HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-10, Page 8garaosswer COUNTY CURRENCY. IfiRwSbtt.ts from Oosr.apon- dant. and Other Item.. es • weestytneants ideate r...sy .ewe eery. .d N moms Meiae,. et "The na.aL• rest .ad sweat, A..041 add sea. aasa.a Orem avers xe.ee.. Mr Albert May, Clinton, Ism see. b Bili.$., Dakota, Mr Robert Imes, Belabors, got his errs terribly mangled by a eisesI.r saw. Dr OiHiss, of Teww.tew, is •ttendisg hiss. Mks Mina Tomball, Branson, who hes hese I•id me with typhoid lever for acme xsoathe, is able to get about apit although still weak. Dr Yosag, who ma lately pastimes e Westbus hes hung out his shingle at Ladder's wading, a small town on the maiolaad, British Columbia. The only ilium .ad. is the regula- tions eguls- W as by the Wait Riding Lowe* Cura- i•dssio.eee u to allow hotels to be open Until 11 o'clock at eight, unseal of 10 es heretofore. On Friday, April Mb, Albert, Frays", Grey, killed sleveo Targe •oaam in one elms ea hie (arta. They were sensing themselves whim the *tenger swooped down epos them. Mr S. Audition, of Kincardine, has bought the barbering business of Mr Elides, Clinton, who, as sawn as the health of his wife will permit, will take a trip to the Northwest, R Lsatberdale has rented the Mooney farm, just west of Brussels, from W.. Stratton, who lately per - chatted at, for five years. Samuel Hogg- ard will live on the farm and work is Mrs Macpb.r.00, of Fingal, (mother of Mrs W. Coats and D. F. and D. 1. Macpherson, Clinton,) who has been ailing for some time, passed sway on Wednesday, at the age of 6& yearn - Joseph Ardell, 71b con., Grey, has fall wheat 144 inches long gruwiur un his farm. (Hd heads say they never saw the crop look better at this aeaann of the year. The danger is now thought to be over until harvest. Was. Thuell, Morris, stone mason, while working at Joseph Graeby's hew- ing a big atone, had the misfortune to hit his left hand with the haunter and injure it quite severely. He will be uli work for some time likely. On Thursday of last week Bishop Ward, Brussels, left for a visit to Mani- toba and the _Northwest. His health has been poor for some time, but we hope the trip will be productive of good avid that be will come back fully restor- ed. The other day Mr R. Bell, of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Clinton, in step- ping backwards put his fu:4 on an upturu- e d brtadaxe,whieh cut Ines so sadly that ne lost • couple of quart. of blood, and had to secure the service s of • doctor to sew op the artery. Geo. Kelly, of the 8th con, Morris, sold a fine tedt to Wm. Dickson, A Co, of McKillop, for the sum of 8162.50. James Clennan, of the 7th can., old a fine colt to the same firm G r ,130. These were extra tine alts and rhe price w as very reasonable. Mr Hugh Grieve has sold his hundred acre farm near Seaforth to Mr R. C,im- nion, for $8 500. Mr Grieve is peeper. ing t'i ere 't • hand• no brick residence nn North Main street. He still keeps 20 acre. .f the old homwt -ad farm, 31r Common get Ing only the IIs) acres. ajTh 'moa Drummond, sen., W.ngham , THIS HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY 10,188! Dg Oels.s., 8a•Iorth, hes Mee seletst- d se este e1 throe to wale. .11 the salt works ie the Visited Wates fee as lty- gtttilisele the is shunt to perekase 116 Jot ▪ -illelkilf . /eaters., the Ws sad pspeder M.P., ler &oath Hama, hes retarded Isom his P1rti•meatary labors at Ottawa clad has nee mon Settled dews he the eters realities of life. -lits c epi Wale., as Ottawa htdy, well knowa ses rwder, sad lately os the stye with She Hew Cushion Oom- pain, died amidsnly is New York 8s.• day. list remain were ooxvey.d to Ottawa for l.tersee.t. Moseley thereon.it CMi a Ire .tared is the hayloft at the rear of Dames' hind issued ay a Spark from the sesokeeteek of Dames' .team saw mill Tb. hotel and part of the 000tssts are • total lam ; issas.sse, $1,000. Than wan also two .mall buildings beret ; iseer.aea, sot knows. Total Iwa. Stout D2 801 reit ll NC= NAND Ms Jas Rinkie, of the 17th once, - Moe, Howlett. has returned from a trip to Maaltobs, when he hes ben for • short time diapoeisg of some of his 1.- Cported sleek. He took twit horses with m for which be received the Sieg sem of 0,700. Mr Ritchie hes some hoe horses I.It,o.a of whisk. "S.otlasd'e Motto,.' was .warded lest pried and diploma at Mildmay spring Show, 1819, others he was Shown against some of the finest horses is the county. Nolittle .:attemaat tea been mused st Teeswater by the tiodieg of a email quantity of gold by one of the workmen while digging the ditch for the pipes for the new waterworks. The gold wed foetid is • loom, gravelly deposit, mixed in with sand. The stone taken from the saw place, compared with gold quart: from Colorado, bean is great re- 'emblasoe. It is needless to say that the workmen are keeping their eyes open for more of the precious metal While digging soder • "lean -tis" ad- joining the stable at the Exchange hotel, W o Tuesday, the workmen bused up aotombstone, which came from Mr Scott, of Kincardine, twenty-two years ago. The inscription no it is to the effect that a child of Mr Igoaoe Shee- rer, aged t wu years, died in 1867. Upon soquiry amongst the old residents we learn that a family by that name lived near %inland at that time, but bow the stone gut where it was found is • sire- n ej. "Teaching Writing in Public Schools" is the title of an essay written by J. B. McKay, of Kingston, and which hes been awarded the first pore in the com petition open to the United .,tutee sod Canada, got up by the Pei. .ten's Art Journal Mr McKay is an old Cite tonic, his mother living there uow, and the position be has attaiued is all the more honorable became it is the result entirely of his own iudustry and perse- verance. A postmaster in this vicinity sends is the G.Ilowieg. Persona interested should take warning: ---The public should not need to be reminded that it is an offence punishable by law to attempt to use postage stamps that have done ser vice. The evil has become so common that an example will be made of persons guilty of such an attempt to defraud the revenue. Ml such letters bare to be sent 1, the dead letter offi e, where they aro opened and a record made of the would-be thieves. Flower -beds on the lawn, in whatever shape, should not be leas than s x feet wide : :he erase sod removed, •r d the bed raised three or four inches above the level, by thoroughly incorporating with the soil sufficient well rutted manure or who bas been aihnq for soros moult/ leaf mould. ()Id shingles or boards from the elects of a placed between the sed and bed et paralytic atr„ke, prevent the grass:from working in ; the took it second ono on Saturday morning should he just covered from sir. t I while working in a neirbboi s garden. Never set s plant nearer the edge than He was earned to his !lints 0, where he en „r twelve tnchea, eo you may Basil chid is abbot an ruse He was 70 I hw,sen the soil, which should be don years old. often sol deeply Phlox Drummond 0. A. Thompson, of the firm of stands first in the list for the lawn, either for ribbon or mixed beds Their colors era brilliant and varied. Petunia next, and l'ortulacca, both of which are excellent. Pansies are hard to beat, but in some sections they die out. For tall Wawa Dahlia. are equal to anything out. Ua a large, bare lawn, Rieinos, single or in groups, have a splendid effect ; or a ;n Lcr famous Ritinus surrounded by Cannes or doable Zinnias. M&th Aocaa fife Ass&aiico Compaiy IIXOOILPOMATED BY IPlWCIA1, ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT.1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Candian Company !RESIDENT- VON. A. MACK NEIL M. P. �Si,, a-Pr1ms Waists, of Caa•da. VICLPRRSIDENTB { �ORN?IAL' BLaILIE, IaANAOINU UIRBCTOR-- WILLIAM McC&BR 7.1. A., £age T1. &wally Issgu all Inrowd Form .r Rola art/ InuiUs., RETURN PREMIUM PUN. tWThiiPot► Pettey GUARANTEES tkesweat t id+lisQ OFALLPREMI[:MS PAID la addition to the than any other lbmpsay. v=at this InreMmeat polled, at a lower nate lrtbly F. J. T. NAFTEL, Dam t Agmt. 7'!Q 11E'w P RILE fl W RY =Lady sougbt for, mad with piemere or Re - tomcat. is then tossed aside and tam not Teale who read of Dr. Pieretest vents Prescription, mad n again. for they dip cover in n something to prise -e sessentlrr of joy to those suffering from tUOMoaal drranao- ments or from any of the painful disorders or weskits -ours peculiar to tbelr ser. Periodical Mina‘internal Inflammation and u oarrbra and kindred ailments rerltly y to its wonderful curative and beeline powers. 11 is the only medicine for women, add by druggists, ender ■ positive gaaraats. from the manufacturers. that it will gire.tti.. faction In every case, or money will be re- funded. This guarantee hes been printed on the bottle-wrappers,and faithfully carried out for mans years. 10) by druggist., or tri butte tor WOO. Copyright, tits, by WORLD'S Da. eau. osc-x. N! w�/, DOCTOR AM CG,S PIERCE'S s %O tUili PELLETS ICIV N. WO Park `�o Q ewe Wadroots t-nequated m a Liver P111. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One Pellet a Dere.. Dors not gripe. Cure. MIAs He.d- aebe, Mil Items Mea+arbe. Cowtlpe- �t indigestion.wleoe Ateaeaa, derangemenof the stomach and bowels. Put up to glad vtale. hermetically sealed. Always trees and reliable. Gently laxative, or an active cathartic. according to tine of dose. $ o•ntsi by Gram Opera "louse C. W. ANDREWS, LESSEE. Murdock McAuley, of Kintail, left this week for Detroit to take • position there. He will be greatly mused by the young people of the village. Ytf19 YEAR'S MYRTLE CUT sad PLUG .SMOKING TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER. SEE la.,Susr. as es& Sing seal 01.0 • Fine_TaIIorIng.' NEW' SPRING axone. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN CANADIAN TWEEDS. THE NEWEST PATTERNS IN ENOLLSH AND FRENCR SUITINQS. New Shades in French Worsteed. Nev Irish and English Serge'. New and Nobby Spring Overooatings, BEST CVT and WO SHIP. B. MacCORMAC. Mr O.rsthwe, formerly of the Sea - forth Collegiate Iastitete, is .ow Prisei. pal d Ike Packdsle High &boot. Mr James Wilson, 8t. Augustin. leaves for Toronto this week ; he in- tends writing on the snood year's worse i. the University. NOT OEdB YEf Bat alive, sed M pauag better at tease need greesrbee sed tar, as the Cheap Cash Store. I am sot blewi*g or tryhg 1a debate jou whim 1 tell yea that I am mntag what r cheap sad good. Farmers, Tate ly Advice for Dace aa4 do not b'e deluded by theme Tea Pedlar., twat a through the country pre, - slag you to buy their tre.py .tart Ta.y are Mrs today sad away tomorrow, but buy he. mthat will Mead by ►n sad will do w��hiaaat right a•d loosest, add will take your Mimi head oce la Peonage. N'. Impact our tea. �es.e V aro net nailer Yea airy, tort L pameitlsg tea Me /eOwea seta ettM Ferry's Seeds eatra J the weal. M Venn &G e t-ad*e. outer. MIL FERRY ROIL _._.er.O.1. travelling lbuiae. (IR.ANL tittNK Trainsarrive and dep•tr. lows: anateE Mail sad E .. .1.50 Mail....... t)frew............. 1M p.m Mixed ......... ................ .....1100a.m. lc .1Lt1'.*Y. at tioderi_L as tel Dgtafte. moo ............. 7.11ea m. M.tlsad ktpreu .... :!Stns. Nigel.. ..... ............ .. f.u6 n m. Tllosly, tY l4) '89IIERUfl'UELUU I.eacn, t,ve avid The World f:en w l'ri,.e,i l'atnlnip:• for Spri rade is sow ready, an 7 M RS. QABD�1 u we. be .,l►ed free to a! U jy 11 Rp:•l!eaate. and to custom, t i aN d'l :am year without sstkita o ned Queen of i to.utJoules Geeing t..n y 1 L9IJNOI.BRUE Iti 1lB889 BL1J epoto-solleatot R Thompson dQ Smith, Ingersoll, is Iruog very ill with tudfammatiou ,f ilia lunge. I9iarecovery is very doubtful. He is sm o!d elintonun, and resided for • long time un the Huron road, l:odrrich township, on the fano nun occupied by Mr Huller. %%e notice by the Toronto deities • Bet of those who passed their minima - Hon, at the Toronto School of Practical `.fence, and among the names that of W SIDDONS It Hale, son of H. Hale, Kul., Clinton, mance wilt Wablulaa. who passed in Theory of Electricity and Neatly describe• the yo.ition of • hard Magnetism, and Practical Electricity or s, ft corn when Putnam's Pestes. and Magnetism, Corn Extractor is applied. It does its John f.n:ngston, wh, went to the work sr quickly and without paiii that it seems magical in action. Try it. Re- collect the name - Putnatn's Painless Corti Extractor. Sold by all druggists and dealers everywhere. We regret to have to ar,n•dunee the death of John May, of Paisley, from consumption, chi, week. He wag • brother in-law to Ji hn Hargreaves and spent several weeks in Brussels. He had nearly completed his course as a a•udent t'the ministry of the Episcop- alianor a l Nl acre farm. Tile Tatler intends church in Wyckh8 Collette, Tonto- or the Northwoa.. ee aro taformed, hut owingtort health had gone to and his family will, probably,hopeofCalifornia a short time sap with the become hope recuperating. it appears con - residents ,f this place. gumption was too deeply wasted and the Inspector 'Malloch has notiEed Mr chanes, possibly, hastened the end. He j .i,.ho `haw, Principal of !trowels school, was in hu 26'h year and was a most elle that the Minister of E.lucatn'n has timahle young man, beloved by all W 1 1.. S O named Brussels as a �Iace where en who knew him trance rxamivations will be held. Parent. and ,teaoherw •hou:d remember Of the *weever. tress ressnmpllas. this and their children sent there. The Scrrifula and (;.neral Mobility will try examtastinn will he on the dib, 5th and `/colt's Emulsion of Cod Leer I)iI, with 6th days of July, 1889. N►pophnsphite., they will find imme- diate relief and • permanent benefit. Dr H. V. Mott, I':renlw.w,d• C.I., writes : "1 have used tic„tt's Emulsion with great advantage in MOPS of f'hthisi., Scrofula end Wasting Duea•e•. it is very palatable." Sold by dratci.ts at Oct and 11. 4 ;ndian Territory last yrar, 1114 returned to Brussels and his family will arrive before lung. 'fork was not as plentiful es of yore out there. For this and other reasons Mr Livingston deemed it prudent to once more take up his residence under the 1 nion Jack. John Halliday, of London, has ex changed ha comfortably brick resido+nce, Albert street, hie st, re on 1 urn berry street, and Ins pump shop ua 1111111 street, in Brussels, with a farmer near Ripley • DRAMATIC RECITALS, I'resentiug an entire change of i'rugram. Admission, - 25c. and 35c. Reserved Seats, 50c. I Plan of Hall now open at Eraser d- Porter's. seatwute.. cwt. The Most Ree'ees.fal 1/111,••••47 Wer Atsv'o. ort i, a It 4 e.rttI, Ir 1,..ge,t. a.4 d,.. not Dikter. keel proof Lebow. ' ..TI ISI E TO DIE' i(El1DALL'S SPAWN CURE. 1 harp new nn hand, en., it is my intention 140 TOIIET SETS DINNER SETS i CAN clue YOU A good 40c. Japan Tea at 0$H.. A wood IOc. Young Hymn et Y;, coi. A goal tar. Mack Tea at el cm. A good elle. Jason Tea at 50 etx. A good etc. Young Yysoo at 54 eta A goad tae. Blank Tea at 30 eta, I have oleo just reel'ci,ed a Ilse tut of Can- oed Fruits of all kinds, also Canoed Meals dimmer very tine and will be •old cheap. My Tobaccos sad Cigars are ut the very best Woad; don't forget my Pure [Madonna ('of - fee; sty dot.:.. and Ylarorir.es are pure aid geed. My customer* can always rely on get- ting gelid butter. and goods deliscrrd psse- Dos. Eggs Wanted at once Righe.t Price Paid. First door tooth of le Downings Boot add Shoe store, ('rabba Block. Geder.,:a. ISAAC N. CASSIDY, THE GRult'PR. CHINA HALM THINK OF IT I 3 tons, 10 cwt, 3 gra, 16 lbs GROCKERY OPENED THIS WEEK. DIRECT IMPORTATION. IN ANY !IZE. Prices Away Down CALL AND INSPECT AT Water Service ! HELEBORE, PARIS GREEN ANO, INSECT POWDER AT Our old friend John Angus, Morris, who is about 76 yeah of age, does not believe it is good for max to be alone, so last Monday he led Mrs McCullough, of McKillop township, to the matri- monial altar at the residet'ce f f J.S. Welsh, Walton. To Rev W. Torrance was committed the tying of the nuptial bow. May their Toys be mans. Loftus s Davey, Esq., barrister, of Seeforth, cgs been employed by several part's* GAMIN in that neighborhood to IltralakM lip a defeeti:e title to twat. nal MIM. belonging t• them there, and ' iI 01 purpose, he left on Monday Inst Ilan Fraaewheel0111110o, Oaliforvila, wheels 9S of the parties interested sow re. db. He expects to be stamen about dire* weeks MCLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR is a specific and antidote for impure, weak and impoverished Blood, Dye - papas, Rheumatism, Lues of Memory,tts Bronchitis, Consumption, GellJaundice',Jaundt, Kidney end IT iaary I)ases.u,, Se, Vitus' Danns, Female Irrwgalarities and General Debility. Pried $I s.d 02d' a bottle. Call or write for McLeo• he Flyset Renovator, Newgate -std, Ood.- rioh, Oat. N'S, Prescription Drug Store. \\T Om^t n. 1' ..ates 0. R.Ttwta .asto.a or C:-naixalt IlaT un TL„nsn taxa Room En.x.,,o,, tL So.. 51 tea tri. It 1. ffasoua. a : 1.11'. •pa b7 the weave n.'.r sint bade always ie w.d,M est. woes m eget eeaaUty. 1 kink x re. of toss hest liniment. on sneak. I ba., sed n m sty arable• foc an. years. Tsar. truly. Cava a. Sova,& KENDALL'S SPA►IN CURE. Ba"nxt.r...t. Y , K.,•ea.D.r tit Inn n J. Rarest/. Co. y..a [fear Mr. 1 ,twt.. !r. to a.wtItanalsl e( My letesns1 npt.Ma ..f yemore .td s els ('.r. 1 .V ally .rIne.eentiti r1 ke tea 1 hometway. e�earet. I ao.�. Your. truly A.n E. n.esay. Mar seTroy Lass.try has!... SEIDALL'$ SHIM CORES lye B. Nuts r vett It ,rentf n•* he.,,e testa ▪ eye Town testy. al 3 Pr &in icc Rrpi. n wine.Oseate. Onto Dee It Mil ieansiigsw wiliatf anis doss le. kind. sear A.awwe hra.,, w The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of Water Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. WILSON SALKELD. ,.r.. these.. KE/RRLL'S $PAUIN CORES Trdw`f▪ `l ..br adx t Mr lrwwm M i_...ta.."MeMhr eJba�Cn�M�it�,sa1►A SOLD BY ALL D1 rOMIS1 L • Willies, liquors, &c FOR PALE RV to keen • full line ..f PIPE AND FITTINGS Required for IA moor Supply from u,- Town green' to Dwellings, Lawns, Shops, Factories and otherwise. Estimates fornidied. work don.- and Sethi faction Guaranteed. AIi mire. of Galvanized sod Discs iron Pipe ane! Kitting, SupppliM. 130178X A.EC IIS , RY THE. HOT WATER SYSTEM, A vi•F:( iALT1' Bolton's Cektbrsted Hor a ater ho,Irr., kr. C. A. HUMBER. 9c -r. f GIVING VP BUSINESS ! The business in Gents Furnish- ings and General Fancy Goods, Pante. &c., carried on by HORACE J. HORTON, se the square In Newton'. old wand. Is oft. ed for sen. a' a Liberal Di.eonnt. Weems sew ental Ike basher i. disp sed .1 a 8...r.( Mete will be bete k. 'Mee sed Nee*, a. Ike subscriber tatesb t• WP- M" roam $Meese. All Goods will be Marked G. H. PARSONS' Down to Cost Price. ALBiON we TR TIM TO MT Otw4/11><. O.1crfeS, May ted. dpi, 14 las !lf BLOCS. RODIIRICM GRA TSF UL-OO111I/0BT1MG, EPPS'S COCOA. BREAYIAOT. laws w • Menai*eb amen kk..wi.des et the amoral the the se' ies d • inparatd •• attlmrlr. Wswon E�sM•ha04.j p$rovtiad�reedd ovb.eee.ekwhweblt tides s.1.ea IL 21.4•sa• w .1 .*cit 081.1.. 0t Met that a eeastItuerstrong asoaarc�ey be gradually vdy to Hundreds remit Maio istelad4o •Ie. te.11sg around as ready t. at- tack wherever these j. • weak peat. We may assay a • fatal shah by kappas Iwslw wen llerrllled with pure blood sad • nourished harse."-"Onat e r tion Made eOtd suds ply with b5U1. water or .ilk. eschew b labstlea /hes: JAM stir k i'iil a Co, H MeChem- ists. Loudon. Rathsd. SPRING HAS COIE! AIKD WITS IT A ME CONSIGNMENT OF Gent's SOW for the Sent H. DUNLOP'S. Geed eclat ted stoma entirethe motto. IiSItU.ftl Next SIMS Cbaeu01' Priiii1�i 0n or before the 1st et Maw the gr.tsyy bashese o/ J. H. Edward will , be removed to Ibe sew store frame eispthe I teisee errea1OSlJ 11qtire e, K • lslptoest., where noises. will M hematite 1 fb oeedweeer) on a oasis bads res. Minted the *am/ dlaosuat. NOTICE TO DEBTORS, All outstanding accounts mon he paid be terve the Dot of Jana After slat date all us - maid weaves well be pet 1a trot ler C011.c- Usu. J. H. EDWARD. TfiWALTH . tit 141 leSEDfCAL 1. PI il 1LS +� '4gtpgt•' Pett tPpc' o'NOoISE''No= Et, TRY NATURES REMEDY :74/RE PEERIESS-POTENT SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST 'TFAICFHFAITHCO1O4G6N "t • MARVIELOU8 MEMOR Gs� �eaaDISCOVERY. Iliad wiwallerine seat Bdike iearaed r rss� leery ly beeeetted. beim 1eiree�r.:aeodiapledult ais C aetf.�eppo �e- amts. apamo t�la~r1�a tt. rissdm loiter w .i�,sT aTai�: Ave., Il T. WALL PAPER Ai) - - DECORATIONS SAUNDEIIS &SON Competitors envious of our .uc- Cev0, Sole Agents for W. N. Peak, Brooklyn, N. I'. ARTISTIC NEWEST 1 OHEAPEST 1 JD9D IaLLS Jost entered throe -do Custom' No Trouble to Show Samples Everything required for house- cleaning. Tl� Cwt Hs Mlles FORTY w1101.1 Noticel at tl Mon than than ual up ti weell NE For Sale - y'imraer I ynme Real ('ousel of it Municipal Contract T threat -r)r e Bas. TO 1 e*i as woon0P You can mf Pk 10 D. M Stewart. I e tilt ens . trusted Itit work. When ronA Aad bas. Drat, la and If you w. Twit Woo UNiult will n of business o'clock. in 1 t"rested in to att.'nd. A lady who she must 1141 I'uaawa,-y 1 wbyshe .0 t one /oft bout dentis she an itlgat Rhyne Eves!F bad► their housrci paper If prone tine of ceiling A full stick of pet tack,, nos - wiry tovw for house. under the sun, The post ass.' •nee. as Mr there a • bier ed parties, y, will be a rod di v tie*. That Is c 00re1111120`nt aII not. for a.bnd *boat the qua!i R. Sallow/, MrM.J,I tile Sau;t. Mr W. B. 0.15 in b. Mrs R tin., guest of 11 x days. Devotions w ch arch eery during May. Dr McD,ana cnn.ultatien , Cv:ry mocth. Remember 1 day, 1M.y Mr.t:,er- land. Samuel S sr ton, w ere r t.it i n Sloane, this wa Mr Keith M the effects of hu turned to Strut Mrs Hawley Stevenson, het their Detroit to Mr Luther present in G, secured wcrk fo East Heron be held in Clint Thursday, May The next meet Teaceer. Ihetltu ter on %t-rdneeds Mr A. Strait agent, was in Oa Ing the nbeequie Mr Grant. The Dundas br, fatherly Institut purcha.e have b•1 boys of the town. The regular n Church Mission H rnw'$sturlsy aft. A full attendance Ronciman Bros a contract with 111 Peterborough Can !bur mill to the IN, The celebrated lett Thompson and cuff will take part c,tseert oe Toti.dal Dr M Nicholson mattes the proton - teeth • specialty. C A a. m. for the pi teeth. A spacial /meati/ No. 182, will b. 21st last , .t 7 p . is requested as imps be discussed. Rev Father Bot hia annual picnic ab next. His picnics and no pains will be egret senses. McLesn'e block i. •sed rapidly under !Ir J&i.feeoll Reid. will be • handsome nem eddies*. Mr per pri.tor,is a hustle