The Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 11THE HURON SIGNAL. FRII)AY, MAX 24, 4.9
.,somas your
1n.dors that I i.ave a least re remedy fur
WHAT 111 GOING ON OF INTEREST TO the moose trained di..ese. By 1i. l/rrely
•.e tbousa..ds 0f M.prless ceases hove
'stem yet maneutl7 cured. 1 shall ler glad
seed sou Mottles ul may remedy free
to •try ..1 your rwders who have ant
•eropti .n. if they will amid res their Ka
•orae ...d P 0 eddrees.
ltr.pectlull., Dr. T. A. Stoceu .
, Di imams St., Toruolo, the.
Tit MPV►ataa' of • weak ►/asemateed S.fe
a amusia N Sew., r.r. oar\. Ter Ia-
serrsled header..
Semi Id d . finished.
mgIn runt. ala
A public binary is talked d for Kiagetea.
Lad]) kleeduhald and her brother lett ale- F..r any one who wishes to avoid the
taws felt 1i.olr last week. maty stitches •hIoh even a simple de
A breach d the lu perial Federatiuo Lea- situ sequoias, are the pretty chooses and
gas has berm °ester sed its tleelph. ctalt'.nuar, or the more ezpsnatve India
Fin a the stole of K. Surreal, Forest. •u►. which emu.e is such exquisite felon•
did ousisi ieieble ihatie lr. togs These are deeoratl,e with no
Joseph )tercier tell oil a hinder pile at .the r littlish than that of drawing Ir the
Dfontreel anti fractured Iusskulk L.ur corners and addles, a little r,.ett•
caly three of the victims of the late *eel- ' .1 the chintz or .ilk. A very Kurd sub-
deat saw ret.ian in the hospital at HAM 11IOU. sift..', for eider down or featllen in
Al.x. Thonip..•u, grain buyer, Winnipeg. Hyalite i.8iite these ptllnwa a excelsior, au in
Iv" fatally injured et like ('. 1'. It. elevate . st ru.lrn substance to be found at say
oI \Weduceday. uphoisterrr a.
Hooter and Crossley, the 'marlins, --
claim to have treat 3411.1 to SIM 0e.verte ii.• Mem 'freebie liar be Cxrccird.
11 is reported that an attempt has been if you Jo not head the wanunl(s of wa-
ture and at eller pay attention to the
treads so In'ii,e a Iklla' ills sideman, and aamaintain•net el your hent h. How often
iaTh. Kingsottville
is a uatura lee see a I °ratio put off frost day to day
Tie uw prvdle natural gas well is sated 1be urcb+ se of a medicine wtich if ro-
to kit saw producing ten mill ion feet of gas P pro-
per day. mid at the 0uutart of • disease would
The t'omptou election remelted in the re- 1 ave trust -died it almost immediately
turn el Mr. Pepe, ('un.ervrtiv., by a as Now if Johnsten's T..uic Liver Pills had
jerky of •}S:I. Leen taken when the hoar threesomes
The crops in the neighlwrb'x..l of Strat• 1Dtlile iia appraninee the 'linea• wou'd
feed tore reported never to Wive hooked bet. hart' been "slipped it the hod." John -
ter. eras.. T.•nic litttura and Liver Pills aft
Loadon expects to have its electric light lerididly the hest medicine on the war -
systems in working unbar by the cwt of the 1 et ler (rectal fosse and invigorating
month. referee*. Pills 2:rt. per bottle. Bitty'
('0.1tat... Ricer at Peterbor•o' seised the Iv oe•IRs •hid $1 tet bottle, s,ad by
apparatus of Roberts Harper, who Nae giv- the-•lir the druggtat, Alleluia bI. ck, soil
Mg au illustrated lecture on Ireland. eyed. bj
.Alfred hu.hertwn, of Hamilton, has been
fined and hound over to keep the peace for air Hobe. Fos ...d family, Clinton,
indecently mwulting his stepdaughter. for Morten, alenisehs, in a ceupl*
The famil of the late Lemuel Young. ,,p •r.•ke,whete hr is promised a vtx,d
h:o dint ret �'in al ed strep) :, u euiag the ,,,aoLon in . machine sha'p •pilaf to he
Pial.•. r rtes Balt.
mewl 11 sellar
• d Item ea nee to hoyise aseJrturc h,.t
A minalar, Irvin,/ to uutr•.a els ,' •
Iasi. how to get p.nlou. avid • N .. try tD• Kraft Ksd,.ey rod Lite'
1.. r.1616
wppx•sa 1 wen to go to a shop ani hey 1 tier, made h, Ur. Uhaar,
srhnetbing for jou. and pay fur it, sod ; Chase's metopes. Try Como'. L, •rr
tau you t.o g0 and fetch it, nerd y5,* (fore for .11 diseases •d the Li••or, kilt
take any Isuo.r with you fe ' Nu, ' Geld nisi tit.•....:h rod Bowels ti...t by ai,
the old roan, -It would be paid for " druggist► g
"Need yea make au, pr.oiiw to pat al Tb. destrrseu, Ieoe.. Iters
Boone fist UT* 111ur 1 be then asked. srrvr.l to young girls end w�.. is. a our
"1 should hers it fo•r u. • .treat mos.ure to a lace + 1 she flet
"No," he replied,
uuthutr " "So,he entwined, "as u
with forgiveness „1 sou. ; the Lord Jesus
has paid the full piece for It. H. hoe
bad ib. vr'ens, the *alba, the tears, the
wrath, the pale, the punishment ; ,ta,&11
that sin demurral : He bore it ail ! He
paid the whole ! Yee, lx,ught forgsveue.r
with his precious blood....d now he
gives it as a gift to all who bnt,g their
sins t.• how." Said the old Gran, s. hit
eyes filled with tear I vee it now ; it is
Pardon for nothing ! psrd. n for'
Christ has bsnght it and be will rive it
ter !- ( Rev Elora Foster.
11u.r3 tri Health fur dan,a,(ea to: baidtug �,i„•sled thrift. Bob is a first claw ma -
destroyed. '1411..•!, a good neichs:de and a steady
Sir Vtins. Hoste brought libel suits al ainat ,l.du•Iu„un yuan¢ than. and will lit
the Colonial and the Times, of Victoria, H. ea, a. a -n 11e I:as kern ler imam.
From the ane. he got fl daturine*, and
time „t,r,,{ the hbrarrsl a of the Itrttrn•
from the lettere:.($. and ousts.1>•ar Wit. ti;bbsth School.
A \lontrcal ,a4.oakeeper has obtained • y
verdict .A *Li and cots against 1)r. Mein,
44I the Law and tinier League, for petse.u- A Weeders.' t'tesi rrNeter.
tion. T!'i• is the title given t. Mcott'a Emui
The Comedian manufacturers of grey cot- •ter of Cod Liver U.! by many thousands
tons have adopted new reulatious for goy- .1.,, bavr taken it. It not on'y give*
truing the production of *he different mills. g,yh and strrntdh by virt'Ie of its owe
The Winnipeg Conservatives have decided oat -dose pre,pertire, but creates an op -
to alter nm oppesitienn tethe election of ('ol. tort* leer L..d. 1. s5' it, and try your
McMillan, the newly appointed Provincial weiy;i,t Scott'* Panul.tort is perfectly
Treasurer. palatable Sold by all druggists. at :eW.
The Stratford ('ity ('krk states that not and $1.
more then one half of the births, deaths, and
marriages are registered. This is probably!
truce( more phsose than the t'laaaic('ity. Fan.uel Laird, Bruasela,and family re -
The by-law to provide fund* for tieeree•metro t.the Spring Bank cheese fac-
tion or the' new courthouse in Toronto wasiiorv, Hewlett, neer Lakelet. on Tnesd.y
fire tile fens\• and olds
And .11 distress of the throat and lunge
man be cured by Ile use of tioott'a Ks.s i
mon, nett c.ntatms the hesitate virtues o4
Cod Liver Oil and Hypoph.wphitee in
their fele,' form.. See what W. 8
\liter, Ir. D., L It. C I'., Mc., True.
N. 8 gays: "Alter three years' rzper-
tence I c,tuider Sett ss of
the very best w the market. \ire) el
oellent in throat .11eetion. " li,dd ht
all drugutists• ie(le and $1 00
corpuscles lu the blood. I',. r.• ..r I.
the rw1uirw a tmedicot* .hit1h I.r d..evs
these u.w,eesa ry little 144.04 oom•I.,+wi.h.
rod the beet y.1 diaouveied s..1 .',u«sin o
'Talo Bitters. Prsoe tit ecu.•. rues SI
per oettlr at (foul* • drug &lore. A 'n
block, rich. Sole agent l',1
T,.ere are teeny ware in which 1•
would he wall fez ns ail le carry our
chsldh..d w lith u., erten into .old a .', u
lit 54415' prtSGible, to its trn-tfuio..• .no:
•open-:keattedr*es. .1141 oil roses.*•. nu'
only t0 lore. but to show phot* wt• 1ucu,
.* well. Why, that alone would este
many a heartache of today.
carried un S:.tunday by • majority of ever I this weak. This is • mood fact, ry and
twelve handiest! votes It will cwt $l,1iu).-;.t�r L.ird u a gond maker so we ad' net
The entlaw Morrison, who is reemertng,'sots .4 the seasons operatiuu$- will te
states tont he did not fie, as u alleged, ttahithly satisfactory. The output of the
the oeosai..n •,f•kuarrest. raetatty a about 1(M) tone. %V -m Moloney ( lied ceeerquently daieerous. He was
I. eel Stanley and party will go to Caeca" yrs I(vl.e wish Mr Lesion .a his a.sutai,t. commutrrl, lie S I$c aft yktnx hien t..
petite .,n Thur«lay fur • fishing holiday. i Gmderich on tlmiateh»out Iran..
The annual infraction ret the 3rd Hattalien
•'•na•1a tmk lace in llnm-' qw
trap on Saturday. Tit bicycle corps at -1
W• J. C;arks, Ea ter, lett ,.n These .)
morning for 1' .•runt,., •here he (.lr1 .t.
10 ',side us louvre. h■vn'g .r cur d s
won) position on a who legal* ti's gar t'
hou.e there. Mr Cirri canoe I .-r,. 141
tears ago, and tint ..eked as v -,k •rh
'Ur Janie. Pickard. s'.d then •1 th his
brother, where he has hoes' up it • wow.
.4 statemrty, iccluding note. letter aa.'
amxount p"per•e envelopes. and ie tact,
ail classes of routes p.p'►s ha•, just
h..n r«;.!. united at Tit. $LURAL. A10
at at all anrpri.ed to hear that ti:e re -
other large bit to aerie. id a day lir 1.50
and mets to If yon want roosts
tl,ittg ',eat &rot h'tminersAlp' in, oA4e'r
.tati terry call 1f sou wiint a card or
cirrnlar prtn'cd in the late.' sty!.., call
et Tt.* `1,;r&L strain printing h. Yee.
North' Sr.
Fav (aver n a type of c*torr : hnnr,g
peculiar syatp'u,cs. It a atte^.,t#J kr ail
mita:nod u tt..n of the luau: -torn+
bra las of the u•strtie, tear du •'s
the• et. siffor .ug the Twills An ..Ar1'(
11.11. --,O4 nauocre rr.l,t!:•• dswchargt',. t.-:. as
palttr.l w.(II a bu g seetratIVn. f h. r. •
are *eve, •pit• 11)4 '1 ane •Zing, frrq$•+rM
dta era Vf 15,'x•/.. 1n', writes y and (.541.94
l eves, Eft s C1lsant B.1Ili sea n•use
ly li'l't cam /r. d.•istetilet upon :di:t.
.: •lsue:tetn ; t•.v used, re:(:.rimed, fill•'..
Fay Brothers . Ut%nests. Owego 1tw
Yolk. 1t
Tee mo..t exquisite color* are rrviVed
n both thin ..•.t heavy "tike Rarer'
red ah&dos will be (-siren Uy fashsunahle
in both t..r wateeisg place WIMP. Nor
that p'aiu darts ars s.. track sn entree use
even:sir dt.-aa0e, nch. bawl brocades
are much , .'Pilot the pones*, C.u-
tumes nlede mf striped tlauret skirts,
with soft hhi. see of white crepshae,
will he seen et walerit't Ware'. .Setae
oil'. have lanrtry I)'rrctv!re jai lei's which
sur,. back with river,, bet c, ... MO! b•
worn over Thr cCest
Frederick Hun•icker, re;.washreught
before Symms Ronne and G. Ahem. of
Brussels, last WWe,t11 .1sy tereiteen. ,.t.
the charge of htii¢ of etive mit intrad
nttI t1) nal& of this t.,
took tyi Pest Prism a: 001.
1'411ftwwain i 7.
(1..T s oar ladies have yr rill•
br say fast it sur p•.is. am) ys..
.-ear nerd l'y them.
It snakes the li¢t.Mat, wbite.t,
e•test (mead, roll., lei.s and
h,..:. w hest pAnrakev,
Hato,- m :warty every towels
.1114t...4 art u.u401%.
!laving jurat completed the purt'ha•.' of the well known hard-
ware stock of K. W. 11rkI'NZIE, and tht.rouglth" renovated the pre-
mises are now prepared t.. fill all orders and requirements of Cue pub-
lic in their line.
Special attention given to llyt'ine (hlttitm.
We solicit public patronage, and will aim to give perfect iat:a-
t torte 1 n _ P tis sem", „sm.... . ria au somas
to pie' h admired.It ata) cancer.
C lit to It 5a. our
Tbe n•unirati•.ns in ('entre Winnipeg took Phntephatine, or Nerve room, a Pm"-
plsr. nn Saturday, at.d Col. McMillian, the phate Element hosed upon Scientific1
new Provincial Treasurer, etas returned liy Facts, Formulated by Profetaur Austin,
w••lanitaion. M. D. of Boston, Masa., cures Pultren
It appears that while American revenue erg Consumption, ffendache. Nrr-
cutten pret•..nt t'anedian vessels fishing in nous Attacks, Vertigo and Ncutalgis'
Bullring sc.., .lmerican fishing Terni aro anti all wasting diseases of the' human
aakinglargr cat :hes w the torritorra :sun system. Phusphatine is nut a Merlt.ine.'
of I'ana•i t. but a Nutriment, Iwrautse it conta:cs no
The \1,ynr e! $.-.sitresl feel, strongly O6 Kogetable or Mineral Poisons, ()I. ates ^/
tt • question rmptie.ns from municipal N sr:otics, and no Stimulants. but 'inapt
t .anon, but lichee taking any action 6s, I , the Phonpbattc mud (3anric Elemebta
sv..1 await the nostril of the agluntiun on the found in our daily fund. A single beta*
All Druggists The steer fieee*astel Remedy ewer
It a stated that a member the in
.,kcal Survey stab lies efollo t ire CO.,agent& for the minion,
hi Its•t'. of Owen-, and Fee followed by /011 Tielroito.
�y co 11 say lady seeding usher pest oAlce
Wrest. Wells, Richardson 9 Co . honed.
air t _15',
:le')', •+ s;r
C, P. h. BOOi'�2
I t
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
Public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Rees Price 84 Son
Kay's Bloc•':, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Oilers -by Telephone nr:;rapt13 attenied to.
T levo a f .rl r o•ruher of Idou.rn and l ms
( u.! \-•.rent 1. a ii. IA.• inn..: dee+,r a:bh• parts
IdthrTc*-n e'0Bstat:l'Brar.
Now t•'i ',• intro; .'o .cruse property hrfnre
ffff hr ere I:u•L. •11 to. 1`, P. It. is .rmt4K CU,.
i ao l ii. a •inert time •,ria•& veal have advanced
tne)-o:rd The track .4 satiny.
Call and see List aid Price» before porches
oar elsewhere -
Real Estate and U,.neral lur,ranre Agent 1
ram West -so.. rh`'rd door room S.lunre. t , 1. '
It1 Ticket and Teo -crash 14.14.-•.. S4-tf.
'subject in t)nt*tlo. is autl'e.., f to convenes, ru1'gla a are., .. lith certain tot;. eat.t.std
1 of I Dom' dna Rw:£1iE
Genie been h 17<
stli"aiswl, for ulferrne to in. to csptt.Has illi nowt fittwet East
sell it. S1.O4 psi` bottle. Loans & n..t bt:air:. bead proof beloer,
AEMaAI.t'S alPAyiM Milliea y Aral Gro V,S+Ii
�6e secret owe Ir`iagavitfe gts well, tlin,
• lime• ori A. silos•. ':.lapis -.sit
Det10•t o.i
covered by him. ( A reverts thunder Moral primed nese ci.xvn.esm Der to Taorrran &sit Hooses. LAs
Linemen, lu.. ewes,. ti i. d .
Th. hotel keepers of I'etrriorrugh ars Exeter about noon „n the lOi h Mtg. as B. J. rtomAu Cb A; -T A ;Fi'fw,
"dug to take seinen to smash the high else d house •d Mr Isaac Hand- t,w„r >a,,., r Mre atwwis parc�rswd >�oertia� hLAri G •Y,
i h p faith Wein Core b• the self nos/ .toes.
beware law on the (,round that •t the recent .,rod w»a atrue'.t h Irghtnulg the dont-
y �rowld a l+'l•Ta to IsrW.•r Oua.crty, 1 thtnx lit
r lir largo "11'h.' ' n! "mets were heeroper• any was totally w recke'1. and the lit .or I aeof ew't nwtmes . nn .arid } •ave cwt /if iDhCilF,
/nr t 7 + Arid et+Ky •p
t a
ll Df Ali ed" sattq
testing to the Ian theright f ren rods from H { d h was `,` SPAM I CURE.
EidITT1< tet
N: 1St 0R'.1CIf.
Mr Mf°3
CP THE 8t.'l%f,
rcfnsed the priviirfte of voting. hove vara votes of are ,tco ate ;n hies
and esrpref were torn rep r Alfred""/ 'f tart)oi'e , C'aaa A. 1...,,,,,d,,41 t ..•tis, P:P rr !e, ST( IAOIb ,
The et. Thoma.t nitration Army intends Atka, market gardener, who was &boat ! 1 A l ws aP• 1 '0 on st coo,
• • •'pe ('.,plot n 1 n oN'It' al:d Vr • ,.1I1N', 1 •t•.r „fit },K Cr,
er of ve'1... •a to drive their 1""*" thr°u4;h knocked down lint was not hart much. f Banos rx, S. Y., govsmeer>4111► T. �{l): bt
the ranks c{ tF.eso..licrs in parade. Ch" bent of Saunders & Hervey, about Itl FeWn,..l.c ,.-_.--__-- _- -_ - -
�ix han.lrr•s tantaros have been renslrred -,3,,,,,'",„:471^.1.0'n, "atoteo/s1 or
Sha Stephen township was I,a�"wx ti cureFt
d our Rea '. p.. • '
t.• !frames. fiefs J.late and tivrit
M•knew/o"rwf ',t ..treetam.r and 300 bushels of at y n..luin so alt horsemen• -+ •
• liberal sum for their relief.
sit.:hs"p.I.., struck, and was burnt, with about aced!•vlww.c!�
homeless in " ernmt-eur }.y the si
►tnini&icn s.mernlnent a ill probaLly grant r4) l bushels of ate truly.
A. A. 61Lax•t,
hariey. Iusurt•d in the Hay & Stephen acaper Troy Laundry&ablea
1'h:ef ,luuiec Galt g.8v-r inclement in the Mut us! Co
Victoria federation tame y-eeterday at Os-
gnode Hall, de.•idicg that the concurrence
.4 the Kegenta is ne'-ea.ary- for the remora' Were Betaarba\se $1111,
of the If',llrgefront ('olwou"2. I''.urd at :est, what the true plhlie
'V. H. H. Miner, of Ili, 'sin, it likely to hi. hoer 1. oking for these mail years
be the new 1 > Consul at Toronto ; mfr. and the'. is a medicine which althouvh
Frye, of Maine, at !f•lifas, and Mr. dames s,ut lately introduced, has mado for
Shepard, of Michigan, at ('hedlam, Ottawa, , 'self a reputation stcond to none, the
Montreal and 1I.miiten remain to he COM- a ,rJlcine Js.hnson's Tonic Bittru
pr The for by many hodi'.t tai whteh in mit)unctlon with Johuauu'.
r ;neap l to s. Niagara CConte will ionic Liver F'ille has performed Batt'.•
at held as, follow•. uI1'1. Mabee. most wonderful cures impure er tn.-
at ne l .Irene ', : Lousiest at•Wit. 41 ; city
,) oft ri.hed blood Boos' becomes purified
.luno 51: lirndo,n, at Lousiest, JuneB: f3ty :'
of quints., at Belleville, dune 11 : Montreal ma enriched. Billiousneaa, indigestion,
at Sherbrreske .lune 0; and Toronto, at •r: L headache, liver complaint, languor,
T d
In his exam-natirei before the inquest eon- tret.ted by these excellent L'toc met i.
salt, Wtalow Covatt. oeso. Dec. 14. tai
De. R. 4. h&aaaU. co. whorl Wore dose
(Leas : l feel (15! ditty M eit�
41.4 7.•or Yetdalrs Nevin cars. lbs.. eta
twenty -nye horses that lied re t i Is. tee
Mega e. rine .Q4+ted NnL `
seven of Bla Jaws, Mies. 1 have,ha+t one of yaw
books and d w the dtrt.'ctto,.a. 1 bans ae'.
lost • es,. of ssIs Laid . army vessxw.
NOV* Do'l'or.
t'vre• a per he. tie. err six 660 IAA 1.'r r•. All Drsw-
tManfaad•ir••"•on reerATa of you.
r{�etes by the verve+most
r. es. Da. It J tiu"
ormtn, .lune 13. weakness, etc , wenn disappear w ,-' - .-.,_ •-
im�a. For `isle b (,orad, drugscim . t Oi11n� Pllrv" lS
orrnin¢ thetrcent railway wreck nest Hamtl• y u ' [ '
trot, 'William I;iheon, brakeeinan on the ill- ',ion biaek, Gocderich, sole at:eut. d '
T r c. , • 1 .: '.y tAat
fated train, is that ere he a not tell any
.1 the officials that there were n�entl in �•,
the wreck, hut exerted himselfto save the \ir John Hannah. jr„ atphe' of Mr 'i � .e to
bedding and cushions, holding that it was !oho Haroneh, ei Tucker With, eh. is T►. 'O v , wb�efMl[t 1
the prat dot) of a trainman to protect the me in Willa a City. Washington Tent. .. rio.1.'..l bortEr ret to 1
train, and after that t, kook after the tea -
.tory. recently exhibited • wamplo ofid it i., n liter '
(wheat Kneen in Wvelem VWashu.gton. 1 Lis Mod aid
sengers.• sown in 1 � �j�
he spring. It is a I
"Hel'.n, old men ' Congratulate you 1 w haws` ever e5'5'n, nod would
Proprtalera, ___
tS ,3
o. `iec
I. is ..
. : ': •1 -5" -5- .1F
se e..1& ,o et
..! c•-''
.L-L'• ii e t
•.; F € a as H G
^_ " i L � i• � a
' 0 t e -ka T ? e� r -
i' g r 4. e• L y C -
_ f o 3 i. .f: : ° e = e.
c."�_ , I's,, s,2 a Ili
oi 'ji-_ • ::!.=
jL` ft
! i- 1-::-: °- wlie_ e. rase
s �r ? -e: re 0..
'411 t f r. rat �� e.
i-s..2.,.-. f y. -a. - , .. '_.
•'7s, _:4:7.4.- 1 L r�X_ �a .�. •
!/ _ pt _ t
NTUKVI$H6sly Whop in the late a
stile. prat In Tree
twu of them theee
bated itochlst.
hired a Joon..yoMarler. we orepudition to do Bette
N oak thou Lerets.
Lady'sk ('hildren'.
Iiaircutting made
.p,rtaltr on ail d
execpt flaturla
Ita,. ors mod
Y 4
• PlIATIY6'Qfy CE :•
r Eni
Y 1
l N'e't Street. two doors east of P.O..0od.iist'
�,A 1 f I.1FR -
rbI tO{ flow•:. ^' o i^ •
fe rtr'.tat. !.!'kers t+.I0srin3'i Iii'" -- - _ -leis•
te..t use wets(' are the pit.
..ray wpm's' o1. rt.rY:.►'!s• 4en-hartt can re! heir BM Heads. lomer
kwoev: v' c : er .rt l da. Irc.. ft.-. printed e' this Ware to- very
t,,,,gynu.-AeMrrar itittle Inures than they treceralty pa' for the
curl:,. ab L fib. o . and it bete, to s leeches their suNaer.
Call and see rmples .cd Ret nieces.
CARLING'S ? a M 4:
Ohtaine.t. Kral ell business in ih' U.S filet
CARLING'S BAVARIAN were attended to at .MODER..TF PEKS.
Our offbais opposite the C. t.14,.ro! M- O ,
R ti 1 Gee, and err ear • ain Patents In 'lose time
LAGER (Bottled) than th.o.e remn'r from I1'A a/ \'A TO
fiend MOOK/. OR ORA Il'/NO. Wit ✓- t Z
Far 0 W I rise as to patentabilityfn. of . barite,* and
j we, N4', :l1 II ROA: r'N/.Ks.Y WE' OD.
PARSONS rA.' rArere,t
N'r rrfn, hero. t° the d to rest ist., wept.
n None INd r leer., and to nAl. Ia._ M t Q
IC Aleft PLocit. UUI.EIti H - - (. A. I *teal 0.1ce. lino cm -ostler. w'yke.
. 4 Immo and I•eferenect to actual , heat. in your 1
. wag 'hate or ('now,. write te
e 4.a..w atil..
Me skits P.••*, ores l'rmh'a.tla D.G
wsl Provide• $'.r. it w a winter variety and was sow
s hit! a sample 01
y getting g. ,"heat 11 1' 1 1
Hew are the wife and her}. elan along make the eve. of even the most ardent 1
"All right :tank you.-
" Anti hose is it with yourslf •.. +alaniluban nr Diitutau glisten.
"INh. 1 ate lit ing way np on the things the
sethghbors send in tor my wife_" _ a 51.r tat
One Merff of warier. Around smith bottle of 11r Chase
Liver Cure it • medical guide and re•oeip
"How slid you like the VWasrner operaas!hook enotointn4 awful information, rev*r
�,I enjoyed them immensely. The permit" receipe'e, and pronounced by doctors
beet of yew who always hums an open gets and dro.liats as words ten times the
left when it ewias to R aver. oat of the wietheine. Medieine and �
cook Sl. Bold by all druggists I
Twe RII"reas wai*.
V./We-Why are on crying, Tommy
Tommy. -octan.* mamma won't les was
wear my hair twig.
Visitor -e), you want to Irwsk like little
IAA 4 Famwtlerey, Anal yew, deer'
Tommy -Nair ; 1 want to leek like Buf-
falo Bill
J din ',twiny/Mon, Rrumels, reeetr.d
word that his wife was dangerously d11
end left at °nee for Indian Territory.
He was expecting leis florally here short-
ie when the onw.lsome *wake. sum-
moned him hick to where hie "ifs ani
ebildrea ate.