HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 9M BOLr< lite al ALL
1 D$Lff ! TS** £Dm;
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
linage P. Jordan.
Lets for ear A. Smith.
Notice -peter Adenoma.
Plum Teaching - Mise Andrews,
WI•dow tlbedes- A. B. ()uranll.
Girl %Vented - Mn. D. McOillicddy.
bisect& Humin J. A. iteral! Bev.
Card of Thanks -ti► dielmla Maedal.
l'Rsw.-la Oederfeh. ea Sunday. May Nth.
itsn. John Craig. aged 71 rear.
4 sat fes alma mg ye. faiths' wags.
/a faith ae%ll proal (t.'
The Nuperme Orated Graeae Lodge will be
here gest week. but Geo. Stewart. tbe Phut*
Nraporr. 1. tiers MI tie time.
Ouoo PRRSRrv.- The meet useful gift
fou can make la togive • Wirt Pen. Ap-
ple to D. McGillicuddy. arrear. Goderich.
Tata receotoo d wave made everyone shiver
except thole who bad got their ,prong uver-
cu% s from the tashieuabl* tailors. e. ! A.
PridbTia WOMEN.* CU KISTIl I TaatruR.SCR
UNION will meet teg*iarlt ter the transaction
of business every T000ftl afterseos at 111
o'clock. its Knox church. livery woman tat.
terested in flus wort is cordially invited
to attend.
The ••leafy meets of June- name • little
early t►i.ear; or rather the leaves .ease
early and fled out so well that a week ages
*1 apses& looked as d summer was here. The
drop is Me thermometer during the east few
days betokens that you rata der/eda *wahine
well. nothing except that It. 13. balbws
Clothe hill for photography is every line u
his studio.
Now that the cold wave bas passed by. you
can settle down to housecleaaisa, and before
you ate so call at deusders & Boa's and see
their pretty well -papers at aslaabiugty low
prices. A full stook -of Kalnseine. mixed
musto stove polbth, carpet tacks. harp,' tie-
ing and everytbisg required in houseclean•
inc. They bare the reputation of being Tne
beefiest house under tbe sun.
The Indian whit put aMottle feat ier oe the
groun.l and lay on It. to get u ides of what
• feather bed would feel like, was no smarter
than the man who thinks to get as ids of
Rhyne,' work by sample or price. The stock
onu.t be seen M • whet, to be appreciated.
and the prion that are asked most be cowld-
errd relatively to quality. he/ore it owa be
nad.rotoud bow moderate and reawuable
they ate.
Mr M. Goes, of Fergus, was is tows
this week.
Mrs Bagwell is rattier at the home
of her Norther, Hills Green
Mr A. Dutton, of ttu.ilord, was in
town hr • few dais this week.
A Hellen farmer, who toed hie horse
to a tree in Canoes which it nibbled,
was fined $1 and cents.
Mise Lynne, of Sesforth, niece •d our
tewuswae, Mr John Walker, died in
Seal -rte., , I.at week, after a proluoeed
About fifty thousand enveirpes have
hese disposed of at Tra Sweat derive
the past four heathy, &net es have •
stock of upwards of fifty thuuseed is.
stock. Sixes, y',.httes tied proves to
suit all who use envelopes.
The Toronto Empire thus refers to
Mrs Agnes Corlett Thomson:, who mill
appear at the Aarteksee concert to
Tuesttay.! May 24 - : "Her s:ngiug last
eight 01 "Angels Ever Bright eud Fair"
and "Resignation" was pathetic and full
of feeling. moving many of the ambience
to tears."
The meal committee of the Orange
hody in this town ani making streuu..us
exertieaa to make the re ceptien ••f the
(.rsud Supreme Lodge • euoe.•s in every
Palace way. The .lace Roller Rua( ha been
secured fur the holding of the good
banquet un nett Wednesday evening,
and arrsogements have been made by
the town e'.uncil to have the edifice
bt Ilia.tfy illuminated by skeins leek'.
C. A. Vanatter, 1.1 Stratford, spent
Sunday last in Goderich.
Mre McBride, of Blyth. has been
vie•tine Mrs Geo. H. gid, Weet-st.
Mn F. H. Spence, et Niagara Falls,
is exiting het wether, Mrs Marlton.
Mn 'lacers is again in town. hariise
returned from her relit to 11'anoupeit.
Mr tt m Ndtel, of Toronto, was in
town duriug the week velum/ relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Keely and Master Keely,
of Toronto, are ?totter relatives te town.
Dr McDonagh wiU to in Goderich for
noosulatten en the brat Saturday of
every month.
Mrs N. Meddocks, of Detroit, Mich.,,
is is. town 'mime her mother, Mrs W.
Black, Elgin-st.
Messrs D. McDena!d and P. Holt
were away on a legal business trip to the
county tot Grey last week.
Mr Geo. F. Shepley, barrister, Termi-
te, was in town last week. settling ep
the estate of the late 19. Macdermutt.
Tt.. 31im.es Doyle, of the Park Hoose,
have returued from Sault Ste Mar,., and
are getting things in readtneaa ler sum-
mer business.
The derrick in ose at th• new post c.t-
6ee works fell on Thur -day of last week,
but fortunately no out received injury
by the accident.
The barber park pavilion, under eon.
tract by Mr Cumming,nf Colbor.e,Tp u
n ow about completed, and will prove
yeite a boon to summer visitors.
Mr Chas Lse,son of nor townsman. Mr
Wm Lee, returned home from Newcastle
last week. He appears to have fully
recovered from hes resent severe ill-
Dr M \.cholenn, the West-st dentist,
makes the preservation of the natural
teeth a specialty. Gas administered from
9 a. m. for the painless extraction of
Arrangements are being made fer
Folding a grand inauguration of the
waterworks and • t rer,•ns tournament
in Goderich on .duly let. Foil particu-
lar will be given later en.
Rev Hamilton A. Wygle, a fernier pu-
pil of Godenoh High School. on his way
home to Essex Centre, after completing
his misuse at Viotoria college, paid a
brief +loaf to rear town. He has obtain-
ed his B. A , mid will be ordained in
the early part of Jun..
A large number of the puppils of oar
wheels had holidays during the present
, ek sine. Wednesday last. Wednesday
and Thursday a number of the Mechem
• tteed.d the oonventiou M Eisler, and
to ay 'Friday) bean( the gales s birth-
day, Save the papils three d s of
A Fortress Teerurwurt.--A new
. cele Upright Pianoforte resew* eon -
plated by Messes N.wmmbe 4 Co., Tn-
t,oato, r affording great satisfaction. it
Alisthe regeire ss nts for a reliable in-
strument by a lint elites msker at a Iigure
wields the molt of .11. Write than for
psrtieelers. tt
The New York thread says of Mr,
Corlett Thomson, whe will take part in
the Aarietseio coucert, on Tuesday,
May 28 - : Mrs Thien.on came as •
revelalo n and nada • meat remarkably
suosteful debet. Her voice is clear,
high and true. The audience became
uproariously enthusiastic."
Rev Dr Ure will deliver • lecture neat
Thursday evening, May 0th, in Kuoa
shur.h, entitled "A trip to the Mother
Land " Tbs choir under the leadership
of 'Mr Cooke will slog a hymn of the
"Home Land," and several other appro-
priate selections. Mr H. L Strang will
preside. A sliver collection will be
takes. at the door. Duos open at 7.30.
Exercises commence at 8.
How ro Bette cr s TowN. —To
build up a town, prevent any united
effort of the people to posh forward ata '
development. Let everyone posh in
different (lirections. and oppose a uui,ro
.d forces. and the town will remain in
the aeony of death Dont encourage
any kind of industry or enterprise; that
would be forcing things. Don't en-
courage anyone to locate and start a
manufactory. Dot.'t encourage your
local paper, as it matters not whether
your town and its sttrecuoos are known
sorted. if an eioterprian springs up in
your locality, don't take ally stock or
give it any enceersgement, rear beck en
your dignity, es you were never consult-
ed. 11 soy are thriving in business poll
them dcwtl. By this way a town will
boom. 08, how it will boom !
SAL.ths opesingltCthe 2lst anneal coo•
vocation of Railway Cuaductors at Deo
ver recently 1500 were protect. Mr
. td Mrs Aushrouk and Mian Eva, of
Gtderuch, end Mr and Mrs Dorsey, of
Wiaiip.g, formerly of Guderieb, were
Present. Cendeetur Awbro..k, nth hia
wile and daughter, rsturued borne un
Wednesday *tentng from what has been
• nowt enjeybletoip.
The Tureetu Mail says Of Urs Agnea
T'tomun, who will Sing at the Aarink-
seen concert con Tuesday, May 28 :--"Her
e.'ngs were rendered with ranch purity
of eat.rewiou and tone, and with a de-
gree of artistic titesh that was a measure
of her earnestueaa and study of late
Hertr.cvfel execution ut the 1*,riture
created • perfect fur'.re, applause and
cries of bravo resounding from every
part of the suditoriam."
cert t., be given on the evening of Tom -
day, May 28th, promisee to be the best
ever given in G.,denclt. Nu rapense
hes been spared in securing the cwt
talent, and the program t.. be grass
un the ..cession a .f the highest grade
)f vocal and instru Imolai music.
Antonini these who will take part is the
rivet Cxna,Lan csutatrics, Mrs kenos
Corlett Thomson, whole beyond ques-
tion the leading lady singer of the Leone
ann. and she w.11 be accompanied by
he Tor )oto. String Quartet, and Mw
Anew Leagatsff, another star of mngni•
tole. A muse .1 treat of no erdioary
kind is in store for t1.s people of God.
ries ow the 28.8.
At this regular session of Heron Pres-
bytery, which was held at Exeter ea
Tuesday 12th ince , Meru J. `i. Alien,
town, and M. Mtlallnvr•y, 1a1m '1 Elk
here, Man. successfully posed their
exams fur saiesiun work in ounnecti oo
with the Can. Preeb. Church.
Cat.spoR/Ae Mccrtliu—A omens* of
the member i.1 Godencb Caledonian
luciety will be held in the ohm of
Cameron, Holt and Cameron no Monday
overtone May 27th, for the annual
election of elitism, end other important
beefless. A fell attendance is request-
<RIMI\al. COrlIT -On Threaday
sr.neng, heifers his Honor Judge
' Doyle, James Hamill, ,!.e, "Wha►y
Jem," pleaded guilty to • cheers of lar-
! ceuy of a pier of shin bout. from Jon-
i attan Meller, and was receded for sea-
teoce until Monday next.
Weer Hrr.oa F.tareses' I\.TITI'TR —
' Thr next meeting of the West Heron
1 Farmers Institute will be held in Cein-
ton on tVedue.dsy and Thursday, June
5th and Lith, commemmng at 1 p m.. the
' tint day. Au►ouget those "dee will be
l present and take part in the *venous dis-
cussiona will be Hon. Chas. Drury, Min-
ister of Agricult ere for 1lntarto, Pod.
Itubertsun, of the Agricultural College,
' Guelph, A. McD. Allan, President of
i the (h.tano Horticultural Society, John
i McMillas, M. P. for Noah Huron, and
others. The etectinn of singers for the
ensuing year will take place at Goa se.-
sios. Ladies are invited to all the meet -
Winn' AaallWr Bin —The following
from the report of the Middlesex assizes
has a local interest :—"Ariel -.. Mc-
Donagh woman action for libel brought
by a firm of Stratbroy brewers sonnet
Rev W. Mel)onagh, e'1 the Front Street
Methodist Church, Strathr.t. who. in •
sermon delivered Dee. O. 1888. and ad-
vertised doting the week as a sermon on
municipal matters, had taken as his
subject, 'How BArahas got out of jail.'
There was a barite congregation present,
and the different statement, clsiue 1 to
have been made by the defendant. to
'the course of that eermun. are :- -'What
is beer i What is the filthy stuff made
in the town 1 Made out of the dirty
canal water at the beck of the town !'
' Nest is hem? Lock at the pretty
staff made in this town—made out of
the filthy creek water at the back of the
town.' 'The beer that is manufactured
at the brewery is lade from the dirty,
rotten water that 1 ,ora through this
°anal'—pointing in the dire.tinn of the
creek that Aows north of the brewery.
Mr Osler, for the prosecution, said that
the action was breugkt to vindicate the
character :f the ptaintifft. Mr Mr
Donagh would not retract the satetr11111
and so, to properly deny the stateemiliat
he asked the jury to deeids whether •
Meister could oe meld not use hie pd -
pit t- slander his fellow qisena,wtldlbaf
or not they are ria the it aid• of 1►e
temporaries geemtiow wit ti. minister.
The aur, gave a weed for plaintiffs,
lot $30 and fall costs. 5,000 woe the
mone.t claimed.
The Y W. C. T. IJ. MtetsinteeMet,
wheel was to twee been he'd eon Mar
2.4th, hs been p'.tr, nod weal
Tumidity, Jane 4th. when au s.11r*., will
b.+ given by Rom J. H. Seepem. of
Brucetield, on 'W.,ttaaa s tV..re and la -
fl roes." A g -.,.J mmairta program.
under the superauon of b'ta 1. ynn,bas
been provided.
ch' /boom on Pohh,hinr l'n (J'.tia-
r •, In after • fellow named Howley, who.
et is stated has Oren travelling thr•'nlh
Canada col:settee subscription, M their
paper and making n' retiree. The cir-
cular from The 11...•-.,' says ---"Trost
others of unr friend. who More rent berm
victimised by this min may he on their
guard aminal 81 m 81x__ drecnptinn n
giten herewith : Betw M fifty and fifty
tine years of see ; he is about five feet
six Inches ta!l and looks like a man whn
would weigh 14) pend', but redly is
heavier : gray eyes, dark brown hair
well tinged with (ray . moustache and
whiskers of the same description. the
latter worn short and clew est. in tbe
form of side-berns Hes hair is thin
end hall on the crown of the head. Itis
sompl.xten is sallow tied features rather
Oohed H. was been in tlnebec, can
epesk French. ar.d for 6he*s years wee
• o*mmercial traveler for ready -mode
eiothing holes. in Hamilton and To -
pato. Almost every b.+tel-m.n in
olinieds ke.ws him if as, of oar
folstes meet this man. they will costar
a herr epee us by tel.g•ap'ittg M st
renes St eel expense
Reeve Beek, rd Saltf,rd, Asa returned 1
Rem his trip east. time ase hr was ie
I Wawa with Mr. Y. Kelly, ret llIyth,
accent the Goderich petuasatershep •r-
poietment, while others contend that he
weut no farther than Tomato. •+'7al
°ZIT --- .'.n old and esteemed reaidrot
of the town departed this life on Sinday
Iwat, in Mr Joen ('ratg, who diet at the
residence of his sett Wilhite. For seine -
thing like feet let hree years he had been
a rest gilt r'f Ge..letich, and wall one of
i the old settlers. Fer • ensid.rnble
period las heal been nil .p..e f, and of
law his malady had assumed such seri-
Ina c•'m('hcation that he was unable to I
take needed nouri.hment. The funeral
. tre-k plee't tc M.itlamd eemete say cm
1 Toeadav aftetncon, and •se tenthly
81t'.o.ie - -Itight Worshipful Bre. .1.
• Roes R..bsrtn,n, Deputy Grand Master
! of the Grand Ledge of Canada, will
I visit Maitland Lodge No 33 at Goderich,
: on Thursday, the Lith of Jane, and will
deliver 10 the Masonic Brethren his 1•e -
tare entitled "Masonry 100 years see
lin catlike" This will no doubt he a
mom erjo.yabls and intermitted Mwnttls
event. R. W. Bro. Robertson. beet
lemmata *indent of no mean order, •.4
'ovine devoted a large amneot of tient
and money in meemeic reseas8, its to be
hoped that there will be • terga ternnet
of the fraternity, as it is "without
money or pees'. All visiting hretnree
are rrdis;lj inviter, It be prevent.
THE TOwlt dowses.
The Missies et Lass seehlilleatute wham -
The council met tart I lday evening,
the 17th inst. All the ara*Mn preemie
exo.pt councillor H.•IL.
The mayor read • letter from Mr J T.
(farrow, Q.C., bine urge -•f to the legally
of bonretag tl►ekt'e Organ C,,, of
Clinton. Hte advtou wee 1., the e:J.et
that the statute in retard to the atter
prohibited the time frets Amusing this
company. ,The muter was referred to
the special oumtaittee.
A eommunu•tsen frees t`.s Rel:asee
Electric Maaufacturtui Company wee
read, offering to fun.aeh iso 50 -light
dynamos std 40 are lamps of :I0
candle power and mono* ,e5 of the towels
aro lamps t.. the asew cervent to: oats
of the 35 -light dynsonw now in use acrd
$1,600. Referred in special committee.
Moved by I I umber, seconded by
Centeno, that two electric lamps be
placed is. the teller risk for the fess a
the Grand Orange Lodge -Carried.
The village of 8slefnrd offered to tar-
nish 0100 towar& defrsyi.g the spew
of placing two electric lamp., ane at the
Maitland bridge and another at the rail-
road bridge. Referred to waterartuks
committee. to be repotted upon at twit
meeting oaf the council.
Mr H W. C. Meyer, of W ingham,
wrote to obs council. asking the transfer
of the charter for a branch of the C. P.
Railway [nom Winghanm in the possession
of the town to him, promising to take
immediate steps in the matter. On mo-
tion of deputy -reeve Smith, •encoded by
Nicholson, the matter was left with the
mayor sad reeves, with power to sot.
A communisation from the pablisbere
of the Illustrated .Yteynal-.Your was read,
asking the council fur extras on the one -
tract price, in consideration of the large
increase in the titre of the publication.
Moved by reeve Preudfoot, seconded by
eouncilh.r Stuith, that it be left with the
commtttee o t pamphlet, with pow-
er to ply the sum coutrae t.d tie, and to
report as to the Baine—Carried.
A petition fn.m the residents of Palm-
erston street, caking for the extension of
:he drainage system on said street, was
referred to the waterworks committee,
as was also another from the residents of
Cameron street, asking for the repairing
of the drains.
REPORT OF s.!..1• s c 1,fientniaa.
The tinaoce committee have examined
the follusing •.-counts veal reoomm.ad
their payment upon oeiag duly certified:
R P. W'iitin•cn eY (u., 02408; Wsa
Kirkbride, $21 13. Thos Sturdy, $9.90;
S. T. Gib. to, $25 29; Wm Hullaud,
J. H. Commute, Chairman.
The report was adopted.
The following amounts were ordered
te he paid : Stevens .t Dula.. London,
$Sat ; Chrystal & Black, $140 25 ; 8.
MacCormae, $93 00 ; Stevens .t Burns,,
036. Tne accounts of Runeian Brno.
for $32 72. and of the Doherty Mfg. Co,
of Sarre, fur 1136 45, were referred to
the waterworks committee.
"loved by N icholenn, seconded ivy
Csntel..u, that oho waterworks anemic -
tee have power to secure the eeriness et
an expert for tasting the steam pampa.
The council then rlj turned.
irsga ()s the evening of Wednesday.
Jane the :518, an attractive program will
be presented, to which all are invited.
"TNI 1t i. -.TR 1Trn St.iA1.Sis.'—
This handsome pamphlet, which has re-
ceived strong sroomiuma from all
qualified to judge, ie new being rapidly
placed in circulation. From newspaper
mon anti moats we have already received
Aatteriui comments. It is quite true
that. like everything else turned out by
Goderich woramen, it has received un-
tavorah'e cum sent from one rer two
jaundiced persons, but up to date we
have heard of no person competent to
judge, from a literary, artistic or typo-
graphical training, whn bas dime any
gerpi*, The publishers permitted a
g,ewl *niche and the promise has been
more than faithfully carried out. The
people who decry the /Undnttr,l .vunvtl-
Mar were never knuwn to help the town
ss any reapeet. The sale of the p ntph-
let has thea far exceeded our m.. s1 son -
mune expaetatinna,and this feet te worth
men to no than tM Marren evpimnn Of
any hypercritical nobody
Jade, Siealair and wile, of Hamilton.
MOM town.
P11 a Jae. R1141)111 wee
a pg l et 1.t water at the Bru.-
eels alsughter bells his fent slipped shad
he f.11. The emelt was on i of M. a, ms
was melded .ad estit std. ret Ms fee . tie .
grit • Meek( H. was laid up for . ice r sl
d trm',er et Item. of Interest Irma- the
tate meat.
The schooner A,ie!, light, sailed north
lest week.
The schooner Pinafore sailed fee Pot
"'rank last week.
The fishing tug Silver elpray,wah pass-
engers from Kincardine, arrived in port
ext Sunday morning.
A new mainmast was placed in the
.ch..oner t ),tsrhe Ito week. and it is ex-
pected that she will b., ready for sailing
in a few days.
The sch",,nor Deontless, ..f Wallaoe-
herg, with a serif:, of coal for Mr J. 8.
Platt, arrived in harbor an Saturday
atterno . ,u.
The dredee Challenge which is still
working between the pies, het mem
time the past ..rem c by rt.'gh weather.
The steamer Campine of the litany
fine made her usual cell en Saturday aet&
took en paseeugers sad :sight for Thum -
der Bay.
The steamer t ►.earls of the Beatty
line, arrived In port ea Monday, and
after diseharging cargo and folding
pasasng.rs, left fur Sarum.
The Itestty lens steamer ('cited
Empire arrived on ler tequlay trip led
Wednesday morning, and miter taking
en passengers and freight lei fur Lake
The schemer Aoldhontyr, with a cargo
.4 lumbar, arrived in port last week.
After discharging the C'.nldhnnter took
on • cargo •.f hay. and sailed for Serpent
river on Wednesday.
Miss Lr Patterns, who hoe hr.n ime
So,lnnw s city, Kansas, fir o.rr • year,
has retuned to Clinton, preferring rate
indexes in Canada.
len %V 11 Dickens and Mw Kate
Oormsek are book to Rreseela. They ar-
rived there from etel.na, Mnetsn., on
Wednesday .vetoing, having vitiate' re-
latives and friends at ()bisage, Detrol!,`
and Lo.Jon,