HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-17, Page 1M HOLY NI;Mi ltk. SOL
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy fc'r
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
or Sale Horace J. Rertue.
Moamar Millinery Mla,r. Yates.
Some Reamer Walter c. Goode.
Court of iteration—Wm . Cas Abell.
Municipal Notizie -Wm. ('ampbell.
Contract.To Let --8. S. No. 2. Uoderteb Tp.
Riney( fnn Plot daughter.
Hay Mgt. ti• gala of W.
4cate'reestaa re. fok;a' 'bates.
pr cosi
•4 6oew PatAws r. --The' mote manful
you can sae.. hs to give a Wirt Pan. Ap-
pts' to D. Ycallitcuddy, a rent. Guderich.
Stewart. the photographer. Is mow bonsai,'
engaged taking outlaaw views with his lame
camera. Hu photo gallery is also to cun.taot
When mind the Homers you p-omenade
Amo bear ae•.•s-gossip mooted.
Oro', In aad art your best s.:its made
If you would be well binged.
F. & A. Pridba.n.
t: a,uN will meet regularly for the transaction
of buelnees every Tuesday afternoon at tae
(o'clock, in Kao* church. Every woman in,
terested on the week 4
to attend. °ptdtal4 Invited
A lady whetted ed been visiting in town said
she wont os one m.,re rtslt re Huv.raw'
PUARIAe► fore leaving. fin hely;
wk t she mu t ,to nuns she said. • Imes. asked
no List •tuoD liter before going home.' F.vl
deotly she appreciated the privilege o(, deel-
it}gat Rbynn'.
osere£tondv noes to Standees se eon to get
their housectean,ne nop.►tes. Their wall
paper is pronounced pretty sad cheap„ A also
line of ceiling decorations at very low prices.
A full trick of kalsor,ine, mined paints. car-
et tacks. stove enamel and ererythinw nares.
tory for housecleaning. Tse cheapest house
under the sun.
The post atilt remains in abey-
ance. as Mr Kept'. of Rlyth world bay. sad
then Os Aix pull every way by the interest-
ed parties. Yobedy knows what the°saronte
will be and divers views are held on th..rues.
time That is one of the difference. between
Government appointments and regular teal -
rises. for nobody has the the slightest doubt
abwur the gna.it of the work tuned
et. R. Sallows i trte t by
�e P•'spk s pbotosraphr:.
Mr M. J. I'reudf, of is un a visit to
tate Sault.
Mr W. B. Dickson, birri.ter. Bras- 1
acee was in tewu during the week.
Mrs R tie,.reil, of Goderich. has•been
have tn. guest of Mrs Buchanam,Zunch, for a' ao
! e z days.
Devotions will be held in St t
e h ' Peter's g
during M.
Thelma° with the lana tssewer bas
I been engaged on the Court House
Square derma llte pest week, and h..
'succeeding on placing a due surface u°
Um green.
Miss Humber left yesterday morning
Ito vett her cousin, Dr (auneolua, of
Dundee, Mioh., and will return w:th her
brot-.r, A Menem Humber, wheu the
Ann At leer oullege olu.ea-
1 Owing to c•.utinurd ill health, Mrs
I Oliver, Clinton, has decided to t
re.idenee in (l..derteh,7 a two
aecimpsosed b and is
W. hu y blit bliso,e Oliver
Ise the change may be beneficial
foliage h• trees u further ad
The fol' a on t
ed -
veined this year than any time the
memory of the oldest inhab,taot can go
back to. The Iowa will hook et its beat
by the 24th if the warm weather coutio-
Person* ■iehire to impeore their
memories or strengthen their power of
• attention ah ruld send to Prof. Loosette,
237 Fifth •venw, N. k., for hu pct.. -
Pectus post free, as advertised its another
Itri rrr1 TS —The seen
tary has received advice from the Een
cation Department that the Institute is
•utitled to the sum of two huudted and
eighty dollars, which will Le paid early
in Jure.
The tnwn band is putting in big work •
on lively Orange sin for the benefit of dui
the members of and wieners to the
Supreme (;rand Orange Ledge. to be p
held here during the week ct.mmeucing P
Monday. May 27 be
Saturday m•.rning last about 4 t
shed where the rono-cut'ers are w.,' the em
at the new post-ofli;s huildin: ca rksn em
from tha ,Limn sight fire bre
asu,.n of a gaantiry of liar p.-
1 Wog cater Beat,tt. —At
ploughing bee ea • tars no
tress Codench, a fair, buxom
her 50th year followed • team
I er pert of the day, taking he
hind the stilt* and turning
furrow as well as any of
ploughmen present. One of
E:,tluhman, was greatly set,
how ably she maintained th
der with her team. Has Ca
more such women, um the Eng
thoughts as he drove homeward
plough u she did ?
a renal
t far away
wua4a4 in
the great-
s' place M-
over her
the crack
them, an
Duiahed at
• lead ail
nada ant
hotlines. a
1, who can
POSTAL CHA'Otts. — The principal
chance u that so (reticently ooudemned
to strange —the tens -mut drop letter,
which, being espended, means that in
future it will cwt two cents to send a
letter front one part of tae tows to
another. Others changes aro :— Fur
lettere addressed to a4
yCanada or the U. t other place iu
ounce, instead of S three cents half
mance, as formerly.three gi ts a half
five cents will be Far registrdtion,
charged. The old two
cent registratio° wag be used,
stamps ��• a up by ordinary
Thursday regulations wept into force
y last week.
Mr S'oTT-81Drrnre — This talented
reader appeared in the Grand Open
Hmuse un Tuesday evening to • far
udience In all but ores of the vaneue
usages that she read she was an we-
enie' stomas Her failure was itl
udering the lnoh brogue in " Father
hil'e Cullecti:,n." She hasn't the ac
nt and cat never acquire it without
b. ng bairn again and having Ireland
• birthplace. Her delivery and
phasic were geed, but the ttenuine
egoe was not there. But she was
rfectly at hams in every other piece
e uudertnnk, and merited the applause
ich was freely given
Jobs Dickson. of Port Hope, hos leaa,d
the woolen factory carried on in Cede -
rich for the put seven years by Mr E
Mc•Can.. Mr Dickson has been for the
east fifteen years superintendeat of the
ostensive woolen mills of Dyer & on.
of Port 11. pe, and comes hither strongly
recommended by many of the beat busi
Des, men mf the town in which he lived
for as many years. He will carry on
the woolen works in conjsnct,un with
his son, and both being practical men,
we are led to Where that there will be a
loom in the woolen mill line. The Part
the i H 'Pe Ti..,., has hue following : "Mr
the 1 John D,ck-r,n. nommen for Messrs
gun 1 Dyer & mons f..r many years, leases town
s R to menace for i;oaertch, where he will
re•o:f.n the G.derich �I'.,,e!en Mills.
in,. fir Dicka,n is a practical bu.ineas man
rase and in all brooches of the "..tiers bmi-
tine- nee has nal superior. Tee esteem in
act h. is held here and In tl,e t.
y' ,f H --pc, proves him to be a
citiv , as well as a go d workmen.
bee • while sora r�
of, 1 ern! ole him from fort H
d', we loin his many /needs in wishing
in i Uwe at ateet p;rh per,ty in Naas new
in pr'.z mity to it The firewas ext ioeuwih-
ed Adore any uamsge was done.
Ae are pleased to learn that Mies
Radcliffe has suflciently reco,ered from
her recent severe indisposition as to be
able to dive nut. At one time sennue
'apprehensions retarding her c.rodittoo
were held by her medial attendants.
Rev Joe Edits., of Clinton. delivered
his lecture, " Bring beck things that you
bc•rrew," in Victoria street Methodist
church, on Thursday evening, last weak
The audience wee not large, but
thorocghty appreciated the many good
points br:,uzhr out.
The many friends of Mn Thomas
Harris, of Deneaammn,will he pleased t..
learn that lie ie renovering frn•m
second attack of paralysis, under
skilful treatment of Dr Case, of Den
non, sol the careful nursing td M.
McSweett, of Goderich.
ch rc sere • ,A elneeday mod Friday'
D",N'TiNJI-RE THETrrt..- -Coto la
se been made of pers'•ns tytnc hm
shade trees and thd'hees being d
^ed by the h .nes teeth. The C -un,. "h
ill make an example of the offendere if a' '"
he practice ro net stopped. The tr i en
net money and should be taken care
'Hesse.—Mr H. Cooke. of Carrow
,udf.x•t's torn:e, recently succeeded
passing hie non intermediate law exa
lir Cud. H .lues. of Gmer.,n. Holt d TH
Cameros a ctiice, has sncceeded in pass i 14)1.,.
tag his second intermediate. Goderich , R cvP
bey, are keeping up with the preen- t^n,
cion. Fi
A Pnr'LAC T,i.rRt'RENT —A n
anile Cprieht Pianoforte recently co
eted M \ewc.mbe Jas e.
° treat satufactn.n It fit• C
lath ranCe,
ument by a hot elites makers! a Hgnre The r
bin the reach of all. Write them fur 'alt m
rticulars. if is exL
top teneifioor a additions mkes adthe
b ofi(h and
In 1664 Nr Savage began to devel.,
se • breeder ,.t Percheron horses, t
Resume farm was purchased on Grua.
11e, and the Island Home stock tar
was developed, with the largest stalk
stables in the ('lilted :hare.. A ►gaga
i it.N4sVILAIIA eDv
OS riga bur Own �rewpo.de•t.
I" Miss Al Adams, *f Oodench, was the
he guest of Mrs Fisher last week.
Hong ox a FLI INe Vial* ( B i h ewreleittees from Cor^tupop-i
dents, and Other Items.
u i Morns, sit llarhratd, now of Guelph,
the hardware business', gab, is i
.cent Sunday at I
i his old home here George a ingood
- I
health and still n het a !Weekly (atpat of the Veneer sages aeevo
ohs P ds amen, bleated- 1 M ■ length Rimier. of **Elie new ,m the lt.oyal city. ~ esassmL'
It and T risk sear rets, arie"ed ann sy.
deep and wide, for A Aa Williams Int a largo well, aea.e� rr� t►vry e.est.e
work. Since this well was dug no lees
than three of the leading farmers en the Wm.J. Eaket, :./orris, who has been
lake •bore iu Leeburn are going ts. do I sick tsar • year, is greduall
likewise, es they are afraid the lake: "talker. y Krowiotg
might go dry this summer, and they I Mr Dufm.ge, ' 'nttham has
don't want to be short ter the cattle if the beelines of the Brunswick !louse to
d out
it did Mr Marton, of Dungannon.
Since the late fire our popular sheriff ( Allan H. Cochrane, Morris, heads
of Huron has 04 felt very well, and hie' the list of aucct,sful students at the
despondent manner was noticed by the I Stratford Bumneta College.
jovial County Attorney• who •d.ised the Mr Joho G. Wilson, Reaforth, baa
genial sheriff to via Dunlop and par- nal tit Lindon w
take of draught or en of Dulilep the MilitaryWiese
then s few -watts at
p Fri•lmy morning of lost week eg• there
he ft Hogged the good aurae. given, and
registered his name at the c.,rse:INng
remit and psrt'x,k . f ioniser tee dreughts
of our f•tu,ed t heartitp,ser.e:n_ "itis
rte crown attorney that it is far shred
of any 1 the patent :iene-Ines ever
need by the county ',themes at the 'nun
house. Since his wait hos is a new moat..
From our even currspuadete.
e stock trade was entered upon, sales
having amounted already to half a milli
of dollars, I'.weheron. and .- -..hers be
ing imported direct from k'nocs.
Savage takes to e a 'Ir
a member of the North natai,,i., and e
North Ander4un sheeting hams the
_lube He is
happily married, hos a feted
sit Hae children, and 1e
of tit. u • meaner
Patrick's iDr Rei117's.) catholic
The V..,1 (haat Medical Company, No
3 Park Row, New York City, in 1888
.made seventy-eight per cent of cures of
various diseases .4 men,chmnicaad other-
wise within the time allotted /*rtreatmett
The record of cures of dose/tan ,n
women was nearly as large This is the
htehrat receed ever achieved in this
country by hospitals or private practice
In the treatment and can �/ diseases,
science, skull a, d diacevery keep pace
with inventions to other directions.
The raw bink Intel), netted hy the Von
Grief Company, fall of valuable bir;ts
and iefortiratruo r' young and «Id, t
to ail who call for it •,r utdar It b
mail. )
a eunseer of Items or tmlere.5 Ir. Ib..
Lake Front.
The schooner Carter brought • cargo
of ooal to this port last wart.
Tl.e acho•oer Ariel, with a cargo of
coal from Toledo reached port on Fri -
The schooner Greyhound, lig;tt, (rem t
Kincardine, arrived sit haeoor on Frt- t
The schooner Carter sailed o4 Friday t'
foe Serpent River to lu,J luwber tar t'
Midland. v
The schooner t;oldhunter,with a cargo h
of lumber from $erpeut River, reached b
her dock oa Mon•lay.
Mrs are Way bon a riot tto frith ends la Michi-
Our old friend, nlitHort,so, .•f C.:d3-
rich, a former resident here, who recent-
ly made his reciend venture in the joys
of inarned Life, gave our burg a woo
his week, accompanied by his bride.
M:.. Horton, who was appoiaten at
be annual meeting of the cuugregatioe
d the Presbyterian 'church, to collect
for schemes of the Presbyterian Church
f Canada, wee tout last week collecting
n it in the L,eboru envision, and waa
ery successful. Min McALtster, who
as alai. appointed, had fair success in
er canvass of Dunlop and south Lee -
urn, uod,•rtaken by her.
The oner
f.,. Mr ieNilliene, arrriived inportfrom mber h
Blind River un Friday- H
The schooner J 0 bol( al
lumber from kobinserin ego, with wt
Bay for Mr Hit
J.•cord, arrived in poet un SAturd
Mn Hooper, Blues -ale, was let out us
batt by the C..snty sludge and will have
to appear for trial at the fall assize..
It u reported that postmaster Fir° -
sins, Bluevale, hos purchased J Jack -
eon's farm near Mu.vale for $3,;x20.
Mr J. J. Anderson, Hingham, left on
Saturday os a prospecting tour through
Manitoba. He goes to Delorai.e first.
The week W. I_ t►atmette,L,ndesb,,re.
add to D. D. Witten), of Seaforh, 1727
dos. of eggs; last week he gold �i.i due
Owing to the decease of Thomas For-
tune, J Burner, Bluovant% has been s
penned clerk fee the township of Turn.
Ow day last week Mr Ephraim B;Itt,
of the Bas. Line, sustained a paralytic
stroke from the effects of which he is
still very low.
Last Saturday W. H. Clcakey, Morris.
started for A'g..ma,where he win &wort
.t his trade as a carpenter during the
coming summer.
Jelin McLean
r .1ohn
EastrWa watt*. h, hada' ,me sheep worried
by di gs one nicht receot}yi The doge
have been /hot.
The other day as Geo Fulford with I who went westtthis spring, has taken p
u team was Totem.; on hie north facm land in the niciuity of 'fmese Jaw,
eld,near the readside,a fnendppaing by 1 N..rthwest Territory. He is a good
sed to him to .peak to him for a few farmer.
uutes, which cause him to leave the M,;dred, daughter of F en Soot
sum. ',While talking hie fneud th
The schooner Pinafore• with a cargo I K
in hu.ipa and sravee for this pert and t.wi
Port Frank,sailed in on Thinning' ' of last tit
w"mill whistle blew six o'e oo<, w e rune a, went down in their
htebed the horses, who htch 1 where the heir tie lee os' garden b,
shoot their duvet's permission, �o !wasbadly stung un Atha faco sad b dy
eir Hight reeving ever • valuableI by the it,seeu.
Dante) Carney, laming tat ,. Mr Edward 1t,llum, 1►[• A., well
ing from a uutanere the Hying team, known in this 1 p1 r. of e►.s�yy�
'aeph Healy, with creat presence of i lately Principal nit the Alet.0,ac t Cu1d-
red, managed to head :hem of, hrin.,- i Caned• t rs a�� Japm, hue zaisr°ed alp
tl:e pr.reeuon to a halt hiders funk; y.
damage was done.._ . - -- _ We are sorry -to -Veer
'akwoeAL —Bros R Y Cox and S A '
n t� lir D. B.
t Keog'.1 IC;turstn, arH hong (rout coo-
acPhatl, of the Sough Star Lxlge mf ' ening of the beim. :;*though not coo-
p. G. T., cf P.•rter's Hill. attends! fined to his teem, it a feared the ail_
I. O. G. T., No. 213, weekly moot- users`• will prove sari,...
The tug Trodsom and dredge Chef -18"i
own- 1 len_o ario-e4 is part Inst week, when
good the work ,•f dr•edelay the harbor entrance' gni
and ' was commence,;.
.,p.•, i The Beatty lire b ist Campine was io her
fora pert eel Wedneo.tar, and the g,'n,ted 1
nen- Empire .id• Ontario were at Lee's dock ne
.n net um.y. Lech of them vermeils 1 L
iI lauded .mi took on pssleIt ers and 1 th
ce freight. In
Dr McDonakh .41 he in Qttderich I
eownitalkn on the SW l�a ajdete � c
every moeth.
Remember Dr. Inn's Intent on Thum -
day, Mg ::3 h, ud " A Trip to the
Motuer• land...
Samuel 8. and A'ex if C;r per, of Clin-
t•sn,wereviaftfstt their uncle,Mr. Samuel
Sloane, this week.
Mr Keith McLean has recovered from ' Pi
E St -melee Gr. see (ler
F. —A ni„etine of the Grand L
tion cemuintes was held at C
.3 Fri.ray las', County lies
aody in the char. Among th
ew trent were Melons i.',�W.
,n- Reid, Cu. Sec'', Sounders Dr Holm
^,,.. ,neh..e, L. Nethery, A. W',odm
rooks, itobt .Scarlett Juho Tor
et 'rt r f tae work done since
emits was very satisfactory and
the ef(ecte of his recent a.xident, and re- til
turned lo Stratford.
Mn Hawley and her daughter. Mrs 11wrt
Stevenson, have returned to tc sen fr-o
their Detroit residence. pa
oto, 1s' affording•
e requirements for a reliable i
Mr Luther Braund, Exeter, is at the.
present in Guderich, where he has Am
secured wcrk for a few week..
• East Huron Teacher:' Institute will s kw
be held in Clinton on Wednesday and ; giv
Thursday, May 22nd and 23rd. ! bra
The next meeting of the West Nitres tl•at
Teachers' Institute will he held in Esti- ' Rea
ter on %Wadnesday and Thursday next. f R
Mr A. Straiten. G. T 1:. statical nett
agent, was in Ottawa last week, attend- I'd m
ing the obsequies ..f his brother-in-law, ! non
Mr Grant. seas
The Dundas board of education is a T
fatherly inatttntiun. it Fare et:, to
purchase haste ball outfits for the school A
boys of the town.
The regular meeting of the Knox 'r
Church Minion Fiend will vie held tomer- held
now ;3aturlay afternoon at half past two. the
A full attendance is requested. ypar.
R•nciman Bros have this week closed part
a contract with Mr Ynraz,.of Keene, 'agog
Peterborough County, for changing hie I attte
flour mill to the testier system. A m.
The celebrated singers nFrs Agnte C„r• ing
lett Thompson and thlus Annie Lang- rear.
staff will take pert in Prof. Aannkasn s i WA
concert o n Toesday evening May pith., . pe31e
Dr 11 Nuchelsnn, the Waited dentist, 'dint
makes the preservation of the natural nen*
teeth • specialty. Gas administered from ample
9 a. m. for the painless extraction of fee u
A special meeting of Onnte F,.dg., have
No. 182, will be held on Tuesday. the and th
21st last , •t 7 p m. A fell attendance . groat'
is reposed as imp.�rtant matters are to •H.
be diamond.
was Rev Father Boebat intends holding HtghP
hia annual picnic shout the 25th of Jen. 1 day er
next. His picnics are always popular the (P
and no pains will be spared to tike this Pewid
attest escapee, MCIA
YeLeare's block is being pushed for N Mc(`
ward rsptdiy under the .a 1,„n .
supervision of lop
Mr iamfwon Reid. When completed it
will be • handenme addition to oar base m anter t
new edifies*. Mr Rnbt. McLean, the of inttew.
or,ia a hustler, ',geed
this ter
Saunders .i S:,n hive jest pest
ongh the customs a car hal
erican sewer tile, 4 and C. inch
e who intend putting in drains f
erage should tee them. Estim•t
en for l.lombing or heating in all it
oche., and only frer-class w .rk d
er ser' -ices in either lead or iron.
/enable rates.
Sn. The.chonnen T..dman and Kolfsg..
ter sailed northward, light, on Saturday
„se evening. the former f;r Serpent River
,os . and the latter for F'reviJence Bay. buih
es.f to load lumber fair this part.
A elf Todd, and Geo Stanley THE EDITO:TS TABLE.
the '
it : e were er
e (i rand L"deo me
ing at (:"derich will be the fare... e
eodf held in C,nada. Cueing Meater Flu
has received Petters front brethren i
rr the diLeerent mermen., to the Elect th
ea, delegates wa :argot ill be tenerine dered a be p grettrld ba
a (net ion a the evening e[ the L!►•h in
"�• and arrangements are being 'nide
;Lave an excursion en the lake on tl
el *learner ('Ampan1 A together of tl
• 1 delegates hare already engaged room
;Grand Secretary Keyes, Grand Tenn
Anderson, and Grand Auditors L,
hart and Flood, will meet at God
rich on Saturday, 25th inst., ti exami»•
the books and prepare auditors' report.
GoDERt•1R Bova GET TRERr..—A re
cent 'lumber of the Detroit $,ani
_Vries has the following reference to
I old G.,dertch by :—George 1tI. Ravag
e drew his first breath under the Britt*
flag in Godeerich, a int., in 1861, and ear
• from under it in 1rtt;4. Heeding straigh
for Detroit. Idle all brainy Canadians
he pulled off his little jacket and went te
work for John J. Wagner, the manufac
turer tat French enamel for ladies' com-
plexions, used eery extensively, in these
' days, along Woodward avenue, F. rt
street, and other arenttes where the
• elite resided. Si sage was small of sire,
bet he was smart, and when Wagner
went on his travels to extolled his trade
he left the boy to attend to the home
factory, fie was with Wagner until be
beaus* acquainted with James E.
of the d 7`oi was then i cesi ^se g natural'
to the business department of • news-
paper he did .rid jobs for Mr Scripppps•
soliciting subscriptions making collec-
tions and later em Le traveled over
the State and nn the eitsmlation
of the weekly up to 22.0110 from
14,000 Sebsrgn.ntly Mr. Ravage ,
went is /or himself and established ae
advertising agency in the old Rotunda
building. Gradually enlarging he
sheered to Coiligresa street 'e•et, thence
to the ('handler Moak,' Grawold
street, where he remained 1ve yeare,end
in 18/10 took Mr Farnes is as partner.
When the new Cam Mash wee emot-
ed the entire Lased Wiest Me of the
et sew Pwhfr
et- , Thai Ease teen is masa m11•o'
ver ; for
Floyd , "Brick" Pomeroy, at 234 Broadway, ward
New York City, a now editing sad'
° ' publishing the liveliest and most inter- Th
*1:.sting el a year publication ever printed , "Int
11 -
at.in that city. His famous Saturday gni
Xi¢lit chapters: hie Pen Pictures of Lon
tNto . ' d .n: his (tenni/Hens of the '•i'Iague' of M
to ' Places.' of New York City, and his vivid ilio
achmpttes of Life Experience in La Crosse, ' which
1 dueler the war, aro each worth more; the
ger i than the price of his peter, which bean' Thu
emember Professor A$rinks.n's con
on May 2$th. A number of tale°
utaidere hare been sec -,red. and the
rert promises to be the event of the
he be!my days are almost here.
'When picnic wools are dry.
rd picnic pants ret full r.f ants,
And sit in the picnic pie
E. usat.•.' i uirtri•-rg —At a meeting
on Saturday premier, the lith first ,
Hearn wass¢ain reorganised for the
Committees for the different de-
ments were apa'.inted, and the
tary was instructed to make appli•
n to the town for the usual grant.
,tion was passed making the resin
room free to the public for the
Reis:ie.—it is said a nomher of
re are canting on operations in the
ping nektons of country without the
wary license and it is said an ex -
will be made of them if the license i
loot speedily (forthcoming. Thea
rs to be only fair to the men who,
secured the neeeeeary qualification 1
e hint should be taken and further
• and expense eased.
S. L 8.—The following program
resented at the auntie' of the;
Schnol Literary Snooty last Fri.
ening, the 10th inst.: Chorus, by
ee Cleb ; in.ngeral address, by the
ant, Mr McKenzie ; reeding. Mr i
uehlin ; Witten' eadeetioaa, Miss'
Wartime ; reeding, Mr Rtreng : '
Che Club : criticisms, Mr Ry.-
lwing to the neer approach of the
Minna. and the eotsrgttwt leek
t takes in the eneiety,it tree ro-
te diseoatinw the innititsge for
g Friday night of last week, as Lorne Hunter is berm from T,,rentes
eg�tn from (heir !mite to make ars havi►'f
completed yrs term at the Bust•
ffernentis for the coming picnic, weed ' neo Culleee in the study ..1 phone
by us in elle items of last week. Both •:traphy and ty&a wntn.g. He u now
of them after the close of the meeting ready to accept some good ,Agoing,
made • cls se in'pect,ou of the hall inside. Mr Jamba Stesp,Cliatnn, went up ts.
expressing themxlves well pleased with I Winnipeg a few weeks ago, with a load
it, and we hope shortly t,, hear of the of apples, and report says that he had
$.w lodge at Porter's Hill building a 1 to deepen of then at s emusiderable
hall like ours. If built in the heart of • sacrifice, as the market was overstcked.
the village it would be as useful tm 11.. ,.lex Brock, Brussels, goes to Owen
p°bli0 there as the one here ie, to he let i Sound this week He falces a position
Heal meetings and elections in its I in the ['often Works and will he the
when required. !catcher for the tiewn base' hall club.
e Greg and 111 �he„�,., factor Alex will loose a sou of strength to
nonce op,o$'ions for this seism ;ase club.
Jlonday *f thus week. A teunJ weun'an named Rose Jfres
Mary will regret to learn • .f the Jath ;
was found dktd no bed at her mother a
r John Fregr t to lehine,after a htief place in i_ucknow un fed that
• morn-
e•es of ten ince He ought a tie ung last. It was rumored that she had
terminate,l in inP.ammwti•.n of takes an urord.ose t laudanum during
lun>,ee, resulting in his death on :• the night.
reday mensibg of last weak. i) a c• B. Barrie and family left Brunets
was man in the prime *f life. for Algema last naterd.y. The w
only 31 retro „f age, to Omen `,.and, thence ria steamer.
ed ■ litslI .ver a y was
For ,Ise present they w;;1
Year a o. reside at or
s • young widow tai mourn • kind near U. - Mills. We wino them Pros-
perity perity in there DOW 'wine.
Donald (itkhri;t, else left Wing- • With • view to having the hose, uai11
s•.me months ago. has purchase I pond cleamcd not, th. gnq,nst*rs.
and is ragging s' market tardeprt Neu• l !bitten & t'arr, 1� Ingham, hsve
J, mils frnrn �'aricouver. It -11. r dee isles to ' tier the timber lying in the
.ready pitmen wlth the country, p•:ou tree t-, *ny ,te whm desire* to taws
pinks the prospects excellent for it out for fuel. or •:.y other purer ea,
mon in the Pacific province. The Some time •e° nmeti.,n war made one
Heine is double whet it is hero an accident to the son of IIS E. inieely,
evince, ruga sell lir 35 cents per i Clinton, hy which it was feared M
holoa coots per p send, bread, ; wool(' lose hie eyesight. We are glad
to per Iwf• i to know that tate child has eatable re -
1 newel. with. sit any serious damage.
1 the significant title of A irance Thought. ; ceased
s I poni•tor is a 55 year old v ,luate of . being
I National history, and Luw he is letting it i snare'
out red hot.
1 buena
ny 1 The nomben of Th. Liri,o, .4'r• for Mr
an May 4th and 11th contain The Political hens
e 1 Mutuerien ir, France, by Gabriel Monod ' latu1
e , and Phil G'Itert Hammert D,e ,i;..1.-0,1.1- ' "'•me
1t' or, ; The Italuch and Afghan Frontiers' He i.
of loth*, hy Sir Charles Ihlke; The Brain• and t
t 1 Power of Plants, and The Sonnet in "'lag
America, N,1* ,i1; A Hco
urrnese It en-' nt of
.o i J ,urney, std A Vein to the K Iran i F.,r is
/User and Kum, It(orl,eo.'1'.: A Turkish I dozen,
� Democrat, mei-poi/de; A Little Girl's! 24 .en
1 Recollections sit Alfred de Vtgny, The
lir 'Disraeli. and The thaw in the startle
IGood Old Demi, /'asap!- Ifor; Lawrence the d.
Clirhant, T,,.,, ; The 1'nnpe Fruit of am t
Ednc,ttun in India; L. ;core 1/.aur ; The Mill ;t.
K ff.4 Tower, .Y/r.rt ifor ; The Parosl , his i11.e
Post, ,S'f. ./oma,' • Common Ream Di dente.
Military Drees, (eel vie, l Military ler
•ometelf, • with instalments of "A Cluonicle lever. •
of Two Months,” and "Sop y,•' attj ttandin
poetry. For fi11y two masher of silty Be was
four largo pages each '„r more than Moet..
3,300 rtes a year) the sus
pries lir! a low ; while for !!loo 3p � have th
publishers enter to send any one .1 th. rsnity
Ameriean IN 00 monthlies
community nf Tockersinith wen
d en Sunday morning to heir 4 Schein was dieted in the hleheit room
m. ohieh o„ naly , 1 a „ilea 1 hOpe she will $3010 ht, able 1 o lot hack
rt. H• esueht cold while detour luny recorered. lier sister, who was
e all that was done for his relief. '
Rheumatic Pula*
n, and th• grief stricken parents
• promising young man of about undue,. no omecriptem, eine., 0ith rape
” heartfelt sympathy of the coat- on---'seeptinn, ali at memo time hoes exper-
temeed their twinges. RI:limitation is
ant mostly clisheigod, only the most
atly peneetrst stag remedies remit
be seeterns tress Inmesereemont to its very inundates& The runt em-
osphites. they will find Sone- : os the application of Ikea now femme
Set and a perostatent benefit. Dr remedy for pane Poltiouts Novelties.
vamage in eases of llithiehe to the sullkoring A trial on be rade et
and Westasi Diseases It la • mak east, ea sample bottfee Of /1141tVie
Mabee." 1114d by dreggiets at line can be had at the dreg stores kno
51. 4 10 teats, kegs bottles 93 omits.
We have resolved iron the publisher, ! H. v
nf by Maswell Grey. mother great ad
Wm. Bryce. T..rmito, "The Itspreeele I °I hat
of "The Mitoses of Dean Misitiond.' Is Remefuls
sale la the bookstalls.
a troll 'refuse story. Primo 50 ovals; oa I very pal
190: and