HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 88 Til HtJI OMSIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 17, 1888. ETOPICS FIIOM THE CAPITAL !THE ATLANTIC FAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE. Ilse•ane T' • ` a n endNath irricao li hese• SSi . Lle AssurallcComaoyINS RUSS seeTS Beaus, Key l6. -Distress is b.gl./bg IINC(.RPORATCI) D\' tll BC1i1. ACT Ur DOMINION PARLTAYENT I� b. le `' the seal d"ansa. u HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, O NT. musses of the earths d the .art A omi- •A* t>.rr+.0 ease Believe the *.presser Mites has appealed for funds tied • augh- t teen rreeseed t anagerses of Oot•e i USstrrp.4 •esh.esUs. (ht.wa. May 1:. - Rarer Maga CA her or West srwe apers have upward shwa rtfeeue Ifwtw. The •umbar of strikers and theb 4.p..desis b estimated at ,8d,atw Hrwwae City Feemaese f Coker -3! 16.000 Hssirod,t d nieces have ro 'Alt lt.veesead of Totowa arrived here ttiarilinalland work u.isr the Fro3otiaw of luorrutg w cvic bwiae... They to Boded w 4oOp sad ataxy ot►er strikes w w.vertag. tetroses $.r Hrowr Iatyfe.te, but tb4 The employers is the R!tire district eve f,KriIDSAT - MON. 1. YACJt1C.\Llf:. ]t. Y. Mtauter d Padlic Wurk... ,o t, u.te'r. They offered N morass wages without alt���_T Ka -!'ries I1i•letr.1 Canada. Aad an ,stress with Um Deputy M101,1401.,' the hoses el labor, and the offer may Fe'as' Y1l'E-Pit. $U)EVTB .' HON. A. IN)RK1t1 however, to amerta:a the /sect position of the bly be a.oepted. The strikers' committee , JUiiN L BL.AI[I1 city in respect of Ow canna,. pease. hes bead , akM MANAGING 1IttZCTOK-WILLIAM •1 ll.'►YL'. F. 1. A.. *tap. rWm d MN Endasede !errs! Yong* to b maintain pewee, have Bosom -enema Butee delay bas lees made hese {rested L many place/ waruhtg modis uss.ie.g t . patau3. toe the water altppee�� e1 stainer to romac ia-doora after yhe do.ls.patioa also" tayutnd ,rW at. awsest A number of plecarda haw ales la the Supreme Cour§ !seder the eased the Asea pasted •rgiag the "Aiwa to eommit iEaoharye Beak v. Frame E. Oilman came vie{eetes, Thw t.r an attrtlut.d up nor owud.rataoe. Mr. McMaster appear. smear to the 'owners, by other to the ed tut the beak ..d lir. Grimm m hs own iota, awl by still others to women oppose• FULL BOMEM/ENI DEPOSIT. 1 Yigcrone, Prosp3rous and Progress:re Canadian Company TIN Company Islas all Apprand Fonts of Plia:as a,J Aadtlas. RETURN PREMIUM PUN. This Pelky (il'AKANTKE' A RK I(' Re IW Alt PR Kb II' PAiD u. addition to the 'fall face of the )'silky to the event of death during the Ieve.uuen: period. at • lower rate liken any other tempi'''. Fe J. T. NAFTEL, behalf. This ap ural'evolves • very memo to the strike. Dan' t t. I MN pima rattled by plea to the merits to the inil,.-ly Alen Maw court its tent "Casa plaintiff dia.' e•desess feel fres Reglasd, ' Mg the trial of a eaoee withdraw a pollute a Lo'nw x, May I& -There wore 1"_0.•.r�oest 'bill demand with the leave of the icon. pre -'of sol ordered fa Englan.i today for ear= • to judgment fur the balance, revervity may, hit right to mottos* • out for the: portion withdrawn'" 1n the Superior Coen: blr. Jos belle title Briers. toe Torrance decided use queet•ma ie the B,.l.n tt.LE, May 16. --The Peard of atfirma•i.e std pee Judgment 111 favor of Education pained their estimate* Tneeda • plain/al for$41,627. but the Court •e .sen'. night. TL. sum required for pubic schools Benet. decided the question In the negative u =1'2,''10 and for high schools !!1410. and retread the decision d Judge Torrance I without any reference to tt.r grounds ot eciese,1 Mr. l'larlut hunt of Detroit Las beta examining boa deposits in North Hastings.: hesee tW a,ps4 ,n the present wase T P Dr. Felxuson, :.1.1., Welland, arrived with • •:.w to estaWieking smelting "till here 11,u tuurnitur LW .L..utroeutal bum-' hen. ISUMMER MILLINERY taw ( The Imperial Federation League and, Haw. C. H. Tamer and pfr•. Tupper are Tuesday night and elected thew othcerat in Montesal to -day smug Sir Cuarles off fur! 1'issi,lent, W. R. Northrup; First Vie,.I Lowland' President, A. R. l)ogall; Second Vista. Alr. t;ntffn L,1•-arian, and Mr. Hrwaa of Preeideat, Rev. 5 Daw: Treasurer, tt'alter the Justice Le ,tlrt,te•ut .leu coded by 1he' Alford;• Secretary, J. F. R'ille, Emit -titles sante test, the Pants. Major Erna' has ev wed a circular letter to (On1°111144 -Rei. D. F. 11.ogart. Thos. the mayors of all tows and cite.. and taro Wills, R. Elliott, D. F. Rutledge, W. R. neva. and wanleu. of *11 avenue. std mute- ('armiebae!, Tbo. Wilkes. Wm. Johnetou. spat awp..rati nu in Ooteret mating that de. The annual meeting of the Mechanics Le- *oiio use numerous petitions permuted to the 'tftat° was held Monday night. The ex• Provincial Parliament during the pato mewiuu penditure able!' was over 11600 was balanc• mo act...n was taken n will likely. be taken oil .d by the receipt. The officers elected the subject of the abolition of municipal tat waw: c- Rogart, Prssidsat: W. Tennant, exemoao., awl elggeating • ,....f,.......d re 1st Vioe-Prr.illest; Clea U. Dickson, Q.(., presentative* from the various innu,cipahtiN sad p we President; W . T. \taint n, June ,w July. to be held ,n Toronto toward, t:.e latter rod d Tresserer• i'irectnts- W N. Ponton, Hon. Geo. E. Pinter, speaking 10 A repartee Thos. Ri;ehie, Thos. \Ville. 1h. Wright to -day in tet.rence te the et.teo..-tit recently cabled Iron] England that the Anderson. were experiencing difficulty to tatting capital for the Atlantic feat at.smah,p sero.., aald: "I have not heard anything which would lead nae a suppose there is any foundation in face. for the report. So far as 1 know the Andereu.a art pecetrteeinr• fairly io their M'•M.uuns and hops to be ode in a little *h,.e to definitely vuwunce the formation ut a c osipany," 317 8T ARRIVED -AT- C ISSS A large assortment of tl.e newest styles s in Hats and Bonnett. FANCY RIBBONS, FEATHERS; FLOWERS. Nortb-S` t. second .:oor off Square. RI Sou DUNGANNON, MCLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR- From cur own correspondent. ie • specific and antid• to for impure. Fall and spring crops au far are look- weak and iwporenahe.l B!cod, Dy.- ing well in this locality. pepsic, Rheumatism, Las of Iifemory, The Maitlend presbyter, met on Bronchitis. C..usuaptt..n, Gall Stones, Jaundice ey y A. N. Read, E. 1. u -art. the 1 Barrell, John J. H. T y• 14th, W , at iugbam. Fliut Mr It B Scott, 1 f Seaf,.rth, general The number of pupils attending the High agent of the Sun Life Assunuce C.., of School is 170. Montreal, viewed our village cu Tues. ,f The IS 'al hoard of the r.ridje•strtet lay truth a view two furthtr the inteteeta h U t . hrdn and l nl'er Uss.ase,. St. N'nue' Dance, Female Irre.lulanuw and (iereral Debility. Price $1 and t1'3 a bottle. Call or wri•e for 111cLeud'r System Renovator, New1att-et., (lode - e art Church met Tuesdaynight and _ of the company. rt paseed a resolution highly appreciative of On Freda of last week we were fav - the character and work of Pt.• Gee 7 Lcaroyd, the retiring pastor, owed with • shower of trio ao that now Sprang N clothing herself with her beau- tiful green tamale, sod. as the port says, IN THE WORLD OF SPORT. Reek RNi Rreeeer. nriyt..tr, May 1Q -Philip H. Hartle :aIIe melee the Reeaklye ■adlrap Is Fail and Wm. J. Banti., who had an etcount Time tall Games Teeterday. on Grand River -avenue T. .slay even' Gaaysst res, L I., liar 1:n. --The gatea d and abut each other, will p: tab(' both re- cover.tb. Brooklyn Jockey Club were thrown open Hartsell fired four t s •!I Lakin to the public to -day and 15,000 people surged effect in his father-in-1aw's 1 .iy, one bu' toron3k them, all bent upon e.ema one race let struck Smith on the forehead, goil. and that wa. the Brooklyn handicap. It was through the rim of his hat and lodging the first day d the sprung meeting and the by the sip. One razed hi. head, can handicap was the attraction. Ever ence tb.l pawed through the truth part of hid righ wenght, appeared last Februrr Hanover 3es upper arm and the fourtix grazed the Hees been fancied for this event and yoeterday is pat of the same arm. imith di..charge. was the publisumo favorite. The other. had M five halls only one of which bit Hart*IL leek of sumo tent However tt w -os hardly 7 tbooebt that E.,I.. was geed mnotivh, chonee The bullet entered his right breast and nar Billy Lakeland declared that ha bone hada reel,c..:aped the hang. Smith was ar great chance and wool i bee benefited by the reigned yesterday charted with attempted heavy g..,we. He twos. d equal to the ask, murder, pleaded not guilty and hal his ex and his nor was even letter than amination set for tray •'p }'v Aldermen c n , 1dI$ TEAE's 11 "all nature stye. auxin." er On Monday, 13th lost , the induction MYRTLE iiia +.f Hat Mr Anderson t....k place at St !driers., an that he is tone pastor of the •.o.'ationa which Rev R Lavish so loot( CCT and I'LCU • -erupted. We wishI.im apintual and temporal success in fits sew apl•oi01- SMOKING TOBACCO mcut. t on arhor day the teacher, Mr Geo S r . ,'odt, along with eaveral ..f his pupils FINER THAN Eyrie,. QEE 1 h 1 • S. 8. No. In, Ashfield, in t planted , number of shade tree'..o the school .ren.i.es, which will through time be • tit PS well as an .ruamentation to the •c•h.nol. It is pletair.' to rule the interest In itr37on7r c eh t':•,s and Pa.'tate.:3-'Toac • the record. considering Ile "going" and Ural Henderson furnished 6100111ei1 for his ap- Exi{e tar the tart horse n .e away. It was asp pestilence. Justice Alirer issued a war tautly a 'test p.rfermance. The weather ant rant against H tine thin h the 'rank wan uunewhat dam srtwll Ln Nwas also ai�srg 'R ie ed t:i;h murder. Harteell is feeling Let After thea;h rd race was •rush to the Letting ring. Jaen clamored list mal and tar. Il:. is atiu in his room tinder a,.rtcil fought like w.:J anMala for s cha•c• W stake Iftu e• (herr soon-yth.:r farontn. 'rue olds offered by the " {,nitres were iru•'.egnate, The Fleur lbtpwl. bot had there been f.su times the nntnbee of MtaxuaroLI.,llayl.i.---TheNorthw•estern bookmakers all would Lase Leen ru.hod to ace Miller says: Although fifteen mills ren to comet...late tht termeudournumber oi bottom' greater or leas extent last week the a Rrst,lc.: 3'regate production of flour far the we: First race- Purse hhx(; far all ease: S far wan only 94.070 barrels against )cause. J A A A 11 N., els' alis c Britannic, Sirs mac. .11.11! the previous week- Anal 1;0,300 nes F'wi t.:.. a Ice 11.itc.. dell, 3arrels lar the corresponding week in Rist.+ r Curue, ... , 1,r I, Ring ('lab. 4. I2.1 .. 1 Fiftt-en mills are in operation again .to -dap Uwn.rbbl.lois .dler,owed. .. .. 3 .,,-i :....:,,-.:__s __r_.._ . Time 1.':14. ---:-. iron by Ove 1,•nc'*,.. ou'put for the week. !lost of the mills go ►5 . t,.1 rn.e - A handicap sweep..;:,;;., 6r Ell tone ord,•rs &heal last week and though the encl., ,tis embedded; 1 1 l+tnnh•,, demand in lighter sow they are grinding rnt�l oh d Elia T Trey, 1, uYimp. Itar• .... Stronger W 811 them. Newly ,U 1rt111 arrrle of - - ihrteu . be. c 1LOI,trrn. a �1f�.... f-1!S`rtr, tots-tTj pawot., were withal awn fro L 9'Pubif*'s an n. 6, p}b 1 store at Duluth during last week, leaving Mutilat•padd 11162.3111. l:,ff,(75 in store then eatur.iay. 1'nnnider• Third race-. Tis. F.apeetsttrm Etats. for 1..hle !told 1n store her, „4.11.1.° being .kipped yearo..N at i*W each with Vital added : 4 mile. The direct export[ el our far thaw soak W 1. Scott's h 1Ilosgnr', by Ita'un4 i;,lle 3 were :ii,000 barrels against 40,.!(11 barrel! A Beminaes ch c Ileitaenn,i Ilk the p:'etcding Werk. .aken by them til adoruiug the school -remises. _ The municipal cw.incil .1.the mania- - .slaty of WWest'.Viwanuah wilt Ire,+t In ' iso town hall tan Saturday. _:,th inst., 'ben a court of rert,•;on ..f tl,e saris vont roti f• r 11ek,9 will be held, a►id, th.r mnuic:p.l bcsiness will be attend -1 ••I t... All whom it c. cceron will oma• a fru themtciTea acaurdl .L!y, • k , -�- rPP.kRTON, Alen ewrewn correepondea'. ass Hawkins, Who went ep to the Northwest • few weeks ago,bae returned, u.rauellinf� Ibuibe. Se shor GRAND TRUNK I;AILWAY. Teeing arrive .dd depart at Goderick as 1e: lune: . Mail and ExjfeedA lv.. • . .1.5111141M. MAiI Mixed ................ • 11.03 a.m. .... .35p. no tial: sad ea .. eu�4snow' . t an.wertnq /natty .iaa.(l-ens to Mittel .. ......... ..... nae frierl4 a:,.•tit his f orney their, uutl --- .. hs evdltte on the route evrnu,g end :oia+b- *Vile • rant Uwy. r iitoe.'k c Houston, it,, A Hlrnisar nes.alfsr, Mutest, mild 681.10. goo .Nn da„ _oha Branaira Joekey Club Magino1.. Mich., May 16. --Thi. city Bantleeth for: -Twnro1ns and npward,yl10.ach; has a romance. A colcred barter hag the d„b to add on amount to maths brought Lome from ('arada as his a-ife a timer..." velure, roe troika 4110,001, of chi' h *1, 1 one german ill rad the couple are ,►I retnd Loewe eh 41 mocha a -''JO herd the j (bird here. j1(1*; If miler. ss much objects of curbwit, an a two -heeded W. Leo ,and e b I. Fait.•, move by Imoe etre. girl t.-er Ws.. Walter if. 1'lark is the tem, -n, nerd alau.l. 116. (ltesntltour 1 lwrber's name. A few days ago he left A. lielm,n.tb ch c I'rtucc Royal, 4, 116, Itown with 4ia on his g :/ NIn Jw !.rrarrna l (Tlicago St„lido a c:, h Terra DAM t,li1h 10 the effect that kr had Rohe McL.n.hlini) y 3 away •ml.orarily to give other limber. • W.Edger ot 11 , P'3wonJ4, • 12'3er. . ''Halt.,, 1 chance to do home work. 'l esterd::y he •haat.-t'»•u,ii t reached here from Elea x Centre with his D..-er errs,' eh Is iL.nnver. 5. 1:11 I'1' .t l..n d bride. Clark is 25 years old and rpw•al.s Acorn eta3lc's h h lu.-hn,•m.,1,..aged, I Id. tome 14•t -man while his wife is 20 a,,.1 •) eak. Time --:.o:;. tla::t.rrly 1 a gond deal of German. She is a per' :.f.er of Mutual,paW jn'ne the ('l.ri•tian Church and has alwny4 borao 1wnln7-11 to S ao.Inst Ti...,,,,. Prt.es an ex ,ellent character but the people came ;Royal red Torr,.. ('.m,,‚3,,., Kul.. 610 1 Lir near mobbing her and her dusky choice woad, d 10 I , moiler, le to 1 L3.•hmnnd• Later' they Rot out of Canada. The moa- .31:cr n keg del.7 et tIrt prat .an•M by Kittle an I l'r:nee (brie' l.j.►rd by t'areleaesese. the O..g 1.-11 22(3 Jntrinr le front. L4h.wv.l b lhnrr%Oen, Mich., May 10. r- (1\• an ex. Torre I'u:ta,F:1.cw.11Richmond. I'rin••.11E0y* in.'. n 6f ,; nnn,ite at (teach Inine earl Hanover had Kttle in out order er"meed. the p 7 y latter getting no, 3 Ii. worst of it,. „earl, yeat.r'l y morning four ruiners were terribly '..orin,t ,he.t4n.1 /1440 ver i., ,,..4 Jrice re. sd ad injnr.. .ins.Raeotit had hit .41111 free. the 1.e.., ran Mimed to the turn. with IMne• )t..•-1 treble; the of her...4 ..,,ich 1tiehmon� titled, John Turk right arm blown off and we, :4., It••nndtee therhtl'Mow ke„d Juggler •ithe:wisemangled, Antoine Pewit/4k left .g •tot ..k a Men .14 .,nd ,bowed the way tele arm tartly tors off and balance ernehe,l. the tree stretch. w n••k in front of Ila.nver, The (.aortia man is not dangerously though Jmtr'.r in, ,1%.”41 him lead and lire (anvil infntly wounded. The tint two may die. rioter' on Hun,rrr Al.') (.11 lark•br•VAL At p+ y the ter I.1*. 3.1, ,, 'bowed in Omit and Turk i. married and has a large latently. 1.d in•'. the , rr'n11 hell a length The aeei•lent occurred thou to front .f Ponce ujh the carelcsa- Rg e.l, whn war . tea. t.e.,6-+L. to !rani •,f .IhKKI••-, wn ith lfaocrr -"`ss od the men injured. h/1,111 h. '1 iter h-q.n 'L....1,11411C m,. ort the Mn•,.1 of every op c. r ..I e..r+z ,Iv. Tis Noah tsrgee.eb ReeeNN b Rur4 •e,'h theft seines. (,rrlwn sinew Ih. wl bice Sr. "?itt'aG, pia 15.- dennnn, hot In ) e 7 The f:iuh w 1~•1141.1.1 ., rrnasl rer.16, VIM t, now journeying from Teheran ):x sir. who la the I I)furl,mg drat• away to St. PNe711•.•1., a emotion with a wnnti re. anti won 1.}' tee Ionethe I'haoe caption in Hoene. ie. lir, van the .rreete floral I.r•.t Terra ('nu. • d..e„r, "9'1' hs h,r the throe h which he ,dere, 1 ,I.*••.,nt Ju¢/lar, }!areae 4,01 1(303*- r paned erre lined troth mon 1,.,-,.g In c6eorder uam.•4. Li'3,rum. 1"0*"k and al aesenl pr+inte flier• were lira tune was as felines: Queerer. et half. .. triemphal arches Fearing the tnaeriptirn "To nem furt.n Lfrr;'there gn:n:r•n I. iii. seven the 5.,.h'.seared per.rm." The entire town 'orlon's. 1 Yid; mlic 1 tie Ii too -v.: •;i, was brilliantly illuminated at melte Yid -, raw. -- 1'.rwr VOW, for a...n1 .. 1.reer- ties . milt I:.•glare, 111 won by , w. lento he lee saltless fill ole 1. Philadelphia. John Arwood. 112, 2; 94 Janie'. Ips, 9. '17111.' es. Putt-Al•rhr:na, May 13. - Th. Iacono, The Re11 Rr.erd, ( .root finahe,l ,te work to -clay. LI th• city ►x Inv at. A•tmrw•i.trh,v r. W ti complete htrevee are granted for 1:W saloon. este year 1:t1311ren.rs were grained and to At ltutlalo: itaffalo 7, Toronto, t. , iwr before the new law went into e'Jeot, At Hamilton Hamilton 4. Im•rnn 2 , dimes were i.;;J .ahrone in the cite. At Syracuse: !tvra,•ose 9, Detroit S. At Rochester: Ran Lester \, 1. ted. 6. Mmteges ser uN.ghswed •l.era. xartae.tt. 1.1t,re case.. NtvAnA. \)n, May 1R. --Damage mets ate At Philadelphia: I'►Iladetpboa u, grtlgatl..e Berry a have hems Ale 1 armee/ A (Abney Ki•ilN and Krry by the felted. and relatives At Beaton: Hoiden 9, T'ittwhar' d Ow .a woman who wpm killed by an ex - At New York: New fork 3.:.11. eland 2 16 i in the teempa.rs mases Marek >R. At Washington Washington I Wine- W.oduts.h Me... liaehm. _I. s. Woonwww-t, My 14 T1.e Intik of the AMRRI4'AW AM,wrAT70'. o.tem Amen made in April and beginning of May At ('ht.•Innati: (',a•ineati fi 1.. • •Alyn 1&, around Woodstock ham been disposed of M A t tet Innis : At Lassie 9, Ba.t,,.tore T. r 11.'4 1'1 °este, I ir"wli1. mome•=ems A little ono:titer of J••lM-� isles,::, BR(J CE' p Wens, 1.11 through a scaffold in t:.e .Arov:b , 11 41141ee of In feed. $tGentile a,. was I li UO entitled i,,screihle i y the ta::. (.:t n, ones hes were broken. GARDEN .' , hue. Pentland, trent onear Tsrxndon, and �tlulit.ih+, 'raid ai short :"i/ r, his tfncside rap the Jet '+r3i ,. ..r,is. He ,FIELD sa►e du n to Ashtitlrl *0 see ie114 father, whole dangerona.y it' Ile said if la 1 .ad knower it wai a, c•dd down here be e• u'd have hremeht hi, fur "terimat, • "The 01,1 (Liken B,irkr•t, The Inn -M. -Ind nunk.t, The moole.•.,•rt-4 Ilucket," M very likely the one that lux eonvnyp4 poi- sons to your statom from sem•' 'Ott . II wheat- wooers have b•r1•me ,•nntaminat,•a (rem sewers, vault*, or p.'renletente from *be ,toil. Tn .radleate them velem* from the mystem and mv-.' yourself s .pm 11 of malarial typhoid re telk.0 fever. and to keep the 11r.•r, kidneys and lungs In a Maltby and v horns .anfith„t, oar In. Pier. .'s (.olden 11eenea1 i)1.r..v-r•ry-. it memo. all the px• (11.4(1.7 ,weans into a..4l. ifs-, thereby remise tele and purifying/ the tit Oen, freeing it frome1 manner or bk.nd-I'n("•w,l no ',tetter fermi what ,git•p they have arisen. All diereses ori matin, fn.m a mew rw .lenn'ed Herr er form Impure blood, }P.M to Eta wom.k'rful comfit pmp,•rlt.w ft nvttlalpa the atone. loth and bowel', faonaol a the iniree a wad M.n.wlon, 1404 (.111W-4 iNiwpetn, " ail '-..r Coen - phut .1. and t%rwile Diarrhea. t(wlt-rtreus., e ter. Weems, Itryrlpw'las, Acrofulrq I4nree Ino 9wellinaw, Prdereed (elands and Tumors dim=under It. Item. hkwoe and 11ro•r mediet a add by dO meter a positive gw.rmest a err Its leeeltrei vwr7 t.benwswF Ming or coring In every pea'. or mosey paid for H vol he promptly returned Oepyrina . AM, by wem.tes De Ker NOM SEEDS for 1989. (-TIME TO DIE - -.Main. .. • I.43 nam. SEE Fine Tailoring NEW SPRING GOODS. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN CANADIAN TWEEDS. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN ENGLIBIH AND FRENCH SUIT! N GS. New Shades in French Worstesd. New Irish and English Serges. New and Nobby Spring Overcoatings. BEST CUT and WORKMANTSflP. 6. MacCORMAC. Grey township is sot behind the foremost in Ootari,a Only last week Thome* McGregor, fhb con , had • ' mesa' of see potat.•es. True., he did n ot have them plated out -doors, hot in • pit they started to work themaeleee with the above m.otioned result, NOT DEEB YET lint alive. and is getting better at *drag Merl groceries aatd teas, at the Cheap Cash Store. I ata not blowing or trying to delude you *hen 1 tell yon that 1 aw selling what is cheap and ;rood. Farmers, Take ly Advice for once awl do not b'e deluded by threw res Pedlars. that go through liar country pur- sing you to buy their trashy mule They are litre today and away tomorrow, but buy Mem withal will stand by tett and will do what la right and honest, and will take your produce in exchange. We Import our teas from head quarters and are mut under heavy expenses hamlet; ata .gentscarttng through he country. fur tole reams CAN CIVE YOU A good Ilk. Japan Tea at 2S cia. A good Mc. Young Dyson at 25 ct., A goat tee. Black Tea et LS ct. A good GO, Japan Tea at 50 els. A geodetic. Young Vysoa at facts. A sped 00e. Black Tea at 10 ata, 1 have also job reexrlved a flee lot of Can- ard Flora of all kande. also Canard ]teats that are very foe and will be sold cheap, My Tobaccos and Ceram era or the very beat Brand; don't forget my Pure Ilandelio n ('of- f*. my Meta -es and Flavorings are pure and tested- ivy customers can always' rely on hea- I ingwasted Butter, and goofs deli% reed punt- �D Doz. Eggs Wanted at once - Highest Price Paid. Fine dour eolith o, E I)owning's Boot and .-lhoo bore. ('rabbe Boeck. Godrrich. ISAAC N. CASS PDY, THE GROCI.It. CHINA HALL! TBINK OF IT I 3 tons, 10 cwt, 3 qrs, 16 lbs Gb CKEflY OPENED THIS WEEK. -- DIRECT IMPORTATION. U, r 1 3 --rip rite and :'-aced l'4:a1ogur for 8prin ;re .e i. now ready. an N ti; t.. taaacd free to al tit :•*!cant-, and to custom* of :.,rt year svOltou; tid:cita n. BARNET GAh6ENER$ aril' t'r.d .t to it.eir a,:tun:a`, t( .ares our ..rd. JNO. A. BRUCE & Go mamUS.s. ons. v( HELEBORE 40 TOIIET SETSI OR.t rsFut.--voiliver 1sa EPPS'S COCOA. H*48.3 K F.I IT. "8y • t3ormath Liowhedste of 1 laws work* govern the opera lose and .utrItisw. mad In,* careful a the One properties .4 well s.Coosa r Rpm has presided our breakfast tables wit a delicately flavored bes crate ',Mull may save us ntaay heavy doctorsa Mlle It by the Jude -tote ors of seek sulkiest of diet that a ....neiitutloo 'way be gradually built up until lacuna euot.lyJ,h to resist reef, tendency to dl.rsee. lfuwlmde of thistle nis adweare gloating angled us ready to at - reek where.., there le • weaknt. We oleo escape many • fatal .hefty keeping ourselves well fortified with pure Mood and • pruprrly *curate. frame.---- C(ril Service Oaseree Made simply with boiling wsrer or milk. 9041 only In packets b} I;ro.en, baseline taus JAN lie FI.1"t Le Co.. Hum.twp•ti.tc ('tent- h. London. Kn.rlaed. SPRING HAS CONE! AND WITH IT A LARGE CONSIGNMENT -OF'- Geet's kliegs for the Seam AT H. DUNLOP'S. Good Material, tine at} :es and lair prices is that 0,oltu. TM- Nest door to Montreal Bank C1ille of Premises On or before the Int of liar Ike grocery 3.nsine•.s.f J. If. F:awand will be remetea Iron. the present premises 1411 lar K.1.I•re to the new Stun• lit the 1ut.rnetogal Mock, K rogation st., where 14041111144 will he 1 • :rafter pond i tied oat a oath taiga only. anon •.4 the usual dieount, NOTICE TO DEBTORS, AlLoutrtardiree accounts must he paid be fore the 1st of June. After teat date all mi- medact-cunt* will be pat in stilt for collec- tion J. H. EDWARD. 1506.3*. T2WALTH "' ME DI C/� �,jtlp REM E S xist' �1•N8�'"` -lb's 0 �t tt t Pp� A tVr tl• �t -100 ...00%4 atm `sb aNti.Nc� TRY NATINES REMEDY POREPEERIESS POTE/YT SOLD av ALL T Tf1/OFHFAITNt2,l�D2NOft DINNER SETS MARVELOUS IN ANY SIZE. Prices Away Born. CALL AND INSPECT AT CHAS. A. NAI RN, PARIS GREEN . Water Service 1 hare nowon hand. an,: a Is my intention INSECT t iPIPE AND FITTINGS ,...•pa11,11lineo1 POWDER WI LSON'S Prescription Drug Store, '\Tt1:lr lac � air,. The undersigned is prepared to undertake the 'putting in of Water Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machineryof all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. Wines, Liquors, deo 1,08 PAIR P\' G. H. PARSONS ALBION BLOCK. OODKRIcg EMOR DISCOVERY. (hely 13. .. tavetem of lrentery T*. p Feng Dant. tt.reesod a ase rtes. Ma: aa eared. Every ell04 and mink tteeath tewMMi. torn iadae.meeea 10 Gorromeade.aeas Cinema (3. tis o+as rIl 'isms. ter. x1A f j13r�e1 f • t dgrwy p.ret.L rete./. j, tt rm. lemmt1(er�, lei ifs• me ewoai e 1 f home .w dal. A. �L01s K, !87 Ftflt Av.., 5. T. WALL Ilryaired for 51'aerrimed; from our Tuwq t?js:rm to Dwellings, Lawns, Shops, PAPER Factories and otherwise. f F,.tnnn..•.a rfshntrMcAa.hed. work done and Haifa- DECORATIONS ' a Hon Gn. Pape and nit Ings summer -4. Alt 417141 0( Galvanized and Mae* iron 1-101TH>1CATIrTGI, 1'\771.313, 1,1 HOT WATEI'F,R S\YSTEM, A M. Ro(Wni Celebrated 1101 11.,,r Ito lore he, SAUNDEEIS &SON 0. A. HUMBER. ('ompetitor• envious of our 'uc- �:.r ccga, Ga UP BUSINESS ! The business in Gents Furnish- ings and General Fancy Goods, Prints, &c., carried on by HORACE J. HORTON, on the l parr. in N.wt,m's oM nand, h oitMe ed for sale a• a liberal 1►Iieotnt. Frets new sell, the bootete« M aNpraned se • r✓*reel MN *1(1 toe NN 1. endrin, pm ser.. se the ..barrltvee /seeds se sea Ulm frees b.Nsesa. All (foods will be Marked Down to Cost Price. 8•11111 THE TIDE TO NET NANNAAt. QOberlek, liar that', i✓Ni, 13131. Sole Agents for W. N. Peak, Brooklyn, 1S. Y. ARTISTIC 1 NEWEST I CHEAPEST I Jot entered through the Customs Uo Trouble to show Sample Everything regiiirotl for bowie - cleaning Th Chant Haus Uir theft.