HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-5-10, Page 7Es=
mire M
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of the
BE DG INION 114 BR1P. I Smashes der M' the he bait:w
NAT N tilosww ob17DF INTE use f the lowest sections of w ml
TO Her ht.tee eomsine of s few roues is as
�e..��aaYY yy..�srr�� .Ilei. T11e druukases', pervert , .ad
GANwr w. ul.rinR of mss Md women i�ietnts
her, het .h. a cuo.taetlp with the fall -
e.. Every might eke goes out tote the
lanes of the city with reg healers to
(light her way before her, and elm sever
returns W her gsartere wito
lashs girls or eshe hats
)Schep O'G�sooer wee eeoeeeretad .* Peter. 18411the st reel. es people
en Wednesday. ;sail she is .ever molested oriwltod
Ile draft wee tiAer d.y throughout 1116 Austin A Bell • peomaosut cities
el Manisobe. Sett t le- W
.I.d%Iet -I-- --- hen formd T. summitted suicide
icy .kis otinit himself se the head, at his
asept' •re.l Ovate odtlse ice North Seattle A
iblt dale••• ted ter Thmald 111•176•• spell of depression, to which he was
.ms0ote to over Wow
It i.steted that Mk delta Macdsti•IO ,..bjo.et, appears to have been upon him
aced dnvmu kern to the fatal deed. Bell
nit Zealand this InesatL •
Halifax r exdsd nuns the tiensta'e women,
a ass of Woe. Lyell, uN. of Seattle's
deb niers Line WA .surly pinafore, after whom Belltcwn,
Ftstoaa theSho LM. 1)tIs►' was �'..e North Seattle, was named. He was
at H•atone s• 13arse 36 years .Jd, and wee the mooed rale
A. W.
M. P., 0111 call '"bald Dunce is Seattle. His father did
Irma New York on Tuesday. sb•.mt •year and .holt ago. and the aero
e_M--tain ode Wean NeMsmasd Isis
• seisms se Some MPpaa Ib ate.
seeesesd eleaNa.
A I•trwW sf Jaeeequs saes Wee I.te.eee
she throe lima.
fur eprieR walking dresses, stray, drab
mid fawn with tither white at black
tntamiage are always to good taste.
Tor enure oostwmes the feausiq peoll
M preferred to grayish shades, bet
or trimmtaR white or bleak dresses. Gad for
tahM ether purposes of decoration the bright -
her. er green &hedge are obueen.
White may be used with most ul the
a of fashionable be...
So.atf °l the ...ser.'a cotton dress
goods aro t.early as elfmsat as the Indies
.ad Chinese silks who.e tootling and
figures tb.e hale oupie1.
All dress skirts, except thole of simple
wash dress ,.re hang uverge ed founds-
tiou skirts of lining material. time. of
these have some (two iu number) .crops
bock breadth o1 the f0uud•tluu skirt,
.hale others have mere. When they
are u..d they are tied loosely, et as to
ess, hold out the skin without gi.ing at that
At.: appearance lately et'eo.
en tcd • I• • pan of the
good Eleven beam at deed infante bre Nos •hicb is Dow stated to be worth Sl,
llar. is Meotaeel within.ight weeks Opo His sib, w6om he married sin
t!M ii,
Jelinski Maimed, res .f the ILah Muff years nue., wee Mee Eva Davis. of To-
--a icume died Wedsesdy sight. 'root°, Ont. There were uu cbildnw.
c llative and ball y haw bees release! The wife and two sisters, Mrs H. W.
^-� Hall, of Loa An.eles, and Mr, J A.
ji t:ovuewer fkthslea re/erred to W issipg Si.e.rt, of elan transom. servile Wal-
ton Drina Columbia last week.
(Waist Dement was presented with en •e eswesse▪ ms sesss,
dem• by kits eampetriots as St. Vital. I Disease in any of its myriad forme is
The N. P. t M•aitobs awl Msaitebs a sever welcome, and the sad of its visit
N. W. railway eymeeme may •tsalpmass. ;is always :eioic.d at. b.rdoek Wood
GlIMsse, the Wiasipeg tastes, was amt Betters cures all diseases of the moniasb,
sus ler trial bail being refused. .liver, bowels and blued, giving blit bud
It i• reported in Winnipeg Chet Provincial balsa with every dose. 2
Treasurer Jus' re epwtuts haa been seat
is Kakaska - Resat tee Baser..
N. W. 'lreshalne, Q. C., baa bees else*.- The time u now at hand when the
to the baiessiet of she Moatrsal bar. ,avenge girl goes in for getting poem
Judie Degas has takes anima for libel, monis , the son shines, and she thanks
S, ma
daage+, ghast L. Meade news- there u no
Pansy. reason to the world sky she
,Zino who wan rep
orted it' should not wear her cloth gown without
t,. dews wish dipiola
theri.at Ottawa, ls&b. wrap, thus showing the wo n ars
�� .1 her figure. Amfncao women are
Sir Jobe will*is England will eonfey Parisians in this. it cannot be denied
that & very welt fitting b•tdiee
with the Maliebary Government on the fiat , drapery
rico question.
,ant to look sulbetently full and
LeComedies says it looks as if Morrison, 0,.- out to be cumbersome, • lase scarf
Megantie out,kw, was about to become or • b"a thrown around one's throat is,
an F.nglieh Riad _fter the greasing of a Tong winter oust,
The Maasger of the Montreal L'Eteeilard very attlsellve, but it can be mentioned
has bees favored with an eahaustire letter that it is to nobody a advantage except
room Gabriel Dumont. • :v the doctor's and the apothecary's A
Joke A. Murray, • tailcoat Oshawa, (int , 1440 women who will dreg this way, when
meow W bsatso the ti:uws ill drill took their best on the street, follow
Me Haseiiton dimes. at op by the miry sensible treatment that
The Tote at Plantagenet ce the by-law they get at home -that n to say, they
Inosine& bas d stow to the v. and p. are rubbed either with alcohol or nod
railway was favorable. later mil, and then rest • couple of boars.
`ta•katdowea holf.breeds willemeie mitIt takes a deal of courage, this being
or p=Tmeat d claiwaarising „to/6w,is tubbed .1th cod hoer oil, and yet it is
carred during the rebellion. one ef the fa•Llonabls lads. Yoe may
(:rand Master R. T. Walker, Q. C., d use iso end of perfume in the effort to
Kieproa, was hespseteed by the lia•ook make yourself sweet after it, but the
rateruily at Loudon Thereday. scent of the oil -by no means oil of no-
ne charged a•abeaskmest against nar. rs-well cling to yon moot persistently,
vey, the Guelph murderer, lea Leen ind.E- aad in addition will do everyth:ng in 115
mtely adjourned. power to perfume everythine belonging
('el. Nicotine. is sg&ft mentioned as the to you. However, if the fashionable
probable man for the provincial treasurer maiden determines that ibis odor stall
ship el Manitoba be counted smart, be very certain that
It appears that Bagnall, the young Eng- talon, Lent is over she will be declaring
nehmen found dead sear Cartwright, acct- it the most delicious, the most healthful
dandy shot himself. and the most a1$ooet11er delightful of
General Sir John Roes, K. C. R. mom- SSPettamre. Systematic scrubbing at
mender -in -chief of the imperial forces in this Roman bath msy, it is possible, re-
cated•, is visiting the Gov. -General at (Jt- wove the oil. but it is very certain that
The vrnliet d to Ilassilttm jurySiring a mere hot both will -only seem to make
O g it come to the surface more and to make
Nolte) to blies Harrell for breach of proms,. one more conscious of being a fishwe-
will ,he appealed against by Mr. O'C•lhg
Lan. tan reedy for exhibition at a dime
�Ir. ( A Pelham, a museum outlet Bowery.
George prominentarchi-
tect of New York, who superintended the
rection of the (brernoent buildings at
()tome, diad suddenly on Tbureday, of apo- 114•61111441.466 is tae Siet Reset.
plexy. t Sick people don't like to be stared •
The Chinaman afflicted .ith lepnr7 who They are sewitive, morbidly en. Loo
•,t4 recently put of the Canadian Teethe irig as if you were surprised at the
•'ilway at Brandon bas been shipped across change sickness has wrought is annoy•
:.e line. 'int(, and worse than that, it i5 deheart-
Inuence of the report that some of r0/ng ; anal they imagine their case to
'nald jiarieno's friends contemplate an t,e worse then it is.
t enibnoko Pt to riscas .tt been guards on tko verdure, don't etas at a sick per -
The fashion of matching the bonnet or
but with tae customs, .bile it still pre-
vails, a 4101 con.tdrrod abwltltely esseo-
tial ; but the head attar should be ice
keeping with tbo costume.
All -black bate are always in vogue ;
but many more colored ones are wore.
Watch pockets are no longer 111 nae ;
t!►e watch is slipped to the coinage.
Black hosiery remains in favor for
general gee.
Striped home -spun cloths are used for
epilog ulster', and largo sleeves aro a
feature of these usef.l wraps.
Although Empire and Directoire rash -
toes prevail, then are many draped
models, to cbuuw trona fur those to whom
undraped skirts are unbesuming.
Empire sashes may be made of wide
sass ribbons, brocaded. striped, sod
plain Caine, and Sarah., India, and
soft adks, with (rwged ends.
On the skirts of young ladies delaina
drosses and edging their wing draperies
are narrow tucks arranged very close to-
gether iu clusters.
For • tall women, • draped skirt will
look beet ; one that is draped across tits t
front and hung over • tom.d•tion skirt
w itb a fell pleating around the f..r.t (to
bold the skirt teat but not to show below t
the drapery,.
Simple sod inexpensive .raps for d
young Ladies and marrow of a certain w
degree of youthfulness, sr• soon jackets
of checked or striped cloth, made with a m
turned -over notched collar with the o
e dyee stitched, or else finished with • C
cord-like binding of braid. p
Round waists showing no darts or side se
bodies, and gathered at the nett sod
waist line in front and back, aro used for
all kinds of summer fabrics, silk, wool,
or cotton. The sleeves of these waists of
are full lag-ot-wuttos or bishop' sleeves;
the skirt is gathered or ourded at the G
top, and is put un last, the ends of the 1
waist bring thrust under it. A belt, u
cor*let or sash completes the draw. ca
Very short (wpes and mantle" rival
the extremely lung ones that cover the
wearer from throat to foot. a
When a collar and oath of embroidery n
trim lawns or gtnghenu it is well to is
mount them separately, as they soil it
easily and may need washing when the
dress is still clean.
A pretty addition to a toilet can be f
made of narrow ribbons folded around •
the wristbands of the dress -sleeve, end
tied in A smell hew on top ; • similar
t. band passes around • standing collar.
k• with the bow in front pr behind or on
the left side. as the wearer choome.
1 We aro Int..g % nitably in a M•.•et
its.,OM The b,.nutt 1• dimmed o.. •tory
feasible occasion. This ma•..oeot spade
from chs ubeervarioe, carries wick it
diec.ureenimat to the atuapbttttiee ..t the
•mwt.neut loser eau ruede the
theatre end opens, te enji.y tarn menta
sod not take • study ot rsdlu.ery
Leachers toilets are no looter °emplortr
mules' supplemented with • bonne. ;
aad .w esu not but admire the stoic
6rmn se with whomk • party of ladies
will shatter lightly tbrwab • lu•oheun
.d several home' duration, tante pn.tep
heedb burdened with the weight of .
fashionable I..innet. l'whaps t,. blame
.ho.id he laid at the dour. of the milli-
ner, who fashion each m•r*ellousty•be
enuring headgear that they are irresis-
Islesesstag reeeanwa• LleMtl.t In
Mem went. •
TUX °Unr*L Tata POT watrUU
The beet way fur the pulpit to e•mip-
terwos the tolusece of modern .k*pti-
amm e to potash the positive truth .d
the Gospel, tearlessly. and boldly, for
the soca-plane. of Lith, rather ilia. to
eua.treet •r)cutwee tauvs apologies sod
nlutauuw t..r thaw who name* M ie-
eept ala me,mgc. And It will add tie
memorably to the power and force of
this divine meseap, if it be delivered
with the .udetiyrug thought and uuder-
mai.diag that it Isnot unlamiliar with the
whole lime .1 assault upon the faith ;
that it is &Neatened aith ate subterfuges
aced Its oustred.ctioos. end yet that,
h. iug examined them all, weighed tbew
is the balaucw mid found thew eautir,g,
it still calmly sod o.uhdently deliveu its
message of parduu and poem) to • sinful
w orld through faith io the blued of thel
Lad Josue Christ.
1 liILL Tett IT.
Many • physician has pined his prac-
tice by one patient's telling another
hisoure. Toll your nsithborthatyou her
been to the hospital of Jesus and hoe
re,torwd,tboueh you drew near ler tb
p-stes of death ; mid may be a pour .nu
just in the same condition as yourself
w ilt say. 'Thisis a message fpom God t
me.'' Ab ore a11, put.lisb the Lord
goodoese, fur Jesse' sake. He deserve
your honor. Will you receive his bless
ing, slid then, like the nine lepers, gie
hem no praise ; Will you be like the wo
man is the crowd wbu was healed by
touching the hem of kis garment, and
then would hate slipped away 1 11 w I
pray that eke Master alley my, "Some-
body hath touched mo ;" and may you
be compelled to toll the truth, and m
"I was sore sick in soul, but I touched
thee, oh my blessed Lord, and I am oar
ed, earl to the prairie of the glory ot thy
- Lill tell it, though the devil
should hear it ; I .ill tell it and Make
the world nog with it aeoording to my
ability, to ,thepraise and glory of thy
aviug grace, '
e' ----
and Neuralgia
fedi. bilis will figure In erety well
supplied sweater wardrobe.
N'.ITet ribbon ha• token the p.'are of
moire ribbon for tnmmu,i.
Squ.re-e»rnered vole v• jackets are he-
a•u.iag ,o all slender figures.
• Theme tine dMreees.emN NAM ta>Teettlg.
• Dooms &elate that they we dlegett to cam-
A STILL alit
Character requires • sti:l air. Then
may be storm cud upheaval around, but
hen mast be peau* within for the soul
to thrive. But ail:iety is the reverse of
peace. It teases the mind with questions
hat it cannot wamer ; it truuds over
puesible evil ; it peoples the future with
ark shapes; it freta the ■enaibilities
lib worrying conjecture. It spoils the
present by loading It with the evil of to-
urrow. Its tendency is, by dwelling
ei evil, to make us coward:y and se:fie' .
hsractsr cannot ,;row an much so towns -
here. Hence, as a matter of fact, se
Id. m find any great beieht sad sweet-
ness of character in an anxious -minded
permoo, for the simple reason that it has
so char.ce to gruw ; all the forces go in
her directions. But when nue in wise
sad righteous ways has learned to trust
od, and so has come into peace, then
he seeds of all grace and beauty spring
p and spread out their leaves i5 the
Im, warm stir, and blossom out int.)
beauty, fed from beneath and above.
t was to secure such an atmosphere, for
a end so eternally Important as this,
hat Christ spoke thew words : "Take
o thoutibt." Oh how were the teach-
tt f Ho. blessed to be able to receive
:-[T. T. Munger.
('H IU,T- eon:Meat D.
"Cao you tell me," asked a clerical
t sod of mine of • candidate for u i -
seossry work, "what justification is'"
he man gave to the question a satiafac-
ory reply. "And what," pursued niy
end, ' is seinctib, .uuu 1" "Sauetil-
two," said the candidate, the tin
indling an his look as he spoke, "sant -
iheattoe is• God-pimessed noel, sir."
No toner outwear could be given. It is
se thing to possess Christ -it is a very
Brost thing to be possessed by Christ
the one case we have life but an the
her we have life triumphant If God
m In poseenion, Satan is cast out, fur
"what concord bath Christ with Belia1,
sod what agreement bath the temple of
God with idols r- i I1. Cor., vi , 10 )
If is to he feared that of this most
ease* and high pr.vilegoof God -poss_s-
en, many Cbristians know compare -
yelp little : yet it as the one secret both
holiness and of safety, for where God
not, there mu and `Satan are, ;uat es
here light is not, there. darkness in-
itably is. Amid the 10,000 snares
at beset our path heavenward there i•
ttsolutely Do security except to °boy
✓ Lord's own words, "Abide in me,
The Prsafd•st d the Montreal Telegraph sus,
' ""'pony has teased a circular to the, Aar,. And, don't stand at the back or the
elder in reference to the non-payment of timed of the bed, to wake him turn bis
tee last quarterly divided by the Creat ryes arosud to see you.
\•.rthwestern. , George Maodousld don't believe io
e inquest on the disaster •� the Juno standing before a sick penes ; he mak
Cut b beteg continued at Ramillies. hie vicar .n "A Seaboard Perish- ea
IMOntario Go,erosesatoffers $Leeltoassist,hat be always rats b• the boydmde, '•for
r, procuring expert evioiewx. 'the peter. • r -els more at rest than if
-- lyou sten 4 o•• • •'1 before him.'
A c Itpew.ryea.■.r tea■t.
tyle I And, pion •-t tr ,:, the Croom, don't
A resident et this city with a fine knee ram in a a. , .. u..n't f,dlow the
ledge of the weaks.ge od hum" rotor• has -lector or a caller 0... into the next room.
d.vw4 and put 0gr the market a re$isteriag rhes rove ld will be absolutely certain
leavings bask which holds its deposits saw ,kat y„a are will gilt him.
they Hach • stipulated amouoL The bank
is shored like a Saratoga trunk. Three And, don't sear r1rn.sute that rustle,
style. ereinede,00e (orognta, aootherfor Wf ''r of rough cloth to cows in con-
Trii mina, and a third for dimes F.acb, atter feet with the soft hands made tender b
the fie. coin is deposited, is locked until the sickness : and dmf. t sear squeakin
hundredth coin is pushed through the slot, shoes or thick -soled .hers.
IS and aseach coin enters it register% upon • dial. .•NL'e appreciated your !Impairs las
A man who buts • dime bank must put 100 nighet," said a tired -out mac to • 7000
dimes into it if he waste to open it, and ala who had been watchio .iib bis
nick'. bank can he opened only when it con- dy g
4 labia P. The basks aro strongly mads of 'ick wife ; "hest oh ' what a sows Mw
nickk-plated osstiron. and the locking de- B'• hasty, squeaking beets made !"
rias w unpptickable, because after itis looked Thi."Miss R , who was helping se
Sej the keyhole is taken indoor& Nothing but nurse, had nein ba_k and f .rth throat
the right amount of colas will open it, and, be sick room •I1 night, and up and
when the hundredth sola enters the door, town the uncarpeted maim, and by alt
pew wtowatioa.lly.--New York SUM i icor where the wearied man was vainly
what a we.aaa's weirs nese. I tying to );et an hour's sleep.
A wonnan's whim anncerning a hood weal The Isdy addressed had brooeht with
gt 1 the primary cause el the Wan of the Roseerier, sod pot o0, a pair of noiseless .lip
which dei imitated France in the time of the •'era' .iib loll poise -"slippers u
l'lantageneta. Louis VII., at the re.tneotof, 'ilsocs,".omsoody called them.
his Riehop, shaved off his beard, whereupon._
ha onar.rt queen Eleanor, ooesidrred him
ited ridicakwa and repugnant that elm transferred fbeeatr roughs and .14.
her affections to w,n.e other bearded 1o1'.w , and all di.maas of the throat and lunge
er in his export, defied him openly, and con- can be cored by eke use of Sooty. Rmul-
ducted herself in an .,neetiosable a meaner .,,,t, as it contains the healing virtue. of
that the poor beardlge. King spee.iily obtain Cod Liver Oil and Hypoyhosphifea in
ireeir ed a divorce from her. F.kanrtr pmmptly noir (plisse form. Met what W. M
mar�yy1 Henri I1. d Finland anal carried In Mer, M. D. , L R. C. P. , etc. , Truro,
- - the F.ngliah ( rows as her dower the rich
onetime. o.( Poitou and t:uienne. This was v- H .ay.: "Alter three years' toper-
t11e origin of those long and bloody wan **nee 1 c"n.ider Montt'. Kmulston one of
vrhieh for more te.n 'Aa) years ravaged the •he very beet in the market. Very ea -
land and ultimately cost Franc* 2,tltln•ht10 silent 1n throat affections.- Sold by
oddiera. It reynir.d another war to bring tel druggist. :,Oc and S1.00
Greyand blue k
RinRkams look best t
with white embroidery fur trimmings;
pale buff, deeper yellow and green in „
combination in gnighams should be worn dl
with blaeh nbbon sashes ; pink and old- In
rose will be wr.ru with black, but are et
eery dainty -looking when trimmed with
white emdroibery.
1s •rter.awe settee Metal.
• D►apeasia is dreadfer:. Disordered
liver is n.wery. Indigestion is a foe to ti
gond nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one Is
of the most complicated and wonderful
thinrs in existence. It is easily put out ev
of order. the
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food,
bad cookery, mental worry, tato hours, °u
irregular habits, ar.d many other thirsts
which ought not to be have made the an
✓ t
merican people a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flawer has done
wonderful work in reforming this sad
usutes5 and mak Mg the American
people so healthy that they can .ujoy
heir meals and he happy.
Remember :- Nu happiness without
eslth. Bot Green'. .lutast Flower
brings health and happiness at the
ypepttc. Aak your druggist for •
bottle. Seveety.five conga eowly
e Many nohappy persons seem to ima-
gine that they .re &brews in an amp11i•
theatre, with the aammbled world as
spectators ; whereas, all the .bile, tbey
are playing to etapty benehes.
into ' favor again the beard after 11. .Irpo.i- A youer• la47 had gireo a rapid
! this was none other then the wit young mat. her pbotngrsph. He was
rel the Rrforrnmion.
'enamoured of it. and mode the remark,
formol/is sea Taedrry. -"some day, with your permission. 1 shall
Anatxnd What's oat the bill of fan for plead for the prw^tisillw of the lovely
diatrr'i!ort,heel." She n 1' "Mot 1 shill
Ione 11 i#P tre.rIetg from a fist In Roar lbws* pa -la 0atntivet
^rwt,{asper) pa,•alk.ped hymen, ao(M r' ,•• esid a Mi:fteNMlt stead Wy
frtiil h.m ft teemed ehickwn, al ;o h.r h.edand, who hod biter critieisinr
inmate, ,mid Basco. mince pin, raisin pin.
deaghsutA,.pnap.she, oatwnod psrd.ea,.rMi Orr •tors, ".hat dos. a naw know
Mika■hone • woman's clothes. areaway t'.
"Well what's en the tattle,- -11• knows 111 • prase, my dear. ' ha
test 604
0., fried bacon, „Apar awes, replied gently, and .he retired.-- Wash•
eines ()ride.
Ctemsenegeltas tlleety fame.
To Tut EDITOR -Flames inform your
reader' that I have • positive remedy for
the above named 4..e.... Ily its timely
use thousands of hopeless casae have
been permanently eared. i shall he glad
to send two bottlee of niy remedy free
to any of your reader' who leve con-
sumption, if they .ill send me their L'x-
prw. and P. O. address.
Respectfully, Ds. T. A. Slams.
• 37 Ye mem Kt., Toronto, Oat
There is evil seoogh in man, God
knows ' But it is not the minion of
every Tonne man and woman to detail
and report it all. Keep the stain.
pliers as per. as p v.srble, and fragrant
w ith gentleness and charity.
' a tree tae
Amend meek bottle of 11r (:hese
Liver Cert u a medical guide and rsoeip
hook eo ntaining (eerie! information, over
204 rveeitss, and prnno nsevd by doctors
and drvogiete as worth ton times the
II coat of the ..drams Medteine sad
hook $1. ro'.d by all dreamt'
d I to you ;" art he, as sotnsone has
put it, at once, "Christ enclosed and
IChrist indwelt.'- Re; E. W. Moore. .
tet• week • est
Mr Goode, druggist, is not a fx•ok
agent, but has the agency in Goderieh
for Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he
can heartily recommend for any com-
plain to which a tonin medicine is sp-
pllcable. This valuable medicine hes
been with moat aslonahincly good re-
sults in cases .1 general debility, week•
nem, irregularities peculiar to females,
extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss
of appetite, and for that general worn
out feeling that nearly every one is
troubled with at ...me part of the year.
Dunt forget the name Johnston's Tonic
Bitten We. •rd 41 per bottle at (node's
drug stun, Albion block, (loderich, sole
Net water.
Applied to • bruise, it will alley paj•
and prevent disooloratiom. it has super-
seded medicated "eye -waters" en the
treatment of inflamed and aching eyes,
An American author, whose steeliest
eyesight was wonderful, when .me laid
considered her age and the immense
amount cf literary latus she performed,
attributed it stately to the custom of
b•thung her eyes freely in water .. hot
sa iroald he borne, night and morning, a
habit continued for many years. For
the hath, hot water u ineovip.r.by
t batter Mees sold, which contrasts the
Tmett _ thus roughens 1110 akin.
kiaeuggs 141(31ttntt•1. says : -"tine eas
eleaene the whole holy swore Ieornnghly
with • quart of bot water titan 'vita a
labial of eold"
Very finely plaited lis, silk, means
sed Leese, •bent five ineh.a wide. are
tiled as collars, seas and jabots.
esdeta•tr psfetasa mart
Wilsey uempseme W pen
s see sy cased the worm
ONO of rbsma' " mai
oeereao-Maty Wee who
weans s ti
awes wtthrrbstbotrR �
oattbe lose
Nm a 51441 ymni, II w,
to seder weeks at
Ism I l tl c ow lot -
Os et
eel iet ze a•►
cowed. 1 ea
wessd y west Mee idmuele Wry Nast* 5.y
btee s":eaWyar st neer Ma, a .ti
ass flan Rep e s••s mesa id . TTooms.miry ,moa.
hrr. t 00WAx.Oew...uiat
Celery Compound
I have been greatly $tutted withead Gadd00:XI
sees Palee7 y1d Sal no : i
e�eea uSee ort l � osMasill1
rheumatic trooea" d
smarm. HoTcwnmaw, eta o0raea. It. H.
Effects Lasting Cures.
Pasnei(eleryoomltoundLa• peAonnedmaay
other cures Y marvelous Y tatwe
.--eseles ot
bitten sent to OM address Menai w t•lm,
vegetable; eked lea take S. where as
gin at
»wtMeeg Mager wee fantail= et
1.0. Metter fibra Dna10 -
Meeweeri s eleseelal pair baa
maw lbaaaaeareoaaltoge aseemaa.
altll101r0 DM = . r Neel
ONES g�pre'1. ",Broin 1.- ,, liseilft•
Ma Swim mesa *4s.
ewes.. w awe. woen.ry.
LID warn is e• wit
Mw pia ;
Cron P.4&
.ea nor
let w1• .ib
464.411.11.644•4416 a�rle..
1.10144 ie car swamM saps
..I,:. 110.1 (04
•. i r... 4. . . r 9i ,p cop om w limo. ,o..�►w
err ha. r. �.y, ...: r ,..... e: r.■e.we. r�.. ,n. ate..
-so ca...1•«...«
. W14 44.•o• rr s.
0* t, e� tt,-a� . ^ ..•: so no A
-6646« 6.116.- ...,: .... Jona_ rt '4. t',►'a.w1. Metes.
Lissannr. tc, Dixon. r-.0., Oat.
Nay Iltb, IMI.
Ify wife guttered far ice yeah *tet
that dt.tres.tag diweese, rmanh. Her
age was one of the wont knov-n In thew
parts. she 0 .ed all of the catarrh reme-
dies 1 ever saw antertieer', but they were
of no more. i finally procured a bottle of
Nam! halm. She haii used only one ball
of it. and now feels like a new peraon. 1
feel (1 my duty to say that Nasal Halal
cannot he TIMI HIGHLY reoeunmended
for catarrh trouble., and am pleased to
have all .nth einflPrers know through tag
tame they .111 receive Instant relief and
Goderich Steam Boiler Works
at�ssslrse ,
Manut.ctuners and dealers t•,
t team Antlers. tt.tlt Maw Tanks, Rooters.
:Ymokc.t.r ks and all kinds 0t eta
IMron Work.
Improved Antom••ir cotton r colla P41
gI..., 1:pr.mfi, awl Ilorirorual Rnglnes. Ma
rhln.r7 and r'a.11ngo of Perry tlenerlptIon.
rims Filling., ripe anti Pipe Fitting. con-
stantly tie hand.
o!t Rand for Sall Cheap,
1 R ■.r. "wrest Need MIM► r'..,p4.r,.
1 new■d-N.O4 iter sad I■a1.,. IT ■.
► ..w $rW.. a.m t'.wdllle.
Mall orders will rweely prompt at te.st1Oa.
Wort.. App. O. T. ■. 55015.■.
K Rro.irs peeetpriy atre.Aeel en
P.O. BOX 881
A w. Nwa$ia d saw.,
PROPItlgTOKs. - ltu1TltiLI..
MIA r.■ UAW./ or Tat CCLteaaTO
MAID or _mmu.g
Pronouncod, by practical oon-
BumerM, superior to anything
in the Ganrdi'tu Market,
Sian ufact urers also of
'ORnrpP 1!'Ta' and rY►TTON naafi.
Toronto Office. and Warehouse : 0 F'Ro17T
Itl:kT EAST.
W. C. WON N ELL. Man•..
NCAOACHO, AND euea5ta 01 705
•TOOIACN, LIV[R AND .01[1.5.
Tatty nae Ntte,Twoaouert AND IP•ONpr
IN ACTION, A00 rows A VAWAslg Are
h • .DOC* •Wen 0-TTte'. IN 7145
1/11[a7.1NT Aa• 51/116 01 CHRONIC
AND ONTINATc psa[A•ta.
403 1446.4.411•1114.41.6444r11111
rad. .. Mt te.••:
oras . .poor.
...• res.......►.. er..er.... ns
urs. wW...t
,1eer ow
N .'..i •.....,,.•.
.r .worn -em. trip. mors
t•. sora.
.54. all I,. •.tetwu....
.r. .f•,•I ire.
.,.,w.v....y lit.yw1.11
.4.. . to •m.M. Ica er.�r'5.
m.. •ed M .•r. . ,.,.Mo a
i.,14.41.tMn 1.liawr ,-w .ea
..,. ray. 1 w pr�.ed • , a.m. .
. 4
after e.. wi.:.,re I•.wetS,
.►«moi w.. ren w . t.4 -or MINS
er..,..441..*DS . Naar
tiLow ...51 m.• pole 4
ne. 16.N. r....e.., r ....
as rem.. 0. +6/ Aa .
Odor pp.TT6..r,. mem' r w «a» pow.
,Ile• tap e... can.. -.wraps. ,. ,M , i..../ 44.
!revs i w':iis1141i. � swarm. "nit=s
2151- MANAGillit
IInlnekw all the deemed ILINCOee of the
Bowels, EId..y and Liver, cam/-
int/off gradually without we•kaesing the
avetetn, all the impurities and feet
humors of. 1he seoreaons at the mine
time Correcting Acidity of the
Stomach. curing Biliousness, Dye.
pepWa, Headaoba.', Dtastnwaa,
Heartburn. Constipation, Dryness
of the Skin. Dropsy. Dimncee o!
Qidon, Jasu dioe, Ht'It Shona.
•ry.i el*•. Scrofula. Fhattertng ar
the heart, Norvousatese, and Gen.
o ral Debility; (Al thews and mewl
stew similar Complaintsski to t1t.
happy inlnewne of
BLOOD ii,[`r'PZRa
i VIM= A WR. Fwe,UUes. Nadia
fSTImUSM(O itis
ttokoee In all kids of
And hnlhlee'• mwrrrl►I M e. tory d. ieripetes.
School Famiture a Specialty