HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 5L Having placed a hrge import order for Kid Gloves for the coming fall trade, we have decided to clear out our present stock, and are offering 4 Button Colored G1ovec, worth 50c for 35c' •- 4 Button Black Gloves, worth 50c for 35c ""`�. 4 Button Colored Gloves, worth 75c for hoe 4 Button Black and Colored Gloves, woI'th 11.00 for 80c ti Jno.Acheson, Who Can Blame You ? If you buy your Dry Goods where you can get them the Cheapest, taking into consideration quality and style. We can show a large variety of Goods in every line ; in fa'ct,x Stock is complete throughout. andif you require New, Fashionable Dress Goods, call see our Stock, for we feel confident the prices and style will suit you. Gentlemen, before buying your Spring Suit or Spring Furnishings, drop in and see us. Our Stock is new throughout, and we are showing some of the latest nov- elties in the market. New Goods, New Styles, and Low sees. Drop in and see us. ACHESON & CO'S. ^_'01-3aa Leto Acheson & Cox.) EXPERIENCE CAPITAL AND SKILL e the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from CROMPTON, A COSU,e best houses in the trade. IIThe general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the B R A N T F O R Des, and in all departments fully up to the mark. Myreasing business is an evidence that my efforts toi R e have plea'Iure ire, apprising the readers of this Journal that i theaeater part of our Spring Implies have arrived, amt are opened up. These Gi00d9Aret�leperwnal v.•lectiun of our }{r.Appellte, riurinl;two month's visit to ilea_• Eurrrp,•an �{arkets. At no tiruc hay our as- sortment been more l�:legant. t'ha+te amt VariyLThe Prioes,u,t'.i I halo Jess paned throes& tri. aeon= Weise. Osco, f'•ttm the iuoaaltisturere. the Bet Ayr meted Stock of RESS GOODS ZVI H BROUGHT INTO GODERICH, CONSISTING OF SIL$ WARP HENRIETTAS NEwg'rr 8HADJIL•i All Wool Henrietta Clot�asshmeres and other dress AT PRICSi 1T LEAST 20 PER CENT LESS THAN EITHER TORONTO OR LONDON FOR THE SAl1Lr,0;KMd►-isede ll.u's Suits of I1._t Material, Fashionably Mode at Fabulously L•w Price: 30 Pairs of Cloth Pants at $1.25. IN HARDWARE DEPT. R?ASONS WHY COODE THE DRUGGIST CLAIMS YOUR From 4e ('Irild to the Judge all are treated alike honorably. He gies personal attention to Prescription. at any hour and guarantees �tloroughly scientific and reliable work. He use8 only purest u►aterial�l--Any doubtful dru is carefully tasted before being sent out. His conveniences and apparatus for dispensing are the hest The Ix)isona on Iris dispensing eat' are kept in a closet under Lock and Key, Making accidental substitution impossibleis charges are as low as consistent with best work and finest material. Physician. ant) pl ople are already b'ginuing to appreciate thetlo advantages for which thanks. GIVE US A TRIAL GL .s, PAINTJ3, OILS, �'AKNh;H ASD iiU1LD1:1(i MATERIAL, APure Hellebore, Pure Paris Green, Insect Powders,.GardFCLL SPuC1C @nSeeds, Flower Seeds. NAILS, $2.70 PER KEG April 19, 1889. • c. CFLAABAW.�rLTER C. GOODE, tit,Il�A1tE.0?. DRUGGIST, ALBION BLOCK A POEM. t+f a foie ttrrrries'atere. Fur bootseF kiser eordortn. chi any� price or size. that I,Owa:ng is the man That fou kbutact patruuize. In kid or calf f.rr summer wear. Or for the eosinµ• ►prim,,. His immense stoek'saltr dy here. Waa Just the uurre�t thing. In ladies wear ire duesFor at and neatness too ; Ths graceful inst.-rr1.e knows well. To glue to my *bur• In priees hs•s not undersoldHy any in the leanings ; For all agree. nutb i uunit and old. That he'• the semi of cheapness, Io fart, ynu sl ocld just nudersrand. 111 Thatl Mak�r IWou rwtdt,nc is tlrttma<n That rules your Naderstaadiap. His country t:i.nd.. down the side-I:ae or'wa up the conersame. Will Ilsd heal there at an, time. Hwy at ht* profession. At .nstont work. where taste and skill Are all au maeb n.rw treasured., Just try him oncr you nercr wdl By tone else e'er b• measured. do don't forget'he corner store, Thr foremcrt to tb.• townThr 'ler••rlt. light Ia offer the door. And plate -,...ss all around. Spring Arrivals ! —AT— se the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us - y found in a first-class house, the general public may upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on our Silk Goods I sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveil- x at old prices. My Specialties for the Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, s le Hosiery and Gloves, and all ; leading items in Shiallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figure; : ::l strictly one ALEX MUNRO, Draper Haberdasher. 4 and Q t. considered, are lower than those usually charged. We have the advanr:gt of direct purchases from the manu- facturers, saving local Wholesale Merchant's profits. r Special attention ;,titan to Mail Orders, which will be filled by Competent Person.. and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Samples by Mail on Application. Orders Solicited. Crompton, Ap'Albo & Co. (Successors to H. W. {3rethour di Co.,? SRA.NTFORD. • -A-- B- COP,,NELI., aoaerich Four • rn s: Foundry and Mach�ue Works HAMILTON STREET FURNITURE MAN, LFADe THE], ALL. In addition to dealing in every line o1 FvRI—=TvR= he Is the Loral *trent for to New Raymond Sewing Machine IA Ladki, Writing Desk and Sewing Marhlne romLn.dt. • `INDOW BLINDS AND PIOTURE MOULDINGS at lows: rues and of beat workmanship. JOHN ROBERTSON Heim ro annot:ner that he in now agent for RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. •� .A.. �ttarF:��,Cl Lor neSa 4F i^it Z C lr (• �' • tog H.tvIC OX N.IICD PUR mus: T IJflllOfTOo CofflhiaIIy's Celebrated Teas. Im r'vod Land Rollers - price $22 VIP choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volumes, by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs. it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the ezpense. 11101 GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT. JOHN ROBERTSON ORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS,�aIPLOW POINTS &c. it TIM wGe iA ant to e the cheaper VT T �� W *OF*Ohmoaa i.nd ase these tocol! Nets ataf itsonft. /WOW 6FZA.Z]Fi:Q obit 1:-.r Mem* A1:1 = ''RES 1 PICTrVREJ p& &IN(A neatly lone. JO 13 nIzqu,hmechoiply. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. ' de k..p EHILURB!N•B ow 13 Ft IA. C38J8 ,n „net far, role Havin made arra omenta with the JOHN . ren' Aur hate , ,� ,r stall rrwnrpi.oien i Quo Prices to l In the otdertaki 1 Aare er Parties In waIIt of the same. eM••e and masa exporgtert.et Funeral Director s t In • n u-olvireCIL HO h- latpnr,•t. 1 Rigor* • ttltA TK SPRING PP THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF Gents' Furnishings HATS AND CAPS WEST OF TORONTO. 1UON'T FAIL TO SEB THIS LARGE STOCK AND GET PRICES_ -Popular Goods and Popular Prices - This year we intend to get under all previous quota- tions in the Gents' Furnishing line, and will not be un- dersold. F. & A. PRIDHAM. 1889 889 THE PHARMACY. ESTABLISHED 1854. Having- removed to my ,,cru, gloat' in Acheson's Block, filled rip specially .frr my use, I desire to thank my Customers for the liberal patronage extended to my predecessor and myself in the as/, and trust to have a continuance of the sante. fl t the same time to Arndt nae to inform you that Al will keep a full line of Standard Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Goods. 9 laid ('Very, ping found in a first-class drug store. Having had an experience of twenty years, 1 will give personal attention to lire preparation of prescriptions, using only the ffuresl drugs. I etc/shone connection on call of any hour at i store or residence on Last -sl. GEO. RRYNAS. FURNITURE 1 If )0a want to sir the largest stock of Farnitnr�e to inn n, go iq Z�.EA •I=I. 0-01"-t =C:,11". • ca a r.n ad, Gad .ay penes wanting one I will oruer me a ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO�� We are Prepared to to U N D F R T A K Z N C+ RHYNAS' OLD STAND. COR. SQUARE 00 MONTREAL STS., Bic parRQ :&'r owe�-��ca® na, ALL >,czivns r. h,(par,. tIIAHflr UM �{, neAerMA, April Irak. IMO. • :