HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 7e h THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 17. 1389 DOINGS IN THE DOMINION. LUDY'3 THINKSGIYIND. DRUGGIST WOOD ADMITTED TO IW L IN TORONTO. w art r•tetea Midi sa.t manatee• --+,fie 1se..,. tlaa•eseMs Wear.• t -a "And I 'boggle 1'd inn over tow o Menouria mows •es•ase n..essMe•L - ue w' get cheered up a lathe" Ma•dy Tencerc, Mai 11 _Du tater", ai sun said, as she settled besaelf 1n the ()moods Hall (bid Jesters (}alt heart the d wooden rocker Widow Bow bus arg.atsest oft the ee.tiseamee of the Memo- u•htd forward, The widow. outnmua- tee made by the Iowa of Cohost •.d Selo r toots(' as Aust Polls, W bet • poor vtdual pleiatee reeleaisk+lg ih. Board of file house, and seemed her being by all Raceme from takitg further steps to bring be shifts known to salt-rsepsotiae pie t'Ictoria U•iverstty to Tetoutu. Christu ..ly, D. spite twenty years of aewIOL pher Rebellion. QC.. oared the w for Knitting said washing for other the plalettat sad wee felk.wed Mr. C. J. tie .s. bright •.d cheerful alwa people; , and (IHC• i10 m�� i. a � t • be woman rucking slowly in be one is�s4�o addressed the marhided a emir chair bad done well to came to her. reply.Mr. &ittun had sot ewcludwl •c 4.10whim His Lordship stated diet be She toss tell and pale, Mostly, aid wowed adjourn the hearing of the argument plalt.ly past bur brat y''th- Iter ryes ssW 11 s.m today. ;weer • faded biue,ber bewared.* brown, Mr. &metes Wiesen us Saturday seat to her cu01pleslun • faded fairness. Teo Rev. Dr. Potts $750, being the hideous et •'years Stole she had been pretty with $1000 subscription made by kin to the the charm of fresh girlhood ; sew, her College Federation feed some tines •aggo.aI le -elders brut just a little an 1 her gale McNair • geatlemealy-loek' mouth had • wear, droop 7Ioeri chert empbyd ie the Mo*motb' ''Why, now, Moody," Aunt Pully ouse hi unset, was arrested Tatar- ewe, puling upthe knittingshe had yft- gell wit► ateslisg f»m ►u Ir.timed to take her visitor's shawl and (tee N4 Fred Middleton arrival to W dick.ng the needles cheerily, "the ides sky S•t.rdmy and celebrated the wearer. ,f your helm' blue an' diaeuoaolate ! But eery d gnu**, by •heeding art,. rrrvtoe you du Lok sort o' peekin' Is It your with the iroe•disrs yeseeniar. This eve.. ►.d liver trouble i Pity Cecile Eph's bag he will be a guest at the regimental r.•oey couldn't cure that now t'' !magnet. M.ndy shook her head. " 'Tian't liver It is said tier the death of Patrkk Me- trou`•le,or neurals,-tho') hare bed that Nichol, formerly a saloon keeper at Vic- s lately. ' tori• and bombard-atresta ou Friday after-� •f ,t'e!l, it's been nailer esoralgy Boos wit the resell cd • Meru he reeeieed hi wes'her ' Anot Pull " an alteration with • mat pedlar ie • Queen., • y said. Seams to street hotel sue we re had our full share u' rein the Jobe O. flood, the druggist charged' �a't G•rtnaht. I'm real glad Jou drop with the murder of Lydia Charlton. appear- vied in Mandy, •0you must stay to ed at the Police Court on Saturday esorsing,lttw. An if you'll jest hand mea stink but the Crown offered no evaders, and be'MID 11,11 wood -bei -there now !" as the was remeaded until Monday. Later an apgame seized the new fuel and rushed plication for bail was made to llir. up the chimney, .,I do say you sant be Justice Roam at ()good. Hall lied Hu blue long with a fire Many's the time Lordship sods an order for bail, the sty hep me from a cry in. spell I when was prisoner tb appear at the Ju.e Aasiaes.11ootsf me ss • cat. An' hoer are all the wood bonded himself in 1''000, and hie took. t- brother Robert and David Ward west elm the bond for $1000 each. Wood returned Oh ! shout as usual,,,I goes,. I ain't to Buffalo in the afternoon and will rotor° "WTI EP" L."lately." to steed his trial. Since he lett Toronto ''Why. I thoaght you was st•yin' last November he has had • wide there. Yee're with Jobe then, ur Ner- ezperisnce of American cities. He went'y 1 N., trouble to find • hetes now from Termite to Belie), then to New I (irk, Not that you ever lacked for on.. she Washington, Atlantis., New Orleans and added hastily, ";tot of course Uncle then to the City of Mexico, where he pot op eph'a money has set ycu op with 'em it over four months. Returning to New ,11. 1 m sit clad you'vegot that. Mandy. Orle•nr he remained there for • whit anJ Most men would Aa. divided it among then went to Buffalo, where he bought out BY BUILT t wati0155 Noq►t o' seeks thing. I've al got ueptwity well with my folks ev •er sated levees, .a' earned my u heist sense 1 was eighteen, ate 1 go e ased it before whit I lined with E after father died. Ile bruiegbi that up, that bow, mea home, thee, un' nu wee so grasper. ! I only asked foe wiergi lee baeatw Den said 1'd bet Ha said women wereslways 1wi * by Mediae without security. 1 meow/ a7 !mow 'bout business. I wield have it to Hi Adam. oe a wooed murgidg het Jas.'s buabasd said that woe* do, w' he noted to put It out in K me fur m0, where his bulks are, at mg per Deet, Au' thee ceases up old Lee with • tale of how he Int mosey Kamilla, an. lust must of It..ti' 1'd keep it iu sight. to there 'tie in has yet, an' banks are bre•ktnl every ds you kiwi,. Epb said nulro•d bou were tot risky and coupons like w eta money DI the hoose, au' Lou high en way. H. there's the money idle, • Nervy's husband few. over It as 1f le ►ia own. Au' thee they've all been me to make a will I wasn't afraid yiog suddenly before, bat cow at sae must every Dight Nervy reads out of t paper dreadful murders an' accident. t 1 isn't sloop. Ao' I don't know hue ivide it. 1 scratched dowu last epee the way 1 warted it to go, •u' then sew it would make trouble if 1 d get it jest even, an' the thing gave such a fit of the blues. There west bet nue thing give me any comfort. ut duwa file hundred for the Musicals uci•ty." 'Fire hundred for the Missionary ed Aunt P/lly. •'Why, Mend ono ! Have you lust your wits 1' •'I ruppuae Den an' Eph wu•jld thin if they knew," Mandy said, dee y "Rut I always have felt mu, giving lest • dollar • year to th • rest Society, an' wether to the W en's Beard. I thought that atone ould do good, anyway, an' If I was to tonight, Aust PoIy-' "Why, you Ain't aeywlere near d n'," Auut Pully interrupted. "Yo k as of matin' • will would kill yo ben there's clothing in the world tb atter. Mere like you'll be morn elites long. Mandy flushed ; the random .pest rut nearer the truth than Aunt Pul rammed "Well,' she mid, •'If I w that would some things. Aust Polly dropled her knitting i er surprise. "lou don't mean you' tally going to 1 I hope then it's sum body that deserves you I did bear Ise anthem had been payee' Hued. B you've too much wine to think el him of curse-" •'I used to think I had some sense Mandy answered dejectedly, "but not e I want to do now looks like it to nth folks. It's warotng•, au' cautions, • advice, till I'm all upset. I don't too what to do, Aunt Polly. I've quarrel' with Eph over the money, an' wit Nervy over-uver this, a• I can't by so. An' Lias says he likes me," doable again. "Bot of course they'll say it' my motley he's after.'' 'I don't want to say that, Aunt Poll mid, discreetly, "an' I won't my any thing sg•test Lia.. Hes good-luokiu an' rood -natured, an' Millie' enough, a farm ever I see, to work, but he's rolling -stone, an' no match for you Dow Mandy. You haven't promised, hav 01" ''No -that is -I told him i -d think a weal em II tura, . 1 N. ter. ung lest n 't a0• ht Mr in bettor k d. Oh 7 - as at of los be ill 10 1 did d d k Ori D so rate' m P 01 w d W w m b a to b the drug store of Mrs. Hr. Broad in Kris woo all or given it to the neo o,' the y street and oommeoeed ternaries ander the family on ' let you go on pioehin' and .tyle of Wood t Co. anomie . Uncle Eph did jest right. F TIRED OF LIFE. ,though I don't tuppu•s the others liked t w well. Ii o0 sin t feeli0' blue °ver A newness r.rmers snow career -e that, be yno. Mandy 1 They'll get neer WS..lp wrsllitt emeam.- 1, •o' you re root the money in bask au' Wlxnrrea, May 1i -Nisi• Macdonald, a he store to at Paul t3 comfort You." iu boarder so Ss. Joh•'. College. &tempted to "1 ain't had much comfort of it yet," drown herself in the aged Riser Saturday, Mandy said, forlornly. Aunt Polly was but was 10rteaately ease ..d rescued. ea old friend sod could be trusted. "I Abuser a farmer named Pones live.' i.l . Southern Manitoba there WO eleven fwnoo,•' leas twat natural fur the others to be =71:1`b.• ,,whwene ensue sad homer R.-I'iiesppoiuted. They've all got families, stumped to burn a sehoulhoue. Lo' eight thoumsd is • lot of m ;ney for assnit rsside,sce because 'the wheal sethori-1.me nonan. Som.timee I wish he had weluties to 10(01 w 0101• it so • sees eea•enr divided u ; but I •'puce he fixed it the A polities is new being eireulated here for iway be wanted, •n' w 'twee his own be the release d peterewe d Deluge. who escaped hal a richt tee. That's what I said to from Sway Moatain Pmiteuarv;17 yore Nervy the ether day. Khe was mo0n- 01e acrd wee r. -.refused byre the other dee in' over the way of Providence, an' I while e0 • visit to Winnipeg? aged Pro knew what she meant well enough." OM. McMillan, the owl a vi0elel Tsss.urer, will audoubsedly be elected Her hp cured • little, the meek voice is Chaim Winnipeg byseciawaae.. Stowers Aad a sarcaatto foo* which did Oct ss- 1ilppss aid others wbo were asked have de- cape Aunt Polly'a ear. Mandy had al- 70 di0ed a MIL ways hese a good gal, as people said ; A Wiest psw d • has been vies. 'red t ry 7 k Pe w e 0 to J- 11 0 e ed b ly as a r• a as ut h or u ' • .4 h e 5 7 s a • cot d levee by • aoonde•se mea wbo clamedmild in temper. soft-spoken to her Ithad •a qua.tity et WHOA for salty sealers, wbo had homes of thele ono, The ney w_urkiag01sw will marsh in a body and to her step -brother, of whose wife 50 the City Ca..dl .seting Wader ev.n ng she was • httly in awe. She had earned to ask the aldera.ea to refuse to ae(sde to tee her living sewing over in Poultoey for newels of the Frticiers oombrm. Mak"' the laet leo years, except whoa her re - high L0•0•• for pdlera later•, is illness or .trees of work, called Whim rage to iteaisen...r. for her Md. She had bota ncb faculty tbey 70 LONDON. Ont.. May 11, -Thos. Peals', • said, couldn't go ahead er make her way •n laborer. appeared in the police station among strangers. When floc'. Kph, d shortly) before 10 o'clock last night with hu in Minnesota, lent her his little fortune, he•d.fece end sea completely •"'" redwith there was «emer•l surprise in the village, has tar,whicb he said held been poured over him'•very no. having thought that Ephraim bey two sewn wbo Itad eetered hu house der- 1st 11. eveahng He sold be eau setting with Dunn world get it for his mune. And if y a friend named porkies drinking • glans tee mega tett a certain pieties io the of bear w►ss the men „wed. et„arrangement, her family, who knew all knocked him w dews sad held bun wbile.her fault., stead not ,be expected to me the other did the decorative work. Bailey it. bee fre9.estly been np for wife -beating,! "Of racism i don't begrudge it to asd it ls supposed the outrage was per -'bur, Mrs Eph said, "but it will bring petekid by ' White Cepa" At •Il'h•r nothing but trouble. She's no ev0.t• they nude • " Moak e•p " est °I faculty, she can't take are of it, an' Balky. (.he'll be married for her money before A Bebe, ng,..fs. ieweleibmwa I' I11e year'. •••." And, "Of course o over •n' tell him 0rxt week. So if you've anything to say, Auot Puliy," trying to laugh, "say it now or forever after hold your peace. It tan's • crone to get m•rried,ie its' • Wby, I ain't olio' anything against your marrying in the abstract. But u mustn't fly in the face o' Providence go against all your friends. They ou't like Lisa, I know. "No, they dont like him, an' Nervy talked me nigh distracted ever .ioce pee him that word. Eph don't know et, but 1 can gums h1. mind Lias Fanth•m ain't like our folks -spends mosey too easy, an' likes to go about sou me�h4.. She watched the sparks op the chim- ney a moment and then burst out, "i don't know bot he's after my money, an I don't know as he is, an' I dost know as I care either way .o lung as 1 like haat. 1 an have a home end-" She paused, flushing deeply. How could e pot i0 words the sweet, long -desired, ternal hope? Mandy had adopted • issionary orphan to India since her ealth e•me, and wet considering her in Indi., but neither appealed her heart. "And besides." she finish- , "It would settle things." "Bot you don't want "em settled ez- io the right way," Aunt Petty said. "Oh, I don't know what I want !" M. cried. ••I goese I want to work. all tired nut, holding my hands an' eking. If you'll keep me, and give something to do, If it's only to peke bre. I'll be happier. I'll pay my mrd." 'Now, Mandy Dune, de,.'t you my another word like that ! You're free to stay as long as you will so' 111 be (lad o' your onmpeny I know jest tow you feel. You're all upset an' they don't know enmesh to let you aloe. Jest stay here quiet an' see if thi.p don't clear up o' themselves." "And -you won't mind -if he emote round --1 don't much expect him-" "i don't soppom i ought to," Aunt Pally said edebt..wly. He's over to Poultney, ain't he 1 i steppe• we ean run the risk of his eomin' beck. HAMILTON. May 1L-Yesseday Dr, Lolly. glad M. .1y • '.e'.radal for," Mre Nef� sh ty was called i• to •tread elm month old baby Brown, '!se .• .. .. s:at.•r, said. "It's • - d Mea Asa. wife* the Ei Welham -street' ova '� way been a Linde'. • •, um what would m .seer.-k.epee• The baby hod esddwly "heal of her if she should be bedrid- iii migkt bake, --honey pally a 16.01 ..need with 5a d vomili.gg. Y fdeo. as (suety Lee was, ten ys•ra mee He t M ntwwolr..AmW eeunieweiretfw.oel, might b•' divided it smote/ us girls, for t,0 ousel the baby's month• sod rightly ••apart• .1 enores Eph don't need it ; an' ed We that the Wwww•• d she tower worm bars Nandy'll never know what to do with so esmstbinr to do wish the o►tl5'• it e.., she ,ouch money... And Jane Redd, the twit Ih, Lfarty about tR The doctor pp•. other sister, repeated, "Tho way. tb. baby u wider" 1.11"very ronin •iter- .4 Dept wards the hale creature mimed up SOWS. OF Providence are past finding out. Not a M eight orr-kraehm, 5ve of which were alive. pent to ns, tho' John's so poorly an' the I'm The baby N now doing welt It is supposed rhos the onekrosahes crawled into the baby' throes and down Otto its stomach while it was demi* with iso mouth ops.. The Jeswitr.•M Ube NN. MomTnsay May 1L -The argument en rope had three years now." the But thew reflsetiorw were owl, made me too each other. To the world they pro- the fumed content, and they were very cors eel dial to Mandy. "Ynull mske ynor brine with us :" the metiots in reply to the, eaoepenm to Mrs Nervy ease, "you never could ret local .n the J.estte-Mail I.MI tees eau heard along with Kph' wife." And. "We er inf• Jed°. Loran.., "at.\Luer.. 'hall be g!sd to have you with u, ;" Mrs Lamothe, U.offno n, Curran, Greenshields and 1lehavty appeared for plaintiff,, R. C. Smith, Eph added, • day later. "you never H. S. Hm,th end Tr.,l.nlwr foe defeedlot could got •ion; with Nervy's five children. Tee motion was argued by Mears Lww.M. And, "My y"o.e is open to you, weer," f r«•skields. 1L C. Booth and Tre•huhw. Mrs Jane sighed, ''though it mayn't be •cont tisk the motion ton dehbee. oice enough for you new, you're to rieb www.t.. Amides. es emevta .an' an nick an' choe»o. " RAas,11. MaJ 11 -Whsle three Tease 111e0 pony M.ndy, who bad been snubbed est reins. this woo,.tri. they °sees the g.l her life, found her little world very • in attempting to change plasm, sod (mean• Myers wadi drowned. b• Slat. Who eninyd the new consider - throne, 'on and rdl eel iasty, end she tow Thetoo triple -hearted Wall Retard. aiwiple-hearted to reflect on their reasons 1WTIROATIONAL A010r'IATIO'r 0A1111► !t first. i'resently she found that, in Al Ternoto: Toronto 11, Toledo 1. 'their eyes, an old said'• money w55 At Reffalo• Buffalo 2 ff WlieAy rood to be liven aims and the At Needle's's- Hamlite�Roe►ester< y' At London Loaders 5, Detroit lis ret impales 01 genar.osity (weed a .M er that whatever she rave was thought NATION/IL t.aAees aastta ly right a.1 natural. and needieog At ltoetoa Romeo 4, New York 1. !small thanks At Phil•(hdpbia. Pfil•ddpW ld, Age+ "l vs worried agood deal ever what 1 tom 1. At Chicago (7 Weiler/ C►io•go It, /lib' do with it," she said, after tea, off 7, when the twilight invited to feller ens- AtClorela.d: (aavol e.1 e, tedlesslJ t1Sd pt . "awanted to bonnie whet AatRreAw amireotenow mum.+was ie else hash, •n' T greed ; an' thea At psdsrti 19 iesing'): Cessirs•te �, IIfet•y's Awhrwd, when he frond 11 net, ly. o. ;he midi oerht to have • override*, aa' At Louisville, Loehreilie 5, Athletic. 1. rItent d be •11 the one to Ttph to nitre At BE Louis • Se Lore 90, Beeth •ere t me one, or dome nee slat he'd borrow oto At Katmai City • Kamm* ('ity a Cd- fin few*. to Eph see( it, an he w.. bee 12 'voted, mid if i eoelda't trait my own .01I0Ay nawet 'Arne hos wit host • rworadge on the root Cl"shs•'4 : Machinate 7, Beeellyw ',over his ehddrwn•. ere'_., he'd do with- Inot toy 01nwey. An' sow Eph'. wife Lsisvilletff I..i.gsj: Leelseilie 86 'says i want to rot a heM es the haoe- 2 !dead an torn them out, As NI ewer For, truth to tell, Aunt Polly's heart was already turning to the lover, though against her prudence. Horeb was • little plea. and the men were' minority And if Mandy wanted to marry --well, there was little to be said against Lias Farnham. The chief count was that, en far. he had earned he living in .o mane t/lty. that, plainly, he had en eiNi�gIlIl And ono, be had been leis.' tl+ WWI fibs Florida fever lied wasted tieri ibi taurines of three years, shish might have net him op in hie trade. But plainly that hal not eared hie rev- iew, for new be woe eager to go wart slid take op land To .'Town hie d.linq.es- eles,h• played the note, and that, to the Dust», was hardly better than 5411 hog for dine... Yet the tote had done half his ermine, for S1,ndy loved movie and the sweet. Innes-dn.e motes, le seri sumen.r m,hta from the imithhor's Arose .here Lias stayed. heel wires themselves with mnonligh, and Sower edges mad •hildiab memories r e I Timis* or prtatiag paper w tee be t sailed by the old tones tato a charm for thing 1.•r pulu6u.g glass ur tumors. her .torsed heart. His rend t roast Veal and bes» the sthe most ea. W t,e done the rasrd h1. tear. w ••meed moat to t►e end, a* they au 1. 5. her sees, romanoeutsated him with a gberma ••safe ever to stews, •aoi..s.ts. al,d el aHeim you've/ thee you, Sal11• T ether relishes. Aunt Polly asked suddenly un male To clean ornateeate of alabaster, die Stew, aad Mandy answered, "Yeo --ever solve bores in boiling water, sad apply • year. I'm thirty -two -old esw.gb to aldh • cloth or soft broth; ream eon - kiow better, of course, as Jar says,- folly sol dry to the sun, but, Indeed, Ito imams tome ow 0el0r• I Wr m,tioe by the Toroolo dailies m had be 'stoutly. 1 duo's skink the list o1 those whe permed their examine - money's all ; •o' I wppwe 11 stands lit i erten, at lbw T..e.na. Se keel of Practical re•wu, at my are, that It's something y tones. and sm.•nK the names ihst et w Pour Bendy, .bit tboegbt al her bur - Lune as wmponeatwn 1.. her 'veer fug I B Helm; (eau of H Hale, Esq ,1 Chutes. hoe lost youth ! 11 with that she could who ported in '('hvory cot Electricity and tow at.ouuu. of which, despite br..t6.rs Meg •teem, seed frisked Eketrioity and 11.10,., •611 Was welch to Deed, she ' sect Matz t.eti.n►n. was meekly content. Aud mwotlme, while she sought rest under Aunt l',.Iey'. roof, a family council over 6.r waywotdeess was being held at Epb'e, and they were eipresen.g their upiuiwrw with that loves ease dlrectuess lumen only to relatives -sad sworujfoes. It nes decided finally to use the f.wlly bond as • c.rrecIii. If Mandy u.s plSiuly told that sh• meat chitties be- tween her family and her wirer, she would certaluly be sensible. Sb• heti always hien week •ud uwsaaggeabk. 11 wasth.. muuey which, just 1ww, was tasting her, as Nervy said, "w. ubstre p.rnu.." Ephraim Dunn, • mut . f forty five, tall, raw-boned, with his sister's beat- er,* lurey.a overshadowed by fiery heir, ■ strung mouth and chin, and a look of having usually heti his own way, hoed the task before hilt too much to put ,t orf So the very nest morning h. drose op to Aunt Polly'•, hie wadou lu.dwi with the wheat he was taking to mill, and called M.ndy from fee bug the chi:kensin the back yard. The rains were over, the sun wit warm as Mei. and Mandy, her suu-bonnet hanging ou her neck, showed a limbed and ergo smiling face. It had been such • coot fort to talk everything user ! Bet the lerbt went out of her eyes as, at his all, .he turned and saw her brother. She mired toward the fence, the tr..op of chickens following, but her tongue i.lt- ered over her geminate so sure oras she already of his errand. But he began diploinatially. •'1 was guts' to come in," he mid. dropping the reins on his lap and trying to .peak iti an easy mud enc noeroed .n., "but 1 esu say what 1 wont to just as well here. 1 s'po.e the ey u' ruts is in the hank yet I "1-t'•," as she rodded "Well. I've hearn of a place for it if you want to put it out George Ruth wants twelve hundred on Gia farm, tint mergidge, of course. a,• good security. Toe farts's worth f site thousand easy. I heard of n yee'dey an' I thought I'd come right of au' se abate it. If you ••y 09 I'll go see hi today when I coon, back from roil, lel be six per cent, probably. lie wants I for stock an' .(rine Impre vement. on the house, they my " He brushed an ism spew, fly from off the horse with hi whip, 'coking sideways at hu sister. T. refuse to place her money would proof of the village rumor that ab meant to give it to lea. Farnham to go west with. "P',.un ps you thunk I he AIMS feelia' over you abut loom' m lave it ; but you see I haven't, dandy.' "Yea, I sew," hesitating and flashier "I --I didn't tbi•k you'd harbor deed,deed,Eph, for very long. "An' you'll let Ruth hive it I Heil want to know right off, of course " "I -I don't know. 1-1'd shoo gives up placing it. I -I thought I' let it just lie awhile an' -au perha later -use is some other way." Eph fingered his whip .alk uneasil and cleared his throat. "Of con you'll dor please," he said, after minute • svkis.rd pause. "I den.' wan to dictate, but I should like to know what you've got in mind now, an' I should say, as your only brother, I'd a nght to know." He 'Nomad again, bot Mandy was helplessly silent. •'1 heard over to the village yee'day that yet.were thinkiu' e' gotten married, but i didn't believe it. 1 said if you was you'd likely tet your friends krow an - an' take advice. let ustural to think so Of course I ain't no objecte.ns to your merit in' Mandy, in the abstract -if you get the right man. It's nature' you sheet(' want to. But you ain't obliged to take the first ace that amts •l.,ug." He cleared his throat ■:,'sins Merely stood speechless, biotin/nicestface alter• mately flushing and paling, her heads trembling. "1 hope to gracious, ' he bunt out finally, ''that it ain't Lias Farnham.** "i don't knew what you've got against him," .he faltered "Nothing much, except that he don't amount to anything, an' is Jun fo olin' with you fur the *.e o' your money." 'You'd say that perhaps of any one that wanted me," she said, with subtle a prevision of a brother's settee. They know all our weakncasee and felts ; they an afford to despise the ma. who chooses us "He's younger than you." he went nn, iseetslly "11's's clear aa day he's atter your money." •I'.e heard that before, ' .he said with h Isiah of spirit. •'I dent believe it." r •'May be uu knew more of the world than I do,T' Eph answered. growing harsh. "Everyone e thinks 0.., any way. livery one's leeching at you over to the village --a woman o' your age an always n eon thought sensible ! I didn't expect it of you, Mandy tCONCLVDIM NS(T 1511(. ) A medius►• pouter, wbo considered him.oll quite • distinguished artist, w inked lit brae. the selling of bis ball. "I oil whitewash. it tint,' he said, "sad then gran: it ' true of his hearers ,. u - sulkad: ' 1 think y ., euld do better et te palit beet .situ th u to whitewash IL " It Makes You Hungry °I 1.15 deed P•tnetiasy Compound and n hes lead a salutary erten- It tnvtgor t. ed the warm sad feel like a Dew IDYL It improvestLs appetite end hmctmMrs ger elan• J. T. emit•. LAN*, Primus. & C. inulol mdl selne my arietore nowabys than a did is years ago. The wintered IMrap haslethasletthe bemuse Jbenigmaear. The awns mew be str�eugtbebed• the blood puree•& ever .ad bowels regulate&• Paise's (der, COM puuaet- .As Ipran. rima ' .f *.4.me g-doall tab. es nothing she can. P55 rtbat y PArea n.•, As•wear.dava nl ti Dee plot• ito•d try 101.' .,, Guaranteed by IA, Yonveca e, M te .The Best Spring Medicine. *In the epilog* lees I was en rte down. 1 th mask! get up to e morning with so tared • feeling, and was so weak that !Could hardly get ro aund I bought* bottle (t Palae'sCelery com- pound.om- po.nd, and before I bad taken n a week 1 felt very much better. 1 can ebeetutly recommenddi 1t to all who need • OWLng upend eircOgtb'a Ing medicine." Rm . B.A. Dow, Burlington, PC Paine's i Celery Compound w um le a goe tonic and appetizer. Pleasant to the taste. quick In its •aeon, end without alR1 b J.rtwr etlect, It gives that rug ed 16[0111* which mates eewytWol toren end kindred teas IPhyMatans S 51.m. Ss for ossa Dei 00& Wecia R1coAsow0O•. Marro me. ertr • roetl wring FOOS VArjr."' p',�` 'a MIM DYES pc=t, 'r °,r> d t d W y• • • rse a t redone.. weer From rheumatism, dyspepsia, bilious - nem, kidney c•'mpl•,nt and many other -,.mesea.1M ta.tnwt.h trim Oa . r se•eerr ami Paha •••••••••••• ,mama r eu horst Ores 4Y lean' 1 " •ream ir.a ••..a0 le ea.s Venom le see 1.. r.11r .N Weft ,.• ser♦ reset* safe•wmodest. ..neo es are er ee0int. 0.em.M.. TMr .•emir, . y+:.. u0.twy - h_. •+ '3 es sato end Mea Mon s• bpi. . ,,....we ....use 0.`Wa Mere • . ,ova s w owl! p N e• er... . c1 •t,ea... t,.. Adder silos .fn,r.rn..e,...taa. DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER n[coxse�sTvx�cxo ASAL BALM Lino Amerce. DIion• I'.U., Oct. May 11th. 1817. My wife suffered for Ilse years wit\ that distressing dint•..• catarrh. Her ear was oat. of the worst known 1. thaws parts. She tried all of the catarrh reme- dies 1 ever saw advertlee.'. 1651 tbey were of no on.'. 1 tinnily procured a bottle of Nasal Balm. $h, ha. need only one half nI it, and new feels lake • se* per•nn. 1 h.l it my dirty to say that Nasal Helm cannot 1.e Too H10Hi.Y rpeev,mendrd for catarrh troubles, aid am pleased to MVP all .rich ensurers know through Ifs see they will reerlre instant relief and ^URB CHAR. MCGILL Ise„r Uoderich Stem Boiler Works 011., an ezactl the sane manner as or- `r dieary aortal, and lierdoek Blood Bit- ten curve them q'u tekly and permanently jolt as it always does in every owe, from w bate•er cruse arsmne. .' Mr .iohn Carroll has leased the Royal hotel, Reaforth, from Mr James Weir, e yea,., at an annual rental of $000. Seal 5.eowase. 'tun no tisk in buying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver r4g111,- tot, made Ay Dr Close, mother of Ole ,'s lr'ewippeeaa Try Chea'* Inver Coe for all deea.as of the Inver, kidneys, Stemmelt end Rowels. Sold by Jambs Wilsons, druggist. arson torero .nd dealer. in tit i ('stere. ewe Pana Tanks. Hewers. keet•cki and all kinds of Sher; I reit Work Improved Automatic ant nR (sootiest lin- °inev, 1-p.•tghi and Horizontal kngonel. Ma - .:hinny and ('ailing• of every description. 1 Bram ritofl.1. Pipe aad Pipe Fittings moon newly on Aans. On Hand for Sale Cheap,l I 1 is m.r. Mess aasd retier l esap,.s. t see..4-111ead IMr sae Resit• 11 R. P , so 5r.-ee.es IlissislitIosi. Mali order* will receive prompt attest la. Werts i temp. ii. T. R. aimless. 1111. Repair* promptly •ttenA.d to P.O. BOX 361 1 1100 7 TR J. A. CJIVIEBSN IF'J Co A. w. ••455 4 IMO., P1t0I'Itll rotes. - MON TIMM.. ANN rim• uME Oa It ria Cai.a5AATfu �, nitI) CAdimmer -."..-Wairvaama~rmilla. P, BCAIID OF KAMILLA 31NL-!R 'IN Pronount'uu, by prttctleni run- eliluere, superior to anything in the Canadian Market. IA It ITE FOR INFORMATION, Manufacturersresu of CORDAGE. , J1'Tt'. and (`OTTON CALCINED and LAND I'LASITYR. T.'r..nto.NMre and N-•rehouss : 'A PItONT dTItI,11;T EArrr. K. C. BONNCI.4 Manage( !NSM) A sue( con( loo 11111.10/111114C114, CONSTI PATIOR. 10010(57100, DIZZINC$i, SICK KIADACN(, Ase mamas• Or Tta STOMACH, USER AND DOWELL, THty ARC ■ILo,TNosow.n /MO /SOUR It ACTION, AN. FORA A v5LYAOLC *10 70 Suaooca moire writhe Its TMt Tecru Aw• swat or CNRONIC A00 OS$TINATt DIS(ASU. r:341Me.tww-IKne •• - la«w ... w....:.,. .'M. ler *INPs sae 4111.1. (- s,g10,9M $ 1 • Sewall. 1(. w4/10... •shei .- . Pn• er SW res„ �'�wg,..��arr 'M 50 rr��••aaaaee 0 * alsosa .,4 ea Are nay roll n ow 1..,, w .ee 01.4,04.40 1.•. 1. sees ...se am q, .re 0 1 1 W • . greet ossa Y .• li Sew the Ihie .1 .r.' .. .id,a eros row Fete tic e.,.. Sime.. 3Ir... -.N a.... W aim 4. asst. raw.wat. neat tow. 1 gates on tat ew.a AN r •••r.piaat oma orb. Meer Sr N w. es lea .w. ••••14,--044414.•r 5. .Aim. .A .M ilk er . rein►.... 410.4•06.tseusa. motes. Isle. oar. 11'.. ter Spring Goods C9EdT VARIETY -AND AT- PRICBS TO a (TIT ALL -AT THE - TORONTO CASH STORE. P. O'DEA 2151- M ANAQAii THE KEY TO HEALTH. Zfnlneho .11 the dogged sveinneseof the Bowel.. Kldseye and Liver. title ingell gg•Aually without wesk0.isa widow. all the impurities ase leaf humors Cf the •enrehe.•i et tis time* time Correcting Acidity ar the Stomppop5* . leaaddach.s, Dinar % pite Dermas PH the Min, aDDrop y DIMtsss. 54i! Blerd I Oho Heart, it.rTottsm.ssg sad Gen- eral Debility ; all these and many ober similar Complaints �•! b the SI.00Di neluence of IaITR'BR& $QMjI� $. IMiACU t CO. Retail._ �sllflk EST/*1151610 1155 RDCHAHAN -1 ROBINSON Y A1Clar7era,ta SASH, DOOR and BLIND D..l.re 1n all kInd, of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Anna hslldwr', wed sial d*very do..rrp'ea, School Furn;cure a Specialty nae