel. °JGi►20 It LIFE. FIRE A \"!) Af7'iUBNT IN. . A nnrtterof an`mal. eon be poet urea es Mrs rotey's farm, lot 17. Bayfield road :sat - I)R()F. AA1Ll KRE� --- TE1IItP.1:fir \tt Planes tuned and repaired at moderate tharpe.. Pat teea-t ten'znaranterd. Ord' re left al Thomson*" mosso• sine.', nm at his room above Nafiel's Inenranee office. t7i- Im, f lt. FOOT HAS VA('ANCiES FY,I: A FEW 311.-1C PI.'PILft, ORGAN, PiANO, SINGING THEORY. t0 -3m. it EW BARBER SHOP. TT.c nndrrslgned, having had large roper. - 1.1141. 1n loth tonin and city. goarantrr. new., .1*ee work at reae.nalde none, and re•p.e•e•t. 1 (ai11r nd,rits a aharo of public patronaggee, hand siter J. 0 ?mph's Ftakery East St (i „ arlerieh, 91034m H. 1.. W �l117v>!f, i THE H1'RON HOTEL. Th le wr21 i"voen end pnptilnrhoel ha l,''e•.�e'y� reeffrd and enlereed during the ss s paensf%" ' Mal i. not, Dec„1d in in tomtit; of are eewwin.t.t nn for the travelling pnblM. Goad anemmnt datlnn for transient greets. MY. C'RArr. ftndertJt, Ont, Proprietor. kilnITMANA ifloRTHA1ND W(N)KS. 4 Iw+lro4 nwwder of '1'es0ttrrir and trannd.• Dema (••'-ohtatnM a halt rete■ wt Ts. dope al. sire. different pane of Oates -kb - from 1 acres in "scree in area: and 3 dwelling houses". Ap- ply to THOS. W EATIIF:RAlab 2174.1; HOUSE ANT) TWO LOTS FOR Representing North British t laercantilt tiALK. Th. horror has nine rwtwne. al- Lltrrp,aol. I.otidos t Ulobe; Noewit•h l'n1un; ss hath room, pantry. closetou, Mlle. woad - Ll er Amcncwa Life: and orwout lasnr- rhtrt,haed endiimftwaser. Thr edea eon- aneeof North Anatolie. talo allelt!nds od ernit. Also ,Sp ares of Le,weM katra. Isaacs se!Ited promptly land In Manitoba for sale or In exrhaawe for Mary to Iran a Farm and Town l'mrw sty term property.b WM. KNIUHT, Gradetich. Co.nselanine done. l'reperty valued, etc. -- St 9tf Ofilee.-('or. Niteth d. and tlgnare. Urwlerleh. 1gy1K BALE -- -- - $2W 0(10 PRIVATE FUNDS iWg-.t hall of lot ms Arthur Street. with •owll Ari'k p kt n.Drnn Isom.. Ili. lee. 244. 2(S, Elgin th ► 74- ' c cottage therm To lent on farm *n4 town property, at low y t. v ..lndrew• ,%'+fele est Interest \(ort.caites trnrehased. Nn cow in rnt mer of 11 a I I agents fort Trust and Lona F rn 14 la !toad. ruiestrn, , harked a rnn use Keay n Pomp 'es of caned*, the Canada lanehrt and half !n'tdnry house on Keay* Street. lot Cent,' 1 crnpany, the 1.cnston Loon Company Mr. erns lure In Reed's Purvey, opposite new of t'•• ads. Interest. a, 44 *rat 7 per cent. YPow firnnn.ts. vis, - N. k. R..rrowere can obtain money to I Na,. 21, 24, M. 2t1, bo b1, M. •/, fig day, if title saiI.faclor�. AI! the Blore rat COR' l(ATEtc, 3973- N. !/? Merriment.. te,.Goderleb ! e'-ff DAVigO\ t JOiIN$TON, LOAN. APPLY TO" - ricACAlIEI11(IK flMm.f tCA• DA' 1t$ON t UHNSTON, Apply to $tm00 Dao TO time MICRON God sownc of Private rads Invest ,�musementa,° 4))ERItVM At ECHANICIr T[:TF.LIBRARY AND RRAfif) Iff Ro n , Dor. of Lad street and FeMn 'Rp Mortgages 1e. west r*'net-claMortges Amami d ata.r>~ ^q aero lot N41AHROW t PKO['Iri(ifrl Open treat t to a p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p.m )Af3O1 T 2000 ,V( S iN LiBRARY IantooMiireeklp eta II/wee-noel N7R ti. INSURANCE, /',.►o. rg, ,k/npouters, dlr. , ore File. Kis I, ESTATE ten ' M1:M11gRAHiP T,( KKT ONI r AI w MONEY LOANING ; and Realm rhe, nest els** (dolls ales kill" 0,1104 .fovea. ter omey to Land on straight A1tn1(eatles p t•cee;red a � ban.. e t h ter a•esatttteshf w ...it r'stn ref , t LlSravtasi, [w y'eaasa. nit tl. oriel( ere $ 3 .tF.(.OifA(tq pea ctTr1'EN+ (/rYt(F itemised deer i Street. Ood•rich ftKStf I ONeebila j�, Ni. (lorr'tary AGENT grsat'ng free mos o/ I tlitar ' 1n m ■rust gang, in any way from Near* '