HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 6THE HURONUSIOJAL, FRIDAY, MAY 17, I8k9. IMPERIAL FFnBRATKA; E LEAGUE Di CANADA'S ANhUAI WtIV-at4O AT HAMILTON. ef tale.-• Mae ..t - lows *M Ill -serosa agonies IPMmelpal tae.M1 elP see. Rarurun, May 13.- Th. Mind ►naval of the Imperial E'.d.ratkW l..- us Canals was held in the ,teutlen,du's portae let the Koyel DotelMaturd,•y- shun..an Mr. Mon M.Carthy, V. P., Premien' oi the e in ('.code, canopied the chair. The annual report of the work of the esque showed that gest pmgrer had hoes ainede dirtil.yug( the year. A ouwlwr .d branches Amore formed .ad the several •dieting were by prousinesi per•owr.gi. Theme ware the elbows dawns, nearly sU re -steatites : treddowe-Dalton McCarthy, M P. , Te - THE HOME CIRCLE, Keay asked peeeiriuss seder brie. '1'o restore ...shed velvet, hold it neer beeped of tee kettle and let It •foam • e11, ibex mime op the sap. When yea fled a seep that is pure and set, you akin, cootie*, to nee it. Fre- iiuest alienates vee bed for the eotapl.a- 1 1. Lim. • ger M said te be as dmirsble m«ly as di ihen., a teaspoonful be i •r slowly *Wee each hour. It moa be Melita readily by cloldrea. • Silk dresses should never be brooked 'idly • whisk bream, but .►avid be sue- I'ully robbed with • velvet tartest kept ter that purpu.. 1t Is mod that stripe of red or bleep domed dipped in liquid &rmeumoend laid ,round the edges of tee carpets, will prove sure death'su babe moth. Vice Pruoide.M--Alesrder McNeill, M. :alt and water will prevent the ban t. Winie • Charles Riordan, Toronto. from Litho( out, and cause new hair to Rnoe. Tr.searer--Henry Lissa, Mos- krone. Du stat use s Armor s• to leave beg .hits part seise upon the hair when Hoe. Secretaries- Archibald Md loon, jr.,' j,y. ▪ Casimir I►ickwm,.1. Casten Hopton. If canoed shrimps are used for salad L the eed.Op •cam era• Mayor wet, held nor should be carefully looked over tau fie the (band Opera Hr inn Mayor Floras .s lout to Iwve e bit of the shell, ringed sesupi«l the chair. Prtscips: (hunt wade the speech of the renting. o cold water and noted aril the dress - Ile wished, he ..id, to ask some plane •ay wis of his fell..or campmate' to answer In case of • cut, smoke the wound df p. ibla• oallnif and without pse'kwi •,.h burn rd red flannel. on which k• - sed without that privilege 01 is.pstiag ,,.tau P1•o•d • .s11 geantity of tr&ivs to u npp osts thaton mis people dealt hen tie up, after .pnnkliog with .I- ia mistakingit for nrg aw11t ,,hue, sed it will heal immediately. The first questionwas • very important one f o end 0. the &sewer gives to It depended the a nuke premed mullein, hill writerA n excellent c'ogh mimixture u .tads eof runlet of new whn.h we would rete& l tbs P slbera The first ger stlon WWI : " Is t'aaode nesi h nod, one quart melt wet. r fa • coalition of stelae equilibrium!" The u,til thin molasses ; stein thin, add one o entry that wa not w •.tate of stable ,,int Nee Orison. molasses ; boil a few egwtlihriuni was sot sure of its 0511 (rands „..meats. Duce, one tablespoonful four Liens and therefore anoertais em to is f uture. „use a dam or after every coughing When the relation of part to part or parte •• to the whole were tau unequal that it 5a Ver attacks of sdek headache sareegboot the country that the present ) many Mats of Magi weld •.a Continue that ,awn- •ern he prevented J those who are sub - try was is a shale lel unstaUe a uilibr...sa. ,acted to them .re careful about thee It was jolt like a cuss to ..i•wiler state -i& ort and largely restrict the Mme h. was withnut true strength His answer b .eget•bles and fruit, easy of digestion fihe'iueate n ons •• tl.at Canada u not in • rimy oust forego meat, cheese, pastry. ' state of stable egwlit.s rum." • neer, wiue, etc.; in fact, neither eat Dur And was there stability thougb"wt the drink al,ythtug which is stimulating ie empire! 1:uld the present relati.,ns remain haracter and at all likely to tax the permanent ' Faipt...ti.-elly no, he.:suee the ..roet,v. organs, pprroeent telati..us denied the ri hte which 3,0110,0 09 w.4:Ionan said 4,000.I0l Iri.buien Potato Croquette. -Mah the potatoes had to .5,000,1100 Canadians and 4,IK0,000 smooth and Ugh.- Beat into them had Austral,nms the wend rights .4 self- • cup of but milk, two generous table government Cul..dal populations had spoons of butter. fine teaspoon of salt ; so share in the supreme work of .eat the whites of two eggs stiff and sur e government in natters of war, piece ',oto the potatoes. Firm into croquettes, • sed treaty nr.kimg. Ile del lik.• ue see tiled- dkrs punctured. Was it not true that, as Idr. Blake A.M. in his Aurora speech, we were "freemen without being freer' Wats it mot true that we could be plunged in war without our c...nrnt and that pence could he made without our allowed! Ought this state of things exist! Should we be satutied! If we did n•.: regret our..elvesbow long would others request es! Ibis question would be settled. 1a e would take our time alemt it bet K would • settled. It wee not our fault that it wee Dot mottled end it was Dot Great utak sees for twenty or thirty minutes. Britain., fault The rea,n,n ,f iU net, bedeg 1 I arrived � M mid Alm/ Illkom a. Dr � Wallies lies settled haws le hard work doe w etre eh.paph tildes of • Wmbiugto. Mmoraper• Osy hair hue mimeo M beeomleg .sob • tole le Paris ;het Locks which maul lately wane have hese dyed . golfer b. own are wow Numbed whits. Ms Kew., the .etre.•. bee iseeeled se' useetbes" fan Peeked away here and tiers in its small eumpees are a pair of M:eeuse,agluve bottuaer,a little mirror, hair pas and gore • number id aoesm- uru s to the •wee. Bays Oxide: "The enemies• of women to imitate sten, poliu0.Uy•Psow'Uy tied socially, is a distressing noted models eitrilialtw.. It is arti.ticauy a sai.tak. ; it is prohably also tome morally &batt • To those who am will of np finest flower of wonteabooe Is • s.oaitive plant boot cultured is shade sad silence thin sedum.' ,o will not be welcome. A walking costume is of myrtle green Aoaaauo cloth, trimmed with mmoleskin. Tae skirt is plait) sad edged with ieb ib. esoleekio. It is covered by ery marl forming • second skirt, ninth' up alightly here and there with • biz pleat the at the tack. It u oleo edited e t leskin. The bodice, to the sic Ida Francois .elle, u double brwted, th ose row ul Norwegian buttons down the left side ; moleskin cellar sod cuffs ad • band of moleskin down the centre. One of the fashions of the year, which km reached • crate both here and abroad i, paegementerie. From plain roods simply tied in large knots like • friar's girdle, to eleboste pl.oques as intricate- ly wrought as the richest lance, all sorts and kinds are represented, Greek, Ru - min, geometric, fanctful,flusl and clam- iesl patterns being brought out in most wonderful and attractive combinations. Ps.gemeoterie appears upon nearly every portion o.t dress, even at the throat as mooch et pendant, at the waist as buck- le or belt, and un the fancy shoe, imitat- ing a clasp. roll in the yolk of an egg and theu to .reedcrumbs, lay in a cne(nette basket and immerse in steaming hot frt. Fry ill brown. Putt Pudding -Beat the whites of OD eggs to a stiff froth, beat . c table .pons of flour with the toll- of six arts and stir slowly into • quart ,.1 milk. add a teaspoon of melted butter, then he whites of the eggs slowly. Bake in ittle stone ceps, well buttered, in a Corn -starch Pudding. -Put settled was that tt a ono had only Cocoanutg e alk if the matter T .e or!ootaing is -1 , quart of milk over the firs to buil. lama 01 great Itriti..n l,a.t planted punple Add four tablespoons of corn starch in every quarter of the earth. The colonies l,aontenee with • little milk. A. coon now fornuoy parts of the Empire 5e re in s;M tha milk buds stir the caro starch In- state a( imperfect ptait.tsl Jevek.pment 1��, the in ti11 it thicken. Then add This oolouy began iia state •d r.m.plete de- quicklythe whites of four eggs hest30 p eIt.ri e, and It was well t.' know that the •. a .( truth, sic tablespoons 0f sugar aheltariupt ono .pal the etitgo ern evolving ng and • cu of rated cocoanut. Turn In- o. [A(.plaitee j We heti guise on P t frost, stage to stage till we now look for- to a mould after adding salt to the taste. ward to t:.. Attainment of full citizenship. 'nerve nigh* boiled custard made of the " There are dithvelties in the way Y some yolks of four eggs and • phut and a half le say. IN troupe there were dit0_..ltie. ,of milia. .e. rlw.s 1M Me► °moth, and waste, and repair go tae is • ..•fur's way tilte yearthempik, but the wuuat v( fund .ets.mery fur illi... operations is .erprisisgly sera. The ge.eastuss 4 budlty haat reveres • most variable ge•auy .1 food. la wisp ter, wile the wampam.sre et the *amnia air at sere, the tempereH.* of the blood ie healthy pereues is 1144 degrees, sad whom the heat of ....mer drawee the seer - wary of the lhensometer speer M tar a- bove that mark the blood stilt r craws 96-3 degrees. The wveiotss essehesism by which this madams blend temperature i.maiessisied at all maw.as is ata aseos- tory to .oesider. bet it mast be •video& to every ons that the lure. needed to .*ise the temperature of the whole body to nearly 100' in twister is so longer needed iia summer. The total amount of food t►eeded for r.pair,lur growth. sed fur heating.y leashes its, is theem.oh less thee e generally 1M111041*. and it impresses .. with the troth of flee great eorgeen •bernethy's saying. lk•t "ase fourth of what we sat keep, es, the other three-fourths we keep at the peril of our liven" In visite,. a. burn op the serried food wile a limited amount of extra .semina. 1n simmer we rot rid of it llterwlly et some vats risk t.. health, sed, of worse, to 1.f.. We p.Dot burn it. Oar vital foresees are busked, and w, worry the must import- ant organa with the extra meters of removing what would better never have beeu taken into the stomob. 11.1 of Karin. As morning sun. with strong and vivid ray. Drives from the earth the sullen mists away. :to ft. R. n.. in ,treugtb and power grand. Doth rout disease and stay death's heavy hand. •• ale 111•51/5 Sallied soma No "hardly ever" about it. Hs ban an attack of what people oall "bilioes- gi.'•s,"and to smile was impossible. Yet • magi may "smile and .mile, and be • villain stall, still be was no villain, but • plain, blunt, honest man, that needed d remedy such a. Dr Pierce s "Pleasant Purgative Pellets," which never fail to sum biliousness and diee.sed or torpid mer, dyspepsia and chronic eoosup.- Itton. At Druggists. The newest thing in New York is • shop where men and women may have their shoes mended while they wait Customers age the latest shoemaktnz tpachduery in the window, and behind :he machines • row of baa and men prepanug work for the machines A woman gores in, has her shoes taken off. pelt on the fats, trimmed of all tatters •a 1 shreds, fitted with new heels and .odes, put into • sewing or nailing ma- chine, and made good as new almost an quickly se it has taken to wnte these words Patuhina is the only work that u donne in the old-fashioned way. En - tin new shoes are made t e order in two hoar. T. the leedieal MsessN... cart. an wheal 11 may Hvee•. Phos hatine, or Nerve Foos, a Phas- te Element booed nen Suientifie ut these weald be bravely met. 1hbirut- i Booed Mackerel --Clean, wash and ties were disappearing very rapidly. Aur- ; dry with • sloth three fresh bet -the short tune mused Canaan and Aum ' • troths had had self-government what great s .ckerel. Wrap each fish in s cloth and { thing+. hail Leman done ' We had solved ib. soil tar half an hour. Lein them from geogr ipso, ..l question a• d have .esrn«1 the water and serve them on • folded that It wan man's glory to .•onquer miters. n•pkln. Serve with holland or caper We had eine i the Indian i.cetioo, the ,yuan, or with • fennel sauce, as they do half-breed que.tie.n ri4 we would solve • ,n E,,glend The garnish of nasturtium every ,•tee r qua'et...r that mine up. (l.o..d leaves and flowers is very pretty, and applau5•.1 Ioutinq our 'l1 years we had .uitahie with th.s 6eb when they can learned u. w'rvr the empire am well c our- toe ,b!ained. The beautiful and deli - selves. Vic had built canals and railways •ilius N giish mackerel a much timer i0 of vial value. h r had been parrprnn flavor than his plebeian brothel, and is ourselves for a higher eitizenaliip. It dean tmp.wible to have raised the •uestwn nt eioellent rxrked m this way Imperil titVP1l-hlp m iier than this, and Stuffed Shoulder of Veal. -Allow the here is where he differed from Mr. 'hutcber to bon, a shoulder of real and Blake, who. ii Int advocated fill in the l.rt occupied by the bone with vocatthe some principle rt he w., i'i a dreaming made of s. ft grated bread prep.nt now. Then, Mr. Blake ani his crumbs, allowinga pint of crumbs to a pr0p.item woe rally received and he thought that what .--us .lith, ult then was very meant bili -cup of butter, half a tea• impoaalble 0115. Itut 1 he trend of events was *pec .1 sane, • teaspoon of chopped all the other way and every year sees Impe parsley, a saltspoon (f thyme, another riot unity nearer at hand. He had proved ..1 summer savory. • tablesp on of alt that ('anode was in • state 01 unstable eget and a s.ltaps.n of pepper. Mix 11.e librinrn, tie emote o1 it, and e w hP came t0 1resaiugdry and sew it up in the veal. the veal with salt and pepper, a cl-.er o .teMwn : •' What is the care Dredge He would answer it • " Full citiren.hip is rub it with !k " (A V 1 N of t ' ore. pp ear. n erre atm ore with flour. Then roast in • very hot n ( d annesatirn ►nil t'suaolius see esu War snarl. Davit allow a eels it the h+A M aloe ly tied array ter tufo Catarrh, .he Jw ma be serail lir 25u. by using Di Maw • Catarrh Coen, • few wet*. touts oars incipient eatery► ; 1 M 9 boat mires ordinary catarrh , 9 b 6 Wass f goarseteee to sem Ariel, catarrh. Tr k. Only VW and ore ours. all druggists ly Mn Cho& Watson, w Ottawa 'lady well !sows ma reader, aid hart• oarl the msp with the K•se C whim. C ..i wee. died suddenly ut Nev: York thin day. Her remain* were wuv.ymi 4• Ottawa for ioterrmeat- The New York Board of Health,• few years ago, decided diet the prevalence of diphtheria was to be attributed to the fumes of kerosene from • lamp turned low, more than to any other single cause. This disease usually makes its attacks at the mason when the days are short and nights long. It to a sadly mistaken loudness en the part of an in- dulgent mother to allow • lamp to re- nnin iD • child's bedroom with the flame turned low. "A turned -down kerosene lamp u a magaat0e of deadly gas that the strongest lenge cannot be safelty exposed to. -- Asot Mollie. phi Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon ary Consumptton, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates N ircotics, and no Stimulants, but situp, ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A sinrle bottle is suhciunt to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. i,owe% & Co., sole a;ents for the Lomtnton, 55 Front Street East Toronto with the mast exponent. •peedmens of All are Invited to eaamiiar Qual.,y. et) lee and Pro -es. upholsterer's art, and has a polished oak pan .nix ev0re though plucky, could not hope to defend .even till thoroughly dune, bating it themselves against foreign nations Full every hfteeo minutes. Serve with • citizenship in the empire was the cure. (brown gravy. The remnants of this veal Every agitation for a widening of the crmati- 'oaks excellent sausages. They should tutioo had been rcosnipansel by de.'laratinn the mooed fine and seasoned with more that such a '•hinge would nuke better citi•'herbs mixed with any of the remnants stens of the p■'pale and the result• .iedicntel ,f dressing that remain, Mound together the , «• .ration P M 1lV.•. eve a ton. ,nen little cakeswn grin • for can'2 the whit. '.1 in „kid, w not vnlutiw, it was ' ` peedyolk of an egg and tion were dna , Rive a definite reply That part of the move. work to interest boys. Cut into cubes, spent bekugsd Lo eateaman Numberless pplan• ,' old 6c• given but many perhaps w.',iId l e nnfeaoible. Ile would propels two Plans: let, • full cltiesnship involving a voice is the supreme work of Roveruwnent, and trade 1-yrtwee0 the parts of the empire to' take place on more favorable terms than with foreign nations. He amplified his afrOillent nn these two lines and condoled that both plena were forcible 0f realisation Imperial Federation was worthy of the sup pert of all Canadians, off Irish ('anadians more than say, for is Impanel F'ederatina lay the lir.aol.tles of ohs Irish question. The few et Loam Mr•s. Penm.isse-d$sw them 1 ve glees ye. •.nothing is mai. yea caa take this shovel sad Awe Me meow of my sidewalk. , ('►itde Piglet (s tramp) flog pardlag, law ant : hat i sae Meat shovel was mode by . eon axion firm : and my assatei..ta rwg&rd- lag the digeity .1 labor weal permit nes be handle it 'r email bricks, they hear a close resem Mance In miniature to certain kinds of stones .bounding In brown or brownish- rrey spots and little hole. and lnden- 'at,ons which resemble old masonry. They may be fastened trgether with slue, nr by means of • small wire p•es- .ng through them, and fashioned in models 0f castles or honer. whish will .snake • pretty gift for some younger Mother or sister. Broken up into small •rregular bite, end strewn over the frame of an old slab, which has been 'prated with hot glia, they task. • !pretty picture frame. This eon be afterwards gilded 11 cul prefers. Martell'. sae se taw Point. WAXIER RUT sora Edit WORLD'S 113E OK1"1��=f1,x W U.S.A., MIK la comw"e"'a pianofortes of Europe and £nation. The lnly U.S. Int ro.Sio.d Model weer Medal sed to a GLnadiaa std Diploma M ()Mosta tied Indian supreme h or al supplying LW. 1888. Hwtth tbn M� soptssss hosbr d .wjr"'^ the Qu.se with a -Newcombe shur Saliba& Fa elected by Sir prime and tense. '�*a. MII$11 L Drspeneia is dre•dfu:. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion u • foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It u easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, tato hours, irregular habim, and many other thine which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptic. But Green • Augurk 10 tr Frintn has done .04 spR1NGonvi11.... L 1 N E R Y 1 a wonderful work in reforming thu ad bodies end making the Anlerdcari asnrseveaeaa wa.woasw tov-+es 01.1001, SW.. tsptiww •A070/r. al 50 as autLwue.e mum/ aS WORM POWLEIILS. Are pleasant to tab. Contain their ow. Par vti • . Is a safe, etre, and ears -teal Aaer.pe r of ~saw la C -.Lamm as A Nita A w....ss•t Mena Irroanwsa This is the title peed to Sautes $spot aim el Cud Liver Uel try many theamende w hir have Wire It, It ort only gimes flesh sod strength by virtue ut its uwa opNNu a preparten. het .rwat.e M ase paste fee loud. Use k, sod try leer w eight Souti'e $u101. le p.deet19 palatable. told by all drigg•eta, at 80a .ad $l. MEAT MARKET, !RIMY B603., P►�r i� Meat.. of all kinds fresh and cored, kept constantly on hand. Orders delivered to all parts of the town. Telephonic "eotntntmicatron to all points. Customers can depend on good satisfaction in every particular. gas. -u When 1 say Cosa 1 est mess merely to gap them for a nmq»d Shea herr them retains again. 1 na ve A AD AL CURT 1 have mote the diseased FITS, EPILEPSY or BALLING SIQZYBSS • We bag stably. 1 Walla* Tay remedy to Cu x.tlae worst mars. Recause lime fa1ly4 is su for nut now s rure. Send at owe ter • treatise mod a eons -see tsps ee a 1n*ra1LIPLS i aves's. Mee NA roue ogre. it messyeam�.ahtylIt.ti 1ttOti YIDss . SPRING -MILLINERY 1 -SPRING MRS, S.gzgEDD has added a Large Stock of the Latest Novelties in Plurthee, Flow- ers, Ribbon., and every other line for the embellishment of Hata, Bonnets, and every other article in her Milli- nery Department, which she is selling low. Her Display this year is Larger and Better than ever before. A Ticket for a chance on a Musical Dressing Case will be given to every purchaser of a hat valued at $2 or over, and the Gift will be awarded on July let. 2'2`02 ALSO AGENT FOR PARKER'S STEAM DYE WORKS people an healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember :-Nn happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness at the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for • bottle. Seventy-five cent& enol* A� t'xrtm,isF*i Loo►.- Mn Worth - wane, of Murry Hill, has just moved into • new hones. The parlor is fitted MISS CAMERON' Rio nue received her Spring Stock d ire e Zt T ST.IXD Wes taw. S7 r, o s And 1, prepared cosier her cant' lade customers the finest City styles at town rates. Owing to the fact that her totem as ba• kept 0n Mercantil. til. there has not been as oppor- tunity *0 prepare fora toetnrl tiering opening. A fashion journal says there is in New floor, only partly concealed by a few 'Weekly ri bijjJ v M. . re young women are taught t . enter and a merest the guest of her husband's. get out of a carriage, the climes being We think we are looking very fine pat through the m..at arduous training. in our new house. Mr Wabash," she Another accomplishment peculiar to this remarks, casually gilt enited academy is learning to est as- "Yee indeed,' responds Mr Wabash. paraous, oranges. urspes and other juicy politely; "but oil look • good deal finer and unmanageable viands in a style that when you come to get your carpet shell represent the periectinn of table down." manners and establish the social stand, ing of the eaters. York a fashio nabie boarding sch I he choice Eastern rots. She is entertaining CUQS Bald FeceiTed Bu u the Bast' &asoma Werth &sawlog. ♦ ch.m•'ie skin can be washed in mach t a way as to make tt .s soft as when new, hot every one dues mit know the secret. 1a'ah first in • weak solution of soda I t and warm water, rubbing plenty u( s ap int.. the leather, and letting it re- main in ask for two hours, then rub, until clean. Rinse in • week solution of soda, warm water and a little soap. 1f rinsed in pure water it is hard, and un6' for use. it is the email particles of soap left in the water that give the feather its silky entitles. Wring it in a rough towel, and dry quickly, pulldng and brushing it well. t ensnammlws merely tared. To Tex EDITOR :-P,ease inform your redden that I have a positive remedy for he above named disease. By its tamely use dhouands of hopeless cases hams been permanently cured. I shall be glad o and two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con- sumption, if they will send ine their Es- Where you will find the Newest Styles of Bonnet., Hats and Trim - press and P. II. address. mdie� leave call and ins I Respectfully, 1)a. T. A. S octla. ming+. p pest y 37 Yunite Si., Toronto, Uut. North -9t. second door oft' "quare. ( A Rswatis--a tale Mean "Takata at" in any .5... ileo hem fear Ns- rhyse es •'raaf1111111gs dile reosrkabls little gem for the ibN sad Beth. Ask .sr dreamt *t address morns •*tech. Miss Baa* Elliot. of Pont)po.l, Ont., writes --"My brattier end 1 were both taken ill with • severe attack of diar- rb.et, having tried other remedies, we tried Dr Fowler's Estset of Wild Straw- berry, which gave Immediate relict.... 2 "They hare a largat rale in my du trict," tiny* a well knowr druggist, "than soy other pill on the market, and give the beet satisfaction 1 r sick headache, biloioueness, indigestion, etc , and when «,mbined with jahnst'n's Tonic Hitters, Johnston's Tonic Liver Pills will per - (nem what no other rn.r icine haa done before for suff.rine humanity." Pills 25 cents per bottle. Bitten 50 emote and it per bdtle. Sold by Goods, Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sale Watt (e� SHOWROOM$. teener of Hamilton g.dlhvpmtm-st. off the Square ."e -o NEW SPIRINC MILLINERY I WEISSES YATES Has opened out a lar' •• nal w. Il vi-meOrte.l stock of the lbte.t Styles in EW MILLINERY I Save Toe Tbo.g►t that It Why sower a single moment when yon new get imhtediste relief from •11 inter- nal or external paine by the tee of Poi- sons Neniline, the greet pain care. Beeville* has never been known to fail in • *Ingle case ; it cannot fail, for it is a cnmbtoatifn of the most powerful pais submitting remedies known. Try a 10 elicit ample bottle e.l Nerviliem. Yee will 6d Nervilin. • sure etre for neur- algia, toothache, headseh. • Bay and try. large bottles kb nests, by all greyeist& i Lord D--, • noted athlete, once - - took • journey from Lendun on purpose MISS GR to tight a Scotch farmer tuned se • wrestler, whom he found working in on loot 'sure • little distance from his house. His l,rd.hip tied his horse to a tree. and then addressed the farmer: "Friend, I have heard marvellous re- pnrta ..f your skill. and i have c .me • Ions way to see which of us is the better wrestler The Scr.tchman, without aoswenng, seized the nobleman, pitched him (,ver his heade and then went on with hie work. The bobleman slowly picked himself op•.Well" said the farmer, "have you anything more to ay to met" ' • No, replied his lordship, "but per- haps you would be good 'nous% to throw me on my horse." Net a U..t • est Mr Goods, druggist, is not • honk agent. hut has the agency in Ondenek for •lohnst.n's Tonic Bitters, which he den heartily recommend for any eels - plain to which a tonic inedi le ap- plicable. This valuable m.ed ha ben with most astonishingly re- melts in cases of general debility, treat - week irregnlanties ;mealier to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blond, stomach and liver troubles, loss et appetite, and for that general worn owe feeling that nearly every one is troubled with st some part of the year. Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitters 10e. and Al per bottle at Geode's dreg store, Albiee block, Gmderlch, sole * ARAM Yo ha by P1 ea me 1' fa Fit rs yr 1 d, A tJ 1 tl 0 e 0 f, t 1174 Has returned from Toronto where she has been making ricer Selec- tions in r 1 11 a Ilii The Brightest and Lest and the Latest in Novelty and Style can be seen at her Show Rooms. A thorough inspection of goods and prices is cordially invited by all callers at 97 - The CHICAGO HOUSE, West Street. WE HEAD THE PROCESSION. (1EO. BARRY. the Furniture Man, is giving the beat of value in all lines of Furniture -from the smallest chair to the largest and b wt bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and sec his stock and get a t*rgain. --O•---0 D NDERT.A In all its branches, promptly attended P. O O 7 EMBALMING FLUID always kept on hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. 010. BARRY, Hamilton-Bt.,Godot fob.